
By Skorpios13

25 7 2

The future is here! The AI technology went so far as to have artificial intelligence for literally everything... More

Trinat and Goe
Ree and Goe
Ree and Goe
Ree and Goe
Ree and Goe
Ree and Goe
Ree and Goe
Trinat and Yos

Trinat and Goe

2 1 0
By Skorpios13

Trinat finally made it in time to have a brief pause with Goe, not breaking his promise once again—and seeing Trinat, all weary and disheveled, made a slight smile appear on Goe's face and he invited Trinat with just a glance to sit down near him

.ui coi doi la .gous. ma nuzba1
                                                     asked Trinat with a panting voice and Goe only sluggishly shook
                                                     his head from side to side and then smiled a bit wider, saying:
                                                                                                   cabdei poi do ba minde cu simlu fi mi2

"Why..." Trinat only whispered—but after long, long past free minutes he saw Goe's now full smile looking at him and finally remembered

We made a bet, answered the glad low Goe's voice with his thick Lojban accent, smiling even wider—and Trinat, as if infected by his smile, turned his rarely shape-changing thin lips in a slight smirk and looked through the menu: the best café in the capital had to offer the best energy in the entire Federation!

do djica lo ka pinxe ma?3
                                               asked he Goe, still going with his fingers through the decent list

.i ku'e mi pu cusku ti poi mi cuxna ti poi mintu ti poi do cuxna4
                                                                                                                     having yawed lazily, did Goe add

.ua .u'u5
                only could Trinat mumble when Goe's smile reluctantly descended the mountain it
                was on and said with an exhausted voice,
                                                                                           .i .e'o sustra cuxna .i ri'e mi'o na djica le nu lerci .oi6

.i'e mi'o na djica le nu lerci7
                                                 here, Trinat made a pause and signed
                                                                                                                       .i ri'a le pulji vau cu se sfasa .ii8

His exhaustion as if gone, Goe turned his head with a worry in his eyes to Trinat, his eyebrows as if preoccupied too, and stared at him for a moment, as if examining—but due to the time shortage, they just both ordered the best energy that was available there, showing them their chef police officer licenses to make the waiters hurry up, and swallowed everything with just one sip, unable even to get a taste of the drink, without anything—and ran off to their car because they were already running out of time

At the last second that they pressed their licenses to the scanner in the car, both at the same time, they slid back in their seats, signing with relief as a long longing for a cigarette chainsmoker would. They slowly turned their heads to each other and looked into each other's eyes, a mutual sheer bliss of two animals to survive the slaughter being reflected in them. Then both straightened themselves in their seats and put in order their uniform, now looking around themselves, catching each suspicious silhouette and pitch: a new workday has just begun. Yet again... The Sunday—.i ri'a le pulji na tolcau le jefsurdei .oi9

xu do pensi ca le nu le jbama bende ba cu tolcani .ii10
                                                                                              pulled Goe Trinat out of his blue thoughts

"Why you're so afraid, Goe? They haven't been showing up lately anyway..." said Trinat with a still slight bluey flavor, but calmly and assuringly, not even turning his head, with an accent you could rightfully call American, which Goe seemed to be jealous of—that would at least explain why he now was crossing his arms and pressing his chin to them, the border between the end of his cervical and the beginning of his thoracic spine sticking out as a mountain peak—until there was an abrupt sound, as if of blowing: Goe jumped at his seat and his teeth started clutching, one at another when Trinat, his hand on his friend's shoulder, his head out of the car, was gazing everywhere around—until he noticed a car and motorcycle crashed into each other on the opposite road and got into the car again, taking his friend by his shoulders with both of his hands, and looking into his eyes, said: Pull yourself together, buddy: we got a job to do

Goe swallowed and indeed made an effort to put himself together as Trinat said and Trinat, looking from time to time at his friend, with worried glances, knew and not knew at the same time why Goe was so terrified to tell him anything about his past beyond their meeting: was he se prenu finti11 like him or a hybrid like most of the AIs here? Why he had amnesia, which is quite rare for an AI? Does he remember anything now? Or he's just pretending to not remember the details of that catastrophe caused by the bomb gang? But he was trying to shake these all off and focus on their job instead: he gave Goe his word after all, a word of a chief police officer, and he never broke it. And never, ever would. Again...

1. Hey, Goe! What's the news?
2. It seems to me you'll order today
3. What you wanna drink?
4. But I've already told you, I'll take the same thing as you
5. These are mere interjections, but they mean something like, ahhh, sorry...
6. And please choose faster: we don't want to be late, right?
7. Of course, we don't want to be late
8. Because even police officers get punished...
9. And all because police officers don't have weekends
10. You think the bomb gang (terroristic group) will appear [today] (an interjection showing fear)?
11. created by humans

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