You Are Mine: You Are My Ever...

Av JGranberg

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Colin Corrette has felt pain, sadness, terror, fear, happiness, excitement, lust, but never before has he fel... Mer

Note To Reader
Chapter 1: Emptiness
Chapter 2: Options
Chapter 3: Loyalty
Chapter 4: Surprise
Chapter 5: News
Chapter 6: Mine
Chapter 7: Happy
Chapter 8: Safeword
Chapter 9: Duty
Chapter 10: Slumber Party
Chapter 11: Privacy
Chapter 12: Possession
Chapter 13: Acquaintances
Chapter 14: Doubt
Chapter 15: Tailing
Chapter 16: Family
Chapter 17: Safety
Chapter 18: Plans
Chapter 19: Lunch
Chapter 20: Terrors
Chapter 21: Release
Chapter 22: Future
Chapter 23: Hope
Chapter 24: Dreams
Chapter 25: Desperation
Chapter 26: Preparations
Chapter 27: Challenge
Chapter 28: Fear
Chapter 29: Remorse
Chapter 31: Marriage
Chapter 32: Beach
Sneak Peak

Chapter 30: Forever

84 4 0
Av JGranberg

~Emery's POV~

The flight down to the island is not long, just under four hours. Colin organized a private flight down for all of our guests, but he said he wanted us to be alone, so we took his personal plane. Now we have arrived at the private airport and Reese is talking to a man standing in the lobby wearing an expensive suit. After a moment he glances over. "The car is ready, sir."

Colin nods and takes my hand as he guides me out to the car. When I sit down in the back seat I lean back and turn my gaze out the window. My hand drifts to rest against my stomach as my mind rushes through the conversation Colin and I had on our way here. It hasn't changed my mind about him, I know he loves me, and I know that he fought Anderson to protect me but it still... shook me. Hearing him talk about fighting Anderson like it was just some intense fighting match like he didn't take the life of someone, in a way it scared me. It reminded me just how dark Colin's darkness is. He is trying to heal, I know that. He hasn't been down to his dungeon in nearly four months but that is not the only darkness that he has. Or maybe it is. Maybe it is the same darkness and the feelings that he has that made him enjoy killing Anderson, made him want to cause his father pain, maybe it is the same darkness that leads him to enjoy BDSM, enjoy hurting women. Maybe it is something I will never truly understand. 

I don't know. I know he loves me, and I still want to live the rest of my life with him. I don't doubt that, I haven't doubted it since he went into the hospital, but it is just one more reminder of his demons. One more reminder of the terrors that his father put him through as a child.

I turn my gaze from watching the beautiful ocean pass by, gazing at Colin with a small look of thought for a moment before I reach over and take his hand squeezing it. He turns his gaze from the window and watches me with a curious gaze.

"I love you," I murmur. I run my thumb over his knuckles "I want to be your wife. You believe that right?"

Colin smiles and nods "yes, if you didn't, you would have bailed a long time ago. Emery, I believe in your feelings for me. Even if it still puzzles me."

I smile as his hand moves to cup my cheek. When we park outside the resort, I turn my gaze back out the window and smile brightly. I have always dreamed of going to the beach, of seeing palm trees and the ocean and now it is happening. It is happening and for the best reason. I am marrying Colin Corrette. The idea, even with the dark conversation still floating over us, sends excitement rushing through me. That is the part that matters, right? That Colin is a good guy at his core, would never hurt me on purpose and loves me. And that I love him. My heart crumbled when he was hurt and that is when I realized how desperately I love him. How desperately I want to spend the rest of my life with him. He is my partner, my protector, my rock, and this weekend we are vowing that to each other for the rest of our lives, that is what is important.

I step out of the car when Reese opens my door and I smile a little when he says "Miss Palmer." Forty-eight more hours and I will never hear that name again. A part of me is sad about that. It's my mother's name and a part of me is sad that I will lose that connection to her, but I know that is just in my mind. A name doesn't connect me to her. She is part of me, I feel her with me always and even more so ever since I got pregnant. I run my palm over the bulge in my abdomen and smile when Colin walks around to set his hand on my back.

We park outside our private section of the resort, and it is a quick walk to our villa. When we reach the door, Colin takes the key Reese had given him and passes it over the fob on the door, pushing it open.

I blink a little and smile in shock looking around. God, it is gorgeous. There is a small kitchenette and closet just as we step in, a large king bed is centred on the wall with a beautiful view of the ocean and beach. It's a walk-out room, right on the beach. When Colin walks over and pulls open the shutters on the window I can smell the ocean, I can hear the clap of the waves.

Out the back, there is a private pool which only our room has access to. The bathroom is large and holds a large soaker tub with jets and a large stall shower. The room is spectacular. Rose petals and towels are folded in the shape of swans on the bed. There is a note which reads: Welcome, thank you for choosing us to spend your special day. Below is a phone number to the front desk directing us to ask them for anything we might need.

"T-This is incredible," I breathe as I walk over to the French doors and push them open. I step out onto the balcony that overlooks the private beach. Our wedding guests are the only ones who will have access to it during our stay. It's like our own private resort. It's amazing.

"Are you sure you still want to sleep in Ellie's room? This is supposed to be for us, both of us," Colin says. He is leaning against the doorframe watching me with a warm smile.

I turn to him and smile, nodding slowly "I'm sure her room will be just as incredible and I do get to enjoy this, after the ceremony."

Colin smiles he steps closer to me and kisses my forehead "should we go say hi to our guests, I'm sure most of them are around the pool."

I nod eagerly "yeah. Give me a second to change into a bathing suit."

Colin smiles and nods "course."

I know Colin won't change, he brought his usual light t-shirts and light pants. It's all he wears in hot weather. He doesn't wear bathing suits or shorts. He only wears clothes that keep his scars covered. It's why I am glad we have the private pool, the one just for me and him. It will allow him to enjoy it properly. He can take off his shirt and trust that I will be the only one who will see his scars.

I bought an entire new selection of clothes for this trip. I am showing but I don't feel particularly big yet and I like that. One perk of having Colin as my partner in all this, he makes me feel like the most beautiful woman alive, so whatever changes my body goes through I feel like I can still wear what I want and trust that I am beautiful. So, the maternity bikini with little pink flowers doesn't seem unflattering, it makes me feel beautiful and special.

When I am ready, I step out of the bathroom and smile warmly at Colin "I'm ready."

Colin smiles warmly turning his gaze to me. "God you are beautiful."

I giggle warmly as he wraps his arm around me, gasping a little when I feel his hand travel down to my buttocks. He has to stop that, one of these days I won't be able to say no. "Come on let's not keep our guests waiting."

I follow him out of our room and down a short path to the private pool that our room block holds. It's private and just for us and our guests. Pretty much all of our guests are here already. I am honestly surprised that we had such a big guest list. I am surprised that Colin wanted to invite so many of his employees — I guess I am right, even though he doesn't admit it he sees them as his friends. Reese and Blair are here of course, but so is London, Jameson Matias the mechanic Winter Lynch the secretary, Charles Blix the Accountant, Nixon Timmons the security, Riley Green the yacht captain and Harry Newton is even invited to the actual ceremony, not just as our pilot. Joyce is here, of course, and after a bit of tense discussion with Colin so is Gael. Ellie and Remi are here. So is Cade Wolfe. Lee Crosby, Colin's personal attorney is here. Dr. Mathias Anca and Denzel Morret are here too. Everyone has a plus one, well except Reese, London, Nixton, and Charles, for most of them that is their spouse. Colin however didn't let Blair bring her husband much to my disapproval... apparently, he is worried his presence might distract Blair from her job, taking care of us for the next six weeks. There are no children. It's adults only.

I smile warmly when Remi and Brooks Pratt walk over to me. Brooks is Remi's plus one, they have finally admitted their feelings to each other and are now together. I find them cute together, my friendship with Remi has grown rather easily and I almost consider her as close of a friend as Ellie now.

"Hey, how was the flight?" I ask, returning Remi's hug with a friendly smile. Smiling at Ellie as she steps over to join us.

"It was amazing, I never want to take a commercial flight again," Remi says with a bright smile. "It was so comfortable."

I laugh and nod. I glance between her and Brooks "thanks for coming."

"Wouldn't miss it," Brooks says with a warm formal smile.

Now that I am showing the rumours are running wild around the office. I'm not sure if they are mostly positive or not... People seem pretty careful about what they say around me. I've done my best to ignore them. I do know that Jolene has pulled back quite a bit for the moment, I think the idea of pissing off the CEO's pregnant, soon-to-be wife doesn't seem like a good idea to her, and I have to agree.

"So, what are —"

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

I frown, turning my gaze past Remi to where Colin is standing beside Joyce, speaking to Winter, or rather he was speaking to Winter. Now he is glaring past me a dark frown on his face.

I glance over my shoulder to see Jay Mills walking over with a cocktail in each of his hands. He walks over to Ellie and passes her one a deep frown crossing his face. I sigh a little and glance back at Colin "he's Ellie's plus one."

Colin frowns darkly turning his gaze to me "you didn't tell me that."

I let my gaze turn to Remi momentarily "excuse me." I then walk over to Colin touching my hand to his arm. "He and Ellie have been... forming a relationship I couldn't say no."

Colin turns his gaze to me and shakes his head "yes ,you could have. This is our wedding, we get to decide who we want here and he is the last person I want to see here. I don't want to see his face and remember that he kissed you. You should have talked to me about this."

"Really? He is the last person?" I ask with a small shake of my head. "Colin he was drunk and dumb when he kissed me, and he has apologized to you. It was a simple kiss on the forehead. It was months ago, forget about it."

"Forgetting about things is not my style," Colin mutters coldly. "You know that."


Colin sighs, he begins to nod before he stops and his jaw ticks in anger. "Where is he sleeping?"

"With Ellie," I say with a small, confused frown.

"You are planning on spending the night with her? With him? In the same room?" Colin growls darkly, holding my gaze with his rather angry one. "Absolutely not, Emery."

"Colin, what exactly do you think is going to happen?" I ask, a frown of annoyance crossing my face. "Don't you trust me?"

Colin grits his teeth before he turns his gaze to Ellie and Jay, he hesitates a moment before turning his gaze back to me. "Course I do, it's him I don't trust. Joyce's room has a pull-out couch, I'll sleep there, you can have our room."

I gaze at him with a bit of surprise "no, Colin, you need a bed, I know you say you are healed but you had surgery six weeks ago."

"You are not sleeping in that room with them," Colin says sternly. "So, one of us is sleeping on the couch and it is not going to be you. You are pregnant you need good sleep. This is our only option. Or we can sleep together."

I hesitate gazing at him with a deep frown before beginning to nod.

"Mr Corrette you can take our room," Remi says looking at Colin with a polite smile. "We can sleep in the room with Ellie and Jay."

Colin glances at her a moment before he finally nods "alright, thank you, Miss Crete."

"Course, sir," Remi says.

Colin glances at Reese "go help Blair and London move the luggage."

Reese nods "yes, sir." He glances at Blair and London before the three of them head off.

I glance at Remi and then back at Colin.

"Emery, why don't you, Remi and I go take a walk down the beach?" Ellie asks glancing at me with a small frown.

I turn my gaze to her hesitating a moment before I nod "yeah, alright." I turn back to Colin "we'll be back."

Colin frowns and glances at Jay "as long as he stays here."

I sigh and shake my head a little, gazing at him with a bit of a pleading gaze "please try and get along."

Colin turns his gaze to mine. He hesitates a long moment before he nods stiffly. "No promises." He cups his hand to my cheek before he presses a possessive kiss to my lips. When he pulls away he holds my gaze with a small smile "don't be gone too long or I will come looking for you."

I can't help but smile a little at his words. How can he go from angry and threatening Jay to loving and caring with me? He is so unbelievably complex, there was so much that I didn't understand but I know he loves me. He gets protective and possessive because he loves me, simple as that.

I glance at Jay who has sat down in a chair next to Brooks, literally the furthest chair he could find from Colin. I sigh a little before following Remi and Ellie down the concrete path down to the beach. When we reach it I grin and slip my shoes off, letting my feet sink into the soft white sand.

"I can't believe you didn't tell him that Jay was coming with me," Ellie says glancing at me with a small frown. "He needs to chill what does he think you are going to do?"

"He doesn't think I am going to do anything. He doesn't trust Jay," I say simply. "The people he doesn't trust he... he doesn't put me in a situation where I might be hurt." I glance at Remi.

"Tell me a guy who would be thrilled about the idea of his soon-to-be wife spending the night with a guy who he knows used to have feelings for her," Remi says glancing at Ellie.

Ellie frowns a little glancing at Remi "a guy that is a lot more self-conscious and confident than him."

"I don't think Mr Corrette lacks self-confidence."

I frown a little as we walk along the beach. I walk just at the edge of the water, so the wet sand packs in between my toes and the occasional wave washes over my feet. "In ways he does," I admit. I wish I could tell them about his childhood, about the scars he holds, perhaps that would help Ellie understand why he acts certain ways. Why he struggles to understand that Jay isn't going to do anything. Or maybe I am still a little naïve. Either way, it doesn't matter.

"Thank you for giving up your room, Remi," I say glancing at her with a warm smile.

Remi smiles brightly and nods "it'll be better for partying."

I laugh warmly. We walk down to the other part of the resort and explore a bit before returning to the pool. I walk over to Colin's sunbed and sit down on the end of it.

Colin glances at me when there is a pause in his conversation with Joyce, a warm smile crosses his face. He moves his hand to rest it on my thigh giving it a gentle rub. "How was your walk?"

I shrug "it was good. The beach is beautiful, and the sand is so incredibly soft."

Colin nods, he sits up a bit before leaning forward and kissing me. I grin running my tongue along his lip. I force myself to bite back a groan when he nips my lip and guides me back against the sunbed. My hormones rage and I so badly want to beg him to take it further. But I want our wedding to be so special, our wedding night to be special.

"Colin," I breathe against his lips.

Colin sighs a little before pulling away and gazing down at me with a small smirk "you drive me crazy," he whispers.

I giggle gazing up at him.

"This bikini should be illegal," he whispers.

"Ems why don't you come for a swim? The water is amazing," Ellie calls.

I turn my gaze from Colin to the pool, watching Ellie and Remi wade into the water. They walk over to the sun bar and sit down on the submerged chairs. I rest my head back against the chair a moment before I nod "yeah sure."

"You just went on a walk with them, stay here," Colin whispers.

I turn my gaze back to him and smile "they flew down here, I have to spend some time with them." I run my thumb through the beard on his cheek. "You get me all to yourself on our honeymoon. I'm yours for the rest of our lives and for six weeks it will just be us."

Colin sighs a little before he finally nods "fine." He kisses me before he sits back.

. . . .

So far, the trip has been amazing, the smell of the ocean, and the sound of the water, all of it has helped relax me. It feels like I am already on vacation, the wedding details are sorted, and Colin is insistent that I let other people stress out about the fine details. He says he paid a lot of money to the resort and their event organizers they know they have to do a good job and Blair and London are helping oversee everything. It helps knowing that the wedding is being taken care of while I relax and enjoy my time around the pool, or on the beach, with my friends or with Colin. In ways I sort of feel tugged between spending time with my friends and the guests and with Colin, he doesn't want to have to share me. But the promise of having me all alone for six weeks seems to tide him over. 

The day of the wedding I wake up a bit earlier than I had the day before. After getting a cup of decaffeinated tea and a large bowl of yogurt and fruit from Blair I step out onto the patio and sit down to enjoy it. Blair is still in charge of taking care of me. Of bringing me food or water or whatever I may need. She is in charge of cleaning my room and making my bed, just like she was when we went to the UK. London is looking after Colin and Joyce and there is also the resort staff, but Colin doesn't trust any of them to look after my needs. 

I will be the first to admit that I hate sleeping in a different bed than Colin. I don't sleep as well and I need the TV on or a light on just to be able to fall asleep. But I want tonight to be amazing, I want today to be amazing. I want the wow factor. By the time I am walking down the aisle, I won't have seen Colin in twenty-four hours. When I see him, he will be dressed in his wedding suit, I will be wearing my dress. The sun will be set low in the sky and music will be playing. I am so incredibly excited.

I miss him already but that is the point.

"Emery, are you awake?"

"Yeah, out here," I say, glancing over my shoulder. I smile when Ellie and Remi come out to join me.

"This room is incredible," Remi says with a bright awed smile. She sits down next to me.

Ellie walks over to the railing and leans back against it. "Any cold feet?"

I glance at her and shake my head "no. They are toasty warm. I want this Ellie, I love him."

"I know... I've seen that the last few days, you two are nauseating," Ellie teases, a small playful smile crossing her face.

I laugh.

"Well finish your breakfast we have a busy day of pampering."

The day is incredibly relaxing, it begins with a massage, then a wonderful soak in the large bath in my room, and next a facial, manicure and pedicure. A haircut and my makeup come next. By the time four o'clock rolls around I have barely been able to miss Colin. I glance over my shoulder and smile warmly when Ellie, Joyce and Remi step into the room each wearing their bridesmaid's dresses. This is it, it's happening, I am getting married. Butterflies flap in my stomach but I am not... I am nervous but because I want today to be perfect. Not because of the marriage. I want to live the rest of my life with Colin, I want to make a life with him.

I get to my feet, I am not dressed yet, Ellie told me I had to wait so that she could help me if I needed. I have the robe from the closet wrapped around me. I glance at Joyce and smile "how has Colin been today?"

Joyce smiles a little "he's good. Excited."

"Good, me too," I say.

Joyce steps closer and wraps me in a tight hug "I know we started off not in the best light, but Emery I will forever be thanking you for the person you have helped him become." She pulls away and gazes at me with a warm smile "before you... I don't think I realized just how much he fought through each day, even when he was living with me. But with you, it's like every day he has come more and more alive. I just... thank you and welcome to this weird, complicated family that we have going."

I smile warmly, a few tears well in my eyes "thanks, Joyce."

"Come on let's get you dressed," Ellie says touching her hand to my shoulder.

I nod, stepping into the oasis-like bathroom, I drop the robe to the ground before I take the dress down from the hanger it is on and pull it on. When it is on I open the door and glance at Ellie "help me with the zipper?"

Ellie smiles and nods. She steps over to me and carefully does the zipper. She smiles warmly "you look gorgeous."

I grin, stepping over to the mirror I gaze into it and can't help but agree. I feel like a princess.

"Come on we should start heading to the alter."

. . . .

Couple Hours Earlier

~Colin's POV~

I lean back on the patio chair and take a long drag on the cigar I hold between my fingers. I rarely smoke them, but I suppose the day of my wedding is as good a day as any. Cade and Denzel are sitting with me, so is Reese, who I allowed to take it easy today. He is my best man I guess he deserves to treat today like any other wedding he has ever attended. Anyways Nixon is here, and I trust that he can handle Reese's usual duties today. If he can't he has no business being Emery's security after the wedding. 

Cade and Denzel have known each other for years. Both through the gym and through their time in the Navy. They served in the same squad. It was through them that I met Riley Atkinson.

When I finish my cigar, I get to my feet and glance at the three men "I will see you guys in a bit." I have shaved, the beard was nice, and I probably will grow it back out since Emery liked it so much but it's going to be hot the rest of our honeymoon and I think it will help me keep cool. Besides, today is the start of my new life, I want to start it — fresh. I step out of my villa after grabbing an envelope from my side table and head down the path to Anca's. I gently knock on the door.

It's a moment before Anca answers he smiles "Colin, please tell me you are not here to tell me you are bailing."

I laugh a little and shake my head "nope, there is no way I am not standing at the end of that altar today."

Anca smiles and nods in approval "good. What can I do for you?"

"Do you have a second to chat? You can charge me for it," I say.

Anca smirks a bit in amusement before he steps back "come on in. Are you alright if we speak with Kalina inside or do you want to step out on the patio?"

I step in "no we can chat in here." I glance at Kalina and smile in greeting. "Morning. How is the room?"

"It's fantastic, thank you, Colin," Kalina says with a warm smile.

I nod "course." I glance at Anca.

"What can I do for you?" Anca asks curiously.

I hesitate a half second before I pass him the envelope. "I need you to sign that for me."

Anca frowns a little in curiosity and pulls the papers out of it. He unfolds them and begins to read. His frown grows as he continues.

"It's a safety measure, mine and those around me," I say simply.

Anca glances at me when he has finished reading, he places the papers on the desk next to him and leans against it. "What makes you think this is necessary?"

I hold his gaze a moment before I swallow "Emery and I talked on the flight here. We talked about that fight with Anderson, about the night I killed my father... how I-I... in ways e-enjoyed it."

Anca nods slowly.

"You know I wouldn't hurt someone unless I had no choice. Unless someone I care about deeply is in danger. You know the only reason I chose to taunt Anderson into that fight is because Emery was in trouble, and it was my only good option. But when I told Emery that a dark part of me enjoyed it. Enjoyed making sure Anderson never got up off that floor I realized that I was, that feeling that is... fucked up. I saw the way she looked at me and it was with shock and a bit of fear."

Anca nods slowly "and that made you realize that this is necessary?"

"I thought it was a daughter that would heal my darkness, that would help me forever turn my back on the person my father, on the monster he wanted me to become, but it's not, Emery has long started to heal my darkness. I was searching for her. And I am terrified about what could happen if I lose her."

Anca considers me with a small frown "if she died in an accident, what do you believe you would do?"

I feel my heart squeeze just at the thought "I don't know what I would do that is why I want this. If I lose her in any way I want there to be an order to put me in a psychiatric ward for forty-eight hours. If I am not a danger to others, then I can be released but if I am then I can sit there and waste away."

"You believe you might fall off the rails? Even knowing that you have a daughter that would depend on you?"

I gaze at Anca before glancing down at the ground. "I want to believe that I could hold on for mine and Emery's daughter and I would try to, but if I can't I should be put away, for both her and my sake. I didn't believe I could love, Mathias but somehow Emery managed to help me be able to and I love her. I remember the anger and hate and feelings I felt when I lost Evelyn, I can only imagine how it would be if I lost Emery. I don't leave things to chance Mathias. You know that better than anyone. This order just... it's the best way to make sure I don't hurt anyone."

Anca hesitates before he grabs a pen from his bag and scribbles his signature on the line. "Are you going to tell Emery about this?"

I hesitate before shaking my head "not unless I think it is necessary. I hope that order never has to be followed, I'm not planning on her passing away any time soon or leaving me but I'd rather be cautious."

Anca turns his gaze to me as he places the papers back in the envelope. "So you want me to hang on to this?"

I nod "just send me a copy when you get home."

Anca sighs before nodding "very well."

I give him an appreciative look before glancing at Kalina "I'll leave you guys to your day. See you at the ceremony." I then head off. Maybe it's impulsive. Maybe it speaks to who I am as a person, that I feel I rely on my soon-to-be wife to maintain my darkness, but I am... complicated. Always have been, and always will be. My father stomped out any possibility for me to just be a simple normal guy a long time ago. 

The rest of my day is honestly a little dull, I know Emery has a lot to do today, her hair, and makeup, according to Joyce she is getting a full spa day, all of which I am pleased about. She deserves to be treated like the queen she is today, but I am not thrilled that she is insistent on not seeing each other. I want to see her, I want to kiss her. I want to ask her how she is feeling if she is getting cold feet, if she is nervous or has any lingering doubts.

When it is time to get dressed, I head back to my villa, this will be the first time I have ever worn a suit that is not a shade of gray. In a way I like it, it seems almost poetic. I am starting a new life, a life with Emery and to start it I am wearing, beige dress pants and a vest with a white button-down shirt my tie is the same matching beige, that otherwise I would have never even thought to wear. Maybe I'll have to look into wearing different colours. Channel Emery a little. She brings a lot of colour into my life, colour that turns out I want.

I finish tying my tie before glancing at myself in the mirror. I run my hand through my hair before stepping back and heading out the door to head to the altar.

The altar has been set up on the beach. Birchwood benches have been set up on either side forming an aisle. Each has a white pillow set on them for the guests to sit on. Flowers line the aisle. At the end of the aisle sits an arch that is made out of matching wood, it sort of looks like a pair of wooden harps are sitting on either side, with bunches of flowers surrounding them both. The ocean is behind it. It's perfect.

Our guests have settled, Reese, Cade, and Denzel stand next to the alter waiting. I nod to them, I can barely recognize Reese, I never see him without a full three-piece suit. Today he wears a white button-down, beige suspenders and beige dress pants, the same outfit as all three men.

I can't help but smile and nod to him "you're a good man to be here."

Reese glances at me with a small smile "wouldn't miss it, sir. Congratulations."

Like we practiced yesterday during the rehearsal dinner, I stand in the middle of the arch gazing down the aisle, I glance over my shoulder and nod to the officiant standing off to the side.

When the music starts to play, I turn my gaze down the aisle and smile brightly. Remi Crete is the first to come down the aisle. I smile at her as she steps off to the right. Next is Joyce. I smile at her as she steps closer and wraps me in a hug.

"Congratulations," she whispers in my ear. She steps back a moment later and I turn back to the aisle to watch Ellie walk down the aisle.

I smirk when Jay and Brooks step into view at the end of the aisle. Both of them are wearing flower leis and neon fanny packs filled with flower petals. The music changes to one of Emery's favourite pop toons as they dance down the aisle. When Emery shared the idea of Jay Mills being a flower boy I found it sort of amusing. I just wish she had told me before hand so I could have had a say in his outfit, I would have made it a lot more humiliating. 

When they reach the end of the aisle there is a small pause before the song changes again and I turn my gaze to see Emery stepping into view. It's like my breath gets caught in my throat as I gaze at her watching her slowly walk down the aisle towards me. My heart hammers in my chest. She is so beautiful in her dress, her makeup is done perfectly, and her hair is shiny. Her baby bump just adds to it all.

I gaze at her with a warm smile. When she steps next to me, I turn to her, watching as she passes her flowers to Ellie and then turns back to me. Her eyes are shiny with unshed tears.

"Don't cry," I whisper, cupping my hand to her cheek I brush my thumb under her beautiful eyes.

Emery laughs "no promises. What happened to the beard?"

I laugh a little "it was getting a little hot, I'll grow it back don't worry." I gaze at her a moment before glancing at the officiant as he steps over.

"Welcome to those here today serving as witness to the joining of Emery Palmer and Colin Corrette in marriage.

"Marriage is the joining of two people. The joining of two hearts, two souls, the joining of two individuals. In so many ways marriage allows us to grow beyond ourselves, today you will both make promises to each other, to love, to cherish, to be faithful, all of it —"

I glance at the officiant before turning my gaze to Emery, letting the words of the ceremony drown into the background as I gaze at the woman I love. My thumb traces over Emery's knuckles. I feel better now, my nerves... which I won't admit I felt, are gone. Now that I can gaze into her eyes and see the love she holds for me, my nerves have melted away. Today is the start of the rest of my life. My life with Emery. After today she is going to be my wife. We are going to have a family. Together we will raise the perfect little girl that Emery is growing inside her right now and with Emery's help I will do my best to heal the darkness and the brokenness that my father forced onto me. If anyone can help me through that it is her.

The officiant is going on and on about how every adventure matters, how every moment matters. Little ones, big ones. How it matters that we continue forward from this point making sure we are thankful for each of them. That I can guarantee. I will fall asleep every night thankful to simply have been allowed to spend one more day as Emery's husband, as the father of her children. I will wake up every morning thankful to be sleeping next to her. I will enjoy every adventure we have because we will have it together. Through every bumpy road and uphill climb, through every exciting opportunity, I know we will get through it together. She is my everything and I know that. I have known that for a long time now. 

It isn't until the officiant turns to me for the saying of 'I do' that I focus back on what he is saying.

"Colin, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Emery in marriage?"

I gaze into Emery's eyes and nod "I do."

"Emery, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Colin in marriage?"

"I do," Emery says her voice cracking a little.

I smile. "Don't cry."

"It's of happiness," she whispers.

I grin in amusement at her response as the officiant turns to me as we move forward to the vows and the exchange of the rings.

When he asks for them, Reese passes the officiant the rings. He takes them in his hand and holds the one for Emery out to me.

"Please hold this ring to her finger and repeat after me... I, Colin Corrette."

I turn to Emery taking the ring as instructed "I, Colin Corrette take you, Emery Palmer to be my wife. I vow to share my life with you for the rest of my existence. I vow to build our dreams together, to support you in times of trouble and celebrate with you in times of happiness. I vow to holdyou when you cry and push you when fall short on courage. I vow to take care ofyou in sickness and in health. I vow to care for you when you need it. I vow to hold you when you cry and push you when fall short of courage. I vow to be your biggest cheerleader. I vow to put you and our family first, above all else. I promise to give you respect, love, and loyalty through everything life might bring. I vow to protect you and show you every day that I am your partner, your protector, I am yours, Emery, forever. I make this commitment to you in love, I vow to keep in faith and live the rest of my life committed to you and only you. I love you, baby." As I finish, I push the ring onto her finger and smile brightly.

Emery's tears are now falling down her cheeks, but her eyes are light with happiness and her lips are pulled tight into the brightest smile I have ever seen.

The officiant turns to her and holds out the ring for me. "Please hold this to his finger and repeat after me... I, Emery Palmer."

Emery takes the ring and smiling turns her gaze to me as she holds the ring to my finger. "I, Emery Palmer take you Colin Corrette to be my husband. I vow to never doubt your feelings for me. I vow to believe in the love and passion you show me every day. I vow to be the only person you can trust to hold all your secrets and fears. I promise to never falter in my love for you. I vow never to forget how much you have changed my life for the better and to never stop being thankful for everything you have given me. I vow to be yours and only yours for the rest of my life. I vow to build our life and our dreams together, to always support you and to never stop cheering for you. I promise to give you love, respect and compassion. I vow to stay loyal and faithful to you and only you. I make this commitment to you in love, I vow to keep in faith and live the rest of my life committed to you and only you."

I feel emotion form in my throat for the first time in my life.

"May the wedding rings you just exchanged serve as an outward and visible sign of the inward and invisible bond which already unites your hearts in love. May you wear them with love, pride and joy. Those rings have no end and they symbolize that your love is eternal.

"May your life together be blessed with prosperity and good health. May you always share open and honest communication with each other. May you respect each other's individual talents and gifts and give full support to each other's professional and personal pursuits.

"May you cherish the home and family you are forming together. May all the years to come be filled with moments to celebrate and renew your love. May your love be a life-long source of excitement, contentment, affection, respect and devotion for one another.

"Now by the power vested in me, it is my honour and delight to declare you husband and wife." He glances at me with a smile "you may kiss the bride."

I grin and wrap my arm around Emery's waist. I cup my hand under her chin forcing her lips up so I can press mine to hers in a passionate, affectionate and possessive kiss. She is mine. My wife. Mine. Forever. I deepen the kiss a little when I feel her hand in my hair. When we are breathless I pull away just enough, leaning my forehead against hers.

"I am pleased to present the newlyweds, Mr and Mrs Corrette."

A bright and possessive smile spreads across my face at the words and I gaze into her eyes. "Mrs Corrette."

Emery giggles and presses her lips briefly to mine once again "I love you, husband."

"I love you, wife." I grin and kiss her forehead "you're mine." 

"Always yours." 

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