It's Always Been You

By SanjJeon

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Jungkook and Taehyung. And almost their broken Marriage One is Forest military officer and other one is a doc... More

Main Protagonists
New Place
The Beginning of Journey
Begin Again
The Truth Untold
Mother & Hatred
Reverse Karma
New Book


231 19 18
By SanjJeon

Jungkook is so sad for rejecting Taehyung like that and that heartache he is feeling right now is unbearable.

Jungkook really didn't know what to do.

So when he went to the edge of the waterfall again and saw that Taehyung is still lying in the same way and crying, Jungkook felt really guilty.

He realised his mistake and rushed to him and held Taehyung in his arms.

Jungkook is also crying.

"I'm sorry, forgive me", he said and started kissing on his forehead.

"Why jungkook why? Don't you want to touch me anymore? What have I done that you are ashamed to touch me?", taehyung asked tearfully.

"Nothing, nothing, nothing love, you didn't do anything wrong, it's my fault. I want you closer too, I want to feel you too", Jungkook said and taehyung put his weight in jungkook's body.

"Then why did you reject me? Why did you move away, this is the first time you rejected your taehyung", taehyung cried.

'His taehyung', jungkook is hearing this words after two years. Jungkook is happy that taehyung is still his, otherwise he thought.....

"Sorry baby sorry", jungkook hugged him to his chest.

"I forget everything and want to get close to you again jungkook, your previous words were enough, i don't need any explanataion, i don't need to know any reason but i don't want to be away from you anymore", taehyung said crying

Jungkook's heart started to break after hearing this.

Because he didn't think Taehyung would forgive him so soon, because yes it was gis fault that he started avoiding taehyung from the beginning.

"Sorry honey I was feeling so guilty that you are still with me after all this. I was thinking that maybe we will get a divorce now, but believe me, I'm telling the truth that i don't want to go away from you either", Jungkook broke down and cried finally.

"I want to keep you with me for the rest of my life, I'm sorry for rejecting you like this but baby I don't want to touch you until I get the courage to tell you the truth because you're going to get hurt after hearing this and i can't bear your tears", Jungkook said.

"Is it true that I'm hurt, if it's too bad i'll still listen, I know you're scared, but trust me I won't leave you", Taehyung said as he realised something.

"His whole idea is wrong, his colleagues words, ideas are all lies, it's his mother's involvement with winning, and jungkook knows something he doesn't want to say", taehyung understands this very well.

Taehyung wiped his tears away, and said,

"Feel free to touch me, I'm yours and always be yours", Taehyung said and jungkook hugged him again.

"I'm sorry my love, I won't hurt you anymore, give me some more time. I'll tell you everything but don't keep me away tae" jungkook called him tae after a long time.

Taehyung is really happy after hearing this.

"I forgive you honey, you have cleared all my misconceptions. Forgive me too, I doubted you after listening to my friends, didn't let you enter the house, misbehaved, I don't wanna keep away from you and please stop our divorce, I don't want to lose you either, i don't want that divorce", said taehyung while hugging Jungkook.

There is a sound of gurgling water coming from the fountain behind.

"Gukie I want to tell you everything", Taehyung said suddenly.

Jungkook nods and kissed on his forehead.

"After you finish please hold me in your arms, I don't get your love for a long time, don't keep me away anymore. And sorry I didn't understand how y......." Before Jungkook could say anything Taehyung gently cupped his face with his hands, then took jungkook's head in his lap gently.

After a long time jungkook got peace.

Taehyung kept stroking her hair like before.

After a long time Taehyung said,

"Let's go back now", and tried to stand up.

"Love me a little, I'm so tired", Jungkook said and closed his eyes and taehyung goes back to the past, where he used to stroke jungkook's hair and he slept peacefully after his hectic day.

Taehyung smiled a little and kissed on his forehead.

"Okay, rest then", said taehyung as he began to stroke his hair softly.

Sometimes all it takes is a few words to save a relationship from falling apart.

Just few words and courage to accept the situation and the trust on your partner.

Pushing bad memoirs away and accept the love only and those good memories, like taehyung did.

He still wants to know what jungkook is hiding but he stopped his mind and decided to give another chance to jungkook so he could open up a little bit more.

Like jungkook said he needs a little bit time.

Maybe taehyung and jungkook are slowly getting back to normal but honestly is this the end or only the peace before storm?


Jungkook wakes up when Taehyung sneezes loudly and he sees he is laying on taehyung's lap in the same and taehyung is still sitting while holding him.

"How long have you been like this?", jungkook asked getting up.

"3 hours", Taehyung spread his legs as jungkook flinched and answered and cried out in pain.

"You've been sitting like this for 3 hours? Why didn't you wake me up", jungkook softly raised his voice.

"I'm fine, you were sleeping so peacefully that's why i didn't call you", taehyung said softly.

Before Jungkook could say anything baxt, they heard a growl, and their blood froze at the sight.

Because the roar was not far away but close and it's from a tiger.

"Jungkook", Taehyung called his name in a scared voice.

Jungkook realised that it's not a female but a male tiger's growl and it's not very pleasant.

It seems that during this mating season, it is fed up with not finding a mate and is coming here for water.

"Come on we have to get in the water", Jungkook said as he jumped off taehyung's lap, and when taehyung tried to stand up he couldn't.

So jungkook took him in his arms and took him into the water, and said,

"Try to hold your breath as long as you can, if you can't anymore or need oxygen then give me a thumbs up", said jungkook while taking a deep breath and sitting down under the water.

Taehyung saw a huge tiger coming out towards them, taehyung quickly took a deep breath and sat down next to jungkook.

Taehyung saw the tiger look the same but bigger in size, jungkook holding him under the water, they could hear the roar of the tiger very faintly.

The tiger came to the edge of the water for a while and roared again, jungkook could not hear the sound clearly for being inside the water, but the tiger fell silent after a while hearing another sound.

And that's when taehyung shows his thumb and he couldn't hold it, as he stood up the two watched as the tiger leapt over their heads and ran across the cave into the river in one leap.

The tiger didn't notice them, or perhaps saw them but on receiving the mate's reply he left ignoring them.

Both of them gasped, breathing properly while both of them came out of the water.

"What do you think we are safe here now?", Taehyung asked worriedly.

"The tiger is gone, he won't be back for a week at least, until then we are safe from it, the future knows the rest", answered jungkook.

And he gave taehyung a small smile.

But what the two didn't see was a giant green and black thing staring at them from the water, its slimy tongue picking up their scent from the water. ( Can you guess what is it?)

Jungkook and taehyung quickly changed their clothes, stuffing them into a rice plastic bag in one corner of the bag, although it was waterproof.

Anyway, getting a granola bar on hand the two started walking again, but this time in step, together holding hands.

Maybe they needed a little change in their lives to getting along again.


After eight days two people were seen on the edge of a mountain river, the two people had to face a lot of hardships in the past eight days.

And now they're at the field, the forest is finished already.

There are few trees in the fields and the area also has a large number of animals, from wild elephants to giant ants.

However, it is lucky that the lion was not seen.

In these eight days, taehyung learned some vital survival rules from jungkook, such as starting a fire, which plant can be eaten without cooking, how to extract water from a cactus, jungkook gave him a small knife too for using,

Taehyung also helped Jungkook as much as possible,

Taehyung didn't know that nature can be so beautiful but scary too.

Jungkook got some medical knowledge from taehyung, though he knows jungle first-aid but now it is important to learn everything, no one can tell when it will be useful.

At night both of them ate granola bars because at the night animals like wild dogs, hyenas come out to hunt,

They spent the night on top of the tree because it was not safe on the ground, taehyung suffered a little bit but the branches of the trees are so high and thick that person can sleep comfortably, yet jungkook tie the sleeping bags tightly with ropes.

Jungkook saw after taehyung's sleep, more than a dozen red and green eyes were shining down on them, maybe a group of wild dogs and hyenas.

For the last seven days have been the same, the groups followed them, jungkook didn't say anything to taehyung as they hunted in groups,

Taehyung would be scared.

And today on the eighth day, they came to the bank of a river, the drought river, which has depth and velocity.

It is also difficult to pass.

Jungkook stared for a while, looking around, noting that after quite a bit, there was a waterfall that was too fast for that.

Crossing must be done from here because crocodiles live in calm water and usually not near the falls, but it must be crossed very carefully.

"Taehyung is from here we gotta pass", he said looking at taehyung.

"Come on then, what's the matter, and I don't want to sleep tonight scared of those wild dogs and hyenas", said Taehyung with a little smile.

Jungkook looked at him for a moment, smiled softly and nodded.

"Let's go", said Taehyung as he got into the water without thinking.

He is disparate to get out of this place, he knew that a group of wild dogs and hyenas followed them for a week and jungkook did whatever he could to protect them.

Taehyung stumbled as he falls into the water, he starts to drift in the current, and the current is so strong that he can't swim against the current at all.

Jungkook screamed in fear.

"Taehyung", he said without getting into the water and started running along the edge, not having anything close at hand to throws at him,

Meanwhile taehyung didn't dive for the bag but he started floating towards the waterfall.

He heard jungkook is yelling his name, telling him to take the bag to his stomach so that it may float above.

"Jungkook help me",As soon as Taehyung said that, his mouth watered and he put it in his hair.

"Taehyung", jungkook jumped into the water until he saw a rock in the water.

Jungkook's guess was right, Taehyung's bag got stuck in the rock, but taehyung hangs on, he hangs on by his bag.

Jungkook somehow floated onto the rock, and as he pulled Taehyung up, he hit another snag.

Taehyung saw that how much jungkook is trying to holding him and pulling him but he's failing again and again.

Jungkook himself began to slip and he saw that the stone was so slippery that he couldn't get a proper grip.

If it's like this both of them will die here.

Taehyung sees the bag tearing as he dangles, taehyung is overweight, this bag is his clothes and food bag, and he is using his medical rucksack as a life jacket, and jungkook desperately tried to pull him up but his foot slips repeatedly.

Jungkook won't leave him like this.

So taehyung decided something,

"Jungkook this way we'll both die, i'll keep myself alive so find me", taehyung shouted.

"What are you saying? Just hold on, I'm doing something to pick you up", Jungkook said back more like shouting.

Taehyung saw that the stripe on the bag was torn even more.

It wasn't able to hold him anymore.

"The stripe is tearing, it won't be long, I'll be fine, please find me and yes, your taehyung still loves you like crazy.. please find me gukie, I'll be waiting...", taehyung said and tears the bag before jungkook could blink.

Jungkook saw him going down.

"Taehyung", jungkook screamed his name.

It's been 15 minutes since Taehyung fell down and Jungkook was frozen.

Jungkook doesn't know what to do?

He looked down and shouted taehyung's name again and again.

"I let Taehyung go", and he finally started crying because he couldn't save taehyung.

"How did i let go of his hand?", jungkook blamed himself for letting him go, it's all because of him.

Ashamed and hating of himself, jungkook kept getting it all together,

And when his and taehyung's relationship started to mend again, faith had to separate them.

Destiny's so cruel.

Why taehyung was taken away from him?


Jungkook decided he would jump into the water and die like taehyung did.

Because for a moment he lost all of his hope of living.

"Find me... Find me....", was what jungkook thought because that was the last thing taehyung said to him.

Jungkook suddenly came back from shock.

He looked around, he had to go down, he had to find his taehyung.

His taehyung promised him he will live, he had to find him no matter what.

He won't let taehyung go again.

A new strength came to his body and mind, an insistence, he must return to his taehyung.

God can't be this cruel.

Jungkook believes his taehyung is still alive and waiting for him.

Jungkook took a good survey of how the jungle went down, and then jumped into the water and climbed onto the edge with his stick on the other side of the river.

He didn't forget to take the bag even after crossing the river.

Jungkook is still desperate, determined not to let his love go so easily.

Not this time,

Not ever again.

He took out a big forest knife from his bag and ran inside the forest, he had to go down the river.


Taehyung sees that he is standing in a huge field, a faint voice came to his ears and he knew it was Jungkook's voice as soon as he heard it, he tried to listen carefully.

Taehyung heard jungkook calling him, and after a while jungkook ran to him and hugged him.

"I'm sorry buby, I didn't want to leave you so I got this punishment", and taehyung saw the blood on his hands, jungkook's blood.

Jungkook fell to the ground bleeding in front of him,

Taehyung screamed.

"Gukie", and immediately his eyes opened and he sat up with a jolt.

His whole body was covered in sweat, he looked around and saw someone sleeping on the chair he was in a house, lying on a bed.

There is another person in this room.

Taehyung slowly tried to get up, but his whole body was in so much pain, his hands and feet were bandaged and he saw in the front mirror.

But there is no time for that, he needs to find jungkook.

After taking a good look at the room, he realised that it was a tree house because a pleasant cold breeze was coming through the window, the torn curtains were swaying, and as taehyung tried to sit up, the person sleeping next to him woke up.

"Oh you woke up? We thought you might have gone into a coma, it's been nine days since you were unconscious", The unknown person said and immediately closed the channel on his hand,

They can't waste medicine here.

Taehyung saw his hand channeled with saline.

"Who are you? And where am I?", Taehyung snapped and wanted to get up.

"Look calm down first, I won't hurt you, your leg is broken and your head is bleeding profusely, your ribs are saved because of this bag and thank god you wrapped the fragile bottles with bubble wrappers that everything is fine", he said taehyung as he points at his medical bag.

Taehyung remembered falling down the waterfall with this medicine bag.

"Where am I?", Taehyung asked calmly.

Because he can't panic right now, he needs to find jungkook and if the person is right then he was sleeping for nine days,

"We don't know either, we saw you lying by the river, you were breathing very slowly, I was a nurse before I came here so I took some things from your bag to save you, so please consider it. We don't have many supplies left", the person said.

"And one of our companions situation is very bad, he got an infection for which I used the penicillin in your bag, he is fine now", He repeated.

"There are more people? You mean here?", Taehyung asked in surprise.

"Yes, in this 'Nothingland' only our group of humans are left, you are up so I'm calling the others", saying he stood up.

Taehyung could see through his sleeveless tattered shirt that many dry bruises were showing.

There are showing the signs of survival.

"Thanks for saving my life," Taehyung said.

The man looked at him and smiled, and said,

"We have been stuck in this place for many years, for two years we have not found anyone new, so welcome to our family", he said.

"Thanks but what's your name?", taehyung asked.

Maybe he could trust this person.

"I'm Min Jimin", saying this Jimin looked at him and gave a small smile and left the room.


Hope you'll are doing great...

And finally can update regularly....

And happy birthday to me......

Ignore the mistakes and please guys keep commenting......

Love, Alina......

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