Hidden rainfall

By Speedforceninja152

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A world like ours but without technology. Instead this world had magic. This is a story of epic conflict and... More

Chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two

chapter nine

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By Speedforceninja152

Lightning art: instantaneous flash, Sama and Sumi vanished out of the attack and reappeared next to the commander and the troops. That was close huh, Sama said while Sumi was still in shock from it. What was that she asked, you never told me you had a move like that. It was my mother's technique it allows one to teleport themselves as well as others within range to another location. My father and brother are no good at it but I specialize in it. Wow that's so cool Sama. Yeah, she pauses remembering, but that is besides the point we still have an enemy to deal with. They walk over to him. Damnit, I don't have any mana left, not that I think I can move. His cloak was blown off now revealing his face. He had pinkish purple eyes with a face covered in soot from the lightning attacks he took. His hair was dark brown but none of that matters now. He has lost this battle. The water would nullify his gas attacks only leaving him with thermite attacks. And those use a lot of mana and leave him unable to move around. Sama and Sumi's teamwork was great but had he not had that disadvantage the battle may have ended differently. The commander approaches them. It is over for you now where are the remaining members of Akuma. Ha, as if I would divulge any information about my comrades. We will take him back to the city for interrogation. There is no need for that, a new voice spoken from a man standing on a small mound of dried mud. He had another by his side, both were wearing cloaks. The man had a deep voice. I will be taking back my ally. A giant crimson hand appears behind the man and grabs Souta. It was transparent but only kind of. Naku I have no more mana and I don't think I can recover from these burns. So give me a bit of mana and I will use it in one last attack to end my lives and maybe there's. Souta if that is what you truly want then I will assist you in your final moments. Thank you, now Naku throw me at them then you and Taiyo get back. Understood. He throws Souta at the commander, Sumi and Sama. Ignition style: total dispersion, gas comes out of his body and forms a cloud on a completely different scale than the others. He then ignites it and creates a final explosion of mass devastation.
  When the dust cleared from the blast no one was standing. Many were injured but due to the quick actions of the commander no one died. That was a close one luckily I made it in time but that was still a strong explosion. It broke through my barrier and still hit us but at that point it was much weaker. He looks at Souta's body, he died from the attack. For someone so strong it was a pointless death. And now we can take down the remaining members of Akuma. He stands to his feet ready to fight. They somehow survived his attack, then I Naku, the leader of Akuma, will make his efforts fruitful. Actually I would like to take the reins this time if you don't mind. Very well then I won't stop you. But are you sure you don't want assistance? Most of them are weak but those three are pretty strong. My technique works better alone, and besides it's been a while since I could do anything fun. If you insist. Thank you. Now you face me and I will make you regret the death of Souta. Sumi, Sama, be careful, I used up my shield defending that last attack and it won't be usable for a while. So I won't be able to defend us, and we don't know his technique yet. However it is unlikely but he may use fire or gas like the last one did in which case my wind dome would work. But it is weak to whatever doesn't directly counter and is at best would only parry the attack. Don't worry father, we got this. If you are done with your goodbyes then it is time to die. Ha you wish, Sama says confidently. She and Sumi charge at the opponent. Very well then, needle light attack. He formed a bunch of glowing needles that were floating in front of them. They blue in color began to fly towards the two girls. They were surprised by the speed of the attack. They only escaped due to Sama’s teleportation. What was that? Sumi asked Sama, hoping for an answer. I don't know, it is unlike any art I have heard of or seen before. I don't think it is a style either. It is called, needle light attack, Taiyo, their opponent responded. It is not using spiritual energy to create the attack. But then how is it created? Sama asked, confused. The only way to for attacks was based on energys and if it wasn't spiritual energy then what. It was too weak to be life energy and divine energy is out of the question. She thought maybe it was physical objects made to look like magic but the needles he threw earlier already disappeared and real needles don't do that. It uses actual light to create it, he responded. Not light magic created from mana but real light. What but how that shouldn't be possible. It is like a secret fourth energy. It is called cosmic energy. It uses real objects in the world to the users advantage, in this case the light produced by the sun. Apparently it was created by god's. In the story I specifically refer to it is said that three god's discovered how to manipulate real objects of cosmic scale. That is why it is called cosmic energy. Each one manipulated different things. One was said to use the sun to create needles like I am and even go further to create strings with the power of the sun. While another used the sun to create fireballs hundreds of times hotter than fire magic. But they were not limited to the sun, they also could use the earth, the oceans and so much more. To be honest it is my favorite story but that is not important. What is important is that the story spoke of cosmic energy being similar to divine energy. Spiritual energy and life energy is something that you are born with. On the other divine energy and cosmic energy are acquired. It is not said how you acquire divine energy but this story does say how to gain cosmic energy. It is to form a connection to it. It wasn't super clear on what that meant but I was able to uncover the truth and gain cosmic energy. Unlike any other energy, cosmic energy is not a liminal source from within but an infinite one as long as the specific cosmic object still exists. For instance, the sun's light can be used up but as long as the sun exists it will come back. Unfortunately I am not near to the level of the gods spoken about in the story. I can only use a fraction of the energy available to create only a few needles. It is said the gods could use all of the energy but for gods that is expected. Energy like this is one of the things best proving that god at one point did exist. But at this point it is irrelevant. Sorry for the lengthy lecture, let's return to our battle

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