Accidentally Married

By Mystical_twilight

16.8K 1.1K 273

Nai, the wedding planner of the Boonruang family, had to step in to be the groom when the bride who was set t... More

1. Runaway Bride
2. Groom
3. Wedding.
4. Stunt
5. Brats
6. Oo-an
7. Wedding Night
8. Lesson one
10. Tips 2
11. Engaged
12. Single
13. In-laws
14. Apology
15. Crepe flowers
16. Bullying
17. Married
18. Parents
19. Ten months
20. Mad
21. Boyfriend
22. Joke
23. Brothers in party
24. Taser
25. Remorse
26. Secret kiss
27. Confession.
28. Confession 2
29. Bed
30. Tux
31. Wedding Chaos
32. Club
33. Breakfast

9. Tips

499 37 15
By Mystical_twilight

" What are you looking for? " Zo asked his husband.

He was fully erect now and his husband was leaving him in the bed like that.

"I am looking for some lube. " Nai replied going through the cabinets.  " Guess they didn't prepare it. "

He did find a bunch of condoms that the room decorators prepared for the first night. It was part of the protocol to provide such provisions to the newlyweds. But there was no sign of anything that could be used as a lube.

" Why do we need a lube for? " Zo questioned with a frown on his face.

His husband's actions were killing his mood. He was already lying butt naked on the bed while his husband was fully clothed.

He was eager to see Nai get out of those clothes but didn't urge him to do so as he didn't want to be seen so desperate. He wanted to be a gentleman towards his husband, at least for the first night.

" Just wait a second, phi. " Nai said as he ran to the washroom.

Zo internally cursed. He took the duvet and covered himself, mumbling in frustration. His member was starting to cool down under the cold wind blowing out of the air conditioner.

Nai came out of the washroom with a bottle in his hand.

"What is that thing?" Zo was sure that he hadn't seen that bottle in his washroom before.

"Aloe vera gel. " Nai grinned. " It's edible." 

He carried the gel for daily use, sometimes as moisturizer or as first aid. He had never imagined that the gel would become useful like this.

"We were in the middle of something, Nai. Was finding aloe vera gel so important right now?" Zo was clearly irritated.

Nai sighed, detecting unhappiness in his husband's tone. "We can use this as a substitute for lubes." He climbed back on the bed. "Young Master Zo, you are not thinking of going raw, are you?"

"Why not? We are husbands!" Zo retorted. He still couldn't connect wanting to go raw with Nai leaving his side to get some gel, adding to the fact that he was pissed at Nai.

"I do agree that we are husbands, but we are still strangers who met each other today morning. We are not having a one-night stand here, if you have forgotten" The moment the words left his lips, Nai realized that he sounded harsher than he meant it to be. "I mean-"

"Yeah! None of my one night stands have ever left me halfway! " Zo cut him off mid sentence.


Neither of them spoke a word for a few minutes.

"Then you should have probably called one of your ome night stands to get married to you after you chased the bride away" Nai got of the bed.

He put the gel bottle back in his bag and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Saifah roared in laughter as he listened to his friend's wedding night story. "He left you just like that? "

Zo gave his friend a side eye. "Why am I even telling you this? Where is Lom? Only he can give me a solution."

"Hahaha. This is so funny." Saifah clenched his aching tummy.

"Ai sat!"

Saifah chuckled and sat up "Lom went to find something about that girl from our office. I don't remember what her name was." 

His twin had been trying to hit on one of the employees in their office. But the girl was acting oblivious to his intentions.


"Yes, Pia! That's the name!" 

"He ditched me for some girl?" Zo scoffed in disbelief. "Why is everyone ditching me?" He groaned.

"No one is ditching you, Zo." Saifah straightened his clothes that got wrinkled while laughing too much. "But what you did was a complete asshole move."

"What do you mean?" Zo was skeptical.

"Comparing your husband to your previous one-night stands. That was not cool Zo. Especially considering the situation that you two got married."

"It was him who bought it up! And I never compared him to anyone!" Zo defended.

"You did. When you said that none of your one-nights stands had left you halfway, you were comparing him to them."

Zo's mood turned gloomy. "I really didn't mean anything like that na. I just wanted him to hurry up."

"He was hurrying up, Zo. At least, that is what I inferred from the story you told me."

"Why did he have to get lubes at that moment itself?" Zo huffed. "Wouldn't you be pissed if your partner did something like that?"

"First of all, I always prepare lubes with protection. Second, I wouldn't be mad because I understand why he did that."

"You understand why he did that? Care to explain to me as well."

"Because he wanted to have a good fuck with you, Dammit!" Saifah knew that his friend could be an idiot at times.

"I have fucked several people before him, alright! I know, it's all girls. But~"

"There is no but, Zo. That is where the difference lies! Nai is a guy and not a girl!"

Zo scratched his head. "If you are saying something, say it clearly, Fah. I am not in a mood to think too much and solve the puzzle or anything."

Saifah sighed and started explaining "What I mean is that there is difference between fucking a guy and fucking a girl. It's just pure biology."

"I am sorry, Khun Fah. Unlike you, I am week in biology." Zo said sarcastically.

"Dude, women are naturally wet beings. They are created like that. They are wet twenty-four seven. They just need a stimulus to get wetter. But for a guy its different, when a guy is stimulated he gets hard, not wet."

Zo stared unblinkingly at his friend, trying to connect the dots.

"You still don't understand?" Saifah asked.

Zo shook his head.

"You told Nai that you got repelled when you were asked to rim and that you walked out of the place, right?"

Zo nodded.

"You could walk out just like that because the other party was just a one-night stand. But Nai's case is different. He is your husband. If you walk out on him for the same reason, that would be the end of your marriage."

"But I already told him that I wanted to do it with him." Zo whined. "He agreed to teach me as well. Then why did he have to stop mid way?"

"Didn't you just say that he went to get lubes?" Saifah was reaching the limit of his tolerance.

"Why do we need lubes? Can't he just do it with condoms alone? I don't even understand why we even need condoms as a married couple."

Saifah massaged his temples. "Zo, as an experienced friend, I am giving you a few tips that will be of great use to you."

He turned to face Zo. "First, condoms are not really necessary to be used. But not using it needs a level of trust between the partners. It is normal that Nai is not comfortable going raw. You two have to make that trust level between you two before trying something like that."

Zo nodded in agreement. He had never gone raw with anyone. Nai was an exception. He wanted to directly feel how it was, being inside his husband.


Two questions

1. I have long wanted to write a BP fanfiction with Prem as a power bottom, but never actually got the plot to do it. What do you say about making Nai a power bottom. Just a thought that crossed my mind when I was writing the previous chapter.

2. Do you want me to make this one an Mpreg? I am not really a fan of writing Mpreg. But I recently rewatched an old interview of BP where p' Prem said that if they were to have children, they want it to be twins and that they would name their kids Chonlatee and Chonlatorn. Ever since then I had plans on writing an Mpreg one.

Should I make this an Mpreg one or save it for my next omegaverse? {The ongoing omegaverse doesn't have BP having kids.} The next omegaverse is in drafts and would be airing after the current one ends. 

So, what do you think? Let me know in the comments.


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