𝒮𝓉𝑜𝒸𝓀𝒽𝑜𝓁𝓂 𝓈𝓎𝓃𝒹𝓇...

By Golden_KiwiStyles

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My first ever book!! Just a collection of oneshots written by me :) I will take requests and write some smut More

I've got you
April Fools
The night we met.
Kissing in the rain
You don't have to be sorry for growing up.
Wembley night 4
Late night talking
Suker punch
Movie theatre
Just keep Swimming
I'm really sorry I was having a wee
High school Harry AU
Funfetti Cupcakes 🧁
Cuddles and studying

Just let me adore you

145 1 0
By Golden_KiwiStyles

Warnings: mentions of sexual assault + rape, homophobia, vomiting and slight angst

Third person pov:

Olivia's dad died when she was three so she couldn't really remember him. So, she never really questioned why she was the only girl with one parent in her class. Until she was 7. Olivia's mum did everything she could to ensure that she was never upset about her father but when Olivia came home from school one day crying because one of the girls had made fun of her for not having a dad Camilla felt like she had failed. "Mummy. why don't I have a daddy like everyone else?" Camilla's heart broke when she saw her six year olds glossy eyes. "Can you remember sweetie when I explained to you that we couldn't see nanny anymore because she has gone to a special place in the sky?" The little girl nodded. "Well your daddy is up there with her." Olivia sat there in silence for a minute. Can you find me a new daddy?" Camilla's eyes watered at her six year olds innocence. "Sure baby."

That convosation lead to a long list of boyfriends. There was Jimmy when Olivia was 7, who could make an amazing chicken pie. Brad when she was nine, who only lasted a few months and many more. 

Now Olivia is 14 and her mum is making her have dinner at her new boyfriends place that she has been dating for just under a year and apparently is 'the one'. But Olivia couldn't give two shits if this man was "the most decent human being" as her mum said. She'd had enough of meeting Camilla's new boyfriends, getting attached before they're gone in a few months.

My mum knocks on the black front door before giving me a look that says behave, making me roll my eyes. A tall man who looked to be in his late twenties opened the door with a huge smile on his face. He was wearing a graphic T-shirt tucked into a pair of purple trousers and a string of pearls around his neck. Olivia had to admit his fashion taste wasn't that bad. 

"Hey babe." He gives Camilla a quick hug and kiss before turning to Olivia.

"Hello you must be Olivia. I'm Harry and nice jacket by the way." He sticks his hand out for me to shake which I reluctantly do while grumbling a "thanks."

Harry leads them into his house giving Olivia a quick tour before she excuses herself to the bathroom and Harry and Camilla head into the kitchen. She splashed some cold water on her face trying to calm down the turmoil going on in her head.

When she had relaxed slightly she headed into the kitchen pausing at the sight Infront of her. A stereo was playing Don't Stop Belivin' by Journey. Harry and Camilla were dancing, laughing and singing. Olivia hadn't seen her mum this happy in years.  Maybe Harry will stick around? Olivia shakes the stupid idea out of her head, looking up again to see Harry had lifted Camilla onto the kitchen counter and had his tongue stuck down her throat. Olivia clears her throat making Harry pull away. " I would rather you didn't eat my mothers face while I'm here Harry." Harry apologised but she just scowled at him, making her mother sigh.


Harry had made Olivia's favourite (chicken katsu curry) for her and Camilla and a veggie version for himself. Olivia had to admit that was very sweet of him but had to keep reminding herself that he probably be gone in like 3 months max. Poor Harry also tried to make convocation with the teenager but she's either gave one word answers or shut him down completely.

"Can I be excused." Camilla nodded begrudgingly so Olivia went and sat on Harrys sofa and scrolled on tiktok.

Camilla grabbed Harry's hand. "I'm so sorry H. She's not normally like this."

It's ok babe. She just needs time to warm up to me." He presses a reassuring kiss to her forehead.

"Its probably a good idea If I take her home." Camilla stands up, pecks Harry on the lips and goes to grab Olivia. "Olivia we are going. Say thank you to Harry for dinner."

As soon as their in the car and Harrys out of earshot Camilla loses it. "Olivia Grace what is wrong with you. Harry was trying so hard and all you did in return was be rude." Olivia huffed. "I'm sorry mum but there's not much point making an effort if your just going to get rid of him."
"What makes you think I'm going to do that?"

"That's what's always happened mum. With every boyfriend. I get attached think maybe that this time will be different but it never is. It hurts to much getting attached to your boyfriends for you to just throw them away when you tire of them.

"You really think that low of me? Also, I'm sorry but that's not going to happen. I meant it when I said I think he is the one."

"Then he will tire of you."

"What's that suppose to mean. You think I don't disserve him?"
Olivia's pov:

It had been a week since I met Harry and mine and my mums argument. Mum is still annoyed at me so I decided to go study round my friends house after school to stay out of her way. It is that miserable time in January where it gets dark really early so by the time I left Willows house it was fairly dark.

Willow only lived a twenty minute walk from mine but as I was walking home I felt slightly anxious. I speed up my pace about to cross the road when a familiar unpleasant voice stops me in my tracks. "Hey Peterson where do you think your going?" Rory are schools fuck boy. He's constantly trying to get with a different girl and unfortunately for me I'm his most recent target. "Fuck of Rory I don't wanna talk."

"Come on Olivia why don't you come back to my place and we can have some fun."

"I don't want to go anywhere with you you fucking dick"

Before I can process what is happening Rory pulls me into an alleyway, shoving me against the wall, pinning my arms down and covering my mouth. I desperately try and free myself but he's to strong. His lips find my neck as he starts harshly grinding his boner against my thigh making me want to vomit. "Come on baby I know you want it." His hand finds the button of my jeans and quickly pulls them and my panties down enough so he can reach my pussy. I start to scream behind his hand, Its futile no one can hear me. Fat tears stream down my face as he lines his dick up. I close my eyes waiting to feel his intrusion but instead he's ripped off me. Cautiously I open my eyes relief flooding me when I see Rory lying on the ground and Harry towering over him.

My knees give out under my wait as I start to hyperventilate causing Harry to dart over to where I'm still leaning against the wall catching me. Being the gentleman he is Harry tries to cover me up with his blazer jacket as I violontly sob in his arms. "Shh Olive it's alright. I've got you. He can hurt you."

When my sobs eventually quieten down and I can think coherently enough I realise the situation I'm in. Crying in my mums Boyfriends arms with my trousers round my thighs. Quickly I fix my clothes before taking a deep breath. " Olive we need to get you home and tell your mum what happened."

"No Harry please don't tell her. I don't want her to worry."

"Alright well you need to talk to someone."

An idea pops into my head. "Could you give me a lift to the p-police s-station?"

Harry had to wait outside while I had to give my statement causing me to almost start panicking again.  "It's ok Olive I'll be right here waiting for you." Writing the statement wasn't has hard as I thought it would be but I still ran into Harry's arms when I got out.  Gently he guided me back out to his car, helping me in before running round to the drivers side. " Come on the Olive let's get you home."

"Where did Olive come from?"

"I sorry i find it more comforting when someone calls me H or Haz so i thought it might work for you. If you don't like it I'll call you Olivia."

"I do like it. No ones ever called me Olive before"

"That can be my special nickname for you then."

I suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of guilt. " I'm sorry i was so rude to you last week Harry. I didn't want to get attached to you just for you to end up leaving like everyone else."
"I know your mum told me."


"Hey Olive I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon."

Olivia's pov:

"I can't believe you would do that Harry!"

Ever since the incident a year ago me and Harry have been as thick as thieves. An amazing father daughter duo. So when Harry and my mum sat me down and annoced that he was moving in i was over the moon. That was three weeks ago. Now Harry is in the process of moving in his stuff and it's driving me insane.

"Olive calm down. I'm sorry i didn't realise what it was."

In order for Harry to be able to move some of his stuff in me and my mum had a massive clear out which meant we went up into the loft for the first time in years. While we were up their I found an old box full of my dads stuff. At the bottom of the box was an old jumper that my mum said he got while he was at university. I instantly became attached to it wearing it most nights to bed. Until now.

"You did it on purpose. How could you accidently mistake a jumper I've been wearing around you for a weeks as one meant to go to the charity shop." I was absolutely devastated. Finally I had a peace of my dad and Harry went and donated it to charity. Frustrated and upset I burst into tears. Harry pulls me into a hug, gently rubbing my back. "Olive I'm so sorry."

"Its ok. I'm sure I can find other things in the loft of his. You didn't mean too."

Harry's pov:

"Come in."

My office door slowly opens to reveal a nervous looking Olive. " Hey squirt what's up?" She loiters in the doorway before coming and siting in my lap when I gesture for her to. "I need to ask you a question dad." I still get butterflies when she calls me dad even though she has for a while. "What's up Olive?"

"I think I'm a Lesbian."

Her eyes start to water. " Hey Hey Darling don't cry you know i don't care who you love your still my Olive."

"I know its not that. It's just the first time I've admitted it to anyone."

"It's alright Olive. How did you find out?"
"Promise me you won't get upset."

"Well since I turned sixteen some of my friends have been pressuring me to have sex. They kept picking out guys at school telling me i should bang them but i didn't want to. At first i thought i was because of what happened with Rory but then I met this girl and started having htese felling s towards her and thats when i relised."

"Oh baby your so sweet. What's this girls name?"
"Quinn. Anyway I was hoping you could help me tell mum?"

"Of course Olive."

Third person pov:

Harry was shitting himself. He is currently stood outside the double doors that he will soon walk through with his 26 year old daughter on his arm to give her away. He can vividly remember when Olive told him that Quinn had proposed and that she wanted him to give her away. He had cried for a good hour until his wife lovingly told him to buck up. Now here he was. Never in a million years did he think he would be here.

"You ready?" Tears instantly fill Harry's eyes as he watches his daughter walk towards him adorned in a beautiful long white wedding dress with flowers tied in her hair and embroidered on the dress.  "Don't cry dad."
"I'm sorry Olive but you look absolutely stunning. I can't help it."

"Come on the lets get you to your bride."

Third person pov:

"Dad meet Jessica Alice Styles. Your granddaughter."

Carefully Olivia handed her 2 week old baby to Harry so he could have the moment he has been waiting for since 9 months ago. "Hey their sweetie. It's your Grandad."

Since the moment Olivia told Harry that her and her wife Quinn where going to have a baby through IVF Harry was ecstatic. He was there when Olivia had to take a number of injections which she hated. He was there when she throw up everywhere. He was there when she just need someone to talk too.

Harry gently hands Jessica back to her mother before siting Olivia on his lap so he could cuddle his daughter and granddaughter.

"Love you Olive."

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