Caught In Time

By cat_lord_24

370 50 26

A harmless prank for four teens soon turns into a fight to save their lives when they quickly discover that t... More

Chapter 1: Before
Chapter 2: Present Day
Chapter 3: The Prank
Chapter 4: The Dream
Chapter 5: Breaking the Law
Chapter 6: The Plan
Chapter 7: Breaking In
Chapter 8: Police Station and the Manor
Chapter 9: Pranks Aren't Funny James
Chapter 10: The Neverending World
Chapter 11: Ethan and Cassedee
Chapter 12: The Cave
Chapter 13: The Magic Manor
Chapter 14: Trapped
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter Part 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 24

2 1 0
By cat_lord_24

Mr. T. stood over Emily gripping her high in the air. The suspenseful motion left James almost breathless. He watched as Mr. T. hoisted her into the ceiling and then down again on the ground. Slam. Again. Slam. She cried out in pain and yelled for him to stop. But he didn't. She was casted in the green smoke, which was propelling her up and then down again. The green smoke burrowed around on the floor--barely touching them.

Cassedee looked at James with wide eyes, motioning for them to do something. But James wasn't sure what exactly.

We have to do something, her eyes said. We have to save Emily. She's the only answer we have.

She was right.

He nodded.

Then whispered.

"I'm not sure what exactly."

Cassedee gripped James's hands against her face and gave a weak smile.

"I think you know exactly what to do." she said quietly. Her hands dropped to her sides and suddenly, her wings sprouted out. She grinned and her talons–sharp as ever–extended quickly out of her fingertips.

Her eyes began to glow a yellow tint, with flecks of gold. James had never seen this before. It was mesmerizing. She was no longer Cassedee Blaniski. She was Cassedee–hawkeye sharp tooth.

And he was James. Great Sorcerer of Light. Suddenly, his hands started to glow. Brighter then they did when they were first in the cave. Time seemed to move slower here–in this place, and that worried James. What did their world look like now?

James couldn't pin-point how long they had disappeared for but he feared it was decades.

His dark brown hair turned a clear white as it glowed the same light that shot from his fingers. His skin was no longer the color of a pale tan. It was now the color of gray, with small flecks of silver mixed in. He looked down at his hands.

James moved them around–he could see every vein, every nerve move along with each twitch. What was happening?

They seemed stronger in this house. James felt more alive. More in control of his powers.

Cassedee was half-human, half-hawk. Her nose now a beak and her mouth now intertwined. Her eyes still that flashy yellow. They flickered.

"Do you feel that, Cass?"

There was an undeniably force of energy that surrounded them. Almost beckoning them to stop what Mr. T. was doing to Emily. They needed her. They needed answers. It was time.

"Yeah. It's—"

But Cassedee couldn't finish her sentence. There was an explosion in the stall next to them. Rubble and dust blew up at them, in their faces and they took cover almost instantly.

James peered around the corner and was met with the hard stare of Mr. T. He flinched. He shot up like a rocket and extended his arms out.

White light filled the room and surrounded the evil man. James was fighting. Mr. T. was too powerful but he refused to give up.

Cassedee came out of nowhere–swooping in through the green smoke and passed the beams of light.

Her claws out, ready to strike.

She came down fast on Mr. T. but she wasn't fast enough. He extended his bony finger out and the nail grew into a blade.

He slashed at her but she darted his swings.

She circled back around and clipped his side.

The green smoke got darker and the flames began to rise.

The air felt heavier and damp.

Then, marsh grass grew and water was around them.

They were in a swamp. A snake's head suddenly appeared. Then, a tiger.

He was angry.

James felt the presence of something else. Something...

Ominous. Something evil. Very evil.

James mustered all the strength he could get and hurled a white ball of light at Mr. T. It hit the snake instead. The creature was huge. It was at least fifty-feet long and its head was enormous. The eyes were a bright yellow and the teeth were long and sharp. Dragon wings extended outward off of it and horns grew on its head.

It loomed over both of them now. It's tongue long and twitching. Tasting.

The creature then hissed and lunged at James. Its tongue began to and stretched out and wrap around James. He could feel the air getting tighter and he started coughing. He couldn't breathe.

"No!" Cassedee cried out. She lunged at the snake but the tiger was on her faster than she could realize. It's claws began digging into her and she could feel the warmth from the blood oozing out. She had to fight it off. It was now or never. She glanced over at James who was starting to turn blue. Then she looked to her left–Emily was still wrapped in the green smoke. Barely conscious now.

Then, she heard a scream. It was James.

She punched the tiger in the mouth and caught its teeth instead. The sharp teeth dug into her skin. She screamed. The pain was throbbing through her veins.

She tried to fight it off but the tiger sunk its teeth into her hand further. Refusing to loosen its grip.

He yelled so loud, Cassedee's ears started to ring. Suddenly, light began to erupt from him and filled the small bathroom. It was so bright.

James's light gripped onto the snake and thrashed it around. The snake recoiled and he could hear Mr. T. yelling.

"You useless thing. Get them!" he shrieked.

The snake shook its head and lunged again at James. It pinned him against the wall and began to slam him around. Back and forth back and forth on the tiled wall. The tile began to crack and James let out an agonizing cry.

His head smacked against the wall as he tried to grip onto the giant snake. Light poured out from him. His fingers, his eyes. The sudden surge sent the snake back, its eyes squinting against the brightness. It hissed again, this time green goo shot out at James. He covered his face and ducked. The goo hit the wall and burned.

Leaving a giant hole through it.

Cassedee began to panic. If that can damage the wall–what will it do to us?

She knew she had to do something.

She tried to move. Nothing. Her wings. She began to flap them back and forth. Slow at first, but then faster. And faster.

Cassedee could hear them buzzing. She struggled against the weight of the tiger. She focused. Her wings began to move at rapid speed. She felt like a fairy.

Cassedee pushed with all her weight into the tiger beast. The beast roared and pushed down on her harder. Spit flew from its mouth and its teeth were barred. She didn't want to flinch. She refused to show fear.

It had four sets of eyes and three arms on each of its sides. The arms extended outward. This was no ordinary tiger.

It was shaped like a spider. A spider-tiger.

Cassedee had never seen anything like it.


The spider-tiger had a tail that was moving slowly, effortlessly. Cassedee had a plan and not a very good one.

She pushed back again this time with more force. The spider-tiger was strong but Cassedee was stronger. She yelled out–determined to finish it. Cassedee could feel her emotions fueling her. She was angry. Sad. Happy. Frustrated. She used this.

Cassedee lurched forward and heaved with every ounce of strength she had left. She was exhausted. The tiger went flying through the air and hit the ceiling. Recoiling into itself.

Mr. T. cried out.

"No! Not my child. My beautiful child." Then, his eyes were on her. Dark and draining. She was going to get punished.

The tiger hung there for a few seconds before descending back down. Cassedee spread her fingers apart and out came the talons.

She slashed once. Twice. Right under its belly. She felt the green liquid bleeding out through the fur and it trickled down her wrist. All over her face. She didn't want to open her mouth and taste the vile substance.

Cassedee grinned and did another slash. This time, cutting through the creatures throat. The tiger roared and fell to the floor. The green flames grew higher and surrounded Cassedee.

She got up as fast as she could and jumped away from the flames. She came swinging at the snake–narrowly missing James in the process. He crouched down to avoid the blow.

Cassedee locked her talons into the snake's neck and ripped through it. Side to side. Green gunk began pouring out as the creature lurched in pain. A loud screeching echoed throughout the bathroom. The tile made the echo even louder.

It was ear piercing.

Cassedee grabbed James while she had the chance and was flapping her wings wildly around. Then, she saw Emily again.

She got her talons ready, flinging them out as she got closer.

She gripped onto Emily's shoulders and hoisted her up. She struggled against the weight and was losing speed.

Mr. T's green smoke followed her as more monsters appeared.

An oversized cat with horns and a dragon tail came out of the smoke. Hissing and spitting.

A mutant cow with two heads that breathed fire.

They were chasing her now.

Emily was barely conscious and James was bleeding.

Cassedee pushed herself. You can't give up now, Cass. It's up to you to save them.

She braced herself for impact. The wall and doorway were coming faster than she would have liked.

She felt the sudden weight of brick and wood on her–the feeling of impact only lasting seconds.

Mr. T. was fast on her trail. Cassedee flew passed the party guests who seemed completely unbothered by the loud noise and rubble all over the floor.

Cassedee realized that the giant clock in front of the band on the wall did not change. It still read midnight. Were they stuck in a time loop?

Cassedee was struggling now. She was not used to the weight of two people. One in her hands and the other on her feet.

The green smoke bellowed closer to her and Cassedee could see all animals of different shapes and sizes. Unnatural animals at best. She wasn't sure where to go or what to do. She could feel herself losing grip on Emily.

Then, suddenly, there was a noise below her. Or was it above?

Cassedee realized that her thoughts were not her own. Someone else was invading her mind. It was a woman.

Go left. The voice said. It was faint but Cassedee understood it enough.

She went left.

Stop. Make a right, here.

Cassedee didn't question it. She didn't need to. She knew that voice.

It was her mothers. 

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