The Eclipsed Heart

By mehhh024

102K 7.5K 3.8K

In the comforting embrace of his perfect life, Khan Murtasim Khan had everything one could wish for. Yet, a c... More

Character Description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Last Chapter

Chapter 51

1.8K 143 62
By mehhh024

Murtasim and Meerab had decided to go back to Pakistan. It had been a week since they had gotten back together and it was no less than a dream. mornings were filled with delightful moments. Murtasim and Meerab found themselves entangled in each other's warmth. The soft kisses exchanged spoke volumes of the unspoken promises and affections that filled the room.

As the sunlight streamed through the curtains, painting the room in hues of gold, Murtasim would gently whisper words of love, and Meerab would respond with a smile that mirrored the joy radiating from within.

Breakfasts were a symphony of shared meals and stolen glances. Murtasim, unable to resist the magnetic pull, would wrap his arms around Meerab, earning him gentle scolding about letting her focus. Yet, the warmth of his embrace was a familiar melody, a reassurance that they were no longer bound by the distance that had plagued them before. Every moment spent apart felt like wasted time, and Murtasim's words echoed in their minds – there was no more waiting to be done.

However, at the orphanage, while maintaining a certain professional distance, stolen kisses in quiet corners and exchanged hugs spoke volumes about their connection. It was during one such stolen embrace that Amanda, an unwitting witness, stumbled into the room.

The awkward silence that ensued was broken by Meerab, who decided to set the record straight. Amanda's initial shock quickly transformed into theatrical embarrassment.

"So, you guys are married. And you didn't bother telling me this? MEERAB! OH MY GOD! I feel so embarrassed! I was going around simping after your husband, and yet you remained silent about it! What the hell," Amanda exclaimed, her eyes wide.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just wasn't in my right mind at that time," Meerab apologized, her expression apologetic.

"Yeah, right. And when I told you I had a crush on him, what did you say? 'Pakistani guys get married early.' What a stupid excuse!" Amanda retorted, arms folded.

Murtasim couldn't help but burst into laughter at the revelation. "She said that?" he repeated, finding amusement in Meerab's poor attempt to hide their relationship.

"Yeah, she did! And what was that you said about workplace romance? Isn't this also a form of workplace romance, huh, Miss Khan?" Amanda demanded with a playful smirk.

"I don't know what you're saying," Meerab replied with feigned innocence, and laughter echoed in the room as they embraced the shared joy and camaraderie of the moment.

But it was Meerab's decision to return back. As she laid with her head resting on Murtasim's lap, feeling the gentle caress of his fingers through her hair, with a movie playing. The ambiance was cozy, the warmth of togetherness enveloping them in a sweet embrace. It was in this comfort that Meerab's thoughts turned to the idea of returning to Pakistan, a notion she couldn't shake off.

"Don't you think we should go back?" Meerab asked, her words breaking the tranquility of the moment.

Murtasim, surprised by the sudden proposal, looked down at her. "Back as in to Pakistan?"

"Yeah. I mean, you might have things to deal with there as well, right? And you can't possibly stay here for long," Meerab explained as she sat up.

Murtasim, considering the suggestion, responded, "Are you sure? I still have another five-month contract as the legal advisor for the orphanage."

"Well, you can do all of that online. In the meantime, Amanda will find someone else as your replacement," Meerab suggested, a hint of playfulness in her tone.

"I see you're quite eager to replace me, Mrs. Khan, and it truly breaks my poor heart," Murtasim melodramatically held his chest, feigning heartbreak, as Meerab giggled.

"No, I just... Maa Begum might be alone there. I know Farukh is with her, but still, she might be missing you as well. And the gaon, and the people there, they need you as well," Meerab explained, her concern evident.

"And you... you'll come with me as well, right?" Murtasim hesitantly asked, looking into Meerab's eyes.

"Of course, silly! Were you planning on leaving me here?" Meerab teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

"Never! You're not going anywhere now! Not without me!" Murtasim declared, his eyes ablaze with unwavering affection.

"You sound like a lovesick puppy, Mr. Khan," Meerab chuckled, her eyes sparkling with playful delight.

"I surely am, Mrs. Khan. And now this lovesick puppy is in need of......." Murtasim's voice trailed off into a mischievous smile. With a swift yet tender motion, he effortlessly lifted Meerab in his arms, eliciting a surprised squeak from her.

"Of?" Meerab teased, her laughter echoing like a melody in their cozy haven.

"A lifetime with you," Murtasim lovingly whispered, his lips brushing against her ear as he carried her towards their bedroom. The soft glow of dimmed lights created a heartwarming ambiance, casting a gentle hue on the walls and reflecting the joy that filled their home. The subtle melody of their laughter intertwined with the promise of a shared future, creating a symphony of love that echoed through the corridors of their hearts.


As they stealthily made their way into the Khan Haveli's living room, the air was filled with an aura of excitement and anticipation. Meerab's eyes sparkled with the thrill of the surprise she was about to unleash. The plan was to astonish everyone, but little did she know that she would be the one in for a heartwarming surprise.

"SURPRISE!" Meerab cheered, her excitement bubbling over as she hurried towards Maa Begum, who sat in shock. "Meerab, Ya Allah. You came back," Maa Begum uttered in disbelief, her eyes misting up.

"I missed you so much, Maa Begum," Meerab confessed, enveloping her in a warm hug, to which Maa Begum reciprocated. Murtasim stood beside Farukh, equally surprised and pleased by the unfolding scene.

"No, you're lying. You wouldn't have left if you missed me," Maa Begum remarked as Meerab broke the hug. "I promise I won't go anywhere now," Meerab assured, and Maa Begum held her, while Murtasim approached for a warm greeting to his mother.

"Yes! You shouldn't! And if Murtasim ever annoys you, you should straight away tell me. I'll fix him up," Maa Begum teased, playfully pulling Murtasim's ear. "Exactly! Don't you remember what I said before, Meerab?" Farukh chimed in, joining the light-hearted banter as Meerab laughed.

"I missed you as well, Farukh," Meerab smiled at him. "I did too," he responded with a genuine smile.

"Come on now, why did no one miss me?" Murtasim huffed as he complained.

"Why would we? Maa Begum and I were having the time of our lives while you were away, Haina Maa Begum?" Farukh teased, and Murtasim playfully pushed him.

"Now, why is everyone pulling my son's leg?" another voice chimed in, surprising Meerab.

"DAD! What are you doing here?" she exclaimed as Anwar Khan smiled. "Well, I only followed instruction. Murtasim told me to go away for a few days, and I thought that rather than going to some boring business meetings, I would rather come back home," he explained, adding an unexpected twist to the joyous reunion.

"He did?" Meerab asked, her eyes narrowing playfully as she glanced at Murtasim, who stood with Farukh with a cheeky smile on his face.

"I wonder what you wanted to do alone, huh Murtasim," Farukh whispered teasingly, nudging Murtasim as he elbowed him. "Shut up!" Murtasim whispered, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"Why are you blushing?" Farukh teased again, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Farukh," Meerab intervened, breaking the teasing banter between the two. "I... I wanted to say thank you," Meerab said, moving to stand beside Murtasim.

"Thank you? For what?" Farukh asked, genuinely curious.

"For siding with me. For whatever you did for me. Truth be told, if you would have told me about Murtasim's love for me, I might not have believed you then," Meerab confessed.

"Meerab, I think I should be the one apologizing. If only I had told Murtasim about you leaving, maybe things would have gotten better before worsening," Farukh expressed, glancing at Murtasim with a tinge of embarrassment.

"You did what I told you to; you shouldn't be apologizing. And you know what they say, right? Everything comes at you at the perfect time," Meerab said, offering a reassuring smile.

"Yeah! Now stop apologizing and looking like a loser. It doesn't match your personality," Murtasim chimed in, injecting a touch of humor into the conversation, his gaze softening as he looked at Meerab.

"Says the one who was weeping like a child holding his wife's clothes," Farukh hit back at Murtasim with a teasing remark, earning a stern glare from Murtasim and an intrigued look from Meerab.

"What? Did he really?" Meerab asked, her eyes widening with curiosity, as Murtasim sheepishly scratched the back of his head.

"Yeah, and he used to cry about how much he loved you, how he regrets not saying it before, and he—" Before Farukh could complete his sentence, Murtasim swiftly punched his arm.

"Piss off!" Murtasim said, his ears turning a shade of red, while Meerab burst into laughter and Farukh exaggeratedly winced in fake pain.

The living room echoed with their laughter and playful banter, creating an atmosphere filled with warmth and joy. An unexpected homecoming had transformed into a delightful gathering of the Khan family. The air was charged with love and surprise, a testament to the unpredictable joys that awaited them in this newfound chapter of togetherness.


As the clock's hands reached midnight, casting a quiet spell on the world outside, Meerab's voice cut through the silence in their room, laden with a mix of vulnerability and curiosity.

"Is it really true that you cried holding my things when I was gone?" Meerab's gaze locked with Murtasim's, seeking the truth in the depths of his eyes. The room enveloped them in a cocoon of shared memories, their emotions echoing off the familiar walls.

Murtasim's arms tightened around Meerab, a protective gesture that spoke volumes. "Farukh really needs to learn when to shut up," he remarked, frustration evident in his voice. His fingers absentmindedly traced soothing circles on her arm.

Curiosity lingered in Meerab's eyes as she propped herself up, placing her chin on Murtasim's chest. "No, tell me. Is it really true?" she urged, her voice a gentle plea.

Murtasim met her gaze, sincerity etched across his features. "Yeah, I did. I missed you so much, and I just felt overwhelmed that I couldn't care how pathetic I looked," he admitted, his vulnerability laid bare.

The room held its breath as Meerab absorbed his words. The weight of their shared emotions lingered in the air, making the silence between them more poignant.

"Then why didn't you come to me right away?" Meerab whispered, her breath brushing against Murtasim's skin.

"It's because you said so. Farukh told me that you didn't want to see me anymore," Murtasim explained, a shadow of regret crossing his face. "I thought you hated me. After the whole Malik Zubair fiasco, you stopped talking to me. I felt like maybe you had this doubt in your heart, as if I wasn't worthy enough to protect you, as if you didn't feel safe enough with me."

Meerab listened, her heart aching at the turmoil he had endured. "And then in your letter," Murtasim continued, "you sounded so hurt. I hated myself for hurting you so much that it made you question your own being."

Meerab's eyes welled up with tears as she cupped Murtasim's face, caressing her soft fingers against his beard.

"I didn't hate you, Murtasim," Meerab said softly, lifting her hand to caress his cheek. "I was hurting, confused, but I never stopped loving you. I wish we hadn't let misunderstandings pull us apart."

"Promise me that we won't ever hide anything from one another from now onwards. No matter what you're feeling or whatever you're going through, we face it together," Murtasim pleaded, his voice a gentle yet earnest whisper.

Meerab's eyes, glistening with both relief and remorse, mirrored the tumultuous journey their relationship had taken. Her nod was a silent agreement, an unspoken promise that their future would be built on transparency and shared understanding. Their fingers intertwined, creating a tangible connection that echoed the strength of their commitment.

"I promise, Murtasim. No more secrets, no more stupid misunderstandings," Meerab affirmed, her voice carrying a mixture of determination and vulnerability.

As their vows lingered in the air, the room seemed to respond with a collective exhale, as if releasing the burdens of the past. The weight of shared pain began to lift, replaced by a newfound commitment to face whatever lay ahead hand in hand.

Meerab, leaning in with a tender grace, pressed a soft kiss on Murtasim's forehead. It was a gentle act of sealing their silent pact, a promise that transcended words. The room, now witness to their reconciliation, radiated with the energy of renewed love and understanding.

In the quiet embrace of their shared love, time seemed to slow down. The ticking of the clock on the wall became a distant murmur as Meerab and Murtasim embraced the beauty of their rekindled connection, each heartbeat echoing the promise of a future forged through honesty, trust, and an unyielding love that had withstood the tests of time.


As Meerab and Murtasim settled back into the rhythm of their normal lives, the echoes of their shared promise lingered in the air. Meerab resumed her duties as Khaani with a newfound sense of purpose, and Murtasim immersed himself in managing his factories and overseeing the affairs of the village.

As the morning sunlight bathed their room in a soft glow, Murtasim stood by the mirror, dressed in a tailored suit. Meerab, engaged in her daily routine, couldn't help but steal a glance at her husband, admiring the effortless charm he exuded.

Murtasim caught her eye in the mirror and flashed a boyish grin. "I always struggle with this shawl, Meri Jaan. Could you help me out a bit?" he asked, holding the fabric in his hands.

A playful glint danced in Meerab's eyes as she approached Murtasim, her fingers gently taking the shawl from his hands. "Well, you never struggled with it before," she teased, her touch sending a comforting warmth through Murtasim's frame.

Murtasim slowly encircled his arms around Meerab, pulling her into a closer embrace. "Maybe now I just need my wife around to make things perfect," he replied, mischief gleaming in his eyes. Meerab chuckled, relishing the familiar banter that had become a delightful routine in their mornings.

"Lucky for you, you have the best shawl assistant in town," Meerab quipped, her fingers deftly arranging the fabric with precision. Murtasim grinned, appreciating the ease with which Meerab brought lightness into his life.

"Well, you might end up spoiling me like that then," Murtasim playfully remarked, prompting a musical laugh from Meerab.

"Is that a complaint, Mr. Khan?" she teased, her eyes sparkling with playful affection.

"Not at all. In fact, I'm looking forward to getting spoiled every day," Murtasim admitted, a fond smile tugging at his lips as Meerab stepped back.

"All done," Meerab announced, a triumphant expression on her face.

"What? Already?" Murtasim feigned surprise, his eyes widening in playful exaggeration.

"Come on, Murtasim, you can't be late," Meerab teased, gently nudging him toward the door. "The gaon needs its mighty leader."

Murtasim smirked, adopting a thoughtful pose. "What if the gaon waits for a little longer?"

Meerab's playful scolding turned into a mock stern expression as she raised an eyebrow. "No excuses, Mr. Khan. Go and conquer the world."

"But you're my whole world," Murtasim replied with a sincere smile, his eyes reflecting the depth of his affection.

"Gosh, Murtasim, you're such a cheeseball," Meerab remarked, standing there with a playful expression, a mixture of amusement and fondness in her voice.

Murtasim couldn't help but chuckle at her playful remark, his love for Meerab evident in the twinkle of his eyes. With a mischievous grin, he leaned in, giving her a quick, sweet peck on the lips. "Alright, alright. I'll be back soon," he promised, his words carrying the warmth of their shared affection.

As he left, Meerab couldn't help but marvel at the newfound harmony that enveloped their lives. The routine of their days had transformed into a dance, a symphony of shared responsibilities and sweet moments.

In the evenings, as they gathered for dinner, Meerab and Murtasim along with Maa Begum and Farukh shared tales of their day, finding joy in the simplicity of being together. Whether it was Murtasim helping Meerab with her Khaani duties or Meerab convincing Murtasim to take a break from his work, their moments together were filled with love and understanding.


"Murtasim, I totally forgot to tell you this, but Aliya's getting married next week," Maa Begum broke the news as they all settled in the living room.

"Oh, really?" Murtasim responded with genuine surprise, while Meerab looked at Maa Begum, a bit confused.

"Meerab, you do remember meeting her at your wedding, right? She's my niece, my older sister's daughter," Maa Begum explained, sensing Meerab's uncertainty, as her own wedding memories were clouded by frustration and anxiousness of the day.

"Oh, it's okay if you don't remember. I'll introduce you to everyone," Maa Begum reassured Meerab, who nodded appreciatively.

"Ma, since we're going to a wedding, don't you think it's high time that we get a certain someone here married as well?" Meerab suggested with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, casting a sly glance at Farukh, who stared back at her.

"Oh of course. We'll keep a close eye on every girl we see there," Maa Begum added, playing along with Meerab.

"Excuse me, I am quite content with my life for now. Abhi meri umar hi kya hai? Let me enjoy my life," Farukh protested.

"Oh, come on, Farukh," Meerab pleaded, her eyes dancing with mischief.

"Meerab, I think rather than worrying about me, you should keep an eye on your husband and protect him," Farukh said, his eyes playfully narrowing at Murtasim.

"Shut up, Farukh," Murtasim retorted, his tone light but with a hint of seriousness.

"What do you mean?" Meerab asked, genuinely confused.

"You do know Aliya is Haya's sister, the same Haya who has a major crush on Murtasim," Farukh added, and Murtasim could feel Meerab's discomfort instantly.

"That's all in the past; she was a kid then," Maa Begum interjected, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Hmm, yeah sure," Farukh said, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Anyhow, when is the wedding?" Murtasim asked, smoothly attempting to divert the topic.

As they continued discussing the wedding arrangements, Meerab felt a mixture of emotions. Despite the slight unease at the mention of Haya, she focused on the excitement that the upcoming celebration brought. The prospect of witnessing love and joy surrounded by family overshadowed the fleeting discomfort, and Meerab eagerly embraced the anticipation of the memorable events that awaited them at Aliya's wedding. Little did she know that this celebration would turn out to be a test of her patience.


"What do you mean you can't come?" Meerab asked, disappointment evident in her voice.

Meerab, along with Maa Begum and Farukh, had already arrived at the Gaon for the wedding. Murtasim had promised to join them after dealing with a few tasks at the factories, yet his call left Meerab feeling disheartened.

"I'm sorry, Jaan, but I have an important meeting that requires my presence, so I might not be able to come tonight," Murtasim apologized over the phone.

"But, Murtasim, I was so excited for us to attend a wedding together. Can't you just miss the meeting or reschedule it?" Meerab pleaded, her disappointment palpable.

"You know I would have, but I can't," Murtasim spoke, sounding resigned.

"Ugh!" Meerab huffed, frustration clear in her tone.

"But I'll miss you," Murtasim said, his voice carrying genuine regret.

"Yeah, right," Meerab retorted, annoyed by the situation.

"Meerab, come on, why are you acting like this?" Murtasim inquired, genuinely puzzled.

"I don't know. It's just the fact that I was really excited, and now it's all gone down the drain, so I'm just a bit pissed," Meerab confessed, her disappointment turning into frustration and annoyance.

"Don't worry. I'll be there as soon as I wrap this up tomorrow," Murtasim reassured her.

Meerab hummed as she closed her phone. She had spent the whole week meticulously planning her attire, eager to show them to Murtasim and receiving his reactions. However, with his unexpected absence casting a shadow, the light pistachio green printed lehenga lost some of its anticipated excitement as Meerab stared herself in the mirror.

The lehenga was a captivating ensemble, intricately adorned with delicate pearly sitar work. The pistachio green fabric boasted an enchanting print, reminiscent of ethereal florals, which gracefully extended across the entire length of the lehenga. The matching peplum frock added a contemporary touch to the traditional outfit, hugging Meerab's frame in all the right places.

A dupatta of the same pistachio green fabric completed the ensemble, embellished with subtle embroidery and delicate borders. The outfit, although exquisite in its craftsmanship, now held a tinge of distress for Meerab, as it was meant to be a part of a joyous celebration shared with Murtasim.

The mehndi function unfolded with vibrant colors and joyful melodies as Meerab met the extended Khan family yet a cloud of irritation loomed over her, courtesy of Haya's persistent presence. Farukh's observation about Haya's infatuation with Murtasim was wrong– it wasn't merely a crush; it was a fully blown obsession.

As soon as they had entered the lively venue, Haya immediately attached herself to Maa Begum, bombarding her with inquiries about Murtasim. The clinginess and overeager questions were impossible for Meerab to ignore. However, it was Haya's reaction to Maa Begum's revelation about Murtasim's absence that intensified Meerab's discomfort. The disappointment etched across Haya's face surpassed Meerab's own, unsettling the harmony of the occasion.

To make matters worse, Haya seemed to conveniently overlook Meerab's existence. While others greeted and expressed excitement at meeting Meerab, Haya's indifference stung. The frowning face and deliberate ignorance grated on Meerab's nerves, injecting an unexpected layer of tension into the otherwise joyous celebration.

Amidst the mehndi application ceremony, Maa Begum encouraged Meerab to join in the festivities. Reluctantly, Meerab sat down, the intricate patterns of henna unfolding on her hands.

As the rich aroma of the henna filled the air, her mind wandered back to the mela day, where she had adorned her hands with henna, inscribing Murtasim's name with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes as she saw his eyes lighten up while noticing the detail. The mere recollection brought a fleeting smile to her face, the warmth of that memory dancing in her eyes, however, her joy was short-lived.

As Meerab sat, lost in her thoughts, Haya took a seat beside her. The envy in Haya's eyes was palpable, casting a shadow over the moment. Haya seized the opportunity to weave a narrative of shared history with Murtasim, a tale Meerab found increasingly irksome.

"Meerab, do you know that Murtasim and I go way back? We spent all of our childhood together. He used to take me out for Eid shopping, just the two of us," Haya said with a smug smile.

Meerab's smile faltered, but she maintained her composure. "Oh, how sweet," she replied diplomatically, despite the twinge of annoyance.

"And he also bought me gajrey and gifts at times," Haya continued, seemingly trying to push Meerab's buttons.

Meerab huffed, offering a tight smile, "Isn't that what all brothers do for their sisters, Haya? It truly warms my heart to see such an adorable bond between you guys," Meerab said, her tone laced with a subtle sarcasm.

Haya's face flushed at Meerab's response, but she pressed on, undeterred. Determined to stake her claim, Haya had instructed the henna artist to embellish her mehndi with an 'M', a symbol that carried an unmistakable meaning. As Meerab noticed the letter taking shape on Haya's hand, she felt a surge of frustration. God, she was going to kill her.

Meerab struggled to keep her composure, the tension building with every stroke of the henna artist's hand. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that this was supposed to be a joyous occasion. As Haya continued with her not-so-subtle display, Meerab excused herself, silently vowing not to let Haya's attempts at provocation ruin the celebration.

The air outside felt refreshing as Meerab stepped away from the escalating tension, hoping to find solace in the vibrant colors and festive atmosphere that surrounded the mehndi celebration.

Meerab's phone buzzed as she glanced at Murtasim's incoming video call. Sighing, she picked it up to lighten her mood.

Murtasim's voice echoed through the phone, warm and eager, "Hey, Jaan! How's everything going there? Show me how you look!"

Meerab grinned, holding the phone at a perfect angle to capture her adorned self. "Well, the mehndi function is in full swing," she said.

Murtasim chuckled, "I wish I could be there with you. Let me see, how does my beautiful wife look?"

Meerab placed her phone on a nearby chair as she twirled, showcasing the intricate details of her light pistachio green printed lehenga with a matching peplum frock adorned with pearly sitar work. The dupatta gracefully draped over her shoulders, adding an ethereal touch to the ensemble. Her hair, now touching her back, cascaded freely in soft curls, catching the light in a mesmerizing dance and her smile radiated joy despite the subtle tension lingering from Haya's antics.

Murtasim's eyes widened in genuine admiration as he beheld Meerab, who radiated a breathtaking beauty. "Wow, Meerab, you look absolutely stunning. My heart's about to burst seeing you like this. Oh, I really wish I would have been there."

"Well, someone else wishes that as well," Meerab taunted.

"Who?" Murtasim inquired, genuinely curious.

"Your dear cousin who's apparently obsessed with you," Meerab quipped, rolling her eyes in mock exasperation.

"Leave her. I want to talk about you," Murtasim urged, his focus entirely on Meerab.

"Instead of leaving her, you should give her a shut-up call once and for all," Meerab huffed, a hint of frustration coloring her tone.

"Meerab, seriously, ignore her. Why are you being like this?" Murtasim inquired, concern furrowing his brow as he took in her emotions amidst the lively festivities.

Annoyed, Meerab snapped, "I just don't like the way she keeps bringing up the childhood memories, Murtasim. It's like she's trying to stake a claim or something."

Murtasim sighed, his expression softening. "There is nothing to claim. You know I love you," he reassured her, his words carrying a sincerity that Meerab had always cherished. Yet, despite his assurances, Meerab couldn't shake off the twinge of insecurity that lingered within her.

Feeling a tumultuous mix of frustration and irrational anger, Meerab abruptly ended the call, the phone slipping from her hand onto the bed, leaving Murtasim puzzled on the other side. The mehndi function continued in a whirl of vibrant colors and joy, but Meerab couldn't shake off the weight of her own illogical behavior.

Until a sharp cramp stuck in her stomach hinting at the underlying culprit – PMS, a hormonal tempest that had taken her usual composure and twisted it into unwarranted anger.

As she lay in bed, the room seemed to echo with the music and laughter from the celebration outside, a stark contrast to the internal turmoil Meerab was experiencing. The regret gnawed at her for being mean to Murtasim for no reason as she made a mental note to apologize to him tomorrow.

However, Murtasim was still not there. They had arrived at the venue, but Murtasim was nowhere to be found. Meerab greeted everyone with a tired smile, her eyes involuntarily glancing at the entrance, hoping to catch a glimpse of her husband. The vibrant hues of the wedding celebration lost some of their luster in the absence of his familiar presence, leaving a void in the midst of the joyous occasion.

As Meerab continued to mingle with the guests, her anticipation heightened with every passing moment. The rhythmic beats of the music and the swirl of colorful dresses around her only served to amplify the discomfort. The festive ambiance that surrounded her was tainted by the lingering worry about Murtasim's absence. She couldn't shake off the unease that settled within her like a persistent shadow.

In the midst of the celebration, an annoying screeching voice disturbed Meerab's thoughts. "Meerab, do you know Murtasim's favorite color is grey?" Haya's smirk was evident, attempting to make a point. She stood before Meerab in a grey dress, a garment so opulent that it overshadowed the celebratory spirit. Meerab couldn't help but wonder how Haya looked like Ursula from the Little Mermaid. The swirling patterns on her dress resembled ominous tentacles and the red lipstick added a touch of audacious villainy.

As Haya continued to blabber nonsense, Meerab's mind drifted to her husband, whom she was missing dearly. His comforting touch, the tenderness of his kisses, and his endearing words—she longed for them, and it hadn't even been two days without him. The vibrant celebration around her seemed to lose its luster as her thoughts lingered on Murtasim's absence.

As the discomfort reached its peak, a soothing touch encircled her waist, offering a welcome refuge. The touch, achingly familiar, drew her attention, and as she turned, her gaze locked with a pair of warm, chocolate brown eyes that possessed the timeless ability to make her heart flutter. In that fleeting moment, it felt as though she was beholding him anew, as if she was encountering him for the very first time. Her heart raced, caught in the enchantment of the familiar gaze that never failed to stir a cascade of emotions within her.


Murtasim and Meerab are so cute that it's making me cry🥹🥹😭😭😭

And yes you all got me writing another chapter! Actually two more👀
I had thought about writing it but I wasn't so sure until I started drafting it and pulled an all nighter to complete it because I couldn't stop writing it😂

Apologizes for any typos or errors.

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This story is dark and full of angst ‼️ Children are advisable to stay away ‼️ This story has mature and sensitive content read at your own risks‼️I...
20.3K 1.2K 17
Dedicated to Yumhaj❤️ She is married with him. But he doesn't love her. He always misunderstands her, suspects her, tortures her. But she endured al...