The Ultimate Interdimensional...

By Fireking492

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Pmurt Nedib is dead. We survived the Infinityverse. But our troubles are far from over. Yappa Yappa has retur... More

A Knight's Blood
Return of Number 96
Escape from the Infinite Labyrinth
Plot Twists & Geass
Shifting Tides: Death of Charles
Zero Requiem Take Two
Villains Invade Disney World
The Stakes Keep Getting Higher
Interdimensional Positive Energy Overload
Entering The Dreamverse
Becoming Real
The Multiverse's Destruction
"Happy" Birthday
Making A Fake Kira
Setting A Trap
Battle in Sanctuary: Saga's Vengeance
Thanatos and Hypnos
Sword Duel! Swiftdrawer Vs Hades
Hopeless & Crushed
Villain Arc/Battle of Watchtower
Rise of the Imaginary Numbers
Chasing Sailor Galaxia
We Fight Back.
Domino City Yami No Game
Zorc, Trueman, and Mayhem
Reality Warping Limit Break
BRAINS Vs. Zarc: Long First Turn
Break Summoning
Serious Dimension Hopping
The Neo World Duel Carnival
End Of The First Round
Closing Stages Of The War
The Final Battle Begins
Desperate Survival
Don Thousand's Downfall

Chaos In Gotham City

4 1 0
By Fireking492

The Ultimate Interdimensional War

Chapter 19: Chaos In Gotham City

Date: March 19th, 2024

So.. Where am I now? You may be asking in your thoughts. Simple. Gotham City. We got ourselves a problem. No, more like several problems at once. Let's see. The Justice Lords. Living and revived Legion of Doom members. An intentional widespread surge of Covid. The Joker. The Royal Flush Gang. Batman Beyond's foes. Don Thousand's forces. Alternate worlds and timelines jangling up. In other words, chaos, evil, and destruction. I sigh as I look around: "I literally just got here and half the city's already gone. I read up on the situation before coming here but if this is any indication, things are really bad right now. No wonder the Justice League said their situation was far more than they could handle. Before now, most invasions of this world were handled by the Justice League alone. However, that's not the case this time. Even with substantial upgrades to their stuff thanks to BRAINS and training designed to actually increase their strength.. Half of Gotham's already gone just like that. It's been some time since we finally convinced the likes of Superman to actually train. He's literally like a fusion of Goku and Frieza, exhibiting different traits and memories that those two have. Has basically always been extremely powerful like Frieza. Is kind like Goku. And so on. The Justice League members did train in the past. However, it wasn't sufficient and for a time, the core members got mad at each other and Green Lantern had them run through a training simulation. They sort of failed." Yes, that's right. This is the world of Justice League or more precisely, the DC Comics Animated Universe. The DC multiverse is vast to say the least but this is the world that's most in danger of the worlds in it. The Justice League was founded by Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Martian Manhunter, and Hawkgirl after aliens invaded Earth and almost destroyed humanity after sending some of their forces years ahead to Earth from Mars where they were trapped by a Martian nerve agent for hundreds of years.

They were invaders from a very far off world. Advanced technology. Intelligent. Stole the shapeshifting powers of the Martian people. The Martian Manhunter(J'onn) is the last of his kind. And to think, it was US astronauts who caused all of that. They released those damn invaders by accident and one of them impersonated the astronaut who died last in the end. As time went on, they faced many threats together. Hawkgirl's homeworld of Thanagar took over Earth and placed it under martial law after using manipulation to get the people(heroes included) of Earth to obey and help them. They wanted to build a Hyperspace Pass in order to engage their enemies in a battle far away. They even sent a ship from their enemies with dead occupants to Earth and used that in order to claim they wanted to protect Earth. That pass would have destroyed Earth. Hawkgirl eventually was turned against them and they ultimately were defeated. Some time later, the League has expanded to include a whole roster of heroes just in time for non sentient multiplying robots that consume matter to replicate to invade Earth. They are known as the Dark Heart. Brainiac later used them to transform his merged form with Lex Luthor to look more like him and grant them more power. The League is headquartered in two places. Metro Tower in Metropolis and the Watchtower. The Watchtower was actually not the first of its kind. The original was destroyed by being sent out of orbit manually by Batman to help stop the Thanagarians from completing the device they needed for their Hyperspace Pass. The new one is bigger and better by miles. Metro Tower came into use after a US government secret agency known as Project Cadmus was used by Lex Luthor to frame the Justice League.

The Watchtower had a big space laser. Lex Luthor had it hacked to fire on an abandoned Cadmus facility and the League had little choice but to take responsibility until the truth was found. Cadmus was also used by the supervillain to get technology and crush Superman in particular. In the timeline of the Justice Lords, he became the president of the US, was killed by Superman in office, and Flash died before that happened. That was the recipe needed for the Justice League to become the Justice Lords to rule the world and stop crimes from happening with fascist like force. Cadmus was established due to the US government's paranoia that the League was getting too powerful. Funny because the US in many timelines has thousands of nuclear missiles and plenty of money to solve most of the world's problems it is largely responsible for but doesn't choose to. That's the gist. I walk around, using my Ki to look for any signs of life. It doesn't take long for me to be joined by other comrades. Batman uses his tools to make it to the ground safely while being chased by Gorilla Grodd. Shining Armor appears on his pegasus. He is an immortal knight who served King Arthur in this timeline. His body armor is golden with a red and black crest on it. Below his simple helmet, he has blonde hair and a youthful appearance. Chronos speaks while activating his duel vest: "Well, this should be something. I'm ready for anything! I summon my Ancient Gear Golems along with my Ancient Gear Soldier! Go, my Ancient Gears, crush any foes you find!"

Phineas and Ferb while inside a yellow and black superhero suit/mech called The Beak punch Grodd away from Batman. "High five, Ferb! We did it! The Beak 3.0 really is something! Okay, let's hold on the high five.." Grodd growls: "Humans.. Always getting in the way of me. I am superior to all of you and when my plans are finished, all of you will be nothing more than apes! You will be devolved permanently by millions of years!" The Kanoka spirit clashes in the sky with Justice Lord Wonder Woman. I draw my sword: "Well then, I guess it's time for me to join in. There's so many enemies here that we absolutely must take on only one at a time." I then see Justice Lord Superman in the air: "I think I know who I'm going to fight first. His power level is much higher than it should be. That makes it crystal clear. I just HAVE TO fight him. He is a serious but good man gone fascist. This is going to be something else. I guess they must have sent some really bad guys to Metropolis if JL Superman is here instead of there where Superman most likely is." Just about every important location on this planet and orbiting it is under attack. Even Wonder Woman's true home with the Amazons who are close to the Greek gods in this timeline. Jump City. Central City. You name it. All under attack. I use my Ki to meet JL Superman in the sky. "Superman, I will be your opponent. If I must kill you, I will do so even though I don't like the thought of that that much. We can resolve this in several ways you know. We don't have to use violence. Believe me, it is draining to have to keep fighting wars and conflicts to make things better. Very much so."

"I know of you. You are Swiftdrawer. You do not intimidate me. Move aside or I will crush you where you stand, lawless anarchist. People like you are the reason why law and order are paramount. Resistance is futile. You will do as I say or be destroyed." "So that's how it's going to be, huh? Maybe I should change the scenery around us. I may be still relearning shadow magic but.. That doesn't mean I can't initiate a Yami no Game. The number of individuals who are on the same side as you isn't overwhelmingly high at the moment. That means I can safely initiate a game." I take us to the Shadow Realm. JL Superman looks around: "Where have you taken me?! What kind of place is this?!" "Welcome to the Shadow Realm. Until our game concludes, neither of us will be getting out of here. Ultimately, I wish for all conflicts to be solved through direct peaceful conversation or through games where no one gets hurt. What's the use of war when warring entities can use games to fight each other instead? I have another reason for taking us here. With your power level, you pose a huge threat to myself, my comrades, and the people we have sworn to protect. I can guess how you changed after killing Luthor. The US government tried to stop you or you took it over by force to prevent them from retaliating against what you did. With force, you took over the whole world with the help of your fellow JL members, not knowing that your Batman was secretly willing to fight against you. Now then. I suppose it's time to pick the game we shall play. Violence should be reserved for the thrills with safety a top priority. I wish the only violence I had to do was in sparring with my comrades. You see, I love me a good fight but I still despise needless violence."

"I've heard of these games you speak of. You are a foolish human being for believing that your naive ideals will be enough to stop me or save the people all heroes must swear to protect. I protect by stopping crime altogether. Any acts of violence or dissent must be punished. To disrupt the order of society-" "Superman, cease your preaching. You have lost the respect required for me to willingly listen to what you have to say. When one descends into totalitarianism like you have, that means that your word about doing good is worth nothing. If you have to control society in order to stop crime and prevent villains from even do much planning to begin with.. I'm sorry but you're doing it wrong. Eliphas sure learned his lesson about order and chaos when Yuma dueled against him. An orderly society? What a load of crap. I believe in a vastly different way of living. A communal way. I'm getting sidetracked. What game will we play? Just about any game is on the table. I'm not going to ask whether or not you play any games. It's clear that you'd say no and I'd rather not have to listen to you anyway. Oh, I know. Let's play the classic Matching Game. The shadows have already accepted the game. Here are the rules. We each have 16 cards. We will compete against each other to try to find as many pairs as possible within 5 minutes. If neither of us gets all 8 pairs within the time limit, whoever has the most pairs wins. If there's a tie, we will play another round. If that also produces a tie, then we will play another game. One that really tests our characters. Oh btw, you have no say in the game. You will play the game. My shadows are really impatient after years of separation from me so I suggest you get ready to start soon."

A table forms in the area we're in. It's set up with the cards all fully prepared and aligned. "It helps that I have a vast imagination and have been studying magic for quite some time. I also well understand how energy works. The training I've done with my shadows has also been a factor that allowed me to start this Yami No Game without anyone's help. *we sit down on opposite sides of the table* If you're ready, game start." He nods with a glare on his face. Very strange combination. I picked the perfect game. "Oh and one more thing. No using of powers. That's a rule the shadows always have in play in most Yami No Games. They dont like it when someone cheats so no x ray vision. I'm pretty sure you have that. I can't use my Artist's Eye or Sharingan to help me in this game so fair is fair." He may think he's got this in the bag but I got a pretty sharp mind myself. All I have to do is focus and think only of the cards. It might be a good idea to flip the cards on the top row first and go from there. I have to commit what I see to memory to help me out. And so, the timer starts and is counted down using a hourglass. As more of the sand falls down, we both focus more on winning the game. The loser will face a Penalty Game. Stakes are high. Just about before the hourglass stops, I manage to get the 8th pair. "That was.. hard. But it's over now. Superman, if you had won by getting all 8 first, the timer would have stopped early obviously. But that's not what happened, is it? No. Unless you got the last pair the same moment I did, you lose."

I look over to see that he also got all 8 but the shadows start going at him early. I speak firmly: "It appears you have in fact lost. It seems that we both finished so close to the end of the timer that the timer didn't stop right when I got the last pair flipped up. You lose. Better luck next time once your mind reconstructs itself. Your Penalty Game shall be a Mind Crush. I see a path of redemption for you. That's why you will face the Mind Crush instead of something more harsh. A shadow user aligned to the light is more likely to offer mercy. I may be a dark knight but let's face it. Light isn't always good. Darkness isn't always bad. I became a dark knight to control my inner darkness better and grow stronger. I use my darkness to allow my light to shine brighter. I've used that phrasing for some time now. That's why my shadows aren't of the balance or darkness. In my other life, I'm quite passive which only strengthens that point. Now then, it is time to enact the Penalty Game. Mind Crush!" But the Mind Crush doesn't do anything. Instead, JL Superman just stands there and says: "My mind will not be affected by outside forces. After the Justice League and our Batman defeated us, we have been making plans in order to win next time. And now, next time is here." "Damn it. I should have seen this coming. But still, I will stop you one way or another. I alone don't have the power to enact a Millennium Trial so there isn't much else I can do against you using the shadows."

The shadows retreat as we return to Gotham City. Now, we're hovering in the air in a face off. My foe comes at me and punches me hard. However, I don't move an inch. "Superman, you may be able to easily lift entire skyscrapers but that takes a different kind of muscle use than a punch. *draws sword* Now let me show you what I'm capable of other than tanking powerful punches with my armor. Haaaaa! I won't hold anything back. No warming up. Continuous Great Infernal Tornado Slash: 75! Haaaaaaaaaaa!" I catch him completely off guard with my attack. It causes a lot of destruction tears his mostly silver and white outfit and sends him flying. He manages to recover before he hits the ground before unleashing a much stronger punch than before. My armor barely avoided taking any damage from it. "Superman, this is not the best you can do, is it? If you want to put me down, you're going to have to try harder. You put no effort into that punch of yours just now. That's clear as day to me." He doesn't answer. Instead, he powers up in ways he shouldn't have been able to. The Dark Factor surrounds him alongside the other power ups that have become common amongst our greatest foes during this war. And with that, he tries to pin me to the ground with his incredible strength while also using his eye lasers to burn my face and attempt to melt my armor. The latter doesn't work out. I try with all my might to fight back but he literally even stops my sword swings before succeeding at pinning me to the ground before calmly punching me over and over again.

I activate my Artist's Eye to count by creating black metal rods to impale him all over. But he doesn't express any discomfort. It's like he doesn't feel any pain anymore. "Superman.. What the hell.. Are you an android now or did you manage to find a way to completely numb the sensations of pain that normally get transmitted to your brain through the nervous system?" He doesn't answer. Guess he thinks I'm no longer worthy of being acknowledged. Talk about cold. "So be it. I will break free of you." I focus all of my efforts and strength on my sword. It's hard to move my arm muscles but I manage to move them enough to stab him with my sword. From there, I push him back with my cherished weapon and manage to get back up. "You should have evolved your fighting style and strategies. Otherwise, you could have defeated me by now, Superman." He doesn't answer. Instead, he gathers energy into a familiar attack and shouts: "Death Beam!" What the?! So he was just playing with me up to now? We begin fighting in earnest. As we clash, the ground around us shakes. But just as I seemed to be pushing him back, I feel a pain in my abdominal area. And a certain feeling in a close by area. "Damn it.. Why now of all times?!" I am able to fight for a while despite it but with each passing second, it got more and more unbearable. That split my attention, allowing my foe to bring me down in a brutal way. Thanks to that, I soon lied on the city road, pretty close to defeat.

The pain was too great to ignore now. It's only getting worse. I'm trying to hold you know what in but I can't keep that up forever. I try to retreat to take care of it but JL Superman just won't let me leave. "Superman, have you any compassion left for your enemies?! What happened to you?! Why the hell wont you let me go?! Please let me leave. If it makes you feel any better, I will even surrender and not return here until the fight for this universe is over." "You are an enemy of law and order. I do not show mercy to anyone who defies law and order. You will stay there and I will destroy you." But then, the Crystal Gems intervene. Garnet punches the enemy from behind with her gauntlets. Steven and Amethyst distract him. Pearl parries whatever hits JL Superman tries to get on them with her weapon of choice. Connie backs her up with Rose's Sword in hand. Lapis Lazuli controls sewer water from below Gotham to blind our foe. And finally, Periodt works on trapping him with her ability to reshape metal objects. With that settled, Garnet offers me a hand to help me back up. I accept it: "Thank you all. Did you just arrive?" She nods: "That's right. We had to make sure we were well prepared before coming here. We'll take care of him. Just do what you need to do and come back when you're ready." "Of course." I teleport to a bathroom and take care of my business there. That took a while because it was pretty intense and my insides hurt quite a bit. I even had to lay down. Thanks to the leather in my metal armor being so damn comfortable, I didn't have to take my armor off to comfort my backside.

Breathing heavily after I sufficiently recover, I made sure everything was in order before returning to right where I was only to find that Gotham had changed into a militarized dystopian city with technology more advanced than early 21st century tech. But the fights still continue on even so. I watch as an innocent person dies from a seemingly unknown cause near me. Then, I see a bunch of villains pass by fighting some of my comrades. In addition, the Crystal Gems are still fighting JL Superman and are being aided by Bismuth and Jasper as well now. Bismuth's colorful hair really stands out especially against her body's color which is mainly a kind of dark but light shade of blue. Right now, she is in some really colorful armor she clearly forged. As if that weren't enough, Kirito's party are helping them out. Sinon keeps our foe's attention scattered with her long distance shots. Leafa focuses on support magic using ALO's magic system. Kirito, Alice, Eugeo, Asuna, and Klein use their swords to attack and block when they're able to. Lisbeth who has become great pals with Bismuth since they're both blacksmiths provides some support using her mace as well as repair magic. Silica fights cautiously along with Pina. Agil provides a back defense in case something goes wrong. They are overwhelming JL Superman but it's clear the fight is far from over with how tough our foe is. I trust them to win in the end so I go see where I can better help out against our foes.

That's when I see Batman doing something messed up. "Batman! I knew you might do something like this! For the longest time, we have accepted you as a comrade but deep down, you were always as much of a loner and scumbag as many other billionaires are. I didn't realize that until recently. Despite your wealth and skills as a hero, Gotham City is crime ridden and depressing looking no matter what timeline it's in just about. Even though this world is being merged with an alternate timeline created by Vandal and destroyed by you and the core League members, it appears that almost nothing has fundamentally changed about this city. Instead, we have all of this going on. Be honest. Deep down, you're just cold and selfish. You fight crime because you don't like criminals. You insist on working alone. You care about your comrades but still.. Put that person down. It looks like they somehow managed to shoplift even in this altered Gotham. You are a walking contradiction. You and the police haven't had the best relationship at all. That's honestly kind of a good thing but.. Don't you realize why people shoplift, steal food from grocery stores, and so on? Batman, I have signed motions to expel you from BRAINS and the Akatsuki. Now, we have evidence of what you've been doing. Do you remember when some of our comrades led an intervention in the Justice League some time ago? Some of its fundamental principles were altered. Maybe you aren't necessarily a fascist but the way you do things is pretty problematic. Can't you afford to spend money on the poor and homeless in this city?"

"What are you getting at?" "Batman, I know you use a lot of high tech gadgets that cost a lot of money. The Batcave's arsenal is probably worth billions of dollars. I get that you're a loner. I relate to that but why can't you try to reduce crime by tackling the reasons it actually happens? You fight villains who have lost their marbles and put them away in Arkham Asylum amongst other things. Asylums don't help those with mental health problems. No, they make such problems worse and label their inmates insane without bothering to help them. You have an advanced computer system. You can easily look all that I told you up. What did the shoplifter even steal anyway? A long loaf of bread? Come on. When it comes down to it, you have to invest in people in need to reduce crime. Crime by ordinary people mostly happens out of desperation. Capitalism has created a society in which no money equals death when money itself is a human construct. Listen to me. If you want to be a true hero.. Send more money to those in need, at least hire people to actually help those with unstable minds, and so forth. If you don't change your methods, then action will be taken." "I have no interest in listening to what you have to say. I work alone. I will do as I think is best." "Is that what you really believe? You really need a reality check. You went out of your way to get that shoplifter. My Ki sense tells me they are no threat to anyone. Your company Wayne Enterprises is huge. I suggest you do some thinking. Please focus on the threats at hand. We'll be talking again another time."

I teleport away to find somewhere else where there's a problem that isn't being handled well. Batman Beyond and co have apparently come from the future and are fighting their foes as well as some of Gotham's most twisted villains like The Riddler and The Joker. Things are really bad if they're the only ones fighting all of these foes right now. Damn it. They need some serious help. I can at least get one enemy off of them. And I know who because he's a traitor to the Akatsuki and BRAINS. The Joker of this universe. Actually, no. That one is somewhere else right now. I'm just going to pick whoever looks the most like someone I can handle on my own. Not Mr. Freeze. That's for sure. But before I could make my choice, reinforcements arrived to help my comrades. Hit and Jiren take on The Riddler and Joker respectively. The Time Patrol also showed up. Seeing them all, I nod in satisfaction and move onto find someone else to fight. The altered city is now being destroyed all over again and the destruction is even more deadly this time. The Justice Lords have gained air superiority. That's a big problem. "Damn it! We are so outnumbered at this point! It's going to take the entire collective to save this universe, isn't it?!" I end up running into Pirate Blaster who is facing off against JL Green Lantern. "Blaster!" He sees me: "Thank the treasure maps! I'm so glad to see you. As you can see, this guy has got me in a tight spot. Look over there and you'll see he trapped Thrashbeak in a bubble he created using his ring!" "I hate this so much." Before I was going to help Blaster take down JL Green Lantern, a time traveler arrives.

It's Chronos(not the Chronos who is also known as Crowler). The villain blasts all of us, stopping the fight completely. He laughs: "Finally! I have been freed from that time loop I was stuck in and have come here to reestablish my rule over space and time itself!" Suddenly, the buildings in Gotham get replaced by all sorts of structures. A destroyed Watchtower from a timeline shown when this universe's Superman was sent into the far future by Toyman. Military superjets created by Vandal in an altered WW2. The pyramids of Giza. The Taj Mahal. Empire State Building. Sears Tower. The Hindenburg blimp. Pompeii's major buildings. Ancient Greek monuments. The Atlantean Palace. Future Gotham City's notable structures. Titan Tower(Teen Titans headquarters). Even buildings from other timelines. Britannia's Imperial Palace in Pendragon. Dr. Gero's laboratory. Red Ribbon Army headquarters. Kami House. You name it. I exclaim: "What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to destroy the fabric of the entire multiverse?!" Chronos laughs: "Hahaha! Soon, I will be the sole master of all space and time!" Blaster replies: "Arr! You have more than just a few things wrong with you!" JL Green Lantern expresses his anger: "Chronos! This wasn't the plan! We freed you for a reason! Don Thousand told us freeing you was part of his plan! As thanks for helping us get back at the Justice League, we have willingly followed his directions. He believes in a supreme law and order just like we Justice Lords do. He earned our trust by promising to create a fused universe in which crime no longer exists!"

Chronos mocks him by doing an impression of him and saying: "Do I look like I really care?! At first, I did all of this to spite those who have mocked me. But now, it's all because I want power! When I kill you all, I will take your powers and abilities for myself. Conspiring with that glutton Ozotto proved to be an excellent idea." "You're mad!" "Oh am I, Green Lantern?! You aren't the Green Lantern who helped stop me. Don Thousand made sure to restore my memories of what happened before I was forced to be trapped in an eternal time loop. But that doesn't mean I don't want to kill you or Don Thousand. In fact, it would be better off if all who oppose me ended up dead." JL Green Lantern sighs: "You two, we'll have to have a temporary truce. I don't like doing this but working together is the only way to stop Chronos at this point." Blaster and I sigh and reluctantly nod. "Arr! Octuple Pirate's Plunder!" "Continuous Great Infernal Tornado Slash: 75!" JL GL then fires his ring at Chronos. But all of the attacks do nothing to him. Blaster and I nod at each other. We charge in at Chronos. He blasts both of us and gets blasted by JL GL. Chronos staggers as neither of us get knocked each. Blaster smirks: "Our armor is too heavy for you to knock us back so easily. Especially Swift's." I add: "You don't appear to be used to physical close quarters combat. Meanwhile, both of us have years of experience in it. JL Green Lantern, we don't need your help. At least, not at the moment." JL GL isn't happy about that but backs off anyway. The two of us keep running at Chronos. He retreats using his time belt. Coward.

We follow right behind him through time and space using our Quantum Leap bands and a tracking feature on them. I shout: "There's no escape, David Clint! That's right, we know your real name." He laughs: "You can't catch me!" Blaster replies: "That's not true! Arr! We're closing in on you!" "Blaster! Prepare to shoot him. He relies on his belt to have all of the power he has. If we can get him from a distance, we can quickly catch up to him. If we can get his belt from this distance, he should no longer be a threat but we can't afford to take any chances regarding that. We just can't. I will try to shoot him as well." We both pull out our BRAIN Blasters and prepare to fire. Once we start, we don't stop and constantly shift our aims in an attempt to hit him right on the mark with our projectiles. Chronos keeps laughing as we pass through all kinds of places. I think I briefly saw Parallel World Pharmacy and Hexside one after another. However, we eventually got him right where we wanted him. Our projectiles hit him on the mark and we managed to break his belt as well. We are now in Beacontown where Jesse and co still have their New Order Of The Stone base. In fact, Jesse and the others come to us seeing us running at Chronos from close by. Chronos screams: "MY BELT! HOW DARE YOU DEFY THE MASTER OF SPACE AND TIME!" Jesse speaks: "Just what's going on here? For once, we have a day to relax but now, this happens?!" Blaster replies: "It's complicated. Explaining would be more dry than a dried up mummy in a heavily boobytrapped tomb."

Chronos exclaims: "Don't ignore me! If that's how you want to play, fine! Allow me to show you my true power! I no longer have need for my belt to keep the powers of this Chronosuit active! It was nothing more than a symbol of my power and you ruined it! You insult me with your defiance! Prepare to die!" Jesse and the others draw their weapons. Ellegard speaks: "I can feel the power of this man. We have to be very careful." It's worth noting that Chronos has light tan skin, blue eyes, gray hair, and a mostly green suit. The villain laughs: "That's right! You HAVE TO BE careful when you choose to oppose me!" We all prepare for battle. Chronos starts attacking all of us with huge energy balls that cause chaos to erupt all around us. Jesse yells: "All residents! Get out of here right now!" Having deactivated my Artist's Eye after being saved by the Crystal Gems, I reactivate it before also manifesting the Sharingan. I focus on trying to confuse Chronos while also tanking as many attacks as I can. In time, we do manage to defeat him because he is not used to being attacked by so many opponents at once. There's also the fact that he's still a bit of a coward. In the end, he ends up losing consciousness. I speak: "This should be enough. If we want to spare him, we must seal away his powers somehow. We tore through his suit but that wasn't enough for his powers to become dormant. They've really become one with him."

Ellegaard thinks: "Hmm.. We've been on many adventures, haven't we? I should be able to build a device based on everything we've seen and use it to seal away his powers. Blaster, Swift. You must go back. When this is taken care of, we will be right behind you. We are getting regular updates on the situation. It's getting worse as that universe's timeline is beginning to collapse. It isn't just from what Chronos has done, however." The both of us nod and teleport straight back to find the fighting going on to be much more violent than it was before. We nod at each other again and run around until we find someone who needs help. JL Green Lantern is facing Barla, Austin O'Brien, and Mel now and winning. "Not even my Volcano Shell has any effect on this hero turned tyrant.." "Damn it! None of our attacks are getting past the power of his ring! And you'd think the 3 of us would be enough to stop him!" Mel nods: "This situation is dire but we can't give up. We will get the help we need to win in time." Blaster yells: "Arr! We're here to help!" I add: "It is you 3 who should still take center stage in handling our foe. After all, both of us care greatly about supporting black people like y'all. In my world, black people face so many needless struggles because of racism. They have to prove themselves more than white people like me just to survive. It feels silly to say such a thing about you needing to take center stage but regardless.. I don't want to come off as a glory hog.." Blaster adds: "No matter what happens, we have your backs."

Austin O'Brien has dark brown skin, brown? eyes, black hair that's somewhat long and pretty parted, and a cool dark colored combat outfit with his gun shaped duel disk on his left arm. He's a duelist who was originally loyal to Professor Viper who used his invented bio bands to steal duel energy from duelists at Duel Academia. JL GL glares at us: "It's you again!" I nod: "Yes it is and we stopped Chronos with some help that wasn't from you. Anyway. We are here to back up our comrades and stop you for good. The Justice Lords must be defeated. If we have to kill you, so be it but that doesn't mean we will like doing so. Killing is a hard thing to do even if one is good at it. That is if they still have a good conscience. Get ready because here we come!" We ready our main weapons and get ready for a fight. O'Brien says: "Thank you, both of you. Now, I can finally summon Volcanic Doomfire to aid us!" And so, we start battling in earnest. It seems that JL GL is sticking with his most well known tricks. He wields the energy of his ring to create all kinds of energy things to attack and defend. We use all of our best techniques to try to break through but using the same power ups as JL Superman did against me, it's like he has limitless energy and power. Every time we destroy something of his, he creates two more to replace it. What's more is that none of us are really that experienced with flying if at all. Meanwhile, JL GL can easily fly around and evade any of our attacks that somehow manage to get past his defenses.

Barla shouts: "This is one hell of a fight! We can't stop for even a second to rest! We just have to end this fight someway somehow!" O'Brien nods: "What's more is that the situation is only getting more and more dire. Because of that, it grows more and more important that we do whatever we can to win this fight so we can help our comrades!" JL GL gives a rare smirk: "You will find that much harder to do than you think. With all the power I've been given recently as well as through my ring, I won't be defeated by the likes of you so easily." Mel replies: "You can't be sure about that unless you know what we can all really do when we give it our all and nothing less." "Volcanic Doomfire, it's time I fuse myself with you! We're lucky that the Duel Armor from the world of Capsule Monsters which I had only heard about as a myth for most of my life was replicated. And now, many duelists like me wear a set of it but with many enhancements made to it to make it much stronger. That replication was only possible through an excavation that I took part in after being contacted by Edo and Pegasus about it." Using Duel Armor, he in fact fuses with his ace monster to become stronger than the two of them apart. Now, he looks really really cool and powerful. JL GL staggers, setting off a chain of events that allow us to overcome him together.

I speak a bit after we win: "In the end, the strength of BRAINS really comes from the marginalized. Marginalized people are where much of the drive, courage, and motivation come from. In my world, I'm a marginalized person who easily passes without trying. But you 3? You are big targets of bigotry and that's not your fault. Let's keep working together." With all of that said, it was now time to fight someone else. That's when we received word that Vandal Savage(I really hate using the word savage as it has been a dehumanizing term for a very long time intended to insult the likes of indigenous people so I'm only referring to him as Vandal from now on as I was previously doing) is now the greatest threat to Gotham City and the area around it. We find him easily tanking attacks from many of our comrades. He laughs seeing us join in: "More fools have chosen to try to defeat me. Don't you see that it was I who is behind everything that has happened here? I cannot be killed. A far future version of myself was able to create a device that allowed for interdimensional travel. He used it and met Don Thousand before traveling to this era to tell me everything. I was even told of a version of myself where I attempted to rewrite the past but failed in the end. Thanks to all of that, I knew exactly what to do. If it weren't for my actions, Don Thousand wouldn't have gotten past those who guard this specific multiverse in order to contact the Justice Lords amongst others. I myself then got together virtually every person opposed to the Justice League in this universe in order to work together. And soon, the Crime Syndicate of another universe will be coming to this world as well. I believe Ultraman, Superwoman, Owlman, and the others greatly desire revenge."

I fight with everything I have but Vandal doesn't even fight back. Kirito shouts: "This is bad! This is just like during so many battles with Aincrad's Floor Bosses! Damn it!" O'Brien speaks: "Considering that, it's possible there's a weakness of his we can find and exploit." Garnet replies: "That's easier said than done. Not even the Justice League really know of any weaknesses other than overconfidence." Barla shouts: "But there has to be something! His powers came from a meteorite, did they not?!" Mel nods: "I have studied all the recorded battles with Vandal as I realized months ago that he may become a great threat to us someday." I speak up: "Ignoring the fact that we are calmly for the most part speaking while unsuccessfully fighting our foe. There are no weaknesses to his body to speak of. He has survived all kinds of things. Not even the destruction of humanity was enough to kill him. That's just how strong he is. And now, his power level is off the charts meaning that Don Thousand also strengthened him. Hopefully, the campaign to crush him and his forces will be successful. It begins 2 months from now in earnest. We have to be ready." We attack and we attack but nothing is working. Vandal just laughs before suddenly knocking us back with incredible strength and highly advanced technology. He even coats himself with the Dark Heart just like Brainiac/Luthor once did.

Goku Black appears again with a smirk: "So mortals, how does it feel to be unable to do anything to this human turned immortal? Did you know that he now has fully absorbed the meteorite that granted him his powers after being sent to the past to make that happen? Project Zero Mortals is going well." Alice replies: "You! You shall fall one day! I will smite you with my sword! Just you wait!" "Weakling, you don't hold a candle to my power much less Vandal. I will let you have your fun here. Vandal will keep you busy for eternity, you will never be able to kill him no matter what you try." He then teleports away as Vandal unleashes a huge attack that sends us all flying for miles and completely flattens what remained of Gotham City, destroying all of the structures Chronos brought to the present or so I thought. After he was defeated, all of the buildings just sort of went back to wherever they belong I guess. I'm not exactly sure how that happened but that's what happened. I was now exhausting myself with all of my attacks. Not a single one was working. Jesse and friends have joined in as well but they also have made no difference. Xeno Trunks yells: "Damn it! Will this guy ever take damage?!" Tsunade speaks: "There has to be a way but that way is not something I know. Katsuya is also unable to determine how we will ever manage to damage him." Barla sighs: "Damn. Fusion won't work even though it is the best shot we have." Snarky yells: "Hey! I know how we can stop him! It's simple. The RCT3 peeps."

I sigh: "So that again. Well, I support making that happen as there's no other choice but to at this point. I'm sure they're already on their way. We'll leave it to them and then help fight the other villains who are still around here. More of our comrades are coming to this universe by the minute but the situation has only worsened despite that. It's fortunate we have some telepaths who have been updating all of us on everything. Covid is intentionally being spread to every single person as quickly as possible. Within days, millions will die and millions more will become disabled. This is by far the most evil plan Don Thousand has had carried out." Even with Chronos stopped, we can see space and time slowly begin to break apart before our very eyes. This is a nearly impossible situation. Suddenly, an urgent message is broadcast through telepathy requesting all available individuals to immediately come to Jump City. I sigh: "We can't leave here. The other villains are nearly as troublesome as Vandal. That and we need to keep Vandal in place until the peeps arrive. Someone just sent another telepathic message as well confirming they're on their way." But then, several powerful individuals are detected. Single-handedly, they cause many other power levels to fade. Mel releases a huge breath: "The gods have come along with the peeps." It's just as she said. The peeps come to our location and surround Vandal. Some of them are even carrying portable versions of the water guns that are a scenery item in RCT3. They're quite powerful. Meanwhile, JL Superman is finally defeated.

Garnet speaks: "I'm glad that's finally over. I wish I wasn't needed to keep Vandal at bay until now after he appeared out of nowhere. But at least that's over." Beerus shows up with a defeated JL Hawkgirl in his arms. He puts her on the ground and smirks: "This should be fun. It's time for the tables to turn on our enemies. Oh and don't worry about what's happening to the space-time of this multiverse. Those Clock Guardians are taking care of that." I finally notice that Blaze's energy signature is now faint as if it's far away from here. That confirms the god's words to me. Uraraka exclaims: "But what about our universes?! Aren't they in danger now that we were all forced to come here to fight?!" Chronos(Duel Academia) screams: "She's right! Aaaaaaa! What are we going to do?! What are we going to do?!" Master Wu sips his tea: "Worry not, it will be alright. Ancient forces and magicks are taking care of much of that which we have been made to temporarily cease our protection over." Tsunade nods: "Katsuya told me a similar explanation just now. I was also informed of something else. There are still many villains who don't desire to work with Don Thousand and are actively leading efforts to resist the invasions his forces are performing." With all of that said, most of us teleport to Jump City. Or more specifically, right outside of Titan Tower where we can see a city in chaos and ruins. But then, time suddenly stops around us as a man in a chair appears. Metron.

He speaks: "You have come at the right time but you are not aware of just how powerful the threats attacking this city really are. The Teen Titans who have yet to be recruited into your collective easily fell to their efforts. I will continue to watch over this reality and act accordingly without directly involving myself. Now, I must be off. You have been sufficiently warn." Time resumes and we wordlessly spread ourselves out throughout Jump City after heading there. Some of my comrades and I run into the Crime Syndicate. Ultraman laughs as he destroys a pizzeria: "This world is ours! We will claim it and this entire universe before anyone else in the name of Don Thousand! After all, he has offered a truly sweet reward for conquest of this universe! Limitless power and riches!" Superwoman speaks: "Yeah yeah but don't get too confident. Look around us. We are surrounded now." Owlman says: "I may have acted like a fool in the past but that's over now. I am lucky to be alive again as is Johnny Quick. But know this, you will no longer have to work with heroes again, now that we're together again working for the same goal." Ultraman nods: "You don't have to keep saying that. We know what you mean." Sinon shoots Owlman. The Crime Syndicate then actually takes notice of us. The other comrades who have also come here to face them are also individuals who have fought in SAO, GGO, the Underworld, and/or ALO before the Infinityverse Incident. Cardinal uses her abilities as a program to sidetrack the Crime Syndicate until they manage to finally take us seriously with more than just their thoughts and feelings. Superwoman easily knocks a lot of us back, myself included.

Damn, they've really been powered up too. Kirito yells: "Damn it! There's no way any of us can take on a single one of them alone!" Johnny Quick who is basically a Yellow Flash replies while easily twisting the Black Swordsman up: "You're right about that! Alone, each of you has no chance against any of us!" Kibaou who learned his lesson after dying in the Infinityverse and dying again in another dimension while under the influence of Don Thousand speaks: "We must treat these villains like they're a bunch of Floor Bosses! It's the only chance we have!" And so, we organize into a circular force with healers and ranged attackers in the center and tanks right alongside those who are fighting head on with physical weapons or fists. There's also plenty of comrades in between all of those groups. They act as our main lifeline in this fight. Heathcliff easily takes any hits dealt to him without flinching or feeling pain. But then, Yui shouts: "Alert! Ordinal Scale has been activated in this city! I repeat, Ordinal Scale has been activated! Individuals who are falling to the bosses that have spawned arent dying. Instead, they're losing their memories!" Nautilus growls: "Damn it. Not again. Who could have done such a thing?!" Something appears in the sky. Maleficent's face. She cackles: "Well well well! It's great to be back again! The Overtakers are far from finished! And now that we have Ordinal Scale in our hands combined with DHI 2.0, there's nothing any of you can do to stop our latest plan! Isn't this just wonderful?! All of these different plots and plans coming together to create an impossible to conquer situation!"

I think all of us freezed up at that moment, allowing the Crime Syndicate to really deal some hurt on us in the process. The pain definitely got me to move again. I'm assuming the same thing happened to the others. Maleficent speaks again: "All entertainment will be replaced with conformity and fear! I'm not as confident as Don Thousand in what he thinks will happen once our side wins and we combine all universes into one. I think some of you pesky heroes and naive fools will find a way to avoid being turned into loyal Barian soldiers. If I'm right, then we must generate fear and destroy all joy that comes from entertainment! Disney Parks will be no more! We will bring everlasting terror to the whole multiverse!" As if things couldn't get any worse, they did anyway. Exodia Necros appeared as a figure towering over Jump City but something was different. It's like Gozaboro had fused with it. That evil man's voice could easily be heard: "Hahahaha! I'm back as well! Seto! I know you're out there! I will finally get my revenge for what you did to me and MY company!" I sigh as we once again fight the Crime Syndicate without breaking formation. "Every single time we do battle to save a universe, it's like the challenge and stakes just get raised even further than they already were. And to think, we have who knows how many more conflicts to come after this one after another. Alva Towne Unamusement Park is going to be painful and terrifying." Just when you think that we were done with twists, something else happens.

The Plot and Annihilation Council appear in the sky and easily stop everyone from moving. The Plot speaks: "For some reason, I always get tired of waiting for the Ultimate Battle on this date. Even musing about the fact it's known by other names such as Ragnarok Infinity does not ease my temporary impatience. Abstractoa, let's finish our conflict early this time. I always say that and I'm always serious. Let the cycle finally end here. Do what you must to prepare your warriors for my subordinates and I." Abstractoa appears before them and replies: "The answer is once again no." "Very well. Prepare to be destroyed along with all of your allies." Abstractoa speaks calmly to us: "The true power of my abilities will now be shown." Instantly, everything around us changes as we all get transformed into god level beings. I can feel my body have actual life in it again. I feel my connection with my sword and armor grow to one that goes beyond a soul connection. Abstractoa just sped up the time table by several years in terms of us all reaching this level of strength. Ultraman gasps: "No! It can't be!" The Plot speaks: "You don't have to worry because now, I summon you and all others who have served me in the previous cycles to end the cycles once and for all right here. Right now." But before anyone actually fights even with that succeeding, something happens to change things. A being with a power that rivals the powers of Abstractoa and The Plot appears. A being whose appearance is impossible to describe.

They speak: "The Plot, must you always forget what I end up telling you at this moment? I'll say it again. I am the entire multiverse itself. I constantly change as universes come and go. Now, you will listen to me. The conditions for Ragnarok Infinity have not been met. It is only possible during one single frame of time. That time has not come for it is the only time in which all conditions have and can be met. If you attempt to start it any moment before it must be begun, you will cause me to die instantly. My death means everything ceases to exist including you. You must wait, The Plot. Retract your forces. The battle for this universe and only it must not be impeded by your interference. It is one of the countless conditions for Ragnarok Infinity to occur. Additionally, it is currently possible for Abstractoa and I to merge together in order to prevent you from moving until the last few conditions for Ragnarok Infinity remain unfulfilled. Remember, I am the forgotten force whose power is equal to yours as well as Abstractoa's. I cannot interfere in Ragnarok Infinity. During the first cycle, it didn't have conditions or a name and I attempted to interfere in it. The story that many besides us are not aware of is that my attempted interference was the other catalyst for the cycle to begin. Just the forces of both of you being wiped out wasn't enough. You see, if I hadn't been there in that battle, the multiverse wouldn't have been destroyed. Most of it would have been reduced to ruin but still. But because I interfered, I was destroyed, causing the multiverse to be destroyed and rewound back to a time before you or Abstractoa came into existence."

"My mistake altered everything. An echo of my mistake continues to cause the entire multiverse to become unstable during Ragnarok Infinity. That instability is why the multiverse continues to be destroyed and rewound in each cycle. Now that I have explained this, it is time for us to withdraw." The Plot gives up and Abstractoa's changes to us just kind of wear off. So now, I'm a zombie again and all that. Owlman speaks: "I do not understand what just happened but it's time for us to fight once again. BRAINS Collective, you will fail in this universe, securing our side's victory in this war for good. All of you will be erased or assimilated as Barian warriors. Don Thousand is going far beyond what Pmurt Nedib was willing and able to do." We start fighting once again. Diavel shouts: "Be careful! We soon must split into smaller groups to better handle our foes!" Yuuki exclaims: "That doesn't matter! We're still going to win and I'll prove it! Asuna! You know what to do!" "*unison* Mother's Rosario!" Alice yells: "Release Recollection! Go, my flowers!" I quickly get into the DHI of my virtual avatar. Well, as quickly as I can and move my physical body out of the way. I was far from the first to do so. We have had a lot of excess energy produced lately now that we've managed to expand the energy producing output of BRAINS. Thanks to that, DHIs are now safe to use to a large extent without causing another energy shortage. All of us end up going into DHIs. We make sure all of our physical bodies are safe as they're the only real weakness to the DHIs that's still left.

I shout: "Now we can hold back much less! Get ready! Face the true power of my sword, Crime Syndicate! Enhance Armament! Release Recollection! Graceful Protector! It's time to show them what you can really do when brought to this point! The sum of your memories and what you were made and upgraded from shall now be expressed as attack power! Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!" All of us show off great power, shocking our foes. They weren't expecting this to happen. Because using lots of DHIs at once drains so much power, we have had little choice but to save them for situations as dire as this one is. Ultraman yells: "No fair!" He says that as we literally all easily switch from solid to holographic and back over and over again. When we need to dodge an attack, we go All Clear and then back if we need to do something that requires physical stuff such as healing and tanking. That's partly because innocent people are getting caught in the crossfire over and over again. Many are dying despite all our efforts. The silver lining is that the Crime Syndicate are currently losing but I don't think our efforts will be enough to completely outright defeat them. We need more help to bring down them. As I swing my sword relentlessly, helping create hell for our foes, I notice a group of individuals attack the Crime Syndicate behind. It's the Teen Titans. But how? They were crushed according to our information. Someone must have healed them very well. That's the only explanation for this. There's nothing else that could explain it. Nothing.

Raven has black hair, a purple cloak, a red gem in her forehead, very pale skin, and red? eyes. Cyborg has brown skin, a brown? eye, a robotic red left eye, and a body that's truly part man par machine. His machine parts are mostly blue and white including the entire left side of his head except for his brain which is fully human even in its left hemisphere. Robin has short spiky black hair, a white mask that covers his eyes and has black edges, light tan skin, a yellow and black cape, a red shirt with a yellow R on it, green gloves and pants, and gray boots. Starfire has bright orange skin, green eyes with light eye sclera, really long red hair with short bangs, and a purple, silver, and light blue outfit with a green gem. Her hands, most of her arms, her shoulders, her neck, her belly area, and her face have their skin very much visible. Beast Boy has green hair and eyes as well as light green skin and a purple and black outfit. They managed to catch our foes off guard, making them easier pickings for us. With only the time it took for them to react to be attacked and knocked down from behind, we got a huge upper hand and managed to deal a lot of damage. Minutes later, they were all defeated. They all had to be killed sadly though as killing them was the only way to get them to stop what they were doing. Some of us insisted on making the young Titans look away as we did that. But now, things were somewhat calmer. Raven speaks: "We know who you're with. We can talk more later about everything. Right now, there's a huge ancient looking monster running through the streets and we have to stop it."

Beast Boy exclaims: "Woah Raven! You rarely talk that much!" Robin admonishes him: "Not the time, Beast Boy!" Alice nods: "Yes, this is not the time. We shall first slay that monster!" To be continued..

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