Yes, Miss?

By iloveolderwmen

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new teacher replaces her favourite, much to her surprise she's a lot better... teacher x student #welovewomen More



516 12 109
By iloveolderwmen


My morning routine flows nicely. My mum decides to make an appearance finally. 

'Morning birthday girl. How does it feel to be 18' She wears a huge smile, giving her the pity I throw one back at her, it is my birthday of course. 

'Morning mumma. I feel old...' She's cooking something on the stove.

Waffles, my favourite. Every birthday she makes them for me somehow. Once they're done she grabs a plate and slides it to me. She's made a smiley face out of whipped cream with blueberries for eyes. I like feeling childish in this moment.

She gestures to the front room once my waffle had been wolfed down and I follow her. My eyes widen to see a small heap of presents on the sofa and a big 18 balloon. I walk over and hug her. She actually got me something. What the hell.

I rip open the first present and a green knit jumper falls into my lap. It's so cute. I instantly slip it over my head and thank her, moving onto the next. The next one is a new clear phone case. Mine is turning brown (canon event) so it was due a refurb. 

The next few are essential items like a new Vaseline and some new rings, then I get to the final gift which she had set aside until last. It's quite a small present, it fits in the palm of my hand. I peel it open carefully and slide the object into my other hand. 

A car key?

I look up at my mum, a confused look on my face. I have a car? She is on her last legs but I can fix her up...

With what money though, I think to myself

I look down at the key and up at my mum over and over again until my mum beams at me.

'I know you've been needing a new one. I remembered your little obsession from a few years ago. Go look outside' My mum smiles hard at my reaction.

I leap up and unlock the front door to see a gorgeous dark blue Camaro sitting on the driveway. I squeal with delight as I turn and squeeze my mum tightly, thanking her over and over again. This car has been my dream since I was 13. Dark blue 1969 Chevrolet Camaro.

I unlock the car by inserting the key in the door. I love old cars. I sit in the drivers seat and start the engine. The car is perfect I could cry. I get out and hug my mum one last time.

'Happy birthday, Lily.' She makes a face.

'My little girl is 18.' 

I cringe at her and she laughs, handing me my bag from the floor.

'You're gonna be late for school now, hurry up.'

I wave goodbye and sit back in the car, plugging my phone into the aux wire.

I start some music and excitedly get the car started, reversing out of the driveway quickly. I ring Bella on the way, who starts the phone call by shrieking some out of tune version of happy birthday at me. I laugh at her antics and she agrees to a lift. I speed down to her house, my hands turning white from gripping the steering wheel.

I spot her on the pavement and pull up in front. She takes her sunglasses away from her eyes for a second and looks at the car, mouth open.


'Get in loser' I quote mean girls, of course.

She gets in and squeals at the soft interior.

'This car is so you. I'm so happy you finally got your dream ride...apart from Mis-' I slam a hand over her mouth and start the car again, drowning out her giggles with my music. She turns the music down and looks at me.

'Happy birthday my little Lilypop' She leans over and hugs me which I return. 

Once we're at school, we have some time to spare. She opens her bag and reaches inside, revealing a horribly wrapped present. I mean how can you badly wrap a square present...She hands it to me and I stifle a laugh.

'Oi don't diss my wrapping. Open it slut' I laugh now and rip it open.

Inside is a black box which opens very slowly. I finally get the lid off.

Oh my god.

Inside the terrible wrapping and the black box lies a watch. Not just any watch. A 1950's Rolex Oyster. 

I scream. 

I slide the small pillow out from the strap and place it on my wrist. My hands shake as I try to do it up. Bella does it for me, a huge smile plastered across her face.

'Bels, what the fuck. Thank you so fucking much are you serious' I stumble over my words

'Happy birthday rat' I lean and give her a huge hug, still in awe.

Holy fuck I'm in love with it. Vintage items are a THING for me. I love CD's and DVD's and watches and rings and clothes and cars.

I reign the excitement in and lock up my car, going into school.

A few people see me and wish me a happy birthday, to which I thank them all.

I go to form and endure a happy birthday from Mrs H, who actually smiles at me for once. I head off to criminology for the first time in a while, terrified for what I might encounter. 

No teacher stands at the front. I take a seat in the back corner, opposite to the one I sat in on the first day. Nowhere near Olivia. She walks in and smirks, seeing me in the other corner. 

'Happy birthday, freak' She yells at me, which I ignore. 

She comes over a bit closer and shouts it again, louder. I ignore. Then she comes closer and repeats her actions. Ignore ignore ignore.

Finally she ends up in front of me, leaning on my desk with her hands. I shove her hands off of my desk, sparking an anger inside her.

'You're lucky that bitch Miss McDonald was there to save your pathetic arse yesterday, freak' Olivia chants.

Miss McDonald. Bitch?

I see red.

I stand up, my chair goes flying behind me.

'The fuck did you say?' I yell in her face.

'I said, you're lucky that BITCH Miss McD-'

She doesn't get to finish her sentence. I've punched her teeth to the back of her throat. Her nose pours with blood over the desk and she leaps over, her fists reaching for me. A ring catches my eyebrow, splitting it open. The blood blurs my vision. Olivia is now practically on top of me, pounding my body. I ignore this and grab a fist of her hair, hoisting her up by it, watching her struggle. A student to my left is recording on his phone. I turn and shove Olivia towards it with a huge smile on my face.

She shrieks as I improve my grip. 

I let her squirm before releasing her hair, she falls onto the floor in a pile. I hear footsteps in the hallway as I grab my bag and throw it on my shoulder, walking to the front of the room. 

Melissa walks straight into me as she's entering the class.

'Lily I'm covering your les-' She starts

'What the fuck happened to your eyebrow?' She asks incredulously.

I point inside without a word and she sees Olivia sitting on a chair, her bleeding nose has stopped but her hair looks like a bush. Melissa gasps slightly and pulls out her phone. She dials a number and whispers into the microphone. She forces me to stay put with a stern face. A few minutes later, Olivia's form tutor walks down the hallway with a concerned look on her face. 

'Oh lord, Lily, are you okay!' She asks, laying a hand on my arm for comfort. 

I simply nod and she rushes into the class, leaving me standing in the hallway with Melissa. She turns to me, her blonde hair sways behind her. 

'What happened. Let's walk and talk I have a free classroom for the day.' She orders.

I follow behind her as she summons me to walk.

'I hit her first, Mels.' I admit.

'Good girl' The blonde woman mutters in my direction.

I smirk to myself. 

'I hit her because she said something horrible. About you. And me too, I was defending myself I promise' I confessed

'What did she say?'

I repeated the words to her and she sighs.

'I am a bitch though. She's not wrong, Lil. But thank you for defending me.' She gives me a pat on the arm.

I groan and keep walking.

'Am I gonna get in trouble?' I ask.

'No. I'll defend you don't worry. The teachers at this school fear me now.' She gives me a tight lipped smile.

I let her lead me to her room and she makes me sit down on her desk. She locks the classroom door behind her. 

'Happy birthday, Lils. I have these antiseptic wipes for you!' She laughs at her own joke.

I wince as she places one on my eyebrow. She holds my face with one hand to keep me steady and she's slotted herself between my legs comfortably. She continues dabbing the wipe and getting rid of the blood. I keep my eyes on her lips as she concentrates. She catches my eye and covers mine with her free hand, making me laugh.

'Stay still you idiot' She warns

'Oi' I hold my breath.

I can feel her breath on my face. She moves away to get another wipe and I release my breath, getting a hold of myself. She comes back and finishes getting the blood off of me and has butterfly stitches, placing them between her teeth to hold my cut together. She puts them over and gives me a final touch-up before smiling at her job.

'Done! All cleaned up' She says proudly. 

'Thank you Melissa' I beam at her.

'Nice battle scars. It looks hot' I blush so hard I feel like blood may come pouring out of my cut. 

She's flirting. 

'I have something for you.' She reaches into her bag and pulls out a present, to which I give her a look of surprise. 

'What.' I spit

'Just open it' She demands

I rip the heart scattered paper open and a small cold object falls into my lap.

A rock. 

With writing on it.

'M+L' Surrounded by a love heart.

I smile so widely my cheeks hurt. She really did get me a rock from the ground. I pull her into my arms and give her a huge squeeze. 

'Thank you Mels, this is the best birthday present ever.' I joke with her.

She leans on me, looking up into my eyes. I stare down at her wearing a soft smile on my lips. Her eyes flit back and forwards from my lips to my eyes. 

She adjusts herself and she's standing in front of me again, she's the same height as me when I'm sat down. Everything is still and I feel my palms start to sweat. Melissa looks at me, her eyes dark and full of something I can't place my finger on. She moves closer to me subtly until our noses are inches apart.

I try to keep my gaze trained on her eyes but they wander to her lips. She sees this. The tension between us is so strong. All I want to do is lean in and kiss her. 

She does so instead.

Melissa presses her lips on mine and the fire inside of my chest ignites. Her lips so soft it felt unreal, her hand moves to hold my face, her other hand moving mine to her hair. I feel her hair fall between my fingers. It's as if our lips are sewn together, like a stitching on a jacket. We can't be pulled apart and we wont. My heart rate speeds like it never has before, my palms sweaty with fear, but I seem to have more confidence than ever. I pull her closer with one hand, she lets a gasp escape her mouth as she intensifies the kiss. Her tongue slips into my mouth and my body heats up. I copy her pace, her every move, making this kiss perfect. She pulls away, looking at me, before placing one last kiss on my lips. 

I sit in shock. 

'Happy birthday, Lily.' Melissa whispers seductively into my ear. 


my fingers are cold 

i hope this was okay for everyone xxx

pls leave opinions!

i loooove youuuuu

-dais xoxo

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