Aurum | Taekook

By AnaMusicalMystic

390 41 6

"Who did this to you?" "Fuck off, Jeon. Nobody cares for a leper like me. I belong in the trash." "Only a foo... More



34 4 0
By AnaMusicalMystic

Trigger Warning: Blood and Blood play
Caution warning: The deities, legends and myths mentioned in the story are completely fictional and have no correlation with any historical or religious beings.


The time with the old wolf was full of love and warmth. Jungkook’s Nana had welcomed Taehyung with all her heart. She showered him with praises and gifts. Being raised by his father alone he never experienced any other kind of love. Not that he lacked any. His father made sure that he is always well loved and taken care of but an additional pampering won't hurt, right?

What he loved the most about being spoiled by grandma Jung was the unconscious pout on the alpha's face. Taehyung wasn't sure if the pout was because he was jealous of the omega or because he wanted to be the one to dote on Taehyung. Soon the day turned dusky and it was time for the pack-meet. Nanawas getting ready with her bag full of treats for the pack pups who were ready to jump on their former pack Luna, and demand for stories and handmade sweets that she was famous for. Before the young couple could step out behind the old wolf, she  stopped them.

"Where do you think you are going?"

"To the pack grounds. Don't tell me we are not allowed there! I don't want to miss your stories!" The young alpha whined making Taehyung grow amused of his ministrations.

"You are most welcomed to join Jungkook-ah but not like this. You both are still unmated. So if you don't want to drown in courting gifts and mating proposals, I suggest you at least scent each other before going there." The elder. spoke with mischief peeking out in her voice. It made Jungkook grow flushed and Taehyung just wanted to smack his alpha in the head.


"Jungkookie, I heard the gossip that there is a knothead of the pack who got fixated over a beautiful omega that was visiting the pack today. Now looking at Taehyung, it all makes sense. So you better keep my future grandson-in-law to yourself, unless Taehyung wants to find a better mate. See you at the packgrounds, pups. Don't be too late… "

With that the old wolf walked away, leaving her hut all to the couple. Taehyung walked inside the hut, Jungkook followed him right behind. The pout Taehyung was amused by earlier had started to irritate him now as it had even worsened on the alphas face, having a tint of anger to it, and now it was right away directed to Taehyung.

"What?" The omega whisper yelled out of frustration.

"Do you?" The alpha asked.

"Do I what?"

"Want to find a better mate?"

"The way you are going about the whole situation, it definitely seems a tempting choice…"

"Taehyung, I am serious."

"So am I. Why did Selene tie me up with a stupid alpha like you!"

"So you are gonna accept his courting proposal?"

"Goddess, please grant me more patience…. Come here, you dumb alpha!" Taehyung muttered, ushering the alpha closer to him.

Jungkook did not object to the adjective used for him. He just proved true to it, and dumbly walked into the other's space with the same angry pout. Taehyung pulled the other in his arms and silently started scenting him. He rubbed their cheeks together first, their noses dipped into other's scent-gland right afterwards. And Jungkook? He was completely dazed from the moment Taehyung pulled him in. He stayed put, letting the omega scent him to his heart's content but he couldn't hold back when a tongue started licking right under his ear, close to the source of his scent, but still far from it. Jungkook closed his eyes, and turned to bare his neck to the other, to allow easy access to the point he wanted Taehyung to be at. It made Taehyung giggle teasingly, as he started nosing the other's jaw and neck,

"Already baring your neck for your omega, Jeon? Tcch… What would your pack think? What happened to being a good role model for your pack, alpha?" He pressed those words right above the scent gland, giving it a few kittenish licks. It made Jungkook growl at the feeling but he still managed to utter a reply,

"My pack will follow me through and do the same, as they should for their Luna…"

"Damn, I forgot how good you are with your words." Taehyung playfully scratched the other's neck with the fangs he had exposed a little and lapped it immediately after. He didn't give the alpha a chance to recover, demanding immediately,

"Now it's your turn. Scent me nicely. Let the douché know, I am taken for good.…" He stepped away from the alpha's neck and exposed his own to the other.

"Fuck…" Jungkook muttered, as the intoxicating scent of roses filled his nostrils. He pulled the omega in with a palm to Taehyung’s nape  and licked a fat strip of his neck without an ounce of hesitation. Taehyung braced himself by holding one hand around on the alpha's shoulder and the other pulling the buzzed hair on the alpha's neck.

"You want him to know you are taken for good? For that I'll have to bend you over, knot you, and mark you as mine. We can't do that for now, can we? I have promised to make it up to you, so I am gonna court the fuck out of you. But till then, I'll have to be a little creative it seems." Jungkook kept sucking and licking the omega's jaw and neck to his heart's content while speaking.

Taehyung deliriously moaned at that, and asked, "What's on your mind, pup?"

"Oh, I am your pup now?" Jungkook bit the skin a little, making it sting. But surprisingly, Taehyung didn't even hiss. He laughed. He freaking laughed in his honey dripping voice and Jungkook was a goner. He pulled the other's robe a bit and started peppering his collarbones with gentle kisses that turned into occasional suckles.

"With a pout like that, you sure are. But first, tell me, what do you have in your mind?"

"Do you trust me?"

"I shouldn't, I really shouldn't, but surprisingly, I still do. This stupid bond!"

"Then I am gonna exchange a part of me with you!"

"Yeah? What?"

"This." Jungkook exposed his fangs. Biting a bit into his own lower lip, he drew out a drop of blood. Taehyung was entranced by this primaeval display of sacrifice. It had always been considered as an act of devotion towards one's mate, in the olden times. He knew what was about to come. Jungkook was going to take the Crimson Oath.

Wolves didn't dare do it anymore. The Crimson Oath meant that Jungkook was promising his life to his mate. It was Taehyung or nothing. If something was to happen to Taehyung's life, Jungkook was going to share his fate. Taehyung couldn't let Jungkook do it alone, so he reciprocated the actions by drawing his own blood the same way, and dived in without any hesitation. Both their irises bled red and blue respectively, before they fluttered closed, as both the wolves leaned in for the kiss.

The kiss was nothing but divine after that. Their lips glided effortlessly onto each other. They both melted into it. As they both tasted the metallic tinge on their tongues, their wolves howled in pure joy of finally being close to their mates. They were fated to each other by the divinity but now they were promised to each other by their own free will. The feeling was satiating, like no other.


When they arrived at the fireplace, everyone had already taken their place. The youngest ones had gathered around Nana, who was sitting there with some other older wolves, the younger ones were gathered in a different spot eating and chatting away their day. Most people were cuddled up with their mates and those who were the unmated ones had gathered around a different spot doing the same. When the couple walked past a group of unmated wolves, Taehyung caught the presence of the nuisance of an alpha he had encountered earlier that day. Although he carried a bit of Jungkook's scent now, the thought of the alpha still making another unwelcomed advance towards him, cringed him. He moved closer to his mate who was holding his hand.

Jungkookg was oblivious to the reason Taehyung was shuffling closer but instinctively he held him closer. Walking directly towards Jungkook’s Nana who was looking at them with awe in her eyes, as if she could feel the change in their bond. She welcomed them, patting the place beside her.

"I thought you both weren't coming. I was almost going to start the story." She said, teasingly.

"Are you going to tell us the one I like the most?" Jungkook asked, dodging her teasing effortlessly.

"Aah… the Legend of Aurum? Sure. It's been months since these pups last heard it, right?" When the pups nodded excitedly, she started narrating it as if she had experienced it first hand.

"Long long time ago, this forest used to be full of flora and fauna. Creatures of nature and myths both resided in here. They lived together in harmony for centuries. Folks believed that this was Selene's favourite place. She used to visit here in human form and spend time in the forest to relax.

There was an evil King that ruled this land back then. One day he spotted Selene in the forest and fell in love with her. When she rejected him and went back, he pledged to destroy this beautiful oasis. Selene couldn't let that happen, so she created Aurum. A golden wolf blessed with mystical powers. He saved this place from every attack sent by the king.

The king grew impatient and sent every troop in his land to kill Aurum. The wolf, no matter how powerful, couldn't find the thousands of soldiers alone. So he split a part of his soul into two. And two wolves were born. A black alpha named Marvous and a white omega Aspra. And they created more wolves just like them and protected this heaven on earth.

Our ancestors believed that all of us are the descendants of Aurum and possess some part of his divine power. And those who are fated mates, carry a part of Marvous and Aspra within. And when they mate, their eyes shine golden symbolising their wholeness as the successors of the mighty Aurum. So it is said that when a fated pair is ready to sacrifice themselves for a greater good, Aurum blesses them with his own powers."

Everyone was so engrossed in the story that it took them a few moments to come back to their surroundings. Soon the pups went back to their families and the newly committed couple joined the pack leaders for the rest of the meet. They ate, drank and danced for an hour before retreating back to their cottages. However, Taehyung couldn't take the legend of Aurum off his mind.


Last scene

“Why didn't you tell me about Jin hyung?”

Taehyung asked as they both laid in bed, limbs tangled together. Jungkook had tucked his head right below Taehyung's chin and held himself closer by his waist, whereas Taehyung let his fingers dance on Jungkook's back and caressed the leader's nape.

“It's a touchy subject for me. I didn't want to talk about it in our first meeting.”

“How? How did he end up being there though?”

“When Eomma ran away from the Jeons, my uncle did not pay any heed to it, anyway he had no use for a Jung omega and her male omega child, but somehow when I was 12 years old, they came to know about my existence, a Jeon heir, who is also a pure blood alpha. They started threatening the Jungs to surrender us. Not wanting to bother her brother for her own mistakes, Eomma took me and hyung away from the pack, so that Jeons wouldn't get a whiff of me. We started living in Busan. For 2 years things were okay, but one bad day, they took hyung away with them, to lure me in. Eomma fought with her life to save Hyung, but it was too late. That day I promised my mom that I'll get my hyung back and destroy the evil Jeons, from the inside out.

Jeons thought I was their hostage, living with them to find my hyung, to whom my uncle had sold to the Kang. However, I already knew what they had done. I was just there to find their weaknesses. When I turned 18, I challenged both my father and uncle for the pack leader position and that's how I got the position and resources to find my hyung. Although I found him, I still wonder sometimes if I was too late.”

“But you found him. That's what matters the most. Oh, so that's how you met appa? Oh, Moon! Anyway, how is Seokjin now? When he was brought in, he was quite shaken. I just wish he has his peace now.” Taehyung said, threading his fingers through the alpha's jet black locks, and Jungkook would be lying if he said he wasn't in heaven right then.

“He has, he is in much better shape now. He still gets flashes, nightmares of his time there but I guess Joon hyung holds him together, grounds him.” He managed to reply.

“Joon hyung? He is…? Oh, that's why he smelled so familiar. No wonder I told him that I'll be his future Luna.”

“WHAT? What do you mean you told him? When? And why did you torture me so much if you had already decided?” Jungkook was stupefied. He pulled away to take a good look at his mate's audacity. But Taehyung pulled him back in.

“Oh, that was a payback for making me suffer…”

“Deserved.” Jungkook muttered as he sank back into the warm embrace.

“When we go back, will you take me to meet him?”

“Of course! He has been dying to meet you.”


They had fallen asleep a few minutes later. It was one of the most peaceful slumbers Jungkook had in years. Yet, he was anxious about his pack. He knew Kang was a vindictive man. Although he trusted Namjoon and Yoongi with his life, he knew that as a pack leader, it was his responsibility  to protect his pack. He slowly released himself from the warm clutch of his mate and walked towards their luggage where he had hidden the burner phone Jimin had given him.

He dialled Yoongi, someone he knew wouldn't lie to him. The call was picked up in just 3 seconds and somehow Yoongi sounded awake even though it was midnight.

“Boss, are you okay?”

“I am Yoongi-ah. We are at the place you suggested. I don't know why though, I am restless about the pack's safety. Tell me my intuitions aren't right.”

“I am sorry boss, but they are right. The Kangs have got the inkling that we are meddling in their business. There has been a little friction between both the packs since the morning. Our sources say, their boss is planning something, something big.”

“I'll be there then. We can't let his ego get fueled with my absence.”

“What about Taehyung?”

Jungkook turned towards the sleeping figure, watching him wince a little as he turned in his sleep. He sighed and replied back to Yoongi,

“I can't bring him in. He is still recovering. He will be safe here, under Hoseok hyung’s care. I'll reach there alone, in a few hours. Secure ‘Mi Casa’ on priority till then.”


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