Pokémon of the Elite (REWRITE)

By KojiEnthusiast

20.6K 1.1K 935

Pokémon. Some see them as tools other see them as friends. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka has gone to ANHS to learn abo... More

First Pokémon and an interesting shopping trip
First Assignment and First Capture
Strategies Unveiled and The Clash of Titans
Battles Among Elites
Clues Amidst Captures
a Sweet Club Fair
Does Swimming and Nightmares go hand-in-hand?
I am you
Point Zero, Midterms and Summer Vacation?!
Vacation Turned Into a Tournament
Ayanokouji vs Paul
Battle of the Elites
Immovable Object vs Unstoppable Force
Ayanokouji vs Alain (part 2)
Greatness recognizes greatness

From Partner to Foe

895 56 63
By KojiEnthusiast

"May the first battle of the Pokémon Inter Summer Cup...

BEGIN!" says the referee.

"Elekid, standby for battle!" shouted out Paul.

Out of the Poké ball came a yellow humanoid sort of thing, it's best to say it's a yellow Pokémon that looks like a human kid, with Pokémon features of course.

"Mightyena, I choose you!" shouted Max.

A dog, with the palette of a wolf would come out of the Poké ball.

I guess I will go with something that would work with Elekid.

I threw my Great ball.

"Gible, go forth."

Even though most of my Pokémon are around mid to high 20s, my Gible is struggling to level up and I will find out why in due time, although I have a few guesses.

Cilan would be the last one to throw out his Pokémon.

"You're up, Dwebble!"

A small hermit-crab would come out.

After everyone came out Paul wouldn't waste a second.

"Elekid, use Brick Break on Mightyena, go!"

Elekid would appear and disappear, as if blinking from one spot to another on his pursuit to catch Mightyena.

"Mightyena, use bite to counter Brick Break!"

Elekid's Brick Break would be caught by Mightyena.

Cilan's smile can be seen from a mile away, he knew what Max wanted him to do.

"Alright, use Rock Blast on Elekid."
Elekid would be stuck in place, as he'd be trying to get away from the inevitable rock hurling at him.

"Gible, use Dragon Breath on Rock Blast."

I'd make sure the rock wouldn't get to Elekid, because I'd rather wish for this battle to not end in 2 seconds.

"Elekid, use your other hand to hit Mightyena repeatedly, go!" commanded Paul.

The left hand of Elekid would suddenly start glowing, like his right one earlier and Mightyena would be too late to react to the onslaught of blows coming its way.

"Mightyena, back off and use Dark Pulse!"

What would come out of the Mightyena was a ripple, that was not aimed at just one Pokémon, but everyone except Mightyena.

Elekid would take damage, but would mitigate some by using Brick Break on the Dark Pulse.

Dwebble would be sent backwards and I had a plan on how to get away from this attack myself.

"Gible, use Dig to dodge Dark Pulse."

"Dwebble, go near the hole and use Rock Blast repeatedly!"

"Nuh-uh, too slow, Gible, attack the Dwebble from beneath and follow up with Bite."

Gible would arise from underneath and lift the Dwebble up in the air, the small crab being defenseless as it is, would be hit by a Bite attack, which would be the K.O blow.

Dwebble would not stand up again.

"You did well Dwebble, I guess it's time to bring out the main dish, Pansage, cook them!"

The Poké ball would reveal a green monkey of some kind, on an unrelated note, it looks like its hair is broccoli, but just slightly.

"Pansage, use Bullet Seed on Gible!"

"Gible, dodge them using Dig!"

I want to experience if Cilan would fall for the same trap twice, and I want to see what Paul is going to do, because Mightyena was laying on the ground and Elekid was looking as if it's got a lot of juice in the tank left.

"Gible, use dig on Pansage."

Gible would come out of the ground yet again.

"Pansage, greet the Gible with Bullet Seed."

Gible would take the Bullet Seed attack straight on.

"Elekid, while Pansage is distracted, use Brick Break on Pansage and keep them coming till you've got nothing left in the tank!"

Pansage would start receiving a Brick Break barrage.

"Cilan, hold on for a few seconds!" said Max as he pushed his glasses to his face and chose his Poké ball.

"Shuppet, go and use Faint Attack on Elekid, quick!"

Shuppet would approach Elekid and Paul would smirk for a second.

"Change your target and use Thunder Punch on Shuppet!"

Elekid would turn his back to Pansage, who was wounded from the attacks, yet still standing somehow, this must be Cilan's ace Pokémon.

Shuppet would approach the Thunder Punch head on, but would somehow dodge it in an indescribable way, it's as if the Shuppet phased through it.

Shuppet's Faint Attack would connect.

"Pansage, use Vine Whip continuously on Elekid and turn the tables on it!"

I'd attempt to get Paul's Elekid back in commission.

"Gible, use Dragon Breath on the defenseless Pansage!"

"Shuppet, target Gible now and use Shadow Ball on the Dragon Breath attack, follow up by using the smoke as a cover for yourself."

As if Max read the situation perfectly, the Shadow Ball and Dragon Breath attack would cause an explosion followed up with smoke to appear, which Shuppet used as camouflage.

"Gible, use Dig and hide from Shuppet."

"Shuppet, don't falter, stay in the smoke, Gible won't land an attack on you, the odds of it happening are slim to none."

Whatever is happening in the smoke is unknown, we can only wait.

The smoke is slowly dissipating away.

"Gible, climb out of the hole and complete your Dig attack on Pansage."

Gible would climb out of the hole and land the attack on Pansage, who's been brutally beating the Elekid, surprised Paul hasn't done anything to counter it, it's as if he's using it as training.

Pansage wouldn't take as much damage from the Ground-type attack and wouldn't seem to be bothered much by the attack.

Elekid was struggling to stand upright, bruises all over its body and posture showcasing that it's a move away from being knocked out cold.

"Shuppet, finish off Elekid with Shadow Sneak."

Not even Gible would be able to help Elekid block the attack.

Elekid is on the ground.

Paul is not even looking at the poor Pokémon, he's just looking at the Poké ball in his hand, ready to return it to its place.

"Guess you are not so different from Chimchar, time to re-" said Paul, but he cut off his sentence.

Elekid would react to the word "Chimchar" and would struggle to get back up

The Elekid seemed to find its fighting spirit yet again and would shout out its signature Pokémon cry.

The stadium silenced by the passion of the little Pokémon, however silence would soon turn into murmuring as the Elekid would be covered in white light, it's evolving.

The body of the small Elekid would become bigger and then the commentator would take over my monologue:


The crowd, composed of the students and just normal spectators, would react accordingly, the stadium roared in short words.

Electabuzz, huh.

Paul would smirk at this revelation, it was as if it had been a successful experiment with his Pokémon.

"Electabuzz, take advantage of the commotion and use Thunder Punch on Pansage, use them as many times as you were struck by Vine Whip." commanded Paul.

Electabuzz would slalom past Shuppet in a blink and head towards Pansage.

"Shuppet, don't let Electabuzz have that much freedom, use Shadow Claw."

"Gible, use Bite on Shuppet and don't let go."

The Shadow Claw didn't connect with Electabuzz and now the land shark Pokémon is hanging onto the small ghost, it's almost as if Gible is floating at this point.

"Gible, use Dragon Breath while keeping a hold-of Shuppet!"

"Shuppet, get out of the grip, no matter the cost!"

Shuppet would struggle, but the struggling would be in vain as Gible's Dragon Breath would charge and would finally come through.

Gible had to burp out some smoke from the Dragon Breath that connected with Shuppet at face blank.

Gible would spit out the now unconscious Shuppet.

And what happened to Pansage?

Well, let's just say the referee had to set some boundaries, because you can't continue to beat up an unconscious Pokémon.

Max and Cilan are both down to their last Pokémon.

"You fought well, Pansage, just got unlucky." said Cilan as he returned his Pokémon.

"Shuppet, my mistake for letting you get taken advantage of like that." said Max as he also returned his Pokémon.

"You guys seem like good trainers, but that's an even better reason for me, let me rephrase that, it's a better reason for us to come back from a deficit of 2 Pokémon each. We'll give what the crowd wants, Stunfisk, entertain them!" said Cilan.

"I can't help but get fired up after that speech, Cilan, alright, Breloom, break through!" said Max.

Even though I thought their spirits would be diminished after having 4 of their 6 Pokémon taken out, they seem pumped up, can't say I dislike this though.

"Breloom, use Mach Punch on Electabuzz."

The Mach Punch would connect and this would be fatal for the Electabuzz who had been thrown around like a ragdoll in its previous form.

Electabuzz would be knocked out and not come back up from the tree stump.

Paul would have to return the Pokémon and I opted to return Gible, while that happened.

"That Gible's got a lot left in the tank, why take him out now?" asked Paul, marking the first time we actually have exchanged words.

"That's for me to decide, no? I am not going to push it to the limits after hearing them talk about trying to make a comeback, they got the momentum right now plus I got something perfect for that Breloom." I answer to Paul.

"Who said you'd get to decide who you're targeting, that Breloom is my dish." snorted back Paul.

"Too late, Fletchinder, feast on Breloom." I said as I calmly threw my Poké ball while maintaining eye contact with Paul.

Paul would get visibly angry at that, seeing a vein pop on his forehead.

"Tch, Grotle, stand by for battle," said Paul.

It would seem like he's going to let it slide for this battle, after battle I might be in trouble though, no matter.

"Fletchinder, use Acrobatics on Breloom."

Fletchinder would do an oval in the air before heading beak first to the Breloom at the speed of sound.

It seems like Cilan is already on the same wavelength as Max.

"Stunfish, use Thunderbolt on the Fletchinder."

Looks like Paul wouldn't give a hand and would let the attack go through as the Thunderbolt connected with Fletchinder.

Fletchinder would start losing height, but would flap its wings to remain on the air, visibly hurt from the Thunderbolt attack.

Right after that though, would Paul take action, he's rather petty.

"Grotle, use Magical Leaf on both Breloom and Stunfisk."

"Breloom, use Bullet seed on Magical Leaf and make sure Stunfisk isn't hit."

Breloom's attack would connect with Grotle's attack and smoke would yet again be the result.

"Fletchinder, use Ember on the trees and set the forest on fire."

Although the Pokéwatch is saying that Grotle is also a Grass-type, that is not a concern for me, the Breloom is a threat that cannot be overlooked, Stunfisk is a good pairing for Breloom to keep Fletchinder from connecting an attack on Breloom.

The fires would cause chaos all over the battlefield, I'd attempt to take advantage of it.

"Fletchinder, fly higher in the air and use Agility."
Paul would be seemingly pissed off yet again, but he'd have some sort of idea.

"Grotle, outlast your opponents, use Synthesis."

Grotle would heal the wounds that resulted from the flames surrounding the battlefield.

"Breloom, get near Stunfisk, immediately!" commanded Max.

"Alright, Stunfisk, use Mud shot around you to avoid the fires from spreading to you guys!"

Their plan would work, but, that wouldn't be without a price.

"Alright, Fletchinder, use Acrobatics on Breloom yet again."

"I'm saying that is pointless, Stunfisk, use thu-"

Cilan wouldn't be able to complete the sentence as the attack connected.

How come? That's because Agility boosts the speed of the user, Fletchinder is so fast that Cilan can't comprehend it and neither can Breloom and Max.

The best part of Acrobatics is that it's a lot stronger when a Pokémon isn't holding an item, so strong in fact that...

"Breloom is unable to continue battling, Max has run out of Pokémon, it's now Cilan's Stunfisk alone against Paul's Grotle and Ayanokouji!'s Fletchinder!"

"I won't let your sacrifice go in vain Max, I won't let it go in vain!" said Cilan dramatically.

The theatrics would end abruptly though.

"Grotle, use Razor Leaf on Stunfisk."

The sharp leaves made contact with Stunfisk as Cilan was speechless, as if expecting to have some sort of main character power-up.

Stunfisk would be rendered knocked out after that attack.

"Stunfisk is unable to continue battling, the winners of this Double Battle are Ayanokouji Kiyotaka of ANHS and Paul Shinji of Hokkaido Pokémon Trainer institute!" announced the referee.

The first battle would end and I'd say it wasn't just a blow-out, I had my fun and got to use new strategies, I'll be excited for my next battle.

The ground below me would move and so would all the combatants, as we were being brought back to the dressing room, the next people were already in line it seems, one of them being Kouenji in fact, the other one is a student not from ANHS.

"Hey there, Ayanokouji-boy. I've got a little conundrum for you. Picture this: two entities, one known for winning without fail, the other, a master of imitation who can even surpass its rivals. Now, if these two were to clash, who do you think would emerge victorious? It's a curious dilemma, isn't it? I've been pondering it for a while now. Care to share your thoughts on the matter?" asked Kouenji.

"I beg your pardon?" I replied

"No matter, we will find out soon enough, ciao." said Kouenji as the ground would elevate him to the stage.

"That guy spells trouble in every way." I murmur to no one in particular.

"Trouble, huh, well this is only the beginning of it." said Paul approaching me.

"I mean, isn't it normal to introduce yourself to me, if you're approaching to talk to me like this? I inquired.

"Well, how about this, I'll be the one to bury you once we battle."

"You're being awfully cocky, my back is still hurting from the Double Battle we just had." I said touching my lower back.

"Your back is hurting? All you did was let Electabuzz take all the hits, so you could steal the limelight, not like I'm complaining, Electabuzz got stronger because of that, so I guess I'll call it even for now, don't pull those antics the next battle, we still need to win two more Double Battles."

"Winning won't be a problem, just try to keep up." I say as I leave the dressing room, I want to see Kouenji in battle after all.

Paul would get cut off mid sentence by the door.

It would take a bit less to reach the stands then last time, but my journey would be for nought.

"Kouenji Rokusuke and Dawn Hikari, what incredible showcasing of how to be a Pokémon trainer! The duo, cough mostly Kouenji, cough, have completely blown out the competition and they go on to the next round!"

They completed their battle in less than 3 minutes, which might not seem like a lot, but the battle I just had lasted between 7 and 8 minutes.

~Pokémon of the Elite~

"The Double Battles have ended and we are down to our last 20 pairs! This brings an end to the first day of the Pokémon Inter Summer Cup or for ANHS students 'Special Examination.' Tomorrow, we'll be having the Duos face off against each other and the 8 slowest students to win against their partner will have to win a play off, in order to be a part of the round of 16. Slowest meaning the longest to take down their respective partner.

A/N: This is to better explain what the commentator just said.

Alright, rest up and be ready, because the battles will be in a 6 versus 6 format!" finished off the commentator.

Those who were in ANHS and had lost prior, would be on standby in the ship and would have to watch as spectators mandatorily.

The ANHS students who are in the top 40 are Hirata, Kanzaki, surprisingly Brock, Ichinose, Katsuragi, Ryuen, Ibuki, Horikita, Sakayanagi, yet again surprisingly Matsushita, Kushida, Morishita, Shiina, Yamada, Himeno, Shibata, Kito, Hashimoto, Kouenji and me.

20 ANHS students and they belong to the following classes:
A) Sakayanagi, Katsuragi, Morishita, Hashimoto, Kito.

B) Ichinose, Kanzaki, Himeno, Shibata.

C) Ryuen, Ibuki, Brock, Yamada, Shiina,

D) Me, Kouenji, Horikita, Hirata, Matsushita, Kushida.

Despite being in the lowest class, we somehow had 6 students in the top 40.

By the time I've finished monologuing, I've reached the dorm, where I was greeted by everyone who were in the dorm originally, wouldn't have thought we'd all still be in it to win it.

"So, you weren't left behind Ayanokouji." said Kanzaki.

I smirked in response internally.

"Hmm, I would've thought that I would be the only one left, don't know whether to be upset or happy, maybe this friendship or rivalry will bear fruit."

"I'm going to win the tournament and I will have a harem so large that they'll write a whole piece of fiction about, call it 'a Thousand Girls Who Want My Onix." said Brock, hugging himself while being in his own delusion.

I took the frying pan from the kitchen and I bonked Brock on the head with it.

"Ouch, what was that for sensei!?!" said Brock, rubbing his head.

"Are you really asking such stupid questions? Do I need to target your 'Poké balls' next?"

"Please don't, anything but the jewels!" said Brock as he pleaded, clasping his hands together.

"Don't worry, you can use this frying pan as a crying pan." I said.

Kanzaki would chuckle slightly at my joke and Brock would actually start building up tears in his eyes.

This sort of talk would continue all night until we'd inevitably fall asleep.

~Pokémon of the Elite~

"Welcome back everyone, the final 40 were decided yesterday and today would be the day where yesterday's friend would be today's foe!" announced the commentator excitedly.

"Friend? This commentator should go to comedy nights." said Paul.

"You're not wrong, he should." I answered Paul.

"Alright, contestants Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and Paul Shinji, get ready, as it will be the first battle! Who will prevail, the student from the school where geniuses and sheep flock together or the trainer from Hokkaido?"

Me and Paul would split off and would enter the locker rooms, this time we'd have all 6 Pokémon to use, but will I need to use all 6? Time will tell.

I'd get on the platform and it'd rise like an elevator and I could see the crowds. This time the stadium's a lot more filled up, tourists and other enthusiasts besides the school's students filled up, ready to see today's battles.

"May the battle between Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and Paul Shinji...



Well hello, finally got to writing and I'll be honest, writing double battles is a pain, because you can only focus on one thing and not the other. Unless my writing is just holding me back I guess.

I wish to know, do you like fights as long as the one here, because oh boy, 6v6? 3k words might not be enough to write the whole battle, at least that's how I see it. 

I don't think I can write every battle, After Paul and Ayanokouji, I will see if I will skip to the next important battle, because then this fiction might never end, or would you rather see Ayanokouji's whole journey from the top 40 to wherever he'll get.

The possibility of me writing a battle without Ayanokouji in this tournament is slim, but not impossible, any interest in a Side Story like that?

Also I'd wish to know if I should add more illustrations of Pokemon, I've noticed that I've started putting less and I want YOUR opinion, is it good the way it is or more pictures/illustrations.

If you notice any inconsistencies, typos or anything wrong with the fiction, do let me know.

Any and all feedback is welcome!

This is KojiEnthusiast,

Until next time. 

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