What Lies UnderNeath

By Princesspastel8

295 13 116

○•SQUEAL TO "Secret Desire"•○ Everything isn't how it seems. This world is cold, full of cruel people, and t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 🔞
Chapter 11🔞

Chapter 5

45 1 11
By Princesspastel8

Third POV

"I doubted your devotion to me several times Luna, but this....seducing one of Slenderman's top proxies- my my what a shock!"

Toby's body becomes ridged. He turns his get to look back at Luna, slowly pulling away from her- his tics going overdrive. "Y-You...set m-me up?"

"No Toby I didn't-"

"Of course she did! She's my daughter after all! Why else would she willingly sleep with one of Slenderman's men? Just to spite me? She knows better, isn't that right Luna?" Zalgo grins, eyeing his daughter. "She knows what I'd do to her if it's the latter."

Toby shakes his head, his heart hammering against his ribcage. It hurts. He feels the pain of his heart shattering. Why is he experiencing such overwhelming emotions when he hardly knows this women. Yet his connection to her, felt so real.

So whole.

So light.



"No Toby I swear I-"

"Best drop the Act Luna. No need to continue your poor excuse at acting. Oh wait- tell him about the dreams! I bet that reeled him in!" Zalgo laughs tauntingly.

Toby's ears begin to ring, his breathing becoming sporadic. He became to quick to throw his loyalty to Slenderman out of the window- over a kiss. How could he have fallen for this simple trap? His master is right, he wasn't ready for a mission this large. He's still to trusting, to kind. He hasn't given in to that darkness lingering in his heart.

Toby's to weak.

"Alright. Fun and games are over, we have a ball to attend. Finish him Luna."

The witch hesitates, looking between Toby at her father- her body trembling. Zalgo notices, tilting his head. He steps forward, placing his hand on her shoulder- his claws digging into her skin.

"Are you disobeying me? He questions, voice distorted.

Luna flinches, shaking her head- eyes trained onto Toby's. The ticking killer's breathing seems to calm at the sight of her dull eyes displaying fear, a look if horror you can't fake. He tries to step forward but Zalgo locks him in place. He feels heat bubbling in his stomach, coughing up buckets of blood. It took everything in Luna to not scream, to beg her father to stop.

"Hm. Maybe I jumped to soon at the chance of you finally submitting to me." The demon king shrugs, stepping closer to Toby. "Guess I'll have to finish him myself.

Luna raises her hands, her body floating from the ground as her eyes and hair begin to flow. The lights within the shed begin to flicker as she aims her hands in Zalgo's direction. She clenches one fist, freezing Zalgo in place. His eyes widen, a laugh leaving his lips.

"Oh you sly little-"

"My apologies father. I just couldn't allow you to have all of the fun." She forces a smirk, floating towards Toby. "Allow me to finish the plan I set out to commit."

Zalgo eyes her, still unable to move. "Really now? You seemed to be second guessing a few moments ago."

"I was just nervous."

"For what? And it better sound convincing." He warns, his body beginning to move- slowly breaking out of Luna's hold.

"What is Slenderman sends more and put Iris in danger? I could be out when they decided to attack again. I wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened to her." Luna explains, halfly telling the truth. She could not relieve that the other half of the truth.

She wouldn't be able to handle her fated panter death. She couldn't endure something similar happening to Toby as it did with Liam. Zalgo breaks free, adjusting his tie as he takes in what his daughter told him.

"Hm...Alright then. Kill him. I'll watch. If you dare to try and fool me Luna, you'll regret it." Zalgo warns, walking back to the shed door and leans against the door frame.

Luna floats closer to Toby, placing both her hands on his cheeks. The killer stares back at her, the pain in his stomach becoming unbearable. His eyes beg her to end his suffering already, while also cursing her for fooling him. Luna smiles softly, capturing his lips with her own.

His eyes widen, slowly rolling back to the back of his head. The pain in his stomach grows more profound. His body begins to seize as a greenish blue hue covers his entire body. Luna pulls away from the kiss, blood littering her lips as she smiles wickedly- putting on a show for her father, but her eyes hold empathy.

Toby can feel his heart begin to slow, his eyes growing heavy. Luna leans forward, whispering in his ear. "Hate me Toby. Remember this day. Succumb to the hate in your heart. Come back...and kill me. Now, sleep."

Toby's body goes limp, Luna releasing her hold as he falls to the ground. She uses her magic to wrap his body in vines, large leaves covering him for area precaution. Luna turns to her father, her glowing blue eyes hardening as she grins- licking the blood from her lips.

"Did that meet your expectations, Father?"

Zalgo remains silent, listening out for Toby's heartbeat. When he heard none he grins, using his magic to pull his daughter towards him. "A bit dull, but we can work on that. Deal with the body once you're back. We're late!"

A portal opens behind him, Zalgo dragging Luna through with him. He smirks wildly, greeting everyone he comes acrossing on his way up to his thrown. Luna stays behind, watching her father walk up the golden stairs leading to his thrown. Once sited he claps his hands, drawing everyone's attention.

"I have great news! That faceless weak Slenderman thought it would be a great idea to send one of his men after my daughter. But tonight, she's proven her devotion to me! Not only did she seduce him, but killed him! It was a sight to see! This causes for celebration of course! Let's skip the formalities and cut straight to the ritual." He snickers, women suddenly appearing at & around his thrown- Saiko sitter on his lap.

Zalgo looks at his daughter, motioning her to come forward. Luna lowers her head, walking forward- standing on top of the first golden step. She turns to face the ground, gripping her hands together in front of her. She can only pray that tonight will go as quickly as the others.

But her prayers aren't answered.

"Any man that wishes to have my daughter for the night, step forward." Zalgo demands.

A line a men form in front of Luna, men of age or order- in all different shapes and sizes. Luna gulps, hoping this wouldn't lead to what she thinks may happen. Zalgo would wave his hand left or right, dictating each man to stand on either side. The right side holds five men while the other holds most of the men.

Zalgo looks down at his daughter, smiling prideful-ly. "The men to my right will have my daughter. The rest of you decide among what woman fancys you. Now, let the night begin."

The lights within the ball room dim to a dark shade of red. The men slowly approach Luna, like hungry beast ready to tear into their prey. Luna lowers her head, forcing the tears down. One man would've been fine. She would've been able to handle & quickly force herself to forget. But five....at the same time? This method was only used for punishment, not a reward. Luna turns her head to glance at her father, eyes begging him for mercy.

Zalgo grins, Saiko kissing down his neck while another woman moves onto her knees in front of him. His eyes begin to glow, as well as Luna's.

"Thought I wouldn't know? Not only did you heal him, but used that cheap spell your mother always used to keep her victims from my wrath. You naive little brat. Maybe you'll learn to never cross me again." Zalgo said from within Luna's mind.

Luna's eyes build with tears, no longer being able to contain them. The first man grabs her, but she yanks herself away- running up the steps towards her father. "Please- please father don't let this- NO! LET ME GO!" she cries.

Two men grab her, pinning her to the ground. They all look up at Zalgo who nods his head in agreement. Luna cries out, screaming for mercy- her eyes never leaving her father's sinister glare. So she takes them, all five men- pleading for them to stop in between breaks. Her body begins to bruise from the harshness of the golden steps pressing and rubbing against her skin as well as the hands of the many men breaking her.

This is her life. This is her hell.

The demon king as a father.

And a witch born to serve him.

Meeting your Red string soul tie doesn't change this fact, but makes her reality all the more damning. There's no escaping this. She will have to endure this hell until her very last breath.


Toby gasps awake, ripping the vines from all around him- thrashing around for extra measure. He pants, placing his hand over his chest and grips his heart. He could've sworn he died. His heart stopped beating. He glances around, noticing the pool of blood he coughed up in the middle of the send- but no one else in sight.

He stands to his feet, slowly walking out of the shed and into the forest- remembering Luna's words.

"Hate me Toby."

"Succumb to the hate in your heart."

"Remember this day..."

"Come back to me...to kill me."

"Hate me Toby..."

The killer couldn't stop his heart from ripping in two. He should've never given into her so quickly. He cant- explain this pull, but he could've caught against it. He should've told Slenderman about the dreams. He should've informed him on how powerful she truely is.

He should've....

But her eyes.

Those tears.

"Hate me Toby..."

"How?....When y-you cried to me..."

That fear in her eyes. She could've killed him, but she didn't. She could've ended his life to finally please her father, yet he spared his life. All be ause their permanently tied together? Could these emotions be that powerful to sway a person's way of thinking this much? Even if it means putting their lives at risk?

Toby shakes his head, pushing the door open to the mansion. He closes it behind himself, walking into the kitchen to grab himself a bottle of water. He notices X virus, nodding his head in greeting.

Cody looks up at him, his eyes widening at how unusually pale Toby is. "....are you alright?"


"Where were you? Clockwork was pretty pissed with you. She wouldn't get off my back with questions about you."

Toby sighs in frustration, running his fingers aggressively through his hair. He isn't in the mood for this conversation. All he can think about his Luna's tear stained cheeks. Even after everything that took place, he can't bring his heart to hate her how he's supposed to.

"I-Its nothing. I j-just...had a rough night." Toby said honestly, not willing to give up details.

But Cody sees right through him, grinning. "That hot huh?"

Toby raises a brow, gulping down his water in one go before speaking. "Wh-what do you mean?"

"That witch man. Words been going around about how strong he is, but that she's also a looker. So, is she that hot or what?"

Toby's face turns a bright shade of red as he runs a hand down his face, pitching the bridge of his nose. Is it that obvious that his mind is clearly always on Luna?

"I-I'm going to bed." Toby grumbles, moving pass X virus and making a b-line up the stairs and into his room.

He goes to take a quick ice cold shower, drying himself off and putting on boxers and a red t-shirt. He climbs into bed, staring up at the ceiling- the image of Luna's mesmerizing eyes flashing in front of him.

"Hate me Toby. Give in to the hate..."

"I....can't hate you.." he whispers to himself, closing his eyes as he tries to dig deep within himself- trying to figure out why he's struggling to make her his enemy.

His heart.

His mind.

His reason.

Everything that is Tobias Adams is now being put into question.

His devotion to Slenderman is still strong, but these feelings blooming around Luna-

He's completely torn in two.





Please comment and leave a vote, it really helps a lot! And as always stay safe💖

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