My First Love Story

By Zaza916

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Rosy Evans, a shy girl, just got transfered to a new school in London. She lives with her aunt and her brothe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 5

497 21 10
By Zaza916

'So, you're doing the research work?' He smiled at me.

'Yeah, but how did you know?' I murmured.

'You have economics books in your hand!' I almost forgot that he was in the same class as I am. He continued: 'With whom are you working?'

'Um, actually I'm working alone since I had no volunteers to become my partner. And you?'

'I'm working alone too!'

'Seriously! I thought that you'd have no problem getting one!'

Riven heaved a sigh. 'You don't know how annoying those girls can be!'

I burst into laughter as he said that. He looked at me and poked my cheek. 'You've got dimples!'

I froze. He, Riven, just poked me on my cheek. Damn it, now they're turning pink. I was feeling hot and cold simultaneously.

'So, would you like to do the research work together?' he asked as he piled up his books on the table.

'What? With me?'

'Yeah, why not? We're both alone!'

A big lump was stuck in my throat. I tried continuously to clear it and replied: 'O-ok!'

'Good then! So, see you tomorrow here at the same time!'

'Yeah, got it!'

'I'm off now! It's already six! Good bye, sweety!' Riven said as he ran away.

He just called me 'sweety' again! What the heck? Well, it was not as bad as being paired up with him. Damn, I'm gonna be hated for life.


'First, 'sweety', then 'paired up'! Rosy, you really are lucky!' said Meldy as her bright blonde hair flew in the cold morning breeze.

'Are you kidding me? What did you find lucky in this? I'm being hated every day!!'

'Oh, that's not a problem!'

'MELDY!!' I shouted. 'And besides, he does know my name when I didn't even present myself.'

The school was almost empty when we arrived. I wonder where they might all be. Usually, at this particular moment, the school ground was always crowded with boys and girls.

As we passed near a classroom, loud noises were made inside. Curious as we are, we glanced inside. There was a gathering of people. I guess they're all here. But what was there so special for them to be there.

'What's happening?' I asked.

'I don't know. Let's go inside!'

'Wait, Meldy! It's not our class! We can't barge in like that!'

'Rose, do you think that so many people are doing their classes here?'

'No, but...'

'Then, let's get inside!' Meldy said as she pulled me in.

We squeezed into the lot and finally ended up being smashed up like a tomato in a sandwich, but this time in the middle of the crowd. I could see the center of attraction much clearer now. It was Riven.

He was sitting at a table with another guy on the other side. It was crystal clear that they were arm wrestling. Riven had fold up his sleeves, showing off his big muscles which were contracting every time he increases his power.

Meldy was staring at the other boy, the opponent of Riven. It was as if he had hypnotized her, a bit like Riven making me become crazy every time I see him.

I patted her on the elbow. 'You like him!!' I said mischievously, the same way she did for me.

'What? No! I was just, um, thinking about something!'

'Yeah, yeah, I trust you!'

I shifted my gaze to look at the cheerleaders who were encouraging the two of them. They haven't seen me. Thank goodness!

Suddenly, the bell rang and most of the crowd yelled: 'Nice match!!' Or even: 'I love you, Riven!!'

Seriously, I don't give a damn about what they think. It's not that I'm jealous or anything, I was just expressing myself.

I was left with Meldy. As we were about to leave, someone grabbed my wrist. I reacted and turned my face towards his. It was Riven.

The first look in his eyes, my heart menaced to jump out of my chest.

'Rosy, you were here all this time?' he asked, smiling at me.

'Y-yeah, I mean, no. I got here five to ten minutes ago.' I stuttered.

He smirked at me and as I was looking for Meldy, who, I guess, left, Riven said: 'So, what do you think of these muscles?'

'What?' I replied nervously. He let out a loud chuckle and said: 'I'm joking, Rosy! You don't need to answer!'

I heaved a sigh and nodded at him. 'Thanks! Um, I gotta go now! Bye!'

'Yeah, see you at the library!'

I waved my hand and made my way towards the door. The cheerleaders, who were still there, watched me jealously as I got out.

Phew...Riven was nice and I really wanted to become friend with him but these girls were like his bodyguards! No, they're like parasites!! Scary!

Riven's POV

She flopped her hair back as she walked out. Rosy, the shy girl. I guess that every time I came close to her, she blushed. Normal effect on girls! But she has something different, something that she had but others don't.

I bet this was the reason why I felt attracted by her. Her shyness, the way she smile, everything in her made me feel kind of, comfortable. This was the first time I've ever felt this for a girl.

'Nice match, bro!' I said to Cole.

'Yeah, a pretty cool one! And I actually won it, right?'

'In your dreams!' I shouted in his ears.

Kelly and her group approached me with their fluffy pompons in their hands. Their leader (Kelly) stared at me and said: 'What do you find so interesting in her?'

'It's none of your business, Kelly!' I replied, unfolding my sleeves back to normal.

'Seriously, Riv, you shouldn't be with someone like her! You're worth much more than 'that'!'

I didn't reply because I know that she always have an answer to every comment.

'Riv, I'm better than her, I'm prettier than her and I'm cooler than her. Everyone likes me! So, why won't you choose me?' she said in a louder tone.

My nerves were on end. The veins in my neck hardened as she sat on my table. I hated it when people talk like that. 'Listen, Kelly, for your information, I'm not going out with anybody and also, you really piss me off! That's why I didn't want to date you! You're so annoying!'


Sooooooo, in this chapter, I've concentrated mostly on how 'bitchy' Kelly is! Well, it's just an idea of her personality.

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Thanks for reading.

Love you all :)

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