Reincarnated as Child Chloe B...

Av Sweets-Daisy

37.4K 2K 191

~Updates every Sunday~ I was a biotechnological medical engineer in my last life. I died just getting a gift... Mer

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1.4K 99 9
Av Sweets-Daisy

Felix chuckles, "alright, vote it is. All those in favor of Nathaniel getting intel on the Waynes before we go there in a few weeks?" We all raise our hands, because an insistent person is a dangerous one, and jumping into the unknown is not our forte in the least. So Nathaniel pulled out his phone and started making the commands via text to get the intel. Over all, a pretty good day.


This morning was rather boring, Nathaniel picked me up since my driver is still being an ass, I got handed a huge pile of paperwork in my folder, Nathaniel is buried in a bunch of intel on the Waynes that he has to go through, Felix and Nino also got a thick stack of paperwork, Juleka is currently drawing a rough design for all our outfits for this new gala we are going to soon, Sabrina got a job on her computer to do, and Max is currently engineering a new small robot to  help us. 

We are all busy in the back rows of class, ignoring all the stuff happening with the rowdy class in front of us. 

Or trying to at least. 

When all of a sudden we hear a squeal, which makes me reel back in pain, bury my face into Nathaniel chest, since he is sitting next to me, and we all cover our ears. You'd think being surrounded by squealing people at all times of the day we'd be used to it by now, but no. 

Oh stars no. This squeal was so loud that my ears are ringing, meaning it was Rose. After the screech, I look over at the commotion to see a huge picture of Jagged Stone on the projector. I look at Juleka, who was quite possibly the only one listening before now, and she gives me a look that says "don't ask." So I don't. 

My driver come in with my forgotten at the hotel water bottle, which he quickly and quietly hands me then leaves, his face having the usual 'I hate you all' look. "Old cranky bastard," I sigh, and open the bottle, not really paying attention as I go back to paperwork. I take a sip from the bottle, water with lemon, nothing unusual. 

I put down and close the bottle as I finish the paperwork that is in front of me. Once that's done I get a slight headache, not common but also not unusual when I get buried in paperwork. I message my temples while putting away the thankfully now done paperwork stack in my bookbag, all in it's pretty little folder. 

Ms.Bustier comes into the room for the next class, Juleka hands Nathaniel the rough drafts, and begins teaching her class, as her class drones on my headache gets worse so I turn to face Sabrina, who is sitting next to Juleka with Juleka between us, and who has been with me through all the royal shit I have to go through. 

I tap Juleka's shoulder, she looks at me and whispers, "what's wrong?"

I whisper back while holding my head as my ears begin ringing, "ask Sabrina for the first aid kit please."

Juleka quickly nods, asks Sabrina for the first aid kit, which Sabrina is quick to hand Juleka, and then I get the first aid kit. I quickly put the first aid kit in front of me, and open it, going straight for the poison kit inside. I then quickly tap Nathaniel on the shoulder, who just finished drawing the final drafts of the outfits we are going to wear to the gala from Juleka's rough drafts. 

He quickly turns to me and whispers, "yes?" I just point to the poison kit, which he quickly understands, and gets to work. He's been with us royals since preschool, he knows the systems we have to use before we can say something is just a simple headache or nose bleed, he even took a small class to learn this so he could help us if we were ever incapacitated, and do it right.

(A/n : I am making all this next paragraph up, I don't know how poison works or how the tests work, this is just how they work here.)

Nathaniel quickly opens the kit, and pulls out the plastic band that he has to wrap around my arm so he can draw blood, he quickly sets me up by putting the band around my arm then cleaning the skin of my arm, then draws blood from me. He pulls out one of blood testers, which is a tube that has a solution that changes color. 

The color changing being important because it tells us whether we are poisoned, and what general type of poison. Like if the blood stays red, it's just my body being upset. If it's purple then I have been poisoned by a type of venom, from what animal it won't tell, but how dark the purple is can tell us how much fucking pain we are going to go through. Then if it turns brown then it's a herbal poison, the darker the green the more painful of an experience we are in for. Even has brown for general food poisoning. 

It takes a minute and in that minute Adrien decides to talk to us, or rather at us, much to my chagrin and annoyance. "Nathaniel what are you doing?" 

Nathaniel barely looks at Adrien as he closes the vial containing my blood and the solution, making sure it won't open while he shakes it. Nathaniel then says while shaking it in a bored tone, "why do you care?"

Adrien says too loudly for my liking, annoyance clear in his tone, "um because you just stuck a needle in Chloe?!" This caught everyone's attention, and they all looked at us, even Ms. Bustier, when did her lesson even pause?

Nathaniel kept shaking the solution, waiting for his timer to ding, and tapped in Nino, who chuckled, and snapped his fingers repeatedly until everyone looks at him. Nino smirks and says, "you ever been poisoned before dude? Or seen a sick royal for that fact?"

Nino leaned forward so he was basically putting all his weight on the desk. He puts his head in his hand while staring Adrien in the eye, looking very amused by Adriens confused face. Adrien thinks then says, "um, Felix had a fever once when we were children?"

Nino says quickly, "that sounded like a question dude, are you sure you aren't thinking about yourself?" 

Felix laughs, so amused by yet again catching Adrien 'with his pants down' so to speak, "oh no, he's talking about the one time I got poisoned during an Agreste fashion show, oh my bodyguards were so confused what was wrong, until they saw the muffin I had in my hand, they used a silver needle to see if that was the cause, they then went through hell to help me."

I say while rubbing my temples, "oh, I remember that! You got a fever and collapsed, Adrien hadn't eaten his muffin yet, and the assassin couldn't tell you two apart, they nearly killed Adrien had you not gotten impatient! I also got poisoned that day, but after, we spent like a week in the hospital under heavy monitoring, but hey we still had fun." 

I smile at Felix who chuckles with me at the memory, poisonings are common, but we still make memories from them! Poison won't stop us from living our lives! . . . even where our ears are ringing so loudly

I hear the little chime meaning the poison kit is done, so we all look over, and see that the solution is green. Great. I sigh, and Nathaniel says, "sorry Chloe looks like you are poisoned by herbs again."

He pulls out the 'cure all' for this finds a new vein that he didn't already take blood from, and then sticks me with it. Shortly after that he removes the band, Nathaniel puts everything back, and puts the 'waste' in a red hazard back, then back into the first aid kit so we can dispose of it later. 

With the still growing headache I didn't see everyone turn like 3 shades paler, but I handed Nino my water bottle, he chuckles, pulls out a silver needle, then tests my water, chuckling at me Felix says, "they poisoned your water bottle this time Chlo-Chlo."

I barely manage to groan out, "we are all getting silver water bottles!"

Max says quickly, "I'll order them." To which Felix quickly hands Max his credit card, while Sabrina hands Max her laptop, then she bolts out of the room to probably get me a normal water bottle. I bang my head on the desk or at least try to as Nathaniel put his hand between me and the desk. 

I let out a whine, missing Ms.Bustier's panic, but Juleka does notice it and says to Ms.Bustier. "Oh, Ms.Bustier, it's fine, please don't panic, this happens at least once a month to the three royals of S class." All of S class chuckles at Juleka's statement, but everyone else looks at us in horror. Clearly not liking or used to that statement like we are, Juleka then says, "and this always happens in threes, meaning Felix and Nino are next."

Felix quickly say, "$200 that it's Nino next!"

Nino clicks his tongue and mock glares at Felix then says, "$700 says it's you Felix."

Both then chuckle, and Nathaniel, always one for the bet says, "I'll take those odds, I say both of you at the same time for $300."

Max says while looking at Ms.Bustiers class, who stare at them in full movie horror mode, "guys, you're scaring everyone." 

Kagami, however, chooses to ignore Max's statement and says from behind her book on New York, "no, I bet $100 on Nathaniel having his karma and getting poisoned this time." Kagami looks at Nathaniel pointedly, upset because Nathaniel bent one of her decorative swords yesterday and never apologized, something that Nathaniel has most likely forgot about already, 

This warrants Nathaniel saying in a playful but also slightly offended tone, "oh, ho ho, bring it on Gami, I'll take your bet but if it's me, it's also you!" Nathaniel points at Kagami, and Sabrina lightly pushed Adrien away from me to get to me, the headache has barely disappeared, as she hands me the water bottle trying to help me, while Juleka begins massaging my temples in an effort to help me. 

I mutter, "today is going to take forever if it's tres dias de veneno day." To which both Juleka and Sabrina nod, I then say slightly louder, "guys I need to move around so the poison can be nullified sooner."

All of them say, "right," we then grab all our bags, not one to leave important paperwork in a classroom. Stars, poison sucks! We all leave the room quickly to try and get the antidote, but also subsequently the damn poison to circulate through my system. We ignore the classes protest, and Nino threw out my water bottle into a passing dump truck after we go onto the street to take a jog, and maybe hurry along the assassination attempts but we aren't gonna mention that! 

As we walk along the street we see a van start following us. I whisper to Juleka, "oh kidnapping attempt, hasn't happened in a while~" Kagami begins chuckling and Juleka went to the inside of the sidewalk, as did Max and Nathaniel. 

Now Nathaniel may be the heir to a huge gang, but he still classified as a civilian since he is a hidden heir. Meaning he walks on the inside of the sidewalk. As for Kagami, she is the sword mistress, making her a known celebrity, like her mother. So she walks on the outside with us royals, making us the easier ones to grab, or fight like hell to protect the ones on the inside. 

The van begins getting closer to us, and closer, until finally the doors open, 3 people jump out and reach straight for Kagami! Ah, no!

Not happening!

I quickly tackle the smallest man, Kagami takes on the biggest, and Nathaniel takes on the tallest, though and lankiest while everyone else helps us. I quickly flip both myself and this man, but unlike the uncoordinated male, I land on my feet, he lands on his face! I laugh, because he's now out, I then jump onto the hood of the van before the driver can do anything, and point a very convincing looking paintball gun that looks like a real gun, that I was going to use to shoot Felix because I was mad at him this morning. 

He hold up his hands in surrender, hah! Dumbass, no sane person would give me a gun, but it's his mistake to think I actually have one, but a mistake that works in my favor. After a bunch of struggle and some asshole breaking Sabrina's glasses, we successfully get them down, and Sabrina's dad gets here at the speed of light. 

Good news though, "the antidote has circulated, and that makes 2, also Kagami, you owe Nathaniel money!" I jump off the car hood, Kagami slams money into Nathaniel's hand a bit bitterly, but we all chuckle then decide to go back to class a adrenaline pumping now!

We basically jump into class, me with a smile, Rose asks us, "what happened to Sabrina's glasses?"

Sabrina answers, "oh Kagami was almost kidnapped, so we had to fight so she wouldn't need to fight 4 men on her own, I got elbowed in the face, which broke my glasses." Seeing the terror on Rose's face Sabrina added on, "we are all fine by the way, I just can't read or see anything from far away. . . why is a blue blob in my seat?"

I look in Sabrina's area and see Marinette in Sabrina's seat, for some reason, "Marinette, why are you in Sabrina seat?"

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