The Kuran Twins (Vampire Knig...

By Tsukino_Kimiko

400K 12.7K 1.6K

There was a legend foretold on a particular family of Pureblooded vampires. Said family was the descendant of... More

Chapter 1: How it all began I
Chapter 2: How it all began II
Chapter 3: Who are you?
Chapter 4: Departure to Cross Academy
Chapter 5: Arrival
Chapter 6: Disciplinary Committee
Chapter 7: First day I
Chapter 8: First day II
Chapter 9: Hello Night Class and Curry?
Chapter 10: Mission
Chapter 11: Back Again, To Where It All Began
Chapter 12: Rido Kuran
Chapter 13: Back
Chapter 14: Sleepless
Chapter 15: Grocery Trouble
Chapter 17: Wild Heart
Chapter 18: Moon Party
Chapter 19: Birthday Party?
Takuma's Gift: Special Chapter
Chapter 20: Damn Cake!
Chapter 21: Don't You Dare Hurt Him!
Chapter 22: His Saviour
Chapter 23: Jealousy I
Author's Note
Halloween Special: Let's Go To The Queen's Castle!
Chapter 24: Jealousy II
Chapter 25: Wrong Room?
Chapter 26: Decision
Chapter 27: Back
Chapter 28: Untitled
Chapter 29: Ichijo Asato
Chapter 30: Zero's First Mission
Chapter 31: Shall We?
Chapter 32: A Flash of Memories

Chapter 16: Grocery Trouble II

10.2K 400 60
By Tsukino_Kimiko

(Third Person's Pov)

The suppose to be relaxing day at town was turned out to be a total pain in the a$$ because of some meddlesome waitress.

Kimiko's mood drastically changed from good to horribly bad because it and to make it worst, she needs to find the two troublesome duo, while carrying the stuffs they kindly left. So dramatic. Kimiko had to threate- I mean, ask some nice guys to help her bring it all back to the academy. Now that the other problem is off her shoulders, she still need to find those kids.

She walked around the quieter part of town that seems to be forsaken because you couldn't find anyone. Kimiko was high in alert, her ears are perked for any sound.

She swiftly pulled out Apollo and pointed it at a child. It was a young boy wearing a hoodie shirt that shadows his small round face and his long wavy blond hair.

With cat-like eyes narrowed, Kimiko scanned the boy's posture and listened to his breath. She heard the boy sobbed and sniffed. He tilted his head up and uncovered a sparkling baby blue eyes. With a sigh, Kimiko calmly walked towards him and knelt.

"What are you doing here?" She softly asked, patting his head gently. The boy sniffed again and looked at her innocently.

"I-I lost my f-friend" He sadly muttered. Rubbing the tears from his eyes with a soft handkerchief, Kimiko picked him up and cradle him.

"What does he look like?" She asked.

"He's about my height and have black hair and green eyes. He's pretty grumpy with new people but he's very kind" He said in details. Kimiko picked him up in her arms and thought for a bit.

"We must find him quickly. Do you remember where the two of you came from?" She asked in quite hurry. Kimiko was anxious and worried about the boy's friend. If they couldn't find him quick enough, he might get caught.

"Uhmm...we were at the candy shop and then I told him to wait for me there because I needed to use the toilet. Then when I came back, he's gone" As he was explaining, Kimiko was running at the nearest candy store.

"Did you asked the owner of the store?" Kimiko came to a stop as they arrived at the door.

"N-no, the owner was kinda creepy so I didn't" He embarrassedly said. Kimiko didn't have a good feeling inside this candy store. She can feel the energy of something, sinister.

"Creepy how?"

"Well, his eyes are really red. And he was panting for no reason. It's like he was extremely thirsty." Kimiko didn't wait any longer before rushing inside in stealth. She quietly open another door behind the counter while crouching inside.

"What are you doing?" The boy whispered. He was smart enough to notice what she was doing but confuse on why she would sneak in.

"Your friend is in danger" The boy gasped as his eyes teared up. "Oh no, I shouldn't have left him" He sobbed quietly. Kimiko hugged him closer. "What you did was fine because if the two of you were caught, you won't be able to call for help." She said. Kimiko was walking around the room when she notice a hatch. She opened it saw a flight of stairs going down.

"How-? It's not a normal Level E isn't it?"

"I probably shouldn't leave him here, in case there are more of them" Kimiko, with the boy in her arms, came down the dark and moldy stairs until they've reached a hallway.

"HELP! PLEASE HELP ME!" A shrilling voice screamed at the single metal door at the end of the hallway. Kimiko dashed forward.

She grabbed Apollo and turned him into a sniper gun. Kimiko put the boy down beside her as she knelt closer at the door. She opened it slightly so she can peek and stick her gun in unnoticed.

Her eyes narrowed into a horrifying glare when she saw the boy's friend, unconscious and strapped against a stone table used for occults in doing rituals.

"These are the vampires the Association wanted me to eliminate. They wanted to resurrect the Vampire Queen"

Kimiko's theory of having more than one vampire is right. She could tell that they are at least 27 of them present.

"A gun isn't enough" She mumbled. Turning her attention back to the blonde boy, she quickly pushed his pressure points to make him unconscious. Then, she hid him inside the barrels, which appeared ever so suddenly.

And without further adieu, she staved the doors opened and walk in nonchalantly.

All of the vampires' head quickly turned in surprised. They fearfully trembled when they saw her eyes. They were extremely cold and scary as hell.

"Prepare to face death, you damn vampires" She said and turned Apollo into a huge scythe.

Screams of despair and horror filled the whole room. Blood splatter and painted every walls, every pillars.

"P-p-please s-sp-are me! I-I was o-or-dered!" Shouted the desperate vampire when he saw how terrifyingly powerful she is.

"You're explanation isn't worth my time." Kimiko cut his head without any remorse.


The cold afternoon wind blow gently around the town. It was peaceful and soothing. Kimiko's heels clicking in the stone pavement is the only sound to be heard in the deserted alley. As for the boys, they are peacefully sleeping on her arms. Their nightmare has finally disappeared because of her. Nothing of this day will they remember because she erased their memories of them, of her.

Kimiko made sure they were safe when she left them at the police station so she waited until their guardians arrived.

"Mika, Yuu-kun! I'm glad you're safe!" A beautiful blonde woman exclaimed when she saw the two of them. With her are other children yelling at them in worried.

Kimiko sigh in relief. Now she can leave without any worry.



"Mattaku mou! Where were you two? I thought that I have to flip this whole town upside down just to find you" The woman scolded.

Mika and Yuu bowed their heads in shame. "Gomenasai, Hana-sensei"

Hanako sigh. She kneel down and hugged them tightly. "Please....don't do that again. We were so worried" The Hyakuya children sobbed and hugged their beloved mother.


Updated on: December 09, 2017

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