Sold in Hell

By TheSnakesStartToSing

421 4 2

This is what you get when you don't read the Terms and Conditions when buying something online. You end up se... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

60 0 0
By TheSnakesStartToSing

"Won't you make some room in your bed?

Well you could lock me up in your heart,

And throw away the key.

Won't you take me out of my head?"

Chapter 2

Faith’s POV

I fought back the tears that are threatening to spill. “Hazel,” I said through the phone, “I need you.” Usually, I wouldn’t even try to act so desperate and weak to anybody but she was an exception.

“What’s wrong, Faith?” She says back worryingly, “I’ll be there soon.”

“Hurry,” I reply. I paced back and forth in my room just to keep myself from breaking down. I needed a distraction.

Then, I felt my phone vibrate. I froze. Please don’t be him. Please don’t be him. Please don’t be him. I looked at the collar ID.

It’s him.

I gulped and wondered if I should pick up. Obviously, you shouldn’t dumbass! My conscience echoed through my mind. You shouldn’t talk to people who hurt you. It’s going to end up badly.

I agreed with my conscience but my body disagreed. My stupid thumb pressed answer and I let out a low “Hello.”

“Hey Faith,” I heard my ex say sounding unusually sober. If somebody were to be standing right in front of me now, they could’ve easily told that I was about to cry. “I’ve been calling you forever. I miss you.”

“Oh,” Was my brilliant response. I couldn’t form the words to speak right now.

“I’m sorry, Faith,” He says, “I’m so sorry. Please come back to me. You know I love you.” He waited for me to reply but I didn’t say anything. I’m afraid my mouth would betray me and forgive him if I talk. When he knew I wasn’t going to reply he continued to speak in a soft voice he would always use on me when I was upset. For some reason, it always soothed me. “Do you remember our first date? I set up a picnic in the woods and we ate the food I made for you. Then, we gazed at the stars and you told me that you loved me and I said it back. We were best friend ever since 7th grade and I slowly fell in love with you. Hazel, Eric, you, and-“

“Stop,” I cut him off after I heard that disgusting pig’s name, “You very well know that Eric wasn’t a really nice guy. So, why are you including him in this?”

“Because we were once so happy,” Justin says.

“Yeah we were,” I say while I felt more confident with talking to my ex, “Before you did that.

He sighs, “Please baby that was a mistake. Give me another chance.”

“No,” I raised my voice. “I’ve forgiven you four times for fucking cheating on me with those whores! This is the fifth time and I’m through with you!” The tears started coming down when I start yelling. There was some silence followed after my outburst.

“Are you jealous baby?” He finally says. I could hear the smirk in his voice. I felt anger go through my veins.

“Fuck you Justin,” I say lowly and hung up on him. After Hazel’s ex-boyfriend, Eric, changed and got arrested, Justin hasn’t been the same. Hazel was just glad that he’s gone now but I could tell that Justin silently loathed her since Eric was Justin’s best friend. Justin always thought it was Hazel’s fault when he got arrested. Because I defend her all the time, Justin apparently started to lose feelings. He keeps ‘apologizing’ to me whenever I catch him cheating and asks me to come back.

I of course, still loved him. But today, I decided that I was through with all his bullshit. I was done with relationships that never work out. I can’t trust anybody with my feelings anymore but with Hazel. Even at times, I still keep a few things hidden from her. I just can’t trust anyone.

Hazel has been through a lot worse though. Her ex turned into a druggie and he started abusing her. I didn’t find this out until one day I saw her bruises by accident. My trust in her faded a little because she kept it a secret for a while. She wouldn’t hide them to me anymore and came with new bruises and cuts every day. I had to treat her. I was useless for a few weeks until I put my foot down and had enough.

I got Eric arrested. Hazel was happy but she didn’t know how or who got him in jail. I never told her it was me though because I wouldn’t want her to worry about me if he ever got out jail. I had to protect my best friend and watching her do nothing about it upsets me. That was two years ago. Hazel still hasn’t acted the same around other people.

She started to act strong when she knows I knew that she was still broken inside because of abuse. I never question her though because I wouldn’t want anybody to question me either if it happened to me.

“Hey,” Hazel says when she arrives as she hugs me, “What happened?”

“Ex-boyfriend,” Was my reply.

“Not that overbearing jackass blondie again,” She said in disgust.

I nodded. “I’m just through with him.”

“I’m going to kill that bastard for hurting you. I swear to god I will.”

I let out a small smile. I notice that she starts to think and all I could do is guess about what she’s going to say.

After pondering for a while, her mouth spreads into a wide grin, “How about we escape all this bullshit in our life?”

I tilted my head at her, “How do we do that?”

“We can go to a concert!” She sounded excited now.

“It depends on who’s playing.”

“Yours and my favorite band along with a few others are playing in a concert in the city next to us.”

“Alright, I’ll go,” I say. Usually, I would be fangirling because of that but I’m not really happy right now. The thought of going there makes me feel excited though. “Let’s go get our tickets online.”

We went on my computer and went to the official website.

“The concert tickets ran out already?!” My best friend exclaimed in disbelief. “That’s incredulous! They came out only an hour ago.”

“We can always check another site,” I suggest feeling slightly disappointed that they were all out. To our disbelief all the tickets were sold out.

“Oh, how about that site?” She points out after I scrolled through the 17th page in Google.

“I don’t know about that site. I don’t really recognize it.”

“Well let’s check.”

So we checked and there were 5 tickets in stock left. They cost a lot but it sounded worth it.

We made our purchase and read the first paragraph to the terms & conditions. That paragraph sounded professional so we just agreed to it without reading the whole thing. We were those types of girls who were impatient with things. Also, the terms & conditions looked really long and boring. This site would’ve been down a long time ago if it had any weird sounding thing in there. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen if I don’t read them?

Well, instead of selling my body to some druggie, I ended up selling my soul to Satan.

I’m not really Christian, but I knew in fact that Satan was the bad guy here.

But how come Luke didn’t seem so bad? I would usually expect the Devil all hot-headed, mean, cold, and brutal, but I didn’t see any of that when I was with him. Maybe he was a nice guy after all? Or he could just be faking it so I can get attached to him as a friend and he can break me down easily. Breaking my trust would be the harshest thing you could do to me aside from anything physical.

“Stop doing that,” Luke says to me.

I snapped out of my thoughts and questioned, “Doing what?”

“Stop overthinking”

“How did you know I was doing that?”

“You seemed like you were thinking really hard about something.”

“I can’t help it sometimes,” I shrugged, “It’s a habit, I guess.”

He stared at me as if he was trying to figure something out. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze so I lowered my head. I’ve been told I was attractive sometimes but I wouldn’t really say so myself. I felt insecure. If somebody was staring at me, I would think that they would be silently picking out my flaws and imperfections.

I think he noticed how I lowered my head from his gaze but kept quiet about it.

“Your friend is probably coming over soon,” He finally says, “Her name was Heather right?”

“Hazel,” I corrected.

“Right, sorry. I’m not good with names, seeing as I am the devil and I wasn’t really taught to remember names and all.”

“It’s fine. But, why didn’t you tell me you were the devil in the first place?”

“I was scared that you’d run away or something.”

I only nodded. I probably would have. If he told me he was Satan, I would’ve been scared as hell. Right now, I’m a bit apprehensive.

There was silence after that. I was never good with conversations with people so I wouldn’t know what to say.

After five minutes, Luke’s friend and Hazel come through the door. My smile widened at the sight of my best friend and I instantly get up to run to her when I felt a rope around my neck constricting me down.

“Faith!” Hazel shouted my name with worry.

“Whoa there cupcake,” Luke says while the rope loosened and disappeared, “Our bond isn’t complete yet. You can’t leave my side until it is.”

“Who made that rule?” I say.

“I don’t know. Somebody part of our council. Are you alright though?”

“I’m fine.”

I went to look up at the guy who was next to Hazel. He was fit and had shaggy jet black hair and a black lip ring. He looked like he had a really bad temper based on the scowl on his face. What really stood out were his violet eyes. I glanced at Lucas and noticed that his eyes darken to a dark blue. It was almost black.

I would question him about that later. Right now, I focused on Hazel. She was a pretty brunette with hazel eyes. How ironic? She wore a white dress and white flats. It’s definitely not the type of clothes she would wear and I couldn’t help but let out, “What the hell are you wearing, Hazel?”

Everybody’s eyes turned to me. “I don’t even know anymore,” She replied, “I want to change into my usual outfit but since this damn bond thing is still on, I can’t change without this jackass being in the same room as me.”

“Hey,” The guy said glaring at her, “That is no way to address me. Just because I’m going to let you go doesn’t mean I don’t have a higher rank than you. I can easily kill you.”

Hazel’s eyes widened in fear but were quickly hidden. Nobody noticed this but me.

I didn’t like how this guy was threatening her so I went to speak but Luke beat me to it, “Go easy on her, Spencer. She doesn’t know too much about hell yet. Maybe you should explain it to her?”

“No way in hell I am!” He shouts but lowers his voice. “You told me you’d take her off of my hands after this damn bond is done. I don’t have to do anything else.”

Luke’s eyes darkened into black. “Spencer,” He says warningly.

Spencer clenched his fist but lowered his head in respect, “Fine.” He grabs Hazel and walks out of the door. I didn’t even get to talk to Hazel to see how she was doing yet!

Disappointed, I slump back on the chair. We were back in Luke’s cabin. He’s already told me on what to do as a ‘slave’. I had to call him sir or master. He told me I could call him Luke but only when we’re in private. There was no possible way of escaping he said and that idea never even crossed my mind. I don’t even know how to escape. It wouldn’t be possible to resurrect myself either way since that doesn’t happen on Earth.

Now that I think about Earth, I wonder what my family was feeling now and if Justin even cared that I had died. No, stop Faith. You need to stop thinking about him.

I sighed.

“What’s with the sigh?” He asks.

“I was just thinking about how things changed so quickly.”

“There you go, overthinking again.”

“I wasn’t overthinking. I was normally thinking this time.”

“You think too much.”

I rolled my eyes.

“What were you thinking of?”

“Just about Earth- you know, if I still get to go to that concert since I spent like $70 on them when the official tickets were only $23.”

He chuckles, “I’ll see what I can do about that. Maybe I’ll go too.”

I smiled widely when I heard this. Maybe he wasn’t such a bad guy after all, “Yay! I can’t wait!” I then got up from my chair and hugged Luke. I’m usually not so bold in front of people like this but I felt sort of comfortable around him. I felt him stiffen in my arms. If he doesn’t hug back, I would feel really awkward.

After a few seconds, he hugged back and I parted from him. His eyes showed some emotion and were lighter than before. Almost like a dark blue. Then like magic, his eyes changed to his same ocean blue that I saw earlier today.

I was about to question him about it but was cut off by a person running into his cabin with a panicky look.

“Sir Lucifer,” The guy said, “The Sins are fighting again.”

“Shit,” Luke cursed, “Which ones are they now?”

“Wrath and Gluttony,” He replied.

“I’ll go right now and stop them. Faith, come on.” I was confused as to what was happening. The guy looked at me questioningly. Before I know it, Luke grabs my wrist and we transport somewhere. “I’ll explain to you about this later. Just stay behind me at all times because this could get really dangerous, especially for a human.”

I nod, trusting his words and followed him from behind. My eyes never left Hazel’s when I saw her and I very well knew that she had no idea what was going on either.



I know it sounds pretty boring. Idk I had to write something. Also, don't think Lucas/Luke/Lucifer is a nice guy just yet. The only spoiler you're getting. ;p

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