Beautifully Unfinished

By ellyreiv

777K 4.5K 1.2K

Book One Of The Beautiful Series. After a night of heavy drinking and clubbing with friends in a vacation in... More



15.9K 605 190
By ellyreiv


I quickly pulled my hands up to cover my mouth out of extreme shock.

No, this cannot be actually happening. There's absolutely no way.

Relax Miranda. Don't scream or else you'll wake him up. I thought.

I try to shake my hands in front of me while my heart was racing inside my chest. I pinch my cheeks to see if I was dreaming or if this was one of my wet dreams of Harry Styles in it, but it's not.

This is real.

This is actually happening to me.

This just fucking happened.

Holy fuck, Harry and I had sex.

We literally had sex.

I tried to rub my eyes to triple check but it's really Harry sleeping on top of the bed. I'm definitely not hallucinating and definitely not making things up because he is actually right in front of me.

I have never imagined that this could happen. I never thought I could be this close to seeing the Harry Styles. What was more shocking is that, I am not screaming or fangirling hardcore because I am still in a state of shock.

I can feel my blood rushing through my veins and I feel more nervous as I stand here beside his bed with my hands still covering my mouth. I never thought I could watch him sleep or accidentally see his bum first thing in the morning or be this close distance to the one and only Harry of the famous One Direction.

Let alone have sex with him.

I can't barely put into words what I am actually feeling right now because it's not something that happens to me on a regular basis. Any second he'll wake up, he will see me and he will see the blood stain on his bed.


So embarrassing.

I'm sad that I lost my virginity but in the back of my head I feel a little bit happy that he was the one who took it. I mean, your virginity being taken away by the world's famous lead vocalist. It's surreal.

But there's more that I am feeling which I just don't know how to explain. I don't have any idea how to put into words what I should be feeling right now and how surprising everything is to me.

I quickly pulled my phone out from my pocket and sneakily took a photo of him sleeping. This would be my proof so that my friends would believe my story. And even though the details from last night are all a blur to me, at least I have a personal photo of him before I'll disappear in his life for good.

I'm not planning on seeing him again or appearing in front of him, crying like he took my virginity away to get famous. I wouldn't do that. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of his band's millions of fans.

Having no memories of what could have happened last night? It could've been embarrassing. I could've done shameful things that I don't want to remember being completely sober now. I was blackout wasted last night and I don't want to remember what embarrassing things I did. God knows what they are.

And moreover, the bloodstain on his bed is bugging the hell out of me. That's why I'm not going to appear in his life again. Never again.

It's just humiliating for my part. I just wish when he wakes up later today, he won't remember how I looked.

I wish I didn't tell him my name.

Being confused with all these emotions inside me, I feel a serene just staring at him sleep like this. He's super handsome. He looks so perfect even without doing anything. Even though I have a huge crush on Louis Tomlinson, I still can't stop myself from adoring Harry.

I mean, Hello? It's Harry of 1D who has always been gorgeous charmer with his bluish-greenish eyes and long brown hair passed his shoulders. How can a man be this handsome while sleeping?

I squat down in front of him and stare at Harry's face intently. His lips were slightly parted, his eyelashes were just resting above his cheeks, he is snoring a little, and his lips were close to mine. I feel him breathing on my face and believe it or not, his breath smelled like mint and alcohol. I have the urge to run my fingers over his unblemished cheek but that would wake Harry up.

Beat, beat, beat, beat, beat

I hear my own heat beating loud.

I stare at his tattoos that were partly showing and I would want to touch all of them. I want to touch every piece of tattoo on his glorious six-packed ab body but I can't.

I wonder if I touched him the way I desire him to be touched right now.

No matter how hard I try to remember everything, I just can't recall how I ended up waking in Harry's bed the following morning after my first actual night out.

I flinched as soon as his phone started to ring on top of the side table drawer.

Shit shit shit! I cursed repeatedly in the back of my head.

I quickly pulled myself up from the squat when Harry was starting to move on top of the bed.

I looked around the room, looking for a place to hide. I need to hide. I glance at Harry who looks like he is going to wake up. He's shuffling on his bed at the sound of his phone ringing. I ran away from his bed and rushed to the nearby closet. I carefully went inside and managed to still see him from where I was sneaking around. Now he's slowly reaching for his phone from the side table drawer but he's still lying down on his bed.

"Hello." He answers.

Harry's morning groggy voice is so deep and so husky. It's sexy as hell that he still sounds like he's sleepy.

"Well you just woke me up Louis." He pulls himself up.

I took a deep breath in, Louis Tomlinson is on the other line!

I watch Harry pushing his hair off his face while his eyes were looking at the bloodstain. His face looked appalled by what he saw. Oh my god! I covered my eyes and my heart is beating undeniably fast.

"What the fuck!" Harry exclaims with his thick Essex accent.

I quickly removed my hands from my eyes and watch Harry scan the entire room. I think he's looking for me. I think I'm having tachycardia.

"I'm fine. It's just..." His eyes were still staring at the bloodstain while he was biting his fingernails. "It's nothing Louis. Gimme a minute, I will call you back." He hangs up.

He stares at it longer then looks around the entire room and I think that he is looking for me.

"Hello?" He calls out. His eyes busy scanning and I am scared that he might figure out where I am hiding. Yet, he doesn't know that I am still in his room and that I am still hiding.

"Anybody still in here with me?" He calls out again.

He groans inwardly and pulled himself up from the bed, looking all confused. My eyeballs leaped out when I saw his bare bum facing my direction. Both looked so soft and squishy. It was like a baby's buttocks. My heart started pounding inside my chest as I feel him slowly spinning around which means that...

No don't turn around and face me Harry . Don't you dare show me your dick. I mentally chanted but I felt my body was struck with lightning when he spins around and exposes his actual soft penis hanging right in between his thighs.

He walks around the room completely naked making my jaws drop and I am so surprised with the dick's size. It was still big even though it's not erected. He walks around casually since he does not know that I am still around.

God forbid me for being naughty right now for still staring at his penis but it's so thick and long that I cannot seem to look away.

Seeing Harry naked in a room is a once in a lifetime chance and hell I am grabbing it.

No wonder I feel massive pain in between my thighs, he's damn huge.

"Shit." He curses under his throat. "Where's that woman?" He murmurs to myself while walking around, looking around.

He rushed to the bathroom, perhaps he was thinking that I was there. If he is looking for me, he should have thought about wearing something first. He finally walks out of the bathroom and I began to pray that he won't walk into this closet because I wouldn't know what to do if that will happen.

He stood next to the closet where I am actually hiding and my heart just leaped out of my chest and my soul begin to leave my entire body. But then he stopped and didn't continue opening the closet's door and I was saved from his phone ringing.

"Hey Liam." Harry greets.

Harry looks so troubled and of course he should be, seeing a bloodstain on his bed with no woman in his room would totally ruin his career. But don't worry Harry , I won't let that happen. I will not be the reason to ruin your career even if it means hiding everything. I will forget this day even existed but I won't forget what I saw around here.

"You need to come here in my room. I need to talk to you." He keeps running his fingers through his hair.

He exhales and adds, "Yeah, it's something serious."

I gulped.

"I'll take a shower for a bit but be sure you get your ass here right away. I need to show you something before we leave." Harry worries.

"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks man." he finally hangs up.

He sighs and finally marches his way to the bathroom with low shoulders and troubled expression on his face. I listen to him and finally hear the water running..

I need to get out of here before Liam would see me and even though I want to see Liam Payne, so badly, I can't. I need to go before anyone of them sees me here.

It's better if we remain anonymous.

I carefully pushed the closet door open and noticed that Harry was really taking his shower. This was my chance to get out and save myself. I walked out of the closet and tiptoed my way to the door as quiet as I could and wished that room has no CCTV camera. I take a last look at the bed, then the entire room which makes me realize one thing, it was fine that I missed the concert, what happened in this room was much more worth than that concert ticket anyways.

Finally I headed out of his room with my head low, covering my face with my hair with the help of my hands as I continued to march away from Harry's room. I'm ashamed of what I could've done and what's more frustrating is that I don't remember anything of the things that I did to Harry .

When I finally got inside the elevator, I was alone. I exhale heavily and place my hand over my heart. It was still beating ridiculously fast.

I gasped and felt that my neck was empty.

My necklace!

I left my necklace inside Harry's room! Damn it! God damn it! That has always been something important to me.

Face palm.

Way to go Miranda!

My tears were quick to fill my eyes and they started streaming down my face. I cried for a while with my head down as I kept my wiping my tears off my cheeks.

The elevator makes a sound before the door opens. I hurriedly wipe my tears with the back of my hand.

"You okay love?"

I quickly pulled my head up and saw Louis Tomlinson right in front of me. Am I dreaming? I want to slap my face but it's really Louis who asked me if I was okay. It's the real deal Louis who's marching inside the elevator with a rueful smile on his face. I was surprised to see him all by himself with no security around him.

He stands next to me as the door finally closes, "You okay?" He asks again.

"It's... It's..." I stutter, still starstruck.

He smiles a little wider, "Hi. I'm Louis." He introduced himself to me as if I do not know who he was.

I accepted his hand right away and I think I was still gaping in surprise. I feel him squeezing my hand but I seemed like I held onto it a little bit more. "Miranda." I croaked.

"Are you okay Miranda? Why were you crying?" He asks.

"Nothing. I'm.. I'm actually fine." I lied.

Why am I so calm?

It's Louis Tomlinson, my ultimate crush, but why am I not screaming or hyperventilating? I'm in one elevator alone with the freaking Louis Tomlinson but I'm not fangirling.

What's wrong with me?

"Are we on the lobby already?" I asked, anxiously being in the same small room with him.

He chuckles and his laugh sounded so handsome even if it doesn't make sense but to me it is. "No." He answers. "You were on the 25th floor when I hopped in. We're on the way to the lobby now."

I nod but my eyes were still glued to him while he stares ahead of him. I didn't really want to be so weird in front of him but it still doesn't sink in that we are both here and I am actually not freaking the fuck out when I was anticipating myself to be.

God Louis sure is heavenly adorable.

His head turns to me with rueful eyes, "Are you sure you're alright?"

I nod, too mesmerized by his handsome face. I didn't even realize that he is actually pretty tall in person.

"Are you going somewhere?" He asked again.

"Home." I say. "I had a rough... night and morning."

He nods. "I can drive you there. I mean, it's the least thing I can do for a woman looking so sad."

My eyes dilated with his words. I swear to God, he is so perfect.

"You're too generous." I smile shyly as I shake my head sideways. I know how the fans would react if they see the boys with another woman and it's something that I don't want to be involved in.

"That would be nice but ummm.. a cab will do." I say softly.

I can't believe I'm having a causal conversation with Louis.

He nods. "Alright. I'll call you a cab. I'll tell the hotel manager to get you one to make sure you get home safe, how's that?" He smiles.

I nod.

The elevator finally opens and we were at the hotel lobby in a split second. I realized that I was inside one of the most expensive hotel in town, the one that Nina and Beth were thinking that 1D were staying. They were damned right.

Finally walking out of the elevator, I still feel completely remorseful now that I walked the walk of shame from Harry's bedroom. The more I tell myself that what I did was normal, I still can't help but blame myself for getting too drunk the night before.

Remembering Harry's face after seeing the bloodstain makes me hate myself for what I even went through without actually having no memories from last night. That look on his face, I think he was completely disgusted of what he saw.

He was disgusted of me.

"You sit on the couch, love. I'll get you one right away." Louis tells me.

I walked to the couch and sat down where he told me to. I waited for a while but my tears were building up again and I don't know why in hell I was crying for.

Am I crying because I saw Louis? Am I crying because I was hurt seeing Harry's face from the bloodstain on his hotel bed? Or am I crying for blaming myself of what happened to me and Harry?

"Ma'am?" I pulled my head up as soon as I heard the voice. "Mr. Thompson wants you to have this and the cab is already waiting."

I smiled back and accepted the paper.

From the corner of my eye, I see Harry and Liam walking out of the elevator which causes my breathing to hitch in the back of my throat. Harry looked fresher than earlier but he had his brows creased in the middle of his forehead. They were busy talking at the same time walking towards where I was. Before he can see me and recognize that I was the girl from last night, I quickly pulled myself up, thanked the attendant and headed out of the hotel as fast as I can.

I get inside the cab exasperatingly while my eyes were still glued on Harry who is now entering the hotel's cafe. I travelled my eyes on the small note which I remembered was from Louis.

I opened it quickly with excitement.


You're one beautiful woman. For whatever reason you were crying of a while ago, you'll pass through it. Don't forget to smile, love.

Louis Tomlinson

I smiled.

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