changing mr. styles | styles

theharianadimples tarafından

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"I can't change." he said as she smiled. "Then don't." Sometimes you can't truly change a person. No... Daha Fazla

Changing Mr. Styles
- 1 -
- 2 -
- 3 -
- 4 -
- 5 -
- 6 -
- 7 -
- 8 -
- 9 -
- 10 -
- 11 -
- 12 -
- 13 -
- 14 -
My Little Cookie
Oh Henry!
You Have Harry
She's My Everything
Ice Cream and Duvets?
i'm in Love
Decisions, Decisions
Who is Air?
No More Secrets
'A'nother Problem
Lies, Lies and ooh More Lies
Let's Just Say I Like You. A Lot.
What is This Feeling?
Never Give Up.
Niall the Sailor
Don't Wake Them Up
That's My Harry
My World Now
Over Again
We Need to Talk
Call Me Dead
The Ship That Sails Itself
Praise Jesus
I'm Yours
The Bad Man Said So
Hold Me
So Good Baby
Angelic Creatures
Little Things
No One.
The Taste That Your Lips Allow
Let's Get Physical, Physical
Two Swallows
True Love Will Triumph in The End
She is Love
Forever Isn't Enough
Disapear Forever.
What's New Scooby Doo? .II
Promise Me
The Worst Chapter
Never Give Up
Forbidden Love
Augustus Frost
Okay? Okay.
She's the One
The Moon's Out
Don't Let Me Go
Hope Is Restored
I Think I Just Came
The Journal
It's a Cruel World
Insanity .I
Insanity .II
The Alpha Male
Marry Me
Aria vs. Victoria
No Regrets
You Are the Reason .II
You Are the Reason: II.
You Are the Reason .III
Kitten Love
I'll Always Love You
Our Future
Bad Boys Get Punished .I
My Happy Ending
Baby I
Green Eyed Devil .I
Green Eyed Devil .II
My Little Bird
I Have Genital Herpes
Love is Happiness
The Problem
A Stupid Kind of Love
Home Sweet Home
The Calm After The Storm
Say Hello
This World is Ours

Valentine's Day Escapades

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theharianadimples tarafından

WARNING: Mature content

Harry's POV





I woke up with a start and ended up falling out of bed and landing on my stomach as I groaned loudly in pain. I pushed myself off the floor and rubbed at my sleep filled eyes as I tried to take in my surroundings. I looked at the time and my eyes widened. "Who in their right mind would start screaming at seven in the bloody morning?" I spoke my thoughts.

"I don't know, but whoever they are they gon' die." Niall walked passed me, still wrapped up in his blanket as he made his way out of our shared hotel room. He popped is head out and checked the halls. "Ugh two of our fans got on our floor again." Niall rolled his eyes as he walked back in. "Shall I phone Paul?" I asked him, not wanting last time to happen again.

Last time, Zayn accidently led a fan to our hotel and she cleverly found our hotel rooms which led to her hiding in Zayn's and walking out when he was about to strip off to go to sleep. Paul was outraged and zayn seemed to not mind and probably ended up snogging the poor girl.

"Don't bother, they were leaving anyways." Niall yawned as I nodded. "Okay, well good ni-" "PEEEEEEEEEENIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS!" The girl screamed louder before coughing and laughing. Wait- laughing? I know who's laugh that is. "I'll be right back." I muttered as I rubbed my bare arms. "I call your bunk on the bus." Niall joked as I rolled my eyes nad glared at him. "I know who those two are- well one of them, and she's in big trouble." I told him before walking out of the room and down the hallway where the girl's had gone down.

I approached them quietly before clearing my throat. "Ahe-ahem." I tapped my left foot impatiently as I waited for them to turn. "Um... hey." Aria smiled meekly at me as she turned around. "Don't um... hey me. Why are you two running down the hallway and screaming penis?" I asked her as I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Well you see, Sienna and I-" She was cut off by a door being slammed loudly which made the three of us jump. "Shit, see you later!" Sienna shout-whispered before runnig towards the stairs. "What's going on-" Aria pressed her small fingers to my lips and clamped them shut as she looked past me. "Shhh, you're gonna get us caught." She whispered.

I pushed her fingers off my lips. "Aria... what did you do?" I asked her breathlessly as she pulled my arm, signaling me to follow her. "Something. Now shush." she stressed.

"WHO DID THIS!? I WILL MURDER YOU!" Louis' unmistakeable morning voice rang throughout the hallway, getting louder and louder as he approached us. "Oh shoot I gotta hide!" Aria yelped as she looked around her for a place to hide. "Ooh here." She ran and hid behind a tall plant, sitting down next to it in the darkness and making herself as small as possible so she wasn't seen. "Wait what-"

"HARRY!" I jumped and turned around to face a beat red Louis who's face not only looked red from anger but his hair did as well. "Um... nice hair?" I looked up at his newly died red hair before looking back at him and giggle to myself a little as he growled. "You think this is funny!? YOU FUCKING DIED MY HAIR RED!" He yelled. "NO ID DIDN'T!" I yelled back defensively.

"Oh really? Then who did? Please do tell me Harry because when I find out who it is they're going to suffer." Louis spat. I looked towards Aria who peeped her head from behind the plant and shook it furiously. I sighed and shook my head before turning to Louis. "Okay, it was me." I told him.

He looked me straight in the eye and narrowed his own as he walked past me. "You're lucky red is my favorite color. You're also lucky that you have a girlfriend who loves you too much to let me kill you. You watch your back Styles." He mused intimidatingly beforesaunting back to his room. When his door shut, Aria stood from behind the plant and approached me with a smile. "You owe me." I pointed at her as she nodded and giggled. "I know exactly how to repay you." She winked at me cheekily.

"I look forward to it." I smirked before pulling her into a hug. "Happy valentines day babe." I smiled as she hugged me tighter. "Happy valentines day to you too Harry." I pulled her out of the hug and kissed her sweetly before stopping to kiss her forehead. "I missed you." I sighed as she nodded.

"I did too... but it's only been four days." She said as I shrugged. "A second without you feels like a lifetime to me." I said as she blushed. "I've been so stressed lately and now I'm just so glad you're here. You really are the best stress reliever you know." I told her. "Well yeah, that's just how fabulous I am." She flicked her hair to the side as I chuckled. "I have so much planned for us today." i told her as I laced our fingers together.

"Really? Me too! I have yourpresent all ready and set to go, but you'll have to wait until later to get it." she said as I frowned. "You didn't have to get me anything- I didn't get you anything but I suppose I have to now since you're getting me something. I still can't thank you enough for my birthday present." I said as she waved her hand dismissively at me. "It was nothing, plus you don't have to get me anything. Having you is aleady good enough for me." she smiled as I nodded.

"I know, but it's valentines day and as your boyfriend I have every right to spoil you rotten." I stated as she sighed. "Fine, but if you get me something worth more than my submarine I will be forced to ignore you forever." Se said as she looked away from me. "But you don't have one?" I looked at her confused. "Exactly." She smirked.

"You make having a girlfriend so difficult. Why can't you be that girlfriend who's submissive to everything?" I whined and pouted as she burst into laughter. "Cause baby I'm limited edition." She threw her hands up in a gang sign and I held a short laugh as I shook my head at her. "Unfortunately you are. Luckily you're all mine." I said as she smiled.

Dimples erupted on both of her cheeks as her beautiful smile radiated off her even more beautiful face which made me smile. It was nice to see that I'm able to make someone happy for a change and not horribly depressed like I usually do. These feelings I get whenever she smiles are so unfamiliar to me- only because I've been blocking them out for so long.

Contrary to popular belief, guys can build up walls too. Like a girl does after her heart is broken. Mine was broken and my walls were put up, cemented down and held up with pillars of steel in hopes they never fall. Of course, Aria's struck them down and pretty much barged right into my heart, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but more or so too easy. I've never let a girl in since Ava.

I really did love her.

In fact, my life pretty much revolved around Ava and her happiness, much like I do now with Aria. The only difference is, Aria actually loves me back. I still can't get that wrapped around me head. I've said it so many times, but when you think about it why would someone like her want to be associated with someone like me?

When I dated Ava, she was basically a regular girl to me. We became friends, dated, fell in love, then broke up. But Aria isn't a regular girl. She's a princess. One that is in line to be Queen of her own queendom one day. Just by that fact I knew Aria and I wouldn't last as long as me and Ava did. We,re from completely different worlds; Aria only being a figure in mine.

Her family will find her one day and take her away forever- I can feel it. She can't hide for the rest of her life, especially while dating me. So I like to cherish our moments together; make them last as long as they could.

Aria began to speak again, but I was too enthralled with my thoughts to really listen. I mentally studied everything we've done together so far. As friends we've went on a few coffee dates in starbucks- call it what you will, she moved in with me, and I brought her to one of my favorite childhood locations- the ice rink in Cheshire.

As a couple we've gone on many dates- probably not even knowing it, been on three official legitimate dates, engaged in sexual activity, fought a lot which is normal for a relationship like this one, and we explored New York together.

Every other little detail added to these thoughts brought a smile tomy face but then faltered when I realized thatwhen Aria and I do break up, which could happen any time soon if we're not careful, then I risk having to see her do these things with some new guy who'll most likely be better than me.

I didn't like the thought of her replacing me, not one bit.

"Harry... Harry!" She snapped me out of my thoughts and I nodded meekly. "Yeah sorry, what was it you said?" I asked her. "I asked if you mind me sleeping in your room because Sienna's locked me out. She fell asleep." Aria said as she looked up from her phone. "Yeah of course." I said as I began to lead her back to mine and Niall's room.

"Thanks." She smiled, following after me into my room and skipped towards my bed, jumping into it before throwing the covers over herself. "Hey, move a bit." I tapped her and tried to push her to the side, only to have her move closer. "Babe seriously." I whined. "Fine." She sighed and rolled towards the wall. "Thank you." I slipped in and pulled the covers over the both of us.

"Night harry." she said before turning her back to me. "It's like seven in the morning." I told her as she shrugged. "it's still dark out therefore it's night time still now shh."

"Interesting analogy. I'll keep that in mind next time Liam has to wake us up this early." I told her, only to receive no response back. Little snores escaped her lips as she breathed in and out deeply. I sighed and leant over to kiss her forehead before getting comfortable myself.

In minutes I fell asleep.


"Wake up Harry!"

I groaned and covered my face with my pillow to block the ungodly light shining on my face.

"Harry seriously get up man."

"I don't want to...." I told whoever had began to pull me up. "Come on mate, it's a special day today." Niall's breathless irish accent spoke as he helped stand. I rubbed at my eyes until all sleep was gone then opened them. I groaned as I turned to Niall and Louis. "Whaaaat?" I asked them before sititng down on my bed.

"Guess what day it is today." Louis beamed as I rolled my eyes. "I'm not a fucktard Lou, it's valentines day." I told him. "Thank goodness you do. You know you're the only one in this band who's in a relationship and it'd be embarrassing if you forgot." He chuckled as I nodded and looked around the room for Aria.

"Where's Aria?" I asked the two. "In her room getting ready for today. She's got a very special present for you later Harry." Niall smirked as he patted my back joyously. "What is it?" I asked him. "Can't tell you!!" He sang as I grunted. "Relax Haz it's nothing too expensive in fact, I figure it's pretty priceless. She's done her research." Louis and Niall shared a mischievious look before turning to me.

"So what are you planning to do with her today?" They asked. "Don't know actually. I'm all out of romantic surprises." I told them, waving my hands in the air to emphasize surprises. "I reckon you should just take her out and explore Stockholm." Louis said.

"Yeah mate take her to that ferry place we went to back in 2011." Niall added. "But make it more romantic." I rolled my eyes. "But how? That's the problem! I've run out of ideas and Aria's one tough girl to impress. I'm no Noah you know." I said. "Nothing a little bouqet of flowers and chocolate won't do." Louis said. "Okay, but that's not enough! I'd like to take her out for dinner, but I've gone over my budget back in London when we went to that fancy restaurant." I groaned.

"Get her something nice, like jewelry or something." Niall shrugged. "I just said I'm pretty much broke. I have to wait at least a week before Simon puts money into my account again." I frowned. Think of something Harry... Come on... think...

"Well, you've been meaning to get a tattoo..." Louis said, motioning to the tattoos on my arm. "True... you think I should get one for her?" I asked them. "Your choice mate, you know tattoos stay on forever, unless you want to go through the pain of having them removed." Niall said as I sighed. If I get a tattoo for Aria and we break up, what happens then? I don't think I want something this permanent to remember her by. Though I don't think I would even have the heart to get it removed if I get it and we do breakup.

"Okay I'll do it. I'm going to get a tattoo for Aria." I said as I shot up from my seat. "Great! Now that that's settled, get dressed because Aria will be over in a few." Louis said, looking up from his phone to push me off. "Alright, alright, I'm going." I walked into the bathroom and showered thoroughly, then blow dried my hair until it was nice and dry. After admirning myself in the mirror for a few seconds, I wrapped a towel around my waist then made my back into my room.

"I'M SORRY! I'LL BUY YOU FIVE BAGS JUST PLEASE DON'T HURT ME! Niall yelled at Aria who huffed. "BUT THAT DOESN'T BRING BACK MY ONE BAG, DOES IT NIALL!?" Aria glared at Niall who pulled a face. "JUST BUY ANOTHER BAG!"

"what's wrong now?" I asked Aria calmly as I got dressed. "This morning, I woke up because I was hungry so I went to Paul, got my room key, then went over to my dresser to get my Haribos I cleverly hid, only to find them gone! Niall here ate them!" Aria pointed at Niall who cackled. "And they were delicious!" Niall rubbed his stomach as Aria stomped her foot. "But they were my Haribos!"

I groaned. Niall always had the knack to steal MY Haribos so i knew how to deal with this. "Niall, have you ever seen a Leprechaun fly?" I asked him. "No, I have not." He replied uneasily. "Well you're about to experience the real thing riht now." I smirked as I slowly approached him. "Oh come on dude! I already have your girlfriend out to get me, not you too!" He whined. "I'm fragile; I can only take a blow then it's bye bye me!"

"Sweetie?" I breathed, eyes still on Niall who was cowering in fear. "Yes?" Aria asked as she stepped in beside me. "I'll buy you another bag of Haribos while we're out." I told her as I backed away form Niall who let out a logn breath of relief. "You better." She pushed past me then attempted to tower over Niall by standing on her toes.

"And you better watch your back Horan. I may be small but I can take you down. One thing about me you should know is that I'll pop up out of anywhere. I know my way around. I might get you and you might not even know." she kept her eyes on niall before grabbing her bag and walking out of the hotel room. I turned to Niall who,s eyes were wide, fear evident beneath them as he watched Aria leave.

I chuckled and patted his back. "I wouldn't worry too much Niall. She's only playing with you. You're a man and you should never be afraid of a girl." I told him as I grabbed one of his snap backs and pulled it over my untamed curls. He nodded slowly. "HARRY!" Aria yelled form outside, causing both niall and i to jump. "Coming dear!" I yelled quickly before following after her. "Never be afraid of a girl, hah." Niall laughed before shutting the door.

I walked up to Aria who was tapping her foot impatiently. I smiled at her; she looked adorable when she's frustrated. Her eyebrows curl up and her nose flares. "Shall we go?" I asked her, holding my arm out for her to hold. "Yeah..." She sighed, wrapping her arm around mine and held onto it like she usually would as I led her out of the hotel.

We were naturally bombarded by fans but luckily there weren't too many. Paul was already at the curb, ready with the car. As I signed and took pictures with fans, Aria went ahead into the car, though she poked her head out a bit to talk to fans. "Why can't you come out?" A fan asked her. "I would love to but Harry would go mad if I did. He thinks you guys tend to get ''aggressive'' but seriously who wouldn't, they're One Direction. I definitely would go ''aggressive'' if Adam Levine was standing in fornt of me. He's just 5''11 of pure perfection." Aria faned herself as the fan screamed. "OH MY GOD FINALLYS OEMONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ME!"

Aria giggled and took the girl's twitter name. "I'm definitely going to follow you. If you want I can have Harry follow you as well." She said to the girl who looked like she was about to cry. "You're so nice oh my God, thank you!" The fan began to cry as Aria pouted. "Aww don't cry, chin up beautiful." She poked the fan in her sides, causing her to laugh.

"Can you get Harry to follow me as well?" Another fan asked. "Me too!" And another. "Me three oh my god please!" And another. "Oh wow, okay um just tweet me your twitters and hashtag it as... umm.... #adamsleftnipple." Aria finished as the girls chuckled. "Why that?" They asked her. "Because people always hashtag his right nipple so we're going to be different for a change." Aria laughed as they all nodded.

After they tweeted Aria, they had to go, which eft Aria to sit alone in the car on her phone. "Hey Aria!" A fan yelled, but they sounded a bit vicious when they did. "Yes?" Aria popped her head out of the window. "I'm surprised you could fit through that door, your fat is practically spilling all over the place!" The girl laughed as a few others giggled along. Aria frowned as she looked at her. "I'm surprised you can even call yourself a fan if you think verbally abusing me is going to make Harry love you."

The crowd erupted into a series of "OOOOOOOOOH BURN!" and "OH SNAP!" and "APPLY THIS STERILE BANDAGE TO THAT BURN!" Needless to say I joined in. "But still, at the end of the day I'm still skinnier and prettier than you and that's enough to make me happy. Of course, you wouln't know that because you're an oversized pig. Don't know why you can settle for just... that." She pointed at Aria in disgust. "Plus, Harry would totally bang me over you."

I muttered a few profanities as I made my way to Aria, knowing everyone in the crowd was looking at either me or Aria and the girl.

"You know, people are always telling me that I need to lose weight and that I should starve myself or eat healthier in order to be happy but you know what, I think I'd be way happier if a large double decker chocolate and nutella ice cream cake was entering my mouth." Aria said as a few girls screamed their sgreements. "PREACH IT SISTER!"

"W-Well... I'm model material. I'm pretty much perfection! And you're what?" The girl yelled just as I reached aria and wrapped an arm around her waist. "She's girlfriend material." I told the girl whose jaw dropped, along with the rest of the fans as I kissed Aria's cheek. "A real girl isn't perfect and a perfect girl isn't real." I said as I looked over at Aria who smiled small.

"Have a nice day." I told everyone before getting into the car with Aria. As we drove off, their screaming lessened and my grip on Aria grew tighter as I let her cry into my shirt. "Don't believe a word they say. Don't you dare." I muttered as I rubbed her back soothingly. "I-I know... it's just... it never stops." she whimpered as she clutched my chest tighter.

Aria may pull a brave face now and then, but deep down we both knew she wasn't strong at all. Not anyone is to be honest. We all have our weaknesses and unfortunately Aria's is her insecurities. One blow and she's down. But she's learnt how to mask them by being happy all the time and by helping others before herself. It hurt me to know that I love her more than she loves herself.

"I know babe... I know. Just always remember that even if they say these mean things about you, you will never succumb to them and believe them. I love you for you and I wouldn't care if you only had one eye or had six toes; you're beautiful to me." I kissed her forehead gently and hugged her close. She was wearing, casual yet classy which I liked about her. Her style was laid back most of the time and she only rarely wore something extravagant unless it was a special location.

She doesn't wear too much makeup as well, though I prefer her without it. I can tell why she doesn't want to be a princess. There's so much pressure on her shoulders aready and she's not even 21 yet. Being someone of royalty meant being in the spot light all the time and I knew Aria hated the attention. She didn't like coming off as an attention whore- as I'd like to call it, though dating me had it with the package.

"Thank you." Aria breathed as she looked up at me. "thank you for always being there for me." She smiled sadly as I aww'd and pecked her nose. "You're very welcome. It's about time I do the peptalks around here." I winked at her as she giggled into my shirt. "You know I wasn't lying right." she sat up again and wiped the skin under her eyes. "About what?" I asked.

"About rather having a cake shoved down my throat instead of nothing at all." she smiled shyly. "My little rant back there makes me crave chocolate." She patted her stomach as I chuckled. "Now that you mention it, I want chocolate too. Hey Paul, where's the nearest store? Can we park there for a bit?" I asked Paul who nodded. "Just done this road, and sure." he said as Aria giggled. "What?" Paul asked her. "Road. Rocky road ice cream." She said as if it as completely obvious.

"Was that supposed to be funny?" Paul asked her as she frowned. "Yes."

"Wasn't funny." Paul shook his head as Aria raised an eyebrow. "Okay well... how about this. A hippo walks up to a giraffe and asks, "WHY THE LONG FACE!?"-" Aria burst into laughter, her infectious giggles and snorts sending me into a fit as well even if I didn't understand her joke. "G-Get it? Ca-cause the hippo though th-the giraffe's neck was par-part of it's f-face also!" she laughed loudly as I only now got the joke and began to laugh even louder with her. "I G-GET IT!" I laughed as she held onto her stomach and shook in her seat as her laughter began to die down.

"Wow you two are really meant to be if you both share the same horrible humour." Paul said as Aria and I looked at him offended. "Hey!" We both whined in unison. "What? At least now you have someone who understands the jokes you tell and will actually laugh." he said.

"Hey what did the chicken say when he crossed the road?" I asked Aria. "Nothing, cause chickens can't speak!" I laughed as Aria wiped her eyes as she giggled furiously before bursting into hysterical laughter.

"Okay how about this one. A cookie and a cream have babies. What are they called? COOKIES AND CREAM!" Aria roared as I nearly fell over from laughing. "Okay okay. A Kite flies above the clouds and disappears because the wind blew it too far away and the line attatched to the kite was too short so it snapped!" Aria and I were practically rolling in our seats from laughing too hard.

"What do you call parsley that can sing classic rock?" Aria managed to say through her giggles. "What?" i asked her. "Elvis Par-esley!" Another round of laughter filled the car as I leant my head against Aria's stomach, practically crying as I laughed.

"Okay here's the best one. What do you call a Spanish piano that weighs two thousand pounds?" I asked her. "I don't know Harry, what do you call a piano that weighs two thousand pounds?" Aria breathed, already preparing herself. "ELTON JOHN!" Aria practically died on the spot as she laughed. I beamed and laughed as well, but more or so because I loved seeing Aria so happy. It was a rare moment and a sentimental one too because I actually found a girl who laughs at my jokes, not to just be nice but because they're actually funny.

Last time I told that one, Louis hit me in the balls.

"We're here." Paul said as he pulled up to the curb. "Call me if you need help." Paul said as Aria and I both nodded before stepping out. Aria nearly tripped but managed to balance herself on the curb as she rested her hand on her heart. "I swear I saw the light back there." She breathed heavily as I jumped out and laughed. "I would have caught you though so it's all good." I said as I led her inside.

"Yeah well if you didn't I would have come back and haunted you." Aria said as we began to roam the aisle of junk food. "So you would be able to see me naked then?" I smirked as she rolled her eyes. "Everything has to be dirty to you." She said as I chuckled. "Yup."

I picked up two bags of crisps and let Aria choose the chocolate which were four snickers bars. We walked up to the counter and paid for the food- I paid for it all, mch to her displeasure. Aria was quick to open one of the chocolate bars and shove more than half of it into her mouth, which not only worried me but had me thinking a few thoughts that shouldn't be thought of in public.

"Aria you might choke on that." I warned her as I opened the door for her. "No I won't. I don't have a gag reflex." She said as she skipped out of the store, my jaw hanging a little as I followed after her. "I mean, I do have a gag reflex it's just hard to really make me gag, trust me." She said before going up to the car. I felt my jeans start to tighten as I adjusted myself quickly before getting into the car with her.

"So that means you can fit large things into your mouth?" I asked her curiously as she nodded. "Yeah I guess. Why are you asking?" she returned as I gulped. "No reason." My voice going an octave higher as I smiled at her uneasily. "Where to now kids?" Paul asked us as he drove off. "Can you drop us off at the ferry place for the day? I'll call you when we're done our date." I whispered in his ear as he nodded. "Okay Harry."

Paul drove until we reached the ferry place, dropping us off a good two blocks from the place since a lot of people were crowding the area already and we needn't anymore people to come. "thanks Paul." I waved at him as I helped Aria out of the car. "Thanks Paul!" Aria waved happily at Paul who nodded before driving off.

"Where are we Harry?" Aria asked curiousy as I walked over to her and took her by the hand. "You'll see." I smiled at her as I led her down the busy sidewalk. "The boys and I came here back in 2011 and since then it's been one of our favorite spots." I told her as she nodded. "Oh cool."

When we reached the entrance to the ferry's, Aria let out an audible gasp as she bgoing on a p up and down in excitement. "WE'RE GOING ON A BOAT!" She squealed as I nodded. "Yup! Well it's a paddle boat but same thing." I chuckled as I led her past the gates. "Morning sir and madam, can I interest you in a bouquet of beautiful roses, handpicked from one of the most finest fields in Switzerland?" A man immediately asked as he walked up to me and Aria.

"Sure. How much?" I asked him as I took out my wallet. "Oh no sir, these are not for sale. You must earn them." He said as I plastered a painfully fake smile on my face. "And how so Mr.?" I asked him, breathing in and out heavily. This guy was testing my patience. "A simple question of course. Answer it correctly and the flowers are yours." He said as Aria giggled. I looked down at her and noticed her biting her lip as she eyed the man. "What are you doing?" I asked her sharply, not liking the way she looked at him.

"He's got a bee on his shoulder." She whispered. I looked over at his shoulder and chuckled at the sight of the bee flying near his bouquet of flowers. "What's the question?" I looked at him smugly as I tucked my hands into my jean pockets.

"What number is both even and odd?" he asked as I looked at him blankly. "Um..." Think HHarry, think. "Shit- I uh... Ummm...." I scratched the back of my head as paced in circles, tryig to figure out this evidently difficult question. "Uhhhh" I looked over at Aria who was watching me intently. "Give me a moment." I raised a finger at the man who nodded.

"Five." Another voice spoke up, causing me to turn to whoever had spoken. "The answer is five." A lad looking about Louis' age took the flowers from the man who looked stunned. "That is correct! My, it's been a while since anyone's cracked that one. I'll be going then!" and with that the man left.

"I believe these are yours." The man gave the flowers to Aria who took them timidly. "I'm Matt by the way." He said as she nodded. "Nice to meet you Matt." She said to him before she looked over at me. I huffed and approached them. "Babe let's go." I took her hand and began to lead her to the queue for the boats. She nodded and followed after me, looking behind us once more before turning around and letting out a little sigh. "Well that was nice of him.'She said as I scoffed.

"I could have answered that question." I muttered. "It was supposed to be me who gave them to you."

"Hmm they smell lovely." she smiled as she sniffed the bouquet. I snorted in disgust as I grabbed the flowers from her and threw them into the nearest trash can. "Hey! What was that for!?" Aria yelled loudly. "I am not going to watch you smell some stupid flowers some guy gave you!" I rolled my eyes as she grunted. "They're just flowers Harry."

"Yeah that are not from me!" I yelled. "He had no right to bare in and answer the question when I had the answer right at the tip of my tongue!" I protested. "But you didn't have to throw the flowers in the trash. They were so pretty." She pouted. Pretty huh? We'll see about that. "stay here." I told her" I told her kissing her cheek quickly before running off. "Harry!" I heard her yell in the distance but I ignored it as I looked around for that little flower shop.

At last I found what i was looking for and fished out my wallet. I returned to Aria carrying a large bouquet of pink roses, much more delightful than that stupid bouquet that guy gave her. I approchaed her slowly and watched a smile spread across her face as she walked towards me. "Ok it's official, you're the best boyfriend I've ever had." she gently took the bouqet from me and smelt it. "I'm the only boyfriend you've ever had." I noted as she cheeks lit up. "I know." She giggled.

"You're lucky you know, not ever girl can say her first boyfriend was Harry Styles." I smirked as she frowned. "You say it like I'm going to be with someone else one day."

I had to admit her words warmed my heart. It just proves that she's just as committed to this relationship as I am, maybe even more. The fact that she thinks she would possibly last forever made me smile but forever is a logn time and as heartless as it sounds, I doubt we would be able to last that long. It's only a matter of time until she's found.

"Babe." I walked up to her and pulled her in close; close enough that Ionly she could hear what I was going to say. "You're always going to be mine." i told her as I pulled a strand of her hair behind her ear. "This is our first Valentines Day together and I hope we have many more to come. I know we've only been together for about three weeks, but to me it feels like it's been years. You know more about me than anyone else, including my own mother. You were always there for me and you understood me when no one else did. You even laugh my witty jokes which means the world to me. I just never believed in having a soul mate until I met you." I said truthfully as a blush over came her cheeks.

"Thank you for teaching me how to love again." I smiled before kissing her lips softly, holding her close to me as she kissed back. She was first to pull away and smiled as she looked up at me. "And thank you as well for showing me that love really does exist." She pulled me into a hug, resting her head on my chest as my arms immediately hugged her back. "My pleasure Aria. I love you. Happy Valentines day." I smiled as I kissed the top of her head. "I love you too Harry. Happy Valentines Day." She giggled into my chest as I sighed. "Say that again." I told her.

"Say what again? Happy Valetines Day?" she looked up at me confused. "No, the first thing." I said as she looked at me with a small smile. "I love you too."

"I could listen to you say that all day." I told her truthfully as I took her hand again. "I love you too!" She giggled as I nodded in approval. "I LOVE HARRY STYLES!" She screamed loudly, causing everyone around us to look at her like she had three heads. I chuckled and pulled her into my side. '

'You're such a loser." I told her as she shrugged. "But I'm your loser right?" she asked innocently asnd I nodded. "Most definitely." I smirked as I kissed her cheek.

After queuing for a few minutes, we finally got our paddle boat and stepped inside. As I peddled us out into the open water, Aria laid against me as my one arm wrapped around her. We mostly talked during the whole thing, making occasional jokes every now and then. It was comforting really, just having a chat with Aria. I've been told many times that my stories tend to prolong and end up so boring that the person listening just stops but Aria listened throughout everything I said and even said some things as well.

She even said she found it adorable how I spoke so slow. Can i get a what what? No?......ok.

As I peddled us out farther, I watched Aria intently as she spoke before dramatically sighing. She deserved more than this shitty date. If only we weren't so lmited in time, I would take her to see the world if I could.

"What's wrong?" She asked as I frowned.

Aria's POV

"Sorry if this date isn't very special." Harry smiled apologetically as he continued to paddle us farther. "I know you probably expected more but-" I cut him off with a light kiss on the cheek. "I think this date is lovely." I told him, smiling as I folded my hand in my lap.

"But we're in a boat. That I'm paddling." Harry muttered as he paddled harder. "Well you're practically flaunting how good your legs look." I told him as I compared mine to his. "Yours are like chopsticks compared to mine." I chuckled as I gripped his thighs.

"Well it's about time someone noticed these stems." Harry stood up and pretended I model his legs; the abrupt motion causing us to teeter and almost capsize. "Sit down! You're gonna make us fall!" I laughed as I pulled him back down. "I would have saved you anyways babe." Harry winked at me as he began to peddle again.

A few moments of silence later, I decided to speak up. "So where are we going after this?" I asked him as I wrapped a hand around his and rested our pair of hands in my lap as I leant against his shoulder. "I'd rather not tell you." Harry smirked as he leant his cheek against the top of my head. "I'd rather you do. You know, so I can prepare myself." I joked referring to the many times Harry's gotten hurt on our dates.

"Let's just say it'll be a sentimental moment." Harry said as he began to peddle us back to the dock. We docked the boat and Harry kindly helped me out before taking my hand again and leading us out through the front gates. "Are you going to call Paul?" I asked him as soon as we reached the streets. "Nope. It's just a short walk from here." Harry said as we continued to walk down the sidewalk, trying our best not to be seen. Every now and then Harry would grunt or stare off into the distance looking annoyed or aggravated. But then he let out a discrete fart and his face softened as I giggled.

"Shut up." She blushed as he pulled me along faster. Soon he stopped us in front of a battered old building, the name of the place being foreign except for those two words. Tattoo Parlor.

"You're getting a tattoo?" I looked up at Harry who nodded. My eyes trailed his arms and that were almost covered in tattoos that I still didn't know the meanings of. Harry's a spur of the moment kind of guy. "I want to get one, for you." Harry smiled down at me before opening the glass door. My eyes widened, feeling a little eccentric knowing Harry was willing to get a permanent tattoo... for me.

We walked inside and immediately my lungs were filled with the aroma of smoke, machinery, ink, and a bit of blood. I coughed quietly, causing Harry to chuckle and wrap his arms around me from behind.

"Well look who's back in town." A man, who looked like he was covered in tattoos from neck to toes, walked over to Harry and I with his arms wide open. "Nice to see you Hank." Harry let go of me for a few seconds and man hugged Hank who slapped Harry on the back a few times before releasing him. "The feeling's mutual. And who's the pretty lady you got there?" Hank turned to me and smiled slyly. "Girlfriend number twenty eight?"

"Hank!" Harry yelled and sent his friend multiple glares. "Don't listen to him, he's just teasing us." Harry whispered in my ear as I nodded and looked towards Hank who seemed amused. "I'm Aria." I spoke up and smiled politely at Hank. "Nice to meet you hank." I said as he nodded. "Good to see Harry finally dating a human being and not a cougar aye!" Hank teased as Harry turned bright red.

"So what can I do for ya?" Hank asked. "I'm getting a tattoo." Harry said as Hank sighed. "Harry you've got enough already and half of them were from losing bets with the lads."

"Well this one is special. I'm getting it for my girlfriend." Harry smiled at me before turning to Hank. "Interesting. Well follow me to the back." Hank waved at us to follow him which we did.

I looked around the tattoo parlour, waving kindly at each person who looked my way. They were all either quite large and scary looking or pale and lanky; the only colour evident on their skin being their tattoos. To be honest I found the place rather relaxing- well if you take away the awful toxins in the air and the scary men.

That doesn't mean to say their appearance contrasts their actual personalities. I'm sure they're all lovely people. "Two of your band mates are in the back." Hank's voice pulled me out of my thoughts as I turned back to face him and Harry.

"Really, who?" Harry asked Hank. "Uhh the loud one and the Irish lass." Hank said as Harry rubbed his temples. "They're in the only room with unoccupied seats. I'm afraid you two are going to have to go in there as well." Hank said as Harry sighed. "Fine."

I guess Louis and Niall aren't supposed to be here. "Can't believe we have to share with those two fuckers- ruining our date even more." Harry muttered as we followed Hank towards the room Louis and Niall were in.

"Language!" I poked his cheek as I walked through the door first. Louis was currently sitting on a large black chair with his shirt off, a man looking similar to Hank was already inking his skin. The whirring of the pen left me a bit queasy but I shook it off.

Niall looked like an absolute angel, sitting in another black chair while scrolling through his phone- probably on twitter or he's texting Sienna.

"Look who's come to join us." Hank announced loudly causing Louis and Niall to look up at us. "Wow you really weren't joking about the tattoo." Louis chuckled as Harry rolled his eyes. "Let's get this started shall we?" Harry sat down in the free chair beside Louis and turned to Hank who nodded and grabbed a sturdy looking chair. "Have a seat." He motioned for me to sit and I did so, pulling it near Harry.

"Nooo I want it to be a surprise!" Harry whined as he pushed my face to the side. I chuckled and watched him pull off his shirt. he laid back down against the chair and stared up at the ceiling. "Seriously Aria, I know I'm irresistible and all but you need to avert your attention on anything but my rock hard abs." He looked up at me seriously as I snorted.

"You mean these jelly rolls?" I joked, poking his torso and biting my lip, realizing they were in fact quite hard. "Ouch Aria. I have feelings you know. " Harry held his hand to his heart as he pouted. "I do too and unfortunately they're for you." I kissed his cheek before getting up and carrying my chair over to sit between Louis and Niall.

"She sure is different from your other catches Haz." I could hear Hank say as Harry sighed. "I know."

"Like for once your girlfriend is wearing something that won't give her hypothermia." Hank chuckled. "Well if she wore anything less it would most likely be for my eyes only. She's very conservative when it comes to clothes and leaves much to the mind when it comes to her body." Harry said. "I like that."

I turned towards Louis who was still getting his tattoo done. "Does it hurt?" I asked him curiously. "Not really. It's like little pinches, but it depends on the kind of tat you're getting and the size. This one doesn't really hurt." Louis said as he looked down at his chest. A word was being written across his upper chest but alI couldn't exactly understand what it said since it wasn't finished yet.

"What's that one about?" I asked him as I pointed at the compass on his arm. "Oh that one? Well basically I've never really had a direction in life until now. I know where my life is going and I know what I want. I was a bit lost cause back then but now I've found my path in life and I continue to follow it. This compass is to remind me of that journey from being lost to finding something I love to do." Louis examined as I nodded with a smile. "That's nice."

"Yeah. Bet if you ask Harry about his he'll say some shit story about it." Louis chuckled as Harry snapped his head towards us. "I heard that!" He yelled. Harry had swapped his snapback with a beanie of his, pulling back his sweat drenched curls as he laid back against the chair with his eyes shut.

"Probably. But I think when you're young that's when you're allowed to experiment and make mistakes." I told him as he chuckled. "That was pretty deep."

"Did you know that once you're a teenager you're too old to do some things but still too young to do other things?" I asked him. "So live your teenage years to the fullest." I smiled as he nodded. "S'that why you're dating Harry?" Niall asked.

"Not at all. I love him." I smiled, blushing when I heard Harry chuckle. "Love you too babe."

"How do you know I was talking about you?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Well if there's another guy you best expect we're gonna have a throw down up in this bitch." Harry sassily turned his head as I rolled my eyes. "Two guys would have to like me in order for that to happen so don't you worry about that."

"Don't put yourself down. You're a very loveable person." Harry smiled. "It's true." The man tattooing Louis said as we turned to him awkwardly. "Ok... Anyways yeah I'm not dating Harry for the experience of having a boyfriend but because I love him." I said clearly, turning to wink at Harry who smirked.

"Harry's like the worst person to date. Gets jealous very easily." Louis chuckled as Harry rolled his eyes. "That coming from the guy who still hasn't had a girlfriend since the band got out together." I pointed out as Harry, Niall, and Hank burst into laughter. "That's my girl!" Harry chuckled proudly.

"I never thought I'd see the day young Harry would ditch his player ways and actually settle with one girl." Hank said as he looked over to me. "Consider yourself lucky." He said. "I think I'm the lucky one here mate." Harry raised his hand as he chuckled lowly.

"When did you two meet?" Hank asked as he started up his tattoo materials. "About seven months ago." Harry replied as Hank's eyes widened. "And you didn't date her until like three weeks ago? Man that's what I call will power." Hank patted Harry's bare stomach a few times causing Harry to chuckle. "Trust me its harder than it looks. She was practically all over me." Harry smirked as Louis scoffed.

"Really? because last time I checked Aria wasn't the one who spent three hours staring at her phone waiting for her dear boyfriend to call." Louis mused as I giggled. "Hey that was one time and in my defence I was waiting for her to wake up." Harry protested.

"No you were waiting for her to break up with you." Niall teased as Harry shot him glares. "Horan im going to kill you."

"Hey I don't like controversy." I pointed between the two who sighed. "Sorry babe." "Sorry red."

I smiled at the two who returned to what they were doing then sat back again, leaning against my chair as watched everyone do their own thing. Sometime later, Louis' tattoo artist finished and stepped back to admire his work. "S'alright." He nodded at Louis who smiled. "Harry mate hurry up I want you to do my next one." Louis turned to Harry who nodded. "Yeah whatever."

"You do tattoos?" I looked over at Harry who nodded again. "Yeah, you seem surprised." He said. "I am. Maybe you can do me next time ." I smirked as he gulped. "The only thing allowed on that pretty skin of yours are hickeys." He barked.

"You've got nearly 27 tattoos." I pointed out. "And apparently more than half of them were lost biddings in bets." I mused as he huffed. "So if I want to get a tattoo, I'm getting one." I stated as I smiled proudly. "Only I I get to do it for you. Only I can touch you." Harry muttered, looking down at his chest where Hank was currently working at.

After Harry was finished with whatever tattoo he got on his upper chest, he walked over to Louis and excused the man who had finished Louis' chest tattoo. The man nodded and got off the seat, letting Harry occupy that one. Harry's chest was bandaged, much like Louis'. I have now just realized I am sitting in front of two of the most wanted men in the world. And they're shirtless.

"Hand me a pair of latex gloves from the box will ya love?" Harry held out one large hand and I nodded, pulling out two black latex gloves and handed them to him. He slipped them on, fixing them before he took the inking pen in his hand. "What would you like me to do?" Harry asked Louis as he leant over his body.

"S'just on my arm Haz. Write oops." Louis replied. I rolled my eyes, remembering how he'd just said Harry gets the silliest of tattoos yet he's getting one that says oops. I only hope this has some significance. "Why oops?" I asked him.

"I figured since we're being sentimental here and getting tattoos for each other, I'm gonna get one for Haz. Oops is the first word Harry ever said to me when we first met. He splashed his pee on me in the urinals." Louis explained casually as I chuckled. "Interesting."

The whirring started once again as Harry pressed the tip to Louis' skin. He delicately printed the word down on Louis' forearm, his tongue sticking out in concentration. I couldn't help but notice how his back tensed every time he moved, revealing every crevice in his back. Harry was all muscle; not fat.

"Enjoying the view?" Louis teased, winking at me as I smiled curtly. "Quite." I smirked as I tweaked his right nipple. "Ouch! Those are sensitive!" He pouted, rubbing his nipple with his free hand. Harry chuckled lowly as he finished up the tattoo. "There ya go." Harry looked down at his neatly hand written words. "Looks good enough."

"It's cute." I smiled at the two who groaned. "Tattoos are supposed to make us look tougher! Have you seen those punk edits of us online!?" Louis shouted. "Nope, it's still cute." I smiled cheekily.

Louis seemed a bit aggravated and had to take a few deep breaths while he turned to Harry. "So you're saying Harry's tattoos are cute?" His eyes trailed Harry's arms as I shrugged. "No I think his are hot."

Harry held his head up proudly as he smirked at Louis. "Too bad you don't have a girlfriend to tell you that." Harry mused as Louis scoffed. "Whatever." Harry and I shared a mischievous look as Louis stood up from his chair.

"Louis when was the last time you were on a date?" I asked him curiously. "No." He barked, ignoring my question as he plopped down in another chair. "It's just a simple question!" I protested. "Have you ever learnt to mind your own business?" He rolled his eyes.

"Yes but when it comes to my friend's happiness I think it is my business." I told him as I hope out my phone. "Now do you want a blonde, brunette, black hair, red hair, blue hair, tall, short-" I scrolled through my contacts and stopped to look at Louis who had wide eyes. "What? I got connections!"

"You're crazy." He shook his head. "Yeah crazy about finding you a girlfriend." I snickered. "I don't need one. Besides, good luck finding someone perfect for me." He scoffed.

"I'll hold you to that! I'm going to find you a girlfriend." I pointed at him as he groaned. "Harry, tell your dumb girlfriend that I don't need a girlfriend." He turned to Harry who but his lip. "Well...." I glared at him.

"O-Okay first of all my girlfriend is not dumb and mate its been almost two years since you had a girlfriend. Trust me, having a girlfriend has its perks." Harry nodded at me and Louis. "For example you can cuddle." I smiled at Harry, knowing one of our main activities together us cuddling.

"I can cuddle my pillow." Louis butted in. "Yeah but you can't make out with a pillow can you?" I smirked, getting up and ruffling Louis' quiff before sitting in Harry's lap. As Harry's arms wrapped around me, Louis rolled his eyes and proceeded to fix his hair. "You didn't have to mess my hair."

I chuckled and pecked Harry's cheek before standing up again. "Are we done here?" I asked the three. "Why, do you need to be somewhere?" Niall asked. "Sorta, kinda, yeah." I smiled.

"B-But our date?" Harry looked saddened. "Aw babe." I walked towards him and stroked his curls. "I have a surprise for you later anyways." I said as he pouted. "Is it a nice surprise?" Harry asked in a small voice. I smiled at how cute he was being.

"It's a nice surprise alright. Definitely will have your mouth opened in shock." Louis smirked as I glared at him warningly. "Anyways, I really need to go." I told Harry who continued to frown. "how are you getting back to the hotel?" he asked. "Walk." I replied, like it was the most obvious thing ever. "Outside, where guys can hit on you, nuh uh. Nope. Send Paul to pick you up." Harry crossed his arms as I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I mumbled as I took out my phone. I called Paul and told him where I was and that I needed picking up.

Harry was still shirtless as he led me to the car, kissing my cheek for a few seconds longer before he shut the car door. "When will you be done?" Harry asked as he fixed his beanie quickly. "Um... just come to my hotel room when you,re finished here." i told him as he nodded. "Ok. Love you." The corners of my lips tugged into a smile as I nodded. "I love you too." A rine spread across his lips before he turned to walk back inside.

I turned and nodded at âul, signaling him to go. The drive back to the hotel was fairly short and I was quick to race up to my hotel room to set up my little surprise for Harry.

Harry's POV

I hadn't realize it descended into the evening hours until I looked outside the murky windows of the tattoo parlour only to see dark skies instead of clear blue. I checked the time and realized it was nearing ten. I remembered Aria's present for me and decided it was time for me to head back to the hotel.

In the span of waiting, I had briefly left the tattoo parlour to buy Aria something I knew she'd treasure; an Autographed photo of Audrey Hepburn and a vintage movie reel of her favorite movie, Breakfast at Tiffany's. You'd need a special movie projector to watch it. After constantly begging Louis for a few dollars, I put his small donations with what I had left in my pockets and bought the two items off an old friend.

"I better get going." i told the lads who were amidst a group conversation about who knows what. "Haz is gonna get some." Louis smirked as I rolled my eyes. "I doubt it. Aria's a very reserved person; likes to wait." I smiled. "Little does he know..." Louis whispered under his breath, probably thinking I didn't hear him but I did. I wonder what he means by that.

"So you mean to tell me, you've been dating her for however many so weeks and you still haven't done anything?" Hank looked at me wide eyed. "Not necessarily..." i trailed off. "what,s the farthest you've gone with her?" Fitch, one of the tattoo artisits here asked. "W-Well.... I touched h-her breasts?" I answered uneasily, blushing as the lads chuckled. "Don't be so embarrassed Harry, that just means she's different from the other's, right?" Hank smiled. "Well yeah." i scratched the back of my neck.

"Wow she's got you whipped." Aiden, the guy who did Louis' tattoo smirked as I shrugged. "Yeah I guess. Anyways, see ya guys whenever." I bro hugged each of the lads, sharing a few last laughs before leaving the tattoo parlour. I took the first taxi back to the hotel, doing my best to avoid any human contact except for any fans who spotted me. I held Aria's gift tightly in one hand as I pushed open the hotel doors.

As usual I was greeted by the young maids working here, their tops buttoned a little lower than they shoud though ii paid no attention to them as images of Aria waiting in her room filled my mind. Aria could be wearing a turtle neck top for all I care and she,d still be more attractive than those maids.

I stepped into the elevator and pressed our floor button. As the elevator doors closed, I quickly fixed my hair and checked my breath, making sure I was somewhat presentable for her. The tattoos I'd gotten ealier still stung whenever I moved, but the pain was worth it.

I walked out of the elevator and began to make my way to Aria's hotel room. I stopped in fornt of the white door and turned to it slowly, anxious about whatever was waiting behind it. I hopeAria's present for me isn't too expensive. Maybe it's a surprise party? Should I act surprised when she opens the door?

Giving myself a short peptalk, I brought my balled fist down on the door, knocking three times before stepping back. When the door opened, I smiled as I glanced down at Aria who was smiling up at me through her long eyelashes. "Come in." she whispered, opening the door a centimeter from what it once was, just barely letting me slip through.

I entered her bedroom, realizing it was a little too dark so I ended up almost falling if it wasn't for Aria holding onto me. "Watch your step there." a small smile tugged on Aria's lips; at least I think so. My eyes struggled to find the light switch but Aria only pushed down my hand before entwining her fingers with mine. "Follow me." She breathed, pulling me along.

I followed slowly, eyes on the floor to make sure I didn't trip again, but a small source of light brought me back to my senses as i looked up to see what it was. A short gasp escaped my lips as I looked at the little candles surrounding the neatly made bed, illuminating the object only slightly. I felt small arms wrap around me from behind, and I turned around slowly to face Aria.

"What is this?" I asked Aria, finally seeing how she looked like. My jaw nearly hit the floor as I looked at what she was wearing. "Y-You-" she cut me off, placing a neatly manicured finger on my lips as hers formed a pout. "Shhh Harry. Sit." she pushed me lightly, causing me to tumble onto the bed in a seatin position. I couldn,t believe my eyes.

When I had told her to wear the maid costume for me again on Valentines Day, I was merely joking. But clearly, she had taken me seriously and was now standing in front of me; her body covered in the short material, those fishnet stockings that haunted my frivolous dreams wrapped around her legs, and the heels. If that didn't arouse me enough, her usually makeup free face was now covered in a small layer of makeup, however her red lips and smokey eyes popped amoung it all.

Her usual neatly done hair was down, messy waves cascading down her back with only the small maid hat pinned at the top of her head. My mouth grew dry and my throat closed up. A little smirk appeared on her face, probably noticing my awestruck expression. As much as I wanted to throw her down on the bed at the moment and have my way with her, I fought against the urge and balled my fists in my lap as I watched her walk towards me.

"So." she started. "A little birdy told me you were flirting with Ava while we were still in that stupid fight." Aria stopped when she reached the small space in front of me, causing me to look up at her and gulp. Shit, how did she find out!? Niall...

She placed both of her hands on my shoulders before bending over. "That was very naughty of you Harry. Do you know what happens to naughty boys?" She whispered, her bent up position giving me a sneak preview of the white lace bra she was wearing which caused me to internally shut down. "I-I do-don't-" Aria pushed herself off me and began to pace around me again. I felt part of the bed dip down slightly as Aria crawled towards me.

"They get punished." Aria whispered from behind, biting my lobe gently which made my eyes roll back as I shut them. "But since it's a special day today, you will be punished on another day." Her voice grew teasing as she giggled down my neck. "But it seems like you're starting to forget which one of us is your girlfriend." her lips planted tiny kissed along my neck, fingernails digging into my thighs to ensure I don't jump on her.

"So I'm going to show you who you belong to. Okay Mr. Styles?" My eyes grew bigger as she climbed off the bed and stood on her knees, waddling towards me until she was in fornt of me again. Looking down at her from where I sat, had me thinking a million thoughts. What she was planning and if she was going to do what I think she's going to do.

As I watched her raise her right hand up to rest on the area where I needed her the most, I couldn't help but think what the hell happened to her. In the context that she turned into a down right tease; as if her innocent personality had taken a vacation and this, sexy-satanic facade had replaced her.

Nonetheless my breathin hitched as she tightened her hand around my crotch. "Do you like that?" She asked quietly. "Yes." I gulped. She nodded slowly as she popped the button on my trousers and slowly unzipped the zipper, all while she kept her eyes on me. I stood up slightly, assisting her in pulling off my trousers before throwing them across the room, not caring where they ended up.

Now in my boxers, Aria stood slightly and began to pull off my top, revealing the bandages that covered my newly inked tattoos. "That must hurt." She smiled slightly as I shrugged. "a little, yeah."

"Then let me take care of you.'She winked at me before taking my hardened cock in her hands. Still inclosed in my boxers, she began to rub it lightly as she broguth her head up to kiss me on the lips. I desperately kissed her back, grabbing the back of her neck with y free hands to hold her in place. Sh was quick to stop and bat my hands away. "No touchey." She waved a finger at me before kissing me again.

I groaned lowly and struggled once more to keep my hands off her. It was the hardest two minutes of my life; in more ways than one. Aria stood up once again but this time crawled onto my lap, her pert bum resting on top of my crotch as we continued to kiss. I brought my hand around to pull her in closer and a little whine escaped my throat as I felt the scratchy material of her lace underwear. She pulled away and glared at me. "I said no touchey." And with that she stepped off me.

"You need to learn to keep your hands to yourself Mr. Styles." she smoothened her dress as she looked down at my boxers. "Seems you've gottn yourself a little excited. What would you like me to do Mr. Styles?" She asked teasingly as she cupped me through my boxers again.

"Fix it." I nearly barked at her, already feeling my self grow near just from her light touches. She ndodded curtly and proceeded to kiss me again. My eyes shut immediately as her kisses traveled down my chest until they stopped right above the edge of my boxers. I looked down at bit back a moan as she nibbled on the skin above the material before taking the material between her teeth and slowly tugging it down.

My boxers now resting at my ankles, my hard on nearly hit her in the face causing her to giggle as she wrapped her tiny hand around me. "Shit." I moaned as she giggled again. "Hmmm.... better than your dreams Mr. Styles?" She asked teasingly as she began to run her hand up and down the length of my cock, avoiding the head which was now dripping precum. "Fuck babe... s-so much better."

Her grip on me tightened, cuaisng to me to wince yet moan in completele bliss as she smirked and smiled down at my cock in awe. "Baby, you're so hard... so big..." she looked up at me from under her lashes. "Holy shit..."

Minutes into this and I was already feeling close. "Baby please..." I gasped, watching as her lips ghosted over my leaking tip. "What Mr. Styles?" she asked innocently. "Fucking suck me." I muttered. "That wasn't very nice." her warm breaths blanketing my sensitive slit cuaisng me to moan loudly. "Babe please... stop teasing..."

"Ask nicer then." she smirked. "Please Aria... please... I-I need your mouth... ple-" Suden warmth enveloped me and I let out the most pornographic moan ever. "Ohhhh fuuuuuck!" I watched her with half idled eyes, moaning in pleasure as she paid extra attention to the underside, as well as the head.

"Mmmm baby... yeah...yeah.. just like that... oh god.... fuck..." She pumped whatever she couldn't fit in her mouth and kitten licked the slit, oozing a little precum onto her tongue that she seemed to enjoy. "Fuck keep doing that..." I moaned, bringing my hands to her head to push her down onto my cock even more.

It'd been such a long time since I had someone down there. Having it be Aria doing this to me made it ten times more better. She moaned as I tugged on her hair, making it even more messy the vibrations coursing through my cock making me moan even louder. "Yeahh... shit."

"B-Babe i'm close-" i told her, watching her head bob up and down on me as I stroked her hair. I was not prepared for what was next to come; no pun intended. Her grip on my thighs tightened as she pushed her mouth down until her nose bristled against my girth, swallowing me down her throat as she continued to suck.


I screamed; no one had done this to me before. "Fuck so wet- so tight-" I moaned. "Fuck-FUCK- babe im gonna cum!" I moaned, feeling the burn rise in my stomach. She wasted no time in sucking me faster; if that was even possible.


White stars replaced my senses as my mouth dropped open and a guteral moan escaped my lips. Aria pulled herself off and pumped me, prolonging my orgasm as she struggled to catch each spurt of cum on her tongue. "fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck-" i repeated as she slowed down to a stop, closing her mouth and making it painfully obvious that she swallowed.

She wiped the corners of her mouth with a content smile on her face before leaning up to kiss me once more; my taste still in her mouth as I deepened the kiss. I brought my hand up to her lace panties and ran my finger along the wet material, smirking against her lips as she moaned.

Without warning I flipped her over, lying on top of her catching her by surprise. "Harry what are you-" I cut her off with a chaste kiss. "Shh baby, let me take care of you now." I whispered against her lips before making my way down.

Stipping her out of her clothing, I was now face to face with her dripping cunt. I opened her legs wider, licking my lips as I ran a single finger down her slit. A moan escaped her lips and I smirked, knowing I was th first one to ever do this to her which made this even more special.

As I opened her legs wider, i could sense the insecurity hovering in the air as Aria began to shut her legs again. "No don't." I frowned at her as I held her thighs apart.

"You're beautiful." I whispered, before leaning down to press a kiss on her lips. "And I love you. Thank you for letting me do this." I said, stroking the side of her head as she smiled faintly and nodded. "I love you too Harry."

And with that I finished what I started.


wow that was a suckish ending. im sorry im not very good at writing smut but I tried my best okay. first of all, HELLOOOO [waves] it's been a while :) school's been a right bitch and this week was my busiest week yet cause it was the last week before easter break so everything was due and tests were being done and just. im done with school and life and just fuck all my teachers for giving me home work every day. just big fuck you to them.

i dont think a summary is needed for this one :P just fluff and smut [cheers] anonymous didn't appear in this one but expect him/her to appear in the next chapter D: along with some nienna action and harry possibly dying whenever he sees aria now because u know. smutty time flashbacks heh

(20+ votes for an update? or do you really want to wait another week)

thank you and pls follow my twitter @abigailtommo :D .x


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