🇬🇧 Once Upon a Time #Heroph...

By VaneAfter2022

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How did the love story between the two co-stars begin? Well, you just have to read about it and find out. Jo... More

Once Upon a Time - Josephine
Prologue - Hero
Prologue - Josephine
Chapter 1 - The start -
Chapter 2 - Hero
Chapter 3 - Josephine
Chapter 5 - The park
Chapter 6 - ice cream
Chapter 7 - I'm not competitive!
Chapter 8 - Let's rehearse together
Chapter 9 - Let's start!
Chapter 10 - Mercy?
Chapter 11 - Photoshoot
Chapter 12 - It's natural!
Chapter 13 - Lunch
Chapter 14 - A real date!
Chapter 15 - The lake
Chapter 16 - Just collegues
Chapter 17 - My Hero ❤️
Chapter 18 - Montage Scene
Chapter 19 - Like a hurricane
Chapter 20 - Ciak, action!
Chapter 21 - Would you?
Chapter 22 - Touch me
Chapter 23 - Ops...
Chapter 24 - The storm

Chapter 4 -Breakfast together

115 12 0
By VaneAfter2022


- Breakfast together -

Since I arrived in Atlanta, everything has been a whirlwind of emotions.
First the meeting with Hero, then with the whole crew, including Anna and the director.
If we add to that the fact that I sleep terribly, it almost feels like I'm living in a dream.
Especially the part where I met Hero.
I feel strange when we are together and a beautiful and scary feeling at the same time.
There is something about him that inspires confidence in me, I don't know why.
I keep getting lost in his eyes every time he looks at me and his voice sends shivers through my body.

I am awakened from the thoughts that crowd my mind by a warm and light wind on my face.
A lock of hair escapes from my ponytail and I quickly tuck it behind my ear, focusing on an indefinite point on the ground in front of me.
It's me and him alone again, now that the whole crew has gone to party somewhere, I don't know exactly where. I didn't ask for anything. I already felt a little embarrassed to refuse their invitation but I just can't stand staying awake for a few more hours.

Hero walks beside me, silently, with his hands in his pockets.
He wanted to stay with me instead of going to have fun.
I raise my head meeting his gaze, so magnetic and reassuring at the same time.
"Are you sure you don't mind? Everyone's already gone and... I don't know, you'll be late to the party." I think out loud and watch it.
I don't want to force him to spend time with me right away, nor do I want him to feel obligated to take me back to the hotel.

"Josephine, I don't mind. I'll do it willingly!" He smiles at me putting his hands in his pockets.

I love my name said by him with a fantastic accent.
I smile, looking down again.
Out of the corner of my eye I see him slightly adjusting his hat on his head.
I don't want to give him the impression that I'm studying him in some way, even if in reality it is.
He intrigues me and I feel the need to know more about him.

I gave him the hat back while we were still inside the restaurant and insisted that he use it this time.
Needless to say, he protested a bit but then had to give in.
I can be hard headed when I try hard, believe me!
Yeah, okay...
Maybe even when I don't put in the effort, actually. But these are negligible details.
I look at him as he walks beside me and I still have this strange feeling on me, right on my skin.
I feel like I've known him for a long time, yet we saw each other today for the first time in our lives.
It gives me peace of mind to be around him, in a way that still seems really strange to me.
Not wrong, just weird.
I've never had this happen to anyone before, that's for sure.

"I didn't feel like staying late in a club" he says after thinking about it for a while "I'd rather wake up early tomorrow morning and maybe have breakfast with you, what do you think?" The last sentence is almost a whisper that gives me a myriad of shivers everywhere. Again.
He asked, almost as if he were unsure of my answer.
Of course I want to have breakfast with him!
And the fact that he wants to start getting to know me straight away, I like more than I should.
I know it's what we have to do, Jen made it clear during dinner, but in a way I feel flattered.
Okay Jo, don't fool yourself.
It's work, you are two strictly professional colleagues.
Maybe he even has a girlfriend.
Indeed it is.
He definitely has a girlfriend !
He's just being nice to me, it doesn't mean anything! I appreciate his polite manner, but I shouldn't mistake it for some kind of attraction towards me. Pfff... That would really be so stupid!

"Or if you prefer we can meet later, after breakfast!" Continue, since I didn't really answer him!

"No, no! It's fine to have breakfast together!" I try to fix it immediately "I was just..."

"You were lost in your thoughts again" he finishes the sentence for me, smiling. "It happens to you a lot today!" He looks away and keeps it low, in front of him.
He walks slowly following my pace, hands in his pockets and hat on his head.
"Jetlag bothers me too, I understand! You'll see that with a good night's sleep you'll definitely feel better!" He winks at me and continues walking calmly beside me.

"Yeah..." I look down, sighing. I really need to rest.
"So you're going back to the hotel too?"
Well, what questions. The answer seems obvious to me. He already said it.
He nods and smiles at me. I see him watching me, especially when he thinks I don't notice. He's studying me somehow and strangely I don't mind.

"Text me tomorrow when you wake up and we can decide what to do" He suggests, looking me in the eyes again.
His gaze is sweet and kind.
I sigh, pushing away every sappy thought that's coming to mind.
I had yet to see myself in the cheesy version!

"I always go for a run early in the morning. If you like, we'll meet in the hotel restaurant or in a coffee shop nearby. Whichever you prefer!" He continues interrupting my thoughts.
A smile comes to me spontaneously. I go running too, sometimes. Tomorrow might just be the right time to start my training again. It might clear my mind.

We could go together.
Or maybe not.

It wouldn't be bad to sleep a little more either. I'm not exactly the type of person who wakes up at 6.00 in the morning to do physical activity.

"Okay, but..." I realize I don't have his phone number. We hadn't exchanged it before and it didn't really occur to me during dinner.

"You don't have my number, of course!" He exclaims finishing my sentence again.
Absurd. But how does he do it?
He takes his cell phone out of his pocket and hands it to me.
I grab it trying to concentrate on what I have to do.
Writing my number won't be that difficult, right?
I return it to him immediately afterwards, leaving him free to memorize my contact as he sees fit.

"You said your name is..." He looks at me expectantly, cell phone in hand.

Don't you remember my name?

I look at him in amazement without knowing what to say for a moment.
I obviously left an impression on him, I must say.
And I was making absurd mental movies on the hypothesis that he might somehow like me.
Sure why not. He doesn't even remember my name!
Seriously, Hero?!

"Relax, I'm joking!" He bursts out laughing "Josephine Langford, from Perth, Australia!"
Oh, thank goodness!
I find myself smiling with him, relieved that he at least remembers my name.
I don't know why, but it matters a lot right now.
It doesn't mean anything really.
It does not mean anything.
He remembers my name. Stop.
Also because I've been called out loud by Anna, Jen and Jennifer, the film's producer, all evening. It would have been very strange if he hadn't remembered it and...
Oh God I'm going crazy!
I keep thinking about this stupid name thing.
Enough, Jo! Get it over!

"I'll save you like Moon though..." He smiles writing this name among the contacts in his address book.
I look at him dumbfounded.
If I was confused, I'm even more so now.
"You are often lost in your own world" he clarifies "You are like on the Moon..."
I shake my head laughing.
Then I missed this one!
This day is increasingly absurd and I no longer know if I'm dreaming and therefore I've collapsed to sleep somewhere, maybe even during dinner, or if it's all true.
I can't be clear enough right now.
I need to sleep.

"And how should I memorize you, then?" I ask him, taking my cell phone which is now ringing in my pocket. Now I have his number too.
He smiles at me putting his cell phone away.
"Isn't Hero enough? I already have a name that's a whole program!" He winks at me and motions for me to enter the hotel before him.
What a character this guy is.

"British humor?" I smile at him as I pass him.

"Yeah! Don't mind..." He laughs shaking his head "He's stronger than me!"

"You're nice!" I bite my lip. Maybe I shouldn't have let this comment slip. Not now that we barely know each other!

"Thank you!" He smiles at me happily "You too, you know?"

I smile reflexively, looking down.
There's something about this guy that I can't put into words.
I don't know what it is, but I like it!
We remain silent, next to each other even in the elevator and soon I am in front of the door of my room. He wanted to accompany me, even though his is next to mine.

"So... See you tomorrow morning?" He runs a hand through his hair. He seems almost embarrassed all of a sudden.
I nod, taking the magnetic card from my jeans to open the door to my room.

"Goodnight Josephine" he says almost in a whisper.

"Jo..." I say thoughtfully.


"You can call me Jo" I hasten to specify, before getting lost again in who knows what other confused thoughts.
I'm really out of step today!

"Right! Okay. Goodnight, Jo," he repeats, smiling.

"Goodnight Hero" I slide the key card onto the reader on the door and go inside.
I can't wait to fall into bed and sleep. Sleep long and deeply!
I change into my pajamas, ready for a restful night when my cell phone lights up in the dark room.


It makes me smile. We have just said goodbye and I clearly hear noises coming from his room, next to mine.

"I found the perfect place for breakfast tomorrow! Text me when you're ready." He says as soon as I answer.

I'm still smiling like crazy but I can't help it, it seems.
I was thinking about taking a drive around Atlanta early tomorrow morning, maybe even go for a run, to recover from the jetlag.

"Okay. Got it. This jetlag is killing me! I need to sleep." I reply, trying to suppress a yawn.

I could suggest we go running together tomorrow morning but I still don't know if I'll have the strength to get up early. I don't want to make commitments that I know I can't keep 100%.

"No problem!" He chuckles "Sleep as much as you want, Jo!"

Jo. Oh my god I love my name coming from him.
"I'll send you the location of the coffee shop. Text me when you plan on leaving. Bring your hat!" Continues.

"The hat?" I ask confused, without thinking.

"We're the members of the hat club, aren't we?" He keeps giggling and this time I know full well he's making fun of me.
It makes me laugh too.

I seriously said this bullshit before!
I actually told him!!!
And above all: he remembers it!!!

Feign security. Always.
"The ones and onlys, by the way! See you tomorrow. Night."

"Night, Jo," he whispers before hanging up the call.

I stay for a few seconds staring at the black screen of the phone.
Over thinking.
Too many.
I need a good sleep.

Needless to say, I slept like a log and at the same time had some very unlikely dreams about coffee cups and hats.
I smile at my reflection in the mirror as I try to make myself presentable.
I have bags under my eyes and probably a week won't be enough for me to recover from jetlag!
I look at the time on my phone for the umpteenth time.
This morning as soon as I woke up I wrote to Hero that I would go to the cafeteria around 10 and it's already 9.50!!!
He offered to pick me up to go together, but I didn't want him to have to stop his training for me. Better to meet directly in the cafeteria.
At this rate, I'll be late though!
I hate being late and making other people wait!
Of course, after sleeping like a log and taking a wonderful shower, I started reading the script again and lost sight of the clock. I feel like I don't have enough time to learn the part well!
I decide to bring my folder with all the notes and the script with me, just in case. Maybe on the way back I can stop in a park and read a bit.
It wouldn't be a bad idea.
I saw one on our way back from the restaurant yesterday and it seemed to be a quiet place to focus.

I take my bag and quickly leave the room, activating Google Maps on my phone.
Last night Hero sent me the exact location of this coffee shop and now I'm following the directions to get there.
It should take 5 minutes on foot, except that I get lost observing the city, the buildings and even the people who live here. There are some particular characters that make me smile, even if I try not to look anyone directly in the eye so as not to be discovered.
This hat on the head with the visor down, combined with the sunglasses, is very useful I must say.
It's the one I like best among the ones I have. My sister gave it to me for Christmas. She has the same hat, just a different color. The 'Langford' lettering on the visor looks like a famous brand, rather than just our last name.
I love it.

"If it weren't for the 'Langford' sign on your hat, I'd think you were a private investigator at work!" A strangely already familiar voice chuckles.
I jump, putting a hand on my chest in fear.

"Oh my God! What are you doing here?" I take a breath. It gave me a shock!

"We have a date, remember?" He motions me towards the entrance of the cafe, looking at me amused.

A date.

Sure, I remember! I'm just asking stupid questions, apparently!
I arrived at my destination without realizing it! I rested, but not enough I'm afraid.
I nod "Yes, I know... It's just... Ohhh it's okay!" Better to avoid making any outlandish excuses at this point.

"How's the jetlag?" He smiles as he opens the door, letting me pass before him.
More and more cute. I already said it?

"A little better, I'm still a little confused!" I admit. "It usually takes a few days before I get back into the right rhythm." I smile at him as I take a seat at a table near the large window overlooking the street.
There is not much traffic and many people pass by on foot or by bicycle. This really seems like a quiet and livable area.
"I understand you, I usually try to sleep during the flight, so I'm more rested when I arrive at my destination" he smiles at me and I must say he does it often.
Either he smiles or I find him staring at me attentively, as if he were studying me.
"But sometimes it doesn't work anyway!" Continues.

I bite my lip because I can't help but think about how damn cute he is.
But we are colleagues and we must remain so. Point.

He sits in front of me.
"Is this your first time coming to the United States?" He takes the breakfast menu and leafs through it absentmindedly and then puts it on the table shortly afterwards.

I look at him questioningly.
He shakes his head "I wanted to look cool by reading the menu, but I always get the same thing everywhere I go!"
We both burst out laughing.
He is funny.
I feel more relaxed than yesterday but at the same time I have this feeling of familiarity with him that I can't explain.
He watches me carefully as I take the menu and begin to read it.
"I always change breakfast, I don't have a particular preference..." I answer his silent question.
"And it's not the first time in the USA for me, I've been to Los Angeles for auditions."

"I see. Right. Otherwise we wouldn't be here!" He smiles and two delicious dimples form on the sides of his mouth.

"Oh, no. Not for After. I've done other auditions in recent months. Well... Lots of auditions in general I'd say!" I blink quickly and look away, remembering the intense time I've had the last few months.
There wasn't a moment of calm and I felt overwhelmed, at least until they called me for this role. Now I have energy to spare and I can't wait to start getting serious! It seems like a dream.
I watch him as he continues to look at me smiling.
I bite my lips, thinking about his and suddenly it occurs to me that I'm going to have to kiss him.
Oh this is going to be fun.
I can't wait!
I've kissed other actors on set before, but they were people I barely knew and who didn't interest me at all.
Hero seems to be different.
I don't know in what sense yet, but it is.
Furthermore, the fact of acting as protagonists changes things considerably, I would say. I'm no longer a secondary character!
The weight of this responsibility is thrilling but at the same time enormous and I have to figure out how to handle it.

"May I have pancakes with maple syrup and a black tea, please?" he says to the waiter.
I blink quickly and reconnect with reality.
"An English breakfast for me, thank you very much" I hand the menu to the waiter who greets us and walks away towards the kitchen.
Hero looks at me amused in silence.
He often has this look when he's with me, I noticed it yesterday during dinner.
When he talks to other people, he is quite serious. Sure, he laughs and jokes with everyone, but he mostly stays with an attentive look.
When he is with me he never loses his smile, in fact he laughs a lot.
At this point I don't know what to think. I'll probably seem like a rather strange girl to him!

"What's up?" I don't understand what I could have done now.

"English breakfast? Really? In Atlanta?" Point out the obvious.
I still do not understand. What's wrong with this type of breakfast?

"What's wrong?"

"To know that, you would have to come to London!" He looks at me intently with a smirk on his lips.
He says it proudly and you can hear the pride of being a Londoner in his voice.
Oh, Brits!

"I've never been there, is it nice?" I ask. I know very well what London is like but I have only seen it in photos or films.
I never had the opportunity to go there, unfortunately.

"How... Oh God! Nice?" Now he's really surprised. "London is... London is everything!!!"

"Exaggerated! Even?" I giggle as I fiddle with a jar of honey that's on the table. "What's special about it? The tea? The queen?" I make fun of him.

"You don't know what you're talking about!" He's even more shocked.
It is evidently a topic that is very close to his heart.
I know very well that he is English, he told me last night on the way home and in any case you can hear his accent very well.
Somehow, teasing him is really fun!
More than I imagined.

"So tell me what's special," I challenge him, placing both elbows on the table and leaning towards him.

"For me or in general?"

"Both. Come on! Do you have to think about it that much?" I can't help but poke him!
His expression is too funny.

"First of all, London is 'home' to me and there's nothing that can change that feeling!" He says proudly, "All my family lives there, not to mention my friends!"

"Are you often away from home?" I gather from his words that he misses his world very much.

"Not always and not for such a long period of time!" He fiddles with the napkin before looking me in the eyes again.
Yes, he is definitely in love with London and misses it already.

"How many days have you been here?" I rest my head on my hand and look at him curiously.

"I arrived a few days ago, I had a photo shoot in LA and I flew straight here from there." He bites his lip and continues to stare at me without looking away.
Why is he looking at me like that?

"I understand. It's hard being away from home." I try to connect with him.
In reality, leaving Perth wasn't that difficult for me. My parents are often away for work.
Now for example, I'm in Nicaragua for Doctors Without Borders, so I haven't seen them for months.
My sister has lived in Los Angeles for some time and is an actress just like me, with the only difference being that she has certainly traveled more than me.
I don't particularly miss home.
Home is where I can be with the people I love and lately they have been traveling around the world.
Luckily, video calls exist, even if with this cell phone that I have, they are complicated to make.
But a cell phone is just an annoying gadget. I use it very little.
If I want to take photos, I prefer my trusty camera.
I'm old fashioned, I know. I realize. I have a vintage soul and I'm fine with that!

"Do you miss home too?" He asks curiously as I shake my head "No."
"Not of a house in the physical sense, at least. Of the people who for me are equivalent to home, yes. I can understand you in some way. Blessed technological age in which we can see each other live from miles away!"
One of the few times I use my cell phone is to keep in touch with my family or friends.
He nods and smiles with me.
"I would say yes, that helps, even if it's not the same."

"Does your girlfriend make a fuss about you being out of town for a long time?"
I know, I could have saved it.
I know it very well. Now he'll understand that I'm investigating his love life because I find him attractive.
Nice move, Jo!
I should really mind my own business and tell myself that no matter how attractive I find him, we're just colleagues.
Colleagues who won't see each other for months or probably longer, after this period we will spend together.
Maybe 'acquaintances' is the right word. Or friends, if it really goes well between us.
Not more! You don't mix work with private life. Never.
First fundamental rule for working in this beautiful but particular world.

In response, Hero bursts out laughing in amusement.
"Is this a nice way to ask me if I have a girlfriend?"
Of course he understood it immediately.
I smile biting my lips.
I should learn to shut up or at least think carefully before opening my mouth.
I look down, caught in the act. Dramatically caught!
I'm trying to recover somehow.
"I was just saying..." I throw it in nonchalantly.
He continues to chuckle and make room in front of him when the waiter brings our orders.

My breakfast is big.
I look at her in shock and then look at Hero.

"Ever had an English breakfast?" He asks amused as he starts pouring maple syrup onto his pancakes.

"Yes, but obviously not in the United States!" I turn the plate around so I can see all the ingredients. There's a ton of baked beans, four sausages, bacon, three eggs, a giant mashed potato and a tomato. "Everything here is exaggeratedly big!"
I'm hungry, but not that much!

"Well just one tomato, will it be a little bit?" I ask ironically looking at him.

Hero is definitely amused by my reaction and instinctively I lean towards him, taking a piece of pancake from his plate with my fork.

"Hey!!!" He exclaims in amazement as I pop the sweet pancake into my mouth with the maple syrup dripping everywhere from my lips and also smearing my shirt.

"Mmh good!" I moan contentedly, closing my eyes.
We both burst out laughing and I have to cover my mouth to avoid sputtering here and there.

"Aren't all that stuff enough for you?" He points to my plate "Do you want these too?"
I down the morsel and shrug.
"It's so good!" I wipe my mouth with a napkin while continuing to laugh.

"Then let's share!" He places his plate in the center and waits for my move.

I like it. He knows how to play the game.
One point for him.

"Okay, I'm in!" I put mine in the middle too and we ask the waiter to bring us two more empty plates, so we can share the food.

"You know, you're not at all like I imagined!" He says after a while.
I look at him carefully.
Did he imagine me?
Well, of course. I basically did the same thing.
"Jennifer told me who you were, while I was in London and about to board the plane" explains it better. "I admit I did a quick internet search right after!" He smiles, running a hand through his hair, almost embarrassed.

"And how did you imagine me?" I take another big bite of eggs and beans.

"Let's see..." He pretends to think about it for a moment.
"Beautiful, definitely!" He smiles as he takes a spoonful of beans and I am momentarily taken aback by his statement. "But I was afraid you were a snooty snob."

My brain is always focused on 'beautiful'. Did he just tell me he thinks I'm cute? No, even beautiful!!!
Oh God, Hero... What are you saying?
Now my brain will explore a thousand and more scenarios in which you like me, I like you, or you don't like me but you said that to be polite, or we like each other but we can't be together, or we do and we're together despite the conditions they are not on our side and then we leave each other. Oh God, what if we break up, how do we do it? And I...
Here you are. I'm completely gone!
Jo, stop it!
What stupid thoughts to think about a guy you just met, who by the way is your work colleague. I would underline 'work'!!!
Let's focus.
I sigh and laugh and he looks at me curiously.
I'm too brainy!

"We had the same fear. Luckily you're not the pierced and tattooed guy who's a model and has a snobbish nose that I imagined!" I wink at him before starting to eat.

"Hey, what do you have against models?" He exclaims.

"Nothing, but I imagine them all sophisticated and used to being in cotton wool!" I take a piece of his pancake and put it in my mouth with little grace while I smile amusedly, mimicking a hypothetical snobbish model, with relative little success I must admit.
He looks at me curiously without saying anything and I try to compose myself for a moment.
Then he looks at my plate and remains silent. I can see from his look that he wants to say something but is holding back.
I look down to try to understand what I'm looking at but I don't see anything strange.
There are bacon and eggs which are now one, a pancake lies in a corner with half a tomato on top and maple syrup is now everywhere on the plate.
What am I missing?
I look at him questioningly.

"What's wrong?" I point to the eggs, moving them closer to the pancake.

"What?" He suddenly raises his eyes and looks at me in surprise.
I don't think he realized I was watching him.
It's funny!

"There's something clearly bothering you when you look at my plate. But what?" I look at the food in front of me and then back at him.

"I... But how..." He is more and more confused, frowns and then passes a hand over his face, amused.

"Do you always mix your food like this?" He asks suddenly.

"In which way?" I look at him confused.

"Everything together... Sweet, savory... in one dish, all together!" Point to the food.
I look at the plate again.
I had never noticed it, honestly.

"I think so" I look at him "Why?"

"Don't... Well, don't you think they mix flavors this way?" He asks doubtfully.

"Ah! You're mister perfect then, I knew it!" I slam my hand on the table, attracting the attention of the other diners, and silently apologize for my reaction.

Hero chuckles and leans back in his chair in amusement.
"I'm not mister perfect, I just... Well I guess everyone eats as they want, right?"

"It all ends up in the stomach anyway" I try to explain.

"Yes, but you don't taste everything properly... At least in my opinion!"

Ok, this is a challenge.

"Ever tried baked beans with maple syrup pancakes?"

His disgusted face answers for her.
Ohh my dear Hero. Here you are served!
I grab my fork and put a generous spoonful of beans on top of the pancakes, then boldly hand it to him.
His eyes widen and he instinctively moves away, bringing his hands forward to keep the spoon away from his mouth.
"Come on, try!" I insist and it makes me laugh.

"Not even a thought!" He wrinkles his nose in disgust.

"See, I was right... You're a mister perfect! I'll have to change the name of your contact on my phone! What a shame!" I smile biting my lip and he seems to be amused by my reaction again.

"How did you save me on your phone?" Suddenly curious question.

"Hot Hero, of course!" I say joking. I burst out laughing with him "I'll have to change to 'Perfect Hero', or maybe even 'Perfect Mr', it sounds better that way!"
He shakes his head and incredibly opens his mouth in front of my fork, still in mid-air.
Does he really want to do it? Seriously?
I lean towards him and let the spoon slide into his mouth.
There's something intimate about all this but right now I don't want to think about it or analyze the situation.
We are playing. It's just that.
He carefully tastes the mix I prepared for him.
He swallows hard, grimacing. He closes his eyes and drinks a generous glass of water, before clearing his throat and speaking.

"Mmh... You know it's not as bad as I thought?" He drinks the water again.

"Oh yes?" I raise my eyebrows in disbelief. Did he really like it?

"Let's say that between 'I'm about to vomit' and 'I think I'll never eat with you again', I'm leaning towards 'I definitely screwed up'! But I thought worse..." He smiles challenging me "Now it's your turn!" He forks a piece of pancake and beans and hands them to me.

"It doesn't seem right that I'm the only one tasting this delicacy!" He wants revenge, it's clear as day and...
I like. Damn, I really like the way he does it!
I love challenges.
I open my mouth without hesitation, I don't back down from a challenge! Never!
I chew well and try to swallow the bite.
I think it's definitely one of the most disgusting things I've ever eaten. The beans are slightly spicy and the maple syrup gives everything a taste... Weird! I don't know how to define it.
"So? What's your expert opinion on the matter?" He teases me amicably with an amused smile lighting up his face.
How handsome can this guy be?
And how much shouldn't I even think about these things?
I swallow and immediately drink some water, trying to do so with great ease.

It will take a liter to make this bad taste go away from your mouth.
But I won't give him this satisfaction!
"Good, although I would have put a little more chilli in the beans... They go really well with the maple syrup!"
He looks at me in silence for a few moments and then we both burst out laughing.
"Tell me you're joking!" He runs a hand through his hair in amusement.
I nod and start eating again to try to forget that taste.

"Thank goodness! I was afraid of being in front of a psychopath!" He jokes and I stick my tongue out at him.

"Watch out! Next time I'll make you try the French fries in the milk shake!" I provoke him.

"I can't wait!" He chuckles.

We resume eating in silence this time but I don't think I've ever felt so comfortable with anyone before, beyond my family.
Every now and then we look at each other and an amused smile escapes from both of us.

"So is this what you feed your boyfriend in Perth? Or has he already died from food poisoning?"
I realize you didn't answer my question earlier.
And apparently, he also wants to know about my private life.

Woooah! Stop! Interesting?

What am I thinking?!?
Ours is a simple professional relationship!
I smile shaking my head.

"No one has ever died from these culinary combinations!" I remain vague as he did a moment ago.
I know, I shouldn't play like this.
But it comes naturally to me with him, I have no idea why.
Ok, I have an idea, but don't make me say it out loud.
I cannot!

"These are unlikely pairings to scare people away!" He exclaims, giggling.

"You're still here!" I point this out to him, with a smile that I'm sure is a reflection of his.

"We're here for work, I can't escape" he replies shrewdly.

I find myself smiling at him again and think I'll get facial paresis soon if I keep this up!
"Filming won't start for another week..." I shrug.

"And you're avoiding answering," he points out, popping the last piece of pancake into his mouth.

"How come you care?" I return fire with fire.

"Why were you interested before?"

Right. Good question. How come?
"You didn't answer either, for that matter!" I reply.
He smiles at me amusedly shaking his head.
"These are things you ask to make conversation!" I point this out to him, even though I'm not convinced either.

"Mmh... Sure!"

I look out the window, a couple has stopped right in front of our table and is kissing.
"He's practically eating her!" I exclaim without realizing it.
I point out the window.
The two lovers cannot see us thanks to the dark windows that reflect the morning light, but we have them practically 50 cm away.

Hero chuckles and watches the scene with me.
"They like each other, what's weird?" He shrugs and looks at me carefully.

"The way they kiss, it's weird! Do you kiss like that?" I point the two out to him with a dramatic gesture to confirm my thesis.

"Now are you also interested in how to kiss, Miss Langford?" He chuckles amusedly.

I roll my eyes and sigh.
Everything I say is compromising! Possible?
And the blush I feel on my cheeks definitely doesn't help make me look relaxed.
"I don't care how you kiss!" I snort "Even if we... Well... You read the script, right?" I stutter.

"Oh, yes" he keeps looking at me with these magnetic eyes that stir everything inside me.
"I know we'll have to kiss. But they told me they'll leave those scenes until the end of filming, so we can get to know each other better first!" He continues.

That's better! This seems like great news to me! I have to get my head in order before I can even think about placing my lips on his.
Such plump lips.
I find myself staring at him again.
Ohhhhh Jo! Come on!

"Relieved?" His eyes don't leave mine even for an instant.
This guy is making my brain spin.

"Yes... I mean, no!!! It doesn't matter" I swallow "It's work, right?"

"Of course" he runs a hand through his hair "But kissing a stranger is worse than kissing a person you know and maybe are chemistry with."

I nod.
"And you think there is?" I ask after a while.


"Chemistry I mean... chemistry between us" I specify, looking at him carefully.

He remains silent for a few seconds observing me. Eyes to eyes.
My heart beats faster inside my chest and I instinctively bite my lip.
"Yes, definitely yes!" He says almost in a whisper.

"The casting people were really good at choosing us" I whisper, leaving my eyes on his. I can't look away.
He nods imperceptibly.

"It was really good casting, I agree!"
His response is a whisper that resonates inside me, almost as if he had shouted it. I feel his voice reverberating in every fiber of my body.

Yes, there is definitely chemistry between us.
Lot of chemistry.

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