The Seoul Project

By Borahaetales

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Two men,two different lives,One lie. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 5

260 43 39
By Borahaetales

Namjoon asked Seokjin to drop him in front of a random apartment complex and waits until the Omega drives away .It was decided that Namjoon would meet the Omega in Evening,with his luggage and other neccesities.

They were going to live together since Namjoon managed to convince Seokjin that it was better if they get used to each other's presence and habits .

Fortunately,the Omega agreed.It was a good idea and anyways they would be leaving a day after.

The Alpha quickly hits the store and buys a new phone ,toiletries and some smart casuals as well as a variety of formal clothes.Seokjin told him that they will buy a matching suit to make their act more believable,so Namjoon didn't need to worry about it right now .

Once he was done with his shopping ,he returns to the apartment complex where Seokjin dropped him .

It was starting to get darker and he sighs ,hailing for a cab .He rides the elevator back to Seokjin's apartment and was surprised to see the Omega lounging in the lobby .

He was taking out the trash ,he belatedly realised .

Seokjin was wearing a very short sweatpants ,the outline barely visible under the tshirt

He greets breathily ,chuckling at the Omega's startled expression

Seokjin peeks back into his apartment, eyeing the clock "Oh no,Sorry I forgot to call you"

He watches Namjoon approach him and fidgets on his heels ,tossing the garbage bag aside "They pick the trash at evening"

Namjoon hums ,eyes roaming over the Omega and smirks ,waving his phone "How could you ? We didn't exchanged numbers"

Seokjin's eyes go wide "Oh fuck"

"Happy realisation"
Namjoon smiles , silently motioning to the door

"Oh yes.Please.Sorry"
The Omega tumbles into the living room
and moves out of the way , letting the Alpha in

"You can place your bags there"
He awkwardly points in the direction of guest room "Uh,I will also set up the bed for you and then we can decide what to get for dinner"

"Sounds good"
Namjoon smiles ,noting the Omega's struggle.It was cute ,how Seokjin was feeling embarassed and shy

He looks effin adorable and sexy though,in Namjoon's opinion.But the Alpha decides to keep it to himself

"I will just call my friend and let him know that I will be away for a week"
Namjoon informs ,waving his phone

"Oh,okay .Then I will come and set the bed later on"
Seokjin rubs his neck sheepishly "To uh, give you privacy"

He sprints to his room as soon as he opens the room to guest room ,making the Alpha chuckle "Cute"

Namjoon shakes his head and drags his luggage into the room before locking it.

Once he was sure Seokjin was indeed in his own room ,he sighs in relief and plops on the fluffy bed .

He pulls out his new phone and calls Hoseok

His Boss picks it up in just one ring ,making him realise that Hoseok must be worried shit since he didn't called him last night as decided.

Well ,he can surely survive few curses .

'Who is this?'

Namjoon sighs,taking a deep breath.This is Hoseok's way to make sure he doesn't accidentally expose him .

"Agent Kim"
The Alpha closes his eyes "Please dont yell"

'You bastard.Where the hell were you last night ? Why didn't you called me ? Do you even know how worried I was? How worried your brother is ? He is freaking since last night and cursing me for sending you to this mission! For god's sake Kim ,fucking call to let us know you are alive !'

Namjoon listens to his Boss curse him through the phone until he hears Hoseok's labored breathing .

"I am not dead"
He starts , shuffling to get into a more comfortable position "Also sorry for not calling you last night"

There was silence for a moment before Hoseok asks 'Are you okay ?'

An involuntary smile blooms on Namjoon's face .Hoseok will never ask about the mission first but will always make sure that he is safe

"As fine as I can be .But it could have been worse if I didn't escaped"

'Escape! Oh dear god ,were you caught ? Tell me where the hell are you ? I am sending someone to pick you'

Again ,Hoseok didn't cared about the mission .All he wanted to do was bring Namjoon to safety as soon as possible

The Alpha could hear the shuffling and the latter barking orders but Hoseok was panicking for no reason

"Boss ,I am safe.You don't have to worry.And no ,please don't send anyone okay .I am not dropping this mission in the middle"

'You were busted.They must be onto you.No ,no.It's too risky .We can discuss and come up with some other plan -'

"It's someone from inside Boss.Do you think it's safe to trust anyone right now?"
Namjoon sighs ,running a hand through his hair "I was so close Boss,so fucking close"

Hoseok hums over the line 'How do you know it's someone from inside? Do you have any name?'

Namjoon shooks his head "I don't.But I am certain it's someone from the precinct"

'You need to lie low then until I dig up that rat'

The Alpha stoods up ,moving to the balcony "Already on it .I am currently staying in someone's house"

'Are they someone I know ?'

"No.But it's someone I trust"
Namjoon steps into the balcony and breaths in the night air "Dont worry ,Boss .I am as safe as I could be"

'Tell that to your brother'
Hoseok huffs , knowing it's hard to dig information out of Namjoon that the latter doesn't want to share

"It's just his mood swings,tell him I am fine"

'Oh don't get me started on that'
Hoseok laughs a little 'It's a tornado over here'

"It was you who wanted another baby"

'Hey ,your brother wooed me.I am a weak man'

Namjoon laughs then , momentarily forgetting that they weren't supposed to have this conversation in the middle of a serious discussion.But sometimes it's okay to forget about work .

Taehyung is his younger twin ,an Omega .He works in forensic so he has the most laid back and less dangerous job.Hoseok and Taehyung are married for over five years and they have a sweet little boy ,Hayung .And now they are having another one , Taehyung says it's going to be a girl ,Hoseok wants a girl

'stay safe '

"I will. Remember that one time I disguised as Namjoon Park ?"

'Yeah,for the Colarado case ? What about it ?'

"I need everything on that name to be reactivated.Passport,credit cards , identity , driver's license . Everything"
Namjoon whispers nervously "By Tommorow"

He hears some papers shuffling and a bell .Hoseok was already moving with it 'Alrighty.I will also send some cash in case you need it. Where are you currently?'

"Somewhere in New York"

'What the - okay .I will keep everything ready in the box at City Post .Will you be okay collecting it or shall I post it straight to the address?'

Namjoon bites on his lips "I don't want to endanger his safety by exposing the address.I was so close Boss.." the alpha trails getting back in his work mode

'I know ,Kim.Never doubted your skills but what's important is you are alive .I will take care of the rest for you'

"Yeah,I know you will"
Namjoon huffs ,stepping back into the room.It was getting cold outside

He hears the squeak of Hoseok's chair as the latter frowns 'But why a passport? Are you planning to fly somewhere ?'

"Oh , that's for a Wedding I am going to attend in Korea"

'I am sorry what ? Did you just said Wedding ?'

Namjoon bits back a laugh "I am going as someone's plus one"

He rolls his eyes when Hoseok yells dramatically 'No ,this is not the Kim I know.You ,and someone's plus one? What kind of sorcerery are you up to?'

"It's nothing as serious as you are making it.I am just doing a favor to a pretty Omega"

Hoseok whistles 'He must be fucking beautiful if you are doing such a favor to him '

"He is "
Namjoon sighs dreamily "But that's not the only reason.The wedding , it's in Jeju where the deal is going to take place.I need to go there ,Boss .We might not know the exact location,but I can figure it out once I go there"

He explains everything that had gone down after he escaped Mathew's men .

But all Hoseok picked up from it was the endearment in Namjoon's tone as he speaks of the Omega

'Is our Hayun-gie getting a new uncle ?'

Namjoon scoffs "No! Me and getting married ? Not in this life.I am already sick of my brother and his cliche husband"

'That cliche husband hands you monthly paychecks '
Hoseok scowls without meaning anything

"Okay off with it.Save this number .I can't promise when my next call would be ,but I promise to keep you updated.Tell Taehyung to not worry to much and I love him. I will be definitely back before the baby arrives"

'Dont make promises you cant keep.He is too antsy nowadays with his swollen feets.I will let him know that you are alive though'

"Yeah ,yeah .Take care"

'Dont make mistakes you will regret later'
Hoseok says in a light warning tone and Namjoon knew exactly what he was talking about

"I will keep that in mind "
With that said , Namjoon hangs up right in time when there was a knock on the door

"You can come in"
Namjoon smoothens his hair and watches as Seokjin pushes the door open with a sheepish smile.

It made the Alpha's heart beat skip when he finds that Seokjin haven't changed into something else.

"Uh,sorry to interrupt you but do you mind if I cook instead of ordering in ?"

Seokjin seems apologetic as if Namjoon would ever deny home cooked food .After living off on instant ramen for months ,he was dying for a simple home cooked food

He smiles ,"Sure.You need any help?"
Namjoon steps closer to him and says "But let me warm you ,I am terrible at cooking .I can wash the vegetables and boil water though"

The Omega laughs ,feeling shy under the Alpha's gaze "No issues .Besides ,you don't have to help me.You are already doing enough"

Namjoon sighs , "Please don't make it look like a favor .I am doing this out of free will"

"Then if you are not busy at the moment,can you help me with the dicing ?"

It was so random and cute of the Omega that Namjoon couldn't resist pecking his cheeks as he smiles brightly "Anything for my Omega"

Seokjin's heart flutters at his words and he remains rooted to the spot until Namjoon calls out again "So what are we making ?"

They ended up making Jajangemyeon and some plain rice to go with it .

"So tell me more about you .What type of coffee do you prefer ?"

Seokjin was taken aback by the sudden question.He looks up from his plate and chews on his food quickly to answer "I like it basic.Full of cream"

Namjoon raises his beer can to clink against Seokjin's that rests on the table

The Omega chuckles ,picking his can and clinks it with Namjoon's "And how often do you take your coffee?"

"I can literally survive a week just on coffee"

Seokjin raises his brow "Do you live alone ? Where do your parents live?"

Namjoon smile wavers a little "Lost them a few years back in a car accident"

The Omega reflexively reaches for the Alpha's hand and squeezes it

"It's been a long time,so don't worry"

"Any siblings ?"

"One twin brother.He is happily married to his crush for past five years"
Namjoon smiles ,picking up the kimchi

"How adorable"
Seokjin awes

"They are gross"
Namjoon snorts ,popping a blueberry from the plate . Seokjin had ordered in the best blueberry cheese cake and he was starting to realise that the Omega was a big fan of food

"Not a fan of romance ,I see?"
Seokjin smirks teasingly

"Romance and sucking off each other's faces in front of your brother are two very different things .I think they have already traumatized my nephew"

The Omega laughs then , nodding his head as he relates "Yes,Jimin and Yoongi are the same.But they look happy together and so I try to ignore their public display as much as I can"

"What about you ?"
Namjoon asks ,eyeing the Omega "Why haven't you gotten into a relationship till now " he shifts in his seat "if you don't mind me intruding.It's okay if you don't want to tell"

Seokjin sets his fork down and sighs .It wasn't something he was comfortable telling to the Alpha but he also knew he had to tell him about it sometime.

After all ,being Seokjin's boyfriend of a year , Namjoon should definitely know about his ex

He looks up to find Namjoon staring at him in concern

"We can talk about something else too .I didn't mean to-"

"I am okay . Actually,I am glad you brought this up"
Seokjin purses his lips as the Alpha stares at him sincerely

He tells him all about Siwon and how he had abruptly ended everything with the Beta and left for New York when a better job opportunity came up . Namjoon listens to him throughout,his expressions soft and attentive .He didn't pried too much , didn't judge Seokjin for ending things without reason .

It made Seokjin's heart lighter and he ,for a second thought that he could tell Namjoon, something that he haven't told to Jimin either .

His brother had asked many times until he realised that he wasn't getting anything out of Seokjin.Without knowing anything ,he still stood up for his brother and supported him ,also went as far as suggesting some best hookup places . Seokjin was lucky to have Jimin ,he was suddenly overwhelmed by the fact that his little Jimin was getting married to the love of his life .

While he was still stuck in the past ,unable to move on with someone else.It is why he doesn't date anymore and does casual hookups.He doesn't love Siwon anymore,but at the same time he is scared to fall for someone else too.He had invested six years of his life loving someone with his entirety ,he was afraid he couldn't handle another heartbreak

Seokjin startles when he was suddenly engulfed in a hug .He didn't even realised when Namjoon stood up from his seat and came over

"It's alright Jin.You don't have to worry anymore about what others will think.For me ,that little Beta is at fault "
Namjoon nuzzles into his collarbone , something he had never done to anyone . It's a very intimate gesture and Namjoon had thrown his brain out of the window,uncaring of where he was heading with this

He can't see tears in Seokjin's eyes .This was getting way tougher for him all of a sudden.He is not sure how he is going to leave Seokjin and return to reality when time comes

"He obviously lacks brain if he had dared hurt you some way"
The Alpha sends calming pheromones ,rubbing Seokjin's arm

Seokjin chuckles a watery laugh,wiping his tears.He was so close to burst into tears until Namjoon said "I have mastered Taekwando.Would you like me to beat his ass ?"

The Omega closes his hand over Namjoon's and shakes his head "No.Actually ,I want you to make sure he knows that I am very much taken"

Namjoon frowns , pulling away "He is coming to the wedding ? "

He sighs in exasperation "Why ?"

Seokjin couldn't help but bring the Alpha down and peck his lips.Namjoon leaves a shocked gasp but then smiles softly

"It's because Siwon is also my neighbour .Dad and his father work in the same company"

Namjoon's feature hardens as he cups Seokjin's face "Well then ,I better let that Beta know that you are off limits "

Seokjin smiles ,his heart expanding with butterflies as Namjoon pecks his lips and then shocks him by pecking his forehead.

The shock lingers until Namjoon goes back to his seat "Oh , before I forget"
He motions to his plate "I want to know if you are secretly a wonder chef "

"Unfortunately no"
Seokjin laughs ,the atmosphere slowly getting lighter as he teases back "But I will bask in your sweet compliment because I am a sucker for compliments"

Namjoon winks at him "Oh ,then I will make sure to shower you in compliments"

The two of them just stared into each other's eyes, neither blinking or looking away. It seemed as if time had slowed to a stop and they were locked into this moment . Namjoon was about to reach for Seokjin's hand when the latter suddenly stoods up,asking "Do you need more beer ?"

Namjoon sags into his chair and nods
"Only if you are having one"

Seokjin flashes a smile "I practically live for booze"

"Weren't you saying that you need to quit alcohol?"
The Alpha cocks a teasing brow "What if you get drunk again and cling on to me?"

"Shut up" Seokjin huffs,turning on his heels "You can't stop me from drinking in my own house"

"I never said I am going to stop you ,baby"

Seokjin trips over his own foot and looks back at the Alpha with wide eyes .His ears were red and Namjoon was amused to see how his neck was turning red too under his cocky gaze

"Why ? You don't like it ? "
Namjoon had the audacity to tilt his head to a side and smirk

The Omega felt an infuriating need to cross the distance and kiss the smirk off the Alpha's face .But instead,he retorts with a huff "Only if you let me call you bear"

Namjoon's mouth falls open "A bear ? From what angle do I look like bear to you"

Seokjin smiles mockingly "The same angle in which I look like a child to you"

"That's not -"
Namjoon scoffs , nodding as he raises his hands in surrender "Okay ,you chose this war.I am okay with you calling me anything as long as you let me do the same to you"

The Omega stares at him for a moment before he nods "We have a deal"

When Seokjin leaves to take out the beer cans , Namjoon throws his head back and runs a hand over his face "What am I doing ?"

He doesn't flirt so shamelessly.But with Seokjin,it appears that he is showing a side he wasn't aware he even had.

A/N : Namjoonie is in love

Not a surprise though 🤣

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