Cote React: Multiverse of inf...

By Random4012

202K 5K 4.9K

An unknown guest invites the ANHS students to react to different universes that will mainly focus on our prot... More

Classroom of the Elite: The Eroge: Part 1
Better Live Than Undead: Part 1
A/N :2
ANHS: Class S: Part 1
Better Alive Than Undead: Part 2
Classroom of the Elite: The Eroge: Part 2
Unexpected Death
Random Images and Stuff
Classroom of the Elite: The Eroge: Part 3
One Man Army
Lovestruck Eavesdroppers I
Classroom of the Elite: The Eroge: Part 4
Special Reaction
Commissionkouji: Part 1
Two One Shots In One Chapter
Classroom of the Elite: The Eroge: Part 5
A/N: 3
One-shots: 1
Ayano The Overlord: Part 1
Ayano The Overlord: Part 2
Classroom of the Elite: The Eroge: Part 6
A/N: 4
Better Alive Than Undead III
The Brutal Masterpiece: Part 1
Classroom of the Elite: The Eroge: Part 7.1
Classroom of the Elite: The Eroge: Part 7.2
One-shots: 3
Classroom of the Elite: Alter - Self-Test: Part 1

One-shots: 2

5K 128 214
By Random4012

(Most of the chapter is about the backstory I've decided to do. If you just want to see the reaction, fast forward the chapter halfway, I think. But hey, enjoy the chapter anyway)

Pov Ayanokouji:

After the video ended, the entire room started shaking.


Multiple explosions could be heard on the sides of the ship.

The people in the room began to run and scream, each one trying to save their lives.

Despite the teachers' instructions, the panic was too strong among the students to make them think rationally.

"Everyone stay here, this place is protected by my powers"

I heard the archangel say. And thank goodness it was on time, since several people were already running out of the room, which probably would have ended badly.

As people tried to calm down from the sudden tremors, I decided to take a look through a small opening that had been created by the explosions.

'This doesn't look good at all' , itwas the first thing that came to mind when I saw what was happening outside.

I could see at least four helicopters firing multiple explosive projectiles towards the ship.


The cruiser shook again as a new horde of explosives hit it.

'This must be the work of that man', even though I still didn't understand this situation very well, I knew that this was the only possibility at the moment.

Who else would attack a cruise ship full of students from the most prestigious school?

Nobody but someone who doesn't care about the people inside, and only seeks a goal.

Take me back to that place.

I couldn't help but wonder how he found me, or why he was doing this right now.

But what I wondered most was why the being that brought us here didn't do anything about it.

According to what he has said, he is some kind of divine being who brought us here to react to some videos.

Although he looks info-intensive, one cannot forget the fact that he possesses powers that break any existing logic.

So I asked myself, 'Can't he just snap his fingers and make those people disappear?'

I saw that he was talking something with Mashima-sensei. Apparently he gave him some instructions before turning to me.

"Hello, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

Watch the divine being trying to scan your intentions before saying something.

"Do you think you can give me a hand?" he asked.

"Give you a hand? What do you mean?" I decided to answer his question with another question.


I could see him let out a sigh before speaking to me again. "I guess you already saw what's happening outside, right?"

'What would happen if I said no', I thought as I watched him.

"Don't even think about that, I can read your mind," he replied before I could say anything.

"So, can you tell me what's happening?" I asked.

"Well...let's just say some things got out of control...and ended with Tsukishiro and a group of helicopters trying to shoot down this cruiser," he replied.

'Tsukishiro, eh?', I had been wondering before where he was, apparently I already have my answer.

But besides that, how did it all end up like this?

"Well...somehow that man saw what was happening on those worlds just as we did...and let's just say he wasn't very happy," he said.

It's a little strange that he's reading my mind all the time. But I think it's not the time to worry about that.

"Can't you just disappear them or teleport them somewhere else?" I asked.

"Believe me, I would love to do that, however even divine beings like me follow certain rules," he responded.

"Rules?" I asked.

"Yes, well there is one that does not allow me to interfere in mortal affairs directly," he said.

'Bringing us here doesn't fall into that category?', I asked myself.

"Yes, I would go into that category, if I didn't have a license," he said as he took something out of his pockets.

'I didn't think there would be a license for something like this,' I thought.

"So, can you help me?" he asked.

"What would I gain from this," I asked him.

"Well, apart from not being taken back to that place, you could save all the people here from a terrible death," he said.

'That was all?', I couldn't help but wonder. If that was truly all, I could choose to save myself and escape back to the school.

"You're forgetting that if these people die, they'll probably close the school," he said.

'A good point, but was that all?' I thought.

"I will also help you if it shows something compromising," he added.

"Now you have my attention," I replied.

"Well, do we have a deal?" he said.

I nodded and we both shook hands.

'I guess it's better to make a deal with an archangel than a devil,' I thought as I came up with a plan to save the ship.




Pov Third Person:

- Kiyotaka: Are you sure this is necessary?

- Michael: Yeah... you can't do this alone, right?

- Kiyotaka: 'Well, you're right, but...'

The boy let out a sigh when he saw that he had no choice but to follow the archangel's orders. Although maybe he didn't like these at all.

- Koenji: Ha!, come on Elevator-boy, you should be happy to have some of my perfect help

The blonde guy laughed, while he combed his hair in his hand mirror.

- Yagami: It's not like we had a choice

The other brown boy also didn't seem very happy with this idea.

- Michael: Oh, come on, it's easy. I prevent the ship from sinking and distract the people here in the room, while you take care of the people outside

The archangel tried to cheer up the boys.

- Kiyotaka: *sighs* Let's finish this quickly, before someone suspects us

- Michael: Good, you'll need some equipment.

The archangel snapped his fingers, three bulletproof vests appearing on the boys' bodies.

- Yagami: Yes... I don't think I'll get used to this

- Michael: Take this too

The archangel gave a large case to the boys.

- Koenji: Leave it to me!

The blonde boy showed off his great strength by carrying the large case on one of his shoulders.

- Michael: Well, good luck

The archangel said as he watched the three boys leave the room, while he returned to the room to continue his work.

*After a minutes*

The rest of the students were calmer now thanks to the help of the teachers.

The archangel once again made an appearance in front of everyone.

- Michael: Okay, let's continue with the next video

Those present did not seem very excited about this.

- Mashima-sensei: Excuse me, Michael-san, but can you tell us what is happening?

- Michael: 'Shit!'

The archangel did not know what exactly to respond in this situation.

- Michael: Well...let's say there were some 'small' mishaps

- Mashima-sensei: Small mishaps?

- Michael: Well...

Before the archangel could respond, someone else asked another question..

- Sae-sensei: Excuse me, Michael-san, but can I ask why aren't there two of my students?



- "That's right, where is Ayanokouji?"


- "Koenji is not here either"

- "Yagami-kun neither!"

Some people began to worry about the missing people in the room.

- Michael: Calm down, calm down, they're fine.

- Haruka: How can we trust you? Where is Kiyopon?

- Michael: Well, are they... in the bathroom?

- Ike: All three together?

- Michael: Yes...

There was a brief silence in the room.

- Ike: Ah, understandable. Have a good day

- Michael: 'I don't think it will work for a long time... hurry up, guys!'



- Yagami: So, what do we do now?

The boy asked while the three of them were on the highest part of the ship looking at the helicopters in front of them.

- Koenji: Oh, Yagami-boy, why do you think I bring this with me?

The blonde boy opened the case, revealing a rocket launcher, along with a projectile, ready to fire.

- Kiyotaka: 'Uhm, I didn't expect this'

- Koenji: Back off, Ayanokouji-boy and Yagami-boy

The boy raised the gun on his shoulder pointing at the helicopters.

- Yagami: Oi, oi, do you know how to use that thing?

- Koenji: Haha, obviously not... but it's nothing I can't handle!

Saying this, he shot at one of the helicopters that was in front.


The projectile hit the helicopter's propeller, causing it to lose its balance and collide with the other one that was next to it, both falling into the water, generating an explosion.

- Koenji: Ha! I told you, Yagami-boy, this is nothing!

- Yagami: Yes, yes, whatever you say...

While the two boys were talking, our brown-haired protagonist inspected the scene better.

- Kiyotaka: 'There are only two helicopters here, where are the other two?'

The boy's doubts were resolved when he saw the other two helicopters descending, before around 30 soldiers got out of it, the half of them descending on the deck, and the other half in the rear of the ship.

- Kiyotaka: This is not over yet, guys

The other two boys directed their gaze with his, seeing the large number of soldiers on the ship.

- Yagami: Well, what's next?

- Kiyotaka: You two head towards the back of the ship, I'll go to the deck

The boy gave them instructions to solve the problem as soon as possible.

- Koenji: Just this once I will listen to you, Elevator-boy

- Yagami: I guess I still want to live, so I'll help you this time

The brown-haired man nodded towards the two, before they split into two teams.



*Back to the room*

The people in the room were still worried about the people who weren't there, besides obviously what had happened a few moments ago. None of them believed that it was a 'small mishap'.

- Michael: Well, let's start with the video

The archangel said starting to play the video... or that's what he expected.

The screen suddenly turned off and began to light up in different colors.

- Michael: 'Dafuck?'

He decided to get closer to what was happening with the screen, only to see a small crack in the screen caused by the tremors.

- Michael: 'Oh no... they're going to deduct that from my salary'

The people looked at him somewhat bewildered by what he was doing.

- Michael: 'It can't be that difficult to fix a dimensional screen, right?'

That being said, he put all his knowledge and effort into repairing the monitor.

While in one part of the theater something happened that would make things even worse.

*buzz* *buzz*

A cell phone vibrated inside the room.

The owner of this one, who turned out to be a teacher, decided to answer the call.

[- Shiba: Tsukishiro-san?]

[- Tsukishiro: Shiba, I just arrived with a troop of soldiers, we are going to recover the Masterpiece]

[- Shiba: So sensei finally decided, huh?]

[- Tsukishiro: Yes, we must get sensei's son out of there, and then blow up the entire ship]

[- Shiba: No survivors, right?]

[- Tsukishiro: Exactly, I'll see you on the deck in 15 minutes]

[- Shiba: Very good, I won't be long]

After ending the call, the professor slipped to the back of the theater, before heading to the door that led outside.

(In case anyone is wondering, this is more or less the map of the theater)

"Where are you going, Shiba-sensei?"

Just before he could leave the place, he was interrupted by someone's voice behind him.

"Amasawa Ichika" Shiba responded, turning to see the girl behind him. "do you really want to face me?", the teacher looked at her showing a dismissive look.

"I really don't have a chance against you, but at least I'll try to buy some time," the girl who was now in front of him did not hesitate to confront him at any time.

"Why risk doing this?, is the admiration you feel for the Masterpiece that much?", the teacher questioned her.

"You know Shiba-sensei, if I have learned anything from Ayanokouji-sempai it is to make decisions for myself.And I decided that I don't just want to see the well, but to see the vast ocean", the girl answered Shiba's question as she got into a fighting stance.

"Then you no longer belong in the White Room, Amasawa Ichika. Now nothing stops me from finishing you off right here," the teacher also adopted a fighting pose.

Both fighters looked at each other before launching into combat, in a fight between someone who seeks a new life and someone who seeks nothing more than to end that life.




One of the soldiers screamed, as he felt several of his ribs break after receiving a blow.

He quickly tried to raise his gun in an attempt to defend himself from the person in front of him. However, it was in vain when the boy in front of him grabbed his head, smashing it against the deck railing.

'I guess this will be enough for now,' Ayanokouji let go of the soldier's head, as he looked at the different soldiers he had just defeated.

Each of them had at least some part of their body broken, while their bodies rested in a large pool of blood.

A scene that would terrify anyone... except this person.

'I haven't seen Tsukishiro yet, he must be somewhere around here,' the boy thought as he left that place with his hands still full of blood.

'I wonder how Yagami and Koenji are doing,' with that thought the boy went to look for the rest of the soldiers left on board.


*Meanwhile with our favorite duo*

"How did we get into this?" Yagami said to his partner as they both took refuge behind a wall.


The sound of falling bullet casings echoed throughout the place.

"Are you ready for this, Yagami-boy," the blonde boy told his companion.

"Wait, don't think about just jumping in like that, obviously they'll kill you," the brown-haired man replied.

"Hahaha! Obviously I'm not going to jump in just like that, my life is too perfect to waste," the blonde boy laughed.

"Every time you say that, you do something strange... but that's what we need now," the boy decided to trust his partner.

After giving him his confirmation, the blonde boy got up and headed to one of the nearby rooms.

He approached and grabbed the metal door, using a little force he tore it from its frame.

"You are crazy, Koenji... although I am even more crazy for following you," the other boy sighed as he prepared to attack.

The blonde boy gave him a superior smile before launching himself against the soldiers, using the door as a shield.

The soldiers tried to shoot him, but the bullets only bounced off the door.

"Now, Yagami-boy!" the blonde boy shouted as he bowed.

The brown-haired boy, using his back and the door as leverage, quickly jumped over the soldiers, falling behind them.

Before they could react, the boy quickly disarmed them, before punching one in the stomach, leaving him out of combat.

The other soldier decided to escape, unfortunately for him that was not possible.

"Where do you think you're going, little peasant?" The blonde boy blocked his path with his huge body, before taking the soldier by the shoulders.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?", the soldier shouted as he felt his body lift off the ground.

"I hope you know how to swim, soldier-boy," saying this he threw him overboard with all his strength.

You could see how for a few seconds the soldier seemed to fly... until he finally fell, making a loud noise as he crashed into the water.

"It's clear here, let's continue with our mission," the brown-haired boy told his companion.

"With this the score is 8 - 7, Yagami-boy, hahaha," the boy laughed as he headed to the next area to clear.

"Damn, the next ones we meet are mine!" the other boy said as he quickened his pace.



*Returned to the theater*

The students were waiting for the archangel to repair the screen to play the next video.

- Michael: 'Damn, why didn't I take the course to repair these things when I had the chance?'

The archangel cursed his luck, not being able to make the device work to continue with the performance.

- Hashimoto: T-this... Michael-san, can't you fix the screen with your powers?

One of those present decided to ask the question that everyone had in mind.

- Michael: You don't know how much I would like to do that... but unfortunately I can't.

- Ichinose: And why is that, Michael-san?

- Michael: The scope of my powers is only limited to this universe... and since the screen has a universal scope, my powers are useless

And of course by this he meant that our presenter cannot interfere in other universes, things like bringing people from another world were not possible for him... normally.

For that he used the screen, which, having a universal scope, allowed him to both see other worlds and open portals between them.

- Ike: Aren't you too nerfed to be some kind of God?

- Michael: Yeah... 'Well, it's not like I can ask for a rewrite'

- Sotomura: Hey, that screen works like a computer or something, right?

- Michael: Yes, I think so, although it has more components than one

- Sotomura: I know something about computers, so how about you let me check it out?

- Michael: Oh, go ahead please

With that the 'professor' headed off to do what he was most passionate about... after anime of course, which was computer science.

However, what little they knew was that multiple battles were being fought at that precise moment.



"This is over," Shiba said as he placed his foot on the body of a very injured Amasawa.

"At least I stopped you for 10 minutes... that's something," the girl said as she tried to get up somehow.

"You couldn't beat Yagami Takuya, what did you expect against someone like me or Tsukishiro-san?" The professor pressed his foot harder against her body, causing the girl to writhe in pain.

"And what are you going to do now? Kill me?", Amasawa looked at the person in front of her, still smiling the entire time.

"Do you think I can't?", the teacher pressed his foot harder against her, causing the girl's ribs to nearly break. "You two have already been discarded as defective products, as long as we recover the Masterpiece, we will be able to make more and more geniuses, even better than you."

The master raised his fist ready to deliver the final blow to the person in front of him, however he was interrupted when he saw a blow heading towards him.

He quickly rolled on the ground dodging the blow, then stood up to look at his attacker.

"Kuku, as expected from someone who could put up a fight with Monster," the person in front of him said while putting his hands in his pockets.

"Ryuuen Kakeru... I didn't expect more interruptions here," the teacher said looking at the magenta-haired boy.

"What can I say, Monster asked me to keep an eye on you just in case things got out of control," Ryuuen said as he turned to look at the other person present in the room. "You're the girl who was behind Monster, right? This guy really beat you up," the boy laughed lightly.

"I didn't expect Dragon-senpai to come... but now I think any help is welcome," the girl said as she stood up again.

"Even if you two are there at the same time, you won't be able to defeat me, give up and I won't hurt you much," the teacher said, trying not to waste any more time in that place.

"Who said there are only two of us?" the magenta-haired boy smiled as he saw the teacher. Quickly a large figure appeared on the scene, launching a huge blow at the teacher.

He quickly blocked the blow with his forearm, and then exchanged a few blows against the new attacker.

"Albert, back off!" Ryuuen said as he watched as his partner's blow did nothing to his opponent.

"UNDERSTOOD, BOSS," Albert said as he took some distance from his opponent.

"You're just prolonging the inevitable, this ship is going to sink anyway, stopping me here won't save you," the teacher said as he prepared to attack again.

"Nah, probably Monster will find a way to solve it," the boy said confidently. "Also if that is the case, then I will take you with me to hell as a souvenir."

"I have to agree with you, Ryuuen," a new voice was present in the room. "If there is anyone who can do that, then it is Ayanokouji."

Everyone turned to see the new person present. "Glasses-kun, huh?", Ryuuen said recognizing the person. "Do you know how to fight?... That's right, that video," the boy corrected himself after remembering one of the videos they had seen before.

"Horikita Manabu, considered the best student ANHS has ever had," Shiba said as he looked at the Ex-SCP.

"Wow, it looks like they haven't fixed it yet," the boy replied. "I take it you're Shiba, right?"

"That's right, ex-SCP. I don't suppose you've come here to talk, have you?" Shiba replied while putting himself on guard.

"Hey, hey, hey, how are you going to start with me?" said a blonde boy appearing in the room.

"How many more people are going to come?" asked the teacher, already annoyed by the sudden appearance of people in the room.

"Oh, don't worry, I think I'm the last one," the boy said as he went along with the rest of the students.

"Nagumo Miyabi, I thought you were not going to interfere in this as you agreed with Tsukishiro-san," the teacher looked at the current SCP.

"Yes, that was before. But now I can't let them take Ayanokouji away until he faces me," the boy declared confidently as he looked at his opponent.

"Nagumo...I see you haven't changed," Manabu said as he looked at the blonde boy. "But I guess it's okay for now."

"It will be an honor to fight alongside you, Horikita-sempai," with that the five students formed a lineup to fight.

"Hey, little devil, what is our chance of winning?" Ryuuen asked a question while everyone else was preparing to fight.

"Uhm...if we're lucky maybe 30%, I think," the girl said bluntly as she looked at her opponent. "Although there are many factors to consider that could give us an advantage."

"I don't know about you, but 30% is more than enough for me," the magenta-haired boy said as he laughed.

"It's not a favorable amount, but we can work with it," the ex-SCP said, taking a more rational approach.

"WE CAN WIN, BOSS!" Albert exclaimed as he prepared to give his all in battle.

"Oh, that's the spirit, Mewing-sempai!"

"Okay, let's get this over with."

With that said, everyone launched into combat, The united front of ANHS or An experienced assassin, who would not hesitate to kill his opponents, which of both sides will win?

Yeah... things were not looking good for our heroes.

But, hey. There was no shortage of laughter.



*Meanwhile with The Masterpiece*

"This whole place is now clear," the boy said as he continued to scan the cruise ship in search of the missing opponents.

'The only thing left is Chairman Sakayanagi's office,' he thought as he headed to that place.

Just when he finally arrived at the office, someone besides the Chairman was waiting for him.

"You took a long time, Masterpiece," Tuskishiro was in front of him, pointing his gun at Chairman Sakayanagi's head.

"This ship is bigger than it looks," the boy answered. "I don't suppose you're going to stop, are you?" he asked.

"Surrender and I'll set him free," Tsukishiro said. "Unless of course, you don't care about the life of the only person who helped you against your father."

Ayanokouji simply looked at him while calculating his actions. Obviously his main priority was to stop Tsukishiro and not be captured, he couldn't care less about anyone else's life than his own.

Or that would have happened, if it had been someone else, now President Sakayanagi was too useful to him to let him die.

Now he only had to use all his ingenuity and strength to stop Tsukishiro without any major casualties.

"What would be the correct option in this situation?" Ayanokouji asked the person in front of him.

"Well, for a normal person, he would give up to save the life of the innocent," Tsukishiro let out a light laugh. "But a Masterpiece will prioritize its own safety, seeking to win at all costs."

"So what do you choose, Kiyotaka-kun? Will you be a normal person or a Masterpiece?", he finished his sentence with that question.

"There is something you are right, Tsukishiro," the boy began to speak. "I only care about winning in this world," the boy said, revealing his eyes full of darkness.

"Of course," Tsuksihrio let out a light laugh after hearing that.

"But you're wrong about something," Ayanokouji added.

"May I ask what it is?" the man asked.

"I am neither a normal person nor a Masterpiece," the boy paused slightly.




"I'm a horrible human being"

Saying this, he gave a quick stomp, propelling himself with all his speed against Tsukishiro.

The man could hardly react to that, he quickly raised his gun and pointed it at the boy in front of him with the little time he had and...


The sound of the gun being fired echoed throughout the place.

"I guess it's my defeat"




In the back of the theater, a fierce battle was taking place between 4 students, a teacher, and a former student.

"Damn, this doesn't look good," Ryuuen said. Until now they had not managed to land a hit on the teacher in front of them, despite their numerical majority. On the other hand, they had received a lot of damage and their resistance was about to end.

'It's just like that damn time,' he thought as he remembered his confrontation against the D-class Mastermind. Just like that time, the person in front was giving them too one-sided a beating.

The only thing different was that Shiba hadn't knocked any of them out yet. But that could change at any time.

Again the teacher charged at them, launching a strong kick against Ryuuen first; which was intercepted by Albert who used his two arms to block it; then the ex-SCP would return the favor with another kick; which the teacher dodged by crouching down; Taking advantage of this, he quickly eliminated Albert, who was the largest of all; He could not avoid the attack and fell to the ground.


Quickly the rest of them continued attacking the teacher. Ryuuen threw a hook; which the teacher quickly blocked; then Nagumo launched a blow through Shiba's unprotected side; to which he blocked without problem, backhanding him in the face, knocking him to the ground.

Manabu quickly launched a series of kicks and punches, forcing the professor to back away slightly before realizing how repetitive the attacks were, blocking one, grabbing his arm, and then delivering a strong kick to his ribs.

"GAH-AH," the ex-SCP coughed up blood, as he fell to one of his knees due to the pain.

"I told you you didn't have a chance," the teacher said before holding the boy by the hair. "Idiots like you belong only in the trash," he said as he looked the former SCP straight in the eyes.

Although that didn't last long when a quick kick hit him in the face, making him roll a little before sitting up again; only to be met by Amasawa with rapid attacks, which he had to dodge and block.

"So it was all a feint, huh?" said the teacher, taking some distance. The sudden succession of repetitive attacks was just a feint to deliver a blow. "It won't work again".

"Is that so, Assasin Creep?" Ryuuen said as he helped Manabu to his feet.

"Half of you are out of combat, and those who aren't are about to go down as well," the teacher confidently declared each of his words.

"Kuhahaha, you said it wouldn't work again, but that's what you're doing right now," right after saying that, the boy shouted: "NOW, COUPLE OF MONKEYS!"

Shiba realized that he had fallen into their trap, so he quickly tried to get out of there; However, it was too late, as a red-haired boy and another very burly blonde grabbed him by both arms, immobilizing him.

"KUH!" The teacher tried to get away with all his might, but the two boys at his sides resisted all his attempts.

"Well done, hold him," Ryuuen said before delivering a quick punch to the immobilized Shiba's face.

"KUH-AH! Even you Housen, I thought you were smarter than this," he tried to provoke the blonde boy who was holding him.

"I always wanted to give you a good kick in the ass, idiot! And now that I have the chance I won't waste it," Hōsen said. "Quickly, leave him out of combat, before he escapes!" he shouted.

Ryuuen smiled before repeatedly punching the teacher in the face; and then Amasawa kneed Shiba in the face; and finally both, the former SCP and current SCP, hit him directly in the chest, causing the teacher to spit blood on the floor.

"Hey, hold him! I WANT TO HIT THIS BASTARD TOO!" Housen shouted. However, this was taken advantage of by Shiba to free one of his arms, and then use it to hit the red-haired boy, escaping from them.



Shiba quickly took advantage of the fact that they were tired, to escape from the room, returning to the theater again, since Albert was blocking the emergency door.


Meanwhile in the theater, everyone was quiet waiting for the archangel to play the next video.

- Michael: So, how is the PC, professor?

- Sotomura: *uff* I think that's it

The professor turned on the screen again, which seemed to present no more problems.

- Michael: Well, let the video beg-

Just before the archangel finished his sentence, he was interrupted when Shiba appeared running down the stairs quickly.




Various reactions occurred in the room upon seeing the teacher with multiple wounds on his face.



Behind the teacher, five other students appeared, who were more beaten than the teacher himself.

The students quickly remembered what they saw in the videos, remembering that Shiba is a murderer undercover as a teacher, however that did not allow them to act, except for a few people.

"KITOU, UTOMIYA, SHIBATA, LET'S FORM A BARRIER," Akito quickly reacted upon seeing both Ryuuen and Hōsen following Shiba. Thanks to his past and the videos, he was able to know that this was something serious, not to mention that he also saw the ex-SCP next to them, which confirmed his suspicions.

The other three boys, upon hearing him, quickly followed him, forming a barrier that blocked Shiba's escape route.

The teacher found himself surrounded on both sides, so he did the first thing that occurred to him.

Take a hostage.

He grabbed one of the boys who was next to him, placing his hand to break his neck in case someone approached him.

"Back off! Or say goodbye to him!" the teacher exclaimed as he made his intentions clear.

The people in the room had no choice but to pay attention and stay in their places.

The teacher, still threatening the hostage, headed towards the exit door.

"Don't you dare follow me or he will pay for you," the teacher ordered the hostage boy to open the door so he could escape.

However, he didn't expect anyone else to be there.

"OH, Sensei-boy!" Koenji exclaimed when he saw the teacher, while he was next to Yagami Takuya.

"Shiba?!", the boy next to him also exclaimed, surprised by the teacher's state.

"Back off!" the teacher shouted.

"Why should I do that, Shiba-boy?" Koenji asked defiantly.

"Why? Why do I have this hosta-.. eh?", The teacher was surprised to see that his hostage was not next to him..

"I'm sorry, Shiba-sensei. But people don't call me Snek for nothing," the hostage had managed to escape from his grasp while the teacher was talking to Koenji and Yagami.

"But how?", before he remembered that he was not safe in that place, a large blow was aimed at his face, knocking him out of combat.

"HAHA!, with this the score is 11 -10, Yagami-boy", Koenji laughed.

"Okay, okay, now what should we do with him?", the boy asked as his attention turned to the now passed out teacher.






"I guess it's my defeat"

Tsukishiro said seeing what had happened.

The boy in front of him had used his hand to deflect the gun, not caring that the bullet went through his palm.

'This had just healed and now this happens,' Ayanokouji sighed when he saw the palm of his hand again with a wound.

He quickly decided to end it, giving Tsukishiro a big blow in the face, which sent him flying backwards, crashing his head against one of the walls of the ship, which made him lose consciousness.

"That was a dangerous move," the President said as he stood up to help Ayanokouji. "But thank you anyway, Kiyotaka-kun."

"Take it as a small favor from me," the boy said as he now fixed his gaze on the unconscious Tsukishiro.

"First let's get the first aid kit that is inside my office, then we'll see what we do with Tsukishiro," the president said leading the boy to his office.

After disinfecting the wound and stopping the bleeding, the boy was left with a bandage on his hand like the time he fought against Housen.

At that time, Tsukishiro had woken up, now looking at his surroundings.

"Looks like I lost to you, Masterpiece," the former acting director said as he stood up again.

"I don't think you want to continue with this, do you?" the boy asked him as his mind prepared his next move in case the person in front of him decided to continue fighting.

"No, no. This is my defeat," the man stated. "There's nothing else I can do"

"Let's go back to the theater then," the president said after giving both of them some time to rest. "I can trust you not to make any more trouble, right, Tokinari?".

"Haha, I can't promise anything, Narumori," the man let out a short laugh. "But if it happens, I guess Kiyotaka-kun can take care of me again, right?".

Both men talked for a while like old friends who hadn't seen each other in a while.

After a moment, they both told the boy to return to the theater.

Ayanokouji nodded and followed them both back to the theater.




*Back to the theater*

People were confused as they saw a particular person.

In one of the seats was the head teacher of class 1-D, Shiba Katsunori, who had revealed his true face to the school.

However, thanks to the intervention of other students, the situation did not get worse. Now he was tied to a seat, while he was guarded by the two strongest people in the school who were there.

Just when the situation seemed to end, someone else entered the theater door.

"Have a good morning, students."

President Sakayanagi entered the room with Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and the former acting director.

"President, could you give us an explanation. What is happening?"

The questions did not wait when they saw the three people enter.

"I guess you know to a certain extent about these people, thanks to the videos given by Michael-san," the president began to speak.

"However, what has happened is a private matter of both the school and Ayanokouji kiyotaka, I cannot give more details about it," the president said. "You just have to know that you're safe now, that's what matters."

With that said, the three people headed back to their seats, without giving any response to anyone.

- Michael: O-okay, then let's continue with this

The archangel started playing the video to try to lighten the atmosphere in the room.

Timeline: Y2 V4

Last day of the 2nd exam on the uninhabited island.

"So, how is your analysis going, Ayanokouji-kun?" asked Tsukishiro.

The fight had only begun just over two minutes ago. In that time, I had assessed a variety of ideas, but so far, none of them had proved to be decisive.

- Ryuuen: 'Eh?, the 2nd exam on the uninhabited island again?'

Like him, some other people found that scenario familiar with a video they had seen before.

- Tsukishiro: Oh, doesn't this bring back old memories, Kiyotaka-kun?

- Kiyotaka: 'How strange, I thought it would be about something else'

"This fight would have been easier if we simply traded blows like children, trying to take each other down with brute force alone, no?" he said. "However, we adults do not hesitate to adopt the best possible measures to avoid losing, you see. Even if those measures are unrefined and by no means what people might consider 'cool'."

Tsukishiro had read 99 percent of my thoughts. His fighting style was precise and without indecision, and he didn't allow his own thoughts to be read. Or rather, I supposed I should say that while he did let me read his thoughts, he wasn't showing me the truth. In any case, I wasn't going to be able to make a decisive move in this current situation. At this rate, things were going to just get worse and worse for me; it seemed that I was going to need to take on a sizeable risk to make a difference in this situation.

- Horikita: 'Is he able to read his thoughts?'

- Ryuuen: 'Oi, oi, is this guy seriously giving Monster problems?'

- Kiyotaka: 'Until now everything remains the same as it happened here'

- Amasawa: 'Will Sempai fight Tsukishiro and Shiba again?'

- Yagami: 'The other video showed how I intervened in that fight... but this scenario doesn't seem like that'

I looked at the two people in front of me, without letting my guard down at any time. My senses detected a slight noise, indicating that someone else was near here.

'Looks like my trump card has finally arrived'

I looked in the direction of the noise, where the person I've been waiting for should appear.

- "Eh? Is there anyone else there?"

- Kiyotaka: 'I guess by that I mean Kiryun-sempai'

- Kiryun: 'Looks like it's my time to make my grand entrance again'

- Manabu: 'Before we fought only one of them and we won by pure luck... and now he is going to face both of them at the same time'

- Horikita: 'Will Kiryun-sempai be able to help him?'


"Were you expecting someone else, Sempai~?"

One of the people I least expected made an appearance in the middle of our little fight.

'I guess with this I can confirm that she was the White Room student.'

After seeing the screen, many people in the room were confused.

- Amasawa: 'Wait, wait... what's happening?'

Even the same girl he sees on screen was confused by his sudden appearance.

- Yagami: 'Ichika? But wasn't she a fan of the Masterpiece?'

- Arisu: 'What a great turn of events'

- Kiyotaka: 'Amasawa? Wouldn't it have been better to bring Yagami?'

- Tsukishiro: 'Hahaha, what is my other self thinking?'

Amasawa walked to Shiba and Tsukishiro's side, I could see her giving me a mocking smile in the process.

"Did you think we didn't take interference into account, Kiyotaka-kun?" Tsukishiro turned to me with a smile. "Trying to buy time until Kiryuun Fuka came to give you a hand, is that all you had in mind?" He said mockingly, while looking at me.

- Ryuuen: 'He read his move again like in the other video'

- Kiryun: 'Seriously... why do they have to ruin my screen time?'

- Kiyotaka: 'Couldn't he do the same here?' Or didn't he want to?

- Arisu: 'Now he will face the three of them'

- Yagami: 'I'm sorry, Ichika. But even when I helped them we didn't have a chance... your least'

'It seems I greatly underestimated the person in front of me'.

In several of the scenarios I thought of, there were very few in which the White Room student was directly involved. Furthermore, without Kiryuun-senpai's help, I was left with few options.

- Kiyotaka: 'Although I still have several ways to overcome that, it is still a problem'

- Amasawa: 'Eh? Why did he say as if he meant just one? Didn't Tsukishiro tell him that there were two of us in that world?'

- Ryuuen: 'Now I'm grateful that we didn't have to face him too.'

- Yagami: 'Something strange is happening... I can't say what it is but something is out of place'

- Michael: 'This video started like this?'

"I must say I didn't expect this, I guess I can say she will fight alongside you, right?" I asked. If so, the battle will turn into a 3 vs 1, although I could still handle them, I prefer not to do unnecessary things. After all, they are still one student and two members of the school staff.

"Whether there are 3 or 4 opponents you face, you are still the 'Masterpiece', rather maybe I fear for my safety," Tsukishiro let out a short laugh before putting himself on guard.

Behind him, Amasawa and Shiba did the same, surrounding me from the sides, while Tsukishiro came from the front.

- Ryuuen: 'Oh, now the good stuff begins'

- Arisu: 'Let's see how this turns out'

- Amasawa: 'Although it still seems strange to me, I still want to see what will happen next'

- Housen: 'Beast! How can you still handle them?'

- Tsukishiro: 'Uhm, how interesting, I wonder how this will end'

Quickly the three launched the attack; Shiba launched a blow towards my abdomen, which I dodged by turning to the side; then, Amasawa launched a kick towards my back, which I blocked with my left arm; while Tsukishiro launched a blow towards my face, to which I quickly ducked to avoid it.

Taking advantage of my position, I quickly swept Tsukishiro, who had to back away to avoid losing his balance. Then, I charged at Shiba, knocking him to the ground, before rolling on the ground to evade Amasawa's attack coming from behind.

Everyone in the room was shocked by the sudden fight unfolding on the screen. Despite seeing him fighting before, they couldn't help but get carried away by emotion again.

- Ryuuen: 'SHIT! We only managed one and you're facing three, damn crazy Monster'

- Manabu: 'That reaction speed is impressive as always, Ayanokouji'

- Arisu: 'Despite having seen it before, I can't help but get excited when I see this'

- Kiyotaka: 'It seems like the fight is going well for now'

Shiba stood up again and together with Amasawa charged at me. Their movements suddenly synchronized, making different maneuvers that forced me to receive one of the blows. I prioritized dodging Shiba's kick that was aimed at my liver, while Amasawa landed a blow to my right side.

Even though by Tsukishiro's words she was a defective product, the force of that blow was even more powerful than when I faced Albert. I could even say she would defeat Hōsen without any problem.


- Amasawa: Do you want to see me try it, Gorilla-kun?

- Housen: Come, I'll wait for you here!

- Ryuuen: Hey, you idiots, there are people who want to see what's in front of them, if you want to fight, do it somewhere else. Tsk, no one has manners nowadays

- Amasawa: *sighs* I guess I owe you one for earlier, Dragon-sempai, so just this once I'll pay you attention

- Housen: Tsk, you saved yourself this time

- Ishizaki: Don't be sad, Albert. Ayanokouji-san still thinks you're strong

- Albert: 🗿

- Ishizaki: 'Albert? Are you doing mewing again?'

- Kiyotaka: 'Few people have noticed, but that synchronization in their attacks, it seems as if they had already fought as a team before'

I quickly did a backflip, putting distance between myself and those two. I couldn't let them catch me again in that series of coordinated blows, or sooner or later I would be at their mercy.

My stamina was also not at its maximum, so a prolonged fight would not benefit me.

I have no choice but to fight seriously, although that will probably cause me problems later.

The two stopped suddenly, staying a meter away from me.

- Ryuuen: 'He was still holding back?'

- Amasawa: 'It seems like we were able to give Sempai some fight'

- Arisu: 'Why did they stop? Oh no, it's a trap'

- Kiyotaka: 'Where is Tsukishiro?, don't take your eyes off him, another me'


I instinctively jumped and rolled to the side, when I saw Tsukishiro approaching me with a stun gun. Quick attacks were directed towards me, one wrong step and the battle would be over for me.

- Kiyotaka: 'This looks bad'

- Amasawa: 'A stun gun? Tsukishiro-san does have several tricks up his sleeve'

- Tsukishiro: 'It seems that he didn't stop me from using my ace up my sleeve'

- Ryuuen: 'Ohoho, this doesn't look good for Monster'

- Chiaki: 'I don't think that's enough to stop Ayanokouji-kun'

I repeatedly dodged his attacks by jumping, turning sideways, and rolling. Although in the end it didn't help, when one of the attacks hit me.


I felt like an electric current ran through my left arm, paralyzing it in the process. My body instinctively leaned toward the paralyzed side. I could see Tsukishiro smile, seeing that his plan worked.

- Ryuuen: 'Are you really going to lose? After having faced zombies and other things?'

- Horikita: 'It can't be, is he seriously going to lose?'

- Kiyotaka: 'Did I lose?'

After having seen several videos where the boy demonstrated his great ability, some were surprised that he was defeated this time.

- Arisu: 'This must be one of his plans'

- Amasawa: 'This is not over yet'

However, his smile didn't last long when my other arm landed a direct hit on his face, breaking his nose and making him fall on his back.

Tsukishiro rolled on the ground, before Amasawa and Shiba approached him to help him up, which he rejected and stood up on his own.

"And to think that you'd let yourself be attacked on purpose to trick me," Tsukishiro wiped the blood from his nose. I could see how his body staggered a little, as a result of the blow from before.

What I did was a risky move, if the stun gun had hit me a little higher, it probably would have all been over.

- Ryuuen: 'Um... really, what's going through your head when making these plans?'

- Hiyori: 'Ayanokouji-kun must have considered too many things to make such a risky move'

- Horikita: 'If this is what's going on in your head, then I don't want to know what you're thinking anymore'

- Tsukishiro: 'A feint? And to think that I would fall for a trick like that'

- Arisu: 'What a bold move'

- Sudo: 'He... made something similar when he faced Hōsen'

"Playtime is over, Tsukishiro," I stood up again, while moving my affected arm a little. I could still feel a brief paralysis, but it's nothing I can't handle.

- Chiaki: 'That superhuman resistance he has... is not normal'

- Kiyotaka: 'So it's over now?'

- Amasawa: 'Haha, you are the Masterpiece for a reason, Sempai. Although I still wonder why I joined Tsukishiro's side in that world'

As if he had realized what I was referring to, he turned to see the boat near the shore. The person inside it accelerated quickly, escaping from the place, while a boat appeared behind it.

'Looks like this is over,' I looked at Tsukishiro, who now no longer had his smile anywhere. The ship approached the shore to disembark, which meant the end of this battle.

"H-how did you manage to get a boat, Sempai?" Both Amasawa and Shiba seemed surprised by what was happening, as did Tsukishiro himself.

- Sae-sensei: 'Ah, I guess it's our time to intervene'

- Mashima-sensei: 'I hope that in that world we can help you'

- Ryuuen: 'This guy, is there any way to trick him?'

- Kiyotaka: 'Exactly, this is over'

"It's simple," I replied. "Just look at the small boat over there closely, and you'll see what I mean," I answered.

Right at this moment where everything seemed to be against him, Tsukishiro suddenly started laughing.

"Hahahaha", like him, Amasawa also burst out laughing, while Shiba kept his stoic gaze at all times.

- Ryuuen: 'Oi, oi, what's happening?'

Like him, many were confused by seeing the two people laughing, when they were supposed to have lost.

- Kiyotaka: 'Something's not right'

- Tsukishiro: 'Oh, it seems like this isn't over yet, Kiyotaka-kun'

While I thought something strange was happening, I finally grasped the situation.

The boat landed just as I predicted, however the person inside it was not who I expected.

"The task is done, Tsukishiro-san," the person inside the boat emerged from it, revealing her long blonde hair.

- Nanase: 'WAIT! WHAT THE HELL?!'

- Amasawa: 'Nanase-chan?, this is getting weirder'

- Kiyotaka: 'Nanase?, I thought things had been clear on the island'

- Ryuuen: 'What the hell? I wouldn't be surprised if that Yamauchi guy showed up too'

- Arisu: 'He completely anticipated Ayanokouji-kun's plans'

"Nanase," I looked at the unexpected guest who had just gotten off the boat. From the corner of my eye, I could see her holding the same piece of wood that we found earlier during the Komiya group incident.

- Komiya: Wait what? She was the one who hit us?

Several glances were directed at the blonde girl now.

- Nanase: No, I was with Ayanokouji-sempai at that time, so it couldn't have been me

- Kiyotaka: It's true, she was with me 'But it doesn't seem to be the same in that world'

- Yagami: 'But I was supposed to be the one who did that... what is happening in that world?'

- Tsukishiro: 'Oh, how curious'

"Good job, Nanase," Tuskishiro congratulated her, as she joined the same formation as them. "It seems like this was out of your calculations, Kiyotaka-kun," he said mockingly.

'This all looks really bad,' I thought when I saw the now 4 people in front of me. Although I had considered this as a possible scenario, lack of help from Mashima-sensei or Chabashira-sensei was not in it.

I was even more surprised by Nanase's appearance, I thought we had resolved everything before, although I still doubted her loyalty to me, I thought she wouldn't get in my way at least.

- Nanase: 'I also wonder what I'm doing there!'

- Amasawa: 'So now it's a 4 vs 1, let's see how Sempai handles it'

- Kiyotaka: 'I guess she is more faithful to Tsukishiro there, just like Amasawa is in that world'

- Ryuuen: 'A 4 vs 1, doesn't this bring back memories, Monster?'

"You think I can't take on you four at once?", I said. More than a question, it was a warning that I was no longer going to hold back when attacking. Even killing one of them was a possibility in my calculations.

- Ichinose: 'Kill? He doesn't seem like he would hesitate to do it'

- Ryuuen: 'Oh, the same Monster I know'

- Horikita: 'I didn't think about it before, but if Amasawa-san is here, then where are Ibuki-san and I? Do not tell me that...'

- Amasawa: 'Poor puppy-chan, if Sempai considers killing someone she will probably be the first as she is the weakest of the four'

- Kiyotaka: 'While killing would give me an advantage in those moments... I would really prefer not to take the life of anyone who can still be useful to me'

"Seeing your look, I can tell that if we fought, one of us present would end up losing his life," Tuskishiro said. "Though I think that's enough," he raised his hand, causing the three people behind him to relax their postures.

- Chiaki: 'Did he give up?'

- Kiyotaka: 'I really didn't expect that'

- Horikita: 'I try to understand what is happening, but it gets more and more confusing'

- Yagami: 'Another trap?'

Like them, many wondered why the man gave up when he seemed to have all the cards in his favor.

"Can I take that as a surrender?" I asked while still maintaining a fighting stance. 'Who knows what else the person in front of me could be planning,' I thought.

"Rather, this was a test, and you passed it, Kiyotaka-kun," Tuskishiro applauded after saying these words, the three people behind him playing along.

- Ryuuen: 'A test?'

-Amasawa: 'Oh, how disrespectful!'

- Kiyotaka: 'I didn't think I would be tested again after leaving that place'

- Arisu: 'It seems like someone sounds a little arrogant'

"Is this a plan of that man to test my abilities?" I asked, hardening my tone of voice. I didn't think I would have to get tested again after the results I left in that place.

- Kiyotaka: 'Coincidences can be freaky'

- Chiaki: 'With that man, he refers to his father, right? That's what the videos have implied.'

- Manabu: 'I wonder what kind of results he left in that White Room'

- Amasawa: 'A test from Sensei?'

- Tsukishiro: 'Ohoho, I do seem a bit arrogant in that video'

I could see a mixture of anger and terror in the expressions of the people in front of me, even Tsukishiro himself stopped his characteristic smile to make a grimace of disgust.

- Kiyotaka: Now this has really gotten weird.

- Amasawa: Needless to say, for Shiba-san and Tsukishiro-san to get like this, something serious must have happened

- Kiyotaka: 'But what could that be?'

- Tsukishiro: 'How funny, I never expected to see myself acting like this'

- Nanase: 'What else could have happened to me to make me look this scared?'

"No, this was all my doing," he said before quickly regaining his composure. "Although it may sound a little arrogant, I wanted to test if you lived up to the title of Masterpiece like everyone said," he added.

'So he had no intention of following that man's orders from the beginning,' I thought. I still don't understand the person known as Tsukishiro very well, despite my constant analysis, a part of him remains a mystery to me.

- Tsukishiro: Oh, thank you, Kiyotaka-kun

- Kiyotaka: 'I don't think that was a compliment'

- Amasawa: 'But making him test for no reason doesn't make much sense even to Tsukishiro-san'

- Arisu: So that was what he came to school for? I can't blame him, even I wanted to test the Masterpiece once

- Ryuuen: Did he beat you up too?

- Arisu: No, but a big blow to my pride

- Ryuuen: I took that with me, plus some injuries for several weeks

- Ishizaki: Although thanks to that, we are all friends now, right Ryuuen-san?

- Ryuuen: Damn Ishizaki, you sound like someone from class B. React!

"Then I guess I can go, I've already wasted a lot of time here," I said as my gaze turned back to the thick forest where I came from.

"Don't you want to know the reason why I did this?" Tsukishiro asked that sudden question. I'm not going to lie, I was totally caught by this. So I decided to stay even though I ran the risk of this being a trap.

- Ryuuen: 'Some things don't change, huh?... who dilutes the coffee 3 or 4 times?!'

- Arisu: 'Be careful, Ayanokouji-kun. Curiosity killed the cat, fufu'

- Chiaki: 'Finally some context'

- Kiyotaka: 'I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about that too'

I looked at Tsukishiro and the people in front of me, then took a quick look at the rest of the surroundings, before finally nodding.

"We need your help, Kiyotaka-kun," he said. Contrary to everything I had thought, I didn't think I would hear this man ask for help.

- Kiyotaka: 'I have to agree with my other self, I didn't expect him to ask me for help'

- Ryuuen: 'Something big must be happening to ask for Monster's help'

- Arisu: 'No doubt the acting director has the guts to ask him for help after what he did'

- Yagami: 'Of all people, he's asking for help?'

- Chiaki: 'Help? But help for what?'

- Michael: Well, guys that's all for that video

The archangel said, implying that they would not receive answers.

- Chiaki: 'DAMNIT!'

- Michael: Let's watch one last video, before I let you go again.

The archangel said while the famous roulette wheel was shown on the screen, which at this point was already a symbol in this room.

Everyone looks at the roulette wheel, surprised by the title.

- Michael: Well let the show begin

(All credits to: WRM9029)

Fire a force of nature that devours everything in its path.

No matter what you do no matter if you are talented or a complete idiot it will still have the same effect on your fragile skin and body just as anyone else it will burn it all, devour it.

- "So deep"

- Kiyotaka: 'Yes, like my T..*cough* *cough* the great ocean'

We currently see a lilac haired girl with a disability stuck trying to stay safe from the same force of nature.

Though she had her smug smile inside she was panicking trying to find a way out of her conundrum.

The first year dorms had caught fire due to some issues. No one knows how exactly it happened. Was it a student's fault or perhaps a fire caused due to faulty wiring.No one knew but now was not the time to ponder about such trivial things .

- "A fire?!"

- Hashimoto: Oh no, Hime, get out of there

- Kamuro: Are you an idiot or do you have a reptile brain? Didn't you read that she was trapped?

- Hashimoto: I will accept it but it offends me a lot

- Arisu: 'Something very unfortunate for someone with my condition'

Most of the students with the exception of one had already evacuated the building. Sakayanagi Arisu owing to her disability was left behind and her fellow classmates had just noticed this horrible blunder once it was too late and the fire had blocked all exits and it was practically impossible to get her out without scaling the building using the railings on the side which were now red due to the heat just touching one would give you a second degree burn instantly.

- "Damn it, I can feel the heat from here"

- "But someone will save her, right?"

- Horikita: 'The truth is that I see it as very unlikely unless the firefighters come'

- Hashimoto: 'Where the hell are the firefighters when you need them?'

- Arisu: 'Fufu, I guess that's the end of me, right?'

- Ryuuen: 'He will save her, right? If anyone can do it, then it's Monster'

Sakayanagi was sitting at her room window looking down on all the people that had looks of horror on their faces realizing she was about to burn.

Masumi Kamuro looked like she was about to cry at any point though she didn't like the way Sakayanagi had made her a pawn she didn't exactly hate her in fact she grown fond of little loli and her schemes over time though she would never admit it openly.

- Arisu: Oh, how nice of you, Masumi-san

- Kamuro: S-shut up, no one would like to see a friend die

- Arisu: Oh, so we are friends?

- Kamuro: 'AGHHHHHH!'

Strangely Ryuuen had tried to climb the building but had failed and had gotten a concussion, for him the school would be boring without the loli and the monster to keep him entertained and of course he won't admit it but he does care about human life.

- Arisu: Oh, how kind of you, Ryuuen-kun

- Ryuuen: The video itself says it, school would be boring without you or Monster, Sakayanagi

- Arisu/Ryuuen: Fufufu/Kukuku

- Kiyotaka: 'Speaking of me, where am I? Most of the videos are about me, right?'

Ichinose and most others just watched helplessly without being able to do anything she was desperately looking for Ayanokoji as no one had seen him and the was trying to find him but the panic and loud people were just making it harder.

- Ichinose: When you say it like that... it sounds a little bad

- Chiaki: But is it the truth?

- Ichinose: I don't want to hear that from someone who stalks Ayanokouji-kun

- Chiaki: Touché

The smart ones like Horikita were also trying to find a way to save her.

- Ryuuen: Come on, Suzune, look so cold at the fire so you can freeze it, kukuku

- Horikita: What did you say? *looks at him coldly*

- Ryuuen: Oh no, I'm freezing, kuhahahaha

- Kiyotaka: 'What happens if you give the fire chills?'

The authorities had also arrived and were watching helplessly. It would take another 10 mins for the fire department to arrive because of some problems they were facing and most understood she wont last that long especially when you take her disability into account.

- Amasawa: 'This whole situation looks bad for you, Loli-sempai'

- Chairman: Everything will be fine. Kiyotaka-kun will save her, right?

- Tsukishiro: 'I wouldn't be so sure about that, Narumori'

The defects and the stupid students were just causing more panic blaming authorities and needlessly shouting at others perhaps due to the fear that if they were late in evacuating the building they would have been in a similar situation which further made it harder to properly think about something.

- Ryuuen: Ah hell, give them some points and let them go bark somewhere else!

- Arisu: Fufufu

- Horikita: 'I won't deny that I agree with them on this'

Sakayanagi pov:

It is quite amusing to see that this is how I go. I went to the window to get a fresh supply of Oxygen since i would pass out before the fire reaches me and given my disability I would most likely die of Carbon Monoxide poisoning before the fire.

- Hashimoto: Is it from Hime's point of view, now?

- Kamuro: Yes, now shut up because you won't let me see.

- Hashimoto: Oh, is anyone worried?

- Kamuro: Hah?, say that again and I'll show you why snakes crawl on the ground.

- Hashimoto: 'Scary...'

My disability huh. It was one of the main reason I was in this situation but I didn't exactly hate it, it was annoying how people always treated me like I was made of glass.

It was one of the reason my intellect had grown so much over the years and one of the reason I learned to play chess.

- Chairman: 'Arisu...'

- Arisu: 'Ah, it feels good to vent a bit'

Chess. Reminds me of the time when I first saw the masterpiece. How he destroyed every opponent in an uninterested manner, my heart had just one wish when I saw him do all that.

- Chairman: *sighs* 'I guess he wants to defeat him because of what he told me that time we went to the White Room'

- Kiyotaka: 'A wish? I guess it's to bury me like she said'

I wanted to destroy him and make him mine. Well I never told him that I wanted to make him mine but his company was quite enjoyable as he saw me as me.

He didn't see me as someone with a disability or some prodigy just a normal opponent you would find anywhere and gave me a fair game.

- Chairman: '... Ah... I didn't expect this'

- Kiyotaka: 'The other me was right, you never know what a woman may be thinking, who knows if tomorrow they will start a war to destroy the ice cream?'

- Arisu: 'Fufu, it's a little embarrassing to see this like this, but who cares?'

Huh i would like to have broken him but looks like i won't be able to keep my word with you.

- Kiyotaka: 'Well, I would like to lose, yes... but breaking up is a bit excessive, I think'

I looked down at my classmates all of them had looks of pity in their eyes. Well looks like nothing can be done huh.

"Fufufuf" I just let out a small laugh it was the only thing I could think of. Most of them were bewildered how i was able to laugh in this situation perhaps they thought i had gone insane but their opinions didn't matter .

The truth was no one's opinions really matter and once you are dead it doesn't matter what someone thinks whether you were a good person or bad whether they liked or hated you, none of it mattered cause you will be dead.

I could slowly feel my consciousness fading away while I watched the sunset and an orange beautiful sky the same color that was coming to kill me.

- Kiyotaka: 'What a peculiar way of thinking, it's like in the White Room. Once you fail, no matter how good you were or what you did, you will still be eliminated'

- Arisu: 'And here I thought my prince in shining armor was going to come and save me'

- Nanase: 'Ayanokouji-semapi will save her, right?'

Ayanokoji pov:

I was returning to the dorms from the mall when I saw smoke rising from the dorms. I started sprinting towards the building to see what was going on.

- Ryuuen: 'Until he finally arrives!'

- Sotomura: 'Let the protagonist pass, secondary characters'

- Kiyotaka: 'Let's see what I can do'

As I reached the dorms I saw people panicking while freaking out while someone tackled me into a hug. I looked down to see a crying ichinose.

"What's happening" I asked Ichinose in my usual monotone voice.

"The dorms suddenly caught fire and now Sakayanagi san is trapped inside a the fire department won't make it in time due to some issues" She answered in one breath.

I moved towards the dorm building and I could clearly see Sakayanagi about to pass out due to the smoke.

She looked down and our eyes met.

- Hashimoto: Oh, it's time!

- Shibata: You know it and I know it too

- Akito: Yes, it's time to leave the Alpha in charge

- Kamuro: 'You will save her, right Ayanokouji?'

Sakayanagi pov:

I looked down to see him.

Even though there was still some time to save me but it was very risky and as much as i know the masterpiece he won't risk his life over something so trivial. So i just gave him a small smile.

- Arisu: 'Evidently, he wouldn't risk his life unless it was useful to him in some way'

- Ryuuen: 'Damn Monster... can you stop that for a second and save her for once?'

- Kiyotaka: 'But that's where you're wrong, Sakayanagi. 'I'm not a Masterpiece, I'm a horrible human being'

Sorry I wasn't able to teach you about human warmth.

What he did next shocked me.

- Michael: 'Well she managed to teach him about warmth in one way or another'

Everyone was attentive to what would happen next.

3rd person pov:

Haruka: Oh, there you are Kiyopon, you weren't answering your phone so we thought something terrible happened to you. (Haruka stated obviously relieved with tears in her eyes )

Ayanokoji paid no attention to her however and was observing the building.

- Haruka: Kiyopon... what are you going to do?

- Akito: It's hero time, Haruka!

- Kiyotaka: 'I guess that's one way to put it'

Then he suddenly started to run towards the building. Ayano group and all of Kiyotaka's acquaintance just watched horrified as they watched their friend/love run towards the flaming building.

"Kiyotaka /Ayanokoji kun, stop" both the Ayano group and Ichinose shouted trying to stop him but to no avail he was too fast for them.

- Ryuuen: 'That's the crazy Monster I know'

- Arisu: 'Will he be able to save me?'

- Kiyotaka: 'It's not time to think, it's time to run'

- Chiaki: 'Even though I know he will save her, I wonder how he will do it?'

Ayanokoji pov :

I started running towards the dorm. I didn't know why I did this exactly. Was it because I didn't want to lose my childhood friend, the only person who knew who I really was, or was it because every once in a while I wanted to feel like I wasn't a horrible human being, I didn't knew.

- Arisu: 'Even you don't know, huh?'

- Ryuuen: 'Only Monster can think about something like this in this situation'

- Kiyotaka: 'That's a good question to be honest'

The moment i touched the railing I could feel my skin burning the pain was intense but nothing that I can't handle. I scaled up the building using the balconies and my superhuman grip strength. The people were looking at the scene bewildered I was climbing up like an expert but it was no time to worry about what they were thinking.

- Ichinose: 'Ugh, that must hurt'

- Shibata: It's, it's, it's SPIDER-MAN!

- Hashimoto: And mom told me that Spider-man didn't exist

- Kiyotaka: 'Spider-man? Who is that?'

- Ryuuen: Damn, and I thought there were no monkeys apart from the gorilla and Sudo

- Arisu: 'Who knows, Ayanokouji-kun? Maybe you're not as horrible a person as you think, after all'

Soon i reached the window Arisu was at. She was looking at me in surprise it was honestly amusing to see her make that face.

Before she could say anything I picked her up and started descending down the building the same way I came both my hands were bleeding at this point and the pain was getting more intense by the second .

People in the theater rubbed their palms as they watched the video.

- Akito: 'I even feel the pain from here'

- Sudo: 'This is worse than when Housen stabbed him in the hand'

- Kiyotaka: 'Sorry, hands... you always end up getting the worst of it'

The boy thought as he looked at his bandaged hand.

We were almost at the ground but then my terrible luck-chan came inside the game.

When we reached the first floor the railing broke and we started falling I did my best to protect Arisu while making sure I don't receive any serious injuries.

We both hit the ground and last thing I remembered was Arisu screaming my name before I lost consciousness.

- Ryuuen: Eh? What happens next?

- Haruka: Kiyopon is okay?

- Chiaki: We want answers!

- Michael: And that's where the video ends, friends

- Ryuuen: OI, oi, are you going to leave us guessing again?!

- Michael: Exactly, Ryuuen-chan

The archangel said as the theater doors opened again.

Some people gave up on getting answers, so they left.

While others...

- Chiaki: Come on, tell me what happens next

- Michael: I'm sorry, Stalker-chan, but I don't have favoritism

After saying that, the last remaining people also left the room.

- Michael: To be continued...

A/N: And well that's all for this chapter.

I hope you liked it.

The third part of Better Live Than Undead is already out, so we will react to that in the next chapter.

As for the rest of this chapter.

Well, the part of a backstory while the reactions occur, seems interesting to me, that is, as long as it doesn't take up several chapters, I think it's fine.

By this I mean that a similar chapter will probably happen again but in the distant future.

In case anyone is wondering the first one-shot they reacted to, it was one I created.

Yes, I wrote a one-shot, this will be divided into four parts, until now you have seen almost the entire first part.

Should I upload it in this same story?

Or should I create a separate story, where I upload the one-shots that come to mind?

I'll let you decide that.

Well, besides that, I want to ask you some questions:

1) How old was Kiyotaka when he visited Yuki in the hospital?

2) When was the first time Kiyotaka met Matsuo?

3) Did you like Tsukishiro's voice in the anime?

I think that's all. I would appreciate it if you could answer at least the first two.

Without further ado, thank you for reading.

And see you in the next chapter.


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