Open Your Eyes For The Next R...

By Daichungnumber6

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Individuals from all over space-time have gathered in one place. What brought them here? ... To watch movies... More

Before The Shift
An Invitation
Now Showing: Shin Kamen Rider (Part 1)
Now Showing: Shin Kamen Rider (Part 2)
The First Break

Now Showing: Shin Kamen Rider (Part Final)

752 25 45
By Daichungnumber6

After the last scene, there were mixed reactions from the theater audience.

Ruby sobbed on her sister's shoulder, Weiss tried not to tear up, and Blake stared at the screen in sadness.

Nobara and Yuji are wiping their tears as they forcefully pull Megumi into a group hug. Gojo remained silent and gave them a sympathetic look.

Denji and Aki were quiet, but their expressions were depressed. Power is still eating her popcorn, but she does feel a little sorry for the human girl, probably. Makima kept her gaze fixed on the big screen; her face was as expressionless as before, but there was a slight flutter deep within her heart.

Amber got choked up and tried not to cry in front of her friends. Lumine and Eula console her, but they are also saddened by the scene. Diluc offered his silent condolences to Ruriko. Kaeya was bothered by seeing a girl cry and being unable to help her, so he just hoped she would get over it quickly.

Heidern and the Ikari Warriors pity Ruriko, but they maintain a straight face because they know it is necessary to eliminate Hachi-Aug.

"Hey, Isla, are you okay there?" Shun'ei asked his friend, who's lowering her head.

"I'm fine!" Isla said, her hands trembling. Shun'ei decided not to push any further.

"It's okay to cry if you're sad, Isla." A hand rested on her shoulder; it was Meitenkun, who was now awake.

"I'm not crying!" Isla denied it and looked away. Meitenkun gives her a slight smile and continues to pat her on the shoulder.

Harry sympathized with Ruriko over her friend's death, but he was also surprised when two of his friends hugged him tightly.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you, mate." Ron stated.

"Me as well. Nothing will be allowed to harm you while we are still here, Harry." Hermione stated.

Harry smiles warmly at his friend's declaration. "Thanks, guys."

McGonagall watches her students with pride. Their friendship and willingness to stand up for one another are truly worthy of Gryffindor, and she is extremely proud of them. Dumbledore smiled as well; he can certainly trust his instincts that staying here is the right decision.

"Humans really are interesting." K was watching the whole fight on his tablet. He placed a white flower in his pocket as a symbol of respect for those who had passed away.

"You're old-fashioned, K." An unknown voice spoke up. The voice then questions whether Hongo and Ruriko are the two traitors. K responded that he hoped they would return to SHOCKER without further delay.

"Then I'm sorry, K. They're not coming back." The voice spoke up again, and a blade appeared out of thin air, pointing at the image of the pair. "Because I'm going to give them an icy cold end. Vengeance for Brother Kumo-Aug. That is now my greatest wish. The two traitors will die. That's a promise."

A figure reveals themselves; his face masks resemble those of a chameleon or so.

"Eh, I'm not liking this guy so far, and the masks too." Yang said this while holding Ruby tightly.

"There seems to be an ongoing insect theme with all of the Augs we have seen thus far." Blake commented.

"I bet the final boss will be one too. Wanna try your luck, Ice Queen?" Yang taunted.

"No thanks, I do not want to be involved in whatever game you are planning." Weiss said. Nonetheless, she suspected the same thing Yang did.

"An invisible enemy; those two should be more cautious from now on." Leona commented.

"Unfortunately, they don't see the same thing as we do." Clark stated.

"I got a bad feeling about this." Shun'ei stated. He is not sure why he feels this way, but he hopes he is mistaken.

"Blimey, Harry! T-They got the invisible cloak too!" Ron exclaimed.

"I see it, Ron. Don't shake my body like that." Harry replied, sounding less surprised than he should have been.

Dumbledore and McGonagall could have counted how many times "Muggle technology" surprised them throughout the film, and it still does now. Invisibility cloaks do exist in the wizarding world, though they are extremely rare. This only demonstrated to them that Muggles are gradually catching up with wizards in some departments, and if it had not been for this screening, they would also be unaware of Muggle's evolving technology.

Hongo and Ruriko eventually arrive at another safe house. The room inside is barebones, save for a few necessities. This causes Ruriko to rant about the lack of equipment, such as a shower or clothes to change into, and she complains at Hongo for his stinky clothes, to which Hongo responds by sniffing his body.

"Relatable; I know how she's feeling." Nobara says, and most of the female audience members nod in agreement.

"Bah! Why are you humans so sensitive? It's not like you'll die if you don't take a shower!" Power scoffs.

"Shut up, you stinky Fiend. If you're living with us, then you'll play by our rule! And by that, I mean taking a shower at least once a day." Denji yelled at her.

"Nuh uh, you can't tell Power what to do." Power stuck her tongue out, mocking.

The intelligence official then came in and dropped a bag containing fresh clothes. He explained that a female official chose the underwear to avoid making it awkward.

"You eliminated Hiromi because that's your job. I get it." Ruriko said.

"Don't worry about me. Being hated is part of the job. There's no need to contain your emotions." The official replied calmly.

"I'm not. My emotions will be fine. After I change." Ruriko said.

"I guess she isn't holding it against them." Amber commented.

"Of course not. She understands that they are simply doing their job. Allowing your personal feelings to cloud your judgment on such matters is detrimental to their cooperation." Eula stated.

While changing her clothes in the corner of the room, Ruriko chastised Hongo for staying too far away from her. Hongo claims that she requires privacy, but Ruriko responds that he must remain close to her at all times, except when she changes or sleeps.

"It's okay. You're safe and secure." Hongo reassured. Ruriko smiled, as this was the first time someone said these words to her.

"Aww, that is so cute!" Ruby squealed.

"She is finally starting to open up to him." Amber delightedly said.

"Trust is absolutely necessary in teamwork." Diluc stated.

There was a brief scene where Ruriko was working on her laptop outside the safe house, followed by a nighttime scene with her and Hongo sleeping.

Ruriko apologizes to Hongo for her stingy behavior today, explaining that it was because her father and brother are usually so strict, and she just wanted someone to pamper her for the first time in her life.

Nobara made no comment, but she can already imagine what Ruriko has gone through with her life. After all, the fact that she once lived in a terrorist organization shows how "strict" her family must be.

Eula also felt sympathy for Ruriko. Perhaps this is why both have grown to distrust anyone other than themselves. Unironically, she feels relatable to Ruriko due to her own "family circumstances."

Weiss sighed, feeling sorry for Ruriko, who had also grown up in a strict household. At least, she was glad to find Team RWBY, who treated her like an actual family member rather than a property.

Harry was also among those in the audience who deeply understood Ruriko's feelings. Growing up with the Dudleys was never a pleasant experience, and even now that he has cast them aside in favor of being more involved in the wizarding world, he is still uncomfortable recalling those memories.

Ruriko suddenly awakens in the dimly blue-lit room to find a scarf-wearing man staring at her.

"Brother?" Ruriko asked.

"I can finally make your dream come true. Soon, Ruriko." Her brother spoke to her.

Ruriko then awakens and calls out to her brother, startling Hongo. She claims that her brother Ichiro, also known as Chou-Augs, has awakened and must be stopped immediately, or all hell will break loose.

"Damn, her brother must be hella strong to get her all worked up like this." Yang commented.

"And... a little creepy." Hermione commented, creeped out by Ichiro's stare at his sister in her sleep.

"Who cares! Kamen Rider will kick his ass anyway." Isla shouted.

The scene shifts to the two officials leading Hongo and Ruriko through their bases, where several body bags lie on the floor. They explained that not all of their departments work closely together and that an overzealous special operations unit attempted to infiltrate Chou-Aug's hideout by themselves. The JSDF then received a distress signal, and when they arrived to rescue, they discovered the whole team in this state.

The intelligence official then displays one of the bodies. Their bodies have no wounds or traces of chemical or bio-weapons, and the most noticeable feature is that their faces are smiling.

Ruriko explains that they are both dead and alive. Chou-Augs has taken their prana sequences and sent them elsewhere; in layman's terms, he has transported their souls to other dimensions known as "the Habitat Realm." In either case, they are as good as dead, and their bodies can be cremated.

Hongo asks her what the Habitat Realm is like, and she responds that it is basically hell, where hearts roam naked, a world where you cannot lie. It is not a place for humans, which is why Chou-Augs must be stopped.

Many people in the audience got chills just hearing Ruriko describe the dimension. They are wondering how bad the Habitat Realm is that she has compared it to hell.

"Interesting." Makima rested her hand on her chin.

Gojo straightened his back, and his expression became more serious.

Heidern is also becoming increasingly concerned about the threat Chou-Augs poses; not only are his abilities extremely dangerous, but Heidern considers the potential danger they could cause to his world.

Dumbledore ponders the existence of another dimension. The only place he believes souls will go after death is the afterlife, but that is based on his belief rather than concrete evidence of its existence. Based on Ruriko's description of the Habitat Realm, it appears to be a place where souls are trapped and unable to move on, which is the very definition of hell.

The scene shifts to Chou-Augs and K, with the former intending to send every last human to The Habitat. Despite this, K has no objections if it makes him happy, and he wonders what he will do with Ruriko. Chou-Augs then turns over a picture of his family together and one of him and his sister. He claims that there are no exceptions, including himself.

"He can't be serious! That is the same as denying everyone their freedom!" Lumine shouted.

"L-Lumine. You're becoming scary." Amber hesitantly said. The Knights are taken aback by Lumine's rage, as it is the first time they have seen her this angry.

"C-Calm down, Lumine. Paimon is getting afraid too." Paimon attempted to calm her down.

Lumine took a deep breath while maintaining a serious expression. "Sorry guys. But I will never forgive a villain like him for robbing people of their lives."

"Hey, calm down, tiger. It's not like he can't hear you either; just sit down and let our hero take care of the job, 'kay?" Kaeya said.

Lumine nodded in return. The fact that he did not even spare his sister from such a horrible fate enraged her even more; this man really has no remorse.

Others, such as Gojo and Heidern, agreed that Ichiro's plans would have a terrible outcome for humanity as a whole.

Dumble agreed that no one deserved such a terrible fate, but deep down, he wonders what will happen if Voldermort is sent to the Habitat. Will whatever remains of his soul be trapped in there, or is his soul simply too broken to move on? Either scenario sounds like an unpleasant ending for him.

Ruriko goes on to explain that her brother's ultimate goal begins with seizing control of all of humanity's prana. Once he has it, he will send every single human to the Habitat. To accomplish this, he must be the last human alive.

Hongo questions why he would do something like this, and Ruriko explains that Ichiro's mother was murdered when he was a child, and it was a random killing with no intention. As a result, he has developed a distrust of humans, and their father is likely to have joined SHOCKER for similar reasons. Ruriko was born later from SHOCKER's artificial womb, as opposed to Ichiro. They both devised a system that uses prana to send each individual soul to The Habitat because, at the time, they believed it made them happier. However, Ruriko soon realized it was not her idea of happiness, which is why she fled with the father she despises so much.

"Unfortunate events occur because of human nature. It was the catalyst for the never-ending conflict." Makima commented.

"And your point is?" Gojo intercepted.

"Conflicts are inherent in human nature. Ichiro believed that by sending humanity to a world where no one can hide anything from each other, it would result in equality, understanding, and the abolition of conflicts... Frankly, I would say that is a meaningless goal."

"What do you mean?" Heidern inquired.

"Ichiro's necessary evil is founded on his attempts to justify his own tragedy. He wants humans to understand one another, but he himself is afraid of understanding others. Rather than attempting to help humanity, he wishes to eliminate human nature, which is nothing more than selfish desire." Makima paused briefly. "That is why the head must control those evils to eradicate unhappiness from the world; only then will a better world be created."

Following Makima's statement, there was silence and a chill in the air. Most people could not hear the last part of Makima's speech because they were so captivated by her hypnotic presence, but those who are more mentally strong are sweating bullets.

"Hmm, yeah, I can see your point there." Gojo said. His students and the Devil Hunters were quite surprised after hearing that. "It is true that Ichiro's perception of humanity is rather twisted, but there was another reason for it."

"Oh?" Makima inquired.

"Putting aside his plan, Ichiro clearly cared about his family. This does not change the fact that he is pretty insane in his head, but if it was not for love, how would he have done it?" Gojo continued. "It is true that humans are capable of evil, but I could argue otherwise. After all, there are just as many good as evils. I disagree with Ichiro's perspective on happiness, but I never imagined that dictation would ever result in a positive outcome."

Makima did not respond, but her gaze was fixed on Gojo. "Then how do you envision a happier world?"

"Haha, I am not that bold to make such a claim. People have different ideas about what makes them happy, and I don't have any rights to force it on them." Gojo chuckles. "But I believe in a world where people can happily accept each other's differences on equal ground; that, in my opinion, is a better world."

"Oh, I would love to see that world with my own eyes." Makima replied, which made the Devil Hunters and Jujutsu students gasp once again.

"M-Miss Makima..." Denji was speechless.

"Is Gojo-sensei flirting with Miss Makima?" Nobara whispered to Yuji.

"Yeah, I see it too. Could it be..." Yuji was smacked by Megumi before he could finish.

"You two need to stop gossiping about people right in front of them." Megumi deadpan.

"Hey, did those two have a thing going or something?" Yang whispered to Blake.

"Please don't pray into other people's business, Yang." Blake deadpan.

"Oh, come on, you guys totally noticed too, right? They keep going on and on against each other every time; there must be something with them." Yang said.

Blake would be lying if she said she was not curious, but she sees what happens when Weiss stares at the redheaded woman. There is clearly something wrong with her. Those cold eyes pierced her soul whenever she met them. Blake knows better than to try it again.

She wanted to do this alone, so she pushed Hongo away, but he refused because he is already involved in her family's business and will help until the end.

Ruriko decides not to stop him, so she needs his mask to install new programs. It will prevent the mask from self-destructing and secure his unique prana sequence in the mask.

"Thank goodness we have our crazy-prepared computer girl here." Yang said.

"She must have planned this a long time ago, so it is not surprising." Weiss said.

In the next scene, Hongo and Ruriko are walking to Chou-Augs' hideout. When they arrived, they saw him wearing a white robe and sitting on a throne decorated with butterfly wings and the SHOCKER symbol.

Chou-Augs greeted his sister, telling her that he missed her. Ruriko replies that he only misses her because he requires her data to complete The Habitat System. He responded that she also needed his data to complete her program to pariphalyze The Habitat System, which is why she came. He also told Hongo to step back since this was a family meeting.

"Oh boy, this does not look like a family gathering to me." Yang snarked. It felt like one of those visits from her mother that always ended badly.

Ruriko steps toward her brother. ""Brother, Father died too."

"I know. He got what he deserved. But Mother didn't, she was killed for no reason."

"Stop trying to get revenge." She begged.

"It's not revenge. Leading all of humanity's prana to The Habitat is salvation. You've experienced its beauty. No death. No unfairness. A world for souls only. It's happiness. Utopia." Ichiro claimed.

"No, it's unhappiness. Dystopia." Ruriko refuted.

"The Habitat Project was all your idea, Ruriko. You wanted to help people understand each other. Why betray it?" He inquired

"I knew nothing about the world back then. But I do now." She replied.

"Did our foolish father deceive you?" He asked.

"All I knew was how to compute. But he showed me there are more worlds outside of ours. That's the only thing he ever did for me." She reached out her hand. "You should look at the world beyond our own. Don't be afraid of hearts you can't read."

Within their inner worlds, Ichiro's memories of his family are shown: from the memory of his family happily playing together until the death of his beloved mother.

"Trusting people is what kept mankind alive." Ruriko argued.

"Trusting people also got them betrayed. And to protect one's family from violence, one needs greater strength. I could have saved her if I'd been stronger. She didn't have to die." Ichiro lamented.

"Humans are the only living creatures that can solve conflict without violence." She said.

"That's why I'm eradicating the perpetrator of violence : the human body itself." He stated.

"I don't think that's happiness."

"Ruriko, in kanji, removing just one line from "happy" makes "pain." It's so easy to destroy happiness in this world."

"Even if that's true, it's wrong to try to recreate the entire world." Ruriko reaches for her device in an attempt to paralyze Ichiro, but it does not work.

"Trying to pariphalyze me already? A brave attempt, but you cannot pariphalyze me, Ruriko. My metamorphosis is complete. I've already become the synthetic-insect hybrid, Ultimate-Aug. Nobody can compare with my capacity for prana." Images show Ichiro emerging from his cocoon and transforming.

Due to Ichiro's intense atmosphere, the majority of the audience remained silent as well. Sweat was running down their cheeks, and they were on guard, as if he would jump out of the screen and attack them at any time.

"Damn it, this is not going to be easy then." Yang clenched her teeth.

"Y-Yeah, I don't think Hongo has a chance against him now." Weiss shakenly said.

Blake kept quiet, but her fur stood up in chills. Ichiron radiated a powerful aura she had never seen before. Despite his calm demeanor, he behaved like a predator, playing with their food before devouring it. Her cat instincts urged Hongo to flee and never look back, but her mouth completely shut still.

Dumbledore's senses were all alarmed in the face of Ichiro's overwhelming presence. It was as sinister as Voldermort, but with a deadly calm like Grindelwald. The unknowingly dreadfulness was overshadowing his mind.

Makima mostly maintained the same emotionless expression, but a smirk appeared in the corner of her lip as she saw Ichiro proclaim his ultimate power. For the time being, she could keep herself entertained by seeing how far his idea would take him.

Heidern's face darkened; the dimensional power that Ichiro forbids is giving him flashbacks to when he battled the Re Verse. If his power resembled that of the unknown entity, he was afraid Hongo would be unable to escape alive.

Gojo's expression was serious, but a thought flashed through his mind. "Ultimate-Augs, eh? Sounds interesting."

He was excited about Ichiro's proclaimed superior power. Oh, what would he do to get a chance to throw hands at him: The Strongest Sorcerer vs. The Ultimate-Aug. Perhaps he could ask the theater manager for a small favor.

Their connection broke, and Ruriko fell, but Hongo quickly caught her. Ichiro inquires as to whether they have been intimate yet. Hongo claims that they do not have a romantic relationship; instead, they share trust. Ichiro is no longer interested and suggests that Hongo flee but leave his sister behind.

Hongo tries to get his attention again, but Ichiro throws him away. He is disappointed that that is all Hongo could do if he were Midorikawa Hiroshi's final masterpiece. He then directed that someone else take care of Hongo instead and return to his throne. A figure emerged from behind him.

"You're the first-model Batta-Aug, No. 1?" The man said that, then took a closer look. "Oh, sorry. It's Kamen Rider, right?"

The man introduced himself as Ichimonji Hayato, a former journalist, but he is now Batta-Aug No. 2, a synthetic insect-hybrid augmentation similar to Hongo but an improved model.

"So, let me show you." Ichimonji opens his coat to reveal his belt. "Henshin."

The belt rotated, and Ichimonji transformed, surprising Hongo because he did not need wind to activate it. Hongo prepared his stance.

"Oh no." Ruby gasped. She only realized after Ichimonji said it that Hongo requires wind energy to transform, or he will be at a disadvantage.

"Shit." Isla bit her fingers in frustration.

"Something doesn't feel quite right, but my orders are to defeat you. So, shall we duel?" Batta-Aug No. 2 also gets into his stance. "Sorry to say, but you cannot beat me."

"He looks just like Kamen Rider!" Amber exclaimed.

"Well, duh, he is the enhanced model of Hongo, so it makes sense that he has a similar appearance." Kaeya deadpan.

"Probably not." Hongo understands that he cannot fight in this. Just the right time for Ruriko to wake up. "Ichimonji Hayato, we'll do this another time."

Hongo then takes Ruriko on his bike and retreats.

"You turn your back on me? You will regret this, Ruriko." Ichiro said.

"Phew, my Oum, that was intense." Ruby breathes in relief.

"Hey, it's not over yet, dipshit!" Isla yelled at her.

"Don't you yell at my sister like that!" Yang shouted back, but Isla's gaze was fixed on the screen.

The pair were being chased by Batta-Aug No. 2 on his own bike. He was catching up with them because his bike had the same specs as Hongo's. When he saw that Hongo had accumulated enough wind energy, he used the bike's rocket boosters to jump over them and stop them in their tracks with his strength.

"Even the bike is similar too!" Paimon exclaimed.

"Did you condense enough prana? Great. Defeating you when you're weak wouldn't feel quite right." Batta-Aug No. 2 said.

Ruriko then informed Hongo that she was safe, which meant he only had one thing to do. "Let's settle this."

"Huh, this guy seems pretty chill." Yang commented.

"True, he even lets Hongo finish transforming. Not many villains do that nowadays." Ralf said.

"The more logical solution would be to prevent your enemy from doing that." Clark stated. "But I like his suit better than Hongo."

"Shush now; it's about to get better." Isla said.

The two Augs are now facing each other in a water plant. Hongo threw a punch at Ichimonji but was blocked.

"You show self-control, even with the mask. I'm impressed. Or was it just your kindness showing? I guess I like kind people. But there's a fine line between "kind" and "weak." If you hold back and I kill you, what happens to the girl? Get the picture? Give me all you have, Hongo." Ichimonji explained. Then they both take off their coats.

"Show'em what you got, Kamen Rider!" Isla cheered.

The two Augs jumped high into the air, their fists colliding and causing a small shockwave.

"Ouch!" Ichimonji yelped, and Hongo noticed his hand was shaking.

"So, that's you at full power? I like it." Ichimonji gives the thumbs up.

Outside of the fight, Ruriko is analyzing Ichimonji Hayato, who has been brainwashed but retains his own will due to his tough mentality. If she analyzes the data from Ichiro, she should be able to pariphalyze the brainwashing.

"So he was also under mind control, but he managed to remain himself." Lumine commented.

The two Augs clashed again in the air before landing on a building.

"I see. This makes it easier to see who's stronger. If we go at it mid-air, we won't disturb anybody. And it's easier for you to collect prana too." Ichimonji speaks in a casual tone, as if addressing a friend, and then gives Hongo another thumbs up. "I like it."

This got Yang and some audience members to chuckle.

"I'm liking this dude so far." Ralf stated. It was partly due to Ichimonji's casual demeanor and partly because he appears to enjoy a good fight, just like Ralf does.

The two start brawling again, exchanging blows in the air and jumping from building to building before stopping again. This sloppy fight, however, irritated Ichimonji.

"Don't hold back, Hongo!" He shouted.

"You're trying to fight SHOCKER's brainwashing. I don't want to fight you." Hongo said.

"Don't be so naive. The only thing on my mind right now is fighting you." Ichimonji grabbed Hongo by his scaf and threw him in the air before breaking both of his legs.

"Shit, why didn't he fight back?!" Yang shouted.

"Dammit, what are you doing, Kamen Rider?!" Isla exclaimed in frustration.

"How lame!" Ichimonji scoffed. "You disappoint me. Should we finish this here? That leg would take a while to heal anyway. Sorry."

As Ichimonji approached the disabled Hongo, Ruriko stopped him in his tracks. He demands that she step aside, but she instead uses her power to pariphalyzing SHOCKER's mind control.

"Please make it work." Amber prayed.

"No, it will work." Kaeya assured her.

"Your prana belongs to you. Take control of your soul again." Ichimonji's body trembles as Ruriko pariphalyzes the program. "Isolate sad memories, then overwrite them with euphoria. That's SHOCKER's preferred method of mind control. But when it's undone, all the memories come flooding back. Stay strong amidst the waves of sadness, Ichimonji Hayato."

When she finished and removed the mask, Ichimonji burst into tears. She then put her scarf on him. "Please. Become a Rider. Help him."

"Welp, thank Oum." Weiss relieved.

Blake's cat eye picked up something near Ruriko, and when she realized what it was, she unconsciously shouted. "Ruriko, behind you!"

Ruriko approached Hongo, but she was stabbed by an unknown figure. Unable to recognize the enemy because he does not exist in her memory. The man introduces himself as Kamakiri Kameleon, or KK-Aug for short, part mantis, part chameleon. He is the first tri-species synthetic hybrid augmentation, SHOCKER's latest and greatest work of art.

"Where does this fucker come from?" Yang shouted angrily.

"You fucking back-stabbing coward!" Isla insulted, but her words were not heard beyond the screen.

Other audience members were extremely concerned for Ruriko's life, as she would not be able to survive with that bleeding.

"Betrayal is more evil than murder. Revenge is more noble than saving a life." He taunted the injured Ruriko and then prepared to kill her. "This is for Kumo-senpai. Die!"

"No!" Several audience members yelled, reaching out their hands to try to stop KK-Augs.

But then KK-Augs was kicked away by Ichimonji, who was finally free from SHOCKER's control.

"I just became SHOCKER's enemy. Humanity's ally." Ichimonji declared as he transformed and put on his mask. "I'm Ichimonji Hayato. And, Kamen Rider."

"Hah, now that's what I'm talking about!" Isla cheered.

"I guess that'll make him: Kamen Rider... No. 2?" Diluc said.

Ichimonji stated that thanks to Ruriko, his prana feels just right, so he can do whatever he wants: Start by settling the score with KK-Augs.

"I guess that means you're fresh out of the traitor oven?" KK-Augs then pulled out two knives hidden in his boots. "That seals the deal. I'm going to kill you. When it comes to traitors, I kill them all!"

The scene briefly returns to Hongo, who is desperately crawling toward the injured Ruriko.

"Oh no."

"Please don't."

"Please hang in there, Ruriko."

The audience was praying for Ruriko's safety. Yuji clenched his teeth in distress, Ruby tightly clasped her hands, Lumine bit her lips in anxiety, and so on. They are all concerned that Ruriko will not survive without medical help.

The scene returns to the fight, with Ichimonji smashing KK-Augs' mask with his chop.

His favorite mask was destroyed; KK-Augs became enraged, and he revealed a blade on his left wrist that resembled the raptorial claw of a praying mantis. He then frantically attacked Ichimonji, but it was ineffective because Ichimonji could easily dodge his attack.

"I have seen brats fight better than that guy." Ralf commented.

"His movement is sloppy, and he allowed his emotions to get the best of him; these are common mistakes made by amateurs." Leona followed.

"Makes you wonder why this guy was chosen among their ranks. He fights just like a regular thug." Clark finished.

Ichimonji easily catches KK-Aug's wrist blade and snaps it away. He then leaps into the air and executes the Rider Kick, which sends the Augs back through several stone pillars.

"Kumo-senpai, forgive me." KK-Augs mutters his last words before dying.

The audience was relieved that Ichimonji had defeated the enemy, but they were still concerned about Ruriko's safety.

"Please don't let it be too late." Amber prayed.

The scene returns to Ruriko and Hongo, who are attempting to cover up her wounds.

"I'm sorry. So much for always being fully prepared. I made a blunder." Ruriko weakly said.

"Stop talking." Hongo said, his body shaking with worry.

"I'm done for. I won't make it." Ruriko's hands reach out to Hongo. "While I still have my prana, one last thing. I sent the latest data to your mask. It contains my final will too."

"Your will?"

"Like I said. I'm always fully prepared. And... Your scarf... I'm so glad it suits you." It was Ruriko's final word before her body dissolved into foam. All that was left was the red scarf that she gave Hongo.

Hongo, unable to believe his eyes, could only stare into space, his body completely frozen.

The whole theater was silent the whole time. After Ruriko's death, quiet sobbing sounds could be heard among the audience. Those who didn't cry were filled with sadness and bitterness.

Isla's fist tightened as she cast her eyes down and banged her fist down in anger. Yuji's face became depressed as he watched someone die without being able to do anything. Ruby covered her face with her trembling hands; it felt like there were huge white explosions going on inside her. She was unaccustomed to such intense emotions, and her teammate had to comfort her with a hug.

Ichimonji watched from afar, examined the scarf that Ruriko had given him, and walked away.

K was also watching, and he put another white flower on his chest to show his respect for Ruriko.

"So, you left to join Midorikawa, Ruriko..." Ichiro sensed Ruriko's death from a distance deep within SHOCKER, and his face became slightly dejected.

The camera zooms out, revealing eleven individuals who resemble Batta-Augs.

"Oh woah, he got a whole squad of super soldiers here." Ralf joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Lumine is still saddened, but she immediately noticed the dejected expression on Ichiro's face when he learned of his sister's death. Is this a sign that Ichiro is not the heartless monster she thought he was? Could what that Gojo guy says about Ichiro doing this out of love for his family be true?

Hongo is now seen standing beneath the sunset, his body still shaken, before putting on the mask.

What he saw was footage of Ruriko recording herself.

"First of all, when I first left SHOCKER, I thought I'd be dead before long. But thanks to you, I lived longer than I expected. Thanks. And that time with Hiromi too. Thanks. It was nice. Yeah, I'll thank the others while I'm at it. This is for the bearded guys. Tell them thanks. They treated me well. Please pass that on. Talking to a camera like this all by myself... It's kind of embarrassing."

She then laughs at herself for being so embarrassing before closing the laptop.

Her cute laugh was able to slightly lighten the mood in the audience.

"Oh, Ruriko, you deserve so much better." Nobara sigh.

The scene changes to the next record.

"My body and energy converter won't be enough to pariphalyze my brother. Not now that he's Butterfly-Aug. My volume of prana just isn't enough. But you can do it. I've installed the pariphalyze program on your mask. I will have transferred the latest data from my brother to it too. I'm giving everything to you because I believe in you. You have to stop him, Kamen Rider, Hongo Takeshi."

She then gives a bright smile.

"I'm so glad the scarf suits you. My father was into motorcycles before he joined SHOCKER. I saw him in a photo my brother has. It looks like this."

An image appeared on the scene, showing Ichiro's family happy together, with a young Ichiro sitting behind his father's bike.

"I wanted to be in that photo. I envied him. I wanted to ride behind my father too. But not anymore. It felt really nice riding behind you. It felt like I was giving you my prana. I truly felt happy. I think I finally understood the meaning of happiness."

She smiles once again.

"Thanks, Takeshi. Goodbye." Then the video was turned off.

"PS: I hope I can say the scarf bit face-to-face." It was a sound-only record before it ended.

After watching the video, Hongo burst into tears and trembled even harder.

Many audience members reacted similarly to Hongo, unable to contain their tears. Yuji and Aki sympathized with Hongo's sadness at not being able to save lives that were dying in front of his eyes. Harry and Isla understood what it was like to not know family love. Leona and the Ikari Warriors recognized that she was prepared to die at any time and saluted her in respect.

The manager slows down the time to give everyone some time to calm down. After that, they are ready to continue watching the story.

The scene now shows Hongo and Ichimonji facing each other.

"I made a fatal mistake with the missy. I'm truly sorry." Ichimonji apologized.

"It's not your fault. I was too weak. I will carry on Miss Ruriko's torch. I'll keep fighting SHOCKER. What will you do, Ichimonji?" Hongo inquired, his body slightly shaken.

"My field of expertise used to be pens and cameras." Ichimonji took out a small camera. "I exposed evil. The truth was my weapon. When you fight evil, the whole world wins."

"I'd like to have this power. I want to live free. From now on, I'll only do the things I like. It's not that I don't like you, but I wouldn't like being used by the guys behind you." Behind them, the official was observing them from afar.

"I hate being part of the herd, which means I'd rather fight SHOCKER alone." Ichimonji returns to his bike. "You can enjoy solitude on a bike. That's why I like them. Bye, Hongo."

Ichimonji rides away, leaving Hongo behind.

"Can't blame him. Being used by those bossy adults sucks ass." Isla stated.

"I thought you already got over it." Shun'ei said.

"Only a few adults deserve my trust, and I am still not fond of being ordered around." Isla responded.

"Then we got that special privilege from you, ey?" Ralf teased.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. "You are not half bad for most adults." Isla said, which got a chuckle out of the Ikari Warriors.

The scene has now shifted to a beach, where Hongo is seen walking with the two officials. They then reveal the history of Hongo Takeshi: His father was a police officer who was killed while on duty. During that time, he was negotiating with a man who had taken a hostage, but the situation escalated, and he was stabbed by the killer. Hongo's last memories show him rushing toward his injured father, attempting to cover up the bleeding.

"Only the strong can protect their loved ones. If I'd been stronger, I could've protected him." Hongo lamented.

"If he'd used the power he was given and fired his weapon, he would never have been killed." His expression became emotional. "As he lay there dying, he kept asking if the hostage and killer were safe. He seemed more worried about them than about the family he was leaving behind. He was kind to strangers, until the very end."

Hongo's body was shaken again. "I want to be as compassionate as my father, but unlike him, I want to use the power I have."

Yuji's body shook as he heard Hongo speak of his resolve. Hongo, like him, shares a strong desire to protect lives. It was as if he was feeling the same intense emotions as him now.

"You're not the only one. Many people have experienced despair, just like you. But everyone copes with it differently. You can get over this, in your own way." The government official consoled him.

"Thanks. You're right." Hongo takes a step back and then does a backflip.

"Healed already?" The government official asked.

"Yes. I think it'll be fine." Hongo responded.

"He got over it pretty quick. That seems kind of weird." Blake commented.

"A weirdo, yes, he is, and a strong one too." Gojo said. Megumi felt like Gojo was not just referring to Hongo when he said this.

"It is unusual that he can recover from his grief in such a short time. Most people would need days, months, or even years to deal with the pain." Heidern commented.

"I believe it is because he understands that Miss Ruriko would not want him to dwell on his sadness for too long." Amber explained.

"However, if he tries to suppress it, it will have long-term consequences for his mental health." Kaeya added in. He has seen countless young recruits suffer from PTSD as a result of the trauma they endured on the battlefield. He sincerely hopes that Hongo will not face the same fate after all of these fights.

"It's time I saw Ichiro." Hongo said.

"Getting revenge for Ruriko?" The government official asked.

"No. I just want to carry on her will and make her wishes come true. I won't take revenge."

"That's right, Hongo. Do it for her!" Yang cheered.

"He got his mind on the right track; that's good." Kaeya commented.

"And Ruriko isn't really gone." Hongo then hops on his bike. "And... Can I ask one favor?"

After that, Hongo set out for SHOCKER. Ichimonji was watching him from a distance.

"Going by yourself, Hongo?" Ichimonji looks at his scarf. "Is this my price to pay for the missy?"

"Betting 5,000 Liens that he would come back later." Yang said.

Taking off his coat to absorb the wind, Hongo transforms himself and his bike. Full speed ahead, no stopping!

"Hell yeah, let's go, Kamen Rider!"

"Go kick that guy's ass!"

Isla was overjoyed to see her new favorite hero stand up again. Yuji smiles broadly, believing in Hongo's resolve. Ruby and Yang pumped their fists up. Even Heidern was smirking at Hongo's return, and so on. Everyone was cheering for Hongo Takeshi, and you could hear them clapping loudly.

Eventually, Hongo arrived at SHOCKER base. What greeted him were eleven Augs that resembled him. Ichiro explains that they are the Phase Variation Batta-Augments. While he is a solitary creature, they're gregarious. During the locust phase, grasshoppers turn black and form swarms, becoming more aggressive.

"Shit, this ain't look good." Clark said.

"He can't fight them all at once." Leona commented.

"Now it's time to lose your prana and join Ruriko, Hongo Takeshi." Ichiro said.

"No choice but to fight?" Hongo said.

The black Batta-Augs hover their bikes toward Hongo, pulling out machine guns and firing a hail of bullets at him. Unable to confront them head on, Hongo uses Cyclone's plating as a bullet shield before flying past them and destroying one of the Augs with the rocket boosters.

"Man, what would I kill for a bike like that?" Yang said.

"Didn't you have the Bumblebee already?" Blake inquired.

"Yeah, but imagine how cool it would be if I added rocket boosters to it." Yang excitedly said.

"Maybe Velvet could help you with that. She is very good with machines, I think." Ruby said.

"Please don't give her an idea, Ruby. I can not imagine what she will do with it." Weiss deadpan.

As Hongo attempts to escape through the tunnel, the remaining Augs pursue him and corner him against a wall, forcing him to hide behind his Cyclone bike as they continue to fire on him. Hongo then used the Cyclone to launch a second Aug off its course. Two more Augs try to ram him from either side, but he manages to push them off. Hongo used his quick thinking to grab another Aug in front of him and throw it at another. Immediately after, another Aug would mount Hongo's Cyclone bike and try to take the Typhoon belt off of him. The Kamen Rider would then rip off its mask, revealing its hideously warped and deformed face, before delivering a Rider Punch and kicking it off his bike.

"One ugly motherfucker." Ralf stated this after seeing the Batta-Aug face.

"You watch too many movies," Leona sighed.

Hongo continued his escape, but he was met with a line of dump trucks blocking his path. When he attempted to squeeze through underneath them, the explosives planted beneath them detonated, knocking him out. One of the Augs would then pin him under the front wheel of its Cyclone before unleashing a barrage of gunfire beneath his helmet.

"My mask won't last." Hongo said.

Some audience members were concerned for Hongo, while others had a look of anticipation on their faces.

"Just wait for it," Gojo calmly said.

Just as everything seemed hopeless, Ichimonji flew his Cyclone and rammed the Batta-Aug, causing it to collide with one of the trucks and explode.

"Hop on!" Ichimonji took Hongo's hand and led him to his Cyclone bike. "Hongo, I've made up my mind. I hate teamwork, but I'll try liking it. From now on, I'm Kamen Rider No. 2!"

"That makes us Double Riders." Hongo said.

"Yeah. This finally feels right." Ichimonji said.

"Haha, I knew this from the beginning!" Yang laughed, while Weiss groaned from losing the bet.

"Let's go, Double Riders." Isla cheered.

"You look pretty happy there, Yuji-kun." Gojo turns to his student.

Yuji smiled again, glad that Hongo is no longer alone. He now has a companion on his journey with him, just like how he found his friends at Jujutsu High.

Following that, the remaining six Batta-Augs attempted to destroy the Double Riders by using their Cyclones' self-destruct functions. The blue wave went off, resulting in a black hole-like explosion, sending the Double Riders flying away.

"That hurt!" Ichimonji yelped in pain. "What showoffs. Without the body armor, we'd be in real trouble. Are you okay, Hongo?"

"Sorry, Ichimonji-kun."

"Don't apologize. Just show your appreciation."

"Thanks, Ichimonji-kun."

"Cut the "kun." No need for formalities."

"Okay, Ichimonji,"

The black Batta-Augs then show up again.

"Whoa. We have more guests. Crank it up, Hongo."

"Let's do this, Ichimonji."

Both get ready in their poses. They charge forward while executing their Rider Kicks simultaneously, clashing their strength against each other. Despite their comparable power, the black Batta-Augs were no match for the Double Riders' skills and combat experience, and they were quickly dispatched. Two of them even had their Converter Lung armor and Typhoon belts ripped off.



The two Riders would then combine their attacks into the Double Rider Kick on the final two Augs, driving them into the wall and destroying them with a massive explosion.

"Woah, way to go, Double Riders!" Isla and everyone else cheered on them.

"The skill difference is really significant, eh?" Ralf said.

"Can't say much. Those soldiers are lacking in skills. I doubt they would even have a chance against those kids." Clark turns his head toward Isla, Shun'ei, and Meitenkun.

"They came very close to defeating Hongo in the beginning, so I would not underestimate them so easily." Leona stated.

"Nonetheless, this is what happens when quantity is prioritized over quality. Make that a lesson for all of you." Heidern sternly said.

"Yes, sir!"

"So, shall we, Hongo?"

"Yeah. Let's go, Ichimonji."

After defeating the Phase Variation Batta-Augments, the Double Riders head straight to find Ichiro.

"You again?" Ichiro asked.

"Yeah. I'll keep coming until I stop you. Your father entrusted me with this body. Your sister entrusted me with her wishes. I will stop you, no matter what."

Ichiro's overwhelming aura strikes again. Even with the screen separating him from the audience, the audience could sense the dominant power emanating from him. But now, Hongo's determination has inspired them to overcome it. After all, their trust in Hongo is far greater than their fear of Ichiro.

"I'm in the middle of polishing up the perfect program, however..." Ichiro stood up from his throne. "Okay. I'll play with you."

Not wasting any moment, the Double Riders charged at Ichiro with their Rider Kicks, but they were easily overpowered by him. The massive Prana energy from Ichiro was able to throw them off balance.

"Resistance is futile. My prana system is colossal. Midorikawa's Grasshopper-Aug cannot compare with my capacity for energy." Ichiro then jumps at them, unleashing an energy attack that knocks them back.

"Hmm." Gojo hummed as he watched Ichiro demonstrate his power.

"Fighting him head on is not the best idea." Ralf stated as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

""They must have a plan already." Leona said, her breathing becoming heavier.

"Sorry, Cyclone." Hongo said this as he and Ichimonji controlled their bikes from the throne and destroyed them using the self-destruction function. The black hole-like explosion annihilated the throne and released all of the Prana stored inside.

"I think that'll put your Habitat Project on hold for a while. Your prana fast-charger too." Ichimonji said.

"Nice! Love you so much, Ruriko!" Nobara shouted.

Some in the audience breathed a sigh of relief that they had at least removed one of the obstacles.

"It's not time for them to rest yet. They still have to deal with Ichiro firsthand." Heidern firmly said.

"She put ideas in your head? I underestimated you boys." Ichiro then took off his coat, revealing his bodysuit underneath. "Consider this my apology. I'll take you seriously."

"Henshin." His Typhoon belt spun, and Ichiro transformed. His face morphed, and a straw-shaped proboscis protruded from the center.

The transformed face of Ichiro made some of the audience flinch.

"Shit, ain't that hurt." Kaeya stated, a chill ran down his spine.

"Butterflies symbolize resurrection and immortality. And blue butterflies are messengers of the gods." Finally, he put on the mask. "Behold my complete form, Chou-Aug."

He then wrapped a white scarf around his neck, much like the Double Riders. "So, now we have matching forms. I will save mankind in my own way. I am Kamen Rider No. 0."

"You're just a poser! You cannot call yourself a Kamen Rider in any way!" Isla yelled loudly, startling some of the audience.

The battle starts with both Riders charging at No. 0, but they are quickly overpowered. No. 0 fights in a graceful balletic style, thrashing Hongo and Ichimonji around, causing them to cough up blood with his overwhelming power. He then uses another Prana to send them both flying, knocking off their masks.

"My Oum, he's still too strong!" Weiss exclaimed. She expected that taking the throne would weaken Ichiro, but his strength remains unmatched by the Riders.

"Wow! Even though we broke his throne, he's still pretty strong." Ichimonji exclaimed.

"Yeah. He is. He lives up to his reputation." Hongo said.

"By the way, Hongo, any idea how to defeat him?" Ichimonji asked.


"Huh? You do? Next time you have an idea, please tell me first!" Ichimonji complained.

"It was in Miss Ruriko's will. We have to unmask him to do it. Whatever it takes." Hongo said.

"Okay. We'll get it done. Whatever it takes."

"Yeah. Whatever it takes."

"Finally! It looks like they have a real plan now." Weiss said.

"Let's hope that it will work out for them." Megumi expectantly said.

Both put on their masks again. They charged at No. 0, were hit by his Prana attack, but did not back down. No. 0 fell down on his knee; it appears that using too much Prana has begun to wear him out.

"You're getting pesky." No. 0 got annoyed.

"Whatever it takes!" Ichimonji grapples with No. 0 and attempts to unmask him.

"How impudent!" However, No. 0 broke Ichimonji's arm and knocked him out of the way.

Following that, Hongo charged forward and wrestled with No. 0. For a while, they were at odds with each other. Due to No. 0's excessive use of Prana, his strength deteriorated, and Hongo was able to put him to a wrestling fight.

"If you want to destroy the organization, leave it to me. I'll take SHOCKER, and all of humanity to the Habitat Realm! I'll do it for my sister, too. And my parents. I'll avenge my whole family." No. 0 convincing Hongo.

"You're wrong. Nobody in your family would want that. It's all in your head." Hongo refuted.

"You know nothing about me!" No. 0 ranted.

"I know a bit. My father was killed too. He fell victim to human violence too!" Hongo stated.

"If that's true, why stop me?!" No. 0 punched Hongo's Typhoon Belt.

"I don't understand people. But I want to. That's why I'm trying to change! I want to change myself, not the world!" Hongo put No. 0 on hold.

"It's pointless. Everything is pointless, Hongo."

"No, it's not! Nothing in life is pointless!" Hongo shouted. "Ichimonji!"

"I've got this!" As he said this, Ichimonji headbutted No. 0, smashing his mask to pieces. With their Prana running out, they detransformed back into their human forms.

"They did it!"

"Yes! Way to go, Kamen Riders!"

The audience cheered for the Kamen Riders and expressed relief that they had successfully defeated No. 0.

"Damn, what a fight." Yang stated.

"It was shorter than I expected, but still good." Ralf commented.

"I can't even call it a fight. No. 0 completely dominated those two. All they did was hold out until he ran out of juice." Leona stated.

"Ah, boo, you are just too afraid to face No. 0 because you were too busy pissing on the seat." Isla insulted him.

"Why, you little..." Leona was enraged and about to beat up Isla, but Clark intervened.

"Calm down, tiger. We are the adults here, right?" Clark managed to calm Leona down. "Besides, we should not get too upset about some kids yabbing."

Isla clicked her tongue in annoyance, but she decided not to push it any further.

"Nonetheless, I believe that those two are the only people who are capable of facing No. 0." Heidern spoke up. "A fight is more than just beating up your opponent and winning. The Kamen Riders understood it, which is why they chose not to fight for victory, and in the end, they were able to achieve their objectives."

After the fight, Hongo approaches Ichiro. He takes off his mask and puts it on him.

"This is what Miss Ruriko wished for. She's in there."

Inside the mask, Ichiro saw his sister alive and holding his face with her hands.


"Ruriko. You were in here?"

"You can stay with me. I've installed a program for it. Come with me. Before your body is totally lost." Ruriko holds his hands tightly.

"You thought I wouldn't notice? This place is too small for the three of us. I can't lose anyone else. I've had enough." Ichiro wrapped her in a hug, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Ruriko." Ichiro said as he slowly backed away from her.

"Wait, Brother. Wait, Brother! Brother... Wait." Ruriko desperately called out to her brother, but in vain.

Several audience members were moved to tears by the emotional scene between Ruriko and Ichiro, particularly those who have brothers and sisters.

Ruby and Yang hug tightly, ensuring that the other is never separated from her, while Weiss and Blake smile softly at this heartwarming sight. Aki unconsciously wrapped his hand around Denji, remembering his younger brother and Power, who didn't understand why tears were flowing from her eyes. The Hogwarts trio hugged each other like family, making Dumbledore and McGonagall heart-stirred as well. Amber brought the Knights closer together because she thought of them as her own family. Gojo tries to pull his students into a hug only to be pushed away; at least they can agree on one thing.

Finally, Ichiro removed the mask, and he and Hongo are now standing side by side.

"Did you speak with Miss Ruriko?" Hongo asked.

"Yeah. Thanks. However, you used too much prana on me. Unless you go, you'll disappear too." Ichiro looked at Hongo's Typhoon Belt, which was broken and glowing bright red.

"I'm prepared for that." Hongo calmly stated.

"You'd give your life for the soul of a stranger?" Ichiro inquired.

Hongo only responded with soft smiles, which made Ichiro smirk too.

"Oh no, please don't tell me that he..." Lumine couldn't finish her sentence.

"No way..." Yuji mutters in disbelief.

"No..." Isla quietly said.

The rest of the audience seems to understand what Hongo did.

"Ruriko trusted you. I will too." Ichiro said.

"Hongo." Ichimonji called out, stunned by his friend's broken belt.

"It's in your hands now, Ichimonji." Hongo smiles at him.

Ichiro and Hongo eventually dissolve into foam. Even the mask and his red scarf are gone too.

"Hongo!" Ichimonji shouted in disbelief. "Really? I'm alone again." He then left the base.

K was observing everything as usual, and when it was all over, he left as well.

The audience was completely silent. Some in the audience processed Hongo's death more quickly, while others remained speechless. Many people got depressed after seeing the end. It was an emotional and heartbreaking ending for the beloved heroes and the tragic villain. Nobody said anything, but tears were shed and sobs could be heard.

The following scene shows Ichimonji sitting in a harbor.

"Oh, well. We come into this world alone; we die alone too." He took out the scarf and examined it. Then he was met by two officials, one of whom was holding Hongo's mask.

"Hongo requested we recover and repair the mask. He said if he disappeared, he'd want you to continue calling yourself Kamen Rider." The government official explained. "We confirmed SHOCKER has a new agent, Cobra-Aug. Hongo Takeshi embedded his prana, his soul, in here. Will you carry on his will?"

"Kamen Rider?" Ichimonji inquired.

"We found Midorikawa Ruriko's soul in the mask too. As Hongo wished, we've secured her prana in a safe location." The government official handed the mask out to Ichimonji.

"For the missy and for Hongo, I'll try working with you guys." Ichimonji smiled. He wrapped the scarf around again and took the mask. "I feel a bit better now."

"That was... unexpected. A welcome one, but unexpected nonetheless." Eula stated, a smirk forming on the corner of her cheek.

"Yes. None of us could predict this plot twist." Diluc smiled softly as he spoke.

"I probably should not be surprised at this point, but hey, it is not every day that we get to see you two smiling." Kaeya teased, which earned him a double elbow to the ribs.

"Hah! I know he wouldn't go down that easily!" Isla excitedly shouted.

"Yeah, that was pretty clever of him." Shun'ei said. Meitenkun gave a thumbs up to this too.

Yuji and Nobara were relieved to know that Hongo and Ruriko were still alive somehow. They may not be physically present, but they are still there and are most likely assisting Ichimonji on his journey.

Dumbledore and Heidern perked up when they heard how Hongo managed to survive by storing his souls elsewhere. Despite making it all the way to the end of the film, there still appear to be numerous applications for Prana, leading them to wonder whether it can be found in their own world to study and research it.

"Come to think of it, I never got your name." Ichimonji asked the two officials.

"We're just nobodies."

"Huh? I don't trust people who won't share their names." Ichimonji said.

"I'm Tachibana." Tachibana introduces himself before turning to the other. "He's Taki."

"If you need something, raise your hand." Taki said.

Ichimonji raised his hand. "I'd like a new Cyclone and suit."

The scene now changes to Ichimonji wearing the new suit. His mask is now bright green with red eye-lights which are different from the dark green of the old one; it is labeled Kamen Rider No. 2 + 1, the 2-in-1 Kamen Rider.

"This mask feels nice. It doesn't have the cold, hungry feel of the last one. It feels kind." Ichimonji commented. "Yeah. Now I feel nice and fresh."

Then he put on the mask. "So this is your soul? Hongo."

"I'm not usually fond of tight bodysuits, but at least the color looks nice." Nobara commented.

"Agree, it looks more lively now." Yang nodded.

"Paimon likes this one way more than the previous one." Paimon commented. Lumine chuckled at her companion.

In the following scene, Ichimonji was riding the new Cyclone bike on a bridge.

"Hongo, can you feel the wind?" Ichimonji asked.

"I can. My prana, my soul, may be inside the mask, but I feel the force of the wind, the sound of the exhaust, and the smells. I feel everything you feel. Go faster, Ichimonji. Let me savor the new Cyclone." The voice of Hongo's soul spoke up.

"Okay. Here we go, Hongo. We're not alone anymore. It's you and me. We'll fight SHOCKER together." Ichimonji declared as he sped up the Cyclone across the bridge.

The credit was rolling, and followed that was the song Where you go.


Hi there, it's Daichung06 again. This is the final chapter of the Shin Kamen Rider reaction part. The next chapter will be a break in between so all the characters can get a some rest (including me).

That's all I have to say for now. If you enjoyed it or have a suggestion, please leave a comment. Stay tuned for the next chapter; Daichung06 is out!

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