SonAmy: Ghostly Love

By NOVATheHedgehog14

41K 1K 867

When a ghost falls in love with loser geek, Amy Rose, it'll do anything to make sure she's happy. Even if it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Final)

Chapter 5

4.1K 114 80
By NOVATheHedgehog14

•Amy POV•
(2 weeks later)

I handed the clipboard back to the lawyer after I signed my name. The house was officially in the Rose family name. Silver hid behind my legs as we walked into the new and improved house.

We had lived outside for awhile. We really needed a shower. Sonic had lived with us in an old tree house Tails and Cream had died in. Luckily the bodies were gone. Sonic got us food since we didn't want to spend a lot of money yet.

The house was amazing. It had an two levels to the house. The first floor was a kitchen, full of food and cooking tools and a few books. Then the living room with a big TV and famous pictures around the wall. Then there was a downstairs bathroom. I loved the second level though. The bedrooms looked so good. A bunk bed and a small twin bed was in the room the kids were going to sleep. Then Sonic and I would still share a room. We also had a small bathroom at the end of the hallway.

The house was certainly a big pick me up. Silver even seemed to forget that mom tried to kill us. I honestly still cared however. Sonic was going out late at night, I knew why. He was looking for my mom. I had told him to tell me when he found her before he killed her. He said that he would.

Silver has no idea of what we're planning, neither does Tails and Cream.

"Hey, Tails and Cream! We're home!" Silver yelled out and ran upstairs. I followed him and saw him gasp when he saw all the toys I had gotten them all to play with. "Where's Sonic?" Tails asked me. "He's out, but don't worry, he'll be back to see the house." I smiled. Tails smiled back and went on playing with Silver and Cream.

While they played I went downstairs and started working on things in the kitchen and living room. I was had bought bunches of flowers to place inside and out of the house. Just as I hung up a wall plant I felt someone's hands on my shoulders.

"Hey Sonic" I said with a smile.

"Sonic? Who's Sonic?" An old raspy voice cooed in my ear. It sent shivers up my spine. I turned around to see an old woman. Her face was burnt and she had wide angry eyes.

"Wh-who are you?" I asked her and she grabbed my neck. "A daughter that doesn't recognize her own mother? How pitiful." The woman spat. "Mom? Wh-what happened to you? How'd you find us?" I choked out. "I couldn't just let those idiots kill you. I wanted to do it myself. So after they set the fire I ran in to kill you." She smirked. " were already gone! I got trapped! I got seriously burned and almost died! It's all your fault! You and your brother always caused me problems!" She yelled at me angrily.

"S-Sonic..." I tried to yell out. "Tails...Cream...somebody!" I finally managed to yell out. I got a hard slap to the head and fell to the ground. Then I heard Tails and Cream shriek. "Go get Silver out of here!" I screamed as my mom kicked me. "Who are you talking to?!" She screamed angrily.

She yanked me up by my ear and threw me against the wall. "I don't care! You're dying this time!" She grabbed a knife from the counter and raised it above her. "YOU WON'T LIVE!!!" She screeched and I waited for the blade to hit me with my eyes closed.

Then her grip released. I opened my eyes to see the knife dug into her head. Sonic stood behind her. His hands firmly on the knife she was holding. His eyes blazed with anger. I covered my mouth and ran away to the corner. I couldn't look at them.

"Amy..." My mom said quietly.

"Shut up!" Sonic yelled and pushed the knife deeper into her skull.

"No! What is it?" I turned around with tears running down my face. "'re going to die. I'll make sure of th-"

Sonic pulled out the knife and her body fell to the floor.

Sonic turned to me with saddened eyes. "Amy...I'm so sorry..." He said while I shook my head. "Just...get her out." I said and shakily stood up and went to our room.

(1 hour later)
I had crawled into the bed and cried for hours. Why had my mom been so mean? So horrible to Silver and I?

I heard a knock on the door and I set up from my soaking wet pillow. "H-Hello?" I sniffed as Sonic crept in. "Hey Amy...I'm sorry you had to see me like that, and see...what I did." He said and sat next to me. I sighed and looked away. "It's all you could think of...I-I understand." I let out a deep breath and laid my head on his shoulders.

I just needed to be comforted. I didn't care by who. I just wanted someone to hold me. To tell me it was all okay, only for me to cry and scream it wasn't.

"Amy, I-I really don't know what to say right now." He said and put his arm around me. "S-Say that it's all gonna be alright. Th-That she loved me at one point." I bit my lip in an effort to not cry, but it was futile. I turned to his chest and sobbed as loudly and as much as I could.

"...Amy...I-I want to be honest with you. When I killed her...I saw her life. It's like when a zombie eats a person. They see memories, but a ghost lives and feeling what they felt throughout their entire life. Your mom was jealous. Your father loved you and Silver more than her. That's why she hated you two."

So that's it? She was just jealous?

"I felt all the stuff she felt throughout her life. Anything you wanted to ask her, I can tell you. I won't lie, because you need the truth."

"I don't need to know anymore. I-I just want...I want..." I wasn't sure how what I said next would go. "I just want you to...hold me." I whispered and hugged him tightly as I sobbed.

He slowly put me in his lap and kissed me between my ears. He then laid us both down on the bed. I held him so tightly and he stroked my quills and rubbed my back.

"Don't leave again...please don't leave me..." I whispered into his chest.

"Don't worry, Ames. I won't leave you ever again." He said sweetly and gently into my ear.

I don't know how long it had been, but I cried myself to sleep in Sonics arms. He was still awake and stroking me when I woke up.

"Hey Ames, how are you feeling?" He asked me. "My head hurts...and my eyes." I answered him. "I would think so." He chuckled and kissed my head. "Can you get up?" He asked me. "Maybe" I said and slowly sat up. I put my legs over the bed and slowly stood up. Sonic rolled over and to my side. "Where's Silver?" I asked him. "With Tails and Cream playing outside." Sonic answered and took my arm.

"Come on, I'll get you some medicine." He smiled at me. "Thank you, Sonic." I said and crossed my arms as he walked me to the bathroom. My body was right against his. "Sonic...I really want to thank you for staying beside me." I said as we entered the bathroom.

"It's what boyfriends do" Sonic smiled at me. I blushed and looked back at the hallway. "Yeah, I suppose so..." I said under my breath. "Hey Amy, come take these." Sonic handed me some ibuprofen and other medicine. "Thank you, Sonic." I smiled at him. Sonic smiled back. "I'm going to go see how Silver and the others are doing. Can you manage by yourself?" He asked. "Of course, I'm not physically broke yet." I chuckled, but Sonic didn't find it as funny.

"I'll be back." He said and put his hands on my shoulders as he squeezed out of the doorway.

I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked terrible. My quills were on edge and my face looked red and stained with tears. My red eyes didn't make it any better. I just stared at myself for a few minutes.

"Why do people do this?" I asked myself as a few tears escaped from my eyes. People always look at themselves in a mirror after they've cried. Then they look in a mirror and cry even harder. What makes that happen? Do we feel sorry for ourselves? Am I sorry for myself now?

I sighed and whipped my tears away. I took the medicine and then took a deep breath to calm down.

I straightened my back and left the bathroom. I looked out the window to outside where Silver was sitting in the grass with Sonic. It looked like they were meditating. I smiled at them and went down stairs slowly by myself.

I didn't have the guts to go outside. The door was in the kitchen. I couldn't go back in there, so I stayed in the living room. I grabbed the pillow from the couch and a blanket and just laid down and watched TV.

I heard the door open and Sonic walked in holding Silver. He placed Silver down. "Go on" he smiled at Silver. Silver held his hands behind his back and rocked back and forth.

"Uhm...I love you sissy! And....and I wanted to show you this trick your boyfriend taught me." I didn't even think about correcting him. I figure Sonic is my boyfriend.

I felt something flop down beside me and looked on the cushion beside me. Sonic was on his side with his head in my lap. He was smiling at Silver while his face was bright red. I giggled and pet his quills as Silver sat in the floor.

Through Sonic's purrs he managed to say a few words. "R-Remember to k-keep calm..." He began to purr loudly and he rubbed against my lap and onto his back like a cat. He grinned at me and kissed underneath my chin.

"Hey! Look!" Sonic and I looked over at Silver who was floating in the air a few centimeters off the ground. "Wow! That's amazing, Silver! Can you do more?" I asked him. He nodded as he landed and stood against the wall. "Watch the table" he smirked. Sonics eyes flew open. "No Silver. The table's too much. Just try to levitate something smaller."

"Levitation?! Wow Silver! Who taught you all this?"


I turned to Sonic and smiled at him warmly. "Thank you" I said. He blushed and scratched his neck. "It was nothing." He said bashfully and his eyes darted to the ground.

"Hey, where's Tails and Cream?" Silver asked us. "Aren't they in the treehouse?" Sonic said to him. Silver but his bottom lip. "Maybe..." He said and ran out the door.

I followed Silver outside to the old treehouse. Sonic had to hold my hand as we walked through the kitchen. "Tails, Cream! Come on, let's play!" Silver yelled out and climbed up the tree. "Wait, Silver stay down for a second." Sonic floated up to the top and then floated back down. "They aren't there. Amy, take Silver inside." Sonic put his arms around us protectively and shooed us inside. He kept looking over his shoulders with dagger eyes.

"Sonic? What's happening?" I asked him. "We're getting uninvited visitors. Tails and Cream are probably inside now. Just stay inside, please. Don't come outside until I come and get you." He gave me a kiss before he shut us the door.

I took Silver upstairs to the kids room. Tails and Cream were in the corner hugging each other protectively and shaking. They looked terrified. "Tails, Cream? What's happening?"

"The others are coming...Sonic will take care of them. He's strong, he won't get hurt."

"What's happening?" Silver asked me. I placed him down and told him to keep down. We all sat in the corner and kept quiet. "Cream, tell me what's happening." I begged her. "The other m-monsters...the ones he hurt before. Their coming for you."

"What?" I asked her, still not understanding. But I was thinking about this day had been completely ruined. Also, growing increasingly scared for my brother and myself.

"He hurt their mates and their wives. The enemies are coming together to get you. They'll do to you what he did to them."

"I-I need to go help!"

She grabbed my arm and looked up at me with sad eyes. "You need to live. You don't know what Sonic would become. Stay here until he comes back." I looked at the door then at the kids. The kids needed someone with them.

"I'm staying." I said, but I wanted to go to my Sonics side. Because I think...


I think I love him.

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