The Seoul Project

By Borahaetales

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Two men,two different lives,One lie. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 3

279 38 5
By Borahaetales

Seokjin tunes out the claps and cheers , fumbling with his crooked fingers until the drinks arrived .The hotel was fancy ,too fancy in his opinion.Jimin hit a jackpot , marrying a lawyer.Yoongi doesn't look as grim as he appears on the magazines.

Yes,his soon to be brother in law is no less than a celebrity Lawyer .

The Omega downs the glass at the reminder.Yoongi is everything his parents wanted .He is a complete package ,with good looks ,packed wallet and a loving heart .

Fuck that gummy smile

Seokjin downs another glass and twists his tie

He was happy for his brother,he really was.Jimin deserves the best.Especially after listening to all the taunts growing up ,his brother never gave up on freestyle .Now ,he owns a dance studio and earns enough to pay his own bills.

Take that ,Dad! He could have never been happy being a doctor!

Seokjin whines , grabbing Jimin's arms as the latter loops it around his neck from behind "You almost made me spill the drink.Warn a guy next time would you ?"

Jimin grins , kissing his cheek "What else was I supposed to do when you looked so lost and gloom ,sitting here all by yourself?"

Seokjin turns in his chair to pull his cheeks "Well,someone was busy grinding against their fiance"

Jimin flushes ,swatting his shoulder "Hush.Mom's just a ear away"

He then drags a chair to sit besides Seokjin,waving at Yoongi who was currently being interogated by their father .It was probably the 'Hurt my son and I will kill you' speech by the looks of it

"Then behave"
Seokjin bumps his shoulder as he offers him a martini "Nah,Soju all the way"

Jimin grabs the glass out of Seokjin's hand and takes a sip "I swear ,the only thing I hate about Yoongi is his rich ass"

"You can always make him go bankrupt"
Seokjin winks teasingly,now sipping on the Martini

"Haha,funny .Then dad would make me file a divorce .You do know how it is"
Jimin sighs,whispering close "Atleast I did something that they approved.A rich son in law ,I think I made up for all the disappointments ,dont you think?"

Seokjin balls his fist under the table "Minie"

He hates the faraway look on his brother's face . Seokjin was always  their parents favourite child.He was clever,worked hard to get an Engineering degree.He was the perfect son in their eyes

He spent all his childhood pleasing his parents.Jimin never really cared ,he was always more inclined to things that made him excited.

Good thing he was an Omega ,so his parents couldnt pressurize him too much.Who cared what an Omega did ,as long as he marries a rich guy and birth his kids

Even in this century of progressed world,the prejudices stayed

"Ah, forget it.I can't sour my pheromones or Yoongi would get a jist of it.Cant have my man ruin his own party with his temper"

Jimin chuckles ,crinkling a genuine laugh

Seokjin was the happiest after knowing that his brother found someone who cherishes him with all his heart

"Oh no ,please don't let him.I am yet to taste the cake !"
Seokjin's laughter simmers as he sees his mother approaching the table

He straigtens up "Eomma "

"Ah, Seokjin-ah.Why are you sitting alone?"

"I am right by his side "
Jimin piques,holding Seokjin's hand under the table

"You know what I mean"
Their mother gives a knowing look to Seokjin who sighs ,pursing his lips "I don't want to talk about it"

"But he is right there,Jin-ah.And ever since you came,his eyes haven't left you"

Seokjin feels his throat going drier and he sneaks a glance at the Beta ,his ex.It was a bad idea because Siwon immediately smirks, meeting his gaze.

"We are over,Mom.It's been years"

"And I still don't know why would you break up with him? He is your childhood friend,earns good and you were head over heels for him"

Jimin's scent sours despite his will and he stoods up ,clearing his throat "Eomma,I forgot to introduce hyung to my sister-in-law"

He pats Seokjin's shoulders,urging the latter to get up .But Seokjin's shoulders were stiff with tension as he tried his best to control his tears and anger.

"Oh ,is that it .Then go ahead.We can always have this conversation at home"

"I am leaving right after the party"
Seokjin bristles ,popping a tart in his mouth.

"Seokjin-ah,you haven't visited home since-"

"Eomma, you know how busy I am"

"I do,son.But that is why I am worried for you .Look at your brother,look how happy he is . Don't you think,you deserve to be happy too?"

Seokjin huffs,blowing a breath.He knows his parents mean good.

"I am happy with my job"

Not really

"But Jin-ah,what about your personal life ? Are you happy there too?"
Their father cuts in ,sensing the tense air "Jimin,your fiance is looking for you"

"I will see him later "
Jimin says as he starts to settle back in the chair

"You should go"
Seokjin smiles at him "It's your day.Dont leave your poor fiance in the clutches of our aunts .They will chew him alive"
He jokes , trying to lighten the mood

"Why don't you come with me ? We haven't took the pictures yet"

"Yes,yes.Siwon was also saying that he needs to leave .Take him along with you for the picture"

Seokjin sucks in a breath "Dad"

"What ? You two are still friends right?"

"Not really" Seokjin tells them honestly,expecting the gasps "Also , it's better if I don't keep any kind of relations with my ex "

"Are you planning to be single forever? Seokjin,I don't understand why you are so bitter towards him now ?"
Their father sighs, flagging for a drink

This was it.Seokjin couldn't handle it anymore.How did he suddenly went from the best son to a problematic son ?

The answer was simple .Their parents love Siwon ,they were expecting an announcement of the wedding soon.But instead,Seokjin broke up with the Beta and left for New York without a good explanation for why he did it.

In their eyes, it's Seokjin's fault.And the latter doesn't want to correct them either

"Eomma,Dad.Why are we talking about Siwon? You guys promised that you won't bring up his name-hyung"

Jimin looks down at Seokjin who chuckles ,shaking his head

"It's alright,Minie.They are just worried about me"

Their mother sighs ,"We just want the best for you.So if there's anything that can be done to restore what was broken between you two-"

"I am dating someone already"
Seokjin blurts , shocking everyone on the table

Jimin frowns for a second and then beams "Really ? Oh my god! Why didn't you tell me ?"

"Exactly.Why are we hearing about this now ? Were you planning to never tell us ?"

Well here goes nothing

Seokjin clears his throat,"I was going to.Well,we weren't sure where we stood in our relationship-"

"And now you suddenly know ? Are you guys living together? Is it someone from your workplace? Does that Beta work under you or is he some big shot ?"

Seokjin's heart speeds up in panic .Their parents value their status.Seokjin cannot date a nobody.

He looks around for a fleeting moment and his eyes lands on the security team

"Actually" Seokjin prays god will forgive him for this "He is someone I met in a bar"

"Oh dear "
His mother gasps , bringing a hand to her chest "Seokjin-ah,are you dating a bartender? And what happened to that guy you said you were seeing ? Is he the same you mentioned on Christmas party ?"

Seokjin shakes his head "Yes.That's him .And no ,he is not a bartender but a gym trainer"

His father's nose wrinkles "So you are finally living up to your fantasy of buff men? "

The Omega's ear reddens and he clears his throat "Something like that"

Seokjin could see the disapproval swimming in their eyes so he throws another card "And also,he is an Alpha"

"An Alpha? About time you started dating one"
His father immediately approves with a wide smile but his mother looked at him suspiciously "And you are telling me that you both are dating ? Is he willing to meet us ?"

Jimin intervenes with a whine

Their mother holds a hand up "I need to see what kind of Alpha suddenly matched your taste "

Seokjin nods "Yes,he will meet you soon"

As if.

"What's his name?"

And Seokjin spills the first name that comes to his mind "John .His name is John Reed"

Namjoon chokes on his coffee "A gym trainer ? Why ?"

Seokjin huffs ,rolling his eyes "Look ,if you don't like my story,you are always free to quit"

The Alpha smacks his lips and leans closer "Oh,I am not a quitter you see"

He clears his throat "So I am supposed to be a gym trainer? I do pass as one dont you think ?"

Namjoon wiggles his brows , making the Omega flush

"Y-yeah .You are exactly what I imagined John to be"

"I will take that as a compliment, thank you"
The alpha teases ,pulling away in time when Seokjin almost karate chops him

"So , here's the deal"
Seokjin straightens ,clearing his throat

"Wait ,but don't you want to check for yourself?"
Namjoon makes a show of lifting his shirt and receives a glare "What ? Don't tell me you have been maintaining a platonic relationship with John ? He is a gym trainer,he has abs and buff arms.I am your John substitute ,I should have it all"

Seokjin blushes ,looking away "No need"

"As you wish,Jin"

The Omega eyes him "So you are serious about this"

Namjoon nods ,setting the cup aside

Seokjin tips his chin "How much money do you want in exchange of this whole ordeal ? Because let's be practical,no one does anything for free.I am willing to pay you as much as you want"

"Big money guy"
Namjoon chuckles,leaning over the table "But here's the thing,Jin"

Seokjin shudders everytime Namjoon takes his name .And he have started to like the way it sounds from Namjoon's mouth . Instinctively,his gaze shifts to Namjoon's lips and he swallows ,shaking away the dirty thoughts .

"I don't want your money"
Before Seokjin could oppose ,he says "You are anyway going to fund this whole trip right ? So that is enough for me"

"But what about your job ? Don't you need to manage that ?"
And then as if it just striked him , Seokjin asks "What do you even do ? Shit,are you even single ? Fuck,I should have asked about it before"

Namjoon snorts "You should have .But just so you know ,I am not seeing anyone currently .And I just got my leaves approved for two weeks . Actually,my friend and I had planned to go on a trip but then his father's health deteriorated and we had to cancel our plan"

Seokjin nods slowly "Then can't you just go back to your work? I mean,you guys can always take that trip later on.Why would you waste your leaves on me?"

Oh , Seokjin was trying to scoop for something, Namjoon could tell .But he was no rookie in this.He has spent last six months living a lie,surely he can manage this sneaky little Omega

"To be honest,I am bored of my job .And that's why I don't want to give up on my holidays.I am not sure when we will plan again ,or if we will even plan a trip"

"You don't look much happy.Is that friend someone special?"
Seokjin dont know why he was crossing his fingers as he awaits Namjoon's response

"Just friend.He is an Alpha too,if it eases your mind"

"Who said Alpha's dont date another Alpha?"
Seokjin cocks a brow but he was relieved by Namjoon's response and it showed on his face

The Alpha smirks,grabbing his hand "No one.But not my preference"

Seokjin looks between their hands and Namjoon "So what exactly are your preferences per say ? Do I even meet your standards?"

"Not going to lie ,I never thought I would date an Omega.But if it's you ,I am down "

Seokjin blushes faintly ,offering a wicked smile "But I don't date Alpha's,regardless of how hot they are"

"Good to know ,you find me hot"
Namjoon squeezes his hand "Too bad ,you don't date hot Alpha's" he smirks "but you are okay lying about them"

"And just when I thought I can tolerate you"
Seokjin pulls his hand out of Namjoon's grasp and snorts "Anyways, it's not like I have any choice .You are a passable one and I don't have time to parade around the city "

"Hurts my pride that you are only choosing me because you are running out of time and not because you like me"
Namjoon pouts ,wiping a fake tear "Ah,this is what life is , Namjoon-ah.It's never easy"

Seokjin kicks him from under the table and scoffs "You are too dramatic for an Alpha "

"You are too stonehearted for an Omega"
Namjoon reverts ,kicking him back

They both pause and stare at each other before breaking into laugh

"Let's be the best fake couple to ever exist"
Seokjin extends his hand to shake it with Namjoon.The Alpha beams with a nod "You bet"

"But before that ,we need to know few things about each other"

The Omega agrees instantly "Lets shift to the living room"

A/N : Seokjin looks excited to discuss 😏

Jinmin's parents are not as bad as they look ,I swear 😬

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