Giving Well: Aetheria

By chokkolee_

103 20 67

Hundred of years ago life on earth was as predicted. The decline in birth and the disconnect from the idea of... More

My inspo
Ch.1 Departure-Beautiful, Moon 心結
Ch. 2 Arrival-Aetheria
Ch. 3 Aetheria- Sudden Link
Ch.4 Departure-Moon Daughter, 月娘
Ch. 5 Departure 2- Bustling City
Ch.6 Fate-Attracting Light, Profound Darkness
Ch. 7 Fate 2-Chairoscuro Magnetism
Ch.8 Fate 2- Time Binding yet Unbound
Ch.9 Departure 3- Celestia
Ch.10 The Genji Family
Ch.11 Departure-Victorious Moon, 香月
Ch. 12 King's Royal Guard
Ch.13 Fated Trio, Trio of Fate
Ch. 15 Class Leadership
Ch.16 Classroom of the Elite
Ch.17 Greeting-Royalty or not
Ch.18 Greeting 2-Royalty or not
Ch.19 Prominent Display of Power
Ch.20 New Friends

Ch.14 Elysian Academy

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By chokkolee_

As the girls approach the billboard and see their names listed together, they can't help but feel excited and surprised at the coincidence. As they stood there, marveling at the realization that they had all joined in the same  program together. Katsuki and Miyu exchange excited glances. Miyu joins them in the exchange then returns her gaze to the board further analyzing the rest of the information. She realizes the name of their homeroom professor, Dr. Seraphina Ward was also listed next to theirs. They also saw the name of their tour guide, Professor Moonshadow, who would be accompanying them on the tour. Miyu brings her attention back to the Katsuki and Tsukiko giggling amongst each other for the past minute, now both of their attentions focused on Miyu.

Katsuki Genji
"Can you believe it? We're all in the honors program together!" Katsuki exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement looking intently into Miyu's eyes.

Seemingly caught off guard by the sudden attention.

Miyu nodded in agreement, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

Miyu Tachibana
"It seems we were meant to be here," she said quietly.

Tsukiko Chinen
"And look, we're all in the honors program too. This is incredible!", Tsukiko grinned from ear to ear, a sense of pride swelling in her chest.

"Let's celebrate this achievement with a group selfie!", she pulls her phone out and she gets the other two girls in frame and snaps a picture right away.

Katsuki Genji
"Now where to find the meeting spot for the tour? I mean it doesn't exactly say where Professor Moonshadow will be standing either."

As she says this someone seemed to have picked up on her saying the name out loud, coming from behind.

Kaida Fujiwara
"Hello, I over heard you are looking for Professor Moonshadow's meeting spot? I am heading there too."

She says with a soft clear voice as she approaches the trio through the moving river of students. Gracefully untethered from her path straight to them. As the trio glances over their shoulders to gaze upon her moving steadily closer to them.

As she says this the girls then hear a voice in their heads. It was a soft voice of an older woman.

Telepathic voice
"Follow my student teacher Kaida Fujiwara as she will take you to our meeting spot. I can't wait to see all to get our tour of Elysian Academy underway," the voice in their heads was confident, soft yet regal.
Kaida noticing their paused and silently inquiringly expression confirms that the professor may have spoken with them telepathically.
As she just received a message similarly from her.

The trio nods,

Katsuki Genji
"Is this going to be a common occurrence of hers?"

Kaida Fujiwara
" I don't believe this will be the case all the time. I hope", she says with a slight chuckle. She begins to usher the trio as they walk to their destination.

They meet with a pretty mid size group of students. It looks to be about 21 different people. All waiting patiently for their tour guide as the trio arrived at the same time as someone else that was approaching the group. A few students who seemed aware of the tall persons presence readied themselves as their gaze are set fixed on them.
Upon getting closer the 4 girls could make out the appearance better.

The tour guide, named Professor Moonshadow, was a tall and regal woman indeed, with a kind smile and twinkling eyes. Her long silver hair cascaded down her back loosely, giving her an air of wisdom and grace. She wore a flowing robe adorned with intricate patterns of stars and moons, symbolizing the magical heritage of a Noble of Aetheria's Northern Region. Around her neck, she wore a pendant shaped like a crystal ball, a nod to her expertise in divination Manipulation.

Professor Elara's voice was melodic and soothing, captivating her audience as she led them through the ancient halls of the keep. Her knowledge of the history and legends of the place was vast, and she spoke with a passion that sparked the curiosity of all who listened. As she guided the group through the magical gardens and towering libraries, she gestured animatedly, her hands moving elegantly as if conducting an invisible orchestra of knowledge and enchantment.

With each step, Professor Moonshadow wove a spell of wonder and awe around her guests, leaving them spellbound by the secrets and mysteries hidden within the walls of Elysian Academy. To all onlookers, she was not just a tour guide, it seems she carried an intense yet delightful air around her. The trio joined up with the rest blending with the crowd of students that lined themselves in front of her.

Elara Moonshadow
"Greetings, curious minds! I am Professor Elara, your guide through the enchanting labyrinth of Elysian Academy. As a Psychic Enchanter, I specialize in unraveling the hidden threads of mystery and magic that weave through this ancient institution."

"Prepare to be mesmerized, for the secrets of this place are eager to reveal themselves to those who seek knowledge and adventure. Welcome, my fellow travelers, to a world unlike any other."

"Here, students from all over the realm come to hone their magical abilities and discover the true extent of their powers."

As they walked through the grand entrance hall, the tour guide gestured towards a series of paintings lining the walls. Each one depicted a famous mage or sorceress who had once studied at the Academy, their achievements and contributions to the magical world immortalized for all to see.

Tsukiko and Katsuki seemed to be astonished to see non humanoid figures on the wall.

Miyu seems to not be amused by the sight as the rest are. She also notices that certain people are giving the trio looks and or keeping a certain distance from them except Kaida.

While others randomly come up to Tsukiko as if they know her or of her like some celebrity. While Katsuki would get knowing looks from those who kept a distance.

Elara Moonshadow
"Our first stop is the Hall of Elements,"

the tour guide continued, leading the group into a room filled with swirling orbs of fire, water, earth, and air.

"Here, students learn to harness the power of the elements and channel them into spells of great potency."

Next, they entered the Library of Arcane Knowledge, a vast room filled with ancient tomes and scrolls containing untold secrets of magic. The ceiling seems to reach the sky filled with shelves of books filled up to the dome. The tour guide explained the importance of research and study in mastering the mystical arts, encouraging the students to delve into the depths of the library's collection.

Elara Moonshadow
"Here in the Library of Arcane Knowledge, you have the opportunity to uncover the secrets of magic and unlock your full potential. Remember, true mastery comes from dedicated research and study. So, let your curiosity guide you as you explore the mystical depths of these ancient texts."

But perhaps the most awe-inspiring sight was yet to come. As they walked out into the courtyard of the Academy, the students looked up in wonder at the floating castle that loomed overhead. Legends spoke of a powerful sorcerer who had once ruled the land from his lofty abode, using his magic to protect the realm from dark forces.

Elara Moonshadow
"The Floating Castle is a symbol of the Academy's commitment to pushing the boundaries of magic and technology," the tour guide explained, her eyes shining with pride. "It serves as a reminder to all who study here that anything is possible with dedication and determination."

" However it's just a legend now, for decades no one but a handful beings figured out how it works that way. Even fewer has opened such a portal in tales told. Yet none of them has ever returned until today."

As the students continued to follow the tour guide through the Academy of Mystical Arts, they entered a room oddly shaped filled with more ancient books and scrolls. The shelves were lined with tomes that seemed to glow with a mysterious energy, and the air was thick with the scent of old parchment. Organic shapes shelves were filled tightly. This room was not as tall as the last one they saw. But it was very spacious. Rows of shelves that seemed to lead endlessly in each direction.

Elara Moonshadow
"These books hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe," the tour guide explained. "In this room, you can study the history of magic and learn from the wisdom of generations past."

The students listened in awe as the tour guide went on to show them a room filled with magical artifacts. There were shimmering crystals, enchanted amulets, and intricate wands and weappns that seemed to hum with power.

Elara Moonshadow
"You are probably wondering why two different libraries and artifact rooms. Well you see these the room are more specific to the things we here at the academy focus or efforts in developing and achieving in. In other words The last artifact room was of Artifacts already standing the test of time."

"As they are relics created by prominently well known students who once attend this Academy up until now. This room is for inspiration for innovators to take on such a challenge as part of your study's will include learning enchantments and how to apply them to your choice of Artifact that may prove üşütelim in the future."

"Each of these artifacts has its own unique story and purpose," the tour guide said. "By studying them, you can learn how to harness their magic and use it to achieve incredible feats. The last library were text specially on Magic and it's many applications and different forms. In other words a Library specially made for almost every Magic ability to exist is documented their in that tall spire. The second one is meant to hold our history since the before the Acadmey was created."

"Now come along we are on a bit of a time crunch as we still need to visit your homeroom after all"

As the tour continued, the students were led into a room that seemed to shimmer with a faint, otherworldly light. In the center of the room stood a large, ornate mirror that reflected their images back at them in a strange, distorted way.

Elara Moonshadow
"This is the Mirror of Truth," the tour guide explained.

"It shows you not only your physical appearance, but also the true desires of your heart. It can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth. Legends say it once was a portal to another plane of existence."

The students gazed into the mirror, their hearts racing with excitement at the possibilities that lay before them. As they left the room, the tour guide smiled and said,

"Remember, as cliche as it may sound. Here at the Academy of Mystical Arts, anything is possible if you believe in yourself and have the courage to follow your dreams."

"Your mentors and teachers are here to help you with anything you may need our guidance with. So do feel free to call on me if you so desire my inquiry"

As the tour guide continue into and open area seemingly in the center of the Acadmey. Adorned with pathways and well kept grass fool of wildlife as plants that didn't seem to common outside of this place. Walkways rounded and straight also adorned the ground. All meeting up to the center peçe of the area. A large statue of a male figure seemingly young standing powerfully. A floating statue book in one hand gravitating above the palm. While in the other hand a Rod with a diamond crystal shape object at the base of it and top of the rod. It was a glowing stone this had light hitting it at just the right angle to cause a moon light like glow. As they all entered this area they followed their guide to the front of the statue. Which stood 12-14 feet tall standing guiding everyone's eyes that gaze upon it to look up and notice just above miles away a floating object. A castle looking above.

As they all gazed upon the floating castle, their eyes sparkled with awe and wonder. The students gathered around the tour guide, eagerly listening to her every word.

Elara Moonshadow
"Behold, Luminaire Keep," she began, her voice filled with reverence.

"This magnificent structure serves as a beacon of inspiration and innovation for all who lay eyes upon it. It stands as a testament to the power of knowledge and the endless possibilities that come from collaboration and creativity."

The students gasped in amazement as they took in the sight before them. The castle floated high above the clouds, its spires reaching towards the sky like outstretched arms. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings and shimmering crystals, casting a mesmerizing glow in the sunlight.

The students looked up in awe at the grand structure before them, its walls shimmering with magical energy and ancient wisdom. They could sense the aura of greatness that surrounded the castle, a testament to the King and Queen who now resided within its walls.

"The King and Queen of Luminaire Keep were once students of the great sorcerer who founded this place, as you have all noticed this large statue in the center," the tour guide continued, her voice tinged with pride.

"They have dedicated their lives to learning and discovery, embodying the values of curiosity and perseverance that define this esteemed institution."

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