Pokemon: A Ketchum Journey. V...

By tanishatribe1118

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Ash Ketchum is officially ten years old and is starting his journey to become a Pokemon Master with his eight... More

I Choose You!
Pokemon Emergency
Ash Captures a Pokémon
Challenge of the Samurai
Showdown in Pewter City
Clefairy and the Moon Stone
The Water Flowers of Cerulean City
The Path to the Pokémon League
The School of Hard Knocks
Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village
Charmander, the Stray Pokémon
Here comes the Squirtle Squad
Mystery at the Lighthouse
Electric Shock Showdown
Battle Aboard the St. Anne
Pokemon Shipwreck
Island of the Giant Pokémon
Tentacool and Tentacruel
The Ghost of Maiden's Peak
Bye Bye Butterfree
Abra and the Psychic Showdown
The Tower of Terror
Haunter vs. Kadabra
Primeape Goes Bananas
Pokémon Scent-sation
Hypno's Naptime
Pokémon Fashion Flash
The Punchy Pokémon
Sparks Fly for Magnemite
Dig Those Diglett!
The Ninja-Poké Showdown
The Flame Pokémon-athon!
The Kangaskhan Kid
Ditto's Mysterious Mansion
Pikachu's Goodbye
The Battling Eevee Brothers
Wake up, Snorlax!

The Bridge Bike Gang

37 2 0
By tanishatribe1118

Narrator: With fond memories of the Safari Zone fresh in their minds and a new Pokémon welcomed into the family, our heroes continue on their journey.

Hayley: I'm actually proud to have Kanga and little Kanga added to our family.

Narrator: Really?

Meeko: Riolu.

"Feels weird to be back in a city, huh, Misty?" asked Ash as he had his hands behind his head.

"Sure does." answered Misty. "Being out in the jungle was great, but it's kind of nice to come back to civilization."

"Hey, Pikachu, Hayley and Meeko, let's have a humongous meal when we get to the Pokémon center." said Ash.

"You got that right, big brother." said Hayley. "I'm hungry."

"Riol, Olu." said Meeko.

"Pi, Pika! Pika!" said Pikachu.

"I want a hot dog." said Misty.

"I want a deep dish, extra cheese pizza. Mm!" said Brock.

"Hey, what's that thing?" asked Ash.

"What thing?" asked Brock and Hayley.

"Let's go see!" Ash shouted and takes off running.

"Wait for us, Ash!" said Misty as they take off after him.

"Some of us are younger than you are! And don't forget with shorter legs too!" shouted Hayley. Once the quartet got to the water, they gasped to see a zigzag bridge.

"Wow! Look at that." said Ash.

"Pika!" said Pikachu.

"That's one unique bridge." said Hayley.

"Riolu." said Meeko.

"That's an amazing bridge." said Misty as Brock looks down at the map.

"So, it's been completed already." said Brock.

"Huh?" said Misty and Hayley.

"Hey. The map said it's still under construction." Brock explained. "But if its completed, we can go straight to Sunny Town on the opposite shore without going all the way around."

"Olu?" asked Meeko.

"He's basically saying that the bridge was still being built, according to the map." Hayley explained to Meeko. "Since the bridge is complete, the map should be updated whenever this town can do it."

"Olu." said Meeko, nodding.

"That's right, Hayley." said Brock.

"Great! We'll cross the bridge and get to the next town." said Ash. "Come on, let's go!"

"Pika!" said Pikachu.

"Well, I'm afraid the bridge isn't completely finished." said the man at the toll booth. "See there?"


"That means we can't take the shortcut." said Brock.

"Riolu." said Meeko, hanging her head.

"Even if it were finished, the bridge is only for cars, anyway." said the man.

"The bridge is only for cars?" asked Ash and Hayley.

"Couldn't we just walk across it?" asked Ash.

"Please?" asked Hayley.

"Well, this bridge is over ten miles long." said the toll booth man. "It'd be dark before you reached the other side."

"Ten miles long?" asked Misty.

"Of course, you might be able to get cross if you had bicycles." he said.

"Bicycles!" exclaimed Ash. A couple of people behind them rang the bells as the rode past them.

"Hey, Norman." said the man on the bike.

"Ride safely." said Norman.

"I thought you said the bridge isn't finished." said Misty.

"The road isn't finished, but the bicycle path is." said Norman.

"Hi." said a couple of girls who rode past.

"Hi, girls." Norman said to them. "If you had bikes, you could cross too."

"Uh oh!" said Hayley, looking at Misty in fear.

"Wish we did." said Ash as Hayley hid behind Brock.

"Well..." said Misty.

"Oh!" said Ash.

"If a certain someone and his sister hadn't totally destroyed my bike, we could be just zipping right across this bridge now, couldn't we?" asked Misty.

"Well, yeah. Maybe." said Ash.

"We're sorry, we're sorry." said Hayley as Misty laughs.

"Hmm..." said Ash as they looked at a bike store with bikes in the window. "It's no use. We can't afford these."

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"Maybe we should've brought ours before we left." said Hayley.

"Riol." said Meeko. Hanging their heads, the quartet groaned as they looked away from the bike shop.

"Let's go to the Pokémon center and figure out a plan." suggested Ash.

"Sounds good to me." said Brock.

"Yeah. Riolu." said Hayley and Meeko.

"I'll probably come up with a brilliant idea." said Misty.

"Well, what's your brilliant plan?" Ash asked Misty as they sit in the waiting room of the Pokémon center.

"Will you be quiet? I'm still thinking of it." said Misty as Hayley and Brock groan while Nurse Joy walks past them.

"Hm..." they said as Nurse Joy looks over at them.

"Excuse me, if you could spare some time, would you mind helping me out?" asked Nurse Joy.


"Please let me help." said Brock, rushing over and knocking Ash out of his seat. "I just love caring for Pokémon. It's my life. Please."

"Ash! Riol!" said Hayley and Meeko as he struggled under Brock.

"Please, miss. Miss." Brock continued, ignoring the fact that he had a knee on top of Ash. "By the way, are you by any chance related to the Nurse Joy in Gringy City?"

"I'm her cousin." she said as Hayley, Meeko, Misty and Pikachu try to get Ash out from under Brock's knees.

"Ah, but your much, much prettier than she is." said Brock.

"That's just fine, but...." said Nurse Joy as she picks up her dropped clipboard. "I'm worried about the Pokémon in Sunny Town, just over the bridge, that's very sick."

"Oh." said Brock, then gasps at what she was telling him.

"Huh?" said Ash as he knocks Brock to the ground and Nurse Joy handed them the medicine in a bag.

"I need someone to deliver this medicine to the Pokémon center in Sunny Town." she said to Ash, Misty and Hayley. "Normally I'd go myself, but I'm too busy with sick Pokémon to leave the center right now."

"It's just over the bridge, right?" asked Ash.

"That's right." said Nurse Joy.

"But we don't have any bicycles." said Misty.

"No problem. I'll let you use some of our bicycles." said Nurse Joy.



"All right." said Hayley.

"We'll do anything we can if it's to help a sick Pokémon." said Ash.

"Even if it means we'll have to zip across the bridge on bikes." said Misty.

"That's great." said Nurse Joy. "The bikes are in the parking lot. And thank you."

"Let's get going!" said Hayley.

"Riolu!" said Meeko.

"Bye!" said Misty as she, Hayley and Ash went to the parking lot to pick out the bikes.

"I'd be happy to stay here and help you if you need me." said Brock, picking himself off the floor.

"Come on, Brock!" said Misty, grabbing him by the ear.

"We need you more than Nurse Joy does." added Hayley, grabbing his vest. On the bridge, Ash and the others were finally on the bridge. Pikachu was on Ash's backpack as Ash pedaled while Hayley had Meeko sit in the basket on the bike she was riding.

"Hurry up, guys!" said Ash.

"I'm pedaling as fast as I can, Ash." said Hayley. "Don't rush me."

"Brock, I'm doing all the pedaling." said Misty as she and Brock were on a tandem bicycle.

"Hmm." said Brock.

"Pika! Pika!" Pikachu said, happily with a smile on his face.

"Riolu!" said Meeko, feeling the wind on her face. Everyone was laughing as they enjoyed the ride on their way to Sunny Town.

"You see, we're getting to cross the bridge after all." said Ash.

"Right, Ash. We sure got lucky." said Misty.

"And this gives Meeko a break from walking the ten miles." said Hayley. "Plus it's fun."

"Riolu, Olu." said Meeko in agreement.

"Pikachu!" said Pikachu. Down below in the water, Team Rocket was paddling their way to get Pikachu.

"They're riding on the bike path across the bridge." said Meowth, looking through the binoculars.

"Ha! We've got them where we want them." said Jessie, looking through her pair as well.

"You think we got a chance this time?" asked Meowth.

"Well, it's not like this place is new to us, you know." said a strained James as he keeps paddling through the water.

"You could almost call it our hometown." said Jessie, thinking back. "Isn't that right, James?"

"So we'll have the home team advantage." said James.

"James, prepare to attack." said Jessie.

"I'm a little busy here." James said, reminding her that he was holding a paddle in his hand. At the rest stop, Meeko was out of the basket and was stretching her legs.

"Ah! This is a great workout!" said Ash, finishing his drink.

"Yeah, and since we lucked into those bikes, it won't be long now till we're in Sunny Town." said Brock.

"Right, Brock." Misty said in agreement.

"I can't wait." said Hayley.

"Ah!" said Pikachu and Meeko, gulping down their drinks. Soon as they threw away their trash, they got back on the bikes.

"Okay. Time to hit the road." said Ash. "Huh?"

On the road ahead of them in the distance, a gang was riding their bikes, laughing menacingly. "Yeah." said a boy of the gang.

"Uh oh. Who are they?" asked Misty.

"It's a bicycle gang?" said Brock.

"Uh, a bicycle gang?" Misty asked nervously.

"Should I be scared of them?" asked Hayley, griping the bike handles.

"Ri? Riol?" Meeko asked.

"I think we better get out of here." said Brock as the bicycle gang circles around Ash and Pikachu.

"Yeah!" said the boy in the gang as they all gathered around them.

"I don't think I've seen you before." said the male bike leader.

"Well, we never seen you before either so that makes us even." said Hayley and Brock places a hand around her mouth.

"Shh." he tells her.

"Excuse my sister. But, uh, we're not from around here, so see you." said Ash.

"Hold it!" said the biker leader as they tried to take off. "You aint going to cross this bridge without a proper introduction."

"That's right." said one boy.

"Get them, boss." said another boy.

"Uh, hello." said Ash and Hayley, getting in his personal space.

"It's a pleasure." said Misty.

"Very nice to meet you." said Brock.

"See you again sometime." said the quartet as they got back on their bikes to take off again.

"That's no introduction." he said.

"When we say introduction, we mean a Pokémon battle." said a woman.

"A Pokémon battle?" asked Ash. "All right, I accept."

"I'd do anything for an introduction to a girl like you." said Brock, dreamily then takes her hands into his. "Would you go out with me?" Suddenly the biker girl smacks him. "Ooh!"

"Get lost, loser. I only care about my bike and my gang." she said to Brock.

"Is that a, no?" Brock asked.

"Okay, mister, time to get away from the pretty girl." said Hayley, dragging him away on the ground as he groans. "Yeah, I know....she turned you down."

"All right. Let's get started." said Ash. "Then we'll see who's the master."

"Huh. You think you can play with the big boys?" taunted the biker leader. "I'll send you home crying. Golem, go!"

"Golem." said Golem.

"Whats that?" asked Ash.

"Golem. A Megaton Pokémon. Once a year it sheds its bedrock shell and grows larger." Dexter explained.

"I wonder how it sheds its bedrock shell." said Hayley, curiously.

"Rio, Riolu." said Meeko, wondering if it leaves its shell on the ground.

"Okay, then. I choose....Bulbasaur!" said Ash.


"Bulbasaur. Vine Whip." shouted Ash.

"Bulbasaur!" shouted Bulbasaur, using its Vine Whip on Golem, who then curls up into a ball on the ground.

"Your Pokémon needs more practice." said the biker leader. "That wimpy vine whip attack is never going to get through Golem's shell."

Ash groans as he hears this. "All right, Golem. Tackle Attack!" the biker leader called out.

"Golem." said Golem, rolling itself out towards Bulbasaur.

"Bulbasaur!" yelled Bulbasaur.

"Golem!" shouted Golem as it rolled and knocked Bulbasaur back, causing Misty, Hayley and Meeko to run over to it.

"Are you okay, Bulbasaur?" asked Misty.

"Speak to us." said Hayley.

"Riolu!" said Meeko.

"Bulbasaur." said Ash, sighing in defeat. "Return, Bulbasaur. Charmander, I choose you."

"Char. Char."

"Charmander. Ember!" shouted Ash.

"Char! Char!" said Charmander as it starts to spin around, releasing embers from its tail only to get past Golem's shell.

"Heh! Trying to heat things up?" asked the biker leader. "It aint going to happen. Go, Golem! Rock Throw now!"

"Golem! Go!" growled Golem as it throws itself onto Charmander who jumped out of the way.

"Charmander, flamethrower!" Ash called out.

"Char!" shouted Charmander as it lets out its flamethrower on Golem.

"Charmander, fire spin now." said Ash.

"Char!" Charmander shouted as its fire spin surrounded Golem.

"Golem." said Golem, its body getting red from the heat of fire spin.

"Ha! I wonder how long it can take this." said Ash.

"And I wonder how long it takes for him to realize Golem's actual weakness." Hayley whispered to Misty and Brock.

"Golem. Tackle Attack now." said the biker leader.

"Golem." growled Golem as it rolls away the flames and heads towards Charmander.

"Char!" squealed Charmander.

"Charmander, run!" said Ash.

"Run for your life!" said Hayley as Charmander runs over to them. The biker leader and two of his friends screamed and jumped out of the way as a flaming Golem rolled towards them, still on fire. Ash and Charmander laughed as they ran while the seat of their pants were on fire.

"Golem, return." said the biker leader, recalling his Pokémon and suddenly, the Pokéball start to burn in his hand. "Huh? (Yells)"

"Now it's my turn to show you." said the girl biker. "I choose you, Cloyster. Crush this wimp."

"Cloys!" said Cloyster.

"Huh? Whats a Cloyster?" asked Ash.

"Cloyster. A bivalve Pokémon." said Dexter. "It's shell is incredibly strong and resistant to a bomb. It shell only opens when it attacks."

"No sweat." said Ash.

"It's a water Pokémon. Just leave it to me." said Misty.

"Huh?" asked Ash.

"You battle?" the girl biker asked and laughs at Misty. "This should be quick."

"Which one would be best against Cloyster's hard shell? I know." Misty asked, thinking to herself. "Starmie, go!"

Just then, Psyduck decided to let itself out of its Pokéball wanting to battle instead of Starmie. "Psy?" asked Psyduck.

"Huh? Psyduck, what are you doing here?" asked Misty. "I wanted Starmie, not you."

"Really, Psyduck?" said Hayley.

"Ri." said Meeko, walking over to Psyduck. "Riolu, Olu, Riolu."

"Psy? Psyduck?" asked Psyduck, tilting its head.

"Riolu." said Meeko.

"Psy?" Psyduck asked, turning to Misty.

"Well, now that you're out, give it a try." said Misty, motioning to Psyduck.

"Psy-i-i-i!" said Psyduck, raising its arms in the air and heads for Cloyster. "Psyduck. Psyduck. Psyduck.... Psyduck. Psyduck. Psyduck."

The girl biker laughs as Psyduck walks over to Cloyster, only to start a chain reaction as everyone but Ash, Hayley, Brock, Pikachu and Meeko were laughing at it. "Psy? Psy?" asked Psyduck, looking around at the crowd.

"I have never seen such a pathetic Pokémon." said a man wearing a mohawk as Misty starts to whimper.

"Psy?" asked Psyduck, not sure what he meant by that.

"My gut hurts." laughed a man wearing a dark brown jacket.

"Psyduck, use your tail whip attack." said Misty.

"Psy." said Psyduck, then starts using Tail Whip. "Psy. Psy. Psy..."

The bicycle gang continued to laugh at Psyduck, causing Ash to try and hold in his laughter. "Huh?" said Brock and Hayley.

"Pika-Pi." said Pikachu. "Pikachu."

"Ri-Rio." said Meeko. "Riolu."

"Psy. Psy. Psy. Psy. Psy. Psy." said Psyduck, still wagging its tail as it walks backwards towards Cloyster. Soon as a pointy edge touched Psyduck, it shivered.

"Should we get the mallet?" asked Hayley.

"Not yet." said Misty.

"Riolu?" asked Meeko.

"I'm sure." said Misty.

"Psy!" grunted Psyduck before jumping into the air and scream in pain as the bicycle gang laughed again.

"And we were supposed to be attacking." said Misty. "Psyduck, scratch it now!"

"Psy!" shouted Psyduck and starts scratching Cloyster's shell until it scratched itself, causing it to run around frantically while the bicycle gang laughs even harder than ever.

"Um, let 'em laugh. Just wait till they see Psyduck's real power." thought Misty.

"Psy..." screamed Psyduck, then looks over at Misty.

"Psyduck, use your disable attack." said Misty.

"Psy? Psy? Psy?" asked Psyduck.

"Oh, just attack, you dumb duck!" shouted Misty. "Go on and use your confusion attack."

"Psy. Psy..." Psyduck said, nodding then placed its hands on its head. "Psy!"

"Ah. Can't you remember your own attacks?" asked Misty.

"Misty, it's because its headache isn't bad enough yet." said Brock.

"Yeah. Meeko and I are even offering to make Psyduck's headache worse." said Hayley.

"Thanks for the offer, Hayley." said Misty, perking up. "Come on, Cloyster! Score a knockout. Go for the head! Go for the head!"

"They're even starting to cheer for our side." said the biker leader.

"Cloyster, clamp it with your shell." said the female biker. Cloyster opens up its shell and moves towards Psyduck who then looks up, screaming. Cloyster then clamps onto Psyduck's tail, making Psyduck scream really loudly. "Looks like this battle's over." said the female biker.

"Psyduck needs help." said Misty, then lifts up the bike Ash was riding. "I'll have to give it a headache myself."

"Misty!" shouted Hayley as Brock held the water trainer back.

"Don't do it, Misty!" shouted Brock. Suddenly, sirens were blaring, and everyone looked up.

"Huh?" they said, looking in the direction of the sirens.

"Looks like the next town wants to rumble." said the biker leader.

"Who is that?" asked Ash.

"Is that who I think it is?" asked Hayley, squinting her eyes.

"Olu..." said Meeko.

"Prepare for trouble."

"Make it double."

"To protect the world from devastation..."

"To untie all peoples within our nation...."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love..."

"To extend our reach to the stars above..."



"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light." said Jessie.

"Surrender now or prepare to fight." said James.

"Meowth! That's right!" said Meowth.

"That is the weirdest Team Rocket entrance I have ever seen." said Hayley as Team Rocket came in on unicycles.

"Riolu." said Meeko.

"Tyra, it's been a while." said Jessie.

"Big Jess!" said Tyra.

"You're looking good, Chopper." said James.

"Little Jim." said Chopper.

"Big Jess and Little Jim?" asked Ash. "Whats that about?"

"This outta be good." said Hayley.

"Ri, Riolu?" Meeko asked Pikachu.

"Pika, Pikachu." Pikachu tells Meeko, shrugging his shoulders.

"Huh! Well, nerds, we had a pretty bad reputation here back in the old days." said Jessie.

"You were Chainer Jessie." said Tyra.


Jessie was laughing as she rode her bike and swung a chain above her head.

"Big Jess was really cool, swinging her chain around while she rode her bicycle." said Tyra.

[Flashback ends]

"And then there was Trainer James." said Chopper.


James was riding his bike with training wheels attached, laughing.

"Little Jim was the only one in the bike gang who had to use training wheels." said Chopper.

[Flashback ends]

"I suppose we really were crazy back then." said Jessie.

"Well, I guess our secret past isn't secret anymore." said James.

"I kind of wish it still was a secret." said Ash.

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"And one that doesn't need to be shared out loud with others." said Hayley.

"Olu." said Meeko.

"But I still see you're still into kid stuff, riding around on bicycles." said Jessie.

"Real gangs ride unicycles." said James with his unicycle above his head.

"I guess your cycle gang must have save a ton of money on handlebars." said Tyra.

"Tyra, we're not in a gang." Jessie tells her. "We are members of the famous Team Rocket."

"Team Rocket!" Tyra and Chopper said in awe.

"And I'd like to have all of you help us to take care of these little pests that are always ruining our plans." said Jessie, looking over her shoulder at the quartet.

"I'll do anything for Jess and Jim." said Chopper.

"Then capture all of their Pokémon." said Meowth and the bicycle gang went at it.

"Let's go!" Ash shouted.

"Come on!" shouted Brock. Finally, actually sirens were heard, and police cars were heading in their direction.

"Hey, who's causing all the trouble on this bike path?" asked Officer Jenny.

"The cops. Let's split." said Chopper as he, Tyra and the others took off.

"I thought you were going to help us." said Jessie.

"They're all a bunch of scaredy-cats." said Meowth and the sirens got louder as law enforcement got closer. "I'm getting kind of scared myself."

"Uh-huh." said Jessie and James, taking off as well.

"So, you're just trying to deliver Pokémon medicine to Sunny Town?" asked Officer Jenny.

"Right. Joy, the beautiful Pokémon Center nurse sent us." said Brock. "Of course, she can't compare with you, Officer Jenny."

"You need to get there, so I'll give you an escort." said Officer Jenny when suddenly her phone rings from her bike. "Huh? This is 303. Roger. Over and out. There's been an accident. I'll have to go."

"That's okay. We'll be fine." said Ash.

"Be careful." Officer Jenny tells them.



"We will. Promise." said Hayley, smiling as Officer Jenny takes off towards the accident.

"We should get moving, you two." Misty said to Ash and Hayley. "A sick Pokémon's counting on us."

"Let's go." said Ash and Hayley. Unknown to them, dark clouds were rolling in as thunder was heard, rumbling in the clouds.


"Pika!" screamed Pikachu, hanging onto Ash.

"Pikachu!" shouted Ash as he grabs him under his arm. "We better hurry!"

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"Ash! Let me take Pikachu!" shouted Hayley, riding up close to her brother. "He can ride in the basket with Meeko."

"Good idea." said Ash as Pikachu jumps into the basket with Meeko.

"Riolu. Rio." said Meeko, holding onto Pikachu. Just then, it begins to rain heavily as they continued to ride down the bike path on the bridge.

"They're riding through the storm." said James, looking through the binoculars.

"No kidding." said Jessie.

"I knew those kids were all wet." said Meowth. "That wind would blow 'em right off the bridge."

"They must be insane. I'm glad we're inside." said James.

"Big Jess." said Tyra.

"Little Jim." said Chopper.

"Hm?" they said, turning to face their old gang.

"We know you want to be out there. You could ride a storm twice this intense." said Chopper.

"I could?" James asked.

"Big Jess, lead us into the eye of the storm and show us how to ride Big Jess style." said Tyra.

"I...I..." stammered Jessie.

"Show the whole gang how to really ride." said Tyra and Chopper, pointing to the gang, who stared at them in awe, causing them to tremble in fear.

"You're not scared of this storm, are you?" asked Chopper.

"I'm not. I just wish I had my training wheels with me." said James.

"What about you, Big Jess?" Tyra asked a whimpering Jessie.

"I guess I have no choice." thought Jessie. "All right, now I'll show you kids what riding's all about."

"I wish I could go with you." said Meowth, sarcastically with Chopper takes his paws.

"Meowth, we'd never leave you behind." said Chopper, causing Meowth to groan.

"The medicine still hasn't arrived." said Nurse Joy in Sunny Town.

"But they should be there by this time." said Nurse Joy.

"Maybe they won't get through the storm." she said, looking over her shoulder at the sick Shellder in the tank. Out on the bridge, Ash, Hayley and the others pedaled their way through the storm as they approached a draw bridge for passing boats. "Ah!" shouted Brock and Ash.

"Whats that?" asked Misty.

"A drawbridge." said Brock. "That ship's trying to take shelter in the bay."

"What do we do?" asked Misty and Hayley.

"We'll have to wait till it gets through." said Brock.

"We can't wait. They need that medicine." said Ash.

"You don't mean...?" asked Hayley.

"You better believe it, Hayley." Ash tells her.

"Oh, I wish we were out of this rain." said Jessie.

"Hey, look there." said James, looking up at the drawbridge.

"How you going to get past that?" asked Meowth.

"Hang in there, Little Jim." Chopper called out from behind Team Rocket.

"Show us all you can do, Big Jess." said Tyra.

"Do we really have to do this?" asked Jessie.

"I guess so." said James.

"Ash, Hayley, don't." said Brock.

"There's a sick Pokémon waiting. We can't let it down." said Ash.

"Hang on, Pikachu and Meeko." said Hayley.

"Ash, Hayley, wait it!" said Misty as the siblings pedaled faster towards the drawbridge.

On the other side of the drawbridge, Team Rocket was doing the same thing. "Just have to keep going for that sick Pokémon." said Ash.

"We gotta hurry." said Hayley.

"We have to make it. We just have to." said both brother and sister as they went off the edge of the drawbridge. "Ah!"

"Hey!" said Meowth as Team Rocket did the same.

"Oh, no. They're not going to make it." said Tyra.

"Ah!" screamed Ash.

"We'll drown." said Misty and Brock.

"Hey, look, its Team Rocket." said Hayley and Ash had an idea.

"We'll bounce." said Ash as Jessie whimpers while he and Hayley bounced on her and Meowth while Misty and Brock bounced on James.

All four made it to the other side of the drawbridge, riding fast downhill. "All right!" shouted Hayley.

"We made it!" said Ash.

"They did it! They're awesome." said Chopper.

"Team Rocket's splashing down again!" shouted Team Rocket as the boat passes through.

"All right. Now you have to battle us." said Chopper.

"My sister and I are delivering medicine for a sick Pokémon." said Ash. "Out of our way."

"Or feel my wraith!" said Hayley.

"What?" asked Chopper.

"You mean, that's why you're out in this storm?" asked Tyra.

"That's right." said Misty.

"Unbelievable. That's a real biker for you." said Chopper then turns to his gang. "Listen up, guys! We're going to take them there in style."

"All right." said a guy as the whole gang cheered and finally takes them across the bridge in style.

"Don't worry, Ash. We'll clear the way for you." said Chopper.

On the other side of the bridge in Sunny Town, Nurse Joy stood outside the Pokémon center, waiting when she hears the sound of bikes coming her way. "Here, Nurse Joy." said Ash, handing over the medicine.

"You made it through in a storm like this." said Nurse Joy, happily taking the medicine from him. "Now this little one will be just fine."

She then pours the medicine into the water, and it lands on Shellder, who then happily perks up. "All right." said Ash and Brock.

"Now that's what I like to see, a happy Shellder." said Hayley, smiling.

"Riolu!" said Meeko.

"Sorry for making you worry about us." said Misty, calling the Nurse Joy from the town across the bridge. "We made it just in time."

"That's great. Thank you." said Nurse Joy.

"From now on, we're calling you Awesome Ash and Hurricane Hayley." said Chopper.

"Mighty Misty." said Tyra.

"Well, gosh, I'm not really that awesome." said Ash.

"I like the nickname." said Hayley.

"You could call me honey." said Brock, taking Tyra's hand until she slaps him. "Argh!"

"Ooh, that must hurt." said Hayley.

Narrator: And so, our brave friends finally saved the sick Pokémon and made it through the storm to Sunny Town. The bike game has some new heroes, and everyone is happy. Well, not everyone.

Out in the water, Team Rocket rides the one unicycle that they had to the shoreline with Jessie clinging to James and Meowth in his arms. "This is a vicious cycle." said Team Rocket as they rode away.

Hayley: I wouldn't say that I'm happy but I'm okay with the nickname they gave me.

Narrator: What do you mean by that?

Hayley: I don't know if the nickname will stick. What do you think, writer?

Me: I like it. Besides, I've already used it for a story that a particular region you and Ash will visit with Pikachu and Meeko.

Meeko: Riolu?

Me: It's true. The nickname is gonna stick.

Narrator: I agree with the writer.

Hayley: If the writer likes it, then Meeko and I love it.

Meeko: Riolu.

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