Love At First Sight

By Uniquelywritten86

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Zac a successful business man trying to navigate through life and find love in the process. Fatima a successf... More

Our First Interaction
Go With The Flow
The Start of Something Good
Girls Night Gone Wrong
My Boo Thang
On To Something Better
My Past Keeps Haunting Me
I Got You
No More Warnings
He's Mine
Too Many Margaritas
No More Alcohol
Let It Go
Just My Luck
I Am Finally Finished
Good News
Weekend Get Away
Bonding Time
Getting Down to Business
Everything Is Great
Red Light Special
Putting In Work
Family Scare
Making A Difference
It's Always Something
Gone Off The Deep End
Failed Again
New Addition Coming Soon
Saving Kali
Everything Is Good
What's Happening Now


676 48 13
By Uniquelywritten86

A couple of days had went by and Ma hadn't made any improvements. Fatima did not leave her bedside. No matter how hard Zac and Tyhia tried to get her to leave she was adamant she wasn't leaving until Ma woke up.

Once Fatima found out that Ma was in the hospital everything else stopped nothing else mattered. She just continued to pray over her mom

Zac tried to be there for Fatima as much as he could since he couldn't stay at the hospital. He made sure he stopped by and checked on Fatima before he got his day started. He could tell Fatima was really hurting behind her mother being in the hospital. On top of the fact that she wasn't really eating or sleeping herself.

When he got to the hospital Fatima was curled up in the chair sleeping peacefully. He caressed her arm waking her up 

Fatima yawning and stretching 

Fatima: Good Morning babe 

Zac: Good morning glad to see you actually sleeping even though I know this chair isn't comfortable 

Fatima: It's not but I don't want to leave her side 

Zac: I know but you also have to take care of yourself too because when Ma pulls through you are going to have to be there to help. 

Fatima: I know I am going to leave today in a few so I can go take a hot shower I feel sticky using the hospital shower.

Zac: Do you need me to take you home 

Fatima: No I can drive Tyhia dropped my car off the other day 

Zac: Okay can we eat something fulfilling while your out

Fatima: Yes I promise 

Zac: Thank you giving Fatima a kiss I will not be at work or the center all day I want to be able to come back and sit with you. I miss you 

Fatima: I miss you more sorry I haven't been present 

Zac: Don't apologize I know Ma comes first I wouldn't expect nothing less

As they were kissing Tyhia walked in the room 

Tyhia: Yuck get a room all this love making in front of Ma 

Fatima: Oh hush just loving on my man 

Tyhia: You know I'm just playing now if it was someone else I would talk shit but since it's Zac y'all get a pass

Zac: I can't imagine what you use to deal with before but Tyhia put it like I'm the best you ever had

Tyhia yelled out AND IS!

Fatima: Yeah we ain't gone talk about what came before you because it was crazy 

Zac: Well hey I had some crazy ones too as you seen 

Tyhia: Yeah speaking of that crazy bitch did they ever find her 

Zac: No they actually called me the other day and said she's on the run 

Fatima: Wow that's some crazy shit 

Tyhia: So her ass could be lurking in the damn bushes ready to jump out on y'all ass. Y'all better be careful and carry a strap at all times. Her ass is unhinged 

Zac: Yeah a switch must have switched on in her head because she was not crazy like this unless her ass was masking it 

Tyhia: Naw once a crazy person always a crazy person 

There was this one chick named Karen in college that was messing with this one man. He broke up with her and her ass went bat shit crazy. She didn't not take no for an answer, they had to put her ass in a crazy house. Her ass probably still in there til this day bipolar ass

Once I see the first sign that you crazy peace out 

Fatima: She better keep her ass away because the way I am feeling she gone catch a bullet fucking with me on any day

Zac: Not my baby being a gangster 

Well Tyhia now that you are here I am going to head out Fatima promised she would head home and get something to eat can you hold her to it

Tyhia: Hell yeah 

I love Ma but Fatima know I don't like hospital they make me want to throw up it's  the smell. It just reminds me of rotten old people 

Fatima: Fool it ain't all old people in the hospitals you referring to nursing homes

Tyhia: That's even worse I don't like none of them 

But I will make sure she leave we about to leave now and I will drive so she don't try to drive off on me 

Fatima: Really it ain't even that deep 

Tyhia: I'm just saying  

And I hope you ain't stinking you been here for 3 days

Fatima: Don't play me for a dirty bitch, now you know that's one thing I don't play about is my hygiene. I took a bath every day while I was here and not a hoe bath 

Zac: Y'all are a mess bye babe call me if you need me love you 

Fatima: Love you too 

Tyhia: I really crack myself up 

Fatima:Yeah you in the wrong line of work because you stay cracking jokes 

Tyhia: Gotta make light of the situation I like seeing people smile and making them laugh 

Fatima: Okay lets hurry up and leave so we can get back to Ma

Tyhia: And are we going to Zac's place first 

Fatima: Yeah I so need a hot shower 

They pulled up to Zac's about 15 minutes later Fatima hurried up and got in the shower. Tyhia was packing Fatima an over night bag for the hospital 

Tyhia: They got this shit all in these drawers all organized. Both they ass got OCD real bad 

I wish my ass was this organized 

Fatima hopped out the shower

Fatima: That shower was everything and the water pressure was on point  

Tyhia: Ain't nothing like a hot shower. I packed all your essentials 

Fatima: Thanks 

Tyhia: I need you to come and help and organize cause I got shit everywhere 

Fatima: You know I like organizing I got you 

They went and grabbed something to eat then ran a couple errands 


Zac stopped by the office just to see how things were going now that he had the community center too he couldn't be in two places at once. He was able to promote Jay to a manager position and he even promoted Brian to Area Lead. Both of them were stepping up and made sure things were in order and ran how Zac would do it. So he wasn't worried when he had to step away 

He poked his head in to grab some papers then headed to the community center 

When he got to the center it was packed with kids playing in the gym and some kids in the video game room.

Kelly: Good Afternoon Mr.Taylor 

Zac: You don't have to be so formal just call me Zac 

Kelly: It's a habit I'm sorry 

Zac: I understand how is everything going 

Kelly: Great I feel like we get new kids coming in everyday we gone need a bigger center before we know it 

Zac: That's what I love to hear

Kelly: But I do have a little visitor in your office. This kid came in by himself no parents and he didn't want to talk to me. He doesn't look to good and I didn't want to just send him back on the street 

Zac: Okay you did the right things lets see if I can talk to him 

Kelly: Okay hopefully you can it broke my heart seeing what he had on

Zac: It's that bad 

Kelly: Yes 

When Zac walked into his office he didn't see the little boy at first until he turned the corner and seen the little boy balled up in the corner facing the wall 

Zac turned on the light and the little boy started screaming 

Zac: Sorry I will turn it back off 

Hey little man can you talk to me I'm Zac 

The little boy had on to small clothes with some beat up shoes on that were falling apart at the soles 

He had patches in his head and smelled of urine 

Zac stepped a little closer and his nose started burning for the urine smell

Zac: Hey how about this I have some chocolate 

Do you like chocolate 

The little boy peeked around to see if Zac really had some chocolate. When he made eye contact with Zac he hurried up and turned back around 

Zac: It's okay I won't hurt you I am going to come closer and place the chocolate right beside you 

Zac knew the boy maybe traumatized so he didn't want to trigger him by getting close to him 

Zac placed the chocolate bar next to the little boy. He grabbed the chocolate so fast he started eating it with the wrapper on 

Zac: Hold on little man let me help you with that you can't eat the wrapper 

The little boy handed Zac the chocolate and looked up at Zac with his big brown teary eyes 

In that moment Zac could see a younger him in the little boy 

Hoping from house to house and not even having anything to eat because it was used as a form of punishment 

Zac got teary eyed thinking of his own upbringing he had to walk out of the room to gather himself 

Zac went to go look for Kelly 

Zac: Hey you said he came in by himself 

Kelly: Yeah I even rolled the cameras back to see if he was dropped off 

He came wandering down the street all by himself and he's been here for about 4 hours 

Zac: He was balled up in the corner when I went into my office I was able to get him to at least come out the corner by bribing him with chocolate 

Kelly: Do you want me to have one of the social workers come up here 

Zac: Yes if you could call them so we can just follow protocol 

Kelly: Alright I'll do that now 

When Zac went back to his office the little boy was looking through Zac's drawer for more chocolate. When he seen Zac he ran back to the corner 

Zac: You don't have to go back to the corner 

Can you tell me your name 

The little boy whispered Trey 

Zac: Where are your parents Trey 

The little boy shrugged his shoulder 

Zac: Do you know where you live 

The little boy shook his head no 

Zac: Are you hurt 

The little boy shook his head yes and pointed to different  parts on his body 

Zac didn't want to expose him so he just pulled up the little boys sleeve and he had bruises and burn marks all over his arm 

Zac mumbled what the fuck under his breath 

By that time Kelly came walking in with the social worker 

Tanisha: Kelly called me right when I was walking out of the office 

Zac: Sorry thank you for coming so quickly look like he just wandered in off the street his name is Trey but he doesn't know where he lives 

Tanisha: Hi Trey what's your last name 

The little boy hide behind Zac's leg 

Zac: It's okay she is here to help 

The little boy whispered his name in Zac's ear

Zac: Trey Bruce 

Tanisha opened her computer to see if she had anything in the system for Trey already and looks like she did 

Tanisha: Kelly can you watch him while I talk to Zac 

So looks like this isn't the first time this has happened he is already in foster care. I hate to say it, it's to late to try and find him a place to stay for the weekend and the placement houses are already full 

Zac: I can keep him for the weekend if I am able to do that 

Tanisha: You are approved already but are you sure 

Zac: Yes I am sure 

Tanisha: You are a guardian angel, I'll be here first thing Monday morning. Looks like I got some work to do this weekend 

Thank you so much 

Zac: Thank you 

Zac: Say man you want to go get cleaned up would you like to hang with me for the weekend 

The little boy smiled and nodded his head 

Kelly: Let me go get him some fresh clothes and shoes and we can get him cleaned up

Zac: Thank you 

This is one of the main reasons why Zac wanted to open the community center he wanted a save haven for all the kids that looked exactly like him when he was younger. He just didn't have this when he was younger 

Kelly got Trey showered and dressed he looked totally different the barber from next door was able to come and get lil man a fresh cut. Once they were done the little boy looked in the mirror and probably smiled for the first time in a long time.

Zac had a big kool aid smile on his face 

Zac: Looking good man give me high five 


Fatima and Tyhia were waiting in line at the store when her phone rung it was the hospital 

Fatima: Is everything okay is my Mom okay 

Doctor: Yes Ms. Wilson I was calling to tell you that your mom just woke up and asked for you 

Fatima exhaled Thank you Jesus 

I will be right there thank you so much for calling me 

Fatima hung up the phone 

Fatima: That was the hospital Ma just woke up 

Tyhia: Thank you lord you had me scared for a minute 

Hurry up we gotta go see our mother she just woke up from a coma 

Everyone clapped and praised the Lord with them 

The cashier got them checked out

Fatima was speeding trying to get back to the hospital 

Tyhia: Do you want to be in the bed next to Ma

Fatima: No why 

Tyhia: Then slow yo ass down before we get in an accident Ma ain't going no where

Fatima: Sorry I am just anxious to hug on her and see her 

Tyhia: You and me both but I want to make it there in one piece 

Fatima had texted Ma had woke up and she was headed back to the hospital 

Zac texted her and said he was headed that way with a visitor 

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