Pokemon: A Ketchum Journey. V...

By tanishatribe1118

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Ash Ketchum is officially ten years old and is starting his journey to become a Pokemon Master with his eight... More

I Choose You!
Pokemon Emergency
Ash Captures a Pokémon
Challenge of the Samurai
Showdown in Pewter City
Clefairy and the Moon Stone
The Water Flowers of Cerulean City
The Path to the Pokémon League
The School of Hard Knocks
Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village
Charmander, the Stray Pokémon
Here comes the Squirtle Squad
Mystery at the Lighthouse
Battle Aboard the St. Anne
Pokemon Shipwreck
Island of the Giant Pokémon
Tentacool and Tentacruel
The Ghost of Maiden's Peak
Bye Bye Butterfree
Abra and the Psychic Showdown
The Tower of Terror
Haunter vs. Kadabra
Primeape Goes Bananas
Pokémon Scent-sation
Hypno's Naptime
Pokémon Fashion Flash
The Punchy Pokémon
Sparks Fly for Magnemite
Dig Those Diglett!
The Ninja-Poké Showdown
The Flame Pokémon-athon!
The Kangaskhan Kid
The Bridge Bike Gang
Ditto's Mysterious Mansion
Pikachu's Goodbye
The Battling Eevee Brothers
Wake up, Snorlax!

Electric Shock Showdown

93 4 6
By tanishatribe1118

Ash sighs as he, Hayley, Brock and Misty looked at the city in front of them.

Narrator: After two weeks of being lost, our heroes reach Vermillion City. Congratulations! You've finally made it.

"Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray!" they cheered.

"I can't wait to take a bubble bath." said Misty.

"Me too." said Hayley.

"Riolu." said Meeko.

"I have to hit the laundromat." said Brock.

"I'm going to find the Vermillion city gym right now." said Ash.

"Hold it." said Brock, grabbing Ash by his backpack.

"Huh?" said Ash, causing Brock to point down to Pikachu. "What's the matter?"

Pikachu's stomach starts growling as well as Meeko's. "Pikachu." said Ash as he picks up the yellow mouse.

"It must be hungry." said Misty.

"How about you, Meeko?" asked Hayley, picking her up. "Ya hungry?"

"Ri....olu." said Meeko, nodding and grabs her stomach.

"We haven't eaten anything decent for three days now." said Brock.

"Hey Pikachu, you feeling hungry, little buddy?" Ash asked and suddenly, his stomach starts growling too. "I guess we're all a little hungry, right, Pikachu?"

"Pika." replied Pikachu, nodding his head.

"I think it's hungry." said Ash as they got to the Pokémon center.

"We'll fix Pikachu and Meeko up." said Nurse Joy as she takes both Pokémon.


"I know why you're surprised." said Nurse Joy. "I look like all the other nurses, don't I? My first cousin works in Pewter City, and my second cousin works in Viridian City. I think I'm the prettiest one, don't you?"

"Yeah..." said Brock when a trainer rushes into the center.

"Hurry!" he shouted.


"You'll be okay, Rattata." The boy said to his Pokémon. "Hurry!"

"That Rattata's in rough shape. I wonder what happened." said Brock.

"Oh, it's the 15th one brought in this month." said Nurse Joy.

"What?" asked a shocked Ash.

"The 15th one?" asked Hayley.

"This is terrible." said Brock as Nurse Joy showed them the injured Pokémon that were brought in.

"They all lost to Lieutenant Surge, the Vermillion Gym Leader." said Nurse Joy.

"Whoa, he must be a great trainer." said Ash.

"So, Ash, you scared already?" asked Misty.

"No way." he tells her.

"Well, you talk big." said Misty. "But when you see how tough it is to get badges, you turn chicken. Maybe you should quit now. Besides, the only badges you do have you got out of pity."

"A badge is a badge!" shouted Ash, only to get flicked on the nose by Misty.

"Why don't you try how tough you are at the Vermillion Gym?" asked Misty.

"From the looks of things here, you'll have to be tough to battle this Lieutenant Surge." said Brock.

"And get lucky." said Hayley.

"Who's side are you on away?" Ash asked Hayley.

"Yours of course." Hayley replied and Ash turns to Brock.

"You think he's that tough?" he asked.

"We gave you badges; you know." said Misty. "How do you think we'll look if you get crushed by Surge?"

"You have nothing to worry about, except maybe seeing my own incredible strength." said Ash.

"All right, that's enough." said Nurse Joy, stopping the argument.

"She started it." said Ash.

"Remember, this is a hospital." Nurse Joy reminds them, causing both Ash and Misty to look at the other trainers. "They say if two people fight, they really care about each other."

"Me care about her?"

"Me care about him?"

"You know, maybe one day you two would be...." Hayley was about to say when both of them glared at her. "Ok, nevermind. Forget that I was going to say anything."

Nurse Joy giggles at them when suddenly, a musical sound was heard. "That signal means your Pokémon has recovered." said Nurse Joy.

"Awesome!" said Hayley, running out of the room. Next to a couple of trays, Pikachu and Meeko were munching on some apples. "Mm! Yum!" both Pokémon said.

"Pikachu!" shouted Ash.

"Pik." said Pikachu.

"Meeko!" squealed Hayley, picking her up.

"Riolu." squealed Meeko.

"I hope you're full because we got to win big at that Gym today." said Ash.

"Pi!" said Pikachu.

"Come on, let's go win a badge." said Ash.

"Please hurry!" said a boy, running next to his Pidgey. "Just hold on, Pidgey."

"I guess they must've come from that Gym." said Misty.

"Beware Meeko...Ash might use you today if Pikachu's not going to battle." Hayley warned her Pokémon.

"Riolu." replied Meeko, nodding.

"Pi!" said Pikachu, scared at what happened to Pidgey.

"Huh?" said Ash.

"Pikachu! Pikachu!" said Pikachu, shaking its head at Ash.

"What?" Ash said angrily. "Don't be a coward."

"Pika. Pikachu." Pikachu tells him.

"Huh?" Ash then looks over his shoulder at the injured Pidgey that came in. "Don't I care if you end up like that Pidgey in there? Is that it?" he asked.

"Pika, Pika!" answered Pikachu.

"I don't blame you, Pikachu." said Hayley. "I wouldn't either if I was in your place."

"Yeah. I guess you're right." said Ash and Pikachu sighs. "No problem. You won't end up that way because you'll win." Ash grabs a hold of Pikachu's arm and pulls while Pikachu tries to hold on to the seat.

"Don't be a scaredy cat, Pikachu." said Ash.

"Don't break his arm, Ash." said Hayley.

"Pika. Pikachu!" shouted Pikachu as sparks came out of his cheeks and used his electric attack on Ash.

"The way they fight, must mean they care a lot." said Misty.

"Yeah, and as much as I want Ash to win his next badge, I'm going to side with Pikachu this round." said Hayley.

"Really? Why?" asked Misty and Brock.

"If I was participating in the league, I wouldn't make my first Pokémon do something that he or she doesn't want to do." said Hayley.

"Riolu!" said Meeko, smiling.

"Good thinking." said Brock.

"Very smart." said Misty.

"Yeah, but.... I gotta live with what I have when it comes to Ash." said Hayley.

"So, this is the Vermillion Gym." said Ash as they stood outside of the building.

"It's not too late to back out." said Misty.

"Why should I back out when I'm going to win?" Ash asked her. "Just stick around and watch me."

"I'll stick around to see your face when you get creamed." said Misty.

"If you think we're going to get creamed, you're going to be disappointed." argued Ash.

"Are we ever going to go inside?" asked Brock.

"Yeah." said Hayley. "I'm bored just standing here, listening to the two of you arguing."

"Riol." said Meeko. Suddenly, the doors of the Vermillion Gym opened and standing there, were two military like trainers. "Hello. I've come for a Pokémon battle to earn a Thunder badge." said Ash.

"Hey boss, another victim for the emergency room." said the male trainer.

"Which one?" asked Lieutenant Surge as he stood up from his chair. Ash starts to stutter, looking at how tall the Lieutenant is. "Whoa, he's huge." said Brock.

"And don't forget he's tall too." said Hayley, looking up at the man.

"Riolu, Riol." Meeko said, looking at his muscles.

"Is he the gym leader you have to beat?" asked Misty.

"Welcome to Vermillion Gym." said Lieutenant Surge with his arms wide open and hugs Misty. "Oh, my next challenger is a cute one. Don't think I'll go easy on you."

"Excuse me, I'm not the challenger." stammered Misty as she chuckles weakly.

"Then who?" Lieutenant Surge asked.

"Me, that's who." said Ash and Hayley points to him.

"Hm? Oh, you." said Lieutenant Surge, facing Ash and ruffles his hair. "Okay, baby."

"I'm no baby." Ash grunted angrily. "My name's Ash Ketchum."

"(Chuckles) I call everybody who loses to me baby." Lieutenant Surge explained then sees Pikachu, clutching onto Ash's leg. "Huh?"

"Pi?" asked Pikachu, looking up.

"Ri?" asked Meeko, confused as she tilted her head.

"A Pikachu and an Riolu." said Lieutenant Surge, then turns to the trainers behind him. "Hey, look at this. Baby brought along a couple of baby Pokémon. One of which isn't even in the correct region."

"Um, actually..." said Hayley, causing Lieutenant Surge to turn to her. "The second one is mine and she's not going to enter in the league because I'm too young for it."

"Good for her." he tells her, before laughing at Ash.

"Quit it!" said Ash. "Why are you making fun of my Pikachu?"

"Pika, Pika!" said Pikachu.

"Well, I'll show you why." said Lieutenant Surge as he brings out his Pokémon. "Go, Pokeball!"

"Rai!" said the Pokémon that came out. It was a mouse with a longer tail and bigger than Pikachu.

"It's a Raichu." said Ash.

"I never seen one up close before." said Hayley.

"Raichu. A mouse Pokémon of the electric element. Raichu is the evolved form of Pikachu. It can shock with more than 100,000 volts, enough to render a Dragonite unconscious." said Dexter.

"Chu." growled Pikachu.

"Okay, baby. If you want to quit, now's your chance." said Lieutenant Surge.

"Raichu." said Raichu.

"There's no way we're going to quit now." said Ash.

"That's because you're stubborn. Like dad." said Hayley.

"(Chuckles) What could a baby like that do?" asked Lieutenant Surge. "If you just want to be a Pokémon master, you should make your Pokémon evolve as soon as you catch it."

"There's more to raising a Pokémon than forcing it to evolve." said Ash. "And I like this Pikachu just the way it is."

"Yeah." said Hayley, holding Meeko close to her.

Both trainers behind Lieutenant Surge laughed at Ash. "Wrong, baby." he said, waving a finger at him. "Electric Pokémon are only useful once they've learned all their different electric attacks. You keep it puny like that, it's no more than a little pet."

"Pika!" said Pikachu, sparks coming out of its cheeks.

"Pikachu and Meeko are not pets!" shouted Hayley.

"Now he's done it." whispered Brock.

"He's sent Hayley on a rampage." whispered Misty.

"I like Pikachu the way he is and right now, I like Meeko the way she is too." Hayley said angrily. "When Meeko is ready to evolve, she will let me know! Otherwise shut up about Pikachu!" Before Hayley could say anything else, Ash brings her in for a hug.

"It's okay, Hayley." he said, causing Pikachu to hop onto his shoulder. "Calm down."

"Pika, Pikachu." Pikachu tells her as Hayley reaches out for him.

"Can Pikachu beat Raichu?" Misty asked Brock.

"I seriously doubt it." he tells her. "Especially if Raichu knows all the electric attacks."

"Okay, baby, did you come here to show us your little pet?" asked Lieutenant Surge.

"We came here to earn a Thunder Badge." said Ash.

"Pika, Pika." said Pikachu, determined to show Raichu whose boss.

"Pikachu?" asked Ash.

"Sounds like Pikachu is determined, Ash." said Hayley as more sparks came out of Pikachu's cheeks.

"That's unusual." said Brock. "Pikachu really wants to go into battle."

"I'm not surprised." said Misty.

"Pikachu, I'm counting on you." said Ash.

"So are we." said Hayley.

"Riol." said Meeko.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu, nodding his head at Ash and Meeko.

"Oh, well." said Lieutenant Surge. "I guess you'll learn that playing with the big boys can be a shocking experience."

The lights turned on in the Gym. "The Pokémon battle will now begin." said the announcer. "Only one Pokémon may be used. The Gym Leader, Lieutenant Surge, has chosen Raichu. The challenger, Ash, has chosen Pikachu. No time limit. Let the battle begin."

"Go, Raichu!" shouted Lieutenant Surge.

"Rai!" said Raichu.

"Go, Pikachu!" shouted Ash.

"Pika!" said Pikachu.

"Pikachu, thunder shock!" said Ash.

"Pikachu!" shouted Pikachu, sending a thunder shock toward Raichu, who then absorbs it. "Pi!"

"What's that?" asked Ash.

"Raichu, show them a real thunder shock." said Lieutenant Surge.

"Raichu!" shouted Raichu, squeezing its cheeks and sends a thunder shock at Pikachu, who screams in pain. Ash and the others gasped as Pikachu gets knocked back. "Raichu." said Raichu.

"It's over, baby." said Lieutenant Surge. "You didn't really think that Pikachu could beat my Raichu, did you? (Chuckles)."

"Pikachu." Ash called out.

"Call it back, Ash." said Brock.

"But..." said Ash.

"Raichu's shocks are too powerful. This is a mismatch." said Brock.

"He's right, Ash." said Hayley. "Call Pikachu back."

"Riolu!" Meeko cried out.

"Pikachu, return." said Ash.

"Pika." gasped Pikachu, shaking its head at Ash.

"Pikachu?" asked Ash.

"Pikachu still wants to fight?" asked Misty.

"Pi...Pikachu." said Pikachu, facing Raichu.

"(Chuckles) It's pretty gutsy for a toy." said Lieutenant Surge as sparks came out of Raichu's cheeks.

"Pika!" said Pikachu, going for Raichu.

"Pikachu!" shouted Ash and Hayley.

"I enjoy playing with toys, but playtime's over." said Lieutenant Surge. "Raichu, mega punch!"

"Rai!" shouted Raichu, punching Pikachu in the face.

"Now a mega kick!" shouted Lieutenant Surge.

"Chu!" shouted Raichu, kicking Pikachu in the side.

"Pikachu!" shouted Ash as Pikachu was knocked back. Outside of the Gym, Team Rocket watches the battle. "Pikachu's really getting pounded." said Jessie, chuckling.

"That Raichu must be really strong." said James.

"Hey, I just thought of something." said Jessie, as Meowth sits between them, polishing a charm. "If Pikachu loses this battle..."

"You're right. Then it's not worth stealing after all." replied James. "We've wasted all this time."

"Maybe you could steal Raichu." suggested Meowth. Jessie grunted as she and James hits Meowth, causing the charm he had in his hand to be in his mouth.

"Come on, Pikachu. Can't you zap it like you always do?" said Jessie.

"Surge is getting ready to finish it off." said James and Jessie gasps.

"Now, give us the big finale, Raichu." said Lieutenant Surge.

"Raichu!" screamed Raichu, sending a thunder shock towards Pikachu.

"Pikachu!" Ash and Hayley cried out as Pikachu takes it. At the Pokémon center, Ash, Misty, Brock, Hayley and Meeko gathered around Pikachu's bed.

"Riol." Meeko said sadly as she curls up against Pikachu's side. Pikachu moved its ears a bit before opening its eyes. "Pi..." Pikachu said weakly.

"Pikachu. I'm glad you're okay." said Ash.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu, facing away from Ash.

"Hey, now." said Hayley, causing Pikachu to look up at her. "In my book, you did your best and that's what counts to me."

"Riolu." Meeko said, sincerely.

"Pikachu." Pikachu tells her.

"Pikachu got hurt pretty badly." said Brock.

"I can see that." said Ash.

"No, no. I mean its spirit." Brock explained.

"What do you mean?" asked Ash.

"Pikachu was totally overpowered by that Raichu." he further explained.

"Brock's right, Ash." said Misty.

"We'll try harder." said Ash. "We'll win next time if Pikachu tries harder."

"We will, Ashy." said Hayley. "We just...have to find a better way to defeat Lieutenant Surge and his Raichu. You know, a different strategy."

"Riol." said Meeko.

"Trixie's got a point." said Misty. "I think Pikachu was trying its best the last time."

"Hm." said Ash.

"There is one way you might win." said Nurse Joy, standing at the door of the room.

"Huh?" they said, looking at the nurse.

"I'm sorry. I overheard your conversation, and I just thought that maybe..." Nurse Joy said, walking inside.

"How could we win?" asked Ash.

"A while ago, I just happened to come across this." said Nurse Joy, revealing a small box and shows them a stone.

"Wow, it's a Thunderstone." said Brock.

"A Thunderstone?" asked Ash.

"Riolu?" asked Meeko, curiously as she takes a closer look at the thunderstone.

"I never seen one up close before." said Hayley.

"Yes. You could use it to make Pikachu evolve into a Raichu." said Brock.

"I could evolve Pikachu into a Raichu?" asked Ash, picking up the stone and that caught Pikachu's attention. "Then Pikachu might be strong enough to win."

"You've got to think hard before using the Thunderstone." said Nurse Joy.


"If you make Pikachu evolve, Ash, you can't change it back." said Misty.

"Pikachu will never be the same." said Brock.

"If Pikachu becomes a Raichu, I might be able to win that badge." said Ash, looking down at the Thunderstone. "On the other hand, to make it evolve just to fight, I would be like Surge."

"I wouldn't like it if you became like him, Ash." said Hayley, causing Ash to smile and face Pikachu.

"Pikachu, what do you want to do?" Ash asks them.

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"I really want to beat that Surge, but I also don't want Hayley and I to force you to evolve if you'd be happier staying the way you are." said Ash. Pikachu stares at Ash, realizing that he was letting him make a decision. "He's letting Pikachu decide." said Jessie.

"If it becomes a Raichu, it'll be stronger." said James.

"What's it going to do?" asked Meowth.

"Pi..." said Pikachu, sitting up.

"Pikachu." said Ash.

"Save your strength." said Misty and Hayley.

"Riolu, Riolu." said Meeko. Determined, Pikachu swings its tail and hits the stone out of Ash's hand.


"Pikachu." said Ash.

"Pika, Pikachu! Pika." Pikachu said to Ash. "Pi, Pi, Pi, Pikachu! Chu! Pika, Pikachu!"

"It's so brave." said Meowth with tears streaming down his face.

"So, tell us what Pikachu's saying." demanded Jessie.

"Pikachu won't change." said Meowth, translating for them. "If it's going to pick a Raichu, it wants to do it just as it is."

"You mean, it's going to battle again as a Pikachu?" asked Jessie, feeling a little ounce of respect for the mouse.

"It's going to fight in the name of all Pikachu." said Meowth, wiping his eyes as James starts to cry as well.

"Really?" asked James. "That's so beautiful."

"Pikachu, together, you and I will beat Lieutenant Surge and his Raichu." said Ash, taking Pikachu's hands into his.

"Pika, pika!" said Pikachu.

"You're both crazy." said Misty.

"Trixie was right about one thing though." said Brock. "You should change your strategy, Ash. Maybe use your other Pokémon or one of Hayley's."

"It's hard, but it's not impossible." said Ash. "Pikachu, Hayley, Meeko and I will find a way to win."

"Pika, Pikachu! Pika!" said Pikachu.

"Riol!" said Meeko.

"He's got you there, Brock." said Hayley.

"Huh? Pikachu will prove it can beat Raichu." said Meowth. "It will defend its honor and Ash's."

"Oh, dear, that's magnificent." said James.

"All right, are we all charged up?" Ash asked Pikachu.

"Pi...Pika." said Pikachu before sighing and falling back into the hospital bed.


"It hasn't fully recovered its stamina." said Nurse Joy with a smile. "You should let it rest a little while longer."

"(Sighs) Pikachu." said Ash. At the vending machines, Ash and the others were thinking.

"Oh, this whole thing has me so nervous." said Misty as she grabs her drink from the vending machine.

"Really? Since when did you decide to worry about me?" asked Ash.

"Do I get to worry about you?" asked Hayley, playing around with Meeko's ears.

"I didn't ask you, Hayley." said Ash, causing her to stick out her tongue at him.

"Not you. I'm concerned about Pikachu." said Misty. "I hope it'll be okay."

"Hey, Ash." said Brock.

"Yeah?" he said.

"During the fight, Surge said that he made his Raichu evolve as soon as he got it, didn't he?" Brock asked.


"Then perhaps there is a way." said Brock, having an idea.

"Huh?" said Ash. Fully recovered, Pikachu leaves the Pokémon center with Ash and the others.

"Pikachu, our lucky star is shining today." said Ash, pointing towards the sky.

"Pik." said Pikachu. "Pika?"

"Where? I don't see it." said Misty, looking for the star. "How can you see a star in the middle of the day?"

"Oh! I don't mean it's actually shining." said Ash.

"So...it's a non-existing star that you're looking for." said Hayley, smirking behind him as Meeko giggles.

"Riol, Riolu." said Meeko.

"(Growling) You know what I mean!" Ash shouted. "Let's go, Pikachu."

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"Seems like they're ready to win, doesn't it?" asked Brock. They made their way back towards the Vermillion Gym, determined than ever to win the Thunder badge, when suddenly they were stopped by Team Rocket in disguised.

"This is new." said Hayley.

"Riol." Meeko added, gesturing to Team Rocket.

"Huh?" said Ash. "Uh, who are you guys?"

"To protect the world from devastation." Jessie and James said as they started the motto when Meowth hits them.

"Ex-nay." Meowth tells them.

"We forgot." they replied.

"We are the challenger's cheerleaders, and we're here to show our support for the brave Pikachu and Ash." Meowth explained.


"In honor of the great Pikachu's bravery, we wish to offer a cheer." said Meowth and the cheer begins.

"We want you, Pikachu!" said James as he waves a Team Rocket flag.

"Are you going to....?" Misty asked, whispering to Hayley.

"Yeah, this counts." said Hayley, making another tick in her notebook as the cheer continued.

"Pikachu! Fight, fight, Pikachu. You're our Pokémon, yeah."

"Hip, hip, hooray!" said Meowth.

"Yay, Pikachu!" said Jessie and James.

"Okay, lets split." Meowth tells them and Team Rocket runs off.

"That was really disturbing." said Brock.

"Ri, Riolu." Meeko said, agreeing with Brock.

"I gotta give them credit on this one. It was honestly a good cheer." said Hayley, amused by Team Rocket.

"Thanks for your support!" Misty called after them. "Bye Team Rocket!"

"How did they know it was us?" Meowth asked.

"Lucky guess." said Jessie as Ash chuckles.

"They honestly don't know that we could by their hair." said Hayley.

"Hey, baby, you ready to take another beating?" asked Lieutenant Surge. "You didn't even make your Pikachu evolve. You haven't learned anything yet."

"Don't you be so sure, Surge." said Ash.

"I agree with him. Pikachu doesn't have to evolve if it doesn't want to." said Hayley.

"Okay, well, let's see." said Lieutenant Surge.

"The challenger, Ash, using a Pikachu. The Gym Leader, Lieutenant Surge, using a Raichu." said a male voice. "The Pokémon will battle one-on-one with no time limit. Let the battle begin."

"Use the strategy we planned, Pikachu." said Ash. "You can do it!"

"Go, Pikachu!" shouted Hayley.

"Riolu! Riolu!" Meeko cheering her friend on as she held a sign with Pikachu's face on it.

"Pika!" said Pikachu.

"A strategy?" questioned Lieutenant Surge. "So, they've been planning a new way to lose. Go, Raichu!"

"Raichu!" shouted Raichu, using its tail to hit Pikachu, who then groans as it was thrown to the ground.

"Pika..." said Pikachu, about to get up when Raichu smacks its tail against it.

"Raichu." said Raichu, hurting Pikachu with its tail.

"Pikachu!" Ash and Hayley cried out.

"Hang in there, Pikachu." said Misty.

"Roll to the side and break away." suggested Brock.

"Olu!" shouted Meeko.

"It can't lose." said Jessie.

"Not after the cheer we did." said Meowth.

"Maybe we did the wrong kind of cheer." said James. Suddenly Hayley appears at the window, with a smile on her face, scaring Team Rocket.

"Hey Team Rocket. Enjoying the battle?" asked Hayley.

"What are you doing over here, kid?" Meowth asked.

"I just want to say, thanks for cheering on Pikachu." said Hayley, then looks at James. "I really liked the cheer, but a piece of advice. Work on the wording a bit first when you cheer on a Pokémon, and you'll be just fine."

"Oh...." said James.

"Thanks for the advice." said Jessie as Hayley walks away.

"Do it, Raichu." said Lieutenant Surge. "Give it the body slam."

"Raichu!" growled Raichu, giving a screaming Pikachu the hardest body slam as the others gasped.

"Finish it off, Raichu. Another body slam!" Lieutenant Surge ordered his Pokémon.

"Raichu!" shouted Raichu, going for another body slam.

"Oh!" said Hayley, Misty and Brock as Team Rocket gasped.

"Pikachu!" they shouted.

"Watch out!" shouted Ash. Hearing its trainer, Pikachu gets up and dodges Raichu.

"Hey, what?" asked Lieutenant Surge.

"Chu!" said Pikachu.

"All right!" said Team Rocket.

"Do it, Pikachu! Agility now!" said Ash.

"Chu!" said Pikachu, running towards Raichu.

"Raichu, use your body slam!" said Lieutenant Surge.

"Raichu!" shouted Raichu, using its body slam over and over, trying to get Pikachu, who was dodging, to the ground.

"Uh, Raichu?" Lieutenant Surge asked his Pokémon.

"It's working. Just like Brock said." said Misty.

"Awesome." said Hayley.

"Riolu." said Meeko, watching in awe.

"Right. Raichu evolved too fast, and it never learned the speed attacks it could only learn in the Pikachu stage." said Brock.

"Okay, use all the agility you've got." said Ash, leading Pikachu ran circles around Raichu, confusing it. "Your Raichu's way too slow, Surge. That's its weakness."

"Okay, Raichu." growled Lieutenant Surge. "Give it a thunderbolt. Shut it down."

"Raichu." said Raichu, squeezing its cheeks as it sends a Thunderbolt towards Pikachu.

The thunderbolt was so powerful that it broke the windows above and around the arena, causing Team Rocket to duck. As the dust clears and settles in the Gym, Lieutenant Surge looks up. "The end of the match." Lieutenant Surge said, when he suddenly sees something at the end of the Gym. "Huh? What?"

At the other end of the Gym, Pikachu, with its arms and legs stretched out, was on its tail and glaring at Raichu. "Oh my..." said Hayley.

"Ri, Riolu!" said Meeko.

"Pikachu." exclaimed Ash.

"All right, way to go." said Brock. "It used its tail as a ground and dodged the electric shock."

"Smart thinking, Pikachu." said Hayley as Meeko fist bumps the air.

"What a shocking story." said Jessie.

"That was quite a tale." said James, holding Koffing in his hands.

"Meow!" said Meowth, smacking them in the head, causing them to whimper.

"And now you've both been pun-ished." said Meowth, chuckling at the joke he made.

"Koffing." said Koffing. Raichu was panting as Pikachu steps back to the ground. "Raichu, give it another thunder bolt!" shouted Lieutenant Surge.

"Rai..." said Raichu, squeezing its cheeks but no Thunderbolt came out.


"Rai!" Raichu tries again and ended up with the same result.

"Do something!" said Lieutenant Surge.

"It's over." said Brock. "Raichu ran out of electricity."

"Ha!" said Hayley.

"All right. Quick attack." Ash tells Pikachu.

"Chu!" shouted Pikachu.

"Raichu, take down now!" said Lieutenant Surge.

"Rai!" said Raichu, getting ready to attack.

"Pikachu!" shouted Pikachu as it headbutts Raichu hard in the stomach. "Pika, Pikachu!"

Pikachu hits Raichu in the face with its tail, knocking it down. "Raichu!" screamed Raichu as it goes down.

"Unbelievable!" said a shocked Lieutenant Surge as Raichu whimpers on the ground.

"We did it, Pikachu." said Ash.

"He did it! He did it!" shouted Hayley, holding Meeko in her arms and skips around her brother.

"Way to go!" said Brock.

"Fantastic." said Misty.

"Hooray!" said Jessie and James.

"Victory!" said Meowth.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu, smiling at its first victory.

"Congratulations. Nice job, Ash, Pikachu." said Lieutenant Surge, shaking his hand. "As proof of your victory, a thunder badge."

"Thank you." said Ash, looking down at his third badge. "Would you look at that? It's really a thunder badge."

"You should be proud." said Lieutenant Surge.

"I know Meeko and I are." said Hayley, looking at Pikachu.

"Riolu!" said Meeko.

"You and your Pikachu really fought good together." Lieutenant Surge complimented Ash.

"Thanks. A thunder badge." said Ash. "And it's all mine!"

"Pi, Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"Nice victory, Ash." said Lieutenant Surge as he and the other trainers clapped for him. "You're no baby."

"Congratulations, Ash, Pikachu." said Brock.

"You finally got your own badge." said Misty. Hayley runs up to Ash as Meeko goes over to Pikachu.

"I'm really proud of you, Ash." Hayley said, hugging him.

"Thanks, sis." he replied.

"Rai, Rai, Rai." said Raichu, clapping.

"Riol, Riolu." said Meeko.

"Pika." said Pikachu, blushing from the praise.

"Rai." said Raichu as Ash picks Pikachu up.

"Thank you, Pikachu." said Ash. "This was your victory."

"Pika." said Pikachu, shocking Ash as it was being hugged.

"Wow! Now I can really see lots of lucky stars." said Ash.

"Pika, Pika." said Pikachu.

"Those two really are quite a team." said Misty.

"Yes, indeed." said Brock as Ash and Pikachu laughed.

"Don't forget about us." said Hayley.

"Who could forget about you and Meeko?" asked Misty, smiling at the youngest Ketchum sibling.

As the sun was setting, Team Rocket left Vermillion City. "That Pikachu really is special." said James.

"That's why it's worth snatching. And that Riolu is an added bonus." said Jessie.

"Hey, once we steal them, maybe we can earn our own badges." said Meowth.

Narrator: Ash and Pikachu won a thunder badge in an impressive performance. But they still have a long way to go to reach their goal, as does Team Rocket.

Hayley: I'll say. Team Rocket has a really long way to go if they want to try stealing Pikachu and Meeko.

Narrator: They do?

Hayley: Yep. And they need better costumes when they go in disguise.

Meeko, nodding: Riolu.

Narrator: And so, the adventure continues on and on.

"Drat. We wasted this chapter cheering the good guys." said James, realizing they had forgotten to steal Pikachu and Meeko, causing Jessie and Meowth to groan.

Narrator: Right, James. Better luck next time.

Hayley: They'll need all the luck in the entire world for that to happen.

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