Secrets. A Sokeefe human AU

By KotlcsNumber1Fan

56.1K 668 1.5K

"SO WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO KEEFE?" I screamed. "I DONT KNOW!" He shouted back, running a hand through his... More

[36]- Ice blue eyes


361 6 13
By KotlcsNumber1Fan


Watching Sophie lead her group made my heart fill with pride. Our brave, beautiful girl, was admired by all her friends. You can see in their eyes how much they trust her but- as her mother- I can see the doubt in her eyes. I know how she feels, like if something was to go wrong it would be all her fault or that her friends dont want to be there. I have been in that position but as I watch her i can see her doubt fade into determination and happiness as she laughs with her friends- with keefe. I like that boy, he's good for our soph, he shows her that the whole world isn't on her shoulders and that she can trust the others to follow her lead.

Its amazing to watch them follow her every move with admiration and wonder as her brilliant ideas are placed into action. "Edaline come on" Grady tugged at my hand pulling me away from my spot leaning against the wall. 

We slipped out into the corridors going off in a hunt to find the guards.


I could see the pride in Eda's eyes. She was so, so proud. Much like me but, where there is pride there is doubt. Well for me anyway. I wasn't doubting Sophies plan, oh no her plan is solid, I was doubting myself. I didn't know if I would be able to stay outside while i let my daughters run around an enemy base. What if they need help and I'm not there to help them? I would never forgive myself, I shouldn't have let them go to London alone in the first place. It was irresponsible and dangerous. 

"Darling your muttering irresponsible again!" Eda sang lightly as she glided down the corridor. I watched her. How could someone be so relaxed whilst walking the halls of a murderous organization. "Your mad" i chuckled. "Maybe so but i'm not the one talking to myself!" she giggled. I smiled walking slowly behind her. Of course i'm never going to tell her she in fact was talking to herself and she does so very often. It's so fascinating to watch her, just the way she carries herself is mesmerizing. 

"Guard count?" she whispered as we came to a stop at the exit. "So far in the right wing there is 1 placed on each corridor; 16 all together. Not including the 2 positioned outside the hall doors."

"so 18?"

"i believe so"

"Oh and we already know there are 4 entrances to the main hall and 2 guards placed outside each.  The corridors are exactly the same on the left wing as they are on the right so we can assume there are 16 guards over there as well. "

"15 because Paris quit and they won't have replaced him yet" I added. Edaline thought for a moment and I watched her intently. "Okay so that's 37 guards but then another 2 that just walk the whole facility." I nodded. "Well that's just pleasant!" She smiled happily. I love it when she realises she finished a job. She become radiant, it's adorable. "Stop staring at me you oaf and contact Jolie!" she laughed. 

I rolled my eyes jokingly and tapped my ear piece. "Alright dad!" Jolie greeted me happily. Why the hell is everyone so cheerful? We've just got out of captivity and are practically starting a war with the neverseen! Teenagers confuse me. "Hey Jol bean, we counted 39 guards all together. 16 placed on each corridor of the left and right wing. 2 that wander the facility and 2 guarding everyone one of the 4 hall doors.In the left wing there is minus one guard because Paris left his post." I explained.

"Brill! Thanks dad!" my earpiece beeped letting me know she'd unconnected and i sighed. "Let's go then Eda"


Me and Grady made our way out of the building and I finally got to see where I had been staying for the past couple weeks. Not god service, I must remember to rate this place 0 stars. Im joking, obviously, I don't think there is a website for this place. I must google it when I get home just to make sure. 

I shook my head, getting a bit of track there Edaline.  

I honestly had no idea where we are. I am almost a hundred percent sure there are no mountains in London, or anywhere near london but here I am. Looking at a building built into the inside of a mountain. There was steps leading up to the building that was about half way up. It was a small black box looking thing that was about the size of a 3 story house. It was extremely long which explained the trek i had just been on. There was a couple blackout windows with small ledges and at the bottom of the steps was grass and the whole blackswan army.

"Agent Forkle!" I grinned. greeting him with a handshake. "Where the fuck are we?" I asked out of breath from walking down those hundreds of stairs. "I believe it is a generous few miles away from the centre of london in a place that hasn't been discovered by many." 

(A/n: bit of elf magic for ya there)

"well what do we do now?" Mr forkle asked. I sighed. "Well we will inform you of Sophies plan first." I paused. "And then what?"

"We wait and hope" 

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