Pokemon: A Ketchum Journey. V...

By tanishatribe1118

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Ash Ketchum is officially ten years old and is starting his journey to become a Pokemon Master with his eight... More

I Choose You!
Pokemon Emergency
Ash Captures a Pokémon
Challenge of the Samurai
Showdown in Pewter City
Clefairy and the Moon Stone
The Water Flowers of Cerulean City
The School of Hard Knocks
Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village
Charmander, the Stray Pokémon
Here comes the Squirtle Squad
Mystery at the Lighthouse
Electric Shock Showdown
Battle Aboard the St. Anne
Pokemon Shipwreck
Island of the Giant Pokémon
Tentacool and Tentacruel
The Ghost of Maiden's Peak
Bye Bye Butterfree
Abra and the Psychic Showdown
The Tower of Terror
Haunter vs. Kadabra
Primeape Goes Bananas
Pokémon Scent-sation
Hypno's Naptime
Pokémon Fashion Flash
The Punchy Pokémon
Sparks Fly for Magnemite
Dig Those Diglett!
The Ninja-Poké Showdown
The Flame Pokémon-athon!
The Kangaskhan Kid
The Bridge Bike Gang
Ditto's Mysterious Mansion
Pikachu's Goodbye
The Battling Eevee Brothers
Wake up, Snorlax!

The Path to the Pokémon League

111 3 0
By tanishatribe1118

Narrator: With two badges pinned to his jacket, our hero Ash and his sister Hayley, marches boldly along the path to, uh...the path to...

Hayley: Oh boy, both you and my brother's brains are starting to space out.

"Where are we going?" asked Ash.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Vermillion City." said Misty. "It's got a luxury cruise ship and I'm dying to see it."

"We won't have time for sightseeing." said Ash.

"We won't?" asked Hayley.

"Nope." he tells her.

"Why not?" she asked her brother.

"I've heard that there's a really great gym in Vermillion." said Brock.

"A Gym?" asked Ash. "All right! I'm going to win my third badge. Let's go!"

"Don't get your hopes up." Misty said after him. "There are a lot of tough trainers around here."

"Ah, bring them on!" said Ash. "I bet none of them has even one Pokémon badge."

"Riolu." sighed Meeko.

"That I can agree with, Meeko." said Hayley. "I live with a crazy brother."

Out in the air, Pidgeotto caws as it makes its way around. "Pidgeotto, finish it!" said Ash and Pidgeotto knocks back a Rattata.

"Oh, Rattata." said the boy.

"And I win!" said Ash. "That's number 10!"

"You're really a great Pokémon trainer." the boy said, shaking Ash's hand.

"Well, I guess I was pretty good there." said Ash, then shows off his badges.

"Wow! You've got badges." the boy said in awe.

"Oh, you mean these?" Ash asked in pride.

"You got two?" asked the boy.

"I think getting him those badges was a mistake." muttered Misty.

"Uh-huh." said Brock.

"I don't blame the two of you." said Hayley.

"Pika, Pika." said Pikachu.

"Riol, Riol." said Meeko.

"I bet you could even beat A.J." said the boy.

"A.J.?" asked Ash.

"Yeah, he lives over there." said the boy, pointing behind him. "A.J. trains savage Pokémon. He built his own gym. He's never lost a single match."

"Until now." said Ash. "He hasn't come against somebody like me."

"He's getting a big head." said Misty.

"And so is his ego." said Hayley.

"Yeah, but his brain's still the same size." said Brock.

"Pika, Pika." said Pikachu as he and Meeko nodded. Outside a fence, there was a sign that read, A.J.'s Gym, Undefeated! Note: Gym not sanctioned by Pokémon League. Next to it was the score of 98 wins and 0 losses.

"Look at that! This Gym isn't even licensed by the Pokémon league." said Ash. "Undefeated? Big deal! I can beat him."

"98 wins in a row." said Misty, then smirks at Ash. "You may have won ten battles, not he's won almost ten times more matches than you have."

"Yeah. You need to step up your came, big brother." said Hayley.

"I go for quality, not quantity!" said Ash.

"Are you my next victim?" asked A.J. in a southern accent, walking up to them.

"He is. Not me." said Hayley, pointing to her brother.

"You must be the wild Pokémon trainer." said Ash.

"Huh! That's my job." said A.J. "But beating punks like you is my hobby. Ready to lose?" The gate doors opened and they entered the unofficial gym. "Wow." said Ash and Hayley.

"Now, this is not too shabby at all." said Misty.

"Free! Free!" said a Butterfree as it flaps its wings and takes A.J.'s backpack.

"What's in the backpack?" asked Ash.

"The wild Pokémon that I just caught." said A.J. "There's a whole bunch more in the tent and then some."

"Hey, can my sister and I see them after the match?" asked Ash.

"If you want." A.J. replied. "So, which Pokémon are you gonna choose for my 99th win?"

"99th?" Ash asked in confusion. "Hmm. I'm afraid you're gonna have change your sign after this match. You'll be formally undefeated."

"You may think that you're hot stuff, kid, but you're not playing in the Pokémon little league anymore." said A.J. with a whip in his hand and snaps it at Ash. "After I win 100 matches in a row, I'll start competing for badges."

"That means he's only two wins away." said Brock.

"And he'll be extra psyched to win." said Misty.

"Riolu" Meeko cried out in fright as she hid behind Hayley.

"Don't worry, Meeko." said Hayley, placing an arm around her. "You don't have to be scared."

"98 wins and you still don't have a badge? That's tough luck, A.J." said Ash. "I have ten wins and I've won two Pokémon badges."

"Did you buy those badges or steal them?" asked A.J., taunting Ash. "Either that or you competed in some loser Gyms. Where were they, Failure City or Whimpsville?"

"Okay, now that's just low." said Hayley, then looks up at a seething Misty and Brock. "I think I just saw steam coming out of your ears."

"Riol." said Meeko, backing away slowly.

"That's the first time I think we've ever seen steam come out of their ears." said Hayley.

"Riolu, Riolu." said Meeko.

"What do you mean, loser Gyms?" said a livid Misty.

"Hey Ash! Pulverize this guy." said a fuming Brock.

"You heard them, Ash. Pulverize the guy." said Hayley. "No pressure from me. Love you either way."

"Thanks, Hayley." Ash said, chuckling weakly.

"Let's get started, then. Sandshrew, go!" said A.J.

"A Sandshrew, huh? This should be interesting." said Ash.

"Let's be careful now, Ash." said Brock.

"Remember, Sandshrew is a ground type. So Pikachu's electricity is no good against it." said Misty.

"I know exactly what I'm doing. I don't need your help." said Ash.

"He will eventually." Hayley muttered to Misty and Brock.

"Riolu." Meeko said.

"Pidgeotto, I choose you!" shouted Ash.

"Pidgeo!" cawed Pidgeotto.

"Sandshrew, go." said A.J., cracking the whip.

"Pidgeotto, dive at it!" shouted Ash.

"Ash is lucky. The flying Pokemon should have an advantage here." said Brock. A.J. cracks his whip and Sandshrew curls up into a ball.

"Too bad Sandshrew can't fly." said Ash and Sandshrew knocks itself into Pidgeotto, causing him to gasp. "Pidgeotto!"

"Finish it!" shouted A.J., cracking the whip again and Sandshrew heads towards Pidgeotto.

"Uh-oh! Pidgeotto, return!" said a panic Ash, recalling Pidgeotto to its Pokeball, moaning. "Butterfree, I choose you!"

"(Coos)" said Butterfree.

"You can do it! Flying versus ground should be no problem." said Ash.

"That's what you think, kid." said A.J. "Now watch and weep."

"Go! Stun Spore!" shouted Ash and Butterfree lets out its Stun Spore. A.J. cracks the whip and Sandshrew goes underground. "Free?" asked Butterfree, wondering where Sandshrew went.

"That Sandshrew is well-trained." said Brock.

"He controls it with a crack of his whip like a lion tamer." said Misty.

"I don't ever want to use one." said Jordan as A.J. cracks his whip again.

"Shrew!" shouted Sandshrew.

"Free!" screeched Butterfree. Ash gasps as Butterfree gets knocked to the ground, groaning in pain as Sandshrew is on its wings.

"Butterfree!" Ash called out.

"It's not so free anymore." said A.J.

"Ash, here." said Hayley, holding out Tengu's Pokéball.

"Thanks Hayley." said Ash, looking down at his sister, then takes it out of her hand. "Tengu, I choose you!"

"Pidgey!" cooed Tengu.

"Tengu, I want you to listen to Ash right now." Hayley said to him. "Help him out, okay?"

"Pidgey!" said Tengu, with his wing at his head, saluting Hayley.

"Tengu, use Gust!" shouted Ash. Tengu starts flapping its small wings, creating a strong wind for his small size. A.J. cracks the whip again and Sandshrew jumps up and knocks Tengu out of the sky. "Tengu, no!" cried Hayley, as Sandshrew landed on Tengu.

"Tengu, return." said Ash and returns him to Hayley.

"Chu." said Pikachu, as Ash grabs it by the tail.

"Ash, don't grab Pikachu like that." warned Hayley as Meeko pulls her back.

"Come on, Pikachu. You've got to help your friends." said Ash, pulling Pikachu's tail.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu tells him, hanging on tightly and gives Ash an electric shock.

"Thought that would happen." said Hayley as Ash groans and falls to the ground.

"Olu. Riol." said Meeko, poking Ash with her paw.

"Nice work." said Misty and Ash sighs. Not far from them, Team Rocket watches Ash and the others in a tree through binoculars. "That Sandshrew is very tempting." said Jessie.

"We should grab it." said James.

"Hmm. Looks fat." said Meowth. "You two got to carry it."

"The outfit that trainer is wearing is positivity hideous." said Jessie.

"That shirt looks like it's from a century or two ago." said James. "He'd fit right in perfectly at a museum."

"At least he doesn't look like he's trick or treating like you do." Meowth tells them, causing James to hit Meowth in the head.

"Meowth!" shouted Meowth.

"And that makes victory number 99." said A.J.

"It's not fair." said Ash, crying. "I'm the one with the badges."

"Quit your whining, you big baby." said Hayley, hitting her brother on the head with Misty's Mallet. "You know for a fact that not everything in the world is always about you, Ash."

"Did you get that out of my bag?" asked Misty as Meeko glares at Ash.

"I did, I won't lie about that." said Hayley, then looks up at Misty. "I just think we should use it to reel him in from time to time."

"That's one way to do it." said Misty, thoughtfully.

"How about two out of three?" Ash asked A.J. with tears streaming down his face.

"Stop whining, kid. You heard your sister." said A.J. "Nobody wants to compete against a crybaby."

"Unless you're Hayley." muttered Misty.

"I'm the exception." added Hayley, causing Misty and Brock to nod in agreement.

"Hey, there's something fishy here." said Ash. "I didn't have any problems winning until I battled in your ring. How do I know this whole match wasn't rigged? That's it. You cheated! How else could Sandshrew defeat Butterfree and Pidgey? Flying Pokémon always have the advantage over ground Pokémon."

"Chill out." said A.J.

"What do you say we go replay the match someplace else, huh?" suggested Ash.

"Ash doesn't know when to quit, does he?" asked Misty.

"Only when he's desperate." said Hayley with her hands behind her head.

"Riolu." said Meeko.

"That A.J. sure is strong." said Brock. "I don't get it. How is he so good?"

"One more chance." said Ash.

"Come back when you grow up." said A.J., leaving the ring.

"I wish that he would." said Hayley.

"Riol." said Meeko, placing her head on Hayley's shoulder.

"Hmm. It's not fair." said Ash, before groaning.

"Looks like you'll have to rethink the way you train." said Brock.

"I'll say." said Hayley. "I know that this gives me time to prepare for when I'm 10."

"Hey!" said Ash.

"What? It doesn't make me love you any less." said Hayley and Ash looks up at Brock.

"What do you mean?" he asked him.

"You call that last match a fight?" said A.J. inside the tent. "It's time for some serious training." Ash lifts up a portion of the tent so he, Pikachu, Hayley and Meeko could see inside.

Inside the tent, a Butterfree wearing a body strengthen suit was dodging Beedrill's twin needles. "Rattata!" said a Rattata as it jumps through a hoop of fire. Sandshrew was wearing the same strengthening suit as Butterfree as it stood over a pool of water, jumping in.

"Get back in the water!" said A.J. as Sandshrew had jumped out.

"Knock it off!" shouted Ash and knocks him into the pool.

"Now what do you want, a swimming match?" asked A.J.

"You're hurting Sandshrew." Ash tells him.

"Mind your own business." said A.J. "I don't need any amateurs teaching me how to train Pokémon."

"You call that training?" asked Ash, then looks over at Sandshrew. "What's that? It looks like a straitjacket."

"That's no straitjacket." said A.J. "It's a strength intensifier."

"A strength intensifier?" asked Hayley.

"Who invented that thing?" asked Brock.

"I did." said A.J. "It's my own secret weapon for unleashing a Pokémon's powers."

"I don't like the looks of it." said Hayley.

"Riol." said Meeko, looking at each one of A.J.'s Pokémon.

"Sandshrew, back in the pool!" yelled A.J. and Sandshrew titters in response.

"But Sandshrews are weakened by water." said Ash.

"I know that." A.J. said.

"You'll hurt it!" said Ash.

"Sandshrew, dive!" shouted A.J.

"Nice dive." said Misty as Sandshrew dove into the water. It then hops out and spins like a ball, shaking off the water. "Good work." said A.J.

"The water doesn't weaken your Sandshrew?" asked Brock.

"You're looking at the only Sandshrew in the world that's strong enough to withstand water." said A.J. "Sandshrew, pick up your pacing!"

Sandshrew curled up into a ball and three Rattatas roll Sandshrew to each other. "Hey, wait." said Ash. "I thought you said pacing, not passing."

Misty and Brock gasped as Hayley just looks at her brother. "What? I'm just glad Ash is arguing with someone other than me for a change." she said.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu, holding a pillow.

"Huh, I said padding." said Ash. "I mean, I said pacing."

"Cha." said Pikachu, placing the pillow over its head.

"Why are you so tough on Sandshrew?" Ash asked.

"I have to be tough, but I ask no more of Sandshrew than I do of myself, the very best." A.J. explained.

"But you aren't nearly as tough on any of your other Pokémon." said Ash.

"That's because Sandshrew is the first Pokémon I ever caught." said A.J. "I will never forget that moment. We promised to do whatever it took to become the greatest Pokémon and trainer of all time. Nothing would stop us from reaching our dream, no matter how difficult our path. Enduring fierce storms and raging winds, we're sacrificed everything to achieve our dream. And it was worth it. We're an unbeatable team."

"What you're doing is wrong." said Ash. "A great trainer should make friends with his Pokémon."

"Nice speech." said Hayley, amused.

"Why should I listen to you?" asked A.J.

"Hey, Brock, don't you have anything to say about this?" asked Ash.

"I do." he replied. "Your Pokémon are all in great shape. What kind of Pokémon food do you give them?"

"Ah." said Ash.

"My own recipe." said A.J. "Come on, I'll show you."

They went over to a cabinet where A.J. has his Pokémon food. "To get the results I want, I have to carefully monitor the Pokémon diets." said A.J. "Of course, the recipe is secret."

"Oh, yeah, of course." said Brock. "You know, I mix my own food too."


Pikachu and Meeko were watching Sandshrew lift weights until Pikachu tries to do it. "I wouldn't try if I were you, Pikachu." warned Hayley and Pikachu falls backwards with the weight on it. "At least, not without stretching your body first."

"Pikachu!" said a strained Pikachu.

"Riolu." groaned Meeko, feeling bad for Pikachu as she starts to help him by pulling on his back. Outside of the tent, Team Rocket decided to make their move. "Insulated gloves?" asked Jessie.

"Check." said James, holding up a pair of rubber gloves.

"Big rubber ball?" she asked.

"Check, check, check-a-rooni." said Meowth, pushing the ball towards them.

"Protective Padding?" asked Jessie.

"Check!" said James and Meowth.

"Team Rocket will do what it has to do..." said Jessie.

"To snatch that little Pikachu and Riolu." said James. "Maybe we should go back to our old motto. This one doesn't feel right."

"Hey, how about a theme-Meowth song?" asked Meowth, as he hopped onto the ball. "And I can even do a little dance solo. Everyone loves a little me-ooh-thic."

"A song's no good." said Jessie as Meowth balances on the ball as he hums to himself.

"A dance won't work." said James and Meowth comes back around.

"Here's a line you'll like." said Jessie.

"And what's that?" asked James.

"How about, choreography killed the cat?" asked Jessie, pointing over to Meowth who was rubbing his paw against his head.

Inside the tent, a small Hitmonlee hits a bell. "Okay, you wimps get a fifteen-minute break." said A.J. The Rattatas laid out on the floor, panting as the other Pokémon followed suit.

"Hey!" Ash shouted to A.J.

"Now what do you want?" asked A.J.

"Your Pokémon are totally wiped out." he tells him.

"You better believe it." said A.J. "In this Gym, we live by the rule no pain, no gain, but judging by your little stuffed Pikachu and whatever Pokémon your sister has over there, you don't follow by the rules."

"And I believe that when you're in pain, take a good long break." said Hayley, crossing her arms.

"No one asked for your opinion, half pint!" A.J. shouted at her.

"Oh, so I'm a half-pint now, huh?" asked Hayley, then turns to Meeko. "I've never been called that to my face, before."

"Riolu." said Meeko.

"Hey, don't shout at my sister!" Ash shouted. "And he's not a stuffed Pikachu and my sister has a Riolu! Take it back! Hey, did you hear me? I said take it back!" Ash threw the first punch at A.J. who dodges the punch, causing them to fall in the pool.

"Don't, Ash!" said Misty.

"You don't win badges for being buddy, buddy with a Pokémon!" said A.J. as he and Ash fought in the water.

"Knock it off, you two!" shouted Brock.

"Isn't there a rule against splashing in the pool?" asked Misty.

"I say, let them at it." said Hayley.

"Huh?" said Misty and Brock. "Why?"

"Think about it for a minute. It'll be good if Ash gets this out of his system now rather than later in the chapter." said Hayley, then walks over to Meeko, Pikachu and Sandshrew. Pikachu was gently toughing the equipment when suddenly it attaches itself to its body. "Pika!" screeched Pikachu.

"How do you get it off you?" asked a shocked Hayley.

"Riolu." groaned Meeko, pulling on the harness when she lets go.

"Pika, Pika, Chu..." Pikachu said in a strained voice and suddenly rolls up into a ball. Sandshrew snickers at Pikachu.

"Hey!" said Hayley, causing Sandshrew to look up at here. "It's not funny to laugh at someone's pain, especially if they're other Pokémon."

"Sandshrew." said Sandshrew, then rolls up into a ball next to Pikachu.

"Riol....." Meeko growled at Sandshrew.

"Whatever, Sandshrew." said Hayley, turning her back on the Pokémon. In the ball, Team Rocket made their way inside. "I'm getting dizzy." said Meowth.

"Stop complaining. Look for Pikachu." said James.

"Roll over there." said Jessie, as she sees Sandshrew and Pikachu rolled up in balls.

"What's that?" asked James as they rolled up to Sandshrew.

"Could it be Pikachu?" asked Jessie.

"Yeah, that's it. Now hurry! All that rolling has made me nauseous." exclaimed Meowth and they grabbed Sandshrew by mistake.

"Got it." said James as they placed a bag over Sandshrew.

"Let's go. We'll get the Riolu later." said Jessie as they stood up and walked away.

"Hurry! I feel sick." said Meowth.

"Watch where you're going!" said Jessie.

"This way!" said James.

"Hey, take it easy." said Meowth, hanging onto the bag as the ball fell off them. "Ah, my leg fell asleep."

"I wish your mouth would." said James.

"Why do you keep hanging around here?" asked A.J. as he and Ash were out of the pool. "There must be other trainers you could bother."

"Yeah, right." said Ash. The bell did its final count down and a Hitmonchan pops out, hitting the bell.

"Time's up. Back to work, all of you!" said A.J. and the Pokémon got back to training. "Hey, where's Sandshrew? Well, that's weird."

A.J. walks over and sees Pikachu curled up. "What's your Pikachu doing?" he asked.

"Oh. Ohh!" said Ash as he picks up the yellow mouse. "Pikachu." Ash tries to get the device off of Pikachu. "It's no use." said Ash.

"Here, give it to me." said A.J.

"Huh?" said Ash as A.J. takes it off of Pikachu.

"Pikachu!" said Pikachu, shaking its head as it was finally free.

"Pikachu, you're okay." said Ash.

"Pikachu, have you seen Sandshrew?" A.J. asked.

"Pika." Pikachu said, shaking its head.

"You haven't." said A.J.

"Hayley, have you and Meeko seen Sandshrew?" asked Brock.

"Not since it was laughing at Pikachu." said Hayley, shaking her head.

"Riolu." said Meeko.

"Sandshrew!" A.J. called out. "Where are you?"

"Maybe it ran away." said Ash.

"What are you talking about?" asked A.J.

"The way you treat your Pokémon, I'm surprised they all haven't run away." said Ash.

"Days like this, I'm surprised to be even related to you." muttered Hayley.

"Sandshrew and I have been together for a very long time." said A.J.

"Yeah, I know, but when Sandshrew saw how well Pikachu and I get along, it thought, I deserve better." Ash goaded him. "I'll find a better trainer who treats me like Ash treats Pikachu?"

"Sandshrew would not break the promise we made, not after all we've been through, not just before our 100th victory!" A.J. shouted in both Ash and Pikachu's ears.

"Chu." said Pikachu as A.J. turns to the other Pokémon.

"Now move it." he tells them. "Go find Sandshrew."


"Rattata." Far in the forest, Team Rocket was panting from running. "Those clowns will never catch up with us." said Jessie.

"I'm exhausted. You take the bag now." said James.

"But a real gentleman always carries the bag." said Jessie, not wanting to take it.

"Is that so?" asked James and places it in her hands. "Well, as you know, I'm no gentleman." Just before Jessie could retaliate, Sandshrew jumps out of the bag and hits Meowth in the head. Knocked out, Meowth grabs a hold of Sandshrew's tail as Sandshrew digs underground.

Back at the tent, Ash was talking to the other Pokémon. "You've all had enough of A.J. and the way he pushes you around, haven't you?" asked Ash. "Well, you don't have to put up with it anymore, because now you can come with me. Anyone who's coming with me, raise your hand!"

None of the Pokémon paid attention to him. "Just raise your hand. Get them up there." said Ash.

"Ash is making a fool of himself again." said Misty.

"Mm." said Brock.

"Yeah and I have to live with him until the day he moves out or one of us gets married." Hayley sighed.

"Riolu." said Meeko, feeling bad for Hayley.

"You see what happens when you try to start a mutiny in my Gym?" said A.J., rounding in on Ash. "My Pokémon are all loyal."

"So then, where's Sandshrew?" asked Ash. Just as he said that, Sandshrew jumps out of the ground with Meowth on its tail. "Meowth!" said Meowth as he lets go of Sandshrew's tail and knocks into Ash.

"That's gotta hurt." said Hayley.

"Riol." said Meeko.

"Sandshrew." said A.J. as he hugs the ground Pokémon.

"A.J. and all his Pokémon sure are happy that Sandshrew is back." said Misty as Ash sits up, groaning and sees A.J. laughing.

"How could they possibly pick him over me?" asked Ash.

"A.J. is tough, but as you can see, he cares deeply for his Pokémon." said Brock. Ash looks over to see Sandshrew licking A.J.'s face as A.J. laughs happily.

"Wow, A.J. does care about them." said Ash.

"One thing for sure, I definitely want strengthen Meeko's muscles....but I would do it the traditional way." said Hayley.

"What traditional way?" asked Misty and Brock.

"I would have Meeko work out. You know, lifting weights, swimming, dancing." said Hayley.

"That's a great idea." said Misty.

"It'll help Meeko with her muscles and ease her joints." said Brock.

"And I'll help you, Hayley." said Ash. Sprawled on the ground, Pikachu pulls on Meowth's charm. "Meowth's knocked out good." said Hayley, poking the cat.

"Pika, pi, chu!" said Pikachu, pointing to Meowth as Meeko glares at him.

"Riolu." said Meeko.

"What is it?" asked Ash, then looks down. "Meowth!"

"So then it must have been Team Rocket that kidnapped Sandshrew." said Brock and Ash grabs Meowth by the tail.

"Wake up." demanded Ash and Hayley.

"Meowth?" said Meowth, then scratches both siblings.

"That hurts!" cried Hayley.

"Olu!" Meeko shouted, hearing her trainer cry out in pain.

"Hey, where am I? What's going on here?" asked Meowth, looking at his surroundings as Ash and the others surrounded him. Meowth starts to whimper as he's outnumbered. "How am I gonna get out of this mess?"

"Prepare for trouble."

"Make it double."

"Meowth?" asked Meowth.

"Ugh, Team Rocket." said Ash.

"Use the old motto." said Meowth.

"This makes another motto entrance." said Hayley as she makes another tick in her notebook.

"To protect the world from devastation..."

"To untie all peoples within our nation...."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love..."

"To extend our reach to the stars above..."



"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light." said Jessie.

"Surrender now, or prepare to fight." said James.

"Meowth! That's right!" said Meowth.

"That felt great." said Jessie as she and James start crying. "We don't need a theme song."

"It's a classic." said James.

"So these are the creeps who kidnapped my Sandshrew?" asked A.J.

"Yep and they're really obsessed about my brother's Pikachu." added Hayley.

"Mm, that was an unfortunate mix up." said Jessie, waving a finger at him.

"We have no interest in your second rate Sandshrew." said James.

"Second rate?" asked A.J.

"He shouldn't have said that." said Ash.

"Oh....they're going to get it." said Hayley.

"Riolu, Ri." said Meeko.

"The only Pokémon we want is Pikachu and Riolu." said Jessie.

"You can keep all those other wimps." said James.

"I told you, A.J." said Hayley, looking up at the boy. "They're really obsessed with my brother's Pikachu and Meeko."

"Wimps, are they?" asked A.J., glaring at Team Rocket.

"That's it!" said Ash but A.J. stops him. "Huh?"

"I'll take care of this." said A.J. "No one insults my Pokémon and gets away with it. Let's step outside."

"Uh-oh." said Ash.

"Team Rocket's really going to get it now." said Hayley. Once outside, the battle was ready to begin. "Team Rocket has insulted out Gym!" said A.J. as he cracked his whip. "We'll answer them with our 100th win."

"100th." Ash said weakly.

"That's right. As Sandshrew and I vowed." said A.J.

"Good luck." said Ash.

"Your small talk will cost you big-time!" said Jessie. "Ekans, go!"

"Your turn, Koffing!" said James.

"Ekans!" hissed Ekans.

"Koffing!" bellowed Koffing.

"Sandshrew, go!" said A.J. and Sandshrew takes off.


"Ekans!" Sandshrew dodges them and curls up in a ball. "Ekans, bind it now!" said Jessie.

"Ekans!" said Ekans as it binds itself around Sandshrew, only to end up tangling itself.

"It's so strong." said Ash as Pikachu and Meeko were wearing outfits and cheering for Sandshrew.

"Good work!" said Misty.

"Excellent!" said Brock.

"Where did the two of you get those outfits? Can I have one?" asked Hayley, surprised at the both of them.

"Koffing, Sludge attack!" said James.

"Koffing!" said Koffing as it sends out its sludge. Sandshrew spins around as its knocks away the sludge. "Meowth, don't just stand there." said James.

"La de da." said Meowth as he chases after Sandshrew.

"Stop pussyfooting around!" said an angry Jessie.

"Just biting my time." said Meowth and takes a bite out of Sandshrew.

"That's not good." said Hayley.

"Ah! The moment of tooth!" screamed Meowth as several of his teeth broke.

"Finish it!" said A.J. "Sandshrew, Fissure Strike!"

Sandshrew yelled as it uncurled. Thunder and lightning was heard as it heads to the ground, its starts spinning with its whole body. "Go Sandshrew! Drill into the ground till it splits!" shouted A.J.

Just as Sandshrew made contact with the ground with it hand, it splits open. Hayley pulls Meeko aside before the crack made its way over to them and Team Rocket falls in. Meowth crawls out of the crack Sandshrew made, groaning in pain.

"That's it! I forfeit the match!" screamed Meowth as he runs away with Koffing and Ekans after him.



"Come back here!" shouted Jessie.

"Meowth, where are you going?" asked James as he and Jessie went after them.

"To write us a theme song!" said Meowth.

"Not that again! Ugh!" said Jessie.

"You know, I really hope that Meowth doesn't write a theme song for them." said Hayley.

"Agreed." said Misty and Meeko nodded.

"If he does, then it would be too soon." Hayley added.

"We did it, Sandshrew!" A.J. exclaimed. "We finally reached victory number 100!"

The number 100 appears on the board. "Today, all our sacrifices and hard work have finally paid off." said A.J. and hugs Sandshrew. "Now we can start winning our badges."

Outside of the gym gates, A.J. had his bag in hand. "When I return here, I'm gonna be the number one Pokémon master." A.J. said to the group.

"Why don't you come along with us?" asked Ash.

"Thanks, but Sandshrew and I have our own path that we must follow." said A.J., then takes out his hand.

"Someday, we'll meet again at the big Pokémon League competition." said Ash.

"Okay, but next time, you better be in shape, because I only want to beat expert trainers." said A.J.

"That's a deal." said Ash.

"So long." said A.J. as he and Sandshrew take off.

"He's tough, but pretty cool." said Misty.

"Yeah, looks like you've found another rival." said Brock.

"And one who is better than Gary." said Hayley.

"A.J., I'm not going to lose next time!" Ash called out after him. "I'll train hard to become the greatest Pokémon master in the world, following my own path."

Narrator: There are many paths that lead to the Pokémon league and Ash is just beginning to discover his own.

Hayley: I'm just glad that I'm too young to participate in that.

Narrator: So am I.

Hayley: But it won't stop me from following my own path, that's for sure.

Narrator: That's right. What lies on that path is unknown, but one thing's for sure, he'll never forget the name of that place with the great gym again.

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