The land for humans & outcast...

Per I_love_Hamilton_yeet

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[Book 1]: The Humans, The Outcasts & the magical golden healing flower... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Story Descri... Més

Story Description
Chapter Two: "Dearly sick mother..."
Chapter Three: "Outcasts"
Chapter Four: "Fire..."

Chapter One: "Humans..."

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Per I_love_Hamilton_yeet


No one's POV:

Y/n hated being a human being.

Even at the age of 12, her and her twin brother, Seán but everyone calls him "Jack", knows that the life that they were living in wasn't fair, although they live in a home, with their mother who tries her best to keep food on the table, a roof over their heads and make clothes for them, the life that society is treating, not just them but for others is tough...

In this society, there was only one ruler, the royalties/nobles, they rule all over the land with their wealth and power in their hands, which only belonged to one royal who had has the biggest power of all...

Royal King Morris and his wife, Royal Queen Nerissa, are the ones who have the power over everything, and everyone fear them both. Both human beings and outcasts are known to not mess with the royal king and queen who has the power to do anything they want or please.

The royal king and queen has one rule for both full blood human beings, and the outcasts are not allowed to have any contact or forbidden to come together as one because the royal king and queen along with other wealthy people believed that outcasts are nothing but lowlives who are below them.

However, if the humans and outcasts had contact with each other behind the royal king and queen's back, without the royal king and queen's knowledge, or if the royal gaurds/anyone else reported then the royal couple will send their gaurds to executed them and tortured their love ones.

That is why, for the past years, the royal king and queen had ruled, and no one dared to test them at all because if they do, then there will be consequences.  The royal king and queen used their power to control the civilization for fear and power, that is, their massive domination and desire.


Y/n, along with her twin brother, Jack had woken up early to do their duties around their village along with everyone else. Y/n's job is to collect water, fruit, berries, or vegetables for her, her brother, and her mother, and if she is lucky enough, everyone who lives in her village.

Their mother would always help Y/n with the berry, fruit, and vegetables collecting while also getting water, but then all of a sudden, their mother started to feel ill, so the twins decided to handle the work for their now sickly mother.

After the twins woke up, got dressed, ate an apple each for breakfast, and then headed out the door while their mother was still fast asleep. As Y/n's twin, Jack grabbed his axe with his right hand as he was holding his apple with his left hand, then took a bite out of his apple, the twins' attention was caught by a—

"HEY, GUYS!" A familiar voice called out, and the twins smiled once they saw their best friend, Wade, or George Wade Barnes, but everyone called or addressed him by his middle name, came running over towards the twins.

George Wade Barnes or Wade is a full blood human being 12 year old boy. He has very short brown hair with little curls along with brown eyes. He and, along with the twins, was wearing a beige shirt with long black pants, along with brown leather shoes. Ever since he remembers Wade was known to be an orphan, his mother unfortunately passed away from childbirth, and his father died from getting crushed by a tree without anything else left to raise him except for the twins' mother.

Y/n and Jack' mother had raised Wade like her own son, so Wade and the twins see each other as family and siblings towards each other and their mother truly loves Wade like her own child.

Since it was a hot day, Jack's hair was a long down to where his hair reached his shoulders, was all tied back in a man bun while Y/n's hairstyle was a (your favorite hairstyle), which means that today was gonna be a hot day for work but no one really mind about the sun since the sun is always so beautiful.

Jack smiled brightly. His smile could make anyone's day, and he could lit up a whole room with his smile.

"Top to the morning, laddie!" Jack greeted with a big smile as he patted his best friend's shoulder.

"Good morning," Y/n greeted with a smile, and Wade smiled sweetly.

"Good morning, you guys," Wade greeted happily as He looked over at Jack.

"You ready to go tree hunting because the guys are ready to leave," Wade explained. 'Tree hunting' is another word that Wade likes to use as

Jack raised an eyebrow as he crossed his arms with a smirk.

"Tree hunting? It's not even a word that others would say," Jack asked and explained.

"It is now when it comes to me! So Jack, come on and hurry up!" Wade explained, and just like that, He ran off to meet with the other wood chopper of men, and Jack smirked.

"I'm still faster than you!" Jack called out, which was no surprise because it was the truth that Jack is one the fastest runners out there in the village.

Y/n giggled as her twin brother looked back at her with a smile.


We better get our jobs done before mum wakes up," Jack said with Y/n, agreeing with a smile and nodding her head.

But then, you felt worried for your brother fearing that somehow he would get crushed to death by a tree, even though Jack has been chopping trees ever since he was only 5 and he's been really good at using an axe, not only to chop trees but knows how to protect himself and his love ones.

"Be careful, okay?" Y/n asked, and Jack smiled with reassure.

"I always will, sis, don't worry about me," Jack said with a smile along with a thumbs up. 

Y/n nodded as she held her wooden bucket in her hand, and the two twins parted ways, with Jack on his way to chop trees with Wade and the other adult males and Y/n went to the river to collect water for their mother.


As Y/n was walking through the village, and as she reached to the end where anyone can clearly see the river and on the other was the forbidden forest that no full blood human being are allowed to enter because the Outcasts live deep in the forest.

Outcasts are known to hybrid creatures, of either being half human and half outcasts or half creature mix like, for example: an outcast vampire and an outcast werewolf had an offspring, the child would also be an outcast and is a hybrid, that are forbidden to have contact with humans at all.

Anyways, Y/n got down on one knee and slowly dunked the bucket in the water, then scooped it up as it was filled up with water. When she was about to leave, she raised her head and saw something—or someone in fact.

From across the river, there was a young boy, he looked to be almost 13 years old, with black curly hair, with two completely different eye color, his right eye was both black and red (the top is red and the botton is black), while his left eye was blue and brown (the top is blue and the bottom is brown). He was wearing a mask on His face, from the right side down to face and mouth, expect his left side was a purple bunny face, he must be a bunny hybrid some sort.

It was an Outcast...

Now, it wasn't the first time that Y/n and the Outcast hybrid boy had laid eyes on each other. It first started back 7 years ago, when Y/n was only 5, when she was running over towards the river, to fill up the bucket of water for her mother, then for the first time ever, she saw an Outcast.

To be honest, 5 years old Y/n wanted to be with an Outcast. She always wanted to be friends with bunny boy Outcast ever since they'd both had laid eyes on each other. She was always curious about how outcasts are like and why humans and outcasts are not allowed to have contact with each other.

She ended up telling her mother about seeing an Outcast, and her mother always told her and Jack stories of how beautiful and mysterious they are and believed that they should be equals like humans.

When Y/n was about to say something, just like always, since the first time, the outcast with black curly hair, two completely different eye colors, and bunny hybrid had ran away back into the deep forest where other Outcasts live  before Y/n could say something...

Y/n let out a sigh, and she got up and walked away back home with a full bucket of water.


"Keep on working, men, We gotta chop trees down for our fire," the leader of the group of wood choppers ordered.

Jack and Wade were chopping wood into smaller pieces so they could easily carry the wood back to the town, and as they were chopping away, Wade smiled at Jack.

"You hear that, Jack, we are now men," Wade said proudly as he gently punched his chest.

Jack chuckled and smirked.

"The more you say that, the lesser you sound like one," Jack teased playfully.

"Hey!" Wade barked, which Jack laughed, but then, Wade frowned.

"How is your mother, Jack?" Wade asked, and just like that, Jack went from happy to sad fast.

"She's still sick, unfortunately. Me and (Your nickname) try to keep our distance every day so we don't catch it. The doctor, who every day comes and checks on her, still has no idea what is causing her to feel ill or how she got it in the first place, it just...came out of nowhere," Jack explained.

It was true, your mother had fallen ill unexpectedly a week ago, and the doctor has no idea what caused it or how she even got it, it was beyond anything he has seen, but he still trying to figure what is the illness and how to find a medicine for your mother.

Anyways, as the group of men and two young boys were chopping the wood and putting the wood in the wooden wagen, but then, something caught the leader of the choppers' attention, which caused him to stop chopping trees.

"Heads up, boys, we have company," the boss suddenly said very seriously but with a hint of worry.

They all turned their heads and saw their eyes widened once they saw two royal gaurds of the royal king and the royal queen. Every month, the royal gaurds, at least two, come by and buy almost all of the supplies (such as food, water & clothes, ect) from each village, the east, the north, the south and the west, it was a big part of the laws, but if the village people don't give the gaurds the supplies then the people of the village will be punished very, very badly.

The royal gaurds were dressed in red and golden uniforms that represent the royal king and queen kingdom colors. They wear a soft thin yarn of wool of red, with three golden yellow button down. The pants were golden yellow, with black leather boots, and their hats were an oval round shape with the two letters on it, which said R.G, also known as Royal Gaurd.

They also had huge black shotguns in their hand by their sides, which it looked to be anyone's nightmare. Everyone stayed still and quiet as the two gaurds marched over towards Jack, Wade, and the other men wood choppers.

The boss bowed down to his knees and placed his one hand on the ground with his head down, and immediately the others, along with Jack and Wade bowed down as well, it was also a part of the law, if a royal gaurd walks towards you then you must bow down to them to respect the royal king and queen.

"How are we doing with the wood, subjects?" The first gaurd asked or more like command.

"We are doing well. The wood is strong as ever, sir," the boss answered and explained respectfully.

The gaurd nodded his head, then the second gaurd went over and took the wagen of wood with him, but then the second gaurd "accidentally" knocked over Wade, which everyone knew it was on purpose.

"Careful there, son, next time, you gotta get out of the way," the second guard said with a smirk, and the two gaurds laugh with each other, but then the first gaurd looked at the boss again.

"Where are your food and water?" The first gaurd commanded.

"You take a straight down then a left, sir," the boss answered.

The gaurd nodded.

"Very well," the first guard said and was about to leave, but he took a final look at the choppers and the two boys.

"Oh, and thanks for not hogging all of the food. It's always good to share, selfish to keep all of the food," the first guard explained as he and, along with his buddy, started to walk away while laughing to themselves.

Jack growled, he hated these gaurds so much, every time these gaurds would come over and take their food, water, food and other things and leave them with almost nothing, and have to find more food, get more water, make more clothes, chop more trees and other things, while also disrespecting them.

When Jack was about to say something, Wade quickly and gently placed his hand on Jack's shoulder as the others stood back on their feet.

"Let it go, bud," Wade said with a sad and small smile, but Jack didn't want to it let go. He wanted to yell at the gairds for being such horrible jerks towards them, his blood was boiling hot as his face actually started to turn red.

Jack growled.

"How can those stupid gaurds treat us like that!? How could they? Aren't we human beings, too?" Jack asked angrily, the boss' face softened as he took a step forward towards Jack.

The boss may be tough, but he did have a soft spot for Wade, Jack, and Y/n.

"Son, I understand your anger, but you know the law much we do, the royals and nobles are upper class, there so, we have no choice but to do our part when it comes to being safe and not causing a scene," The boss explained with full heart, then the boss picked up some wood and gently place the wood in Jack's arms.

"Why don't you boys go home early, and I hope your mother feels better too, I know you and your sister are going through a lot right now," the boss explained softly.

Jack just stared at the wood chopper boss. He was a tan and muscle, with a bold head and shave beard, along with beautiful emerald green eyes. He was wearing a white sleeveless shirt with black pants and black boots.

Then, the two best friends nodded their heads , and they left the other wood choppers to go back home where Jack and Y/n's very sick mother was waiting.


End of Chapter One.

Continua llegint

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