Chapter Four: "Fire..."

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No one's POV:

His name was Corpse. Whoever his parents were, Y/n wondered why his name was Corpse, but Y/n found it unique that was his name, but it didn't mattered to her, no matter how interesting his name was, he was still his friend.

Y/n smiled at Corpse.

"You have such a beautiful name," Y/n said happily with a smile, Corpse blushed softly as he placed his hand on his neck, it was clear, he was being shy now in front of Y/n.

"You don't think my name sounds strange?" Corpse asked.

Y/n shook her head.

"No, it's nice," Y/n answered with a smile, and the two of them walked out of the forest, and slowly started to walk together, in front of them, they saw both Ethan and Amber continue to play pirates with each other.

Y/n looked up, and clearly, the sun was up and rising as ever.

"It's a very nice day. What would you like to do today?" Y/n asked as she started to walk backward while looking at Corpse.

When Corpse was about to answer, he stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes widened, and he pointed up above the trees.

"What's that?" Corpse asked, Y/n looked over to where Corpse was pointing, and there was black smoke slowly rising in the sky.

"It's smoke, and it's coming from—" Y/n tried figuring out, but then, Y/n's heart dropped and immediately ran in the direction where her home was, Corpse immediately ran after her.

'No, gods, please no!' Y/n begged as she was running as fast as she could, and when she reached the river.

She stopped once she and Corpse made it, Y/n let out a scream once she saw Her home was up in flames. Tears were in her eyes once she saw this horrible scene, but then she realized that she had left her brother, Wade, and her mother behind, and just like that, She ran through the river, didn't care if she was wet, and ran through the town full of black smoke with Corpse following behind.

"Mom! Jack! Wade!" Y/n called out with tears falling down her cheeks. As she looked around frantically and in panic, in the distance, she saw two tall shadow figures, two smaller shadow figures, and one hunched over shadow figured walking towards her and Corpse.

"Sis, over here!" A familiar voice called out, Y/n was so relieved once she heard her twin brother's voice. She was so happy that he was okay. She and Corpse quickly ran over and saw her brother, Wade, the wood chopper boss, and the doctor, helping her mother walk through the smoke.

Wade was the first one to see Corpse.

"Who in the gods is this guy!?" Wade asked, but he ended up choking with the smoke.

Corpse ignored Wade's question, and he quickly looked around, then he saw a shadow in the corner of a burning house, so Corpse had an idea, but that mean, he had to use all of his power to get them out of here to safety, so he quickly lured them towards the shadow, he then started to use one of his powerful powers, 'shadow travel'.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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