Adler | The Aces of St.Sincla...


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Book One of the Adler series ** St. Sinclair, the illustrious academy honoured nationwide as a catalyst for t... More

Prologue & Aesthetics
Summoned | A ONE
Coeus | A TWO
Throne | A THREE
Hangman | A FOUR
Recruitment | A FIVE
Visit | A SIX
Deduction | A SEVEN
Influence | A EIGHT
Disarray | A NINE
Odds | A TEN
Evens | A ELEVEN
Partying | A TWELVE
Thursdays | A THIRTEEN
Exposed | A FOURTEEN
Mistakes | A FIFTEEN
Doomsday | A SIXTEEN
Obscure | A EIGHTEEN
Revelation | A NINETEEN
Virtue | A TWENTY
Excuses | A TWENTY ONE
Wonderland | A TWENTY TWO
Designated | A TWENTY SEVEN
Stranded | A TWENTY NINE
Honesty | A THIRTY
Reflection | A THIRTY TWO
Bradford | A THIRTY FIVE
Tapestry | A FORTY
Everything | A FORTY FOUR
Goodbye | A FORTY SIX


866 45 26

A/N: I dedicate this chapter to ChumChum2000 and CathieeBee. I'm grateful for all your votes and hope you continue to enjoy the story

Just when I'd thought Shaun's eyes were pretty, I was met with the most beautiful azure eyes from the baby boy strapped in the stroller. His mother chatting with a peer wearing enviable leather boots by the further benches in the quiet park.

The infant caught my gaze and his big, pudgy cheeks formed a smile which was insanely adorable even with the thread of drool. I couldn't resist smiling back. After the second ring, I answered the phone.

"You didn't patch things up with Garren, did you?"

My eyes stayed trained on the cuddlesome infant. "Um, no. Not really."

"And you didn't show up for the meeting, which Garren wasn't very happy about by the way."

"Can't see why. I told him in advance, didn't I?"

I heard Will sigh, tiredness evident. "Stevie, I thought we agreed you were gonna let this go and give Garren a break. Y'know, since he's under a lot of pressure. Do you remember that conversation we had?"

"I know, that's why I'm staying out of the way to reduce that." I peered at the time on the analogue clock situated a few metres from the bike shelter. It was already a quarter past— they were late.

"You mean you're avoiding him. And me."

"No I'm not."

"Then why didn't I see you at chemistry today?"

"... Because I'm home, sick." Not one of my best lies.

"Right." The sarcasm in his tone rolled off, almost flattening the distinct ring of hurt. I was glad it wasn't face to face otherwise I would've probably leaked the whole plan from the guilt. "Do you seriously think I'm just calling for Garren? I love the prick but he's still a pain in the ass to be around the rest of the time and Ben can do my head in too. That's why I was glad to have someone who knows how to act human around. You're that anchor to me and I thought it was the same for you but I guess not."


"Y'know what? Just forget it. Whatever, go ahead and keep avoiding us. I'll stop bothering you since you clearly would rather be on your own."

The line went dead. I gave thought to protest but what more could I say in the situation to let him know his company meant a lot to me without putting everything at risk? I sighed, hopefully praying I hadn't disappointed him too much.

In the next three seconds, my ringtone blared out again. "Hello—?"

"Stevie please don't keep avoiding me." cried Will. "I'm literally going to go insane if I'm stuck with those two. I don't even how I've lasted this long on my own. I don't care if you don't talk to Garren. Just at least come to class. I'm begging you. Please, please please."

"Will, calm down." I cooed when hearing the distress in his voice. "I'll come to class and I will sort things out with Garren too."

There was a pause on the other end, worrying me until I caught his breathing. "Really? You'll talk to him? You swear?"

"Yes..." I straightened when an approaching figure appeared to be coming my way, eyes fixed ahead. Only to switch them at the last few steps to cross over to enter the cabby by the road. "But I'll do it as soon as I'm done so just wait."

"Done? Done with what?"

"There's this thing I need to do first— family stuff and then some homework which might take all my time on the weekend to wrap up so, yeah. When I'm done with that, I'll talk to Garren."

"It's not to do with that X stuff, is it?"


"I won't tell Garren if that's what you're worried about."

"That's very sweet of you Will but I'm not worried about what Garren thinks of what I do with my time alright? But please, don't say a word to him." I hastily added.

I could tell the blonde rolled his eyes. "Yeah, alright. But you really will come to class though?"


"Okay." His voice held reluctance. “Just, don't be doing anything crazy and get yourself killed or something."


"I don't know, sorry. Of course that won't happen but I really don't like funerals and stuff. I'll hang up now. But, I'm calling back again in an hour."

"Will come on."

"If you're not doing anything dodgy then there's no problem. Bye."

I shook my head, smiling down at the phone as the call ended. I was partly expecting him to call back again and when he didn't, I set it on silent and tucked it away. Somehow, a needy Will Butler was still an adorable one for me.

I checked the time again, seeing my 'appointment' still hadn't showed up since it reached the hour. I was dumbfounded when X accepted to hear out my request and was anxious when I received another text later that day.

'Cumberfinch Park 4 o'clock green bench' was all it said.

No initials this time and I'd been guessing, those were likely X's actual name but I couldn't conclude if they were giving it out, expecting me to recognise it or didn't care if I recognised it. Then why the threats for attempting to track them? Surely they wanted to remain hidden, didn't they?

The questions were piling up that I was so jittery, I came too early and spent half an hour watching the kids, dog walkers and just about anyone you could find in a park leisurely passing time. When the clock hand struck half past four, I started questioning if coming was safe. What if I was putting myself in danger, like Will worried?

I was waiting for an absolute stranger and it wasn't even X, but their 'associate' with nobody knowing what I was doing. What if this associate was a hitman sent to tie up loose ends?

I gulped. Why hadn't I considered if this was a trap until now? Would I be in my coffin in the next few days?
I pulled out my phone, contemplating on messaging Will my location and goal so out least one person would know the truth when the police recovered my corpse. Or the remains. My only regret was not growing up to be a surgeon like mum and dad dreamed then earning enough so they could rest easy in a lavish retirement home. Now they'd only wind up back in debt from spending too much on my funeral, their marriage falling apart too for blaming each other for letting me venture out to a big, posh town.

I wanted to kiss Shaun at least once more, finish that erotica I borrowed from Ben, hear Ashton's voice again and lastly confess to Garren everything I thought about him.

When my legs were about to bolt, deciding this wasn't worth risking my family in shambles, there was a voice from behind. "Miss Powell?"

Too late. No turning back now.

I thought of attempting to run but I wanted to at least get a good look at my killer's face before it all ended. I stiffly turned my head and my eyes slowly travelled up. Soaking in his high thread trousers, polished buckle of his belt, the dark blazer and light blue shirt buttoned beneath with a crooked collar. It was his face that had me choking on air.

It was sickeningly identical to a certain sleaze at St. Sinclair. "Good to see you, Buns."

Any hope of it possibly being a doppelganger was shattered right there and then. This was the terrible joke my life had turned into that Alger Hess would be who I was waiting for.

"Wow, this is just too good." He chuckled. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were stalking me— oi, where are you going?"

Even I knew how lacking my stamina was so out running him was impossible, but my legs still urged me to walk. To walk away from this absolute bull of a coincidence.

As expected, his footfalls fell in line with mine in no time. "Oh, are you upset I kept you waiting? Something came up. I would’ve brought some flowers but I figured that’s be inappropriate to give to a client?"

Client. He'd said it. It really wasn’t uncanny timing I was running into him.

"If I'm a client, why isn't your 'boss' meeting me directly?" I questioned.

"He's not my boss, he's one dad's associates and he got busy with some stuff today. So he asked me to see to relay a request that had been filed out to him."

So X was male. What a surprise. "Okay, fine. My request is—"

"Now, now let's not rush." He interrupted. "This is a special occasion and we finally have some time to ourselves. Away from school, your boyfriend and your excuses— let's not spoil it."

"Trust me, it's already spoilt." I snapped.

"Okay, okay. I'm just kidding, can you humour me for twenty minutes, please?"

“Why the hell should I be your form of entertainment? Because you said, please? God, you are so annoying.”

I expected another counter but it didn’t happen. Instead, he visibly flinched at my tone, letting out this saddened expression. I wasn’t that pissed by his stupid suggestions, I was just more angry at the fact that I was so scared of coming here alone and hated that I felt dependent of an asshole who probably would never understand my feelings. Seeing a familiar face, even Hess, honestly calmed my nerves.

"Fifteen minutes and any second longer, I'm leaving. Request filed or not," I said.

I saw a smirk itching to spread. "Okay, but you better walk fast." He abruptly made a one hundred and eighty degree turn, striding in agile paces.

I did my best to catch up and my lagging was entirely from the cause of his long ladder legs. I huffed, working my feet faster to reach. "Where are we going?"

Hess couldn't suppress the smirk any longer. "I thought it'd be nice to have some coffee."

Of course.


The coffee shop didn't bake the gigantic blue berries muffins like the ones near the hotel did. I didn't appreciate how the barista assigned to my order was slothful and I also didn't appreciate whatever tech music was blasting out of the laptop a customer was using by a booth. With. Earphones.

Bloody hell.

"You don't drink coffee?" Hess asked, staring at my cup of green tea in bewilderment.

Most of all, I didn't like how the sleaze kept flickering his eyes down to my mouth with a gleaming lustfulness. I was regretting humouring him. I brought the cup to cover my lips, conveniently blowing the steam. "Yes, I don't drink coffee— that a crime?"

"No, but it all makes sense now." He proclaimed, supposedly enlightened. "That's why you wouldn't agree to go out. Sorry for putting you in such an awkward situation, Buns. I'll make sure to leave the table more open for options next time."

I didn't bother with an eye roll. I'd reached my maximum with him. "So you're the spy then, I'm guessing."

Hess rose a brow. "Spy?"

"The one Esme Ivanov said was lurking in St. Sinclair. That's the job your dad's 'associate' hired you to do, isn't it?" In hindsight, the creep should've been my prime suspect for such sneaky business.

"He told me to send some anonymous emails that were stored in a flash drive through a public computer for a few weeks. I wouldn't exactly call that being a 'spy'." He took a sip of his deep roasted blend.

"What? So you had nothing to do with disclosing any of Ms. Shepherd's confidential matters?" I warily probed.


This didn't add up. What did it mean? Ivanov had said X mentioned he had eyes and ears in the academy— had that been a bluff to cover something up?

"Hess, seriously. You weren't asked at any point to spy on the headmaster?"

He shook his head. I didn't trust him, but if he had known about my deal with Ms. Shepherd, he definitely wouldn't have hesitated to use it to his sick advantage. Furthermore, he didn't appear to have any care in sharing his conspicuous errands and confirmations on X when he wasn't under any obligation to. As a matter of fact, why was he sharing it with me?

"Are you allowed to be admitting the things your dad's friend gets you to do?"

Hess shrugged. "Probably not."

"Then why are you?"

"If it'll give you what you're after, then I want to help."


"Cause I like you."

I then realised the silence in our surrounding. The eardrum daredevil customer had up and left. Just like my patience with this subject. "Right, and the real reason?"

Hess appeared dismayed by my skepticism. "Why is it so hard for you to come to terms with the fact I might actually be interested in you?"

"Because you don't even know me."

"I know you a whole lot better than Shaun does. Otherwise, he'd run the hell away from you."

"Um, excuse me?"

"You're just so good at acting innocent. You’re right when you say you're not Rosita, she was naïve and made mistakes. Arguably, one of her greatest." He boasted. "But you're something else. If it hadn't been for Garren's party—"

"I didn't sleep with you. Don't even try to pretend, Hess."

"I never said we slept together." He countered with a certain edge that made my frown deepen. "Were those my exact words? No."

"You made them deliberately implying towards that."

"Not my fault if you're dirty minded."

My eyes narrowed. "Do you know why I don't buy for one second that you like me, Hess?"

"Go on."

I leant in close, his eyes slipping down before training on my slit gaze. "Because you don't have it in you to like anyone. You dress sloppy just to attract attention, to fool yourself with the illusion you're laid back, carefree but you aren't. No, you constantly analyse everything and everyone.
Probably got it from your dad who's strict on you, possibly strictest on your mum." It was a flicker— no, maybe even a glimmer but I caught it. The crack in the pretense. "It's your mum, isn't it? She has it the hardest. You try to focus the scolding all on you but it backfires. Because shallow, narrow minded men like that always blame the woman for a child's upbringing. You didn't help, you made things worse—"


Involuntarily, I flinched. Not from the ominous glare that submerged in the supposed nonchalant surface but from the fact that for the first time, I heard vivid life in his voice. "Just don't, Stevie."

"Why?" I questioned, sneering. "It's not fun if you don't have the upper hand, is it? Or think you do, anyway. Which brings me to the conclusion of why I could fall for Shaun but don't remotely feel attracted to you. Not now or ever."

There was a scorching silence that lapsed as those pair of eyes previously filled with obscurity intensely stared me from where I stared back with only inches apart. A musky scented tension emitting that I couldn't help but feel lingered to in rendering Mr. Witty without a single line to go on.

When there came consecutive beeps from Hess' pocket, he looked more displeased by the interruption than my comment. "Hello?" He spoke breezily into the phone, contrarily his posture straightened. "Yes, sir."

I passed a look at the use of formality and he pretended not to acknowledge it. I occupied myself with drinking my tea.

"She came late. I just met up with her now."

I snapped my eyes back to the boy. He hadn't been referring to me, was he? My suspicion expanded as he sent a wink. It was me. Didn't that mean he was lying to avoid explaining that he came late? More importantly, that meant the person who I already deducted was someone distant from the formal addressing, the only individual who knew of his activity...

"Oh, you're all finished with the judge?"

I did my utmost best to not grow anxious, which was rather difficult with everything leaving Hess' mouth from his end of the conversation which kept convincing me more that it was the mastermind.

Suddenly, I came to find myself pointed at. I glanced to Hess jutting his phone in my direction. "What?"

"For you." Whether he noticed my breath hitch at that, he didn't bat an eye. "He's currently not held up and can talk. So you can ask your request to him yourself."

I gawked at the item and my stomach threatened to knot. No, there was no rush in getting queasy without verification. "That's, that's your boss on the line?"

Hess frowned. "Not my boss. Take it.”

With my nerves a muddle, my fingers moved clumsily to claim the phone and grabbed Hess' thumb. Instantly, he jilted as if the slight brush was a gunshot and his elbow veered to the side, knocking over his mug. He spat curses as coffee went spilling across the table.

Without a second’s thought, I moved forward to grip the mug, nearly at the same time as he did. Hess hastily seized it before I could, “I’ll deal with it. It’s fine.” He didn’t dare meet my eyes.

“Um, alright…”

It didn’t even seem like he heard me as he trudged off to get some napkins. What the hell was all that about?

"Miss Powell?"  boomed a voice that had me jolting, gears in sync with the current priority at hand. Literally.

I gingerly held the phone to my ear. "Speaking." I answered. "And you si—", I coughed, "and you are?" God, was I really so intimidated that I was already compelled to call him sir without identification?

"You'll learn it if the time will ever call for it." His voice was considerably deep and I detected the hint of an accent but something about it was horrendously slimy. Having it course through my ear made me visibly shudder. "Time, which I am pressed for as I have a jet to board in under seven minutes and I've already decided to use three of them on flossing so out with it then. What's this request you seek from me?"

"My request is the surveillance on my family's privacy to be respected." I swallowed, overwhelmed I'd gotten every single word out without a hitch or filler.

"Privacy of a mere cookery to be respected?"

I snarled. "It's a bakery and yes. I don't want you sharing out their financial status or anything related to them to other people, like you did with telling Esme Ivanov my deal with Ms. Shepherd. I'd like you to have it out that no ordinary person could go and get their information.”

"What makes you assume that I'm capable of that, miss?"

"I'm clearly talking to the supervisor if you can't then aren't I?"

With the scale of surveillance they had on standard network and to pull one over on the inhuman headmaster, I wouldn't be surprised if the background was connected to the government or royal family itself.
That was when the silence descended. The line had gone so eerily silent, the seconds that marched were almost deafening in a sense.

There was a stomach churning chuckle. "You have an odd sense of humour. That's good."

Relief flooded my lungs. So that meant my ludicrous theory was possible. What I was hoping to accomplish wouldn't have them invincible but the less it was out, the better.

"So you'll do it then?"

"I'll be in touch."

"But you haven't answered my... " I heard a disperse of static. "Hello?"

He dropped the call. Leaving me dangling figuratively at the edge of his closing words and it eventually settled what repulsed me in his eccentric commanding attitude. It reeked of Beswick tendencies.

I officially despised X.


While grumbling over the unpleasant future communication with that man to come, I noticed the sleaze who had dragged me to this place hadn't returned from the getting napkins yet. I finished my tea and had Will call me up with the promised checking in. We chatted in the span of three other customers vacate their tables but Hess still wasn't back. The clock was narrowing to half past five and I needed to be at the station soon or I'd miss the only train to get me back in town before my curfew.

Whether he fell in, or had died from severe diarrhea, I wasn't waiting around any longer. Albeit, as I paid for my tea I gave Hess' description just on a whim if any had seen him. Only then did the slothful barista pipe in to supply a young gentleman fitting that profile stepped out twenty minutes ago.

The apologetic smiles from Mr. Sloth's co-workers restrained me from glaring.

I wasn't clear on what 'hurry' that twat Hess was in that he'd neglect getting his phone from me but I didn't waste time to ponder, dropping the mobile in my jacket pocket then departed from the establishment.


Nadia, the receptionist was notably peculiar when I arrived at the lobby. She wore this knowing grin and beckoned for me to come over. I did so, concerned. She was a foot taller but being perched behind the high desk, I was the one crouching as she whispered in my ear. "I felt bad leaving him to sit around here, so I lent him a spare key."

"Lent who?"

"Your special fella. He's quite the looker, I'll say. How do you even keep your hands off him? I'm honestly envious Stevie but anyway, make sure to bring the spare once you two are done up there. Got that?"

I hadn't caught wind of half of what she said, befuddled after the first sentence. I'd forgotten all about explaining the incident with Ms. Dion's gifts that it wasn't any secret, suave boyfriend who bought them. I'd not considered the great danger it was bringing that she let a stranger into my room.

I'd make sure to put an end to the misconception once done with whoever was lurking in my domain. I hadn't even considered it could be Shaun until I got off the elevator, igniting giddiness in picturing finding his lovely emerald eyes greeting me from the balcony with a bouquet of roses.

The fantasy crashed and burned when grey eyes locked onto me. Garren lay lounging on my bed, one of my erotic novels in hand.

"I've got to say, I'm a little surprised you read this."

"What are you doing here?"

"Being a good boyfriend and paying you a surprise visit." He patted the space beside him. "Come, let's snuggle and whisper sweet nothings to each other. Then whatever the hell you're supposed to do after shagging."

"If you're intending to just take a piss, go."

Garren dropped the book, standing to his feet and my suite wasn't small but with him boldly stood in it, I felt cornered suddenly. "You didn't come to the meeting yesterday and today marks substantial dejection in your prep. The IAO is in two days, tell me what the hell do you think you're playing at here."

"I did tell you. I'm not going to participate."

Garren was unresponsive, eyeing me in a conspicuous manner that I dropped my gaze to the carpet.
“If that's all, leave."

"Where did you go?"


"To where? The hem of your jacket is all creased in a different pattern to the rest of it like you were sitting for a while. Did you board a train?"

"None of your business."

"So that's a yes. Why were you on a train?"

"Leave me alone, Garren. I'm tired and I want to just take a bath and go to sleep. Your face is seriously pissing me off." I needed to be blunt and crude to dissuade his scan. I pulled the door handle, ushering to exit.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me where you went."

"If you don't get out, I'll scream and have the staff here in seconds. Or better yet, my uncle." I warned.

Garren frowned, this sullen shadow falling on his face and he stood there, not budging. "I swear Garren, I can scream really loud—"

"Are you upset about what I said to you at the lunch hall?" His voice was strangely soft, making me do a double take.

I should've felt annoyed that he had asked like it wasn't obvious but maybe he couldn't see through me as well as I thought. Maybe he didn't know how easily he could hurt me. "Yes."

"I didn't mean it in the way it sounded."

"How on earth was that supposed to sound? If I hadn't made it more obvious, I am a girl and I'm sick of you repelling that just because it doesn't fit your grossly immoral definition of us."

"That's not what it is."

"Yes it is."

Garren groaned. "Look, I'm usually good at getting my point across, many would agree but when it comes to you I don't know why it goes wrong— probably your fault. But what I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry, alright?"

"You’re… sorry?" Was I hearing things or did Garren Adler just apologise to me?

He took a breath, eyes darting to everywhere before resting on me, lips pursed. "You need to come to the tournament. I, I need you to come, Stevie."

I couldn't speak. Had Garren Adler stammered? Was he trying to actually make an effort in reconciling? If this tender display he was presenting was all a show to sway me, he'd outdone himself. I was speechless. "Stevie." He gripped my shoulders and my side vibrantly quivered.

I realised it wasn't from his touch but from the device in the pocket, the beeps following subsequently after. I fished it out, an unknown number flashing on the screen. I hadn't recalled the digits for X's line— was it him? Had this been the reason Hess discarded it?

"That's not your phone..." Garren frowned deeply.

I retracted back in case he tried to seize it, my heart beating frantically alongside the ringtone. Whether it was X or not, I couldn't have Garren butt in and risk the plan falling apart. I couldn't put all my work in guarding my family to waste.

"Stevie who's phone is that?"

"Not your place to ask." I managed to keep my tone detached. "And I'll say this for the last time, leave."

The tender countenance was nothing in comparison to the dark hood that clouded Garren's earnest gaze on me. Apprehensive if I could keep the cold wall up against it, I settled my eyes on the carpet again and crossed my arms. My chest throbbed as the fast footfalls crossed me and a shoulder brushed my own. The door slammed shut with a vehement thud and he was gone.


A/N; Once again, do you think Stevie's choice is the right one and what are your thoughts on Hess?

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