Torchwood Academy

By MoonyXxPadfoot

2.5K 47 819

Where all The Doctor Who character's are children, and are attending Torchwood Academy! Which isn't your aver... More

Rose- Part One
Rose- Part Two
Rose- Part Three
The Rule Game- Part One
The Rule Game- Part Two
The Rule Game- Part Three
The Rule Game- Part Four
The Rule Game- Finale
Kareoke in the Auditorium
The TARDIS~ Part One
The TARDIS~ Part two
Clubs- Part One
Clubs- Part Two

Rose- Part Four

217 5 58
By MoonyXxPadfoot

(The final part of Rose before the next chapter sequence-)

(Same plot as the previous chapter)

Russell- Good job everyone! Now you may head to your dorm!

[The Doctor, Jack, Ianto and Mickey settle into room 105]

[The rest of the boys pile into the dorm]

[room 106]

11- [waltzes into the room] Hello!

10- [spins around] Bonjour! Your Matt, aren't you?

11- [nods]

Owen- [struts into the room and over to one of the top bunks] I'm owen

10- John! Lovely to meet you both!

11- [glares at the last top bunk]

10- don't you dare-

11- [runs over to the ladder]

10- [tackles Matt to the floor]

Owen- Oo! fight fight fight! [stands up]

Master- [appears by the door] 

10- [looks up] Oh...h-hi there, handsome fellow, welcome to our room-

11- [pushes John's face into the floor]

10- [muffled] If you'll just excuse me a moment- [rolls them both over] I got here first!

11- doesn't matter!

10- It very much matters! And...I have a cooler outfit!

Owen- [gasps]

11- That deffinatly doesn't matter!

10- So you admit it's true?! [Laughs]

11- N-No, that's not what I meant!

Master- [walks past them and over to the top bunk]

10 and 11- [stare at the master, both embarrassed]

Master- you'd both fall off anyway-

10- [looks at Owen]

Owen- You probably would've won-

10- Ha! [In Matt's face] I would've won!

11- [shoves John off] not true!

Master- well-

11- [pouts]

10- [looks at John] can I pleaseeee have the top-

Master- No

10- meanie [Jumps onto the one underneath]

Owen- Matty boy-

11- [turns around]

Owen- [Jumps down from the top bunk] I'll take the bottom

11- [squeals]

[They all start to unpack]

11- [unpacks his fez collection]

10- what on earth...

Master- are those for storage?

11- It's a hat! But not just any hat! It's the coolest hat in the whole universe!

Master- the whole of your area of the room maybe, not sure about the rest of the world...

Owen- Half! Half of our area! I do not approve of the bucket hats!

11- [frowns] b-but they were made by the Ottoman Emp-

10- [pretends to snore]

11- [throws a pillow, but misses John and accidently whacks the Master instead]

Master- [freezes]

11- [scared]

Master- [throws a pillow at Matt's face, at full force]

11- [screams]

Owen and 10- [laugh]

Master- [snorts]

10- [looks up at him] What's your name?

Master- Koschei

10- [holds out his hand, desperately wanting Koschei to shake it]

Master- [pauses, then shakes it]

10- your so cool

Master- Oh I know

11- what about me? Am I cool?

[they both look at Matt, unsure of what to say]

10- your...

Master- tall...

10- yeah!

11- is that all?

Owen- embrace in it, my guy [pats Matt on the shoulder] because when I finally hit puberty, I'll overtake you, all of you

11- sureeee

Master- keep dreaming Buddy

12- [enters the room] Hello all

10- Hey

11- Hello!

Owen- Sup

Master- Mm

12- [puts an electric guitar down onto the nearest bed]

11- Woah

10- [walks over for a better look] Is that yours?

12- [nods]

Master- [annoyed that he's no longer the coolest]

12- can't play much on it yet though

Owen- I'd love to hear some!

10- can you sing, um-

12- Peter

10- Peter

12- And no, I can't. Unless you enjoy the sound of car horns and crying babies!

Master- [laughs]

11- Now I really want to hear some!

12- Absolutely not

10- But-

12- No way!

10- [laughs, as he starts to unpack]

Master- Why do you have a banana in your suitcase?

10- why are you snooping!?

11- I love bananas!

Master- I bet you do [winks]

11- [confused]

Owen- [rolls onto the floor laughing]

12- [looks up] lord save me [jokes]

[Room 107]

14- [opens the door]

Graham- [on the bottom bunk] can I help you love?

Ryan- [on the top bunk] sup

14- you have a spare bed?

Graham- [nods] above Danny, over there-

Dan- [stands up] John?

14- David, actually, John's my brother

Dan- [nods]

SpyMaster- [pops his head around the door] yo

14- Hello, what's your name?

SpyMaster- Sacha, you got room for one more?

[They all nod]

Graham- make yourself at home

SpyMaster- [falls back onto the bed and takes off his shoes and socks]

Graham- maybe not THAT much at home-

Ryan- Oi, Grandad!

[He looks at Graham]

14- Grandad?

Graham- he calls me that, but I have no idea where he gets that idea from

[He grabs a bag full of knitting equipment and places it neatly onto the bed]

Graham- would anyone like a toffee?

[14 and Dan both laugh]

Ryan- ye! throw it up!

Graham- are you sure? I could always get Danny to-

Ryan- no no, throw it up! I'll catch it!

[He throws a toffee up to the top bunk]

[It falls back down seconds later]

Graham- [watches]

Ryan- damn it, I was so close!

Graham- good try, Ryan

Dan- It's the effort that counts-

SpyMaster- that was shit

Ryan- Thanks....

14- [hands Ryan the now wonky toffee]

Ryan- thanks man

[They all start to unpack]

Dan- [goes over to Graham] so, what sort of stuff do you knit? Personally I prefer to croquet, actually, I made a jumper the other day-

[The lunch hall- Room 106 gang]

11- [wanders off from the group]

12- where's Matt got to?

Master- who cares! Let's go get some food!

10- [follows] Mm, do you smell that?

Master- yeah, Owen farted

Owen- th-that wasn't me!

12- [eyes him suspiciously]

Owen- it wasn't!

10- I was actually on about the chips-

Master- we know, John, come on! [runs over to the queue]

Master- [grabs a table knife, and pretends to stab people in the queue]

10- [watches]

12- He's mad

10- Says you, you've made your spoon into a sword!

12- [looks down at the spoon] it was really bendy...

Owen- [shoves past people in the queue]

Master- Now he's got the right idea!

[Not long later]

Master- done! [shoves his empty tray into the middle of the table]

10- me too!

12- you both made such a mess [opens a packet of crisps, in an attempt to not be heard]


[they all look at Peter]

12- W-

[11 screams, a mannequin grabs hold of John]

10- [yells] help!

Master- [smacks the mannequin with his tray]

10- careful! You almost hit my beautiful face!

Master- [temped to actually hit it] your welcome!

Owen- let's get out of here! Pete-

[They turn to look at where Peter was, he's already gone]

Owen- traitor!

Master- he's smart, actually, now let's go, before we get eaten-

10- they can EAT us?!

Master- [shrugs] better safe than sorry

Owen- I sort of want to go home now-

[They run out of the room]

10- don't worry, I'll protect you

Master- John, duck!

10- what? Where?!

Master- no, you idiot, get down!

[A mannequin shoots at them]

10- [ducks]

Owen- [doesn't duck] O-Oh my God! I've been shot!

[He panics, badly]

Master- [laughs]

10- w-we need to get a teacher!

Master- [laughs even more]

10- what's so funny?!

Master- [whispers something into John's ear]

10- [wheezes]

Owen- stop! I'm gonna die! I'm actually gonna die!

Master- Who's gonna tell him?

Doctor- you can

Owen- t-tell me what!

Master- it's a paintball, Owen. Your covered in red paint, not blood

Owen- [calms down] oh...yes..I see that now...

10- [scoops up some paint and puts it in his mouth] yep, definitely paint

Master- [utterly disgusted]

Owen- [embarrassed] thought I was in shock or something-

Master- you need to improve your medical skills

Owen- thanks! Maybe I will [annoyed]

10- so...the mannequins, they're not actually here to exterminate us

Owen- do you have to use the word exterminate?

10- and if they're not here to exterminate us, then it must be some sort of-

Master- [holds up a mannequin's decapitated head, proudly] It's a test!

Owen- where did THAT come from?

Master- some guy chucked it over here-

[voices echo from the other room]

9- you were fantastic, Rose!

Master- fantastic [laughs] Who says fantastic at our age?

10- what else would we say?

Owen- Fabulous?

Master- that's so gay! [Laughs]

Owen- N-no it's not! I-I love women!

10- [shuffles, uncomfortably]

[They walk around the school]

Master- there's alot of good places to bunk class-

10- why would you want to do that?

Master- [shrugs] case I get bored

10- I doubt we're going to get bored at Torchwood.

Owen- [looks around] should we look for weapons or something? The mannequins could be anywhere...

10- See what I mean?

Master- rah! [scares Owen when he's not looking]

Owen- [screams]

Master- [laughs]

Owen- [shoves him into the wall] your the most annoying person I've ever met!

Master- aw, is someone upset?

Owen- [storms off]

10- Owen! Owen, come back!

[He dissapears]

10- [looks at Koschei] well done.

Master- not my fault he can't handle a joke!

10- he's probably stressed out from all the...

Master- boo hoo! If he's that scared then he should go home to his mummy and daddy!

[There's a moment of silence]

Master- do you want to build a fort out of tables?

10- but...the mannequins aren't actually dangerous-

Master- I know

10- then why-

Master- Because it's fun! Do you want to or not?

10- sure...why not

[Back at the lunch hall]

Owen- [storms into the room]

12- Owen! At last, someone I know

Owen- where have you been?

12- went to grab my guitar, thought I could use music as a weapon, but then I realized...I can't actually play anything other than bah bah black sheep. And I don't exactly want to put everyone to sleep, so-

Owen- right...

12- where's John and Koschei?

Owen- don't know, don't care

12- What happened? wait, do I really want to know? Drama doesn't really fit into my life schedule...

Owen- Koschei's a dick, and John's obsessed with him. That's pretty much it

12- Ah...I see

Owen- and...I almost died

12- [startled]

Owen- well, I thought I almost died. Turns out it was just paint...

12- well isn't that exciting! [pats him on the back] do you want to hear me play a song?

Owen- is it-

12- bah bah black sheep, yes. Yes it is

Owen- [laughs] why not!

12- I'll...sing, if you want

Owen- Really?!

12- It might make the other two jealous-

[Reversing back to beginning of lunch]

[Room 108 boys]

14- [leads them all into the lunch room] I have four of them at home, two spotted ones, and one baby, though of course that would just be called a-


14- [stunned]

Graham- I have a question, if you don't mind me asking-

14- no, not at all. Ask away!

Graham- do you have any other pets, other know...bugs

14- I have...stick insects!

Graham- That's nice, yeah...but did you hear the part where I said not a bug

14- -oh and I have a praying mantis called Georgia!

Graham- nevermind...why don't you tell me all about Georgia [pats David's shoulder]

David- [opens his mouth, ready to talk]

Dan- I hate bugs

14- [covers his ears]

Dan- they get in your food and-

Ryan- Hey! Why don't we talk about the world cup instead!

Graham- brilliant idea!

[They queue up for food, Graham, Ryan and Dan talk about the world cup, David is sad no one wants to hear anymore bug facts]

SpyMaster- [tosses paper at people in the queue]

13- Ow!

[Not long later, at the table]

Dan- My dad's a famous footballer-

Graham- [laughs]

Ryan- no he's not

Dan- yes he is!

SpyMaster- my dad's dead

[They all go quiet]

SpyMaster- only joking, he's zoo-oligist!

David- [looks up] which zoo?

SpyMaster- dunno, never asked

David- But...he's your Dad

SpyMaster- we don't get along

Ryan- Dad's suck

SpyMaster- Amen to that brothah

Ryan- [laughs] what's with the accent?

SpyMaster- well he's from the outback so-

[They all laugh]

[11 screams, the mannequin's enter]

SpyMaster- woah! That's so cool? Are those robots?

Graham- They're shooting at us, we need to leave!

Ryan- Good idea!

[They run back to the room near the elevator]

Dan- [out of breath] we lost them!

Graham- great, but um...what do we do about...that

[He point up at the pterodactyl]

Dan and Ryan- [scream]

David- Shhh, Shh, they're sensitive to loud noise

Dan- of course you would know everything about dinosaurs!

David- Shh!

Dan- sorry...

Graham- I thought the pterodactyl's were know....dead

David- extinct, yes.

Graham- Then how-

SpyMaster- do you ever stop asking questions?

Graham- what's wrong with asking questions?

David- Nothing. Infact, it's very helpful. There's not alot we do know, about torchwood or about those...things, but we can figure it out by asking the right questions!

SpyMaster- 'great, why don't we sit in a nice little circle, hold hands and share our life stories with one other while we're at it!'

David- I don't see how that would help but if-

Ryan- He's joking, David

David- right, yeah...

[The pterodactyl swoops down]

SpyMaster- [screams]

David- [smiles]

Graham- W-what if we use the pterodactyl as a weapon to defeat the mannequins?

Dan- yeah! But how?

David- We need to set up a trap, someone needs to lure the mannequins inside-

Ryan- bagsy not it!

Graham- same here!

Dan- ditto!

SpyMaster- ugh, fine...

David- now, I doubt the pterodactyl would go for them unless they tasted...meaty, so-

Ryan- already figured that one out! [He hands 14 a bag of dinosaur food] tripped over it on the way in-

David- Perfect

[They set up the trap]

David- [on lookout] okay. Now!

[Graham and Ryan open the doors]

[A group of mannequins run into the room]

David- [turns to look at Sacha] now!

SpyMaster- Oh noooo, someone help me! I'm about to be molested by a group of- [bored]

David- Speed it up!

SpyMaster- fine! [Bangs the wall] come get me you ugly dolls!

[He runs off]

David- Dan, Go go go!

Dan- [throws the pterodactyl food all over the mannequins]

[It swoops down and takes them all out immediately]

SpyMaster- Yeah! [Jumps up and down, happy]

[Graham and Ryan high five]

David- [Jumps down from his post] good job guys

Dan- that was awesome

SpyMaster- [goes over to the broken mannequins and whacks them a few times] take that you ugly mother f-

[They all walk out of the room, as people start gathering back into the lunch room]

[After the speech, in the bedrooms]

[Room 106]

[John and Koschei walk into the room]

10- that was fun! We should make table forts more often

Master- the best part is...we get to nock it down tomorrow

10- Why tomorrow?

Master- We have class in there tomorrow, remember?

10- Oh yeah! That's going to be...chaotic-

Master- [giggles] I know! I can't wait!

[He climbs into bed]

[John changes into his Pj's]

Master- Are those stars?

10- I don't know what your talking about-

Master- And planets? Awww

10- shut up [hides under the covers]

Owen- [walks into the room, followed by Peter]

Master- he has returned!

Owen- don't.

12- Where's Matt?

[John and Koschei point to the bed]

11- [asleep, and snoring]

Master- [looks at Owen] I'm surprised your not dead

Owen- Me too, especially after I heard Peter sing-

Master and 10- WHAT

Master- That's not fair!

Owen- [giggles]

10- What was it like?

Owen- Trust me, you don't want to know

12- [gets into bed] I wasn't THAT bad

Owen- [raises an eyebrow]

12- okay...Maybe I was that bad...

Owen- could of sworn I heard a mannequin drop dead because of it

[They laugh]

[Room 108]

[They all get ready for bed]

14- [in bed, reading the newspaper]

Dan- [pulls a football out of his bag to reach the PJ's underneath]

Ryan- what team do you support?

David- Do you mind keeping it down? I'm trying to read

Graham- Same here!

Ryan- Graham, reading the contents of a toffee packet doesn't count-

Graham- [plops one into his mouth] says who!

Ryan- now, what was I saying-

Dan- football [spins the ball on his finger]

[Ryan and Dan talk about football for almost an hour]

David- [asleep with the newspaper on his head]

Graham- [asleep with wrappers on his head]

Dan- Did either of them brush their teeth?

Ryan- don't think so

Dan- should I wake them up?

Ryan- nah, they can just brush for extra minutes tomorow

Dan- I'm not sure that's how it works-

[They both get into bed]

Ryan- why should I take advice from someone who supports Liverpool-

Dan- Don't dis my home country! Don't you dare!

David- [wakes up, annoyed] liverpool isn't a go back to sleep

Decided to do little summaries for the following chapters at the end so, next chapter- 'the Rule game' 'Russell announces a training exercise game to everyone at the school. You have to break a school rule, any school rule, but if you get caught, your out. Winners get a very special tour in a lovely blue box)

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