You Smell Like Hope

By fan_girl_91_

733 50 43

I smell like sweat and he smells like iris. can their combination turn to tulips? ( Minsung version ) TW: SA More

1. so why am I like this?
2. Anti hero.
3. Gold rush.
4. ドライフラワー
5. The truth untold
6. I know the end.
8. Soul Like Me
9. Leave
10. Romantic Homicide
11. Miserable (You&Me).
12. if I died last night
13. Meteor Shower
15. To Begin Again
16. Prayer X
17. Cigarettes Daydream

14. secret garden

14 2 0
By fan_girl_91_

She always tries her hardest
But not enough for them

The poppy
The first world war remembrance symbol....

Jisung's pov.

My eyes haven't left the window since these two words left my mouth.

I have been thinking... At least I think I was, I don't remember if I was. I don't really know what's going on in my brain right now all I know is that the rain that's pouring from the sky had made two children with yellow rain coats run around with the biggest smiles painted on their youthful faces.

Yet this same rain had made two other kids with nothing but a thin shirt shiver and hug each other closely seeking warmth to warm up their cold tired bodies.

I watched both closely as we waited for the light to turn green.

I watched closely as they ran resulting the falling down of the little boy. "Stop the car." I said suddenly and Minho did as I asked with no questions.

I left the car as steadily as my legs managed and made my way to them. "Hey are you alright?" I said softly as I helped the little boy on his feet.

"I'm sorry." The other boy said to what I assumed is his brother. "It's okay you were just trying to protect us from the rain." The boy smiled at him before turning to me. "Thank you for helping me sir." he bowed to me but I quickly dropped on my knees to him height.

"It's okay darling, are you alright? Did you hurt your knee?" I asked but didn't dare to check it myself knowing how uncomfortable could a child get from being touched by a complete stranger.

"I'm alright it doesn't hurt." he smiled brightly almost like he was trying to hide the largest grave behind his mouth's movements. "Where are you guys planning to stay?" Was what I asked next.

I didn't dare to ask why they're here alone, where's their parents, where they stayed last night or the night before.

I just need to know how I can do something that can be helpful right now.

"We're going to stay in a park nearby until the rain stops." The brother said. "It's called princess park! It's really beautiful and has a beautiful name!" The little boy said excitingly.

Princess park.

Did I hear that correctly?

"I'm sorry can you repeat the name again?"

"Princess park?" He answered again.

I could hear his heavy breathing and the falling off the rain and my heart screaming.

"Can we go there together?" I asked them with the sweetest smile I could manage. "Of course, come on I know the way."

" Where are you going?" Minho's voice came from behind us. "Umm.. I'm - you can leave I'll find my way from here." I answered instead.

" I asked where are you going." He repeated, "we're going to Princess park to hide before the rain is stronger." The older boy said.

"If you want to hide too sir you can come there's place for many people!" The little boy smiled up at Minho. "My name is harry and I love cats, what about you?" He said making the three of us smile at his brightness despite the darkness of his world.

"My name is Minho, I love cats too." Minho offered his hands to the kid almost like he's playing with a cat. "Can you guide us to the park harry?"

"Of course I can I'm a big boy!!" He answered dragging Minho behind him. "Okay big boy be careful so you won't fall again." We all giggled at Minho's comment.

"Would you like to hold my hand too?" I offered the slightly older guy. "Thank you. I'm Louis, Harry's friend."

"Best friend!" Harry corrected him immediately.

"Best friend. We ran away from foster home it's so scary there worst than rain and hunger." Louis continued.

As he finished his little explanation we were right in front of the park's gate. By now we were all soaked in the rain but I didn't care and Minho didn't seem to care either surprisingly.

I just wanted to stay there forever

In front of the park

The park that holds the last thing I own in this world, my memories.

I looked between Louis and Harry wondering what would have happened if I was their age right now.

Would I be hiding from the rain with them?

Or would my memories still be my fate and I would come here with my mother every weak to play and get ice cream.

"Let's go inside before someone sees us." Louis' voice cut the thoughts short. "That's okay you two can go now but take this first." I took of my- Minho's jacket and gave it to them. "It should keep you warm when it dries out."

"Thank you so much sir." Louis bowed to us before taking Harry's hand and walked into the park. "Come see us here again!" Harry screamed for us as he followed Louis close behind.

I waited till they disappeared into the small building inside the park before I turned to look at Minho. "Sorry about the jacket I will pay it back when I take my first payment."

"Don't worry about it it was yours anyway. Let's go back?" He spoke with no emotions and started walking to the car immediately after he said these words.

I followed him quietly and took my seat in the passenger seat again, I hope he doesn't mind our wet clothes on his car's seats. "Thank you for stopping the car." I said once he started driving back to the main road. He just hummed in response.

We didn't talk again for the rest of the drive until he stopped the car in front of my building. I could never get used to how odd he and his car look in this neighborhood.

"I'll send someone to pick you up on Monday. Be ready by 8." He said before I left the car. "Noted, thank you for driving me hyung, and I'm sorry for any trouble I caused today."

"Don't worry about it. Just rest well before Sunday." He answered shortly. I left the car and went inside without looking back at him.

I have two days to get my shit together.

Two days to remember all my moments in princess park.

Two days to overcome my past once more


The two days passed way too quickly. I did nothing but overplay my days and smiles in the park. My mother's face never left my brain no matter how much I tried to distract myself.

There's no more of that now. I reminded myself as I saw the expensive car park in front of me.

I quickly walked to the backseat doors so we can leave before catching anyone's attention.

"Good morning sir." The driver said nicely. "I'm Yang Jeongin, Mr Lee had informed that I'll be your driver from and to the company."

I'm confused but if I want to work there I have to get used to everything Minho does "Good morning to you too, you don't have to call me sir I'm Han Jisung."

"Would you prefer Hyung instead?" He questioned and just then I looked at the mirror to see his face.

He looks quite...Young. I wonder why he's working instead of going to high school but who am I to judge. "Yes that would be okay." I gave him a kind smile. He smiled back showing his dimples and his narrow eyes disappeared from the movement.

"I'm glad someone who's not boring started to work with us. don't tell Minho Hyung I said that. It gets quite boring to watch old men and business people all the time." He giggled slightly and I smiled at his cuteness. "I wouldn't tell but if I'm being honest I can't relate this is my first job."

"Aren't you lucky? My family and the Lee family has always been close friends and my family makes me work all type of jobs in the Lee company to gather experiences before my graduation. It's quite exhausting sometimes, but I appreciate the opportunities." He explained and I found it really interesting how the conversation flows with him. His voice is quite calming I don't think I will mind holding a conversation with him forever.

"I hope it could benefit you one day. I'm sure you would do amazing at whatever you are looking forward to do." I smiled despite knowing he can't see me now as he started driving and is focused on the road. "Can you keep a secret?"

"Of course you have my word." I answered truthfully. Who would I tell anyway. "I want to be model, but I don't know what my family would say to that."

"In my opinion, A model would really suit you, your face is magazine attractive." He does have the face for it. "Thank you, that's really nice of you to say that." He sounded genuinely happy with the complement which made me smile wilder. I really hope he would achieve his beautiful goal one day.

"We are here, I am sorry for talking too much the whole way here, I'm just excited." He looked embarrassed but happy nonetheless. "That's quite alright I enjoyed talking to you! I will see you again." I waved at him and left after he answered "See you Hyung." And waved back. At least I know someone here is a nice folk that I can talk to.

"Jisung!" Billy called for me once I entered the enormous building. I looked at her direction and smiled slightly at her and Hemy before I walked closer. "Are you alright? You left suddenly from the party last time." Hemy asked.

"Yes, I was just tired so Mr. Lee drove me home. Sorry for leaving early." I explained as much as I could without spelling what really happened. "That's okay I'm glad you're okay now. Mr. Lee is waiting for you in his office then Hemy will come take you to the training studio." Billy explain.

"Okay thank you." I bowed to Billy before climbing the same stairs I took with Chan last time.

I knocked on Minho's office door and waited for him to answer before I opened the door, "good morning, sir, Billy noona said you asked for me." I spoke in a managed tone that I may or may haven't practiced in front of the mirror.

"Yes, Jisung please sit down." I did as told and he continued, "so I wanted to talk to you about two things actually. First would me about your first performance, are you okay with that?" He asked, "yes, sir I'll be ready."

"Okay great, it's actually this Friday, since you were informed late we wouldn't be expecting any dancing this performance just your vocals." He explained and I get it, after all they don't want the same type of dancing I used to do. "That's perfect with me sir,"

"Great then, Hemy and Hyunjin will give you the rest of the information about that, now the other thing I wanted to talk about. I want you to move in closer to the company since you'll be my assistant I'm gonna need you close, the rent will be paid by the company."

"I'm sorry sir, I really appreciate that the company offered to pay the rent but the bills prices are a lot higher, however I'll try to be here as early as possible every day." I explained. "The company will pay for that as well, back your things because the apartment will be ready after your first performance."

I could tell from his words and tone that he's not taking no for an answer, "okay sir I'll be ready." I nodded. "Great, you can go now." I was about to leave when his voice stopped me again. " By the way, you can use 'hyung' in work as well instead of sir."

"Okay si- Hyung." I bowed slightly and left making my way to the training studio to Hemy praying Hyunjin wouldn't be there.

But of course, I'm not that lucky.

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