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By Leyah_eroticstories

940K 23.1K 10.8K

โTalk to me while I eat you out, honey baby.โž Her fingers tightens around my hair as she shoves me deeper bet... More

๐“Ÿ๐“ป๐“ธ๐“ต๐“ธ๐“ฐ๐“พ๐“ฎ & ๐“˜๐“ท๐“ฝ๐“ป๐“ธ๐“ญ๐“พ๐“ฌ๐“ฝ๐“ฒ๐“ธ๐“ทยฉ
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[BOOK TWO] sequel๐Ÿ’ฅ

Ch. ยณโน

11.9K 353 116
By Leyah_eroticstories

Honeysia P.O.V

F I V E  M O N T H S  L A T E R (34 weeks)

I was now coming to the end of my pregnancy, today marks the eight month and I'm getting scared to push a human out of my vagina.

I always wonder if I'm gonna be stretched out after he/she comes out.

"Hey Sander?" I called the sleepy man that's currently rubbing my stomach. It is currently 2:04 a.m and I can't sleep, well because I've been feeling strong cramping in the abdomen, groin and back.

Especially my back, I think the babies head is positioned against my lower spine as opposed to the normal, on top of the cervix way, so whenever a contraction came, instead of him pounding down to open said cervix, his head struck my spinal cord, igniting the nerve center in a ripple of unmitigated agony.

Which is why Sander is currently giving me ECV, which means he's gently massaging my stomach to encourage the baby to turn by doing either a forward or backward flip in my womb.

It's uncomfortable so far, but it's not really painful.

Poor Sander has to be up with me right through listening to my cries because of the excruciating pain I'm feeling. I can see that he wants to sleep but won't sleep without me sleeping first or feeling better.

He has been amazing with me these past few months and I'm thankful for him.

Since the last few months, it has been difficult to do things on my own. Sometimes he has to help me bathe, shave, pulling up my clothes.

He also helps me cook, well after he got lessons on how to cook of course. Now he's a big chef, my man nows how to cook now and he learned it all for me.

He does the grocery shopping sometimes as well and helps clean up the house.

Overall, he's been one amazing husband as always.

"Hm?" He hums as he continues rubbing my stomach.

"Do you think my pussy will be stretched out after giving birth?" I ask curiously as I hissed at the pain.

He looks at me for a while before bursting out into a fit of laughter. "Oh, you were serious? Well baby, if that happens then my dick is fucked."

I frown, "Are you serious?"

He shrugs, "Hm, it's gonna feel like my dick is fucking the air and not your pussy."

I burst out laughing but groan a while after in discomfort, "Fuck you Sander."

He chuckles, "Chill love, I'm just playing with you. That won't be happening, it's just gonna go back to the normal size after you've pushed out the little big headed shit."

I slapped him in the head for calling our child shit and he laughs, pecking my stomach.

"I love my little peanut." He murmurs kissing all over my stomach.

I know he loves the baby already and he/she hasn't born as yet.

We decided not to find out the gender until the birth. We wanted to be surprised, but it's been hard— especially when buying clothes and other things for the baby.

Sander says he doesn't care the gender, whether it's a girl or boy, he's gonna love them nontheless.

I wanted a mini me first, but whatever comes is okay with me.

"Are you feeling better?" He suddenly asks.

I shrug, "It's not as bad, but I'm still feeling it." I said truthfully.

Soon after I fell asleep, I don't know when or how but I did.

I woke up early in the morning, around 5:25 a.m with the urge to pee and I unwrapped myself from Sander. I stood up and paused when I felt water escaping and splashing from underneath me and unto the floor.

I blinked, then blinked again.

Did my water just broke?

Oh fucking hell.

"S-Sander?" I called out to him but he kept sleeping. I hit his chest and he grumbles opening his eyes staring at me.

I pointed to my night shorts that I had on that was currently soaked with water.

"Baby, did you pee yourself?" He ask with a frown, "I knew I should've gotten you some pampers as well."

Is this man for real right now?

"No idiot! I did not pee myself." I grunt out.

He sighs, "It's okay my love, you don't have to feel embarrassed."

I closed my eyes in distress, "Sander, my water fucking broke."

His eyes widened as he sat up in the bed quickly looking at my shorts in shock, "As in the baby is gonna come out of your pussy now?"

"No, he's gonna come out of my legs!" I snapped.

"Right." He mumbles before he started panicking. "Oh shit, the baby is coming!" He quickly got up and ran off, only to slip on the floor him from the water and he fell back right on his ass.

God is good.

If I wasn't in pain right now, I would've laugh after him.

"Why me?" He dramatically says on the floor.

"Relax will you? We don't need to go to the hospital yet." I mumbled as I tried making my way around the house.

He stood up and helped me as we were walking around the house, I had to stop and lean over the counter as I was hit with a slow and building pain that shocked me.

Sander immediately took notice while I was doubtful it was the real thing.

I had been having false labor for a few days where contractions would even wake me in the middle of the night, but then die off so I'm a little wary of it.

Walking around the house, it only seemed to increase in frequency. Soon I was contracting for 25-30 seconds about every 10 minutes.

"It's fine." I assured him before he could say anything.

At this point I began to experience something I wasn't prepared for. I had been told by others that you have small breaks between your contractions. My contractions began again to increase in frequency but not length. Every 3 minutes now I would have a 45 sec contraction and it only increased in frequency from there.

I was in tears, from the pain but also from fear of what was to come now.

In all honesty, I'm just putting off going to the hospital in fear of what's gonna happen.

"Hey," Sander caressed my cheeks lovingly, "Everything's gonna be okay, you're one strong motherfucker and remember I'm gonna always be by your side throughout everything." He kissed my forehead. "I'm so proud of you baby, you make me fucking proud. Now lets go push out that little big headed shit."

I smiled through tears, not knowing how much I wanted that encouragement speech.

It wasn't until I started having contractions every few minutes that we decided to finally go to the hospital. I'm not sure how often they were happening now, because at this point I wasn't being able to time them.

On our way to the hospital, he pulled out his phone making some calls to our friends and his dad.

Yes, you heard that right— his dad.

Sander's dad had survive the three months, by some miracle and now he's cancer free, which made us all happy because we went through a terrible time with this shit cancer.

When we reached the hospital, Sander lifted me in his arms and carried me inside with the baby bags on him too.

I don't know how he managed all that, but he did.

He also got me the best room and let's not forget he owns this hospital.

I got checked in as a woman doctor assisted to me, courtesy of Sander not wanting a male doctor to look underneath me.

I was 3-4 centimeters and I was so relieved when the she said, "We are gonna have a baby today!" I had built it up in my head that I wasn't in real labor yet and didn’t want to get my hopes up, though my water had broke.

Hours upon hours I was still in pain, not ready to give birth as yet and Sander was very supportive with me. He helped me up a couple minutes ago and helped me to move around the room to help fasten the birth.

My cervix suddenly went into overdrive and in one hellish, body-wracking hour, blew open to the requisite ten centimeters, which meant it was time to push the baby out.

Then I felt something emerge, "She's crowning!" I exclaimed and the nurse came in to check, She ordered someone to get the midwife who came in immediately.

I think her name was Abrielle Silva, a dark skinned beauty she is.

I fought the urge to push, this baby was coming and she was coming now. But instead of pushing, I stopped. I resisted. I clenched at every contraction, stealing myself against the pain that felt like a reckless trucker was driving his truck through my uterus.

I held unto Sander's outstretched hand for comfort as he smiled at me nervously.

"Push into the pain," The midwife urged in a high, clipped I know best voice that left no room for compromise. "When it feels the worst Mrs Santos, that's when you must push the hardest." Though she was a sweet woman, I wanted to kick her in the face.

"I don’t know what that even means," I cried between gasps. "How do I push into the pain?" I actually thought that if I argued enough, I could altogether avoid having the baby.

"You're doing so good my love, don't worry— I also wanna kick that woman in the face too." Sander whispers to me so that I was the only one that could hear him and I chuckle before groaning in pain as I gripped his hand tightly.

"It means," She explained, "that when the contraction is at it's worst then you must push the hardest. Don’t shirk from the pain."

"I'll shirk you instead!" I thought as I felt the onset of a killer contraction. How to do this? How do you leave your fingers on the burning stove or step more deeply onto the tack? How does a person embrace her worst fears and invite more?

How does she choose a life of writing pain?

"Now!" The doctor and midwife, urged. "Push now!"

I shut my eyes and swallowed back my resistance. With my jaw locked, I pushed my hardest, squeezing Sander's hand so tight that I heard his groans beside me.

I was screaming until tears streaked my face. I did that five more times through five more contractions, the pain is so unrelenting that I feared I might die.

I pushed as if my life depended on it, because it truly does.

When the baby still didn't come, the doctor's face showed alarm as she watched the monitor, reached for a pair of surgical scissors.

You must be fucking kidding me.

Oh God, save our baby please.

"W-What is going on?" Sander snaps.

"We have to get the baby out now!" She announced.

My child was in danger as its heart rate had plummeted and then..... it went back to normal almost immediately.

What the hell?

The faces inside the room looked relief as everybody blew out a breath in relief, but that didn't last long as I screamed when I felt the head tearing out my pussy.

"Oh fucking hell! Take it out, it's splitting me!" I screamed, pushing to get it out. "For fucks sake."

This is so painful.

"Thank you God for making me into a man." I heard Sander whispers as he went to the front, looking underneath me. His eyes widened and he looked like he was about to faint when the baby shoulder started pushing out and I screamed louder, "Holy fucking shit, I didn't know pussy could've stretched that much? I'm traumatized. That's just— oh dear God." He gasps, looking amused yet he looked like he was about to blacked out as well.

I glared at him, "All this is your fucking fault you dipshit! We're never having sex again!" I screamed at him.

He held his chest, "Not you trying to give me heart attack before I can get to see peanut properly." He scoff as he came back over and held my hand.

I finally felt something or someone slides right out if me the next minute and I sighed when I felt the pain disappeared.

The moment I heard the cry, it was like a switch was flipped and suddenly I felt great. My weariness and exhaustion melted away. They cleaned and laid the baby on my chest and all was perfect. Everything seemed to fade as the warm, damp bundle on my chest consumed my attention.

Sander was in awe as he watched us, placing a kiss on both our heads. "You did so well mama."

I grin.

At 1:45 p.m on August 1st, we welcomed our first baby into the world with 7.10lbs and 21 inches.

The baby stayed on my chest until it was time to cut the cord, which Sander did. Then I breastfeed and for the first time in 9 hours, Sander moved away from my side, got us some dinner and went to the bathroom.

After a while, I leave the baby to Sander who couldn't stop grinning as he let the baby slept on him skin to skin.

"So adorable. Hi my peanut, please forgive me for calling you a little shit— I didn't really mean that." Sander stated as he pecks the head of our baby.

They're so cute.

I smiled looking at my handsome husband and newborn baby together.

"I love you, honey baby."

"I love you Sander."

We had accomplished our dream of natural birth and were ready for well deserved rest as a family.

Not revealing the gender, when you read the epilogue which will be the next chapter, you'll know the gender.😂💀❣️

So we have come to the end of this book.😭😫I'm sad, but at the sametime I'm happy because I'm about to start the SEQUEL for this which is book two— "BURNING BLAZE"💥

It's gonna be epic.🦋❗️

See ya, hope you enjoyed this book though❗️🥂


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