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By Leyah_eroticstories

939K 23.1K 10.8K

โTalk to me while I eat you out, honey baby.โž Her fingers tightens around my hair as she shoves me deeper bet... More

๐“Ÿ๐“ป๐“ธ๐“ต๐“ธ๐“ฐ๐“พ๐“ฎ & ๐“˜๐“ท๐“ฝ๐“ป๐“ธ๐“ญ๐“พ๐“ฌ๐“ฝ๐“ฒ๐“ธ๐“ทยฉ
Ch. ยน
Ch. ยฒ
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Ch. โต
Ch. โถ
Ch. โท
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Ch. ยนโถ
Ch. ยนโท
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[BOOK TWO] sequel๐Ÿ’ฅ

Ch. ยณโท

14.9K 390 116
By Leyah_eroticstories

Aleksander P.O.V

"Hi... Dad." I muttered as I entered the house he was staying in all this time.

He nodded at me, "Hi son."

It was weird that I didn't picked up that he was indeed my real dad when he visited me at the station because he could pass for my twin.

We looked exactly alike, with our green eyes.

Well except the fact that he has some grey hair now.

Our names are also similar, Aleksander and Alexander.

Atleast my mom did something right, I scoff to myself.

"I came to see how you were doing?" I said lowly.

He laughs slightly, "Did you mean Honeysia sent you to see how I was doing?"

I looked away guiltily, because he was indeed right about that one.

My wife did forced me out of the house to come see him again and it makes me feel like I really hadn't forgiven him like I thought I did.

If I had, someone wouldn't have to force me to come here.

I think my mind is trying to forecfully forgive him only because he has cancer with only months left to live.

I'm afraid time is running out on me to forgive him.

This shit is hard as hell.

"Don't worry, that's okay. I don't feel bad about it, even I know you'll need more time to fully forgive me." Dad stated as we sat on the couch.

His home was so sweet and welcoming, I feel peaceful everytime I come in here.

I looked at him before snapping, "But that's the problem, there's no time! We don't have time, it's running out dad."

He chuckles, "We have a whole three months son, I have three months to make you forgive me and I assure you I'll work hard towards it."

"Stop saying it like that." I murmured, hate hearing when he talks about how many months are left.

Just when I found my real dad, I'm about to lose him soon. Thinking about it, now I understood why he never came into my life when he found out.

The feeling I'm getting right now, is the feeling I would've gotten ten times worse if I had gotten too close to him, if we had known each other years ago.

And this feeling is bad, I wouldn't want to know the feeling I would've gotten if we were too close with eachother.

"I'll make every second counts, I just don't want you to get too close to me so that when the time comes for me to d—"

I cut him off and changed the subject immediately, I can't just talk about this right now.

I have faith deep down that he's gonna survive this bullshit cancer. I even started praying these days, something I had only ever done twice in all my life.

Fuck cancer and those doctors.

"Okay dad, guess what?"

He hums, realizing that I'm trying to change the subject. "Tell me?"

I had a whole plan for my wife.

"I'm taking Honey on a date later, you know?  That thing about doing things the right way for her and I realized I never took her on a date before." I frown while saying this.

It's embarrassing taht I never did.

My wife deserves to go on a date atleast thrice a week. In all honesty, I didn't even know what the fuck was a date or those romantic things.

Not like I've been in a relationship or have someone around me who's been in one for me to even know that shit.

When I was a kid, my mother and her shitty husband never did those romantic shit.

Rome was the only person I was truly around and he never did relationships either, only fucked and dipped as he called it.

However, Rome explained to me recently about all that and I got some help from my phone robot Siri.

Now that I do know, I'm gonna spoil my wife regardless.

The fact that she didn't hold grudges against me for not even taking her on a date or didn't seem upset at the fact, that proves she really does love me.

She didn't give a fuck that I never did that for her.

That changes now though.

She deserves a better husband and I'm gonna be that for her.

Dad smiles happily, "That's good Alek. Treat her like a queen you hear me?"

I nod, "Of fucking course, that's my whole life right there. I love that girl so much, she thought me how to love despite me being crazy in the head."

I would climb a million fucking rocks just for her.

"I'm glad she was there for you when I wasn't and also your friend Rome. He's a good one son." He stated with a sigh.

I ran my fingers through my hair thats a bit shorter now since as I got a haircut this morning for our date later.

I didn't let them cut it too much though, I left a good amount so that my wife could still pull at it whenever I'm fucking her.

She also loves pulling my hair when I'm eating her pussy.

I love that shit too.

Really Sander? Now is not the time.

"Yeah, they're good ones." I agreed with him.

He nods, "And how is the pregnancy treating you both so far?"

I shrug, "Good and bad. Honey goes through about fifty different emotions a day and it freaks me out." I admitted, "Sometimes I have to literally hide in the bathroom just to not face her bloody wrath."

He laughs heartily.

"But, the best part is her sex drive. My oh my, it has gone up the roof and she has become a beast in the bedroom, always wanting my dic—" I stopped when he scrunched his face up in disgust at me. "Okay, I guess you didn't need to know that part."

He rolled his eyes, "I did not need to know about my son and my daughter in-law sex life." Then he paused, "But seriously, are you happy with the pregnancy?"

Am I happy?

Of fucking course I am, but mostly worried too.

"Yes I am, it's just that I'm scared and I hope he/she doesn't genetically get my crazy mental illness, it's not nice living off of medications every single fucking day."

I worry about this everyday, and I can only hope it doesn't happen because I don't know how my wife would manage two crazy people at once.

"Look at you though, you're managing amazingly well so even if your child or children develops it, I don't see the harm." Dad stated.

I scoff, "Dad, the only reason I'm doing so well is because of Honey, because I have her and because I try doing better for her."

He nodded, "Exactly and the child will have you both, so there's no need to worry."

Maybe he's right.

Or wrong.

Who knows?

"Alexander! Have you seen my phone?" A woman voice called out as she walks inside the living room where we sat.

She looked younger than him, probably three years younger than me if I must say.

Holy shit.

She gasp when she saw me too, "Oh hi, I didn't know someone else was here."

I nod, looking over my dad who was looking everywhere but on me.

"Alek this is Daisy, my helper and Daisy this is my son Alek." He introduces us with a frown.

"Helper." Daisy scoffs quietly, but I heard her and so did my dad.

I snort as he glares at her.

I cleared my throat, "Nice to meet you Daisy the so called helper." I joked.

Dad rolled his eyes and turn to Daisy, "Your phone is probably in the kitchen and you're off today."

Daisy nods and left in search for her phone. When she found it she left the house immediately with my dad staring her down as she disappears.

He lets out a sigh.

When she was out of sight, I wiggled my brows at him teasingly, "Helper huh?"

He clenched his jaw as his cheeks turned pink, "Yes, just a helper."

Is he blushing? This old man.

I burst out laughing, "Dad, I didn't know you're still getting some at your old age."

"Aleksander, get the fuck out of my house before I stab you and plus I'm only 56, not that old." He threatens lightly.


I scoff, putting up my leg on the couch. "Hey now, don't get upset when I just wanted to know about my new step-mother."

He choked out before closing his eyes shut in frustration.

"You know what? Tell me everything about this date you have planned for your wife."

Oh my beautiful wife, I smiled at the thought— everything else exited from my mind and my thoughts flooded with her.

"Well you see....."

Honeysia P.O.V

He leads me to a well decorated table in the quiet restaurant. It was decorated with candles, rose petals, champagne and more things.

My first date, ever.

It's exciting.

Most of the tables were empty and I took note of that. He pulls out my chair for me gently and I quickly sit as he pulled it back in for me. He sits across from me and smiled my way. The only light around our section is from a few well placed candles around us and on the table.

A waiter approaches and without saying a word, pours us wine and leaves the bottle. Obviously only Sander will drink the wine while I'll drink water for now.

I guess Sander already instructed the waiter on what to do when we came here.

It was currently 5:30 now and we came here this time because he said he wanted to take me somewhere else after this and didn't want night to reach us before we arive there.

He watches as I sip on the water and when I noticed, I blushed at the way he wss intensively staring at me.

A shy smile slips out from my lips, "Why are you staring at me like that?"

He smiles and stated truthfully, "I'm not sure if you're aware, but you are fucking drop-dead gorgeous. You have a beauty that's unmatched by anyone I've ever seen."

I blush harder, "Sander stop it."

I feel weird when someone compliments me, like I don't know how to act.

He grins and shakes his head, "I don't wanna be that cringe person, but every time I see you, my heart skips a fucking beat and I never knew that was a real thing until now my love."

I blushed harder, "You're good with words, I'll give you that." I laugh looking at my nails that he paid for me to get done.

He would always get my medicure and pedicure done atleast thrice a month and get me a spa day with them too.

I watch as he looked over at my body in awe, "I love the way you look in that dress too. You have a way of making anything you wear looks good."

I giggled, "Thank you, but you complimented my dress already."

He loves watching me and I realized that a longtime ago. He smiles warmly back as if to show me he doesn't care how many times he complimented me, he's gonna do it regardless.

I begin to enjoy his gaze however, it made me really feel beautiful and wanted.

Soaking it all in, the feeling of his eyes move over me. From my eyes to my nose, cheeks, lips. Again, I blushed and this time, so does he as he went back to sipping his wine.

We lock eyes across the table again and everything around us fades away and even though we were quiet most of the time, it was enjoyable. We were in a universe all on our own, lost in the depths of each other's eyes.

I can feel his desire for me and I'm sure he could feel mine.

We barely even notice the waiter as he places the first course between us. Sander had ordered pesto chicken flatbread and lobster bisque to share between us. He also decided on shrimp and grits, and because I had been craving that for a few days now and I squealed seeing as he got it for me.

It was the most perfect amount of food, every single thing was delicious and Sander made sure everything was well cooked properly before I could even eat anything— perfectly cooked and seasoned.

Calmly bringing each morsel to my lips, he marvels at the pleasure I take from each bite as I let out enjoyable sounds. Every bite I took, it's as if I was tasting it for the first time.

I gaze at him over my glass that's filled with orange juice as I sipped on it. I know he is still watching me, because that's all he seem to be doing from the moment we got here. I took up a grape from the dish that was filled with fruits and slipped a grape between my lips, biting down on it softly, while watching him.

He shifts in his seat with a groan as he continues watching as I ate the grape. When I was finish with it, I reached for a strawberry, but he deliberately snatches it just as my fingertip touches the fruit. He grins at me as he takes a large bite of it, I pout at him and he smiles affectionately back at me as he feeds me the rest.

"You're such a tease." He grunts when I use my tongue and lick off his finger before sucking on it.

"I know." I smiled when he pulled his fingers from my mouth.

After we got done with the food, we got dessert next and since Sander doesn't really fancy these things, we decided to just share one.

He feeds me a small piece as my eyes closed when I tasted the creamy and softness in it. I can’t help but smile with pleasure at the sweetness.

"There's some cream on your lips and nose, baby." He stated as he reaches towards me before I can raise my napkin to clean it off.

Everything around us fades away when he stretched over and licked the tip of my nose with a grin plastered all over his face.

He planned that of course, I know him more than anyone else. He puts his hand softly on my cheek and leans toward me as I also lean towards him. He brushed over my lips softly with his, locking my lips in an unexpected kiss, while tasting the sweetness of the dessert mixed with the sweetness of me.

Oh God.

He better be giving me some dick later, cause' whew chile.

After about an hour and a half, we left the restaurant because Sander wanted us to go sightseeing in a helicopter.

I'm extremely excited to do this, especially since it was also on my bucket list that I had made.

I've never been in a helicopter before, this will be my first time and hopefully it will be a memorable one.

We took almost half an hour to get in the helicopter because Sander wouldn't stop asking questions about my safety being on there since as I'm currently pregnant.

Then he took a good couple of minutes to carefully lift me up and bring me in the helicopter even though I was fully capable of using my legs.

I rolled my eyes at his protectiveness.

We were now seated inside the helicopter, as Sander puts on the headset over me ears, which was difficult due to my puffy hair that was in curls.

"I just wanna apologize for never taking you on a date before, you desereved better than that." I heard Sander say as he finally got it on me and then sets a soft pillow behind my back.

He puts on his headset next and I took his hand in mine, "Sander, living with you everyday feels like a date itself. You always get me flowers and chocolates whenever you get home from work. So honestly, it didn't even matter to me, plus I knew you probably didn't even know about dates."

I looked at him with a grin as his cheeks and ears turned pink.

"Who told you all about that anyway?"

He shrugs, "Rome and Siri."

I laugh at the mention of the robot on his phone. Sometimes he acts like an old man when he doesn't know most stuff and has to ask Siri about it.

The pilot gave us a warning that we're about to take off and I squealed in excitement.

This is one of the best days ever.

We took off and my eyes were glued outside of the window looking down, the further we go up. We didn't go too far up but it was still beautiful to look down on.

Everything looked amazing.

The helicopter tour over a major city, giving us an incredible view of the skyline and iconic landmarks.

"It's so beautiful baby!" I squealed, with my face stucked to the window like a small kid.

"Not as beautiful as my wife." Sander mutters beside me as he watches me in amusement.


I giggle, "That was smooth as hell." Then I went back to looking down at the beautiful sight.

We head over the sea and I grin widely, but rolled my eyes hearing Sander on a secret radio call from the pilot letting him know we're about five minutes away from the giant sign.

What giant sign is that?

Then after three minutes, followed another secret radio call that we've reached.

I frown, and ignored them as I squealed looking out the window seeing a 'Will you marry me, honey baby?' sign laid out on the ground.

Wait, huh?

"Sander, why does—" I started saying as I turned around to him but clamped my mouth shut the moment my eyes landed on him.

On his knees, with an adorable ring in his hands.

I gasp in complete shock, only to see him smiling confidently.

I love my confident man.

"W-what are you doing?" I giggled nervously as my heart sped up in my chest.

He shrugs, "Asking you to marry me the right way this time."

I sob threatened to come out, but I held it back in as he pulled my hand in his. "I'll never forget the first day we met, we both were going on about our day until you decided to crash into me and spilled my coffee all over me." He stops as we both laugh, then he scoff, "Pretty cliche if you ask me, but nontheless— I was so angry that day that I snapped at you and you slapped the fucking shit out of me," He rolled his eyes with a smirk. "Then my ass fell for you right there and like the crazy man that I am, I stalked you for three years instead of coming up to you and asking you out like a normal person would do."

"Right? But you're not a normal person." I laughed, wiping the tear that finally fell. "I never liked normal anyways."

He kissed the back of my hand in appreciation.

A nervous chuckle came from him as I watch him licking his lips. "Whatever, but now I love you more than anything in the world. You're my best friend and I can't imagine my life without you. So, will you marry me again? This time with your consent, honey baby."

This man has come so far, learnt so much. Im so freaking proud of him, it's so unreal.

He tries the normal way just for me, which I appreciate but at the sametime I don't want him changing because I love him the way he is or was.

I nod with a squeal, "Of course I'll marry you again, a million times over and over again."

He gave me the widest grin as he rushes to put on the engagement ring on my middle finger, leaving the wedding one on the rightful finger.

This is the best proposal ever, don't tell me otherwise.

He got up immediately and sat down, pulling me into a hug. "I'm so happy I stalked your pretty ass."

I laugh, hitting his chest and he chuckled.

"Now, can I eat you out?"

My eyes widened as I looked at the pilot and back at Sander.

He has no shame in him.

A sweet chapter for y'all.... 🫶🏽

I want someone to propose to me like this though.😭💀

Thanks for reading & happy reading.❗️🦋


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