Aero (a BNHA OC story)

Por ineedtoshush

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In which UA's former golden boy is recruited to join UA's teaching staff. After his debut as the hero Aero, K... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
UA days 1
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
UA days 2 (part 1)
UA days 2 (part 2)
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 *
Chapter 69 *
Chapter 70 *
Chapter 71

Chapter 43

185 11 19
Por ineedtoshush


Recovery Girl's words washed over Kenzo like a wave of relief, the weight of uncertainty lifting from his shoulders as he absorbed the news. "Temporary?" he echoed, his voice tinged with cautious optimism. "So... so I'll be able to use my quirk again?"

Recovery Girl nodded solemnly, her gaze steady as she met his eyes. "Yes, but I can't say for certain when it will return," she explained gently. "It could be days, weeks, or even months. It all depends on the nature of the quirk-cancelling effect and how your body responds to treatment."

Kenzo's heart sank at the uncertainty of her words, a knot of anxiety forming in the pit of his stomach. The thought of being without his quirk for an indefinite period of time was daunting, to say the least. But he forced himself to push aside his fears, focusing instead on the knowledge that this setback was only temporary.

"Thank you, Recovery Girl," he said earnestly, his voice filled with gratitude. "I appreciate everything you've done for me."

Recovery Girl smiled warmly, her eyes crinkling at the corners with genuine affection. "You're welcome, Kenzo," she replied kindly. "Just remember to take it easy and give yourself time to heal. Your quirk will come back when it's ready."

With those words of encouragement ringing in his ears, Kenzo felt a renewed sense of determination coursing through his veins. No matter how long it took, he would do whatever it took to regain his quirk and return to his duties as a hero.

As they left Recovery Girl's office and made their way back to the car, Kenzo couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that lingered in the back of his mind. But he refused to let it consume him, focusing instead on the knowledge that he had the support of his friends and mentors to see him through this difficult time.

Aizawa drove him home in silence, the quiet hum of the engine filling the air as they navigated the familiar streets of Mustafu. Kenzo stared out the window, lost in thought as he contemplated the challenges that lay ahead.

"Kenzo," Aizawa's voice broke through the silence, pulling him from his reverie. "I know this is tough, but remember that you're not alone. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Kenzo nodded, his gratitude evident in the slight quirk of his lips. "Thanks, Aizawa," he replied sincerely. "I'll keep that in mind."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Aizawa pulled up in front of Kenzo's apartment building, bringing the car to a stop with a soft hiss of the brakes. Kenzo stepped out onto the pavement, the weight of the day's events heavy on his shoulders as he watched Aizawa drive away into the night.

As he made his way up to his apartment, Kenzo couldn't help but feel a sense of unease gnawing at him from within. The uncertainty of his situation weighed heavily on his mind, casting a shadow over his thoughts as he prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead.

Kenzo dramatically flopped onto his couch, exhaustion weighing heavily on his shoulders as he sank into the familiar embrace of the cushions. With a weary sigh, he reached for his phone, the bright screen illuminating the dimly lit room as he unlocked it with a tired swipe of his thumb.

As he opened Twitter, his finger hovered over the compose button, hesitating for a moment before he began typing out his message. "Taking a short break from hero duties due to a personal issue," he wrote, his words careful and deliberate. "I'll be back soon. Stay safe, everyone."

With a final tap, he sent the tweet out into the world, feeling a sense of relief wash over him as he closed the app and set his phone aside. But his respite was short-lived, as within moments, his phone began to buzz incessantly with notifications, each one clamouring for his attention with increasing urgency.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Kenzo picked up his phone and opened the notifications, his eyes widening in surprise as he saw the flood of responses to his tweet. Messages poured in from fans and followers alike, expressing concern, confusion, and speculation about the nature of his "personal issue."

Some offered words of encouragement and support, while others speculated wildly about the true reason behind his sudden departure from hero duties. Conspiracy theories abounded, with rumours swirling about secret villain attacks, government cover-ups, and more.

Kenzo couldn't help but grin at some of the more outlandish theories, but beneath the surface, he felt a pang of guilt for keeping the truth hidden from his fans. But he knew that revealing the full extent of his situation would only put him at risk, and he couldn't afford to jeopardise his safety or the safety of others.

With a heavy heart, he silenced his phone and set it aside, the weight of his decision hanging heavily in the air as he settled back into the couch, his mind racing with thoughts of what the future might hold. But for now, all he could do was wait and hope that his quirk would return to him soon, so that he could once again don the mantle of a hero and protect those in need.


Kenzo let out a weary sigh as the warm water cascaded over his tired muscles, offering a brief reprieve from the chaos of the day. The steamy tendrils enveloped him in a comforting embrace, easing the tension that had settled deep within his bones. With each droplet that fell, he felt a sense of weightlessness wash over him, if only for a fleeting moment.

But the tranquillity was short-lived, shattered by the sharp rap of knuckles against his front door. Kenzo's brow furrowed in confusion, his mind racing to comprehend who could possibly be visiting at such an hour. With a resigned sigh, he turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist before hastily donning a bathrobe.

His wet hair dripped onto the tiled floor as he made his way to the door, the echo of his footsteps punctuating the quiet of the hallway. With a cautious hand, he reached for the doorknob, pulling it open to reveal a very unexpected and unwelcome visitor.

His heart lurched as he locked eyes with the figure standing before him. Instinctively, he tried to slam the door shut, but the villain's foot blocked his attempt. "Shigaraki," he growled, his voice tinged with anger and disbelief. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Open the door, and I'll explain, pretty boy," Shigaraki whispered, a smirk twisting his pale lips, his lip piercings glinting in the moonlight. He was clad in an all-black tracksuit, the hood drawn up to conceal his baby blue hair.

"Get lost before I make you regret it," Kenzo hissed, his grip tightening on the door handle.

"And how would you do that without your quirk, huh? You'd have attacked me already if you could. I know you too well, Kenzo." Shigaraki's smirk widened as he spoke, his tone dripping with amusement.

"Don't call me that," Kenzo snapped, his eyes flashing with fury at Shigaraki's taunts.

"Fine," Shigaraki retorted, shouldering past Kenzo and into the house. "Now, where's your damn living room?"

"Get out of my house," Kenzo seethed, seizing the villain's collar and forcefully pushing him against the wall.

"Listen up, blondie," Shigaraki began, his hood slipping down to reveal his manic grin and fluffy blue hair. "I've got five snipers stationed outside Shin Nakamura's Kitchen, where he's currently baking muffins and listening to 'California Love' by Tupac. Want me to give them the green light?"

"The living room's the first door on the left," Kenzo replied through gritted teeth, his voice low and menacing as he released his grip on Shigaraki's collar.

Shigaraki sauntered into the living room, his presence exuding a cocky confidence that made Kenzo's blood boil. Kenzo followed closely behind, his muscles tensed and ready for action.

"What do you want, Shigaraki?" Kenzo demanded, his voice sharp and edged with hostility.

Shigaraki sprawled onto the couch, making himself far too comfortable in Kenzo's own home. He smirked, relishing in the discomfort he was causing. "Just here for a friendly chat, blondie," he drawled, his crimson eyes scanning Kenzo up and down.

Kenzo resisted the urge to punch the smug grin off Shigaraki's face. Instead, he clenched his fists tightly, trying to maintain his composure. "Cut the bullshit. You villains don't just waltz into someone's house uninvited for a friendly chat. Spit it out."

Shigaraki's smirk widened, and he leaned back, lacing his fingers behind his head. "Alright, alright, no need to get your panties in a twist," he taunted. "I just wanted to see how you're coping without your precious quirk."

Kenzo's jaw clenched at the mention of his lost ability. He gritted his teeth, refusing to let Shigaraki see how much his words affected him. "I'm managing just fine. And I'm guessing you're the ones who sent that man to shoot me," he retorted, his tone defiant.

Shigaraki chuckled darkly, kicking his airforces off and leaning back on the sofa, not bothering to answer Kenzo's questions.

Kenzo's hands balled into fists at his sides, his nails digging into his palms. He fought to control his rising anger, knowing that losing his temper would only play into Shigaraki's hands. "Why are you really here?" he demanded, his voice low and dangerous.

Shigaraki's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Let's just say I have an offer for you, Goldilocks," he said cryptically. "One that could make things very interesting."

"Are you going to tell me what it is or not?" Kenzo snapped, his patience wearing thin.

"Firstly, I don't know why you're being so hostile. I could have attacked you at any moment, but I haven't. At least not yet. Secondly, do you usually greet guests into your home while half-naked? It's a bit distracting, but I'm not complaining. Thirdly-"

"Cut to the chase and tell me your proposition, then get the fuck out of my house," Kenzo seethed, his anger boiling over as he imagined what he would have done to Shigaraki if he still had his quirk.

"I know who your daddy is," Shigaraki grinned, his baby blue hair framing his face as he leaned forward, his tone teasing.

"I don't care. Now leave-"

"Also, is it true Dabi fucked you? Toga mentioned-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Kenzo seethed, hurling his phone at Shigaraki, who narrowly dodged it. The screen shattered as it collided with the wall behind Shigaraki's head.

"That was stupid. How do you plan on calling your hero friends for backup now?" Shigaraki laughed, his tongue stud on full display to Kenzo. "Here's the deal, Goldilocks," he continued. "If you cut all contact with Hawks, I'll gladly tell you who your daddy is. But if you refuse, well, let's just say your friend Shin might have a run-in with my associates, and I'll have a new Nomu to play with."

Kenzo's mind raced as he weighed his options. Cutting ties with Hawks would be difficult, but if it meant protecting Shin and uncovering the truth about his father, it might be worth it. And deep down, he couldn't shake the feeling that Hawks' strange behaviour over the past month was somehow connected to all of this.

But could he really trust Shigaraki to hold up his end of the bargain? The villain's reputation for deceit and treachery preceded him, and Kenzo knew that making a deal with him was like dancing with the devil.

Yet, the alternative was too terrifying to consider. The thought of losing Shin, of seeing him transformed into a mindless puppet, was more than Kenzo could bear.

With a heavy heart, Kenzo made his decision. "Fine," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'll do it. I'll cut ties with Hawks, you sick bastard."

Shigaraki's grin widened into a sinister smirk. "Excellent choice, sunshine," he said, his voice oozing with satisfaction.

"Alright, you've made your point," Kenzo said, his voice strained with impatience. "Now get out of my house."

Kenzo couldn't shake the sinking feeling that he had just made a deal with the devil himself. And now, he would have to live with the consequences. Worse still, Shigaraki seemed in no hurry to leave, lounging casually on Kenzo's couch as if he owned the place.

Shigaraki's smirk widened, his gaze flickering with amusement. "Oh, I'll leave, Goldilocks," he said, his tone dripping with malice. "But not until I've had my fun."

Kenzo's heart sank as he realised that Shigaraki had no intention of leaving anytime soon. He needed to come up with a plan, and fast, before things spiralled even further out of control. Walking across the room and grabbing the villain by the collair, Kenzo picked him up, attempting to kick him out of the house.

"Gosh, you're weak now." Shigaraki spoke slowly as he threw Kenzo's hand off his shirt, grabbing the hero's face and pushing him into the wall on the other side of the room. "If I had to guess, I'd say you use your quirk to boost your strength. Air manipulation strengthens your lungs, which increases your respiration rates and inturn, gives your muscles a boost. And if we minus the air powers from all that, you're just a regular guy, who knows how to fight."

Kenzo's heart pounded in his chest as Shigaraki's touch sent shivers down his spine. He tried to push the villain away, but Shigaraki's grip on him only tightened, his gloved hands tangling in Kenzo's hair as he leaned in closer.

"Stop it!" Kenzo growled, his voice shaking with anger. "Get off me."

But Shigaraki paid no heed to Kenzo's protests, his lips trailing down Kenzo's neck in a sinister caress. Kenzo felt a surge of revulsion as Shigaraki's touch invaded his personal space, his skin crawling at the thought of the villain's hands on him.

Kenzo's mind raced as he struggled to break free from Shigaraki's grasp, his heart pounding in his chest as he fought to regain control of the situation. But with Shigaraki's relentless advances, he knew that escape would not come easily. At any moment Shigaraki could remove his gloves, and Kenzo would become a pile of ashes.

Kenzo's stomach churned with disgust as Shigaraki's lips met his own, the taste of metal and malice lingering on his tongue. He felt a surge of panic as Shigaraki's tongue piercing danced against his lips, sending shivers down his spine.

But before he could react, Shigaraki pulled away, a wicked grin twisting his features as he brandished a gun from his pocket. Kenzo's blue eyes widened in horror as he realised the danger he was in, his mind racing with fear and desperation.

"Kiss me back, pretty boy," Shigaraki growled, his voice low and menacing as he lowered the gun and pressed it against Kenzo's groin. "Or else."

Kenzo's heart dropped as he felt the cold metal of the gun through his bathrobe. He was going to get his dick blown off if he didn't comply with the villain. With a sense of resignation, Kenzo leaned forward, his lips meeting Shigaraki's once more as he kissed back with feigned enthusiasm. He felt a surge of revulsion as Shigaraki's pierced tongue invaded his mouth, the taste of metal filling his senses.

But amidst the chaos and fear, Kenzo's mind remained sharp, his thoughts racing with plans of escape. He knew that he needed to bide his time, to wait for the perfect moment to strike.

As the kiss dragged on, Kenzo's heart pounded in his chest, his mind racing with thoughts of survival. He knew that he needed to find a way out of this situation, to escape the clutches of the villain before it was too late.

In that moment, the distinct sound of a key turning in the lock reverberated through the apartment, causing Shigaraki to abruptly halt his actions.

Kenzo's heart raced with desperate hope, and as if in answer to his silent prayer, Shin's voice pierced the tense air. "Hey, Kenzo, I brought some homemade muffins!"

(shin is actually kenzo's guardian angel icl)

Relief flooded through Kenzo as he heard Shin's familiar voice, signaling a potential end to his nightmare. With a fleeting glance towards Kenzo, Shigaraki swiftly released his grip, stowing away his gun and slipping on his Air Forces. Before vanishing out the window, he left Kenzo with a chilling ultimatum. "Tell him about the deal and he dies."

As Shigaraki made his clandestine escape, leaving Kenzo disoriented and sprawled on the floor, Shin stepped into the apartment with a tray of freshly baked muffins. His entrance halted abruptly as he took in the sight before him, shock etching across his features.

"Kenzo? What's going on? Are you alright?" Concern etched into his voice, Shin hurried over to Kenzo's side, placing the tray of muffins on the coffee table before kneeling beside him.

Shin's eyes widened with alarm as he took in the bruises and hickies adorning Kenzo's neck and chest, his gaze flicking towards the open window. The pieces of the puzzle started to come together in his mind, but he couldn't bring himself to voice his suspicions just yet.

"Kenzo," Shin began gently, his voice tinged with worry as he reached out to touch his friend's shoulder. "What happened? Who was here?"

Kenzo remained silent, his gaze fixed on the floor as he struggled to find the words to explain the harrowing encounter with Shigaraki. The memory of the villain's chilling threats echoed in his mind, leaving him feeling paralyzed with fear and uncertainty.

"Kenzo, please," Shin urged, his voice soft but insistent. "You can trust me. Whatever happened, I'm here for you."

A heavy silence hung in the air as Kenzo grappled with his emotions, the weight of the recent events bearing down on him like a suffocating blanket. Finally, with a deep exhale, he lifted his gaze to meet Shin's concerned eyes.

"It's... it's complicated," Kenzo murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I think... I think I'm in a lot of trouble."

As they sat in the dimly lit living room, the aroma of freshly baked muffins wafting through the air, Shin couldn't shake the feeling of unease that hung over the apartment like a dark cloud. Kenzo's usually vibrant energy had been replaced by a palpable sense of tension and apprehension, and no matter how hard Shin tried to break through the barrier of silence, his friend remained distant and withdrawn.

"Here, Kenzo," Shin said softly, offering him a muffin from the tray. "You should eat something. It might help you feel better."

Kenzo accepted the muffin with a murmured "thanks," but his gaze remained fixed on the floor, his mind seemingly miles away. Shin watched him with growing concern, the weight of the situation settling heavily on his shoulders.

"Kenzo," Shin began tentatively, his voice gentle but firm. "You can talk to me, you know. Whatever happened tonight, you don't have to face it alone."

Kenzo hesitated for a moment, his fingers tracing absentminded patterns on the edge of the muffin wrapper. Finally, he let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping with exhaustion.

"It was... it was Shigaraki," Kenzo admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "He... he came here, and... he hurt me."

Shin's heart clenched with a mixture of anger and sorrow as he listened to Kenzo's words, the gravity of the situation sinking in with each passing moment. He reached out to place a comforting hand on Kenzo's shoulder, his touch gentle yet reassuring.

"I'm so sorry, Kenzo," Shin murmured, his voice filled with empathy. "You didn't deserve any of this. But you're safe now, okay?"

"I'm not though." Kenzo murmured, taking a small bite of the muffin. It was delicious, but Kenzo could hardly taste it, his mind preoccupied.

"Kenzo you're the number four hero. You're one of the coolest people i've ever met with one of the coolest quirks-" Shin spoke, placing a hand on one of kenzo's broad shoulders

"I'm quirkless" Kenzo choked out, unable to meet Shin's large doe brown eyes.

"What?" Shin asked, confusion painted across his face.

"I was shot with a quirk-suppressing bullet. The league sent the shooter."

"Is it-"

"Temporary, yes. But I have no idea when it will wear off. It could be months. And I feel like such a dick saying this to you. You've never even had a quirk."

"And I don't need one. Don't feel like a dick" Shin spoke in a reassuring manner, "I'm an artist not a hero. I'll do whatever I can for you though bro. You're my best friend."

Kenzo nodded silently, a lone tear slipping down his cheek as he finally allowed himself to release the pent-up emotions that had been festering inside him since Shigaraki's cruel visit. In that moment, as they sat together in the quiet darkness of the night, Shin made a silent vow to stand by his friend's side no matter what challenges lay ahead.

(3435 words)

guys this isn't proofread !!

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