The Oath| Highschool DXD x Ma...

By FangedMarauder44

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Many things are hidden underneath the surface of a person. Be it from the parents, their biological or adopti... More

Death & Rebirth
Welcome to the Club
Trouble Follows The Blonde
Brother's Go To War
The Dragon Awakens
Working For A Devil
We Get Familiars?
Trouble Finds Us
A Secret Kept and A Secret Revealed
Skewer The Winged Beast

Paladin's Training

473 21 6
By FangedMarauder44

It was difficult for you to say the least, entering the home of your birth and having to clean and repair the damages from the attack 13 years ago. There was one room you avoided, that being the room where your parents died, no one knows it, but their bodies are still in there, according to the report from police, the bodies were never found, but you knew better, their bodies wouldn't disappear, and those who attacked had no use for them.

You sat on the busted up sofa of your old living room, your eyes aimlessly wandered the old home, remembering the days when your parents were alive.

You had managed to clean up a portion of the house, albeit it took a while since you had put yourself through a bit of hellish training, so time between both was scarce, you didn't sleep at all either.

You groan in hatred of your own depressive self-loathing, combined with the fact of your poor record of saying you'll do something only for it to go down the drain, sitting up, you use Divine Sense to lock on to Issei's magic, you spent most of the early dawn making your way to the training home the ORC were at.

Closing in on the area, you see the outlines of the ORC and Ahri. Stopping and taking a few breaths, you take a sprinter's stance. The ground, crushed, under your foot while dashing. Meanwhile, Issei was in a sword match with Kiba, each wielding a wooden sword, Issei perks up, feeling something wrong.

Issei: Does anyone else feel that?

Kiba: Feel wh—

Kiba feels it soon after, his devil instincts telling him a holy magic wielder approaching. From the tree-line you charge out, going directly for Issei.

Issei: 'He's going to hit me for real?!'

You attack Issei with a jumping kick, but you twist your body mid-air to strike him in the side, sending him into a tree.

Asia: Issei!

Some smoke clears revealing Issei having gone through a tree. Ahri walks up to you, and she could feel you were frustrated.

Ahri: Nice of you to finally arrive.

Turning to Ahri, you gave her one look of hostility. Ahri's smile feigned a bit.

(Y/N): Rias.

Rias: Yes?

(Y/N): I will take control of Issei and Koneko's training.

Rias: (Y/N), I'm sorry... But, your track record as of late hasn't been stellar. You say these things, but you end up getting beaten or proven wrong shortly after.

Issei: P-President...

He gets back up, moving his arm to make sure it isn't broken.

Issei: What you said is one hundred percent true... Bro's always had a tendency to talk and for stuff to go off the rails. But, so do I, that doesn't mean we don't try, we keep pushing even with no clear end in sight.

Walking up to you, Issei sees this harsh look in your eyes, no longer seeming to hold any remorse anymore.

Issei: Bro, let me finish up my training with Kiba and Akeno, then from there you can train me and Koneko.

(Y/N): No.

Issei: Hah!?

You hold your hammer to Issei's neck.

(Y/N): Every mistake you make while training, I will hit you with a divine smite.

Summoning your armor, you walk to the sideline to oversee Issei's training. Going inside shortly after Issei's loss from sparring with Kiba, Akeno takes over for Asia and Issei's magic training.

Akeno: Lesson two. Direct your entire body's aura flow to one area to concentrate your magic.

Extending his hand Akeno sees him struggling and gets close to guide him.

Akeno: Focus your mind and feel the flow of magic.

Asia: I did it!

In between Asia's hands was a bright green ball of magic the size of a baseball.

Akeno: Oh my, it seems Asia has a talent for magic.

Issei: W-Well, Asia getting stronger is actually great too.

You kick Issei into a wall, steam coming from the impact.

(Y/N): One.

Asia: Issei!

(Y/N): Don't heal him!

She stops in her tracks, worried at her adoptive older brother's behavior changing.

Issei: Y-You're really n-not screwing around.

He flinches from the wound, light burns for a few seconds before going out. Placing a quarter-full water bottle on the table, Akeno causes the water bottle to turn into Ice, piercing through the bottle.

Issei: Woah, awesome!

Akeno: Once you get used to magic, you can manipulate things like water, fire, or lightning. Asia, this is what you're going to practice next.

Asia: Yes!

Akeno: Issei, you should continue practicing to focus your magic.

Issei: O-Okay.

Akeno: The source of magic is your imagination. Forming a clear image in your head is essential.

Issei: An image in my head, eh?

Akeno: Yes.

Issei focuses on Akeno.

Akeno: There, that's it. Concentrate. Concentrate.

He was imagining Akeno naked right in front of him. He shakes it off trying to clear his head of his perverted thoughts.

Issei: What am I thinking?!

Akeno: What's wrong, Issei?

She leans further on the table causing her breasts to jiggle.

Issei: No, nothing! I-I'll do my best!

For the third lesson, it was war. Shattered Rocks, Tree ripped from the ground and torn in half, Holy Light searing the area. That was what training was with you. Issei and Koneko were hiding, both panting heavily from the wounds they carried. Each strike from your hammer felt like it would exorcise them right then and there.

Issei: S-Shit... Bro's different. He's trying to kill us at this point.

Koneko: Danger.

She jumps out of the way as another tree is torn in half from your hammer swing. Issei being the brave fool he was, charges you head on. You switch to one handing the hammer and strike his stomach with your free fist, but Koneko catches you in a chokehold, allowing Issei who takes advantage of this opportunity to use the Boosted Gear, and hit you with a charge punch to the face.

This tactic is swiftly countered by you using the hammer to hook Koneko and pry her off your head, swing her at Issei which sends them both backwards. Vanishing into a silvery mist you re-appear on a branch above them and jump down, hitting them both for the price of one with a divine smite. This causes a crater, going to swing again, Koneko powers through the pain and kicks you with both legs, sending you out of the crater and giving her and Issei time to get out.

Issei: My body...feels likes...I'll fade away...

(Y/N): Issei...Weak. Koneko...Doesn't use her strength with her speed, focuses too much on powering through, dead weight.

This strikes a nerve in the usually calm Koneko, lunging at you, you catch her by the face and slam her to the ground, she continuously kicks you in the head to get out, but unlike before, you tank each hit. Issei wills his body to stand up, his legs shaking a great deal. Ignoring this pain, he summons his Boosted Gear again, looking at his brother with a raised fist and eyes full of determination. Charging the gear a total of ten times, not much, but more than what he could do before, it was progress.

Issei starts to run at you, and throws a punch with his Boosted Gear. You met his punch with your forehead. Helmet colliding with Gauntlet, something unexpected happened. A small explosion boomed the moment Issei's gauntlet hit your helmet. This surprised each of you. Your hood flew off and your helmet split in two, falling to the ground. Glancing down at the split helmet, you let Koneko go, picking up the pieces and looking toward the two.

(Y/N): You may rest.

Leaving the two where they are, they take a desperately needed breather. The fight had gone on so long it was sunset.

Issei: Damn it! I don't stand a chance against you guys at all. As for magic, Asia is way better. I suck!

Koneko: Everyone has their specialty.

Issei: Specialty? What do you think is my specialty?

Koneko: You're a pervert.

Issei wasn't surprised by that remark.

Koneko: Also, one other thing: You're a hard worker.

Issei: I-Is that so. I'm going to try hard, Koneko!

Koneko and Issei feel their heads get smashed into the ground, turning around they see you again, your armor and helmet rebuilt good as new. Seeing your glowing eyes from your helm and your hammer charged with light, They began to understand the severity of your new attitude.

(Y/N): Rest is over. Time for Level Two.

Issei: 'Y-You're kidding me!!?'

The next few hours were worse than before, Issei was unable to call upon that small explosion hit again, so by the end, when it was near time for Rias's turn to train Issei, you let them truly rest for the day. Their next Lesson was with Rias which was in the kitchen.

Rias: Lesson four.

Issei and Asia were wearing apron.

Issei: This time were using Magic...

Asia: cook?

Rias: Just do what you can. Good luck!

(Y/N): I will know if you mess up, there is no need for me to oversee.

You and Rias both leave the preparation of the meal to Asia and Issei. Ahri was waiting outside for the both of you.

Ahri: So what's on tonight's menu?

Rias: Whatever Issei and Asia can cook up with their magic.

(Y/N): You can eat, I am not hungry.

Ahri: You can't tell me that when you look like you haven't been getting proper sleep.

(Y/N): I will live.

Walking off, Rias notices a look of worry mixed with sadness on Ahri's face when she watches you walk off. Once it was time to eat, Asia and Issei come out with a mountain of potato and onion dishes, Issei having gone overboard on peeling them. Issei was imagining Akeno, Koneko, and Rias naked while they were eating, recalling Akeno's explanation of his imagination being the limit of his magic. Koneko puts her spoon down after looking at Issei for a second.

Koneko: You're making a lewd face.

Issei: Not at all!

Rias: Issei?

Issei: Yes!

Rias: How are you feeling after your first day of training?

Issei: Well, I'm the weakest one here.

Rias: Yes, without a doubt. But, Asia's healing ability and your Boosted Gear are both valuable resources to us. Our opponents are aware of this too, so make sure you can at least protect yourselves and don't drag the other down.

Asia: Yes.

Issei: R-Roger. 'True, I'm the one who got Asia into this. At the very least, I have to be able to protect her.'

Asia notices Issei's intense looking at her, but Rias speaks up before she can say anything.

Rias: Okay, since we've finsished eating, let's take a bath.

Ahri: A bath would be lovely.

Shooting up from his chair Issei shouts a little too excitedly.

Issei: A bath!?

Rias: Oh, Issei, are you planning to peek on us bathing? Want to go in together with us? I won't mind. How about you, Akeno?

She responds with a sultry giggle.

Akeno: I want to try washing a guy's back.

Issei: Say what?!

Rias: Asia, you won't object to bathing with your beloved, will you?

She gives a shy hum of approval.

Rias: Koneko? Ahri?

Koneko: Don't wanna.

Ahri: Flattered, but no.

Rias: Never mind, then.

Issei falls flat on his back.

Rias: Too bad~

Koneko: If you peek, I'll hate you.

Ahri: Don't you already hate him?

Koneko: Yes.

Ahri: Point made.

The training home came with built in gender-separate hot spring baths.

Akeno: Like I thought, hot springs are great.

Rias: I hope this'll alleviate the fatigue from training, even if it's just a bit.

Akeno: It will, without a doubt.

Ahri: It certainly helping with relaxation.

Asia was peeking in quiet jealously of Rias, Akeno, and Ahri's fuller bodies. Something which Koneko calls out.

Koneko: Don't be greedy.

Asia looks at Koneko who was scrubbing a soap bar.

Asia: W-Well...

Meanwhile on the otherside, Issei was with his hands up against the wall, staring hard at it as if trying to see through it.

Kiba: Issei, that's a pointless--

Issei: Shut up! This is also training!

Kiba: Are you trying to become clairvoyant?

(Y/N): Issei, cram it and enjoy the springs. You may not get another chance after this respite.

Issei: Bro--

(Y/N): Sit down.

Issei unenthusiastically relents and soaks into the waters, sighing you soak in deeper into the water going up to your nose. Whilst in the underworld, Grayfia was reporting the situation to her husband/master Sirzechs, the current Lucifer of hell.

Sirzechs: I see. Just as expected.

Grayfia: Yes.

Sirzechs: How typical of Rias.

Grayfia: Your Highness, Her chances of winning are...

Sirzechs: Yes, pretty much nonexistent.

Grayfia: You knew that, but you still...

Sirzechs: I merely gave her a choice. Rias made the decision herself as heiress apparent of the Gremory household.

Grayfia: Yes.

The next morning, after training which was shorter today, there is a meeting for Rias to give a little background for the reasoning behind the marriage.

Rias: Well, we devils, the fallen angels, and God with his heavenly host, waged a huge war a long time ago that seemed to last an eternity. No one really won when all was said and done. The war ended with all sides sufferings heavy casualties. To make up for our near eternal lifespan, we devils reproduce very slowly. Due to the war, the species itself is at the brink of extinction. After the hostilities, the families of noble and pure-blooded devils, known as the 72 keys, mostly died out. My family - The Gremory House, Sona's family - The Sitri House, and Riser's Phenex. Are all that remains of the 72 Keys. This is why we devils use resurrected humans as our servants. Subsequently, the Rating Game was created. It allows our servants to gain real battle experience and gives us masters a chance to demonstrate our abilities. Currently, one's performance in these games has a huge influence on rank and position. We should take a break now. I guess all of you are tired.

Akeno: I'll go make some tea.

Asia: Ah, I'll help you!

Issei: Asia!

She turns to Issei who speaks in a quiet voice.

Issei: Sorry about last night.

Asia: Oh no! You were really amazing back th--

Issei: Shh! Let's keep it our secret for now.

Asia: Our?

Issei: It's still not done and far from usable

Asia: I understand! I'll help you until your ultimate move is complete!

Kiba: Ultimate Move?

Asia: It's a secret!

Rias: Oh yeah, Asia, (Y/N). Because you were and are people of God's light, please tell us what you know.

Asia: O-Okay.

On a table next to Asia was a book and a bottle of holy water. You pick up the bottle.

Asia: Well, there are two keys tools that the exorcists possess. The first one is holy water. Devils like you should not touch it.

(Y/N): You are a devil as well, Asia...

Asia: Oh, I forgot...

Issei raises his hand.

Issei: What happens if we do?

Asia: Something very bad.

Issei: Bad? Being ambiguous only makes it scarier.

Asia: I don't know whether it'll be useful, but I can show you how it's made. There's also this,

She picks up the book of the table.

Asia: The Bible. I've been reading it since childhood. But now, even reading a single line give me a splitting headache! I'm at wits end.

Rias: You're a devil, after all.

Kiba: It's expected of a devil.

Koneko: A devil.

Akeno: It damages devil a lot!

Asia: But, but, this passage is absolutely enlightening!

She tries to read a line, but is hit with a painful headache. You close the book to stop her from reading any more.

(Y/N): Paladin's functioned similarly to exorcists, difference being, unlike needing tools and relying upon their fallen and angel confidants. Paladin's can draw radiant power from their Oath, in other words, a promise, many believed they were required to make one to gods to function, however that is not true. The cause of righteousness and a life of adventure against evil is what drove them, most of them at least.

Kiba: Does that mean there are different kinds of Paladins?

(Y/N): Yes. While knowledge is limited, I found an old book when repairing my old home. It belonged biological father... who himself was a Paladin. While their magic allowed them to achieve a minor feats, they were prioritized as tanks of groups, being front line with their armor and shields. Normally Paladins are capable of healing however in my case, that is not possible.

Rias: Do you know why?

(Y/N): No. I do not believe I ever will... What I make up for the lack of aid in strength. Now then, the basic three oaths are as follows: The Oath Devotion: These were the ideal knights of the old age, an example would be Kiba. Had he not been a devil, he would likely fall under this oath; they are honest, courageous, compassionate, and follow their line of duty till the end. The next would be the Oath of Ancients: They believed in preserving life and light to the world than the call to arms, they ensured hope never burnt out, it is believed to be the oldest one known. The third is the Oath of Vengeance: They are neither of the two, they are known as avengers or dark knights, they focused of delivering justice to the wicked above all. Had I never been a Paladin before Issei's resurrection, I would have fallen under this. They prioritized the greater evils, slayed their sworn enemies granting mercy to the those who deserved it, doing all of this by any means necessary, though they were not without some compassion, those afflicted by a evil they failed to stop, they would aid those hurt by their misdeeds. 

Issei: Which one do you fall under...?

(Y/N): That I cannot say upon the oath. Oath's can have regulations like mine, I am not to disclose the one who told me to swear the oath and for its original purpose. Your protection is merely a guise for the true reason. The other one's are more self-explanatory: The Oath of Glory, The Oath of the Watcher, The Oath of Conquest and The Oath of Redemption. What makes each of them unique is their channel oaths, these are specific powers that each can draw upon their oath to activate, each oath's is different from on another especially in terms of how to keep it.

Summoning your hammer, you slowly focus your light to allow everyone to see how it worked. Starting from the outside it travels like waves through to your arm and into the weapon before it fully shines in light.

(Y/N): The Divine Smite. The signature technique of all Paladin's, while there are variations of this one, they are more circumstantial. We are always able to fall back on this spell when all others are ineffective.

Rias: I feel there's one oath you haven't told us. I remember you saying Oathbroken before.

(Y/N): That was one I had wished to avoid... Oathbroken is the result of when a Paladin breaks their oath, they turn to the darkness and go against all they stood for.

Kiba: How would one know if they break their oath?

(Y/N): Because he would appear in a dream.

Issei: Who?

(Y/N): The Oathbreaker Knight. He was the very first Paladin to break their oath. While some break their oaths for the sake of their oaths, they were few and far between, many of them broke their oaths for selfish desires for the opportunity to meet him.

Rias: Kind of like the stray devils.

(Y/N): Not even close. The Oathbroken are still able to access all of the spells a paladin can, but they are not restricted by the oath anymore. Giving them free rein to cause as much violence on their's or their new masters wish. They are to be avoided at all costs if possible. The Knight would appear in a dream before manifesting in the physical plane. But the loss of an oath is more than that, you feel it physically and mentally, I remember my father telling me to never allow myself to become Oathbroken even if it meant death.

Asia: So breaking your oath means the end...?

(Y/N): No. There is one sliver of hope for them. Those who wish to reclaim their oaths must find an acolyte of the church to allow them to reclaim it, this can only be done once as the strain upon losing it a second time was said to be worse than death. If I were to rank you all in terms of power, if all of you attacked me at once, unless I was prepared, I would lose, but against a high ranking Paladin, you all would most certainly be dead.

Issei: Then what about your divine smite? You were able to burn a fallen angel with it?

(Y/N): That I am uncertain of, many Paladins wouldn't attain this level of light until they became much stronger, and yet I have it. While I don't know the full reason, I feel I don't need to if it helps me.

Later at night, Ahri roamed the home to find the trail of someone else who had been up all night. She went outside to find Rias sitting at the small Gazebo reading a book.

Ahri: You know, resting is just as important as training.

Rias: Ah!? Ahri?! You startled me.

Ahri: Apologies, but I wanted some girl on girl talk, especially since your opponent in a few days is a bird of immortality.

Rias: I felt some extra research could help with strategizing.

Ahri: True. So how's it feel?

Rias: What?

Ahri: Your blooming feelings of love for Issei?

This caught Rias off guard as specs of blush are visible on her face.

Ahri: Well?

Rias: I'm not sure... When I'm near Issei, I instinctively feel at ease. He sees me as Rias, an individual, instead of the house name of Rias Gremory. He called me his number one yesterday evening, I was beyond the moon when he said that.

Ahri: When a man can be easily infatuated, but when proclaiming love like that, I wouldn't let go of it so easily.

Rias: I...I-I don't intend to. What about you? I saw how saddened you were when (Y/N) walked off.

She had a sad smile on her face, one that held guilt.

Ahri: I feel more guilty than anything. I'm the last of my kind.

Rias: But, you're a spirit fox, there are more of you in Kyoto.

Ahri: They're Yokai, I don't fall under that classification. When (Y/N) found me, I was scared. But, he kept his word to me. Becoming his familiar was on a whim.

Rias: Do you regret it?

Ahri: No. When I became part of the contract, I could feel he was like me. So I can relate to him.

Rias: How so?

Ahri: He feels alone for someone surrounded by so many. (Y/N) hides a lot, but it's because he has to, I can feel he fears that his secrets will drive away all those he loves.

Rias: Then why did you agree to become Riser's wife?

Ahri hugs her legs, wrapping her tails around herself and her ears flopping down.

Ahri: I wanted to bait (Y/N) into getting angry. I know... it's a stupid reason, but he holds himself back to avoid bringing Issei into danger. He prioritizes his oath sometimes more than himself. There were times he held back so he doesn't cause unnecessary violence when it was more than necessary, he has to get used to the idea his new life, dealing with more devils, angels, and fallen angels. But...Now...when I try to get him to look at me...he... just has hostility in his eyes... I made it look like I betrayed him at the thought of getting more out of my freedom.

Rias: Why don't you tell him?

Ahri: I can't get a chance...

She points over to the other side of the lake to where you and Issei are "sparring". Even from the distance, they could see you were clearly ignoring your health. Your eyes having developed slight bags under your eyes.

Ahri: He's stubborn when he wants to be, pushing himself to the brink till he passes out, and Immediately goes to training once he wakes up... I don't think I'll be able to tell him before the Rating Game comes...

Rias: Guys can be such a pain.

Ahri: True. But the lovable ones make it worth it. Well... Once you get past their thick-headedness.

Rias: True.

Next Morning the group was a ways away from the training home.

Rias: Use your Boosted Gear, Issei.

Issei: But you said I shouldn't use it during this camp.

Rias: Without my permission, I meant. Can you be his opponent (Y/N)?

(Y/N): You do not need to ask.

You stand across from your brother, clad in armor and hammer. Issei summons the Boosted Gear and Activates the charge.

Rias: Again!

He does so, repeating this process twenty times.

Akeno: Twenty times, (Y/N)'s training is paying off.

Rias: Stop. Issei, you see? You wouldn't have been able to handle so many boosts before this camp.

(Y/N): It is progress, but never forget, there will always be someone stronger. So strive to continue your growth.

Issei: Gotcha!

Rias: Begin!

Ddraig: Explosion!

Issei's power bursts, surrounding him in energy.

Asia: What's that?

Rias: It allows Issei to fight with the accumulated power for some time.

You charge at your brother and slam your hammer which Issei blocks with his gauntlet.

(Y/N): Unleash your magic! Show me you can survive!!

You switch from your hammer to a Greatsword. Issei Out-Stretches his hand as a small red orb forms in its palm.

Issei: Damn, it! It's still not enough!

Charging at your brother, you intend to go for a killing blow.

(Y/N): Shoot! Or be put down!

Instead of shooting it like magic Issei punches the orb, unleashing a devastating ray of power. Ahri felt her own instincts telling her that such an attack could be fatal.

Ahri: (Y/N)!!

You meet it head on, planting your feet and raising your sword, coating it in light, swinging at the ray, your light struggles for a moment before cutting it in half, with the split ray flying toward a mountain top behind you and exploding. You look back and see two lines of where the mountain was leveled.

(Y/N): You leveled part of the mountain, good.

Issei: This is my power...

Feeling faint Issei begins to go limp. You hold him by his chin with the flat side of the blade.

(Y/N): You can still breath. That means you can still stand. It is your body, tell it, no order it, to stand.

Straining himself, Issei stands straight, although with his shaking legs, he looks like he could topple over any moment.

(Y/N): Good. Your enemies won't hesitate to strike a down opponent. Never grant them that opportunity.

Walking over to Rias, you dismiss your gear.

(Y/N): That attack can disintegrate weaker enemies with no issue. If Phoenix's need stamina to regenerate properly, hit head on at full charge, even Riser could get killed under certain circumstances. In terms of out-put it is on similar power level of high-class devils.

You turn to your brother who still stands without aid. Your apathetic expression changes into one of pride.

(Y/N): Issei, you will be the deciding factor for your group. The attack power you have can shift the balance in your favor. Have faith in your friends, and most importantly, in Issei Hyoudou. Always stand your ground for your beliefs.

Issei: Believe in everyone, and myself.

Rias sees the look in Issei's eyes, recalling words that Issei had spoken to her the day before her conversation with Ahri.

[Issei: I'd love you regardless of rank and name. Rias, you're my number one.]

Putting a hand to her chest, both you and Ahri notice, Rias's eyes told that she had truly fallen in love with Issei.
Let me know of any spelling errors

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