The Warrior Scholar Chronicle...

By ToyChimera

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Lost amid the tapestry of stars, a hidden sanctuary beckons, a whispered secret among the cosmic choir. Once... More

Prologue An even bigger fate. (Pit 358)
Part Two. An even bigger fate (A Privileged Few)
Part 3 An even bigger fate (Eight fiery-red eyes.)
Part4 An even bigger fate (The Flames of the Phoenix.)
Chapter 1 The Fire that never goes out!
Chapter Two Signal of Hope
Chapter 3 Cursed by the Gods
Chapter 5 Changing one's future! The Cure?
Chapter 6 Snow White or the Devil Within
Chapter 7 Wonderous Discoveries.
Chapter 8 Trapped and Forgotten
Chapter 9 My San Seals
Chapter 10 Entering the Blood Life Garden's Healing Cottage.
Chapter 11 Spying A Legendary Seal.
Chapter 12 Unrequited Love?
Chapter 13 Drawings

Chapter 4 Playing with one's life?

433 3 0
By ToyChimera

Chapter 4 Playing with one's life?

Indeed, the older Tang Yun was well aware of the benefits that came with each additional ring. Even the minor increments between major tiers brought improvements, although to a lesser extent. The contrast between someone at the Innate Full Qi novice class. At rank ten and someone at the eleventh rank would be noticeable in terms of physical strength, speed, and qi force. However, the true transformation occurred with each major breakthrough, resulting in significant enhancements to both the cultivator's body and power. Not to mention the additional advantages provided by the ring construct.

Even at seven, the strength and speed of a cultivator with ring weaving skills would far surpass that of an ordinary person. A single strike from an empowered fist could inflict serious injury on someone who had not awakened their own qi. As the cultivator advanced to the middle stage of being a ringed novice, the power gap would only widen further. It would not be uncommon for them to be able to kill an opponent with just one punch.

Knowledge offered no solace to Tang Yun; fresh tears streamed down his face, mingling with his uncontrollable sobs. The magnitude of his situation bore down upon him relentlessly, overwhelming his senses. As he opened his astral mouth in a moment of realization, it became apparent that his Soul Well had surpassed its limits, reaching a point of overflowing.

When his cultivation had accumulated and propelling him to breakthrough to the apprentice level. His soul qi must have reached a new peak during his slumber. A surge of emotions engulfed him as he contemplated the implications of such a breakthrough for a mere six-year-old. The consequences were inevitable: once his body could no longer contain the unbridled soul qi, it would lead to his physical form shattering or, worse yet, a catastrophic explosion. Either way, it was a death sentence.

A cynic by nature, Tang Yun's suffocating awakening brought him face to face with the grim reality of his body on the verge of explosion. Anguish contorted his face as he witnessed the dire image his mind presented. And with each faint, wheezy breath that left his body, the inevitability of his impending demise became all too real.

Overcome by fear, his astral self-shifted to survey the damage in his lower dantain in search of a solution. A clear whisp of soul qi led him straight to the broken Qi Soul Well. Deep within his abdomen, the central region known as the golden forge in his lower dantain. Tang Yun lifted his gaze to display a fragile, young face with a creased forehead wrinkled in concentration. His black pupils flashed with a pale white light when enraged by the sight of soul qi running wild.

With a face devoid of emotion, Tang Yun's disdainful stare fell upon his unruly qi energy, as if mocking its rebellion. In an act of determination, he slammed his foot down forcefully against his own body, a silent command to regain control. As if guided by an innate instinct, his ethereal presence drew his arms closer to his chest, drawing upon the shen energy that emanated from his mother's spiritual sea. This was yet another skill that seemed to come effortlessly to Tang Yun, his tongue unconsciously rubbing against his lower lip as he focused his concentration. His keen eyes observed the faint but visible formation of an energy ball, gradually coalescing and rippling through his bloated hands, despite the resistance it encountered.

Tang Yun concluded his movements with a swift flick of his wrists, hands, and arms outward. Shooting his shen energy towards a wayward strand of soul qi in his lower dantain. The small orb of mental liquid swiftly surged forward, enveloping the twisted and glassy qi that resembled a slippery eel. However, Tang Yun's control over his shen was still unrefined, and the soul qi strand, possessing a will of its own; wriggled free from his grasp, darting erratically towards a nearby distended organ. In a sudden burst, the qi strand collided with the nearby organ, resulting in a minor explosion.

Bloated astral cheeks flushed with embarrassment, Tang Yun's neck veins pulsating visibly. He unleashed a forceful strike into his dantian, his plump hand flailing blindly in anger but finding no significant target. The resounding slap reverberated, causing waves of shen energy to surge outward. His anguish intensified, and he shook his head in despair, squinting in fear at the multitude of soul qi missiles drifting aimlessly within his fragile body.

Unfair, he mused. A tear mingled with a sob, trailing down his pale face as a single droplet of brackish blood escaped his trembling body of flesh. It slipped past his greyish lips, unnoticed, and settled on the ruined mattress, forming a small pool of crimson.

Determined to break free from the clutches of his weakened and feeble state, Tang Yun fiercely bit his lower astral lip. His gaze turned steely as he directed his eyes towards his broken body. A flicker of hope sparked within him, and with clenched teeth, he summoned his shen once more. His wrist rolling outward, unleashing another shen energy ball, sending it soaring towards his dilapidated form. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he witnessed his idea come to fruition—the liquid shen gracefully coating a small area of his intestinal wall.

With a sense of triumph, Tang Yun watched as the shen adhered to the swollen area. Its presence strengthening and fortifying the engorged flesh that was saturated with soul qi. Encouraged by this success, he resolved to continue his work, focusing on one small spot at a time. Methodically, he covered every inch he could reach, painstakingly patching his body together, hoping help would arrive before it was too late.

As the world spun, pale light crept into his room. Tang Yun silently fought his deadly battle within the confines of his own body. Time seemed to blur as he tirelessly worked, his astral form growing weary but determined. With each passing moment, his skill in manipulating shen became more refined, and his confidence grew alongside his speed. The once-tired boy wiped away imaginary sweat from his ghostly brow, his perception sweeping over his partially reinforced frame.

With a practiced motion, Tang Yun rolled a ball of shen energy from one hand to another, marvelling at the newfound ease of control he now possessed. The power of shen flowed through him, allowing him to manipulate it with increasing finesse. As he focused on his task, a fleeting thought crossed his mind, causing the corner of his mouth to twitch with a hint of a smile. He drew upon his spiritual cloak of pure Shen, he enveloped his astral form, feeling its protective embrace. This skill came to him instinctively, as if it was an inherent part of his being. With a simple plan of action, but it was so crucial to repair his Soul Well before his physical body reached its breaking point.

Fortunate that he was the created of his Soul Well, Tang Yun now hoped that fixing it would be within his capabilities. However, gathering and taming the wild and unruly soul qi energy that coursed through his body seemed daunting. That challenge was best left aside for the moment, his focus sharpened as his black pupils narrowed, locking onto a distant object.

Tang Yun's astral body reached the centre of his lower dantain. In mere moments, a shiver ran through his body, as a flood of memories from countless crises overwhelmed his mind. It was from this very dantain that all the troubles had originated, and he couldn't help but hold it responsible. Blaming not only his lower dantain but also the cultivators who had created it. He saw their actions as driven by self-righteousness, the belief that might is right and that the strongest always prevail. To him, it was an act of evil, just like his current predicament in the so-called "golden engine room" of soul qi cultivation.

Although the books he had read painted a fantastical picture, all Tang Yun experienced was nothing but trouble and suffering. He scowled, deciding it was best to confront the source of his woes head-on. With determination in his eyes, he used his developing spiritual senses to scan for the culprit. Once located, he swiftly leaped onto it, eager to put an end to this ordeal. As he scratched his head and peered beneath his toes, he saw the remnants of his shattered Soul Well.

Never paid much attention to it since its creation, the broken Soul Well lay before Tang Yun, larger than he had remembered. Its size engulfed his astral body three times over. He observed the shimmering shen energy that surrounded the subdued structure, casting a faint glow. His gaze then shifted to the small, broken pathways that led to his body's meridians, appearing stripped and torn from their sockets. With a thoughtful expression, he curled his lips into his mouth and gently ran his fingers over the smooth surface of the Soul Well. However, his examination was interrupted by the presence of flaps and jagged edges, indicating a significant tear that ran down half its length.

As Tang Yun reached out to touch the broken Soul Well, a strange sensation coursed through his fingers. They shimmered as if the Soul Well was drawing in his shen energy. It was a peculiar phenomenon that he had never noticed before during its creation. With his chest expanding and a newfound confidence surging within him, he stood taller, admiring the formidable craftsmanship of his own handiwork.

Proud of his exceptional artistic talents. Tang Yun couldn't help but find humour in how his passion for painting, drawing, and sculpting had unexpectedly become relevant in this critical moment. His creations, carefully crafted with meticulous strokes and vivid colours, reflected his keen eye for detail; and his ability to bring life to his artwork. The hours spent honing his skills, capturing the beauty of nature, and expressing his inner thoughts through his creations. Now seemed to have a purpose beyond mere enjoyment.

With his hands resting confidently on his hips, a sense of familiarity and comfort washed over Tang Yun. Like repairing a broken model, his favourite pastime, often involved intricate work. He enjoyed analysing each piece and figuring out the best approach to restore its original form. So, drawing from that experience, he contemplated the fragmented structure before him, envisioning the path he would take to mend the broken Soul Well. The challenge ahead seemed daunting, but Tang Yun's artistic spirit and determination fuelled his confidence. However, the question lingered: where should he begin?

Tang Yun's astral form knelt down gracefully, his hands gently opening as he summoned the ethereal power of shen to his plump fingers. A soft hum, almost imperceptible, resonated within him, a melodic expression of his inner joy and anticipation. His shoulders relaxed, releasing the tension that had weighed upon him, and his eyes sparkled with renewed vitality. This newfound state of calmness and confidence revitalised his spirit, allowing his creative energy to flow freely.

With a tender touch, Tang Yun caressed the broken fragments of his Soul Well, delicately shaping and moulding them like a skilled sculptor working with clay. His fingers moved with purpose and precision, guided by an intuitive understanding of the energy that coursed through his being. Hours seemed to pass effortlessly as he carefully crafted each piece, meticulously reassembling the structure of the Soul Well. It was a labour of love, an artistic endeavour that went beyond the physical realm.

Finally, the moment arrived when Tang Yun could stand the repaired Soul Well upright, its form restored to its former glory. However, the task was not yet complete. To reattach the intricate pathways proved to be a more intricate and time-consuming process. But Tang Yun's determination and focus was unyielding as he connected each delicate strand, ensuring the seamless flow of soul qi throughout his body.

As he surveyed his handiwork, hope filled Tang Yun's heart. A sigh escaped his lips, mingling with a smile that broke across his babyish, ghost-like face. Perhaps, just perhaps, this would work.

Tang Yun's gaze brightened as he looked upon the repaired Soul Well, no longer distressed by the rampant Soul-Qi. His astral form appeared more solid, his posture transformed as his shoulders straightened and he stood with conviction. A sense of renewed energy coursed through him, providing him with a second wind. With this newfound confidence, he began to play with an idea, shaping his shen into a thin, rope-like object. The constant use of spiritual power had paid off, expanding the limits of his imagination and skill. With a flick of his wrist, the spiritual rope emitted a satisfying snapping sound. After numerous attempts, he discovered he could manipulate the end of the rope to act as either a whip or curl into a lasso.

With newfound options at his disposal, Tang Yun absorbed the spiritual whip back into his astral self, contemplating his next move. Excitement filled his being as he lifted his ghost-like hands over his head, the anticipation building. The youth's thin wrists drew together and released a glass-like energy whip, crackling with power. With a swift motion, the whip lassoed the overhead delinquent qi that floated by, capturing it in an instant. Tang Yun's laughter echoed through the air as he dragged his quarry into the confines of his repaired Soul Well, satisfied with his accomplishment.

With a victorious feeling coursing through him. Tang Yun hugged himself briefly, his face radiating with confidence. The trickle of qi now lining his Qi storage brought him reassurance. Things might not be as dire as he had initially thought. The empty reservoir within him thirsted for more, an insatiable itch that demanded to be scratched. Determined, Tang Yun struck out once again; the trickle of soul qi steadily growing. With the approach of eating an elephant one bite at a time, his Soul Well sought to feast, and he chuckled at his own pitiful state.

His astral soul laughed, finding amusement in the foolish adage. Now feeling more like his usual twisted-humoured self, Tang Yun's small wrists worked tirelessly, shooting the spirit whip faster and faster. It became a blur in motion, repeatedly attacking as the world continued its rotation, slowly transitioning from dawn to late morning. Hours slipped away, but Tang Yun's determination remained steadfast.

As the hive of qi strands diminished, the tide turned in Tang Yun's favour. To his amazement, he managed to recover most of the lost energy, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to find. With a sense of relief, Tang Yun's astral mouth yawned, his back and shoulders stretching as if to release the tension that had built up. The cramping in his tiny spiritual wrists eased, no longer burdened by the exertion of wielding such unnatural forces. A smile formed on his pudgy face, a sign of satisfaction with his efforts.

He took a moment to relish in his astral form, marvelling at the transformation that had taken place. The once ethereal and insubstantial nature of his astral body now held a newfound solidity, as if his spiritual essence had become more tangible. His fingers, once wispy and intangible, now felt more substantial, each line and curve etched with clarity.

As he examined his hands, a sense of awe washed over him. The hours spent manipulating his shen energy had not only repaired his Soul Well but had also brought about this remarkable change. It was as if his increased mastery over his spiritual sea had granted him a deeper connection to his own being.

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