Luca; Love and lies

By SabrinaBirdy0794

373 1 0

Luca decides he wanted a night off from this 'orginal life' and decided to go out. Being out in the city he w... More

Chapter 1, Sarah
Chapter 2, Luca
Chapter 3, Sarah
Chapter 4, Luca
Chapter 5, Sarah
Chapter 6, luca
Chapter 7, Sarah
Chapter 8, luca
Chapter 9, Sarah
Chapter 10, Sarah
Chapter 11, Luca
chapter 12, Luca
Chapter 13, Sarah
Chapter 14, Luca
Chapter 15, Sarah
Chapter 16, Sarah&Luca
Chapter 17, Veronica&Jackson
Chapter 18, Luca&Sarah
Chapter 19, Ricky
Chapter 20, Luca
Chapter 21, Sarah
Chapter 22, Luca
Chatper 23, Sarah

Luca and Sarah

13 0 0
By SabrinaBirdy0794


Tires squealing against the parking lot, i pull up to the emergency entrance. Getting out of the car, I round the front of the car as fast as i can. A few nurses came out of the sliding glass doors, shouting at me in Italian, but my eyes were set on Sarah. Jerking open the car door, i remove her seat belt tugging her into my arms.

"We need a doctor, my fiancé is 6 months pregnant and shes in pain." I said scowling to the nurses you just stood there with a matching glare. I rolled my eyes and stormed passed them. "Can someone help us please."

Sarah is sobbing into my chest, shaking. Kissing the top of her head, she hides her face deeper into my chest.

Doctors and nurses from behind a nurses station rush over to us with a wheel chair. I explain everything to them, and they walk us into a private room. There's people running around, hooking her up to different machines. The pain has seemed to only get worse and im scared for her, i cant imagine losing her, or our children.

Everything seems to pass in a blur, making my way to her side when she reaches out her hand to me. I instinctively grab it, bending down to kiss the palm of her hand. Meeting her eyes, she has worry and pain in her expression. i hook a strand of her hair behind her hair, kissing her forehead. "Everything going to be okay baby girl. I wont let anything happen to you."

I didn't even believe the words coming form my mouth. And of course off all times my phone starts to ring. Groaning i looked down at the caller ID, "Ricky." I frowned, not in the mood to talk to him right now.

"Its okay, we need to take your wife up to get tests done. We've given her medication for the pain and a little something else to stop the cramping, but time is definitely a factor here." A doctor announced as he fiddled with the ultrasound machine. I glanced back down to Sarah, she nodded.

Reluctantly I let go of her hand, but not before kissing her lips tasting of her tears. "I'll be right outside, im not going anywhere okay?"

I stride out of the room, and into the waiting room.

"What is it Ricardo?"

"Is she okay?" he responded. His tone was wary, and with Amber in the background yelling at him to ask me a million questions. I lean my head side to side, cracking it to ease this tension.

"The doctors are going to do tests, we dont know anything yet."

Hearing Ambers sobs on the phone, i look up just as the sliding doors open. Jackson, Elio, Gino and a few body guards walk in. "Ricky did you call Jackson?!" I whisper yelled into my phone.

"You just left Luca, what was i supposed to do?!" He shouts.

Pinching the bridge of my nose and squeezing my eyes shut, I am already dreading whats about to happen. "Well they're here, i gotta go."

"Hey wai-." i didn't wait for him to argue, i hung up my phone shoving it into my pocket. Stalking in the direction of the 3 men with worry etched into their faces, I was stopped short by Jackson. "Where is she?!"

My brow furrowed with shock. I cant believe he actually snapped at me. "Shes getting tests done."

"We need to get her into a private room so our doctors can see her." Gino said stepping up beside Jackson, following by Elio on his other side. Suddenly I dont feel very welcome. But standing in my spot, unfazed by their matching gazes, I make sure to let them know that she is mine. No matter if theyre family or not.

"Jackson I understand she's your sister, but she is my soon to be wife. I would never do anything to hurt her, you know that." Using a calm voice, Id hate to make scene here..without back up. Though i can probably take the 3 of them alone, but their 6 body guards behind them, chances are low.

"I dont give a shit what she is to you. She is my blood, I will see her." Brushing passed me, i grab his arm stopping him. He turns to me with his brows pinched together. "Let me go Luca." he growled.

"I cant do that Jackson, and out of respect for my sister i wont cause a scene."

Snatching his hand out of my grip, he steps to me almost nose to nose, "If it wasn't for the woman I love and the sake of my sister, I'd bury you. You cant keep me from her got it?"

Now pressing our noses together, "Dont take my respect for my sister and Sarah for weakness Jackson, you dont scare me."

Elio and Gino step between us to break it up. I respected Jackson more then I should of I guess.

Out of my peripheral, i seen a doctor come through the double doors, "Family of Sarah Scaletta?"

  Jackson snaps his head around, "I'm her brother." The doctor took one look at him, confusion written all over her face. "I meant her fiancé, the man that brought her in."

She peers passed his shoulders and her eyes met mine, "You there, I have news about your fiancé if you'd follow me." I nodded, ignoring the glaring gaze of her brother. "We would like to have a family doctor keep and eye on her when we have the chance." Elio spoke up to the doctor. She took one look at him and her eyes went wide. She must know who he is, im not surprised.

After walking through countless hallways, we finally get to her room. Swinging open the door, I see her sitting in her bed, no more pain. She smiles at me. I couldn't help the corners of my lips twitching. I strode over to her, grabbing her face and kissing her hard.

"I'll give you two time to talk." The doctor said before closing the door. As soon as the door clicks shut, i break the kiss. Noticing all the machines around her, the IV drip leading to her arm. There was a faint sound of inconsistent but rapid heart beats.

"Dont worry, they're okay." Sarah said softly, catching my attention back to her. My expression soon turned to worry, "What happened amore."

"Pre-term labor, i am to be on bed rest or 'Light duty', until the babies are born."

"So that means we have to go home?" I let out a guttural sigh. She has been looking forward to this trip for months and now it's being cut short.

When she nods her head to me, i felt a sense of failure. Though deeper inside me, i feel relieved to get her away, after what happened with her brother down in the lobby. I knock came to the door, and Gino walks in. Sarah straightens in her bed as he slowly strides over. He stops at the foot of the bed and his gaze shoots to mine. The approval to get near her makes my chest warm with pride a little. It's like he understands, that Sarah is mine. I wish i could have met his wife, is she is anything like Sarah described her, im sure she was wonderful.


"How are you feeling Mia figlia." Gino asked in a soft voice. Her shoulders fall, "Im fine now," she gestures for him to take the chair opposite side of the bed. Again, he looks to me and i gave him a small nod. When he sits, Gino places his hand on hers, before bringing it to his lips. "Your Nona would have loved seeing how beautiful you've grown."

"She would have made the biggest feast too, planning everything herself." Tears threatened to spill, but when on nonno placed his hand over mine and gave me a warm smile, I knew that she was here. She was here with both of us.

After staying in the hospital for 2 days to make sure the babies were okay for us to travel home, everyone saw us off. Jackson and Vero decided to take advantage of of the villa for the next few days and fly back by the weekend. My uncle, nonno and all my older cousins gave me a strong hug. Frankie and lucy helped plan out my wedding which they would fly out in a few months to help finish everything, along with Elio's wife. Elio and my nonno would fly out with them as well and i couldn't be more excited.

"You'll do best to take care of my Marie, si Luca?" My nonno said as he trained his eyes on him. Luca inclined his head before giving him a terse nod. "Until my last breathe signore."

My nonno smile, "Good. You remind me of me in my younger days. I trust."

Luca's expression softened at Gino's words, and i knew that the feeling was mutual. Jackson came up and clapped the shoulder of our grandfather while he smiled at me. "Im gonna miss you Marie. Make sure you check on the girls for me. Im not turning my phone on until im back in New York."

"I will." I hugged him tight. Being without my brother for even a few days was going to be hard, but I have Luca now, and i know he'll keep me company.

As we boarded the private plane, i turned around one last time to wave at my family. My family. Suddenly i didn't feel alone anymore, Jackson and i weren't alone anymore. We have family out there, and i couldn't be happier.

41/2 Months later....

"Okay Ms. Scalleta one last push. One...two..three.."

I have been in labor for 18 hours, and the pain in excruciating. I dont know how people in the midlevel ages did it with no medication. I push and push and push but nothing.

"I give up, if he wants to live in there so be it." I cry out in exhaustion. Luca wipes the sweat from my forehead with a cool cloth before pressing his lips to my ear, "You can do this baby, i have faith in you. Our daughter is already here, lets get our boy out so he can join us. You are strong, i know you're strong." He kisses my cheek, "Now push amore, push!"

I pushed with every single fiber of my being, and with that our son was born. The cries of our babies filled the room, and i was so happy. "You did it vita mia," He kisses my lips, "You fucking did it, im so proud of you."

I smiled, my body overwhelmed with pain and exhaustion. Two nurses walked over handing me our daughter, she was like a porcelain doll. Her pale skin, luca's dark hair and gray eyes. She was beautiful. "What is her name?" The charging nurse asked as she held her clip board. Luca and I had decided on names only 2 days before i went into labor.

"Viviana Bianca Russo." I said kissing the top of her head. The nurse smiles and starts scribbling. Soon another nurse brings over our boy, Luca hesitantly holds his son in his arms. "And your little boy?" the charge nurse asks again.

"Romero Gino Russo."

Luca was more than happy to allow me to name our children after my grandparents, considering his family is well..toxic. He practically insisted that we used their names, so we decided on the first names together and that was the end of it.

I couldn't take my eyes off how this 6'4 man is holding a small infant in his arms right now. It was both adorable and completely hot. How im even thinking about jumping my mans bones right after giving birth is beyond me.

"I'll make sure to give these papers to your men outside Mr. Russo." The nurse stated before clicking her pen shut. Luca gave her a nod and shooed her away. After getting a few stitches and some fluids to keep my hydrated, the room was silent. It was just me Luca and our babies. It was quick lived before a soft knock came to the door. No one was allowed on this floor without Luca's knowledge. He sets down Romero in his crib and strides to the door. When he peaks his head through the crack, he nods and opens the door wide revealing my brother, vero, amber and ricky. Amber was of course in tears as she practically ran to my bed side.

"Oh babe they're perfect!" she whispered yelled. She kissed my cheek and was admiring the twins. Vero walks up, "Congrats sarah, they're beautiful."

She glances between them and softly laughs to herself, "They look so much like my and Ricky's baby pictures."

"Yeah, as they should be, they're Russo's after all." Ricky said as he too glanced between the twins.

"Vivi was born first and Romero was boring 10 minutes later." I answered the unspoken question.

"Hah!" Vero points at her brother, "I told you the girl would be first." Ricky rolls his eyes, "Yeah yeah so what, he's still going to be taller and stronger than his sister, so he can protect her from asshole."

"Hey, no cursing in front of my children Ricky." I playfully scolded him. He grinned, "They wont remember."

"But i will." Luca strolls up behind his siblings, towering over the both of them. He grips their shoulders i assume pretty firm because they both visibly wince. "You will not bicker, cuss, or talk any type on unnecessary bullsh- i mean stuff in front of the twins. Got it?"

Vero frantically nodded her head causing Luca to let go, Ricky being well, Ricky grinned. "Awe come on Luca. How will they ever become like us if we dont-." Luca squeezes harder, "I got it, i got it! Damn man.." Luca lets go. "Good."

Luca and the twins continue their conversation on the other side of the room as Jackson comes to sit down next to me. "Congratulations Marie." He places a kiss on my forehead, "Proud of you."

I smiled as the tears filled my eyes. Stupid hormones.

Everyone stayed for about an hour before luca told them they all had to leave. Reluctantly Amber and Jackson left, only because their partners dragged them off. "You need to rest amore mio."

"I will when you get settled." I argued. He sighed, shoving his hands into his workout sweats. "Not up for negotiation. You just gave birth and you need to get some sleep."

I folded my arms, "And if i dont?"

Luca's eyes darkened, "Lets just say in 6 weeks when the doctor clears you, you're going to wish they hadn't, because im going to be one sex deprived bastard thats going to ravish you until you cant walk for another 6 weeks. Or.." he stalks toward me, kissing me softly on the lips before training his gray eyes on mine, "I can make love to you, caress every inch of your body and care for you, giving you as many orgasms as you want. Only if you go to sleep right now."

Fuck me this man is ridiculous. Giving me two amazing options to choose from, and i dont know which one i want more. Screw him for making me so utterly addicted to his dick.

"What if i get a few hours sleep, does that count for both options?" I whispered. He lets out a soft chuckle, "If thats what you want amore mio, i will do that for you."

"Its a deal."


6 weeks later...

"Oh my god, why cant i get this button to close!" I yell out. I was getting ready for my first day back at work, which was temporarily Jacksons office until my firm was ready to be opened. I have been sex deprived, sleep deprived, well everything deprived for 6 weeks now. The doctor cleared me for normal activities 4 days ago and i have yet to even get a taste of alone time with my soon to be husband. We would be getting married 9 and a half months from now so the twins would be easier to manage.

"Need some help love?" Luca walks into our bathroom, looking like the walking sex god he is. "Yes please." I snap. He raises an eyebrow, "Im sorry."

Luca stalked over to me, holding my shirt in place, before undraping it off my shoulder. "Luca what are you-."

He grabs my breast and kneads it in his hand. Since breastfeeding, my boobs have doubled in size, and I'm pretty sure Luca is liking it a bit too much. "You're body is tense amore, you need to relax." He murmured against my skin as he trailed his lips over my shoulder and up my neck. My eyes fell shut, "If i wasn't deprived of my fiancés cock, i wouldn't be so tense."

Luca hummed in response. He pressed himself against my backside and i felt his already hard dick against my ass. Heat rose on my cheeks as i began to grind against him unconsciously. "Someones needy." He growls into my ear.

"Luca, I have to be at Jacksons firm in 45 minutes. If you came in here to tease me, then save it. If not, just shut up and fuck me already."

This man has the nerve to burst out laughing and my already irritated mood, rose to full on frustration. "Im leaving." I broke his hold, and right as i was about to leave, Luca grabs me by the waist hoisting me up and sitting me onto the counter top.

"Wanna run that by me again princess?" His tone lethal and it turned me on even more.

"I said, I was leaving." The defiance in my voice must have snapped something in him because before i knew it, my skirt was bunched above my hips and my nylons and thong were thrown across the bathroom somewhere.

"So much for the love making." I teased. His eyes were filled with lust, and I know that if he doesn't fuck me right now, im going to lose it.

"Oh gorgeous, I'll make love to you anyday you want, but right now.." He grabs my hips and jerks me toward him and his cock is buried in me with one thrust and I cry out. "Im going to fuck the attitude out of you, because you know better then to provoke me."

"Oh luca.." I moan. He grabs me by the throat, "Open those beautiful eyes and watch me fuck your tight little pussy."

My eyes fluttered open, meeting his hooded one. He begins thrusting into me hard and fast. The sounds of our skin slapping together, and watching his cock slide in and out of me only enhances the growing pleasure in my core. My head drops back, "Fuck.." I moaned.

"I want you to come, because this is the last one you'll get all day." Just before i could argue, his thumb finds my clit and i explode. I tighten around him as his thrusts get more brutal, but the euphoria is too powerful. My legs begin to shake uncontrollably, my mind turns into a complete fog and my vision ins blurred.

Two hard thrusts later, Luca slumps forward resting his head on my shoulder. My arms reaching up his back, my head against the vanity behind us as our heavy breathing fills the room. Once we could muster a few words, Luca was the first to speak.

"Since the day I met you, I wanted you all to myself Sarah. The moment i heard you sing, the first time we kissed, i knew i was fucked." He kisses my neck and straightens, but doesn't pull out of me. "I cant wait to marry you, spend every waking moment with you. I may not show it often, and i know im a possessive asshole, but you are my world. I will show you everyday for the rest of my life how much you mean to me. And i dont go back on my word."

"I cant wait."

We both smile before he crashes his lips to mine in an all consuming kiss. I never would have thought that my life would have ended up where it is now. A mother of two, a soon to be wife of the most ruthless mafia boss, finding out my family is an Italian mafia. Who knew, but all that matters is that i have what i was searching for, and i couldn't be happier.

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