naughty neighbour

By jess_romanoff

65.6K 2.5K 814

Y/n Y/l/n moves into a new apartment complex and meets her mysterious redheaded neighbour. What will Y/n disc... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one

chapter six

1.8K 78 17
By jess_romanoff

hellooo, so my beautiful girlfriend and i have come up with a solution to my problem. i will be alternating my posting weeks, one week i will post two chapter and the other i will just post one. that way i think everyone is happy, i wont run out of chapters super fast but you guys can still get more chapters. thoughts ??? even though its happening regardless 🙃
anyways, enjoy xx


"you're wearing that to the grocery store?" Jade asked referring to Natasha's outfit. I slapped her arm immediately causing her to groan.

"what's wrong with it?" Natasha tilted her head staring at Jade. "is it too revealing for you?" Natasha persisted gesturing down to her body.

I took that as an invitation to glance down, only subtly, making sure i didn't draw too much attention to my actions.

When i met Natasha's eyes they were locked on mine, busted. I looked down crossing my arms over my chest.

"no no it's fine, i just wondered if you'd be, i don't know cold?" Natasha scoffed at Jades reasoning.

"i'll be fine, don't worry" Natasha bumped her shoulder with Jades earning a hum. She then leaned in closer to me as Jade hit the button for the ground floor. "i saw that sweetheart"

I sighed dropping my head as i heard Natasha giggle before i felt her hand on my lower back. I froze waiting for her to move it but she never did.

"did you know there's someone rich in your complex?" Jade suddenly asked, i knew she wasn't talking to me considering we found the expensive car together.

"what gave you that idea?" Natasha enquired, her hand still present on my lower back.

"there's an Audi R8 parked in the garage, Y/n and i saw it the other day" Natasha hummed looking at me as i gave her a nod confirming Jades story.

"well isn't that interesting, i guess i had never noticed" Natasha spoke somewhat coyly as the elevator reached the ground floor.

Jade was the first to step out, i was too busy frozen in place and i don't know what Natasha's reason was. Probably her hand still on my back.

"wanna know a secret?" Natasha whispered as she slowly pushed me out of the elevator along side her. I gave her a nod to continue as i watched my friend speed walk over to the expensive car. "the cars mine"

My eyes widened at the information, "what? it is? but it's- damn" I stammered causing Natasha to chuckle.

"yeah baby, it's mine" Natasha shrugged removing her hand from my back as she walked over to Jade.

"look at how beautiful this car is" Jade commented admiring the car. I joined them as Natasha watched my friend amused.

"uh Jade" I caught her attention, which didn't seem to work as she continued to stare at the car.

"it is beautiful" Natasha's chimed in placing her hand on my shoulder as she gave me a subtle head shake. I tilted my head causing her to raise her eyebrow, i guess we're not telling Jade this is Natasha's car.

"Jade come on, let's go" I persisted walking over to my own car. Natasha followed but Jade was still reluctant.

"i call shot gun" Natasha shouted making her way to the passenger door.

"hey, wait!" Jade whined running over to us. I laughed as Natasha hopped into the passenger side. Jade gave me a pout and her best puppy dog eyes as i gave her a shrug.

She hung her head before making her way to the back seat. Natasha hummed settling into her seat happy with the fact she got the front seat.

When i looked over at her she was already looking at me. "i hate this, i hate the backseat" Jade complained as she buckled her seatbelt.

"too bad, you were too slow" Natasha sassed grabbing the AUX cord and immediately plugging her phone in.

"i was checking out the expensive car" Jade whined causing Natasha to chuckle as she picked a song. "do you know who it belongs to?" Jade directed her question to Natasha who kept her gaze on her phone.

"i might" Natasha answered skeptically continuing to queue songs. I watched as Jade edged off the seat waiting for Natasha to tell her who it belonged to.

Natasha looked up finally glancing at me first before looking back at Jade. I watched in the rear view mirror as Jade eagerly waited. I saw Natasha's lips turn up into a shit eating grin.

"uhh well it's someone on our floor. the car park is in sections, it's in the level 5 area just like Y/n's" Natasha answered turning back to face the road.

I was giggling to myself as i looked around searching for the entrance to the grocery store. "so that narrows it down to what? 8 people?" Jade thought out loud, somewhat to herself.

"there's only 6 people per floor babe" Natasha corrected her, i looked over at her at her use of pet name. She gave me a head tilt and a sympathetic look in a way saying 'don't worry'.

Jade hummed thinking, "if only they would leave so we could see the apartment number painted on the concrete" Natasha and i shared a look, now that i know it's hers this is all quiet entertaining.

"yeah if only, i guess they don't get out much" Natasha joked, i stifled a laughed earning a glare from Jade straight into the rare view mirror.

"can we talk about something else now?" I tried changing the subject, somewhat over this whole car conversation.

"i have a question" Jade piped up before anyone could offer a topic to talk about. I wasn't worried about what she'd say, well i wasn't, until she started talking.

"Natasha do you have nipples piercings?" I gasped at Jades question. Why would she ask something like that.

"Jade! you can't ask people that" I chastised immediately. I glanced over at Natasha who was actually finding this quite funny.

"it's fine hun, uh yes, i do. why do you ask?" Natasha answered. Those must be those little bumps i kept noticing.

When Natasha's attention was on Jade i took a moment to glance down at her chest again. I've never seen nipple piercing in person before, not even really in a photo. I don't think i would have ever worked out what they were.

"i've always wanted to get mine done, but i've heard they hurt so bad" Natasha hummed as i turned back to the road, seeing as how i am driving.

"yeah they were pretty painful but so worth it. i love mine, i'd definitely recommend getting them" Jade hummed this time. I just shook my head as i made a turn.

"i repeat, can we talk about something else?" I asked my question from earlier, before the nipple piercing talk. Hoping for a safer topic this time.

"sure, how about we talk about my party this friday" Jade immediately gasped at Natasha's mention of a party.

When i looked over at Natasha she had one leg up on the seat, leaning it against the door. I gave her a look which she just shrugged off before turning to meet a very excited Jade.

"i told Y/n about it but she didn't get nearly as excited as you" Jade gave her an over exaggerated nod.

"yeah that's because she's boring and doesn't like parties" I clicked my teeth glaring at her through the mirror as Natasha chuckled. "you shouldn't even invite her she'll just be a buzz kill" Jade laughed way louder than she needed to.

"aw no, she's definitely coming. i'll make sure of that" I looked over at Natasha as she spoke watching as she gave me a wink and a small smirk. I also felt her place her hand on my thigh.

I gripped the wheel a little tighter as her hand softly rubbed my bare skin. I had to focus super hard on the road and not get distracted by the soft patterns Natasha was drawing on my thigh.

"do your parties get crazy?" Jade broke the silence, clearly oblivious to what was happening between Natasha and I.

"well, they have in the past but this one's gonna be a bit more lowkey" Natasha answered her turning her body more to look back at Jade.

Before Jade could ask another question Natasha started chuckling randomly. I glanced over at her raising an eyebrow as she shook her head.

"i was just remembering this one party i had, the cops were calls like 4 times for noise complaints" Jade gasped leaning forward looking intently at Natasha.

"4 times?" I somewhat shouted, Natasha raised her eyebrows at my reaction before turning back to Jade.

"they were pretty chill, just told us to keep it down the first couple of times and then the last time they actually took our speakers and shit so it was really over" Natasha continued, "i was there for the first two but after that i went to my room and didn't come out until the morning. some people crashed at mine, on the floor and the tables, some people even slept out in the hallway. fair to say the neighbours did not like me very much after that"

Jade chuckled, loving the story and probably wanting to attend a party like that. "holy shit, how crazy is that Y/n?" At my name i turned back slightly.

"yeah, so crazy" I humoured her pulling into the driveway of the grocery store. "we're here" I announce looking around for a park close to the entrance.

"over there babe" Natasha pointed to a few empty spots as she placed her other hand back on my thigh. I tensed at the addition as i made my way over to the parks.

Once i was in everyone quickly jumped out, i took a deep breathe as Natasha closed the door. This woman has known me three days and she effortlessly makes me flustered.

It's not like that's a hard task to do but still, just her looking at me brings heat to my cheeks. All the little touches and pet names, i'm really struggling to stay composed.

"come on!" Jade shouted from outside as she banged on my window. It gave me a small jump scare as i looked out at them standing there waiting for me. Grocery shopping time.

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