Crash Bandicoot

By HelenBDuncan

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After many years, Dr. Neo Periwinkle Cortex is finally able to create his own army of mutants. But he has yet... More

Chapter 1: A Dark Explanation
Chapter 2: Rude Awakening
Chapter 3: N. Sanity
Chapter 4: Leg Day
Chapter 5: Dear Father
Chapter 6: Bullets and Guns
Chapter 8: Heart of Darkness

Chapter 7: The True Mastermind

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By HelenBDuncan

Tawna heaved a sigh as she sat in the corner, wrapping her arms around herself, her eyes half-shut. She wondered if Crash would ever come to her rescue, as she was starting to lose hope. The fellow bandicoot near her had yet to awaken, and it was difficult to tell if she was even breathing. She shifted toward the unconscious marsupial and proceeded to tap on her, but before she could do so, the door swung open. Tawna looked toward the entrance to see a teenager who appeared to be a mix between a feline and a human. She possessed blue skin and darker blue freckles, as well as black, curly hair that reached the middle of her back. Her purple eyes glared straight at the bandicoot as she approached the cell.

"What do you want?" Tawna growled as she turned away from the teenager, Natalie.

"Well, that isn't polite," Natalie snarled. "I believed you had finally learned some manners, but it would seem that I was wrong."

"Just say what you've got to say and be done with it."

"I simply came to give you a warning. You had best heed my words. Dr. Cortex may wish to conquer the world, but he is not aware that such an attempt may lead to his demise."

Tawna simply rolled her eyes. "Of course it will. I have faith that Crash will defeat him."

"Oh, but that is where you misunderstand. Cortex is not the only foe he will face. There is another, particularly someone who has worked for Dr. Cortex since that marsupial's journey began. He is not aware, however, that he has been deceived."

"What do you mean?"

"The person I speak of is a Master of Darkness, though her name is unknown to me. I am not yet certain as to how this transpired, but numerous memories were seemingly erased from my mind, one of which was her name. All I can recall is her using me for her own personal gain in the past."

"Why are you telling me all of this?"

"A simple matter. The organization is more powerful than Cortex could ever hope to be. I wish to see their miserable world burn."

After uttering those words, Natalie left the room at a rather slow and menacing pace. Tawna simply looked on, a sense of confusion flooding her mind. She had never heard of the Masters of Darkness in the past. How much of a threat could they really be?

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the door creak open once more. In stepped a familiar pair of shoes, which slowly approached the cage she was cramped in. She avoided eye contact with the newcomer, until she was yanked up by her shirt collar and forced to stand. Her expression became sour as she glared at the mutated potoroo, who grinned smugly at her reaction.

Before Tawna could speak, another individual seemingly teleported into the room, immediately joining Pinstripe's side. The individual in question wore an unfamiliar black cloak, with the hood covering their face. Although Tawna hadn't the slightest clue as to who they could have been, their presence cast a dark glow.

"W-What do you want from me?" the bandicoot stammered. She attempted to act brave, but it was for naught.

"Did either of us give you permission to speak?" the stranger in the cloak snarled, their voice giving away that they were most likely a female. Said stranger turned to Pinstripe once again. "You may leave. Allow me to deal with this heathen." The mutant nodded and said not a word as he left, with the cloaked individual turning to the bandicoot again afterward. "I fear that that partner of yours has already met his inevitable end."

Tears brimmed in Tawna's eyes, although she did not believe a word of it. "'re lying!"

"Oh, but am I? As I stated, such a thing was inevitable. Most predicted the incident, and you should have as well."

"'Incident'? Did you have something to do with this?!"

The sinister individual chuckled menacingly. "I shall not tell. For now, I will leave you be with those thoughts. Your boyfriend is dead, and nothing can be done about it. After all, you should not be worried about things you simply cannot change."

With that, the cloaked figure left the area. Tawna fell on her knees, sobbing into her hands. Such lasted for a few minutes until a peculiar sound interrupted her, to which she looked toward the right and noticed that the fellow bandicoot next to her was finally moving. Said bandicoot sat up slowly and blinked as she gazed in Tawna's direction, a smile forming on the latter's lips.


In Cortex's laboratory, the mad scientist paced back and forth, mumbling to himself constantly. He was well aware of the fact that his nemesis was nearing the castle, but he was not at all worried. After all, what could a brainless marsupial do against a man with an intelligent mind?

He turned on his heel when he heard the door open, heaving a sigh once he realized it was only Natalie. The hybrid stepped inside, immediately closing the door behind her. She approached the scientist, a look of concern visible on her blue face. Her purple eyes stared right at Cortex, as if to ask a rhetorical question.

"Let me guess," the scientist began. "You are worried about that man."

Natalie gave a nod in response. "He is my father," she said. "I haven't seen him in weeks. Where could he be? I've searched everywhere." Realizing her mistake, she covered her mouth with her hands.

Cortex's expression turned into one of aggravation. "Do you mean to tell me that you have been leaving the castle behind my back?"

"Well, it's for a good reason--"

"'A good reason'? Please, Natalie. After what he did, he would be lucky if we even allowed him to set foot here again."

"What are you speaking of?" Silence. "Tell me, now!" But the scientist still did not respond. "Very well. Dingodile might know something. After all, he has been quite helpful in sending my letters to Father."

Cortex's right eye began to twitch, but he sighed in order to calm himself. "You aren't going anywhere." The teenager before him gave him a look of curiosity, forcing him to give in. "Come with me."

Natalie was led to N. Brio's laboratory. The scientist turned to both of them, a look of bewilderment on his face.

Cortex, sighing once again, said, " is time."

"T-Time?" Brio questioned.

"Crash will be here soon. I want you to take care of him. As for me and Natalie...we will return shortly."

N. Brio immediately knew what his leader was referring to. "I wish you luck, then. I'll w-watch out for that bandicoot i-in the meantime."

Cortex left the room, with Natalie not far behind. So many questions swam through her mind, but she didn't dare ask any of them. As she followed her leader, she looked at a welt on her left wrist, a constant reminder not to disobey him.

As the door finally closed on its own, N. Brio heaved a miserable sigh. He had never revealed his darkest secret - he did not want to be included in Cortex's dastardly schemes. The idea of world domination seemed wondrous at first, but he was beginning to have second thought. He lightly rubbed his left cheek, where a dark bruise had formed an hour prior. He should have known better than to disobey his master.

He clenched his hands into fists, tears making their way down his cheeks. In disbelief, he wiped his face. He chuckled quietly. He hadn't cried like that in years. This entire situation was certainly taking a toll on his mind.

He looked toward the back of the room, his eyes widening. He reached behind him and got his potions ready. None other than Crash Bandicoot stared in his direction, but that was not what surprised him the most. Rather, a certain mask floated alongside the marsupial.

Aku Aku? he wondered. Well, this should be interesting.

Without warning, Brio threw numerous potions, all of which were green, toward Crash, who was agile as could be and managed to dodge each of them. As peculiar as it seemed, each time a potion was thrown, a green blob of sorts would appear. Crash held his chin in deep thought, and he ultimately decided to hop on the blobs to see what would occur. Just as he had hoped, Brio was damaged several times.

The scientist eventually decided to alter things by throwing purple potions instead. They were more difficult to dodge, but Crash was rather quick on his feet. After a few minutes, Brio stood in his spot and did not budge. Crash was about to approach him, but his guardian instantly pulled him back. Something about the situation just did not sit right with Aku Aku.

Just as the mask had feared, Brio poured the contents of two beakers into his mouth, with one potion being green and the other purple. As a result, he turned into a green monstrosity and attempted to pummel the bandicoot, but it was all for naught; he was knocked right out of a nearby window, falling toward his doom.

Crash, after doing his signature victory dance, turned to Aku Aku and said, "That takes care of that."

The mask smiled, but it quickly faded. "I fear that our troubles are far from over," he stated.

"What do you mean?"

Aku Aku didn't have to respond, for Crash looked out the window and immediately noticed the new threat. Lyra could be seen atop an airship, and she was holding Tawna, chains wrapped around the bandicoot.

"Let her go!" Crash commanded.

"That's disappointing," Lyra remarked. "I thought you had died."

"Well, you thought wrong. As long as I am determined to achieve my goals, I can do anything!"

In disgust, Lyra rolled her eyes. "You mortals are putrid beings. You are proof of that. Your beliefs on love and friendship are nothing but an insult. Such things must die out, as nothing lasts forever."

Lyra showed no emotion as a fireball appeared above her right palm. She launched said fireball toward the castle, and debris began to land around Crash and Aku Aku. As the airship took off, the marsupial ran toward it at a quick pace, with his guardian following him. At the last second, he made it atop the aerial vehicle, with Lyra widening her eyes in response.

"It amuses me that you mortals never know when to give up," she sneered. "Very well. Your fate has been sealed, and the same could be said for your little guardian."

"Stop this at once!"

Much to Lyra's chagrin, Aisleen teleported into view. "Not this again. Haven't I told you before not to meddle in affairs?"

"We banished you before, and we can do the same again."

We? Crash wondered.

As the bandicoot, the mask, and the former Master of Darkness glared at Lyra, the three of them knew that an intense battle would soon take place. It seemed that Cortex wasn't the true mastermind after all.

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