A Storms Match | Luke...

By Forever2006K

54K 1.1K 261

"Oh would you shut up!" Pandora yelled at the boy across from her. "Or what? What are you going to do? That w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
𝕬𝖈𝖙 𝖎𝖎
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
𝕬𝖈𝖙 𝖎𝖎𝖎
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
A/n New Faces
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 11

1.4K 29 9
By Forever2006K

Who Doesn't Love A Party?

Pandora sat uncomfortably in a leather chair across from Chiron, she had barely said anything since she arrived at the big house. She didn't honestly have anything to say because she had let it out the night before, a knock came to the door making Chiron growl lowly and walk over towards the door. He pulled it open and gave a sudden gasp as he was pushed to the side as Serena and Nesaea both pushed into the room, "why the hell was I summoned here only to hear the foul shit coming from your mouth on the other side of the door?! And who gave you the right to parent my child?! And so help me gods if you go through with your plan I will make you wish you weren't immortal" Nesaea yelled as she got in Chiron's face.

He wiped her spit off of his face with a deep sigh, "no wonder my brother liked you, you two are a match made in the underworld" he whispered to himself but no one in the room missed what he said.

Nesaea got in his face again as she pointed her finger at him threateningly, "you have NO right to belittle my daughter and I'll be damned if you make her swear on the water of the Styx! It's bad enough you think you own her but it's ten times worse when you try to step in and ruin her FUCKING LIFE!" Nesaea yelled once more.

Serena's eyes widened as she looked to Chiron, "the water of the Styx? What were you going to make her do?! You have no right to get her into something she didn't ask for! You people need to leave her the FUCK ALONE AND STOP MEDDLING IN HER LIFE!" Serena yelled as she got in Chiron's face too.

His face paled as the two women cornered him, "LADIES LADIES PLEASE CALM DOWN!" He tried to counter but was quickly drowned out by the two women.

"I HAVE HALF THE MIND TO TAKE HER OUT OF THIS CAMP! But I won't because she has thrived here and my daughter's happiness is a hella lot more important than our differences, now why the hell are you interrogating my daughter without me or Serena here?" Nesaea said in a calmer tone as she stepped away from him.

Serena glared at him as she moved to pull Pandora into her arms, Pandora's lips trembled as she looked at Chiron. "What are they talking about?" She whispered.

Chiron's eyes softened as he tried to get near her, "Zeus said it was for the best if you swore on the river of the Styx to swear off relations with others" Chiron explained as Serena and Nesaea glared harshly at him, "we only want what's best for her! And clearly you lose control when you experience your emotions- it's what's best for everyone" he explained defensively.

Nesaea glared at him as she stepped towards her daughter, "I don't care what you think is best! She's a kid! She can feel emotions because that's a normal thing and I doubt her father agreed to this. So enlighten us on how this is for the best? Because you'd just be damning her to an existence of pain and suffering, so no you won't be making her swear on the water of Styx because she's a kid and she's aloud to feel emotions" Nesaea spat before she took her daughters hand and pulled her out of the room.

They walked back into camp in silence when they walked back up half-blood hill, "we will be here every weekend and we will help you through this but right now we have to go talk to your uncle because clearly he's lost his damn mind" Serena said as she pulled the girl into a tight hug.

"We will see you this weekend my love" Nesaea said as Serena pulled away from the girl, "and happy birthday my love" Nesaea said as she wrapped her arms around her daughter.

"I love you both so much" Pandora whispered to her mother and aunt.

When Nesaea pulled away from her daughter she let her hands cup her face before she pressed a kiss to her forehead, "we will set things straight and don't worry about Chiron" Nesaea whispered to her daughter. The two women stepped past the barrier they waved and blew kisses to the girl, once they were out of sight she stared towards the arena.

────── ∘◦ ⛤☽⛤ ◦∘ ──────

Pandora dug her sword into one of the training dummy's, she growled lightly when her sword got stuck in the wood. She kicked the dummy when she heard a soft chuckle, Pandora turned to see Luke standing in one of the entrances to the arena. "I figured I'd find you here" he mused as he pushed off of the wall, "I saw you with your mom and I think her friend and I think half of the camp heard her yelling- I just wanted to see if you were okay" Luke said softly as he approached her. She sighed softly and turned back to the dummy to get her sword, when she still hadn't responded to him he let out a sigh.

He grabbed her sword from her hands finally getting a reaction from her, "Hey!" Pandora said as she tried to grab her sword from him.

"Oh so now you'll respond?" He questioned as he held her sword out of reach.

"I don't wanna talk to you okay" she spat as she tried to reach for her sword.

He moved her sword above his head, "No, fuck that, I heard what Chiron said and I'm not letting you push anyone away!" Luke spat back before he dropped her sword to the ground, Pandora moved to get her sword back but was stopped by Luke stepping forward. She tried to move around him again but he trapped her against the wall with his hands on either side of her head, "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me why your trying to push people away" he said lowly as he kept eye contact with her.

She tried to push him away but when that had no effect she tried to push him away with more force, he quickly snatched her wrists off of his chest and pinned her arms above her head. She tired to pull her wrists out of his grip but he just held on tighter and pushed her further into the wall, "let go" she demanded as she tried to twist around but he passed her other wrist into his other hand while one of his hands dropped and lightly grabbed her neck and pressed her neck into the wall.

Pandora gave a gasp of surprise as she met his gaze, "when I say stop that means you listen, understood?" Luke questioned as he gave a light squeeze to the sides of her neck. She nodded as she held her breath slightly, "now tell me what's wrong" he whispered.

Her mouth opened slightly before she took a deep breath, "Chiron said Zeus wanted me to swear on the river of Styx to swear off relationship because I can't control my emotions anymore because of what my father did to my mother" it came out like word vomit and when she realized what she had said her eyes went wide.

"What did he do?" He asked softly.

Pandora gave a soft sigh, "he's been in and out of my life since I was 3, the rules were different because my mom is a Nymph so he had the choice to be in my life but every time he would come back into our lives he'd always get into an argument with her over the last time he left. Until one night when he laid his hands on her, and ever since that night all arguments ended with him hitting my mother" she whispered as tears welled in her eyes, "it's stupid I know but every time I see him all I can see is the man who kept leaving me and always hurt my mother before he left" she explained as a tear rolled down her cheek.

He slowly released her arms and neck before he latched onto her, one arm wrapped securely around her waist as the other went to the back of her head. Luke stroked her hair as he felt her hold her breath, his hand moved from her waist to in between her shoulder blades and rubbed his hand in soothing circles, "don't do that, let it out. Whatever people have told you forget it because it's okay to cry" he whispered as she finally began to sob. He rubbed her back and brushed his fingers through her hair as she wrapped her arms around him, he held onto her as he felt the earth beneath him start to shake lightly and watched as the clouds over head began to darken like they did yesterday. Luke's mouth dropped open in shock but he continued to cling onto her as she desperately clung to him, "he can't get you anymore crescent, I won't let him" he declared softly in her ear. His fingers brushed through her hair as she gave a soft chuckle making him smile slightly, "what's so funny" Luke asked as he pulled away from her.

Pandora sniffles as she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, "you think you can p-protect me from the gods?" She asked with a small smile.

Luke smiled as he cupped her face, "I think you've been strong for everyone long enough, I think it's time for you to share the burden the gods have put on you" he whispered to her, "and I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe as long you don't try to push away the people you love" he explained as he wiped away her tears with his thumbs.

Pandora acted like she was debating his words before nodding and pulling him in for another hug, "fine but you and Annabeth are coming to the bonfire tonight" she said as she pulled away from him to pick up her sword when he called after her.

"The bonfire? Do you mean the camp bonfire?" Luke asked as he quickly walked after her.

"It's for my birthday, it'll be on the beach after lights out. It was supposed to be a surprise party for me between the campers that I grew up with but seeing as how demigods drop like flys I've decided to invite a few people I've grown close with. So don't be late!" She said as she tossed her sword up and watched it transform into her ring again, she slipped the ring on her finger and quickly ran towards the beach.

────── ∘◦ ⛤☽⛤ ◦∘ ──────

Pandora sat on the sand as she watched the sun set, she decided to miss dinner to make it seem like she was still being punished but when she heard soft footsteps coming from behind her she smiled slightly. "You really do love the water don't you?" Serena's voice sounded behind her.

"Well my mother is a water nymph" Pandora mused as Serena sat next to her in the sand.

"And the daughter of the sea god" Serena mumbled as she wrapped her arm around the girl's shoulders when Pandora rolled her eyes slightly.

"Where is mom?" Pandora asked softer as she looked over to her aunt.

"She is still 'talking' things out with the gods but I saw a boy follow after you when we left" Serena said with a small smirk.

Serena playfully nudged her, "Luke, he's been a good friend" Pandora said with a small smile.

Serena rolled her eyes before she started to poke her niece's side, "he seemed like more then a friend panda, but while we wait for your friends to arrive your mom asked me to help you run through a new few forms for your waterbending" she said with a smile.

Pandora's eyes sparkled as she looked to her aunt, "well let's do it!" She said excitedly as she pushed herself onto her feet. Serena smiled at the girl before Pandora pulled her up too.

────── ∘◦ ⛤☽⛤ ◦∘ ──────

The two worked on the new forms until the sun had set, Clarisse and Naomi came to collect the girl so the others could set up for the bonfire. The three girls laughed together as they walked with their arms linked as they walked the length of the river that connected to the lake, "so not only did he follow you but you divulged your daddy issues?!" Clarisse asked as she tried to catch her breath from laughing so long and so hard.

"I'm surprised that didn't make him run for the hills" Pandora laughed lightly.

Naomi walked away from the two so she could walk backwards in front of them, "okay but regardless he has daddy issues because he said his mom was mortal so now it's just a guessing game" Naomi signed making Pandora smile as she translated what Naomi said to Clarisse.

"I guess he can join our club of daddy issues" Clarisse mumbled but suddenly gasped making both girls turn to the younger girl, "OH MY GODS! WE COULD MAKE A CLUB OFF OF THIS! We could be like, 'you got daddy issues this message is for you' or something like that! We could even make t-shirts!" Clarisse exclaimed excitedly before they all started laughing once more. She released Pandora's arm and made Naomi and Pandora come to a stop to watch the girl, "I mean common! We could make an army and win capture the flag FOREVER!" She exclaimed with a wild look in her eyes.

"And this is how we know you're a daughter of Ares" Pandora laughed as they started walking again.

Clarisse looped her arm around Pandora's while Naomi saw a fire off in the distance, "I think it's time!" Naomi signed as she wiggled her eyebrows.

Pandora's eyes shifted as she rose Naomi's hand, Naomi's eyes went wide as she signed 'no' with her free hand. Pandora smiled innocently as she took a step forward, Naomi took this as her chance to quickly run away from the two girls. They giggled as she chased after her with Pandora waving her hand to make Naomi mimic her, when they reached the beach Pandora released her hold on Naomi. When they started to walk towards everyone Naomi playfully hit Pandora as she stuck her tongue out, Naomi and Clarisse ran ahead of Pandora so they were standing with everyone else. Pandora placed her hand over her mouth to hide her smile, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Everyone yelled in unison.

Pandora looked around the beach and saw a bunch of the older campers standing around with big smiles, when she continued to look around she saw the faces of her friends who had become family to her and the new friends she had gained. She removed her hand from her mouth as she walked towards everyone, "you know you don't have to keep doing this" Pandora said with a smile.

Lee smiled before he charged at the girl and quickly pulled her into a hug, he lifted her off of her feet and spun her around. When he finally put her feet back on the sand he smiled at her, "you know you like when we get together for your birthday" he said with a wink as he walked towards a 5 foot long folding table that held different drinks and different types of outside food displayed out on a separate table.

Lee walked over to the drink table and grabbed a stack of plastic cups and began to pass them around until he got to Luke, "you want a drink with us? There is absolutely no pressure to do it but it's a tradition to at least take a sip of alcohol because most of us don't make it to 21 so we celebrate every birthday like it's our last" Lee explained with a sad smile.

Luke looked back to Annabeth only to see her nodding excitedly for him as she held her cup of sparkling cider, he smiled slightly as he took a cup. Someone followed behind Lee with a big bottle of hard cider, Luke winked at Annabeth as the boy poured some into his cup. Once everyone had their cups filled Lee raised his glass with a smile, "Stous theoús gia álli mia chroniá me ti fíli mas tin Pandóra!" Lee called out in Greek as everyone lifted their cups.

(To the gods for another year with our friend Pandora!)

"Stous theoús" everyone mumbled unenthusiastically before they knocked back their drinks.

Luke's eyes scanned over the crowd until his eyes met Pandora's, he gave a soft smile and a wink before he downed the cider making everyone cheer around him. He could hear Pandora's soft laughter as he coughed at the burning in his throat, when he looked back to her she raised her glass and knocked back her drink. Luke felt his face flush as she downed the drink without a problem and when their eyes met again it was her turn to wink at him, he felt his face heat up some more when she started towards him. A few people came around to give refills as the party kicked off, "was that your first time?" She asked with a small smile.

"First time?" He asked as he tried to not sound too confused and tried to not seem so flustered.

"Your first time having alcohol" she said with a sly smile.

Luke scratched the back of his neck, "when did you start drinking?" He asked trying to change the subject.

Pandora leaned in slightly, "holy shit it was!" She said as she tilted her head back and gave a soft laugh.

He sighed and rolled his eyes, "yeah yeah, it's very funny. Ha ha" Luke mused with a frown.

Pandora looked back towards him with a small smile, "I was 9 and a half" she said softly as someone came by and refilled their drinks.

Luke's face fell into confusion, "you were 9 and a half?" He asked with a small smile as she laced their fingers together.

"Yup only instead of hard cider we had this Jungle Juice of just straight alcohol" she gave a small laugh as Annabeth ran over to some of the older teens.

The girl was practically jumping because this was her first time sneaking out of the cabin, "wow and here I thought you were little miss innocent" he said with a small laugh, "who's birthday was it? Lee said it was a tradition, right?" He asked as he looked over the crowd of eleven people.

"It has been a tradition for the last 50 years or so, maybe more. I don't honestly know" Pandora admitted with a soft huff, "It was Hadleigh's 12th birthday and she wanted me to have a drink with her because she said it was better and more fun to do it around people who love you. Honestly I think that's what every new comer is told so they loosen up" she laughed to herself and took a sip of her cider before her eyes went wide, "shit pretend I never said that!" She said when she saw Lee looking towards them.

She smiled and waved at him as someone turned on a boombox, the boombox came to life and the first song that came on was the Cupid Shuffle. Pandora gasped dramatically as she heard the song, "Oh My Gods! I love this song" she chirped before she looked back to Luke, "do you wanna dance?" She asked with puppy dog eyes.

Luke smiled into his cup as he took a sip of his drink before he placed it on the table, "Well I think it would be a crime if I said no to the birthday girl" he said with a smile as Pandora jumped around excitedly. She quickly downed her before she was pulling Luke into the dance line.

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