AGONY OF DESIRE ; cobra kai

By cobracade

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𝒄𝒐𝒃𝒓𝒂 π’Œπ’‚π’Š 𝒔𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝟏-πŸ” ━━ ❝through chaos as it swirls, it's us against the world.❞ miguel dia... More

━━ act one.
01 ― let the chaos begin.
02 ― definitely (not) a crush.
03 ― the devil listens to ac/dc.
04 ― marty mcfly's got moxie.
05 ― the defender of nerds.
06 ― fights and fouettΓ©s.
07 ― this little piggy is jealous.
08 ― the rabbit on the moon.
09 ― got a secret, can you keep it?
10 ― parties and drinking and fights, oh my!
11 ― we've got a tournament to win.
12 ― point, thirasawat!
━━ act two.
13 ― of rejection and refection.
14 ― new kids on the block.
15 ― love, decha.
16 ― a series of complicated events.
17 ― just being friendly.
18 ― take a chance on me.
19 ― tough decisions, tougher envisions.
20 ― we're just getting started.
21 ― are we gonna have a problem?
22 ― unhappy birthday.
23 ― love is torture.
24 ― the tragedy of revenge.
━━ act three.
25 ― guilt becomes her.
26 ― the warrior you're meant to be.
27 ― new person, same mistakes.
28 ― don't poke the hawk.
29 ― every last moment.
30 ― the worst betrayal of all.
31 ― divisions, collisions, decisions.
32 ― rivalry, wherefore art thou?
33 ― it's just too little too late.
34 ― germanium nickel uranium sulfur.
35 ― friendship and feelings.
36 ― heaven knows i'm miserable now.
37 ― carol of cobras.
━━ act four.
39 ― a new era of chaos.
40 ― who is achara thirasawat?
41 ― second chances.
42 ― love has flown all alone.
43 ― it all comes back to the 80s.
44 ― foes to friends and back again.
45 ― don't let cobra kai win.
46 ― everything comes back to you.
47 ― the twins in the spider's web.
48 ― nervously in love.
49 ― i will always love you.
50 ― a fight to remember.
51 ― keep your enemies closer.
52 ― it's karate time.
53 ― true potential.
54 ― the winner takes it all.
━━ act five.
55 ― humans make mistakes.
56 ― shattered and scattered.
57 ― the other achara.
58 ― drama, drama at the splasharama.

38 ― rage becomes her.

165 11 39
By cobracade

i don't even recognize you anymore, achara.


His arm was wrapped up in a splint and a sling tied around his neck and shoulder. Demetri sat next to him, holding his hand. They were silent, neither of them saying a word as they waited for Decha's mother to arrive. He hadn't wanted her to be called, but the hospital insisted.

Decha leaned his head back, staring up at the ceiling. Demetri gave his hand a light squeeze, causing Decha to turn to look at him. Decha sighed, his bottom lip starting to quiver. He felt his eyes starting to water. He turned away and closed his eyes, blinking out tears.

"Hey, look at me," Demetri squeezed his hand again. "Dech, look at me." Decha turned. "It's okay to cry. You don't need to shy away from crying. It's not true what they say...that boys don't cry. You can cry. It's okay."

Decha couldn't stop the tears from streaming down his face. He sniffled as snot filled his nose. Demetri let go of his hand and carefully embraced him in a hug, making sure to be careful of his arm. Decha hid his face in Demetri's shoulder. His breath became staggered, followed by the occasional sniffle. Demetri just continued to hug him, rubbing circles into his back.


Demetri pulled back, noticing Decha's mother standing behind them. Decha turned to look at her, the tears continuing to flow down like waterfalls as she held her arms out. Decha stood up, walking over to her and letting her wrap her arms around him.

Decha couldn't remember the last time he had gotten a hug from his mother. It had been so long that he had forgotten what it was like. He'd always been the problem child, the family disappointment. He didn't receive affection from his parents. For years, he sat back and watched as Achara received the affection and was held when she cried. Decha never had that.

"What happened, baby?" Jintara asked her son.

Decha was bawling too hard to be able to breathe, let alone tell her what happened.

"Shhh, tuk yang ja mai pen rai," Jintara told him.

Decha shook his head. "Mai."

Jintara felt a tear stream down her face. "Let's go home." She let go of him, turning her attention to Demetri. "Do you need a ride home?"

Demetri nodded as he stood up. "Yes, m'am."

"Come on then," Jintara told him. "Your parents know you are here?"

Demetri nodded again. "Uh, no m'am. I didn't tell them. They still think I'm at a Christmas party...I didn't want to worry them."

"Hmm," Jintara hummed as she nodded. "Let's get you home."

Demetri hung his head down as he walked over to them. Decha grabbed his hand. The two boys followed Jintara out of the hospital, walking hand in hand all the way to the car. The second they fastened their seatbelts, Decha was reaching for Demetri's hand once again. He didn't let go until the car pulled into Demetri's driveway.

He stared out the window as his mother talked with Demetri's parents. When she got back in the car, Decha just rested his head on the window. He didn't say a word the entire way home, not responding to any of his mother's questions.

The first thing that Decha did when he got home, was go upstairs and open Achara's bedroom door. He didn't even bother to knock. Achara jumped when her door opened, sitting upright on her bed. Decha walked up to her, taking a long look at her face. Her bottom lip was cracked, a small bruise beginning to form underneath her lip on her chin.

Achara stood up, taking in her brother's appearance. His eyes were red and puffy and his cheeks were lined with tear stains. His arm was wrapped in a sling.

"What is wrong with you?" Decha screamed at her.

Achara didn't respond. Decha didn't give her the chance.

"What were you thinking?" Decha shouted, his voice rising. "I don't even recognize you anymore, Achara. Cobra Kai has changed you and not for the better."

Achara gave him a confused look, her eyebrows raising as she yelled back. "You're my brother! You're supposed to be on my side!"

"This has nothing to do with not being on your side," Decha yelled. "It's about Kreese getting into your head and tearing your life apart. Why can't you realize that?"

"What I've realized is that I'm done pretending to be the perfect little angel," Achara responded. "That's not who I am and it's time to stop pretending to be someone I'm not."

Decha scoffed, shaking his head. "You don't need Cobra Kai to be who you truly are!"

"What is going on?" Jintara asked her children as she walked into the room, their father behind her.

"Achara and her Cobra Kai friends broke into the LaRusso house attacked Eagle Fang and Miyagi-Do!" Decha informed her. "You were asking in the car how I broke my arm? That's why!"

"Your rivalry with that girl has to stop," Jintara scolded her. "Cobra Kai is no good for you! Who is this girl you have become?"

"Who's this girl I've become?" Achara crossed her arms. "I'm not becoming anyone. I'm just refusing to be the perfect girl everyone wants me to be. I'm taking control over my life. That perfect little angel that you love so much? She's gone! She never existed in the first place. I pretended. I lied to you. I manipulated you. I told you what you wanted to hear."

"Achara Thirasawat! That is enough!" Kiet shouted at his daughter.

"Why?" Achara questioned, stepping closer to them. "You can't handle the fact that your daughter was able to manipulate you so easily into believing that she was a perfect little angel? Just because my name means angel, doesn't mean I have to be one."

"That's it!" Kiet yelled, pointing his finger at her. "You will quit Cobra Kai!"

"It was a mistake to let you go back to that dojo!" Jintara added, tears filling her eyes.

Achara chuckled, shaking her head. "You think that's going to solve anything?"

"Your brother is hurt! He fractured his elbow, Achara," Kiet yelled. "Because of what? A dojo fight?"

Decha turned to him. He had never once heard his father show any sign of care for his wellbeing, not since he was very little.

Achara shook her head. "It's not that simple." Achara turned her head towards Decha. "Looks like you've got what you always wanted. You're the favorite child."

She pushed past her parents, ignoring them as they called out to her. Achara stormed down the stairs and out to her car. She didn't know where she was going. She just didn't want to be at home.


Achara stepped into Cobra Kai, the bell jingled above her head as she walked in. She walked through the dojo and into the back room, seeing Robby standing next to Kreese. He was dressed in a Cobra Kai gi, hitting and kicking a punching bag.

Achara walked closer to them, her arms crossed as she stood in front of them.

"Miss Thirasawat," Kreese greeted her. "What brings you here?"

Achara gulped before blurting out the events of the night. "My parents want me to quit Cobra Kai because of the fight at the LaRusso house. I don't know how I'm going to pay for lessons..."

Kreese walked up to her, placing her hand on her shoulder as he shook his head. "Don't you worry about that. You're far too valuable to lose."

Achara furrowed her brows in confusion. "What do you mean? I—I don't have to pay for lessons?"

Before Kreese could answer, the bell jingled. Achara glanced over her shoulder. Johnny Lawrence stormed into the room.

"What took you so long?" Kreese asked him.

Achara's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as she wondered what he meant by that. Had he been waiting for him to show up?

"Robby..." Johnny gave him a disappointed look. "What are you doing here?"

"He's exactly where he belongs. As are you. Three generations of Cobra Kai working together," Kreese said with a chuckle. "We won't just dominate the tournament, we'll melt this whole snowflake generation."

Kreese stepped closer to him. "This is really your last chance, Johnny. Are you in...or are you out?"

Achara stood next to Robby, watching the scene in front of her unfold.

"Listen to him, dad," Robby spoke up. "He only wants what's best for you."

Johnny glanced between Kreese and Robby before stepping closer, landing a kick to Kreese's side. Kreese grunted as faltered back. Johnny kept throwing punches his way. Kreese dodged a few before Johnny managed to push him to the wall, punching him repeatedly. Achara and Robby stood one doorway as the fight continued into the main dojo.

Johnny had Kreese pinned to the mat. Kreese fighting back, mancini flip Johnny off of him and stand up. The fight continued, kicks and punches being thrown every which way. Achara and Robby stood in front of the mat. They exchanged a look with each other as Kreese threw Johnny into the wall behind him where the martial arts weapons hung.

Johnny turned around, grabbing a sai off the wall. He held it in his hand as he prepared to use it against Kreese.

"Don't do it!" Robby called out.

Johnny released his grip on the sai, letting it clatter to the floor. Achara didn't even have the chance to let out a complete breath before the fighting resumed. Johnny grabbed Kreese by the throat, pushing him to the mat. He punched him in the face repeatedly.

Robby walked onto the mat, grabbing Johnny by the waist, pulling him away from Kreese.

"You don't understand," Johnny shouted. "You can't trust him!"

"And I can trust you?" Robby asked.

"Robby, please, listen to me," Johnny pleaded with him.

"You know, all those years you weren't there, I blamed myself," Robby refused to listen. "Sensei Kreese is right. I can't be my own worst enemy. But you can be!"

Robby lunged towards him, grunting as he fought with Johnny who dodged all of his punches and kicks as he refused to fight him. Johnny grabbed him by the arm, swinging him into the metal lockers in the corner of the room. Achara gasped as she ran towards him, pushing Johnny out of the way as she knelt down.

"Robby?" Achara called out, tapping his face as she looked down at the cut on his forehead. "Robby...hey, come on. Wake up."

Johnny knelt down next to her. "Robby, you're okay. I didn't mean to hurt you. You're okay."

Achara heard Johnny grunt from beside her. She quickly turned her head around, seeing Kreese standing above Johnny with a sai in his hand. Kreese elbowed Johnny in the chest, causing him to thud against the mat.

Achara stood on her feet, staring at Kreese with wide eyes as Kreese stood over him. Her heart pounded in her chest as she watched him wrap Johnny in a headlock, choking him.

Daniel LaRusso stepped into the dojo, kicking Kreese away from Johnny.

"You sent them to my house?" Daniel yelled. "You came after my daughter. You wanted a fight, you son of a bitch? Now you got one!"

Achara gulped. When she and Tory had gone to Cobra Kai earlier that night, informing Kreese about Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang working together, he had been the one to suggest the idea of going to the LaRusso's. They had just been willing to go through with it.

Daniel turned his head, looking at Robby. Achara felt like she couldn't breathe.

"I told you..." Kreese stood up, getting into fighting position. "This was inevitable."

Achara watched in panic as Kreese and Daniel fought, jumping when she heard the sound of smashing glass. Achara stood up and in front of the shattered window. Johnny appeared next to her, giving Daniel a nod. As Daniel prepared to take one last shot at Kreese, Sam called out to him.

Achara turned her head at the sound of her voice, seeing her run up to her father. Miguel followed close behind her. At the sight of them together, Achara clenched her fist at her side.

"You keep your Cobra Kais away from our kids," Daniel breathed out.

"It's a free country," Kreese replied.

Johnny shook his head. "Not for you. Cobra Kai's gotta go. For good."

"Why don't we settle this the old-fashioned way?" Kreese asked. "Tournament. If we lose...I go. If you lose..."

"We won't lose," Johnny cut him off.

Miguel and Sam stepped closer, standing next to their senseis. Achara stepped over the broken glass, standing next to Kreese. Her gaze was focused on Miguel, staring at his bruised and bloodied face. He gave her a pleading look, the same puppy-dog eyed face that he always had when he was sad or begging. Achara looked away, staring down at her shoes.


Achara turned her head, seeing Robby walking towards them. He stood next to her, staring at Johnny and Daniel. "Get out of here. All of you."

"Come on, son," Kreese put his hand on Robby's shoulder. "Miss Thirasawat?"

Achara nodded her head. Kreese and Robby turned, walking back into the dojo. Achara remained outside, looking up at Miguel before glancing at Johnny, Daniel, and Sam.

"Achara, please..." Miguel begged her, puppy-dog eyes growing even sadder. "Please, just come with us."

"We can put our differences aside," Sam pitched in. "We can forget it all. Miguel and I are just friends now. That's it. There's nothing between us. You have to believe me."

Achara inhaled deep breath. "I—I don't know if I can."

"Of course you can," Daniel told her. "Listen, I know you and Sam have a history, but it's not too late."

Achara felt a tear stream down her cheek as she shook her head. "I can't...I—I just...I don't..."

Achara's chest began to feel heavy, as if her lungs were starting to constrict. She started hyperventilating as she struggled to catch her breath.

"Chara, it's okay," Miguel tried to calm her down. "Hǎai jai."

Johnny glanced at him, a confused look on his face.

"Breathe," Miguel told her. "In and out."

Achara tried to listen to him, but she couldn't catch her breath no matter how hard she tried. She just wanted to scream. She wanted to scream and let out all of the pain and frustration.

So, she did.

Achara grabbed fistfuls of her hair on either side of her head and screamed. She screamed as loud as she could, causing the four people in front of her to go wide-eyed. Achara stopped screaming and stared at the terror on their faces.

Achara gave Miguel one last glimpse before she walked towards her car, not daring to look at them as she pulled out of the parking lot.


this is a short chapter, but it was necessary not only to have an even number of chapters, but also to show the aftermath following the fight.

oooh my girl is going through it. she is most definitely not okay. my poor girl. in one season she went from "guilt becomes her" to "rage becomes her." these 2 chapter titles were the plan from the very beginning...

also decha finally feeling loved?? i'm here for it and he deserves the world.

also couldn't resist using that gif so i had to find some use for it...

miguel speaking thai to achara 🥺🥺

alternative chapter title: my therapist will hear about this.

- tuk yang ja mai pen rai
tuk yang ja mai pen rai means everything will be okay.

- mai
mai means no.

hǎai jai
hǎai jai means breathe.

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