Royal Coalition

By thetalesweaver_

27.5K 836 183

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Character Aesthetic
Prologue: Veer
Prologue: Reet


731 59 29
By thetalesweaver_

🎧: charka

I grab the glass and hurl it as hard as I can towards the mirror, shattering it and creating a sound that reverberates throughout the space. Everyone present in the room gasped.

[Everyone: Kiara, Siddharth, Yuvaan, akshit and amulya]

"Reet are you okay? What are you doing?" Sidharth said worried. Everyone present there looked at me with concern.

"Leave me alone please," I asked them. They looked at each other and then looked at me with worried faces.

"But ree-" Kiara was about to speak but was cut off by a voice outside the room. The owner of the voice was my dad.

"Do whatever you want, but be ready tomorrow by 6 they're coming to see you." I heard it and warm tears started falling from my eyes. My eyes appear bloodshot, a testament to the tears I had shed.

All my life, I've believed in the unconditional love of my parents, but their recent actions have shattered that belief. They've arranged my marriage without a second thought or considering my hopes, dreams, or career.

It feels like a betrayal of the deepest kind. How could they make such a monumental decision without even consulting me? Do they not see me as an individual with my desires and ambitions? The weight of their expectations crushes me, suffocating my sense of self. Anger, betrayal, sadness, and confusion swirl within me, mingling with tears that threaten to spill over.

It's a harsh awakening to the reality that I must now navigate-a journey fg with challenges as I strive to reclaim my autonomy and forge my path in life. Tears were continuously falling from my eyes.

Suddenly, I rose to my feet, swiftly brushing away my tears. I grabbed my tote bag, with important files and headed to the door.

"Where are you going?" Amulya, my cousin sister asked.

"My office," I replied without looking at her direction, wearing my shoes.

"But di, you took a day off from your office na, because of misthi Di's after party?" She asked as I could feel that everyone in the room was staring at me.

"Hnn, but ab chutti karne ka occasion nahi Raha hai." I said looking at her with my bloodshot red eyes and no expressions on my face.
("There is no occasion left to take a leave.")

She was stunned as I suddenly looked at her, I opened the door and left from there. Without even bothering who was present in the house.

At last, I can breathe freely. Every moment under that roof felt like suffocation as if I couldn't draw a single breath in the very home where I've spent nearly my entire life. It's a stark realization of how deeply parents can wound their children.

I approached my sophisticated black Mercedes 5 Series, its sleek lines exuding luxury and refinement. After smoothly driving through traffic, I arrived at my workplace, where I gave the keys to the valet for parking.

As I stepped inside, the attention of everyone present shifted towards me, their curiosity piqued by my unanticipated arrival during off time.

I stepped into the elevator and pressed on the 9th floor, As I arrived I wasted no time heading straight for the head cabin. However, before I could reach it, I caught snippets of a conversation between Mr. Manohar and someone else.

His tone seemed almost desperate as if he were pleading earnestly for something.

Moments later, the commanding voice of the head of the institute pierced through the air. Though not raised in volume, it carried an unmistakable edge of anger or insistence.

Feeling an impulse, I found myself knocking on the door of the cabin. The previous voices had ceased, leaving an eerie silence in their wake.

After a moment, a commanding voice broke through the stillness with a simple directive, "Come in," spoken by Namrata Ma'am.

As I entered the cabin, the head of the institute greeted me with a smile that seemed almost rehearsed, his hands braced on the table. I returned the gesture, with a not-so-true smile.

"Come reet," he said, moving forward to me while smiling. I glanced at sir and ma'am who were standing with a fake smile on their faces.

"Umm sir I just wanted to have the files and documents," I said in a low yet hearable voice.

"Yes, take it, Manohar sir, give it to her." He said with a weird gesture and expression.

"Well, it seems you and your friends have decided to take the day off today, haven't you?" he inquired, edging closer as I instinctively stepped back.

"Indeed, sir. However, I realized I had some pending tasks to attend to, so I thought it best to come in and take care of them," I replied, maintaining a polite yet insincere smile.

"Isn't it wonderful to see such dedicated employees like her, Namrata ma'am?" he exclaimed, placing his hand on my shoulder with an exaggerated smile.

Feeling uneasy, I stole a glance at Namrata, who was nodding in agreement with a forced smile, her eyes betraying a sense of sympathy towards me. Swiftly, I discreetly removed his hand from my shoulder and subtly gestured towards the door, signaling my desire to leave the uncomfortable situation.

As I gathered my belongings, a sense of relief washed over me as I prepared to make my exit. The encounter with the head of the institute always left me feeling uneasy, his overly familiar demeanor and intrusive gestures unsettling to say the least.

With a slight bow to them, I hurriedly made my way out of the office, eager to escape the suffocating atmosphere. Once outside, I couldn't contain my frustration any longer, and with a loud thud, I slammed the stack of files and documents onto my desk.

As I sat down in my seat, feeling angry and frustrated, my phone rang loudly, interrupting the peaceful silence like an unwelcome intruder. I looked at the caller ID and was surprised to see it was him. His calls were always unpredictable, and I prepared myself for whatever unexpected news he was about to give me.

Taking a deep breath, I asked in a casual yet formal tone, "How may I assist you today, sir? How do you remember me?"
"Reet, your future department requires your assistance," he stated in his usual enigmatic way as if revealing a surprise and anticipating me to handle the situation calmly. His words came out of nowhere, but I had learned not to react hastily.

My mind raced with possibilities as I calmly replied, "Where do I need to go?" He quickly responded with an address composed of a string of numbers and street names.

As I was about to say goodbye, he interrupted and asked, "Should I come to pick you up?" I appreciated his chivalry, but I preferred to handle my transportation. I had a mission to fulfill and didn't want to rely on anyone else. Perhaps he assumed that his senior would be present and wanted to make a good impression.

"No, thank you. I can handle it alone," I said, ending the call before he could object any further.

As I shifted my focus to the files I had brought from the cabin, a sense of reluctance washed over me. I knew leaving them behind was necessary, but it still weighed heavily on my mind. I reminded myself that duty called and that the files would have to wait on their shelf until my return.

"Now, it's your turn to keep watch," I whispered to the files, as if they were dear friends entrusted with a sacred duty.

Feeling a strong sense of purpose, I stood up from my seat and headed to the provided address. I got into my car and drove towards the destination, wondering what awaited me there. Why had I been summoned all of a sudden?

After a while,

It took me half an hour to get here. I stepped into the small street, parking my car very far from it. The street was silent, and I reached the red gate. After looking around to make sure no one was watching, I stepped into the room.

Upon entering the dimly lit room, I walked straight ahead until I reached a glass gate leading to an office set up for investigation.

As I understand it, some individuals were fixated on their computers, while others were gathered around a large screen, engaging in discussions. A few were frantically searching through the drawers for files, while others were in a rush to provide updates to their boss.

I was looking around the huge modern workplace, my gaze drifting across the bustling scene until a familiar figure caught my eye amidst the flurry of activity.

Turning back for another glance, my suspicions were confirmed. There he was, savoring a quiet moment with his coffee, a serene expression on his face amidst the chaos around us.

Kabir. Kabir Banerjee. A Deputy secretary of the Rajasthan cadre. He's been assisting several important and complicated cases with senior IAS officers.

Author POV:

Now you guys are thinking why are they calling her?

It's because Reet has assisted a case once with them by doing the research and collecting the evidence (secretly). That case got a bomb and a good response, the officers included in that got medals and awards.

"What did Reet gain? Reet's involvement in the case proved to be invaluable as she gained a significant amount of experience. Although she didn't receive any tangible rewards or recognition, the knowledge she acquired and the lessons she learned were far more precious to her. For Reet, the journey itself was the ultimate reward."

Reet has been called once again for duty, and she is determined to give her best to the new case that awaits her attention. However, little does she know that this case will prove to be a game-changer, unlike any other she has encountered in her career. As she delves deeper into the complexities of the investigation, Reet remains unaware of the looming threat that it poses to her life and future.

With each step Threeakes, Reet inches closer to a life-altering revelation, completely unaware of the magnitude of the storm brewing ahead. This case has the potential to turn her world upside down, reshaping her existence in ways she never could have imagined. Yet, as she presses forward with unwavering, the full extent of its impact remains hidden from her sight.


I made my way towards Kabir sir as he also saw me and passed a smile. "Reet." He said with a warm smile.

After putting his coffee cup on the table, Kabir extended his hand towards me and said, "Finally, you're here."

I accept his hand with gratitude and shake it. "Well, you're here, right?" an elderly voice interrupted us as we turned to look at the owner. It was a senior IAS officer.

I had worked with them earlier too. He's just the opposite of his personality. He's such a jolly person. He's like my grandfather.

"Jai Hind sir!" I salute him with all respect. "For a second I thought I was in the parade ground. Haha." He said teasingly. We all laughed.

"Sir please look at this" assuring him a file may be a suspect's file. He goes through the file very carefully.

"Sir, can you please tell me about the case," I said after he handed the file to that lady.

He beckons me over to the master screen where various unknown pictures are displayed. I examine each one intently.

With a single click of the mouse, he pulled up an image of a seemingly normal middle-aged man. "Meet Devendra Khanna," he said in a serious tone. "To the outside world, he's a steel industrialist, but behind his facade lies a tangled web of illegal activities." As he began to list off the crimes, my stomach churned with disbelief. Illegal mining, property theft, human trafficking - the list seemed never-ending, each revelation more shocking than the last.

As he handed me the file, I felt its weight in my hands, heavier than any burden I had ever carried. The file contained pages upon pages of evidence, detailing the extent of Khanna's crimes.

Though daunting, I knew I had to dive in and uncover the truth, no matter how dark or disturbing it may be. With a deep breath, I began to sift through the mountain of information, steeling myself for the journey ahead.

"I have just received news that he is preparing for a significant property deal," he whispered, showing a worried expression as he rubbed his temples.

The atmosphere in the room became tense with his words, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation. It was evident that Khanna's next action could have significant implications, and the urgency of our mission burdened us heavily.

"Don't worry, sir. We'll catch him," I reassured him, and we got to work on the case.

"Reet, one more thing," he added, his tone tinged with seriousness. "This time, you won't be working undercover. We've spoken to the minister, and they've approved you as a supporting officer." His words were accompanied by an encouraging smile, but the weight of his implications hung in the air.

If we succeeded in solving this case, there would be recognition awaiting us.

I nodded in acknowledgment and returned his smile with a grateful one of my own. Although the reward was insignificant, I knew that this endeavor would provide an invaluable experience. For me, it was all about improving my skills, expanding my knowledge, and making a difference in the pursuit of justice.

During the evening,

As the clock struck six, our sense of urgency intensified, driving us to gather as much information as possible before the day's end. However, amidst the hustle and bustle of the investigation, a sudden realization hit me like a bolt of lightning.

I had not informed anyone at home about my whereabouts or the nature of my work, and a wave of panic washed over me. The thought of facing their wrath for my absence sent shivers down my spine. I was afraid they would be angry with me this time.

"I gathered my belongings, placed them in my bag, and swiftly made my way to the exit gate. I notified one of the assistants of my departure and left a message for Kabir informing him of my exit.".

I checked my surroundings for any potential observers before nonchalantly approaching my car.

While heading back home, I checked my phone and saw a long list of missed calls. There were three missed calls from Chachi, five from Sid, seven from Ruhaan, and a staggering fifteen from Kiara! My heart started to beat faster as I sensed trouble.

Ignoring the traffic around me, I pressed the accelerator, determined to reach home before confronting the inevitable consequences of not answering those calls.

After half an hour, I finally reached my home. I was terrified to go inside because as I entered, everyone there stared at me as if I had committed a crime. It reminded me of the time in school when I accidentally entered another class, and all the students there looked at me as if I was an alien.

Author POV:

Reet rushed through the front door of her family's home, her heart pounding in her chest. The weight of the day's events hung heavy on her shoulders as she braced herself for the inevitable onslaught of questions and concerns from her worried family.

As soon as she stepped inside, she was engulfed by the anxious voices of her siblings, and Chachi, all clamoring for answers.

"Reet! Where have you been all day?" Ruhaan's voice cut through the chaotic chorus, filled with equal parts relief and frustration.

Reet hurriedly pushed open the front door of her family's home, her heart pounding with anxiety. The weight of the day's events was making her feel burdened.

She braced herself for the inevitable flood of questions and concerns from her worried family.

"We've been calling you non-stop! Are you okay?" Kriti's voice joined in, a hint of panic in her tone.

Chachi's worried expression mirrored those of her siblings as she added, "Beta, we were so worried! What happened? Why didn't you pick up your phone?"

Reet was struggling to come up with a believable excuse for her absence. She knew that revealing the truth about her risky case would be too much for them to understand..

Before her response could form, her father burst in, his face contorted with anger and disappointment.

"Reet! Do you have any idea what time it is?" he bellowed, his voice echoing off the walls. "Take all the kids from the room." He ordered Reet's siblings to leave the room. As they all left the room.

"We have an important meeting tomorrow regarding your marriage, and you're nowhere to be found! This is unacceptable!"

Reet's heart sank at her father's words. She had been dreading this moment ever since the marriage proposal had been announced. She knew she couldn't escape the arranged marriage, no matter how much she wished she could.

"I-I'm sorry, Papa," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I lost track of time while I was out running errands."

Her father's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing through her like daggers. "Errands? What kind of errands could keep you out all day?" he demanded, his tone accusatory.

Reet struggled with a lump in her throat as she tried to come up with a believable excuse. She knew they wouldn't understand the truth about the case.

Just as she was about to speak, her father's expression softened, replaced by a look of resignation.

"Enough," he said, his voice weary. "There's no point in dwelling on it now. Tomorrow, we have an important meeting with the family of your groom-to-be. You need to be there, Reet. There's no turning back now."

Reet felt a wave of despair wash over her as the reality of her situation sank in. She was trapped in a life she never wanted, with no hope of escape. All she could do was nod silently, her heart heavy with regret.

The heavy silence that hung in the room was broken by the sound of the door creaking open. All eyes turned towards Reet's uncle, a stern yet respected figure in the family, as he stepped inside. His presence commanded immediate attention, and the room fell silent.

"Attention, everyone," he announced in a firm yet not unkind voice. "I have some important matters to discuss about Reet's upcoming marriage." Reet's heart sank as her uncle arrived, realizing that there was no escaping the conversation about her groom-to-be and his family.

(Her siblings and friends don't know that this marriage is FORCED.)

"Omg about jiju! I'm so excited." Kriti exclaimed joyfully. The next thing she asked made everyone look at reet.

Reet remained silent when asked about the name of her future husband.

"𝙑𝙚𝙚𝙧 𝙎𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙖." Her uncle answered as her face lifted towards her uncle. Many thoughts were there in her mind.


"Kriti asked me for the name of my future husband, but I don't even know who he is. It's amazing that my parents, who claim to love their daughter, are willing to give her away to a complete stranger."

𝗩𝗘𝗘𝗥 𝗦𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗜𝗔, the looming storm in the story of my life. He's a stranger to me, yet I sense his presence will bring a whirlwind of change, like a powerful storm sweeping through, altering everything in its path.

(At 9:00 pm night)

Standing in the elevator, the bright light from the mirror reflecting back at me, I couldn't shake the feeling of being lost in my thoughts. At 10 am, I received a message from my dad that lingered in my mind: "Be ready by 6 tomorrow to meet your bride and her family."

Upon exiting the elevator, I was suddenly reminded of the harsh reality that awaited me outside. Despite my efforts to focus on my work, a message continued to weigh heavily on my mind.

It wasn't until 6 pm that another message caught my attention, causing a sense of apprehension to wash over me. As I opened it, I found details about a girl along with her picture, serving as a tangible representation of the future that awaited me.

I muttered the name '𝙍𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙎𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙫' with a low, ominous tone. As a 25-year-old working for a government agency, I was fixated on the screen, absorbing every detail about her.

While scrolling through my phone, I stumbled upon a blurry picture of her that hadn't been fully downloaded. Intrigued, I tried to download it again and again, but it stubbornly remained out of focus. Frustrated, I let out a heavy sigh and closed my phone as my car came to a stop.

As I stepped out, I left the confines of my vehicle behind and made my way towards the entrance gate of my house. Upon entering, I noticed that everyone in the house was looking at me as if they had been eagerly awaiting my arrival.

"Aagaya beta tu, aaja." Mom said, patting my cheeks and taking me while grabbing my hand towards where everyone was sitting.
(" Son you've came, come.")

Author POV:

As the family gathered in the cozy living room, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement and anticipation. Veer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Singhania, sat on the elegant sofa, while his sister, Vanya, perched on the armrest, chatting animatedly.

"Veer, however, sat in a distant corner lost in his own thoughts, his brow furrowed with worry," Mr. Singhania announced. "Tomorrow, we will be meeting the Srivastavs - the family of the prospective bride. They are a well-educated and well-off family, known for their respectability." Mrs. Singhania nodded in agreement.

"Yes, and their daughter, Reet, she's said to be very sweet and educated. I think she'll be a good match for Veer."

Vanya chimed in, "I've seen her pictures on social media. She's beautiful, and her family seems nice too. I think bhaiya will like her."

Veer, however, sat in silence, his mind a whirlwind of doubt and fear. He stared into his tea, lost in his thoughts. How could he possibly move on from his past heartbreak? How could he trust someone new with his heart when it still bore the scars of betrayal?

Dadi noticed Veer's troubled expression and placed a gentle hand on his knee.

"Veer, beta what's bothering you? You seem quite distressed."

Veer forced a tight-lipped smile. "Oh, it's nothing, Dadi. Just nervous about tomorrow, I guess."

Dadi raised an eyebrow, her intuition telling her there was more to it.

"You can talk to me, Veer. I can see something is bothering you." Veer sighed, feeling the weight of his worries pressing down on him.

"It's just... I don't know if I'm ready for this. After what happened before, I'm scared to trust again. I don't know if I can give her the love she deserves."

Dadi understood and said, "I know it's hard. But sometimes, we have to take a risk and trust. Trust is the foundation of love."

Veer nodded, but he still felt tense and anxious. As the night progressed, his mind was filled with doubt and uncertainty, and his past love still weighed heavily on his heart. The meeting with the Srivastav family the next day felt like a big deal, and Veer couldn't shake off the feeling that something bad was going to happen.

Veer POV:

"𝙍𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙎𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙫..." I said in a low sleepy voice while looking at that blurry non-downloaded picture while sitting on the couch with my head on the back of the sofa.
"𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙖 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥 𝙗𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙤𝙣 𝙞𝙢𝙥𝙪𝙨𝙚."

ᴀ ᴜ ᴛ ʜ ᴏ ʀ' s ɴ ᴏ ᴛ ᴇ

Here's the chapter 5, hope you guys will like it.

Chapter 6 will be posted soon.
In the next chapter veer and reet will meet!

Read, Vote and comment please!



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