Suit and leather

By ChristianaThomas7

37.4K 2K 119

Skyler White is used to being mistaken as a guy. With her short hair, her curveless figure and her mode of dr... More



1.4K 87 6
By ChristianaThomas7


Skyler knew that working for Fredward Montgomery had it perks but at the very moment, the perk she was enjoying was looking to be the best of them all.

Shouldn't you be in love with your boss, you pervert. Her inner voice chastised her.

First of all, I'm not in love with my boss...I just have a little crush. And two and finally...I'm a straight adult woman, it's only natural to enjoy some... Privileges. She fired back to her inner self as her eyes trailed the broad chest of the male model in front of her to his v waist line which was very exposed due to how low the band of his shorts were.

Huba Huba, come to mama.

You are disgusting.

I am, I know. Skyler felt like she could take on the world with the happy sight in front of her.

Skyler had come to the studio on an errand for Mr Montgomery and to her surprise, she had walked in on a shoot and the models were freakishly hot guys with panty dropping body.

Skylar had been kept on hold and she was more than happy to wait and watch from the sidelines. Watching sexy men pose in front of her camera was more fun than she imagined. She had witnessed Taylor and Albert take so many ridiculous pictures for their social that the act had seem ridiculous to her, but it was then Skyler realized that it was her disgusting roommates' fault.

You are supposed to be a straight  male. Her inner self warned.

Skyler looked around the studio to see that everyone everywhere were all working. No one was paying attention to the other.

I think it'll be fine. Skyler turned her full attention back to her afternoon banquet and what a glorious banquet she thought it was.

Time had passed but Skyler was in no rush to get back to her boss and even prayed that the renowned photographer who was a close acquittance of Mr Montgomery's would take his precious time and delay her as much as possible.

"Hey dude!" A voice drew her out of her trance and Skyler turned to look at a red head woman in a bob hair cut and a small pack with lots of zippers around her waist, making  it obvious that she was a stylist. She beaconed Skyler over.

"Me?" Skyler asked as she pointed to herself for certainty .

"Yes you." She replied back immediately. "I need your help."

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Come on." She motioned for Skyler as she began to walk away and Skyler walked steadily behind her, following obediently.

"I need help with helping him into these, can you help me?" The red head Lara, motioned to the six foot model with shoulder length blonde hair, pec and abs that were practically screaming at her, and a perfect cheekbone that even the gods were jealous of.

"Oh." Skyler could feel her consciousness floating on the great vast ocean as she took in the sight in front of her, not minding that she was eye fucking him when she was still in her disguise.

"Can you help? It's just that you were the only one not doing anything and I need a little help." Lara explained with an apologetic look on her face clearly not comfortable with asking a total stranger for help.

"I-it's fine." Skyler shook the thoughts away from her head and focused on the task at hand. Actually, she was grateful for the task at hand. Thinking of a model's hot body just left visual image and startling curiosity of Fredward's body. Skyler was sure that he has a nice body. she could see the outline of his suit, his suit pants outlining his thigh muscles or whenever he rolled up the sleeve of his white shirt.

Skyler had immediately pulled herself out of her train of thoughts before she went down the rabbit hole and the entrance closes in on her.

For the next moments, Skyler became comfortable with those around her. The crew and the models alike. She was comfortable talking with them and they with her. Skyler attributed that to the fact that she's had to deal with her own roommate especially Albert and Taylor who can be regarded as Hollywood attractive and they knew it and flaunted it.


Fredward walked into the spacious studio and looked around for a particular short haired woman in disguise. He knew Danny was going to hold her up. This shoot was important anyhow.

His eyes scaned the occupied studio and when his eyes stopped, his jaw clenched and his hands balled into a fist at the sight in front of him.

His 5'5 assistant that was dressed in black jean, a non fitting turtle neck long sleeve shirt under a leather jacket was surrounded by hot models who were talking and laughing with her, while she had a bright smile on her face in return as she interacted with them.

The models were standing way too close to her for his liking and he didn't know why his chest contrasted at the sight. He could feel the burning anger from the pit of his stomach but he didn't seek the reason for it, but he knew that he was a moments away from punching the topless blonde haired guy that just put his arms around her shoulders nonchalantly with a flirting smile on his face.

Fredward ignored the part of his mind that reminded him that she is probably mistaken as a male as he headed over there.
Her back was turned to him, so Skyler wasn't aware of his presence until she could feel the total shift in emotion from the people around her and the noice at the background reduced gradually degree by degree.
She turned around when those around her politely greeted their boss.

"Mr Montgomery." Skyler couldn't hide the surprise in her voice nor could she hide the smile that curved the side of her lips or the shine in her eyes as she looked at him.

Skyler had not noticed but Fredward did. It sent a shot through his chest down to his loins.

Her eyes were wide and clear like she was very happy to see him. The smile that brightened up her face made his heart race out of pace and her voice...

Fredward clenched his fist harder, greatful for the sting of pain that shot through his palm as his nails dug into them and woke him up a little.

"I didn't think you'll be coming." Her voice remained its cheerful tone but one of her brows was raised in silent question.

"I thought I would check things out here and talk to Danny myself."

"Oh.ok." She nodded her head in understanding and pointed at the man with his long dreadlocks packed high in a ponytail and wearing a baggy bright orange short  sleeved round neck t-shirt with a bright purple body warmer over it that had lots of iron color zippers, who was standing with a weird pose as he took pictures of his current model and yelled strange instructions at intervals  which made the model change their pose.

"He still seem very busy and looks like he's in the zone." Skyler said and her eyes went back to Mr Montgomery who was still looking at her.

"I can see that." He said not actually taking his eyes off his little assistant."what are you doing?" He eyed the models who lingered around their area, some trying to be invincible, most trying to be noticed by the big boss and the crews looking at him wide eyed.

"I'm helping out, I think." She looked unsure and the look on her face just made Fredward's chest feel weird again. "Well, it's better than hanging around doing nothing." Skyler could see that the models were yearning for attention so she motioned to all of them in general.
"These are the models working with Danny for the shoot." And that was all the opening they needed to talk to him and then it started.

Fredward didn't mind it except for the fact that the blonde head was getting way too close to his assistant and flirty. As a man, Fredward was more than aware of the signs of a man who is interested.

Fredward didn't care that the model was interested in Mr White, the boss's assistant. He didn't care, Mr White was still his Skyler White and the urge to push him away from her was so overwhelming.

"Skyler." Fredward called. "Come with me " He ordered before leaving there. He didn't know where he was going or what he was going to say but he needed to take her away and fast.

Skyler stayed with Fredward at his insistence even if he made no move to talk to her or give her any work. It was weird and staying around him, inhaling his heavenly scent and staring at his face was starting to do weird things to her.

For the next few hours after Danny was done. He and Fredward talked at length and Skyler made herself scarce when some of their conversation was getting semi personal. It was obvious that they were very familiar and understood each other.

After Fredward was done talking to Danny, he looked around to notice that Skyler wasn't around anymore and he had a vague recollection of her excusing herself but he had been too absorbed in the conversation.

He walked into the big studio open space to see that Skyler had a big smile on her face and at one point chuckled. And not the deep man chuckle she would always feign but her own voice. She looked relaxed and comfortable and whatever she was talking about both interested her and amused her, he could see that from the way her eyes widen at every word.

Then she laughed again and the sound was so natural it sent waves through him.

"Pretty. She sounds beautiful." Fredward thought.

Fredward didn't know why he felt this way and sometimes he hated that he felt this way but when his eyes turned to the person to whom she was talking to with great interest, to whom she laughed beautifully with his jaw clenched and his stomach brewed with strange anger and the urge to punch the blonde haired model was so shocking it startled him.

Violence had never been a thing Fredward would consider or think to do but for the first time in a long time he thought of it because of his assistant.

What's wrong with me?

Fredward wondered but the realization of what he was feeling didn't lessen much of the anger that he was feeling.

I'm I... No I can't be. I'm not. It can't b—

The lovely sounds of her laughter floated to his ears. He had never seen or heard her laugh like that with him. He had seen her smile or blush but she had never laughed so carefree. She was always trying to be in the role of a man that she was always on guard around him, she did or said things she might not have originally said so as not to give herself out.

Fredward wondered how she would seem without having to hide herself behind a mask from him. The fact that he could see it but only from afar, the fact that there was a person standing in front of her making that happen had made the ting in his chest come back and this time, in folds.

I'm jealous. Fredward admitted to himself, finally.

I want to be the one she laughs with...why can't I make her let down her guard even for a moment. Why is it him? Fredward looked at the model in disdain.

What is wrong with me? He asked himself again.

"Mr Montgomery!"Skyler called.

He looked up to see her walking towards him. The model was no where to be seen.

"You are done with talking to Danny?"


"Oh. Ok. Do we leave now?"

"Yes we do."

They walked out of the studio and into the building's garage.

"Oh no."Skyler halted in her steps.

"What is it?" Fredward could feel worry creeping down his spine at the panic in her voice.

"I came on my own earlier so I brought my bike." Skyler pointed at the black motor bike parked at a parking spot at the far end of the garage.

"Is Sam around?"

"I'll have to call him back." Fredward moved to take his phone from his jacket.

"Ok. We'll have to ride separately" Skyler said and realized she didn't like the sound of that and Fredward didn't either.

"Hmm." Fredward looked down at his phone and made a fake dial. "It seems his phone his switched off." He lied even if he didn't know why.

"Really?" Skyler thought that unusual of Sam. He was always available after all he was Mr Montgomery's personal chauffeur. "Let me try him." Skyler moved her hand to her back pocket to pick her phone.

"No! I mean, it wouldn't change anything so don't bother."

"Oh. Ok." They headed to where her bike was at slow pace, not saying anything but walking in sync.

"So, that model seems into you." Fredward blurted out.

Shit! Shit shit shit. Why did I say that?! Fredward thought in panic.

"Oh." Skyler was startled by his words and a little panicky. " was nice until he had umm ... asked me out on a date?" Skyler chuckled nervously. "That had been awkward." Skyler looked at him with the side of his eyes to see his reaction.

"Really?" Fredward jaw clenched and the anger from before came back.

"I rejected him, obviously. I'm not interested in um...—"

"In what?" Fredward's emotion did a total 360 as he was now looking at his assistant with amusement and mischief, pushing the anger aside even though it was still there.

"I-In men." Skyler lied. The truth was that she had also been confused as to why she rejected him. Skyler of two months ago wouldn't have done that. She would have said yes and see what comes of it even though they thought she was a man but the model was bi, there was a chance he could have been okay with that but she had flat out rejected him with someone else in her mind.

"Oh. So you are not interested in men? Then who are you interested in?" Fredward goaded.

"Umm... Obviously —" Skyler wasn't going to say that she was interested in women but she couldn't surely salvaged herself in another way. "—in the opposite sex."

Nice save.

Fredward was now more amused. She had obviously answered that by being smart.

"Wanna ride with me?" Skyler asked as they finally approached her vehicle.


"Um... I-I was just asking if —never mind, you probably don't. I'll order you an Uber. " Skyler reached behind her back pocket for her phone feeling stupid that she suggested it in the first place.

"Ok." Fredward said.

"What? Really?"Skyler couldn't hide the excitement in her voice and Fredward couldn't help the satisfaction that settled in his chest for being the reason for that look and that smile on her face.

"Yeah."He confirmed. "But I'll admit it has been a while since I've ridden one." Fredward had ridden few times on during his troubled youth days then. It suddenly reminded him of the gap between he and his assistant and it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Don't worry. I'll be careful I promise. You can have my helmet, I'll use the other one." She handed the black helmet over to him.

"You drive around with two helmets?" He asked.

"I drive my roommates around at times and they have zero regards for safety, so I always bring one along with me and I'm used to it now." Skyler explained.

Fredward thought back to the guy he had seen few weeks back at the party and recognized him as her roommate and the thought didn't sit well with him.

"Don't worry. You can use your helmet. I'll use the extra." He switched out their helmets before she could protest by putting the helmet she had handed over to him on her head as she stood. She moved in protest but he let out a disapproving grunt that made her stay still and as he tried to secure the helmet in place he came closer to her.

Skyler could smell him and she couldn't describe his scent accurately it felt like something you could only feel and it filled her scenes. She could hear her heart beating in her head as he stood close. If she took just one step, they'll be pressed chest to chest. Her hands itched to touch his sharp cut jaw and her eyes trailed further up to his lips.

His kissable lips.

As Fredward tried to secure the strap in place, his eyes moved down to her and he could see the shade of pink that was creeping up her neck and he could have secured the strap right there and step away but he didn't, he wanted to see her reaction.

He could hear her breath change its pace, he could tell that she was looking at his lips and he could see the shade of pink that tinted her face.

He affected her as much as she did him and that made the yearn he hadn't realized was there increase in folds.

I want to taste her.

The suddenly realization startled him but not enough to make him move away not for a few seconds. He secured the strap in place before taking a step away.

"There." He said before taking the spare helmet and fixing it on his head.

Skyler couldn't feel her legs. It felt like they had a moment but the beating in her chest hadn't made her look up to his eyes so it seemed one sided. She took a moment to calm down.

"Let's go then. I promise I'll be careful." She assured him and silently herself.

I'll be careful not to really fall in love with you.—Skyler.

I'll have to be careful around you—Fredward.



Here's to a semi long chapter. I should have uploaded last week. I'm sorry. I've been really lax in updating SAL. I don't think it was this bad when I was writing DMM.

I'll try to update faster.

Don't forget to comment and follow.

Until the next chapter.... I hope it'll be soon.

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