Flower Husbands and Desert Du...

De microwave_shark

5.5K 98 667

This book is all about flower husbands and Desert duo one shots! I'll take suggestions :D I'll take ship sug... Mais

🏜 Heroes and Villains
Kingdoms part 1
Kingdoms part 2
Kingdoms part 3
Second best
Send Me No Flowers Part 1
Send Me No Flowers Part 2
Dear Soulmate
You Won Scar...
Execution Part 2
The Flower Shop Part 1
The Flower Shop Part 2
Eyes Part 1
Eyes part 2

Execution Part 1

181 4 18
De microwave_shark

HIII THIS IS ANOTHER DESERT DUO STORY YIPPIE (Their too happy... I have to do something tragic to them...) This will be based on hermitcraft season 7 Turf War!

REMINDER! I haven't watched season 7 I've only heard and read some stories so please don't attack meeee. I will just be writing what I think happened. I am reading off a wiki soo..... If it is wrong DONT fight me 😭 


Mycelium Resistance- Grian, Impulse, Ren, Etho, xB, Ijevin, Stress, Doc

Hermitcraft Environmental Protection (H.E.P)- Scar , Bdubs, Keralis, Xisuma, Tango, Cub, False, Mumbo

In war, there is always one side that wins and one that loses. The losers carry the burden of having lost and sacrificed so much, only to come out on the other side empty-handed. They will always be tormented by the fact that they were defeated and forced to surrender, that all of their sacrifices were in vain. They will carry that feeling with them for the rest of their lives, and will never be able to forget it. They will remember how they lost and how they fell, always carrying that bitterness deep within them. It will fester and eat away at them, making them wish that they could forget and have a second chance to fight. But they can't. The past is set in stone and the war is over, and they will never get the chance to try again. It is a crushing realisation for the losers, and one that they will never escape or forget. 

In this story, the two sides represent the Mycelium Resistance and the Hermitcraft Environmental Protection (H.E.P), who have been competing and working to win over the other. The Mycelium Resistance, which is headed by Mother spore Grian, has been fighting to establish a fungus-filled kingdom. The Hermits' Environmental Protection (H.E.P) led by Mayor Scar are trying to stop the resistance from spreading the fungus and are attempting to keep the ecosystem pure and free of disease. 

Grian was enjoying some home cooked food that he had been making himself when suddenly he received a message from his friend Bdubs. "Guys meeting?" the message read, and the other members of the resistance had already agreed. Grian continued to nibble on his bread as if he had forgotten that there was supposed to be a meeting, and then he was suddenly transported to a jail cell. 

The other members of the resistance looked around at each other with confusion and fear, as they were clearly in a location that wasn't their H.Q. It was apparent that someone had tampered with their teleportation system, as they had been transported to a location that was unknown to them and was unfamiliar. Grian looked at everyone's faces and immediately asked "What? Who played with our teleportation system?" 

Suddenly a chilling and menacing laughter echoes through the jail chamber, bringing Grian's attention to the other side of the bars. Standing there with a smile was Mayor Scar, looking a bit too relaxed for the situation. "Mother spore. Welcome! Welcome to H.E.P jail," he said, which got a startled reaction from Grian and the other members of the resistance. "Haha, very funny Scar, let us out," Grian said, trying to conceal his fear and anger. Mayor Scar smirked at Grian, and then reached up to gently place his hand on Grian's face and tilt his chin up to meet his gaze, looking him straight in the eyes. He kept the cold smile on his face as he spoke, showing no signs of remorse or weakness. "I'll let you out if you surrender," he said, his voice firm and uncompromising. 

Grian let out a soft laugh as he responded to Mayor Scar's demand, showing no fear or trepidation. "You wish," he said flatly, not willing to show any weakness or signs of surrendering the resistance. Mayor Scar was unconcerned by the response, instead choosing to smirk and walk away. As he left the room, he said "Well enjoy your time here darling," and the door was left locked and closed in his wake, leaving the members of the resistance trapped. 

Grian turned around to face the other members of the resistance after Mayor Scar left, feeling quite shocked and distraught. His friends were already reacting in a more lighthearted way, making jokes and laughing softly at the situation. Ren was laughing slightly as he asked "Wh-what just happened? Was Scar just flirting with you or am I seeing things?" This immediately made Grian even more stunned, as he had not expected that to be the first reaction from everyone, especially since he was still dealing with the shock. 

Grian was still a little bit shocked by the Mayor's behaviour and the jokes that the others were making, but he decided to not dwell on it for too long. They were in a prison and they needed to find a way out, so he was determined to stay focused on the main goal. "Ren, not the time," he said firmly, getting the attention of the whole group. "We're in jail. Let's see if we can find a way out." Ren rolled his eyes playfully, signalling that he understood. 

As everyone focused on searching the prison for a possible escape, Grian found himself distracted. The Mayor's seemingly flirty behaviour was still lingering in his mind, and he kept getting lost in thoughts about whether or not the flirtation was real. He was trying to suppress his feelings and thoughts to focus on escaping, but the Mayor's previous actions kept popping into his head and hindering his focus. 

As time passed and the group was nowhere close to escaping the prison, everyone stopped trying and was now talking about random topics to pass the time. It was only Grian who noticed every minute seem to drag on forever, as he was still stuck in his thoughts and feelings about the Mayor's previous behaviour. Then suddenly Xisuma, one of the H.E.P members, came into the room with eight pieces of bread. He handed it to Grian without a word and quickly left the room, leaving everyone puzzled and speechless. 

As the group noticed the pieces of bread that Xisuma had brought in, they became slightly confused and wondered whether this was dinner or an attempted poisoning. Doc laughed quietly and said "Is this dinner? Or are they gonna poison us?" Stress replied, "I'm gonna eat it anyways, I'm hungry!" Impulses replied, also deciding to eat the whole piece without hesitations. Everyone watched as Impulse ate the piece of bread without showing any type of reaction. They expected something to happen, such as the bread being poisoned, or something bad to occur, but nothing did. After a few moments, everyone slowly began to realize that the bread was indeed normal and safe to eat. They all decided to eat their pieces of bread as well, and soon everyone was finished, with only the crumbs left on the table. 

As time passed and everyone else fell asleep, Grian remained stoic and awake, sitting against the wall with his back facing the door. He watched his friends sleep for a while, taking in the peaceful and adorable sight. Ren and Doc were cuddling next to each other, Etho was sleeping like a plank, and Impulse and Stress were in the weirdest position ever. Xisuma, Scar, and Ijevin were all leaning against each other as well, looking comfortable and close. The peaceful and close sight of his friends sleeping was comforting and soothing. It was a stark contrast to their earlier situation where they had been stranded and trapped together. As Grian watched the peaceful scene in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a surge of love and affection, as if these were his family. He felt a surge of protectiveness and happiness as he looked at them all. 

Grian was about to fall asleep when he was startled by the sudden opening of the door followed by Scar's arrival and sitting down next to him on the floor. "What are you doing here?" He asked him firmly, trying not to show any sign of weakness or fatigue. Scar gave a slight smile as he responded, "Well I wanted to see how my guests were doing." He was now sitting close to Grian, separated only by the jail bars, which made Grian feel even more nervous and vulnerable. Grian rolled his eyes and refused to fall for Scar's games and lies. He asked with a firm tone, "What are you really doing here?" Scar responded by standing up and opening the jail door, taking Grian by surprise. He then said, "I trust you. I wanted to show you something." Grian was cautious but followed him anyway, deciding to give him the benefit of the doubt and see what he would reveal to him. 

Grian was now slightly anxious and confused as Scar once again locked the doors and held his hand tightly, making it so that he couldn't escape. He asked, "What did you want to show me?" but Scar didn't hesitate as he simply replied with "Come with me." Grian had no choice but to follow him, even though he was now even more nervous and unsure what was going to happen. 

Grian was following Scar through the different corridors and pathways and was getting more and more anxious as they went deeper into some unknown territory. Just when he thought he was starting to get a sense of where they were, Scar spotted one of the H.E.P members and turned to Grian with a warning and a whisper, "Be quiet they don't know you're out of your cell." Without hesitation, Grian immediately followed Scar's advice and lowered his tone and kept his body movement silent. 

After leading Grian through various corridors and pathways, Scar finally stopped and let go of his hand. Grian slowly walked ahead of him and looked up at the night sky, the beautiful view of the shining moon and stars. Suddenly, he noticed the sight of the shopping distric, lit up and filled with vibrant colours and people, which looked spectacular from this far up. It was a lovely sight, and Grian felt a sense of admiration and pride, feeling fortunate to get a chance to see it from this perspective that he never would have seen otherwise. 

Grian was still gazing at the sight of the beautiful scenery below, taking in the majestic views of the vibrant shopping district and admiring the way all the colours combined to create a stunning scenery. He was so captivated that he didn't even turn to face Scar, who was standing next to him with his hands on the railing. Scar spoke with a sincere and passionate tone, saying "Grian... I need you to understand that this is what I want. And I want peace." Grian was a bit taken aback by this sudden revelation and finally turned to face Scar. 

Grian seemed quite confused and puzzled by the situation, as it was far from what he had expected. He asked "Are you surrendering?" but Scar immediately corrected him saying "No, I want you to surrender." Grian was taken aback by the reply, as he would never have thought that Scar would turn the tables on the situation like this. He immediately raised his voice and responded angrily, saying "What?! You really think I would agree to something like that?!" Scar kept a neutral expression on his face despite Grian's outburst. He simply answered "Yes." Grian's shock now turned into outright anger and rage as he was completely caught off guard by this unexpected turn of events. He angrily screamed, "What?! You think I would agree to surrender to you? After everything you've done and tried to do to us? Are you out of your mind?" 

Scar immediately placed his hand over Grian's mouth to prevent him from shouting out and disturbing the other members of the H.E.P nearby. He then gently spoke, asking Grian to keep quiet and not get taken away. After Scar took his hand off Grian's mouth, he spoke angrily, letting out all his pent up frustration. He said "I'd rather have them than you," referencing the other members of the H.E.P nearby. At this moment, everything became extremely blurry for Grian, as his anger and emotions caused him to lose focus. 

Grian woke up the next morning back in his cell, a bit confused and disoriented as he had not gotten much sleep the previous night. All his members were awake and eating some food that they had been provided with, including Etho who immediately greeted him. "Morning Grian," he said, to which Grian responded with a tired and exhausted nod.  

Grian was exhausted, both physically and mentally, and simply wanted to sleep for a bit. But he was interrupted when Doc asked him about where Scar had taken him the previous night. It took him a little bit to fully wake up and realize what was going on, but once he did, everything started to click into place. "Wh-what? You were up?" He asked in surprise, as he had been sure that all of them had been asleep but apparently not. Doc answered that he had indeed been up, and had noticed Scar leading Grian away from the cell. He then went on to explain how it all looked to him, how when Grian had returned, he could have sworn that he heard him yelling at the Mayor before being placed back in the cell. Grian looked at Doc's explanation, somewhat amused and a little bit impressed with how much of the situation he had been able to piece together, all from just briefly seeing and hearing parts of what had happened. He then asked, "So do you think the Mayor is starting to accept his weakness and surrender to us?" Grian was feeling frustrated and angry, as he remembered what Scar had said to him the previous night. "He asked me to surrender." He said, with contempt and anger. "That loser," Stress added, her reply only adding fuel to the fire and strengthening Grian's feelings. 

The next few days went by and the situation remained the same. Grian and his members were trapped in the prison, waiting for something to happen or change. Xisuma would come in every few times each day and deliver some food for them, but he never spoke to them or interacted with them in any way. He simply dropped the food off and left, making them feel more trapped and helpless. 

Grian and the members were talking to each other and were starting to become a bit bored and restless after being trapped in the prison for so long. Then suddenly, they were interrupted as Scar entered the room, surrounded by 8 people. "Grian. You and your spores have been here for a whole week...It seems like you're never giving in now, are you?" Scar spoke to him with a smirk and tone of mocking humour. Grian remained firm and stood strong, responding with "Never." 

Scar continued to walk toward them with a cocky and intimidating manner. "Well we've decided you've been here long enough and I felt bad so I'm letting all your spores go. With one condition." He gave them a cocky smile and smirked as he said "You stay here in H.E.P." Grian's expression remained unchanging and he asked "And what happens if I don't accept your condition?" Scar's expression dropped as he realised that he had not planned out his statement as far as he should have. Xisuma then jumped in and answered the question with one word: "Execution." This was suddenly a much more serious and threatening situation, as execution is definitely not a favourable outcome. 

Grian quickly changed his tone when confronted with the threat of execution. He became cautious and wary, and agreed to stay by the Mayor's terms; it was clearly the less undesirable option. "F-fine. I will stay. Just don't do anything to the Mycelium H.Q or anything to my spores." He was now speaking calmly but still with a tense and worried tone, making sure that the Mayor didn't misinterpret anything or attempt to double-cross them. 

Grian watched as Scar walked to the bar doors and opened them, signaling the other H.E.P members to exit the room, which they did, while their hands were held behind their backs. Once everyone left, it was just Grian and the Mayor left, standing alone together in the room. 

Grian sat down on the floor with his arms over his knees, tired and exhausted but relieved that his members were now free. He turned to face Scar and simply replied "I just want to make the point that we would never have engaged in war if you had not started it first, Scar. We just want to exist freely and in peace. You are the one who started the war and caused this situation." Grian let out a deep sigh as he realised that there was no use arguing with the Mayor at this point. Scar then sat down next to him and continued with his argument. "Gri. I don't want to argue but we agreed if we stay in our respective lands and don't do anything hurtful or rude to each other, everything would be fine. You started with the Mycelium added it everywhere." Grian felt that this was a valid point and decided not to counter it, knowing that they both wanted to end this argument. Grian let out a deep sigh and remained silent as he reflected on the argument. He had indeed added the Mycelium everywhere, and perhaps that was the cause of the Mayor's anger and aggression. He realised that this was a fair point and decided to remain silent rather than continuing the argument. 

Grian remained silent when Scar stood up and held his hand out, asking him to get out of this "hell of a place" and giving him a soft smile. Grian stayed silent but took the Mayor's hand and reluctantly followed him through the H.E.P headquarters, still feeling frustrated and angry but hoping that at least now he would finally get a proper room to stay in. 

As Grian continued holding Scar's hand, he felt slightly safer and calmer. The Mayor's hand was rough but also soft at the same time, which was oddly comforting to him. When the Mayor stopped at a door, he said "This is your room. I hope you like it. I didn't know what you like so I just got a whole bunch of mushrooms and stuff." Scar seemed a bit shy and unsure as he spoke, but there was a genuine affection and kindness about how he was trying to take care of him. 

Grian was completely overwhelmed by what he had just walked into. The room was filled with mushrooms and hanging plants, and even a bathroom and large window. The whole thing looked absolutely luxurious compared to the previous prison cell. Grian's expression was still stoic at first but then softened as he looked over the room in awe. Then he turned to Scar and asked, "You did this?" It was a genuine question, given how nice everything was, and Grian looked genuinely surprised. "I wanted to make it nice for you," the Mayor responded, revealing his hidden gentle side. Grian's expression was completely stunned and in awe, as he had never experienced such luxury and comfort before. He hadn't even known that this kind of room was possible. He continued to look around nervously and with a mixture of surprise and amusement. Scar had definitely gone above and beyond to make the room a safe and comfortable place for him. 

Grian sat down on the bed and looked at Scar, who was standing in the doorway, smiling and being quite shy. He was enjoying his own private room with its luxury and space. Grian gave a small light jab to the Mayor's ego and teased him, "Does mister mayor have a secret nice side?" Scar gave a playful shake of the head in denial, saying, "No, I don't mean to be mean or cocky." 

Grian was now becoming a bit confused and started to tilt his head slightly. He had not seen this side of the Mayor before and it was taking him a bit off-guard. Scar suddenly blushed and looked away, covering his mouth. "I don't like being mean. I don't know why I am," he mumbled softly and under his breath, as if he was slightly embarrassed about this confession. Grian thought about that reply for a bit and was beginning to realise that maybe there was more to the Mayor than just selfishness and aggression. He seemed to have some amount of self awareness and shame about being mean, and even possibly some kind of personal conflict going on behind the scenes. Grian was starting to see a different side to him now, and it was starting to become interesting and fascinating. Grian was now starting to wonder what the real Scar was actually like. He was curious about what made him tick and what his true interests were. He had seen the selfish and arrogant side and now the soft and kind side, but the Mayor still seemed to be a mystery in many ways. He wanted to know more. 

Grian realised that he had been staring at Scar for way too long and that it might have been making him feel uncomfortable. So the Mayor calmly spoke, saying "I should be heading to my duties now. I hope you enjoy your room, Gri." He then closed the door and Grian was left alone in his room. It was only NOW that he realised how comfortable it was, and also realised the nickname Scar has been calling him. "Gri" He really liked it and this small and harmless bit of affection made him feel happy and calm. 

Grian sat in the room and continued to think on his feelings and thoughts. He felt comfortable and safe, something he'd never felt before. He also kept thinking about the nickname and how it made him happy. He was slowly starting to feel less angry and bitter towards the Mayor, and his thoughts about him were becoming more nuanced and complex. He was starting to realise that it was much more than just black and white and that his perception of the Mayor was changing and growing. 

The night had arrived and Scar was in his office doing some paperwork when his friend, Bdubs, suddenly entered. Scar jumped up in surprise, dropping his pen, and he was so focused on his work that he hadn't noticed Bdubs coming in. "Oh hi Bdubs! You gave me a fright! Why aren't you home yet?" He asked with a nervous laugh. Bdubs replied with a more serious tone, saying "I wanted to talk to you. About Xisuma this afternoon when we were in the cell. None of us said we would Execute anyone."  Scar realised what was being discussed and agreed with the concern raised by his friend. "I was surprised too. Xisuma has been acting more strange lately and he hasn't been talking a lot." He considered this and came to the conclusion that maybe they should give Xisuma some space and let him work things out on his own. Before Bdubs left, he scolded him like a younger brother or a child, saying "And don't you stay the night here again. I swear you sleep here more than your own house!" Scar laughed at that comment and dismissed his friend, but the whole interaction had put him in a thoughtful mood. He realised he was spending more time inside H.E.P headquarters than he did back at his own house. His life had gotten increasingly consumed by politics and responsibilities. He was becoming more and more aware of how isolated he was and realised he needed to make more time to spend with his close friends. 

WELL..... Thats it for part 1 :D I hope you enjoyed this one. (Prepare for heart break burial and other stuff in the next chapter) 

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