Quad [MxWxWxM]

By InfinitiAkira

140K 11.4K 18.1K

For three years Kasim, Nala, and Zuri had been a throuple. They'd started off as close friends throughout hig... More

1. Be mine?
2. Happy Valentine's Day
3. I'll be good
4. Who calling?
5. He took everything
6. Nasty enough?
7. They both knew
8. Misunderstood
9. Just believe me
10. The choice is made
11. Beat him home
12. Y'all know my heart
13. I promise
14. Open up to us
15. Anything for them
16. Je tape
16. Je tape |filler chapter|
17. Please let her be okay
18. Are we pa?
19. Bet
20. Enjoy your company
21. Just us
23. Don't be a bitch
24. Always so logical
25. Promise pinky
26. Agreed
26. Agreed |filler chapter|
27. Are they mine? |pt. 1|
27. Are they mine? |pt. 2|
28. I'll show you a bitch
29. I don't know
30. My sweet girl
31. Can you hold me?

22. So fuçkin' demanding

4.1K 354 731
By InfinitiAkira

Be sure you've read last chapter, "21. Just us,"

Also, excuse any mistakes. This is after a 12 hr work shift. Can't keep my eyes open lmao

March 27, 2017


Zuri huffed as she listened to the principal for Faith, Hope, and Joy.

This was her third time calling since they'd been at the school, and they hadn't even been there long.

It was starting to piss her off, today though—she wouldn't go by what those adults were telling her, she was going up there and they better had hoped they said the right shît to her.

For their sakes—and a bunch of five year olds too.

"I'll be up there, thank you for calling," she hung up in the middle of her complaining about fucking kindergarteners.

She sighed and looked over to Orion who had already had his eyes trained on her, "I hope you don't mind if we make a quick stop to triple threats school pa," she smiled at him and did a complete u turn in the middle of the street.

Today was Monday so they were officially back to the basics, Nala had resumed work and Kasim was currently away on a business trip until Wednesday.

Orion had got granted out time to by his parole officer, and had finally got a call back from Kasim's assistant letting him know that he got the job and he'd need to come do paper work today. Zuri was taking him to get a new bank account, do his paper work, and just have him tag along wherever she went.

Forcing him into vlogging with her, and doing TikToks all day.

"Nah, I'm cool. You don't seem too happy about it tho?" He chuckled, "fuck going on?"

"Since they've been there it's one thing after another, I told Taiwan's little ass to put them in a school with their people but his ass wanted them to be in the best school, like, I get it but they too young right now to be dealing with racist ass shît," she shook her head, "I understand I'm their legal guardian as of now but I don't want to undermine him and switch them schools cause he's been raising those girls since he was twelve you know? I ain't trying to overstep,"

She felt Orion rest his hand on her thigh when she began to get worked up, "in the end like you said' you're their legal guardian. You've been holding them together this far, if you feel they need to be in a different school then do that, little nigga gone have to understand' if he get outta hand I'll set him straight' do what's best for those kids' besides you know I hate bullying—now we about to go see what this principle talkin' about,"

Zuri laughed, "Orion we're not about to resolve this by going to fight the principal—or kids,"

He hummed, "depending on what this lady talkin' about. How bad can some fuckin' five year olds be?"

Conversation flowed between the two for the rest of the ride and once they had made it to the school, Zuri had mentally calmed herself down. She knew how her attitude and hands could get and she didn't want to show this school what they already expect of her, "we're just going to go in, have a talk with the triplets, see if we can resolve the issue, and then leave.." she told Orion.

She could only remember violent Orion back in highschool—he didn't even go to their school but he had their school terrified when he'd be waiting under that big oak tree stationed across the street. Zuri could remember students always checking the big window that faced the tree before they exited school, especially if some shit had went down with Nala or Kasim' that day. It was times that Orion got into the school unnoticed and beat niggas that called themselves bullies—in the hallways, cafeteria, classrooms etc.

He even beat a teacher once for offering to give Nala a better grade if she had done something for him, it creeped Nala out and the next hour Orion was in cuffs and the teacher was on the way to the hospital.

Zuri knew that he took bullying very serious—and she knew it stemmed from his older sister committing suicide after being bullied at home by their drug addicted mother and then having to go through highschool and endure the same thing.

He was just twelve when that happened, and Zuri didn't know much about it. Only the rumors through their highschool, and he only got worse when his mother overdosed when he was just sixteen—Zuri was around that time but she still never knew in depth. As much as they were around one another because of Nala—the two never really formed a bond how he and Kasim had done.

"I've changed Zuri," he held the door open for her.

Zuri chuckled, they walked to the principals office and had walked straight in.

"Miss Zuri," Joy stood and ran into her arms, Zuri hugged her and the young girl began to cry into her neck.

Zuri felt her plan vanish upon her tears, "why is she crying?" She asked.

The principal—Sally Mackintosh—had fixed her glasses and her eyes never left from looking behind Zuri, Zuri looked behind her and even she became a little scared. Orion stood there with his arms folded across his chest and a look that would terrify anyone etched onto his face, "I think she asked you a question' usually when you get asked something you answer? Correct?"

Zuri felt him pulled them behind him and he stood in front of them, "we ain't gonna' ask again—Sally—you understand me?" He read her name plaque and then looked into her eyes.

"I—she had a little incident with another student, she's upset we had to split her from her sisters. Faith and Hope got into a fight at recess," her face was red, "T—they fought another little girl on the playground, and from what we could see on the cameras it was because the little girl had threw woodchips at Joy, pushed her down, and pulled at her hair...I was trying to explain the situation over the phone before miss Zuriena hung up,"

Zuri stepped up, "is it the same little girl that Joy has been having issues with from day one?"


"Where's Faith and Hope? It looks to me that they were only protecting their sister, it seems you have done nothing the first time that little girl pushed my baby down. You call me for anything else when it's them, but when they're getting picked on I have to hear it from them, they're kids with feelings like anyone else. I'm taking them out of this school effective immediately, it's only so long before things like that turns into something more." Zuri spoke—trying her hardest not to drag her across the desk, "these girls are the sweetest kids, they don't deserve to be treated less than because of their skin color,"

Sally opened her mouth but closed it when Orion placed his hands on her desk, "she ain't ask you for a fuçkin' response' she asked for her kids, and told you she taking them outta' this school. Your best bet is to shut the fuck up and get Faith and Hope to us in the matter of two fucking seconds,"

Her fingers trembled as she picked up the phone to dial into the classroom she had Faith and Hope sit in, "hey, can you send both Faith and Hope to my office please?"

She then said a few more words and disconnected the call.

Zuri only paced back and forth and rubbed Joy's back, she felt her hand being grabbed and looked up to Orion. "Have a seat, I'll handle it ma,"

"You don't—"

"Have a seat," he cut her off and repeated, "I wasn't askin' you, nor did I leave any room for debate. You understand me ma?"

Zuri looked into his eyes and nodded slowly, he smiled at her and let her hand go. She simply had sat down and did as told, she was just as quiet as Sally right now. The tension in the room was thick, and what turned into her coming to defend the triplets and set the principal straight turned into Orion doing that, and also setting her straight.

She liked it.

A lot.

A few minutes later the door had opened and in ran Faith and Hope—Joy immediately jumped down and the three hugged eachother tightly.

"Hey, look at me," Zuri watched Orion crouch down to their level, they all looked to him.

She sat back and still hadn't moved from her spot, letting him handle it like he'd ask.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Everybody messes with us," Hope said, "they say that we're monkeys,"

"My brother told us to always take up for eachother," Faith added, "that's what we did,"

"Joy doesn't like to to fight, she likes to be friends with people that's mean to her because she's nice," Hope told told him.

"The teachers and principal are mean too, they let them mess with us," Joy whispered with her head down.

Sally had stood, "that's not true, they're ly—"

"I ain't talkin to you' shut the fuck up," Orion stood, Zuri jumped from his tone of voice—as did Sally, "y'all mothafucka's got these kids bullying them and calling them slurs? That's what the school system has come to? I should reach across this raggedy' ass desk and slap that weak ass mullet off yo' pale ass,"

Zuri stood and sandwhiched herself in between Orion and the desk, "let's just go—we can call the board about this' you can't get into any trouble pa, it's not worth it,"

He looked down to her and then to the kids, "aight—yeah, let's go," he smiled at her and turned.

Orion opened the office door for them letting them walk out, "I bet not ever catch you outside of here' and it's not a threat' but a promise. I hope you remember my fuckin' face."

The slam of the door startled Zuri and the triplets, "can we get icecream?" Faith asked as they made it out the school completely.

"Please?" Hope held their hands and skipped.

Orion chuckled, "did y'all win the fight?"

Zuri smacked her lips, "Orion—do not condone in that, they don't need to be fighting."

"About they respect yes the fuçk' they do," he retorted.

Zuri sighed, "I mean—did y'all win though?" She asked, causing Orion to laugh himself.

"Yes!" Faith and Hope shouted.

"Fighting is not nice guys," Joy spoke as they strapped themselves in, "it's mean,"

Faith huffed, "be quiet crybaby, I'm telling wanwan,"

"Me too," Hope nodded, "he told you about letting people mess with you,"

"I'm not a crybaby," Joy argued.

"Yes huh,"

Zuri turned the music up over them, the more she was around them she noticed they bickered like this all day but like today—Faith and Hope would defend their sister against anyone. Zuri noticed that those two were very much like their brother—fighters. Joy on the other hand was soft and cried about anything, especially people talking about her. Her skin wasn't as tough as her siblings, they had to handle her with care. She was definitely babied by all of them.

"We can stop and get them ice cream before going to do my paperwork, and I want to apologize to all of y'all for how I spoke back there and thank you—for calming me down," he took Zuri's hand and kissed the back of it, "and—listening to me," he added playfully.

Zuri snatched her hand away, "oh boy please, I just felt like sitting down. Not because you told me to,"

"I hear you ma," he chuckled and turned the music back up.

Zuri's mind drifted off—Orion was so touchy and she didn't mind it but the smallest things got her worked up, and she was trying to restrain herself.

Although she knew they could kiss and stuff, she didn't know if he even saw her that way.

He made her nervous, and she wasn't even that type.

She desperately wanted him to kiss her how he'd done Kasim—she thought she'd be jealous of that but it turned her on more than it should have. Even after that she thought she'd see more of them two interacting together but they hadn't, she was so fucking confused—her and Nala had got them to finally make a move on one another and...nothing?

Zuri had even made a bet of her own with Nala, she hadn't known about any bets until Nala came to her panicking a few days ago with how Orion said he wanted her to himself, called her beautiful how he did, rubbed her lip, and gave her a new nickname. She thought that Kasim and Orion was now plotting against them so she had to get Zuri on her side, Zuri found the whole thing funny and cute.

They were acting like teenagers again, she loved it.

She was to get Orion to fold, and go further with her than he did with Kasim but he wouldn't even initiate a kiss with her. He'd flirt, and do shit like he'd done back at the school, and touch on her but he hadn't followed up with anything.

However, she needed Orion to get with the program—Nala had promised her if she got him to fold like that then she'd allow and watch the two fuck, on his birthday, which was three days away.

As long as during the process Zuri found a way to restrain him, and edge him.

Nala wanted to torture Orion becuase he and Kasim must've thought that she was dumb, Orion would never come at her like he did.

Everything was literally up to Nala, and Zuri knew she was enjoying having all the power right now.

Nala was having too much fun with the three of them, controlling how far she'd let them go.

At this point it was Madam, playing these games and Zuri loved it.

She was a happy pawn, truly.


After getting icecream, Zuri now sat in the boxing ring of Kasim's gym as she watched Faith and Hope teach Joy how to fight.

Orion was doing his paperwork, getting a tour of the gym, meeting kids that got trained there daily, staff, etc.

She was getting a bit irritated that the lady Kasim's assitant had Orion with today was all over him, she damn near was drooling. It didn't make it better that it seemed Orion had been flirting with the woman, granted he was a single man and she couldn't be selfish with him because they weren't a thing of any sort, but, her name was Zuri and she didn't care about none of that.

"Don't leave this ring tripple threat," she stood, "I'm going to step right over by the bathrooms,"

"Yes ma'am," they all spoke simultaneously.

Zuri moved the rope and ducked through the them, jumping out of the ring. She walked up to Orion and Subrina, rolling her eyes at the fake laugh he was giving her, if anything up close it seemed he was forcing conversation with her and that made Zuri feel a whole lot better.

"I didn't know flirting and touching was apart of the tour," she grabbed Subrina's wrist and flung it off it Orion's chest, "Kasim pay you to do all that?"

Subrina eyes widened, "I—I was just.."

"Y—you was just getting the fuck' outta his and my face," Zuri told her.

She watched her nod and turn to walk off, "I'm ready to go—come on,"

"Damn, what's wrong with you ma?" Orion asked her, grabbing her arm to stop her. "She was just curious to rub my scar," he told her.

Zuri snatched out of his grip, "like I said—I don't think Kasim pays her to do that. Nothing is wrong with me Orion,"

This time she walked away, and helped the kids out of the ring.

Orion tried to talk to her the entire ride to their next destination but soon gave up when she only kept telling him that she was good, and to drop the situation.


"I'm bouta' go shoot the school up," Taiwan told Zuri, it was now later in the day and she had just dropped the kids off at home.

She was now explaining to him why Joy cried as soon as she seen him and clung on to him.

Her eyes widened seeing him literally go to the back and come back to the front with the safe he kept his gun in, the triplets begged Orion to read them a story before he left and he agreed. If Zuri wasn't so annoyed with him she would have found it cute, the triplets loved him since their first dinner, and any dinner they had after that they had stuck under him. They even FaceTimed him a couple of times, it was too cute.

"You're not about to do something so stupid, we handled it and I'm pulling them from that school. I'm sending them to the one I originally wanted them at, it's still just as nice. Anywhere they go, they'll succeed Taiwan, y'all have me now. It's okay to let me take some pressure off of you," she hugged him, "put that away—and don't let me ever see you pull it out agin, especially when they're here,"

Taiwan sighed and nodded, "I'm sorry Zuri,"

"Thank you for protecting them, it's hard to let someone take over. I've raised them their whole lives—I'll lay down and die' bout them. Forreal,"

Zuri smiled and hugged him, he hugged her back tightly. "I know—I will too, and for you as well. I got y'all, I mean that."

"I believe you bae," he pulled back and kissed her cheek, "I knew you wanted me all this time,"

Zuri laughed and pushed him back, "you need a girl your age, I'm like your mother now,"

He frowned, "don't ever say no shit like that again' and all the girls are on me at school."

"Ohhh, are they now?"

He smiled, "yeah—it's this one though—she hates me cause I'm coming for her spot' but man, she beautiful as fuçk forreal," he spoke in a daze, "she trun my ass down any chance she get," he laughed.

"New for you huh?" Zuri laughed, "apply pressure—without being one of those annoying ass niggas that wouldn't let a bitch breathe so we felt pressured to fuck with you," she told him, "respect her boundaries, and if she ever flat out tells you no or to stop with your advances then you better do it immediately, or I'll beat you like you mine,"

TP scoffed, "I ain't no lame ass nigga, I know how to take rejection. Things is she not rejecting me, she just playing hard to get right now, I know when a girl truly ain't feeling me and I'll never pressure nobody,"

"Aw, mommy's wittle baby," she cooed and pinched his cheeks.

He sucked his teeth and swatted her hands away, "that's disgusting,"


After finally making home for the Day, Zuri had showered and was now making dinner while on FaceTime with Kasim, "I miss you so much daddy—how's the trip going?"

"It's going," he sighed, "you know I hate these busines trips, being around Kasir kids too long annoys me, it's making us millions though so—I'll live," he flipped through his notebook, "and I miss you too baby,"

Zuri smiled hearing that, "we got your flowers too—I was a bit confused' seeing black roses but then I assumed to give them to Orion,"

"He's Orion today?" Kasim stopped working, "something happened baby?"

She laughed a little, "miles away and you can still read me?"

"Absolutely—you're my heart. Now, what's wrong?"

It took her a while to truthfully tell him that it bothered her to see Orion let Subrina touch his chest, even if she was curious about his scar, she felt she shouldn't have been looking at him that hard to notice anything about him forreal or they shouldn't have been that deep into a conversation for him to being up his scar anyway, Zuri was a natural territorial and jealous person, it was how she always was. Even with her dad and God-father, she knew it was because she was spoiled rotten not only growing up, but by Kasim as well.

"You can't be that way baby, regardless of whatever he is a single man—and you can't make him only have eyes for us, besides he's fresh out of prison and a situationship," Kasim told her after she finished, "don't be so hard on him like that, besides I'm sure if you had just told him what was wrong he would have tried to fix it,"

Zuri listened and continued to cook, "I feel bad—he looks really annoyed right now' I just hate that I shut down when I feel a way, I don't try to. Ugh,"

"Have you truly tried opening up in therapy?" He asked, "and don't lie to me Red,"

Her head dropped, "I seriously tried but as soon as she brung up my mom, I left."

She saw him sigh and rub his temples, "baby.."

"I know daddy, I know, next week though? I'll try a little bit' at a time or something. Like starting off with my mom like that was crazy work, maybe I'll talk about my dad and God-father first. It could ease my way into it, I don't know. I'm really trying though,"

Kasim was quiet for a while, "look—I know therapy isn't for everyone, I've never considered that shit' but I know his badly you want this for yourself so I'm going to push you. Try to open up, if it doesn't work then you can decide if you want to stop it, you've already made the big step by starting. Just give it your all, and if your all is what you did then I'm proud of you, seriously,"

"Thank you daddy, I'm really trying. I'm tired of being this way," she admitted.

"You're perfect for Nala and I, don't beat yourself up. Aight?"

She smiled at him, "you say anything,"

He chuckled, "I only speak facts baby, what you got on underneath my shirt?"

She giggled and stepped back, she grabbed the hem of his shirt and slowly exposed her thigh.

"You'll only get the rest if you pay a fee," she joked, teasingly.

However her Apple Pay had went off quicker than she finished, "now stop fuçkin' with and show me something,"

Zuri bit her lip and lifted his shirt higher—exposing her bare pussy, "turn around for me," his voice was lower and more raspy.

She did as told, "bend over the counter,"

Again, she listened. Kasim muttered a few curse words underneath his breath, "spread' em,"

She reached behind her and grabbed both her ass cheeks and spread them, she sucked in a breath when her pussy lips spread too and the cool breeze swept over her.

"Damn, I wanna taste you bad right now—I'm about to catch a flight,"

Zuri laughed and stood up, fixing herself back. She figured that was enough of that because she had been sexually frustrated all day dealing with Orion's need to touch her randomly, and Kasim was making it no better for her. She'd just got off her period yesterday, and hadn't been touched yet. Not even by herself, it was long overdue for her.

Walking to the sink she thoroughly washed her hands, and began to finish cooking while watching Kasim work.

She had distracted him enough but he refused to end the call, they soon added Nala to the call as well.

Nala had told her she'd be home early today, and Zuri was looking forward to that.

Orion still hadn't came out of his room, they both advised her not to go up there and mess with him.

They were one in the same when they got annoyed with something/someone, they needed time to themselves to cool off and if you pushed them it'd turn into something no one wanted to be apart of, even though Zuri felt bad she did listen to them. Especially since she was home by herself, she didn't want to trigger an episode for him.

Only Nala and Kasim could get him back on track, she hadn't learned him that well as of yet.


Later that night Zuri was cleaning the kitchen and drinking some wine with the music playing low.

Dinner was great, although Nala had ate and only watched one movie with her before needing some alone time. She had a long day at work, and she was still on her cycle being she bled longer than Zuri. Zuri had bathed her and tucked her in like the baby she was, and she had been sleep since.

In her own separate room, meaning Zuri would more than likely sleep in her own room tonight too.


She didn't even have Kylan to go annoy since he stayed over at Kilo's for tonight, Taiwan had rushed her off the phone earlier claiming he had a important call, the triplets had fell asleep on her, Lei ditched her as soon as Chase came home from work, even Layla didn't stay on the phone long due to spending quality time with her man.

"Damn, I need friends.." she mumbled and poured herself another glass of wine, she was on her third glass.

The only person she hadn't bothered was Orion, he even ate in his room.

Standing to her feet, she downed her glass and went up to his room and knocked on the door.

It took a while for him to open it and when he did her eyes trailed his body—he stood there in only a pair of gray nike shorts, "what?"

Her eyes snapped to his, "I was just wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me,"

He furrowed his eyebrows, "nah—I don't,"

Orion went to close the door but she stopped him, "I don't really know how to apologize, I do want to to say sorry for earlier," she told him, "I get a little jealous and territorial when I like someone,"

She searched his eyes, "next time don't walk away from me when I'm trynna talk to you' or ignore me when I'm trying to get to the bottom of what I did wrong, and this my first and last time telling you this aight?"

Zuri went to say something smart but her breath hitched when he grabbed her by her neck and looked down on her, "that' smart mouthed shit don't fly with me either' all you got to do is say yes pa, when I say something—nothing else," he gritted.

"Y—yes pa," Zuri nodded, "I'm sorry," she told him.

He smirked, they stared at one another for a moment—his hand still gripping her neck. Zuri trembled underneath his touch and gaze, the wine wasn't making her situation any better.

She watched him closely as he began to move in, her eyes fluttered closed when he pressed his lips against hers. The kiss was full of fire, want, and need—she wrapped her arms around his neck and Orion had picked her up, her legs securely wrapping around his waist.

"Mhm," Zuri moaned when he carried her into his room.

Orion pulled away from her lips and began to attack her neck while gently laying her on the bed, Zuri couldn't think straight she could only feel right this second, she closed her eyes enjoying the feel of his lips on her—his kisses were better than she had imagined.

Another moan escaped her when he gently pulled open the silk robe she now sported—she cursed herself for actually putting on panties after her second shower earlier.

"Can I suck'em?" Orion asked, "they so fuçkin' pretty,"

Zuri moaned, his voice and how he caressed her breast was enough to make her cum, truthfully.

"Please put your mouth on something,"

He chuckled as he leaned down and sucked a nipple into his mouth causing a louder moan to escape from her.

"Mhm, yes." Her hands roamed up and down his back.

Orion showed love to the other as well while slipping his hand into her panties feeling how wet she was. He hadn't even spread her lips and his hand were soaked already.

"You wanted this all day huh?" He looked her into her eyes and bit down on his bottom lip while spreading her second set and rubbing over her clit.

Zuri's mouth parted, a loud moan escaped when he pushed two fingers inside of her.

"Orion," her back arched off the bed.

"Who?" He sped up his fingers and bent down to kiss all over her breast.

Only moans could be heard, he moved his fingers inside of her as if he knew exactly where to hit.

"Who?" He repeated and played with her nipple ring in between his teeth, sending a shock through her body. Her pussy gripped him, pulling his fingers in. "You dont fuçkin' listen I see,"

He removed his fingers from her and placed them inside his mouth sucking all of her juices off, "and just to think you taste so fuçkin' good," he told her.

"Pa, I—I was listening," she told him.

Orion only played in her juices and kept sucking them off of his fingers each time he dipped in and out of her—Zuri no longer cared that he just teased her. The shit was so sexy that her mind wasn't even on the fact the he stopped her from cumming as soon as she felt it in the pit of her stomach.

He was dangerous.

"I want a taste," she breathed heavily and opened her mouth making him smirk.

He bent down close to her and opened his mouth letting her sticky mess and his spit drip into hers.

"Mhm," she licked his bottom lip and sucked on it.

The two of them looked at each other and both let out a laugh, "you gone get us in trouble," he told her, "I can't go further with you without Nala's or Kasim's consent ma,"

"I get it," Zuri sat up and stood, she smirked at how wet his sheets were. "Just a reminder of what you could've had," she fixed her robe.

"Man," he looked from her and to the spot, "you need to get the fuck outta here ma,"

She chuckled, "let's watch movies in my room and cuddle, I missed you when you were mad at me."

"It was barely a day ma,"

Zuri shrugged, "handle that," she nodded towards his erection, "and I'll handle myself—then bring yo' ass,"

Seeing his smile again made her smile, "so fuçkin' demanding,"


Thoughts? What stood out the most? After this we get INTOOOOO IT, so excited 🥳

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